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We identified circulating CD8+ T-cell populations specific for the tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) MART-1 (27-35) or tyrosinase (368-376) in six of eleven patients with metastatic melanoma using peptide/HLA-A*0201 tetramers. These TAA-specific populations were of two phenotypically distinct types: one, typical for memory/effector T cells; the other, a previously undescribed phenotype expressing both naive and effector cell markers. This latter type represented more than 2% of the total CD8+ T cells in one patient, permitting detailed phenotypic and functional analysis. Although these cells have many of the hallmarks of effector T cells, they were functionally unresponsive, unable to directly lyse melanoma target cells or produce cytokines in response to mitogens. In contrast, CD8+ T cells from the same patient were able to lyse EBV-pulsed target cells and showed robust allogeneic responses. Thus, the clonally expanded TAA-specific population seems to have been selectively rendered anergic in vivo. Peptide stimulation of the TAA-specific T-cell populations in other patients failed to induce substantial upregulation of CD69 expression, indicating that these cells may also have functional defects, leading to blunted activation responses. These data demonstrate that systemic TAA-specific T-cell responses can develop de novo in cancer patients, but that antigen-specific unresponsiveness may explain why such cells are unable to control tumor growth.  相似文献   

Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) were cultured from multiple methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas under four different conditions: either low-dose (10 U/ml) or high-dose (1000 U/ml) rIL-2 was used with Ag stimulation by irradiated autologous tumor and splenocytes starting either at day 1 or day 10 of culture. TIL grown from four antigenically distinct sarcomas in low-dose rIL-2 were specifically lytic in vitro to their tumor of origin in 13 of 15 (87%) lytic cultures whereas only 8 of 28 (29%) lytic TIL cultures grown in high-dose rIL-2 showed specificity. TIL cultured in low-dose rIL-2 with Ag stimulation on day 1 of culture proliferated at a rate equal to TIL grown in high-dose rIL-2 and maintained their specificity for over 3 mo in culture. Cytolysis by specific TIL was MHC-restricted. TIL with in vitro specificity were therapeutically effective in eliminating established micrometastases in murine models. These investigations demonstrate that CTL derived from tumor-bearing mice can be used to define unique tumor-associated Ag on at least four different sarcomas and may be valuable in studies of the biologic nature of these Ag and in the adoptive immunotherapy of tumors.  相似文献   

Multiple intravenous injections of a cDNA library, derived from human melanoma cell lines and expressed using the highly immunogenic vector vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), cured mice with established melanoma tumors. Successful tumor eradication was associated with the ability of mouse lymphoid cells to mount a tumor-specific CD4(+) interleukin (IL)-17 recall response in vitro. We used this characteristic IL-17 response to screen the VSV-cDNA library and identified three different VSV-cDNA virus clones that, when used in combination but not alone, achieved the same efficacy against tumors as the complete parental virus library. VSV-expressed cDNA libraries can therefore be used to identify tumor rejection antigens that can cooperate to induce anti-tumor responses. This technology should be applicable to antigen discovery for other cancers, as well as for other diseases in which immune reactivity against more than one target antigen contributes to disease pathology.  相似文献   

Release of cell fragments by invading melanoma cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tumor cell invasion requires coordinated cell adhesion to an extracellular matrix (ECM) substrate at the leading edge and concomitant detachment at the cell rear. Known detachment mechanisms include the slow sliding of focal contacts, the detachment of adhesion receptors by affinity and avidity regulation, as well as the shedding of adhesion receptors, most notably integrins. In highly invasive melanoma cells migrating within 3D collagen matrices, beta1 integrins and CD44 are released upon retraction of the trailing edge, together with ripping-off complete cell fragments to become deposited along the migration trail of remodeled matrix. Cell fragments reach a size up to 12 microm in diameter, contain cytoplasm and occasionally polymerized actin enclosed by intact cell membrane including surface beta1 integrins, but do not include nuclear material. The release of cell fragments was migration dependent, as impairment of motility by a blocking anti-beta1 integrin antibody also blocked cell particle release. Invasion-associated deposition of cell fragments combines the secretory-type release of vesicles with a physical mechanism of rear retraction and migration efficiency. The deposition of cell fragments may further represent a disregulated detachment strategy with implications for neoplastic cell behavior, such as the paracrine effects on neighbor cells or a negative impact on immune effector cells.  相似文献   

Summary An enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) was developed to study syngeneic humoral immune response to a primary tumor and its metastases in the K-1735 ultraviolet light (UV)-induced C3H murine melanoma system. Binding of sera from syngeneic animals previously immunized with primary tumor or metastatic tumor tissue (M-3, M-4) to corresponding 3 M KCl extracts of tumor was significantly greater than binding of control C3H mouse serum. Antibody binding was not significantly reduced by competitive binding with syngeneic murine muscle or liver extracts, indicating the presence of tumor antigen(s) not shared by normal murine tissue. Antibodies to the tumor-associated antigens were selectively removed by competitive binding with syngeneic K-1735 tumor extracts but not by the unrelated 102 murine sarcoma from C57BL/6. However, EL-4 extracts (C57BL/6) did inhibit antibody binding to the primary and both metastases. Further competitive binding studies demonstrated the presence of a common antigen(s) present on the primary tumor and both metastases. We conclude that the K-1735 UV-induced melanoma primary tumor and its metastases express serologically detectable shared antigenic determinate. Abbreviations used in this paper: CBI, competitive binding inhibition; CF, complement fixation; HI, hemagglutination inhibition; PBS, Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline; UV, ultraviolet light  相似文献   

Lactoperoxidase-catalyzed radioiodination was used to examine the metabolic fate of surface Ia antigens on murine spleen cells in culture. Ia antigens, detected predominately on splenic B lymphocytes, were lost from the cultured cells with biphasic kinetics: a 4 to 6 hr rapid phase, t 1/2 = 5 hr followed by slow release through 20 hr, t 1/2 = 30 hr. The rapid loss of Ia antigens observed was abolished by both harsh iodination conditions and nonphysiologic incubation conditions. The rapid decline in Ia activity was shown to be due to shedding of intact Ia antigens from the cell and to predominant release of IA subregion-coded proteins. Release of Ia antigens from the cell was accomplished by replacement at the cell surface, and thus reflected net membrane Ia turnover. Ia shedding was shown to be extremely temperature dependent, reflecting both a comparatively high activation enthalpy and entropy requirement for turnover.  相似文献   

Incubation of cultured human melanoma cells with human leukocyte interferon did not change the expression of melanoma-associated antigens (MAA) recognized by monoclonal antibodies and of Ia-like antigens but significantly increased the expression of HLA-A,B antigens and of beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2-mu). The effect is dependent on the dose of interferon and on the incubation time. Interferon-treated melanoma cells showed an increased susceptibility to lysis mediated by monoclonal antibodies to HLA-A,B antigens and to human beta 2-mu; on the other hand, interferon-treated melanoma cells did not change in their susceptibility to murine natural killer (NK) cell lysis and to immune lysis mediated by monoclonal antibodies to MAA and to Ia-like antigens, and they displayed a reduced susceptibility to human NK cell lysis. Therefore, the increased susceptibility of interferon-treated melanoma cells to lysis mediated by anti HLA-A,B and anti beta 2-mu monoclonal antibodies is likely to reflect the increase in cell surface expression of the corresponding antigens.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescent and immunoelectron-microscopic staining methods were utilized to investigate the localization of Ia antigens in murine keratinizing epithelia. Approximately 3-5% of epidermal cells were shown to be Ia positive. Only dendritic Langerhans cells in the interfollicular epidermis and outer root sheaths were found to express Ia antigens. These Ia determinants were shown to be controlled by both theI- A andI- EC subregions of theH-2 complex. The results were confirmed by identifying positively stained cells containing Langerhans cell granules at the ultrastructural level. No staining was noted on the surface of keratinocytes, melanocytes, or immigrant lymphocytes. The results presented are in close agreement with those previously reported for Ia-bearing Langerhans cells in human and guinea pig epidermis.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonal carcinoma cells were fused with human melanoma cells or with cytoplasts of these cells. The expression of embryonic and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens was studied in single heterokaryons and cybrids in the population after fusion. Recognition of heterokaryons by differential staining of mouse and human nuclei was combined with indirect immunofluorescent staining of specific membrane antigens. Complete suppression of embryonic antigen expression was found in heterokaryons within 2 days after fusion. Cybrids, formed by fusion of embryonal carcinoma cells with melanoma cytoplasts, showed a transient decrease in the expression of embryonic antigens. The expression of human MHC antigens, both class I (HLA-A, B, C) and class II (HLA-DR), was only slightly influenced in heterokaryons. No activation of mouse MHC antigens was found. The results indicate that melanoma cells contain trans-acting factors exerting a negative control on the expression of embryonic antigens. In contrast the continued expression of human MHC antigens in heterokaryons suggests that embryonal carcinoma cells either are devoid of or contain only a very limited amount of trans-acting factors controlling the expression of MHC antigens.  相似文献   

Synthesis of tumor-associated glycopeptide antigens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Carbohydrates and peptides linked together in glycoproteins constitute important components of the molecular communication between cells in multicellular organisms. Cell morphogenesis and tumorigenesis are accompanied by changes in the glycoprotein profiles of the outer cell membranes. Glycopeptide fragments of glycoproteins that have altered structures in tumor cells are of interest as tumor-associated antigens for the distinction between normal cells and tumor cells. In contrast to glycoproteins isolated from biological sources, synthetic glycopeptides are obtained in pure form and exactly specified structures. The methods developed for the synthesis of glycopeptides with tumor-associated antigen structure are outlined in this article by means of a series of typical examples. Beginning with O-glycopeptides of the relatively simple alpha-O-galactosamine-serine/threonine (T(N)-antigen) type, glycopeptide antigens of increasing complexity are described. The review includes syntheses of the saccharide components, the glycosylation reactions to furnish the O-glycosyl amino acid building blocks, their selective C- and N-terminal deprotection and the use of these building blocks for glycopeptide syntheses both in solution and on the solid support. Particular attention is given to glycopeptides containing sialic acid residues, whose syntheses are demanding since reversible protection of the sialic carboxylic group is required. Synthetic methods for the construction of N-glycopeptides carrying the important cell adhesion ligands sialyl Lewis x and sialyl Lewis a antigen are also described. Strategies for the construction of glycopeptides of this type require methods compatible with the presence of the sialic acid residue, as well as with the acid-sensitivity of the fucoside bonds.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) can be used as an antigen presentation platform for vaccination against cancer. In this approach, DCs are expanded in vitro from monocyte-derived progenitors, and subsequently loaded with well-characterized tumor-associated antigens (TAAs). TAAs can be incubated with DCs in various forms, including peptides, recombinant proteins, plasmid DNA, formulated RNA, or recombinant viruses. Advantages and limitations of DC-based cellular vaccines against cancers, as well as preliminary results of clinical studies already performed in humans, are discussed. Importantly, significant advances in our understanding of the biology of DCs can be used to support the design of new vaccines or adjuvants in order to elicit TH1 cellular immune responses. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Serum-free supernatant fluids from monolayer cultures of B-16 mouse melanoma cells were found to contain a soluble membrane associated tumor-specific antigen. The 100,000 g supernatant of the culture fluid induced an antibody response to the B-16 cells both in rabbits and in the mouse strain of origin (C57Bl/6J). Similar supernatant fluids derived from an unrelated cell line (L-929) or from normal C57Bl/6 fibroblasts did not contain the B-16 specific material. Preliminary results indicate that the B-16 specific material is a protein of low molecular weight which is released into the culture fluid chiefly by living cells and, to a lesser extent, by autolysing cells.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional Ag-presenting cells that are being considered as potential immunotherapeutic agents to promote host immune responses against tumor Ags. In this study, recombinant adenovirus (Ad) vectors encoding melanoma-associated Ags were used to transduce murine DCs, which were then tested for their ability to activate CTL and induce protective immunity against B16 melanoma tumor cells. Immunization of C57BL/6 mice with DCs transduced with Ad vector encoding the hugp100 melanoma Ag (Ad2/hugp100) elicited the development of gp100-specific CTLs capable of lysing syngeneic fibroblasts transduced with Ad2/hugp100, as well as B16 cells expressing endogenous murine gp100. The induction of gp100-specific CTLs was associated with long term protection against lethal s.c. challenge with B16 cells. It was also possible to induce effective immunity against a murine melanoma self Ag, tyrosinase-related protein-2, using DCs transduced with Ad vector encoding the Ag. The level of antitumor protection achieved was dependent on the dose of DCs and required CD4+ T cell activity. Importantly, immunization with Ad vector-transduced DCs was not impaired in mice that had been preimmunized against Ad to mimic the immune status of the general human population. Finally, DC-based immunization also afforded partial protection against established B16 tumor cells, and the inhibition of tumor growth was improved by simultaneous immunization against two melanoma-associated Ags as opposed to either one alone. Taken together, these results support the concept of cancer immunotherapy using DCs transduced with Ad vectors encoding tumor-associated Ags.  相似文献   

The expression of T cell-associated surface antigens on natural killer (NK) spleen cells of C57BL/6 mice was evaluated by cytotoxic depletion experiments with alloantisera prepared against the Thy 1, Ly 1, Ly 2, Ly 5, Ly 6, and NK 1 antigens. The NK activity of these nonimmunized spleen cells for YAC-1 leukemia cells was dramatically reduced by antisera to the Ly 5 and NK 1 antigens. Variable results were obtained with anti-Ly 6 sera--certain pools of this antiserum decreased the NK activity, whereas other pools showed only negligible effects. The NK activity of the same cell suspensions was not affected by antisera to the Thy 1, Ly 1, and Ly 2 antigens. In parallel tests the T cell-associated cell surface antigens of alloimmune T killer cells were similarly evaluated by cytotoxic depletion experiments. In this case, the activity of these cells was consistently diminished by antisera to the Thy 1, Ly 2, Ly 5, and Ly 6 antigens, but not by antisera to the Ly 1 and NK 1 antigens. On this basis it was concluded that the NK cells expressed a restricted subset of T cell-associated alloantigens and therefore may have been derived from the T cell lineage of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Mouse tumor associated antigens are capable of inducing the release of lymphotoxins when immunized spleen cells are cultured in the presence of sensitizing antigen in double-compartmented diffusion chambers.Two different experimental models have been utilized; a syngeneic system, and an allogeneic system with animals immunized against muscle or tumor of the same genetic origin. The results obtained are similar in each instance.The amount of cytotoxic factors released in these systems is much less than that which has been found upon lymphocyte stimulation by histocompatibility antigens.In the case of a single tumor, the substance released stimulates the growth of target cells.  相似文献   

The physical interactions of fetal antigens (tumor-associated fetal antigens; TAFA-I, TAFA-II, and TAFA-III) with rat histocompatibility antigens were studied. TAFA-I and TAFA-III are present on syngeneic (NBR) and allogeneic (Fisher F344, Wistar Furth, and White Buffalo) rat embryo fibroblasts and on tumor cells. TAFA-II was found only on NBR (syngeneic) rat embryo fibroblasts and on NBR tumor cells. Antibody-blocking experiments were used to examine the fetal and histocompatibility antigen topography on cell membranes of tumor cells transformed by chemical and viral carcinogens. Precoating the tumor cells with alloantisera inhibited the subsequent adsorption of anti-NBR embryo, anti-TAFA-I, and anti-TAFA-III sera, but not anti-TAFA-II serum. Immunofluorescent cocapping experiments indicated that TAFA-I and TAFA-III, as well as other fetal antigens found on cells from 14-day gestation NBR embryos cocap with histocompatibility antigens when tested on syngeneic embryo fibroblasts and on sarcoma cells. TAFA-I cocapped with White Buffalo (Buf) strain rat histocompatibility antigens on herpes simplex Type II virus-transformed cells. The specificity of the TAFA-histocompatibility interactions was confirmed by demonstrating that the different anti-TAFA sera did not have contaminating antiviral antigen specificity; and also that these interactions did not occur on normal adult fibroblasts or spleen cells.  相似文献   

Summary Established melanoma cell lines were cultured for one passage (approximately 1 week) in different lots of fetal calf and new born calf sera and then tested against a panel of previously positively reacting sera from melanoma patients and polyspecific HL-A alloantisera. Using indirect immunofluorescence the cells showed varying degrees of reactivity ranging from positive to negative reactions depending on the supplementing serum in the culture medium. When standardized culture conditions were used and the cells were tested by immune adherence at several weeks intervals against panels of sera from melanoma patients, from tumor patients other than melanoma, from pregnant women, and from normal donors, most of the sera reacted identical, but some sera not only had changed quantitatively but also qualitatively from a negative to a positive reaction and vice versa indicating a shift in the spectrum of expressed antigens. When single cell clones from a cell line were isolated and tested against a panel of antisera, striking differences in reactivity were observed suggesting that the shift in the spectrum of expressed antigens was due to the outgrowth of dominating subclones with antigen patterns different from the previously dominating subclones. This conclusion was further supported by experiments in which a weakly positive reacting serum was employed to separate a cell line into positively and negatively reacting sublines. Unit gravity sedimentation and density gradient sedimentation were used in order to separate rosetted from non-rosetted tumor cells which had been prepared by immune adherence. It is concluded that cultured cell lines are in a dynamic state and that differentiation is one of the major mechanisms accounting for a change in antigen expression.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated the presence of two distinct antigens, B700 and B50, which are unique to murine melanoma. One of these, B700 has been studied in detail, and is present on 5 different murine melanomas; it can function as a transplantation antigen in at least 3 of them (B16, JB/RH and K1735). The synthesis and presentation of these antigens has been studied as a function of cell culture conditions. Direct immunofluorescence studies of cells in serial culture indicate that the expression of B700 and B50 antigens at the cell surface and in the cytoplasm increases as a function of time in culture, over 1-5 days. By day 5, when the cells are confluent, all cells show some degree of antibody binding. Parallel 35S-methionine pulse chase labeling experiments show that incorporation into Triton soluble proteins, and Triton insoluble SDS soluble proteins, increases to a peak at 3.5 days after subculturing, then decreases as the cells reach confluence. Incorporation into proteins shed into the culture supernatant continued throughout the time course of cell growth to confluence. However, as the cells become confluent, total protein synthesis shifts towards greater production of the antigens (both cellular and shed). The sum of the results suggest that tumor growth may succeed in vivo by the wholesale production of "decoy" antigens.  相似文献   

Two distinct populations of CTL have previously been shown to be generated in lymphocyte cultures derived from the spleens of C57BL/6 mice that have rejected Moloney murine leukemia virus:Moloney sarcoma virus (MoMuLV:MSV)-induced tumors. One population is specific for MoMuLV viral Ag whereas the other appears to be directed against a nonviral, tumor-associated Ag (TAA). Using a virus-negative variant of the MoMuLV-induced lymphoma MBL-2 that has retained the expression of the MuLV:TAA, we attempted to further characterize the MuLV:TAA-specific CTL population. First, this same pattern of CTL reactivity was observed using a variety of immunization protocols indicating that the TAA-specific CTL population was not an artifact of the original immunization protocol but was a reproducible component of the MoMuLV CTL response. Moreover, CTL precursor frequency analysis indicates that the MuLV:TAA-specific CTL represent approximately 60% of the CTL detected in in vitro cytotoxicity assays. However, when the role of MuLV:TAA CTL in the in vivo rejection of MoMuLV-induced tumors was examined, no role for the MuLV:TAA-specific CTL response could be determined. Immunization protocols that had been shown to give rise to both CTL populations were capable of protecting mice from tumor development after a challenge with the parental MBL-2 tumor cell line but not the virus-negative variant MBLv cell line. In addition, immunization with the variant, shown to give rise to only MuLV:TAA-specific CTL capable of lysing both MBL-2 and MBLv in vitro, failed to protect mice from a tumor challenge of either cell type.  相似文献   

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