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In an attempt to find novel azole antifungal agents with improved activity and broader spectrum, computer modeling was used to design a series of new azoles with piperidin-4-one O-substituted oxime side chains. Molecular docking studies revealed that they formed hydrophobic and hydrogen-bonding interactions with lanosterol 14α-demethylase of Candida albicans (CACYP51). In vitro antifungal assay indicates that most of the synthesized compounds showed good activity against tested fungal pathogens. In comparison with fluconazole, itraconazole and voriconazole, several compounds (such as 10c, 10e, and 10i) show more potent antifungal activity and broader spectrum, suggesting that they are promising leads for the development of novel antifungal agents.  相似文献   

Selectivity profiling of compounds is important for kinase drug discovery. To this end, we aimed to develop a broad-range protein kinase assay by synthesizing a novel staurosporine-derived fluorescent probe based on staurosporine and kinase-binding related structural information. Upon structural analysis of staurosporine with kinases, a 4′-methylamine moiety of staurosporine was found to be located on the solvent side of the kinases, to which several linker units can be conjugated by either alkylation or acylation. However, such conjugation was suggested to reduce the binding affinities of the modified compound for several kinases, owing to the elimination of hydrogen bond donor moiety of NH-group from 4′-methylamine and/or steric hindrance by acyl moiety. Based on this structural information, we designed and synthesized a novel staurosporine-based probe without methyl group in order to retain the hydrogen bond donor, similar to unmodified staurosporine. The broad range of the kinase binding assay demonstrated that our novel fluorescent probe is an excellent tool for developing broad-ranging kinase binding assay.  相似文献   

The streptavidin/biotin interaction has been widely used as a useful tool in research fields. For application to a pre-targeting system, we previously developed a streptavidin mutant that binds to an iminobiotin analog while abolishing affinity for natural biocytin. Here, we design a bivalent iminobiotin analog that shows 1000-fold higher affinity than before, and determine its crystal structure complexed with the mutant protein.  相似文献   

Since the first revelation of proteins functioning as macromolecular machines through their three dimensional structures, researchers have been intrigued by the marvelous ways the biochemical processes are carried out by proteins. The aspiration to understand protein structures has fueled extensive efforts across different scientific disciplines. In recent years, it has been demonstrated that proteins with new functionality or shapes can be designed via structure-based modeling methods, and the design strategies have combined all available information — but largely piece-by-piece — from sequence derived statistics to the detailed atomic-level modeling of chemical interactions. Despite the significant progress, incorporating data-derived approaches through the use of deep learning methods can be a game changer. In this review, we summarize current progress, compare the arc of developing the deep learning approaches with the conventional methods, and describe the motivation and concepts behind current strategies that may lead to potential future opportunities.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis still remains one of the most deadly infectious diseases. The emergence of drug resistant strains has fuelled the quest for novel drugs and drug targets for its successful treatment. Thymidine monophosphate kinase (TMPK) lies at the point where the salvage and de novo synthetic pathways meet in nucleotide synthesis. TMPK in M.tb has emerged as an attractive drug target since blocking it will affect both the pathways involved in the thymidine triphosphate synthesis. Moreover, the unique differences at the active site of TMPK enzyme in M.tb and humans can be exploited for the development of ideal drug candidates. Based on a detailed evaluation of known inhibitors and available three-dimensional structures of TMPK, several peptidic inhibitors were designed. In silico docking and selectivity analysis of these inhibitors with TMPK from M.tb and human was carried out to examine their differential binding at the active site. The designed tripeptide, Trp-Pro-Asp, was found to be most selective for M.tb. The ADMET analysis of this peptide indicated that it is likely to be a drug candidate. The tripeptide so designed is a suitable lead molecule for the development of novel TMPK inhibitors as anti-tubercular drugs.  相似文献   

Structure-based drug design uses three-dimensional geometric information of macromolecules, such as proteins or nucleic acids, to identify suitable ligands. Geometric deep learning, an emerging concept of neural-network-based machine learning, has been applied to macromolecular structures. This review provides an overview of the recent applications of geometric deep learning in bioorganic and medicinal chemistry, highlighting its potential for structure-based drug discovery and design. Emphasis is placed on molecular property prediction, ligand binding site and pose prediction, and structure-based de novo molecular design. The current challenges and opportunities are highlighted, and a forecast of the future of geometric deep learning for drug discovery is presented.  相似文献   

On the basis of high resolution crystallographic studies of streptavidin and its biotin complex, three principal binding motifs have been identified that contribute to the tight binding. A flexible binding loop can undergo a conformational change from an open to a closed form when biotin is bound. Additional studies described here of unbound wild-type streptavidin have provided structural views of the open conformation. Several tryptophan residues packing around the bound biotin constitute the second binding motif, one dominated by hydrophobic interactions. Mutation of these residues to alanine or phenylalanine have variable effects on the thermodynamics and kinetics of binding, but they generate only small changes in the molecular structure. Hydrogen bonding interactions also contribute significantly to the binding energetics of biotin, and the D128A mutation which breaks a hydrogen bond between the protein and a ureido NH group results in a significant structural alteration that could mimic an intermediate on the dissociation pathway. In this review, we summarize the structural aspects of biotin recognition that have been gained from crystallographic analyses of wild-type and site-directed streptavidin mutants.  相似文献   

A structure-based, sequence-design procedure is proposed in which one considers a set of decoy structures that compete significantly with the target structure in being low energy conformations. The decoy structures are chosen to have strong overlaps in contacts with the putative native state. The procedure allows the design of sequences with large and small stability gaps in a random-bond heteropolymer model in both two and three dimensions by an appropriate assignment of the contact energies to both the native and nonnative contacts. The design procedure is also successfully applied to the two-dimensional HP model. Proteins 31:10–20, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ren Y  He J  Feng L  Liao X  Jin J  Li Y  Cao Y  Wan J  He H 《Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry》2011,19(24):7501-7506
Pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex (PDHc) E1 component plays a pivotal role in cellular metabolism to convert the product of glycolysis (pyruvate) to acetyl-CoA, and has been reported as a potential target for anti-microbial and herbicide. In present study, based on the thiamin diphosphate (ThDP) site, four novel hit compounds with high inhibitory activity against the PDHc-E1 from Escherichia coli were firstly designed by using structure-based molecular docking methods. As expected, among four compounds, the compound 3a is the best inhibitor by far, with IC50 value of 6.88 μM against PDHc-E1 from E. coli. To elucidate the interaction mechanism between the active site of PDHc-E1 and its inhibitor, the docking-based molecular dynamics simulation (MD) and MD-based ab initio fragment molecular orbital (FMO) calculations were also further performed. The positive results indicated that all modeling strategies presented in the current study most like to be an encouraging way in design of novel lead compounds with structural diversity for PDHc-E1 in the future.  相似文献   

A macrocyclic 2-anilino-4-phenyl-pyrimidine CDK/Flt3/JAK2 inhibitor was found to have moderate PDK1 activity. After docking into a PDK1 X-ray structure it was suggested that the pyrimidine ring could be substituted for a purine thereby increasing the number of hydrophobic contacts with the protein and forming an additional hydrogen bond to the kinase hinge. Deletion of the macrocyclic linker allowed a more rapid optimisation of the aromatic substituents as well as the introduction of an amino-amide solubility tag. This improved both binding to the enzyme and physiochemical properties without compromising ligand efficiency.  相似文献   

Brewer D  Lajoie G 《Biochemistry》2002,41(17):5526-5536
Conformational studies of human salivary peptide, histatin 3 (Hst3), were performed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy in a membrane-mimicking environment. The structural information that was obtained was used in the design of peptide analogues with improved antifungal activity. In the presence of increasing concentrations of L-alpha-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (L-alpha-DMPC) lipid vesicles, a dramatic increase in a minimum at 198 nm is observed in the CD spectra of Hst3. The NMR data of Hst3 in the presence of L-alpha-DMPC lipid vesicles reveal the proximity of residues Y(10) and S(20), indicating the existence of a more compact structure. Peptide analogues were designed on the basis of this observation, which incorporated a disulfide bond to stabilize an extended loop in this region of the sequence. One of these, peptide 4, was 100 times more potent than Hst5 against Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Conformational analysis of peptide 4 revealed a looped structure with charged residues protruding on the outside surface, while a combination of aromatic residues and histidines are packed into an internal core.  相似文献   

Han J  Kim HJ  Lee SC  Hong S  Park K  Jeon YH  Kim D  Cheong HK  Kim HS 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e30929
Repeat proteins are increasingly attracting much attention as alternative scaffolds to immunoglobulin antibodies due to their unique structural features. Nonetheless, engineering interaction interface and understanding molecular basis for affinity maturation of repeat proteins still remain a challenge. Here, we present a structure-based rational design of a repeat protein with high binding affinity for a target protein. As a model repeat protein, a Toll-like receptor4 (TLR4) decoy receptor composed of leucine-rich repeat (LRR) modules was used, and its interaction interface was rationally engineered to increase the binding affinity for myeloid differentiation protein 2 (MD2). Based on the complex crystal structure of the decoy receptor with MD2, we first designed single amino acid substitutions in the decoy receptor, and obtained three variants showing a binding affinity (K(D)) one-order of magnitude higher than the wild-type decoy receptor. The interacting modes and contributions of individual residues were elucidated by analyzing the crystal structures of the single variants. To further increase the binding affinity, single positive mutations were combined, and two double mutants were shown to have about 3000- and 565-fold higher binding affinities than the wild-type decoy receptor. Molecular dynamics simulations and energetic analysis indicate that an additive effect by two mutations occurring at nearby modules was the major contributor to the remarkable increase in the binding affinities.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin is a member of the hemoprotein superfamily whose main role is to transport O2 in vertebrate organisms. It has two known promiscuous enzymatic activities, peroxidase and oxygenase. Here we show for the first time that bovine hemoglobin also presents a catalase-like activity characterized by a Vmax of 344 μM/min, a KM of 24 mM and a kcat equal to 115/min. For high anthracene and hemoglobin concentrations and low hydrogen peroxide concentrations, this activity inhibits the expected oxidation of anthracene, which occurs through a peroxidase-like mechanism. Anthracene belongs to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) family whose members are carcinogenic and persistent pollutants found in industrial waste waters. Our results show that anthracene oxidation by hemoglobin and hydrogen peroxide follows a typical bi-bi ping-pong mechanism with a Vmax equal to 0.250 μM/min, KM(H2O2) of 80 μM, KM(ANT) of 1.1 μM and kcat of 0.17/min. The oxidation of anthracene is shown to be pseudo-catalytic because an excess of hemoglobin and hydrogen peroxide is required to make PAH completely disappear. Thus, bovine hemoglobin presents, in different degrees, all the catalytic activities of the hemoprotein group, which makes it a very interesting protein for biotechnological processes and one with which structure-activity relationships can be studied.  相似文献   

Because of its stringent sequence specificity, the catalytic domain of the nuclear inclusion protease from tobacco etch virus (TEV) is a useful reagent for cleaving genetically engineered fusion proteins. However, a serious drawback of TEV protease is that it readily cleaves itself at a specific site to generate a truncated enzyme with greatly diminished activity. The rate of autoinactivation is proportional to the concentration of TEV protease, implying a bimolecular reaction mechanism. Yet, a catalytically active protease was unable to convert a catalytically inactive protease into the truncated form. Adding increasing concentrations of the catalytically inactive protease to a fixed amount of the wild-type enzyme accelerated its rate of autoinactivation. Taken together, these results suggest that autoinactivation of TEV protease may be an intramolecular reaction that is facilitated by an allosteric interaction between protease molecules. In an effort to create a more stable protease, we made amino acid substitutions in the P2 and P1' positions of the internal cleavage site and assessed their impact on the enzyme's stability and catalytic activity. One of the P1' mutants, S219V, was not only far more stable than the wild-type protease (approximately 100-fold), but also a more efficient catalyst.  相似文献   

p18(INK4c) is a member of the INK4 family of proteins that regulate the G(1) to S cell cycle transition by binding to and inhibiting the pRb kinase activity of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6. The p16(INK4a) member of the INK4 protein family is altered in a variety of cancers and structure-function studies of the INK4 proteins reveal that the vast majority of missense tumor-derived p16(INK4a) mutations reduce protein thermodynamic stability. Based on this observation, we used p18(INK4c) as a model to test the proposal that INK4 proteins with increased stability might have enhanced cell cycle inhibitory activity. Structure-based mutagenesis was used to prepare p18(INK4c) mutant proteins with a predicted increase in stability. Using this approach, we report the generation of three mutant p18(INK4C) proteins, F71N, F82Q, and F92N, with increased stability toward thermal denaturation of which the F71N mutant also showed an increased stability to chemical denaturation. The x-ray crystal structures of the F71N, F82Q, and F92N p18INK4C mutant proteins were determined to reveal the structural basis for their increased stability properties. Significantly, the F71N mutant also showed enhanced CDK6 interaction and cell cycle inhibitory activity in vivo, as measured using co-immunoprecipitation and transient transfection assays, respectively. These studies show that a structure-based approach to increase the thermodynamic stability of INK4 proteins can be exploited to prepare more biologically active molecules with potential applications for the development of molecules to treat p16(INK4a)-mediated cancers.  相似文献   

The biotin-binding tetrameric proteins, streptavidin from Streptomyces avidinii and chicken egg white avidin, are excellent models for the study of subunit-subunit interactions of a multimeric protein. Efforts are thus being made to prepare mutated forms of streptavidin and avidin, which would form monomers or dimers, in order to examine their effect on quaternary structure and assembly. In the present communication, we compared the crystal structures of binding site W-->K mutations in streptavidin and avidin. In solution, both mutant proteins are known to form dimers, but upon crystallization, both formed tetramers with the same parameters as the native proteins. All of the intersubunit bonds were conserved, except for the hydrophobic interaction between biotin and the tryptophan that was replaced by lysine. In the crystal structure, the binding site of the mutated apo-avidin contains 3 molecules of structured water instead of the 5 contained in the native protein. The lysine side chain extends in a direction opposite that of the native tryptophan, the void being partially filled by an adjacent lysine residue. Nevertheless, the binding-site conformation observed for the mutant tetramer is an artificial consequence of crystal packing that would not be maintained in the solution-phase dimer. It appears that the dimer-tetramer transition may be concentration dependent, and the interaction among subunits obeys the law of mass action.  相似文献   

We have performed a detailed analysis of streptavidin variants with altered specificity towards desthiobiotin. In addition to changes in key residues which widen the ligand binding pocket and accommodate the more structurally flexible desthiobiotin, the data revealed the role of a key, non-active site mutation at the base of the flexible loop (S52G) which slows dissociation of this ligand by approximately sevenfold. Our data suggest that this mutation results in the loss of a stabilizing contact which keeps this loop open and accessible in the absence of ligand. When this mutation was introduced into the wild-type protein, destabilization of the opened loop conferred a ~10-fold decrease in both the on-rate and off-rate for the ligand biotin-4-fluoroscein. A similar effect was observed when this mutation was added to a monomeric form of this protein. Our results provide key insight into the role of the streptavidin flexible loop in ligand binding and maintaining high affinity interactions.  相似文献   

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