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The presence of cranial retia mirabilia in rays of the genus Mobula is well established. Although previously regarded as consisting exclusively of arteries, the presence of veins has now been established in gross dissections of the rete in the mobulid, Manta birostris. Histological examination of the retia in Manta birostris and Mobula tarapacana confirms the presence of veins. These findings suggest the presence of a counter-current heat-exchanger that warms the brain.  相似文献   

The microstructure of neoselachian teeth is characterized by a triple‐layered enameloid, despite its purported absence in batoids since their appearance during the early Jurassic. This feature is thought to have been secondarily lost, as an adaptation to durophagy in batoids. The monophyletic Myliobatiformes are an ecologically diverse clade of batoids that includes very specialized taxa such as the filter‐feeding mobulids and the durophagous myliobatids. Their diversity and recent evolutionary history (Palaeogene) make them an ideal model for assessing adaptive constraints that influence enameloid microstructure. This first study focusing only on batoid enameloid shows a very reduced single‐layered enameloid in the derived filter feeders. However, most other taxa show a double‐layered enameloid, which is probably plesiomorphic for batoids. It is concluded that the triple‐layered enameloid is not a synapomorphy of the neoselachii as a whole, but of Selachimorpha only, and that diet specialization in derived myliobatoids indeeds impact their enameloid microctructure, which is confirmed by their fossil diversity. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The gross brain morphology, brain proportions, and position of cranial nerves in all four genera (Potamotrygon, Plesiotrygon, Paratrygon, and Heliotrygon) and 11 of the species of the Neotropical stingray family Potamotrygonidae were studied to provide new characters that may have a bearing on internal potamotrygonid systematics. The brain was also studied in four other stingray (Myliobatiformes) genera (Hexatrygon, Taeniura, Dasyatis, and Gymnura) to provide a more inclusive phylogenetic context for the interpretation of features of the brain in potamotrygonids. Our results indicate, based on neuroanatomical characters, that the genera Paratrygon and Heliotrygon are sister groups, as are the genera Potamotrygon and Plesiotrygon, agreeing with previous morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies. Both groups of genera share distinct conditions of the olfactory tracts, telencephalon and its central nuclei, hypophysis and infundibulum, morphology and orientation of the metencephalic corpus cerebelli, orientation of the glossopharyngeal nerve, and overall encephalic proportions. The corpus cerebelli of Paratrygon and Heliotrygon is interpreted as being more similar to the general batoid condition and, given their phylogenetic position highly nested within stingrays, is considered secondarily derived, not plesiomorphically retained. Our observations of the corpus cerebelli of stingrays, including Hexatrygon, corroborate that the general stingray pattern previously advanced by Northcutt is derived among batoids. The morphology of the brain is shown to be a useful source of phylogenetically informative characters at lower hierarchical levels, such as between genera and species, and thus, has significant potential in phylogenetic studies of elasmobranchs. J. Morphol. 277:252–263, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Differentiation of genera of the modern (Late Miocene to Recent) South American rodent family Ctenomyidae would have been linked to the acquisition of disparate adaptations to digging and life underground. In accordance with this hypothesis, the delimitation of lineages and genera in the ctenomyid fossil record is evaluated here following an adaptation-rooted criterion that involves both an assessment of the monophyly and of the adaptive profiles of recognized clades. The application of such a criterion, including morphofunctional information, delimited four cohesive lineages among crown ctenomyids (i.e. euhypsodont species of the Late Miocene to Recent): Eucelophorus (Early Pliocene–Middle Pleistocene), Xenodontomys-Actenomys (Late Miocene–Pliocene), Praectenomys (Pliocene) and Ctenomys (including Paractenomys ; Pliocene–Recent); in addition, the results supported the status of Xenodontomys as a paraphyletic ancestor of Actenomys . The cladogenesis that gave rise to the crown group would have occurred immediately after the acquisition of euhypsodonty in a Xenodontomys simpsoni -like ancestor during the Late Miocene. This putative ancestor would have had fossorial habits and moderate digging specializations, an adaptive profile maintained in Xenodontomys-Actenomys . Eucelophorus and Ctenomys would have independently evolved subterranean habits at least since the Pliocene. Although the earliest history of the only living representative, Ctenomys , is known only fragmentarily, remains from Esquina Blanca (Uquía Formation), in north-western Argentina, suggest a minimum age of around 3.5 Ma (Early–Late Pliocene) for the differentiation of the genus. This date agrees with recent molecular estimates.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic and phylogeographical relationships of arvicolines, we use several Western European ground voles. More particularly, our study is focused on Microtus ( Terricola ) savii and M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus . These two allopatric species are usually considered as having originated from the same ancestor, possibly M . ( T. ) mariaclaudiae . We propose molecular and morphological approaches: nucleotidic data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes and global morphological analyses from the first lower molar. Four other Terricola species ( multiplex , lusitanicus , duodecimcostatus , subterraneus ) were added to the data set for both analyses, and two other vole species ( Clethrionomys glareolus and Chionomys nivalis ) as outgroup to the molecular analysis, and five fossil populations to the morphological one. Palaeontological data are also widely taken into account. Both molecular and morphological analyses indicate that intra- Terricola relationships reflect the present-day geographical distribution of our data set species. Our results show that M. ( T. ) savii and M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus are from separate speciation events leading to two different biogeographical groups, respectively the Alpine–Italian group and the French–Iberian group, the latter being much more homogeneous. These speciation events could be related to Quaternary climatic changes, which induced southward migration, leading first to M. ( T. ) savii and second to M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus . The classical hypothesis of a geographical speciation for these two taxa from M. ( T. ) mariaclaudiae is invalid. However, the morphological data suggest a potential phylogenetic relationship between M. ( T. ) mariaclaudiae (ancestor) and M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus (descendant).  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 309–323.  相似文献   

The anatomy of species belonging to the superfamily Myliobatoidea was examined with the aim of better determining their phylogenetic relationships. A wide variation among genera was observed in skeletal anatomy, despite the fact that they all share a common morphological pattern. However, variation among species of the same genus was low, excepting Mobula. Dorsal musculature showed a substantial consistency, except for the epiaxialis muscle, which was larger in rhinopterids and mobulids. Variation in the ventral muscles was low among species of the same genus, but considerable among different genera. Mobulids have a reduction in ventral muscles, while rhinopterids and myliobatoids show an increase in muscular mass. A consensus tree shows a basal split into two groups. The first includes the family Gymnuridae with the genera Gymnura and Aetoplatea; this group is supported by seven synapomorphies, including: 27(1) ceratobranchialis fused proximally, 36(1) anterior lateral processes present in the synarcual, 52(0) quadratomandibularis internal muscle present. The second group is composed of the family Myliobatidae (Myliobatis, Aetomylaeus, Aetobatus, Rhinoptera, Mobula, and Manta), this group is supported by 11 synapomorphies, including: 5(1) first postorbital process fused with the second, 21(1) fused mandibular symphysis, 24(1) first hypobranchial cartilage absent, 48(2) epiaxialis muscle inserted in the cranial orbital region, 73(1) pectoral fins joined behind the orbital region. This study concluded that myliobatoids (Myliobatis, Aetomylaeus, and Aetobatus) integrate a monophyletic group which, unlike other phylogenies previously obtained, is the sister group of rhinopterids (Rhinoptera). Mobulids (Mobula and Manta) are the sister group of myliobatoids-rhinopterids.  相似文献   

  1. The Spalacidae is a family of strictly subterranean rodents with a long evolutionary history. It is unclear how ecological changes have influenced the evolutionary history of these mammals, and the phylogenetic relationship of the subfamilies within Spalacidae is controversial.
  2. Through compiling fossil records, reconstructing molecular phylogeny from molecular data, determining the date of divergence, and analysing their geographical evolution based on molecular data and fossil taxa, we explore the origin and evolutionary process of Spalacidae in detail. Diversification within Spalacidae dates to the Late Oligocene, approximately 25 million years ago, based on molecular data.
  3. This family originated in South and East Asia in the Late Oligocene, and then split into four clades. The first clade includes Rhizomyinae, which was highly diversified in South Asia in the Early-to-Middle Miocene. Then Rhizomyinae from Asia migrated to northern Africa in multiple waves through the Afro-Eurasian land bridge. Its range largely contracted in the Late Miocene, notably in Central Asia. The second clade includes the extinct Tachyoryctoidinae, which was confined to East and Central Asia, and survived from the Late Oligocene to the Late Miocene. The third clade includes Spalacinae, which have remained around the Mediterranean region since the Late Oligocene with slight trend of northward expansion. The fourth clade is Myospalacinae. Ancient genera of this subfamily in East Asia dispersed eastward during the Late Miocene and reached northern China and south-east Russia.
  4. The general distribution pattern of Spalacidae has persisted since the Late Miocene. Extinction of Tachyoryctoidinae and clear range contraction of Rhizomyinae in Central and East Asia are likely to have resulted from increased aridification, while the slight northward expansion of Myospalacinae and Spalacinae since the Quaternary was probably a response to a similar northward expansion of suitable vegetation for these animals.

Forty‐six characters, mostly of the thoracic pleuron, are proposed for the reconstruction of the phylogenetic relationships among the major groups of the family Phoridae. Analysis of these characters, in conjunction with the pre‐existing suite of morphological characters from other body parts, provides a basis for a strongly supported new classification of the Phoridae, in which Sciadocerinae is the sister group of ((Chonocephalus Wandolleck & Cyphocephalus Borgmeier) + (Termitoxeniinae + (Metopininae + Phorinae s.l.))). A new subfamily, Chonocephalinae subfamily nov. , is proposed for Chonocephalus and Cyphocephalus, and a new genus, Hirotophora gen. nov. , is proposed for Chaetopleurophora multiseriata (Aldrich) ( comb. nov. ). © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships of the Recent Pterioidea are inferred from a phylogenetic analysis of representatives of all pterioidean genera based on original observations of anatomy and shell morphology, and an extensive survey of bivalve literature. The well-resolved cladogram supports monophyly for the superfamily, but renders all but one family (the monotypic Pulvinitidae) polyphyletic. In addition, these results reveal a considerable level of convergence and parallelisms through the Pterioidea. The branching order of pterioid genera in the morphological analysis is largely corroborated by the sequence of their appearance in the fossil record. The palaeontological evidence provides important information on dating lineage splitting events and transitional taxa. The proposed phylogeny integrates the cladistic analysis of the Recent Pterioidea with the fossil record and suggests that the crown-group pterioideans probably originated in the Triassic from the Bakevelliidae, an extinct paraphyletic stem group from which the Ostreoidea are also ultimately derived.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 148 , 253–312.  相似文献   

The relationship between the five echinoderm classes has perplexed phylogeneticists for some time. Although each of the crinoids (C), asteroids (A), ophiuroids (O), echinoids (E) and holothuroids (H) are morphologically distinct, evidence from larval and adult morphology, molecular biology, and stratigraphy have failed to provide a single consensus solution. We have reviewed all available morphological and molecular data, added new data and reanalysed independent data sets individually and in combination, in order to resolve echinoderm class relationships. In total, we present 21 larval and 50 adult morphological characters, partial 28S-like large subunit rRNA gene data for 39 taxa and complete 18S-like small subunit rRNA gene data for 37 taxa. For a 5 taxon problem there are 105 possible rooted tree topologies, and yet we were consistently presented with three competing hypotheses when data sets were analysed both individually and in combination. The total evidence solution favoured (outgroup(C(A(O(E, H))))) although the alternative tree topology, (outgroup(C(O(A(E, H))))) was only one step longer and (outgroup(C((A, O),(E, H)))) was two steps longer. Only these three trees are serious contenders and the distribution of morphological characters suggests we should discount the solution placing ophiuroids as sister group to an asteroid+echinoid + holothurian clade. Thus we are left with (outgroup(C(A(O(E, H))))) and (outgroup(C((A, O),(E, H)))) as the two most plausible phylogenetic hypotheses. Our data showed high levels of phylogenetic signal and these trees best fit the available data.  相似文献   

 A plastid phylogeny of the genus Ilex based on three different loci (the atpB-rbcL spacer, trnL-trnF and rbcL) is compared with its nuclear phylogeny based on two different loci (the ribosomal ITS and the 5S RNA spacer). These two sets of molecular data are then compared to geographical and temporal data from the fossil record. The plastid phylogeny is strongly correlated with the geographic distribution of extant species. However, the nuclear phylogeny is strongly incongruent with the plastid phylogeny, suggesting frequent interlineage hybridizations. Moreover, the comparison of the ribosomal ITS tree and the 5S RNA spacer tree indicates also possible lineage sorting. Particularly interesting is the finding of two different Ilex lineages in the plastid American clade showing different biogeographic patterns in South America. One of them has a simple North American/South American biogeographical relationship. The other has complex biogeographical relationships, some species showing direct Asian/South American biogeographical relationships. During its history, the genus Ilex probably experienced frequent lineage sorting and interlineage hybridization with subsequent nuclear or cytoplasmic introgression, making the study of its history very complex. Received September 24, 2001; accepted August 19, 2002 Published online: November 28, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Jean-Fran?ois Manen (e-mail: manen@cjb.ville-ge.ch), Yamama Naciri-Graven, Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques, Impératrice 1, CH-1292 Chambésy/Genève, Switzerland. Michael C. Boulter, Palaeobiology Research Unit, University of East London, Romford Road, London E15 4LZ, UK.  相似文献   

Morphological evidence for resolving relationships among arachnid orders was surveyed and assembled in a matrix comprising 59 euchelicerate genera (41 extant, 18 fossil) and 202 binary and unordered multistate characters. Parsimony analysis of extant genera recovered a monophyletic Arachnida with the topology (Palpigradi (Acaromorpha (Tetrapulmonata (Haplocnemata, Stomothecata nom. nov. )))), with Acaromorpha containing Ricinulei and Acari, Tetrapulmonata containing Araneae and Pedipalpi (Amblypygi, Uropygi), Haplocnemata (Pseudoscorpiones, Solifugae) and Stomothecata (Scorpiones, Opiliones). However, nodal support and results from exploratory implied weights analysis indicated that relationships among the five clades were effectively unresolved. Analysis of extant and fossil genera recovered a clade, Pantetrapulmonata nom nov. , with the topology (Trigonotarbida (Araneae (Haptopoda (Pedipalpi)))). Arachnida was recovered as monophyletic with the internal relationships (Stomothecata (Palpigradi, Acaromorpha (Haplocnemata, Pantetrapulmonata))). Nodal support and exploratory implied weights indicated that relationships among these five clades were effectively unresolved. Thus, some interordinal relationships were strongly and/or consistently supported by morphology, but arachnid phylogeny is unresolved at its deepest levels. Alternative hypotheses proposed in the recent literature were evaluated by constraining analyses to recover hypothesized clades, an exercise that often resulted in the collapse of otherwise well-supported clades. These results suggest that attempts to resolve specific nodes based on individual characters, lists of similarities, evolutionary scenarios, etc., are problematic, as they ignore broader impacts on homoplasy and analytical effects on non-target nodes.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 150 , 221–265.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenies of Procyonidae based on molecular data differ significantly from previous morphology‐based phylogenies in all generic sister taxon relationships. I have compiled the most comprehensive dataset of craniodental morphology that incorporates previous morphological characters, and with the aid of high‐resolution X‐ray computed tomography, new characters. This expanded craniodental analysis is based on 78 characters and yields new phylogenetic results regarding the ingroup relationships of Procyonidae. These results include Bassariscus astutus as the least derived member of Procyonidae and Ailurus fulgens nested well within the clade. Additionally, there are some similarities to previous morphological analyses of Procyonidae. Although the characters used to unite and diagnose Procyonidae vary depending on the phylogenetic analysis and have ambiguous taxonomic distribution amongst both Procyonidae and Musteloidea, there is significant morphological support for clades within Procyonidae. In addition to the strength of the morphological support within the clade, the disparate topographical regions of the skull from which the characters are derived may indicate that these synapomorphies are indeed the result of homology rather than adaptive convergence, as suggested by analyses based on molecular data. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 669–713.  相似文献   

Recent molecular analyses have demonstrated that the traditional Lucinoidea, comprising the extant families Lucinidae, Thyasiridae, Ungulinidae, Fimbriidae, and Cyrenoididae, is not monophyletic. Thyasiridae and Ungulinidae are unrelated to Lucinidae, a result corroborated by clear morphological differences between the groups. Chemosymbiosis in Thyasiridae and Lucinidae has been independently derived. Within the family Lucinidae, previous ideas of relationship and subfamilial divisions based on shell characters have little support from molecular results. Anatomical characters of the ctenidia, mantle gills, and posterior apertures have potential in phylogenetic analysis but rigorous analysis of shell characters is also needed. Although there is a good fossil record of Lucinidae throughout the Cenozoic and Mesozoic, in the Palaeozoic fossils are less frequent and most need reappraisal. The Silurian Ilionia prisca is probably the earliest fossil with convincing lucinid features, followed in the Devonian by Phenacocyclas and some Paracyclas species.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 148 , 421–438.  相似文献   

Chondrichthyan teeth are capped with a hypermineralized tissue known as enameloid. Its microstructure displays a hierarchical organization that has increased in structural complexity from a homogenous single‐crystallite enameloid (SCE) in early Chondricthyans to the complex multilayered enameloid found in modern sharks (consisting of bundles of crystallites arranged in intriguing patterns). Recent analyses of the enameloid microstructure in batoid fishes, focused on Myliobatiformes and fossil taxa, point to the presence of a bundled (or fibred) multilayered enameloid, a condition proposed as plesiomorphic for Batoidea. In this work, we provide further enameloid analysis for a selection of taxa covering the phylogeny of batoids. Our SEM analysis shows a superficial layer of SCE, where individualized crystallites are clearly discernable, capping the teeth in most of the species studied. A bundled double‐layered enameloid was found only in a Rhinoidei, Rhina ancylostoma Bloch & Schneider, 1801. We conclude that the most widespread condition among extant batoids is a monolayer SCE lacking microstructural differentiation, probably plesiomorphic at least for crown batoidea. We suggest that the complex bundled enameloid present in other batoids is a convergent character that has appeared repeatedly during the evolution of batoids, probably as a mechanical adaptation towards moderate durophagous diets.  相似文献   

Parthenocissus (the Virginia creeper genus, Vitaceae) consists of 13 species and shows a disjunct distribution between Asia and North America. We investigated the inflorescence structure, calyx morphology, appendages on the inner side of petals, leaf epidermis, pollen and seed characters throughout the genus. A combined phylogenetic analysis with 27 morphological and 4137 molecular characters was conducted and the result was largely congruent with that of the previous molecular work, but with higher resolution. The combined analysis identified two clades corresponding to the Asian and North American taxa. Parthenocissus feddei was resolved as closely related to the clade containing P. cuspidifera, P. heterophylla and P. semicordata. The four species share synapomorphies of having conspicuously raised veinlets, an obscurely five‐ (to eight‐) lobed calyx, appendages on the inner side of petals covering the entire length of anthers and foveolate pollen exine ornamentation. Within the Old World clade, the pentafoliolate species were weakly supported as more closely related to species with both simple and trifoliolate leaves. Furthermore, the ancestral states of tendril apices, inflorescence structure, appendages on the inner side of petals and exine ornamentation of pollen grains were reconstructed on the molecular strict consensus tree. The appendages on the inner side of petals and exine ornamentation of pollen grains were suggested to be important characters in the taxonomy of Parthenocissus, especially for species with trifoliolate leaves. Finally, the previous classifications of Parthenocissus were evaluated within the phylogenetic framework. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Computational methods for estimating diversification rates from extant species phylogenetic trees have become abundant in evolutionary research. However, little evidence exists about how their outcome compares to a complementary and direct source of information: the fossil record. Furthermore, there is virtually no direct test for the congruence of evolutionary rates based on these two sources. This task is only achievable in clades with both a well‐known fossil record and a complete phylogenetic tree. Here, we compare the evolutionary rates of ruminant mammals as estimated from their vast paleontological record—over 1200 species spanning 50 myr—and their living‐species phylogeny. Significantly, our results revealed that the ruminant's fossil record and phylogeny reflect congruent evolutionary processes. The concordance is especially strong for the last 25 myr, when living groups became a dominant part of ruminant diversity. We found empirical support for previous hypotheses based on simulations and neontological data: The pattern captured by the tree depends on how clade specific the processes are and which clades are involved. Also, we report fossil evidence for a postradiation speciation slowdown coupled with constant, moderate extinction in the Miocene. The recent deceleration in phylogenetic rates is connected to rapid extinction triggered by recent climatic fluctuations.  相似文献   

The quality of the fossil record affects our understanding of macroevolutionary patterns. Palaeodiversity is filtered through geological and human processes; efforts to correct for these biases are part of a debate concerning the role of sampling proxies and standardization in biodiversity models. We analyse the fossil record of mosasaurs in terms of fossil completeness as a measure of fossil quality, using three novel, correlating metrics of fossil completeness and 4083 specimens. A new qualitative measure of character completeness (QCM) correlates with the phylogenetic character completeness metric. Mean completeness by species decreases with specimen count; average completeness by substage varies significantly. Mean specimen completeness is higher for species‐named fossils than those identified to genus and family. We consider the effect of tooth‐only specimens. Importantly, we find that completeness of species does not correlate with completeness of specimens. Completeness varies by palaeogeography: North American specimens show higher completeness than those from Eurasia and Gondwana. These metrics can be used to identify exceptional preservation; specimen completeness varies significantly by both formation and lithology. The Belgian Ciply Formation displays the highest completeness; clay lithologies show higher completeness values. Neither species diversity nor sea level correlates significantly with fossil completeness. A generalized least squares (GLS) analysis using multiple variables agrees with this result, but reveals two variables with significant predictive value for modelling averaged diversity: sea level, and mosasaur and plesiosaur‐bearing formations (the latter is redundant with diversity). Mosasaur completeness is not driven by sea level, nor does completeness limit the mosasaur diversity signal.  相似文献   

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