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Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
C oncepts in V iral P athogenesis III (1989). Edited by A.L. Notkins & M.B.A. Old-stone.
A C olour A tlas of M eat I nspection (1990). By J. Infante Gil & J. Costa Durao.
P romiscuous P lasmids of G ram -N egative B acteria (1989). Edited by Christopher M. Thomas.
S hort P rotocols in M olecular B iology (1989). Edited by F.M. Ausubel et al.
G enetics of B acterial D iversity (1989). Edited by D.A. Hopwood & K.F. Chater.
Y east G enetics . A M anual of M ethods (1989). By J.F.T. Spencer, D.M. Spencer & I.J. Burce.
M etals and M icro -O rganisms (1989). By M.N. Hughes & R.K. Poole.
S eed -B orne D isease and S eed H ealth T esting of R ice (1989). By P. C. Agarwal, C.N. Mortensen & S.B. Mathur.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A ntiviral A gents and V iral D iseases of M an (1990). Edited by G.J. Galasso, R.J. Whiteley & T.C. Merigan.
D eadly A llies : C anada's S ecret W ar 1937–1947 (1989). By J. Bryden.
T he S tructures of O-S pecific P olysaccharides of B acterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1989). By N. K. Kochetkov & Yu. A. Knirel.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
YEAST TECHNOLOGY (1989). Edited by J.F.T. Spencer & D.M. Spencer.
PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA INFECTION (1989). Edited by N. Hoiby, S.S. Pedersen, G. Shand, G. Doring & I.A. Holder.
HOSPITAL - ACQUIRED INFECTION (1990). 2nd Edition. By G.A.J. Ayliffe, B.J. Collins &L.J. Taylor.
VIROLOGY (1990). 2nd Edition. Edited by B.N. Fields, D.M. Knipe, R.M. Chanock, M.S. Hirsch, J.L. Melnick, T.P. Monath & B.Roizman.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
B asic B iotechnology . A S tudent's G uide (1987). Edited by P. Prave, U. Faust, W. Sittig & D.A. Sukatsch.
B acteria AS P lant P athogens (1987). By Eve Billing.
B iotechnology. A C omprehensive T reatise I n 8 V olumes .
C urrent T opics I n M icrobiology A nd I mmunology 136: T he M olecular B iology O f B acterial V irus S ystems (1988). Edited by G. Hobom & R. Rott.
G enetic B iochemistry : F rom G ene T o P rotein (1988). By J. Etienne-Decant.
I ntracellular B acteria : C urrent T opics I n M icrobiology A nd I mmunology N o.
P roceedings O f T he 8TH I nternational B iotechnology S ymposium P aris 1988 (1989). Edited by G. Durand, L. Bobichon & J. Florent. Vol.
B iological W aste T reatment (1989). Edited by A. Mizrahi.
I n V itro T echniques I n R esearch (1989). Edited by J.W. Payne.
B loodstream I nfections : L aboratory D etection A nd C linical C onsiderations (1989). By C.L. Strand & J.A. Shulman.
M etal -M icrobe I nteraction (1989). Edited by Robert K. Poole & Geoffrey M. Gadd.
B iochemistry O f A ntimicrobial A ction (1989). By T.J. Franklin & G.A. Snow.
T heory A nd A pplication O f M icrobial A ssay (1989). By W. Hewitt & S. Vincent.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
B eehler , B.M. 1991. A Naturalist in New Guinea
B erthold , P. 1990. Vogelzug: eine kurze. aktuelle Gesamtübersicht
B ezzel , E. & P rinzinger , R. 1990. Ornithologie
B ub , H. 1991. Bird Trapping and Bird Banding
B urger , J. (ed.). 1988
B urke , T., D olf , G., J effreys , A.J. & W olff , R. (eds) 1991. DNA Fingerprinting: approaches and applications
C roxall , J.P. (ed.). 1991. Seabird Status and Conservation: a supplement
E rard , C. 1990. Ecologie et Comportement de Gobe-mouches
G alati , R. 1991. Golden-crowned Kinglets, Treetop Nesters of the North Woods
J ohnsgard , P.A. 1988. North American Owls: biology and natural history
J ohnsgard , P.A. 1991. Bustards. Hemipodes, and Sandgrouse: birds of dry places
K uroda , N. 1990. The Jungle Crows of Tokyo
L ekagul , B. & R ound , P.D. 1991. Birds of Thailand
L loyd , C. T asker , M.L. & P artridge , K. 1991. The Status of Seabirds in Britain and Ireland
L örhl , H. 1991. Die Haubenmeise
L oye , J. E. & Z uk , M. (eds) 1991. Bird-Parasite Interactions: ecology, evolution and behaviour
M itchell , A. 1989. The Fragile South Pacific: an ecological odyssey
O lney , P.J.S. & E llis , P. (eds) 1990. International Zoo Yearbook 1989, Vol. 29
O wen , M. & B lack , J.M. 1990. Waterfowl Ecology
R oberts , T.J. 1991. The Birds of Pakistan. Vol. 1; Regional studies and non-passeriformes
S chonn S., S cherzinger W., E xo K-L. & I lle R. 1991. Der Steinkauz. Athene noctua. Pp. 235, 139 monochrome photographs, 28 tables & 2 colour plates
S ibley , C.C. & A hlquist , J.E. 1990. Phylogeny and Classification of Birds: a study in molecular evolution
S kutch , A.F. 1991. Life of the Pigeon
S troud , D. & G lue , D. 1991. Britain's Birds in 1989–90: The conservation and monitoring review
Y eatman -B ekthelot , D. 1991. Atlas des Oiseaux de France en Hiver.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
B ohlen , D.H. 1989. The Birds of Illinois.
B undy , G., C onnor , R.J. & H arrison , C.J.O. 1989. Birds of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.
D wenger , R. 1989. Die Dohle. Pp. 148, 40 black-and-white photographs, maps.
D ymond , J.N., F raser , P.A. & G antlett , S.J.M. 1989. Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland.
Fa aborg , J. 1988. Ornithology. An ecological approach.
G ill , F.B. 1990. Ornithology.
F ord , H.A. 1989. Ecology of Birds: An Australian perspective.
G ill , F.B. 1990. Ornithology.
G onzales , P.C. & R ees , C.P. 1988. Birds of the Philippines.
G uraya , S.S. 1989. Ovarian Follicles in Reptiles and Birds.
M c I ntyre , J.W. 1988. Spirit of the Northern Lakes: the Common Loon.
N ewton , I. (ed.) 1989. Lifetime Reproduction in Birds.
O tte , D. & E ndler , J.A. 1989. Speciation and its Consequences.
O uellet , H. (ed.) 1989. Acta XIX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Volumes 1 & 2.
P ennycuick , C.J. 1989. Bird Flight Performance: A practical calculation manual.
P eterjohn , B.G. 1989. The Birds of Ohio.
P range , H. 1989. Der Graue Kranich.
S icutch , A.F. 1989. Birds Asleep.
T homson , M.C. & E ly , C. 1989. Birds in Kansas
B ohlen , D.H. 1989. The Birds of Illinois.
P eterjohn , B.G. 1989. The Birds of Ohio.
Voous, K.H. 1988. Owls of the Northern Hemisphere.
V uilleumier , F. & M onasterio , M. (eds.) 1986. High Altitude Tropical Biogeography.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
T he R umen E cosystem : T he M icrobial M etabolism and its R egulation (1990). Edited by S. Hoshino, R. Onodera, H. Minato & H. Itabashi.
M olecular B iological M ethods for B acillus : M odern M icrobiological M ethods (1990). Edited by C.R. Harwood & S.M. Cutting.
B acillus subtilis : M olecular B iology and I ndustrial A pplication (1989). Edited by B. Maruo & H. Yoshikawa.
M olecular P arasitology (1990). By J.E. Hyde.
F undamental V irology (1990). Second edition. Edited by B.N. Fields, D.M. Knipe, R.M. Chanock, M.S. Hirsch, J.L. Melnick & T.P. Monath.  相似文献   

Kim BS  Zhao B  Kim HJ  Cho M 《Mutation research》2000,469(2):243-252
The purpose of the in vitro chromosome aberration assay (ABS) is to determine whether the test compound is a clastogen, i.e. induces structural changes in chromosomes. Details of this assay can be found in Galloway et al. [S.M. Galloway, M. Aardema, M. Ishidate Jr, J.L. Ivett, D.J. Kirkland, M. Takeshi, P. Mosesso, T. Sofuni, Mutation Res. 312 (1994) 241-261]. The standard design consists of a negative control and at least three positive dose groups. At each dose, a sample, say 200, of metaphase cells is examined microscopically and cells exhibiting at least one type of chromosome aberration are identified. Using Chinese hamster ovary cells, Margolin et al. [B.H. Margolin, M.A. Resnick, J.Y. Rimpo, P. Archer, S.M. Galloway, A.D. Bloom, E. Zeiger, Environ. Mutagen. 8 (1986) 183-204] and Richardson et al. [C. Richardson, D.A. Williams, J.A. Allen, G. Amphlett, D.O. Chanter, B. Phillips, Analysis of data from in vitro cytogenetic assays, in: D.J. Kirkland (Ed.), Statistical Evaluation of Mutagenicity Test Data, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989, pp. 141-154] demonstrated that a binomial sampling model could be used to describe the proportion of cells with chromosome aberrations.Statisticians and toxicologists have also suggested evaluation criteria for the dose response pattern of ABS. Margolin et al. [B.H. Margolin, M.A. Resnick, J.Y. Rimpo, P. Archer, S.M. Galloway, A.D. Bloom, E. Zeiger, Environ. Mutagen. 8 (1986) 183-204] suggested one use the Cochran-Armitage trend test. Sofuni et al. [T. Sofuni, A. Matsuoka, M. Sawada, M. Ishidate Jr, E. Zeiger, M.D. Shelby, Mutation Res. 241 (1990) 175-213] considered the dose response to be (strong) positive if it had two significant doses out of three dose groups and decided it was weakly positive if it had only one significant dose and there was a significant trend. The criterion of Galloway et al. for a positive response was a clear dose-related increase in cells with structural aberrations in one experiment or a reproducible single positive dose [S.M. Galloway, M. Aardema, M. Ishidate Jr, J.L. Ivett, D.J. Kirkland, M. Takeshi, P. Mosesso, T. Sofuni, Mutation Res. 312 (1994) 241-261].We formulate the above three procedures in terms of a Cochran-Armitage trend test and a Dunnett type test. We then compare the performance of these three procedures in terms of a Monte Carlo simulation study. We then develop a software program from the chosen procedure for its ease of use by statisticians and toxicologists.  相似文献   

We will insert a cleavage site in an oligodeoxynucleotide, which can be used for a selective and quantitative cleavage. For that reason we synthesized the four 5'-S-(4,4'-dimethoxytrityl)-mercapto-2'-deoxynucleotide-3'-O-(2-cyanoethoxydiisopropylamino)-phosphites (5a-d). The cleavage of P-S and C-S bonds is described (Mag, M.; Lücking, S.; Engels, J.W. Synthesis and selective cleavage of an oligodeoxy-nucleotide containing a bridged internucleotide 5'-phosphorthioate linkage. Nucleic Acids Res. 1991, 19 (7), 1437-1441; Marriott, J.H.; Mottahedeh, M.; Reese, C.B. 9-(4-methoxyphenyl)xanthen-9-thiol: A useful reagent for the preparation of thiols. Tetrahedron Lett. 1990, 31 (51), 7485-7488; Divakar, K.J.; Mottoh, A.; Reese, C.B.; Shanghvi, Y.S. Approaches to the synthesis of 2' thio analogues of pyrimidine ribosides. J. Chem. Sc., Perkin Trans. 1 1990, 969-974). The oligodeoxynucleotides with an achiral bridged 5'-phosphorothioate linkage 5'-O-P-S-3' are synthesized by the phosphoramidite procedure.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
M icroorganisms from S mallpox to L yme D isease (1990). Edited by T.D. Brock.
E hrlichiosis : A V ector -B orne D isease of A nimals and M an (1990). Edited by J.C. Williams & I. Kakoma.
P erspectives in A ntiinfective T herapy (1989). Edited by G.G. Jackson, H.D. Schlumberger & H.J. Zeiler.  相似文献   

To understand how cytokinesis is regulated during mitosis, we tested cyclin-p34cdc2 for myosin-II kinase activity, and investigated the mitotic-specific phosphorylation of myosin-II in lysates of Xenopus eggs. Purified cyclin-p34cdc2 phosphorylated the regulatory light chain of cytoplasmic and smooth muscle myosin-II in vitro on serine-1 or serine-2 and threonine-9, sites known to inhibit the actin-activated myosin ATPase activity of smooth muscle and nonmuscle myosin (Nishikawa, M., J. R. Sellers, R. S. Adelstein, and H. Hidaka. 1984. J. Biol. Chem. 259:8808-8814; Bengur, A. R., A. E. Robinson, E. Appella, and J. R. Sellers. 1987. J. Biol. Chem. 262:7613-7617; Ikebe, M., and S. Reardon. 1990. Biochemistry. 29:2713-2720). Serine-1 or -2 of the regulatory light chain of Xenopus cytoplasmic myosin-II was also phosphorylated in Xenopus egg lysates stabilized in metaphase, but not in interphase. Inhibition of myosin-II by cyclin-p34cdc2 during prophase and metaphase could delay cytokinesis until chromosome segregation is initiated and thus determine the timing of cytokinesis relative to earlier events in mitosis.  相似文献   

Ca transients measured in failing human ventricular myocytes exhibit reduced amplitude and slowed relaxation [Beuckelmann, D.J., Nabauer, M., Erdmann, E., 1992. Intracellular calcium handling in isolated ventricular myocytes from patients with terminal heart failure. Circulation 85, 1046-1055; Gwathmey, J.K., Copelas, L., MacKinnon, R., Schoen, F.J., Feldman, M.D., Grossman, W., Morgan, J.P., 1987. Abnormal intracellular calcium handling in myocardium from patients with end-stage heart failure. Circ. Res. 61, 70-76; Kaab, S., Nuss, H. B., Chiamvimonvat, N., O'Rourke, B., Pak, P.H., Kass, D.A., Marban, E., Tomaselli, G.F., 1996. Ionic mechanism of action potential prolongation in ventricular myocytes from dogs with pacing-induced heart failure. Circ. Res. 78(2); Li, H.G., Jones, D.L., Yee, R., Klein, G.J., 1992. Electrophysiologic substrate associated with pacing-induced hert failure in dogs: potential value of programmed stimulation in predicting sudden death. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 19(2), 444-449; Vermeulen, J.T., McGuire, M.A., Opthof, T., Colonel, R., Bakker, J.M.T.d., Klopping, C., Janse, M.J., 1994. Triggered activity and automaticity in ventricular trabeculae of failing human and rabbit hearts. Cardiovasc. Res. 28, 1547-1554.] and blunted frequency dependence [Davies, C.H., Davia, K., Bennett, J.G., Pepper, J.R., Poole-Wilson, P.A., Harding, S.E., 1995. Reduced contraction and altered frequency response of isolated ventricular myocytes from patients with heart failure. Circulation, 92, 2540-2549; Hasenfuss, G., Reinecke, H., Studer, R., Meyer, M., Pieske, B., Holtz, J., Holubarsch, C., Posival, H., Just, H., Drexler, H., 1994. Relation between myocardial function and expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase in failing and nonfailing human myocardium. Circ. Res. 75, 434-442; Hasenfuss, G., Reinecke, H., Studer, R., Pieske, B., Meyer, M., Drexler, H., Just, H., 1996. Calcium cycling proteins and force-frequency relationships in heart failure. Basic Res. Cardiol. 91, 17-22; Monte, F.D., O'Gara, P., Poole-Wilson, P.A., Yacoub, M., Harding, S.E., 1995. Cell geometry and contractile abnormalities of myocytes from failing human left ventricle. Cardiovasc. Res. 30, 281-290; Philips, P.J., Gwathmey, J.K., Feldman, M.D., Schoen, F.J., Grossman, W., Morgan, J.P., 1990. Post-extrasystolic potentiation and the force-frequency relationships: differential augmentation of myocardial contractility in working myocardium from patients with end-stage heart failure. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 22, 99-110; Pieske, B., Hasenfuss, G., Holubarsch, C., Schwinger, R., Bohm, M., Just, H., 1992. Alterations of the force-frequency relationship in the failing human heart depend on the underlying cardiac disease. Basic Res. Cardiol. 87, 213-221.]. Analyses of protein levels in these failing hearts reveal that the SR Ca-ATPase is down-regulated on average by 50% and that the Na/Ca exchanger is up-regulated on average by a factor of two. In this paper, we test the hypothesis that this altered pattern of expression of Ca handling proteins is sufficient to account for changes in excitation-contraction coupling properties measured experimentally at the cellular level. To do this, we present an integrated model of excitation-contraction coupling in the guinea pig ventricular cell. The model is used to determine the effects of SR Ca-ATPase down-regulation and Na/Ca exchanger up-regulation on action potential duration, Ca transient shape and amplitude, and isometric force. Model analyses demonstrate that changes in Ca handling proteins play a direct and critical role in prolongation of action potential duration, and in reduction of contractile force in heart failure.  相似文献   

One of the features of the life cycle of retroviruses is insertion of the proviral DNA into host chromosomes. A protein encoded by the 3' end of the pol gene of the virus genome has been shown to possess endonuclease activity (D. P. Grandgenett, A. C. Vora, and R. D. Schiff, Virology 89:119-132, 1978), which is necessary for DNA integration. Sera from the majority of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals react with endonuclease protein p31 in serological tests (J. S. Allan, J. E. Coligan, T.-H. Lee, F. Barin, P. J. Kanki, S. M'Boup, M. F. McLane, J. E. Groopman, and M. Essex, Blood 69:331-333, 1987; E. F. Lillehoj, F. H. R. Salazar, R. J. Mervis, M. G. Raum, H. W. Chan, N. Ahmad, and S. Venkatesan, J. Virol. 62:3053-3058, 1988; K. S. Steimer, K. W. Higgins, M. A. Powers, J. C. Stephans, A. Gyenes, G. George-Nascimento, P. A. Liciw, P. J. Barr, R. A. Hallewell, and R. Sanchez-Pescador, J. Virol. 58:9-16, 1986). It is not known, however, which part of the protein represents the target(s) for antibody response. To study this, we synthesized peptides and used them in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay system to map the reactivity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) antibody-positive sera to the different regions of the HIV endonuclease. A uniquely antigenic, HIV-1- and HIV-2-cross-reacting site was identified in the central part of this protein from Phe-663 to Trp-670.  相似文献   

The leukocyte integrins (CD11/CD18 or beta 2-type integrins) are expressed exclusively on leukocytes and participate in many adhesion- dependent functions (Arnaout, M.A. 1990. Blood. 75:1037-1050; Springer, T. A. 1990. Nature. (Lond.) 346:425-434; Dustin, M. L., and T. S. Springer. 1991. Annu. Rev. Immunol. 9:27-66). The avidity of leukocyte integrin binding to their ligands or counter-receptors is dependent upon response to intracellular signals (Wright, S. D., and B. C. Meyer. 1986. J. Immunol. 136:1759-1764; Dustin, M. A., and T. S. Springer. 1989. Nature (Lond.). 341:619-624). We have investigated the effects of a novel mAb (mAb 24) which defines a leukocyte integrin alpha subunit epitope that is Mg(2+)-dependent and may be used as a "reporter" of the activation state of these receptors (Dransfield, I., and N. Hogg. 1989. EMBO (Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ) J. 8:3759-3765; Dransfield, I., A.-M. Buckle, and N. Hogg. 1990. Immunol. Rev. 114:29-44; Dransfield, I., C. Cabanas, A. Craig, and N. Hogg. 1992. J. Cell Biol.) Data is presented to show that this mAb inhibits monocyte-dependent, antigen-specific T cell proliferation and IL-2-activated natural killer cell assays which are both dependent on lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1), and complement receptor type 3 (CR3)-mediated neutrophil chemotaxis to f-Met-Leu-Phe. This inhibitory effect is not caused by the prevention of receptor/ligand binding because LFA-1/ICAM-1, LFA-1/ICAM-2,3 and CR3/iC3b interactions are, under activating conditions, promoted rather than blocked by mAb 24. As it does not interfere with mitogen- stimulated T cell proliferation, it is unlikely that mAb 24 transduces a "negative" or antiproliferative signal to the T cells to which it is bound. Using a model system of transient activation of LFA-1, we have found that mAb 24 prevents "deadhesion" of receptor/ligand pairs, possibly locking leukocyte integrins in an "active" conformation. It is speculated that inhibition of leukocyte integrin function by this mAb reflects the necessity for dynamic leukocyte integrin/ligand interactions.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
I mmunology (1990). By J. Klein.
T-C ell P aradigms in P arasitic and B acterial I nfections (1990). Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Volume 155. Edited by S.H.E. Kaufmann.
T he T hird C omponent of C omplement : C hemistry and B iology (1990). Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, Volume 153. Edited by J. D. Lambris.
B acterial V accines (1990). Advances in Biotechnological Processes, Volume 13. Edited by A. Mizrahi.
V iral V accines (1990). Advances in Biotechnological Processes, Volume 14. Edited by A. Mizrahi.
B acterial C apsules (1990). Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 150. Edited by K. Jann & B. Jann.
H uman R etrovirology HTLV (1990). Edited by William A. Blattner.
M olecular M imicry (1989). Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 145. Edited by M. B. A. Oldstone.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Antas , P.T.Z. & Cavalcanti , R.B. 1988. Aves Comuns do Planalto Central. Chandler , R.J. 1989. The Macmillan Field Guide to North Atlantic Shorebirds. Clutton -Brock , T.H. (ed.). 1988. Reproductive Success: studies of individual variations in contrasting breeding systems. Delin , H. & Svensson , L. 1988. Photographic Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. Dunning , J.S. 1987. South American Birds—a photographic aid to identification. Ewans , M. 1989. Bharatpur Bird Paradise. Frugis , S., Malaguzzi , G., Vicini , G. & Cristina , Grimmett , R.F.A. & Jones , T.A. (eds) 1989. Important Bird Areas in Europe. Hutchinson , C.D. 1989. Birds in Ireland. Iapichino , C. & Massa , B. 1989. The Birds of Sicily. Kilham , L. 1989. The American Crow and the Common Raven. Kooyman , G.L. 1989. Diverse Divers: physiology and behaviour. Mearns , B. & Mearns , R. 1988. Biographies for Birdwatchers Mingozzi , T., Boano , G., Pulcher , C. & Collaborators. Poole , A. 1989. Ospreys: a Natural and Unnatural History. Pringle , J.D. 1987. The Shorebirds of Australia. Rheinwald , G., Ogden , J. & Schulz , H. (eds) 1989. Weißstorch: Status und Schutz. White Stork: Status and Conservation. Roughgarden , J., May , R.M. & Levin S.A. 1989. Perspectives in Ecological Theory. Sheail , J. 1985. Pesticides and Nature Conservation—The British Experience 1950–1975. Stalmaster , M. 1987. The Bald Eagle. Turner , A. & Rose , C. 1989. A Handbook to the Swallows and Martins of the World. Viksne , J. (ed.) 1989. Latvian Breeding Bird Atlas 1980–1984 (in Latvian, Russian and English). Ashmole , M. & P. 1989. Natural History Excursions in Tenerife. Axelson , R.D. 1989. Caring for Your Pet Bird. Bauer , K. 1989. Rote Listen der Gefährdeten Vögel und Säugetiere Österreichs und Verzeichnisse der in Österreich vorkommenden Arten. Bircham , P. 1989. The Birds of Cambridgeshire Boyd , H. & Pirot , J.-Y. (eds) 1989. Flyways and Reserve Networks for Waterbirds. Brasseler , H. 1987. Bibliography of Ornithological Bibliographies II. Donkin , R.A. 1989. The Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata domestica. Elliott , R.E. 1989. Birds of Islay. Flint , V.E., Boehme , R.L., Kostin , Y.V. & Kuznetsov , A.A. 1989. A Field Guide to the Birds of the USSR. Translated from the Russian by N. Bourso-Leland. Holmgren , V.C. 1986. The Way of the Hummingbird. Hulm , P. (ed.) 1989. World Wildlife Conservation Yearbook 1987/88. Inskipp , T., Broad , S. & Luxmoore , R. (eds) 1988. Significant Trade in Wildlife: A review of the Selected Species in CITES Appendix II. Volume 3: Birds Kofalk , H. 1989. No Woman Tenderfoot. Florence Merriam Bailey, Pioneer Naturalist. Kondratiev , A. Ya. 1989. Bulletin of the Working Group on Waders (in Russian). Lohmann , M. & Haarmann , K. 1989. Vogelparadiese—122 Biotope zwischen Wattenmeer und Bodensee. Lorand , S. & Atkin , K. 1989. The Birds of Lincolnshire and South Humberside. Monval , J.-Y. & Pirot , J.-Y. (rds) 1989. Results of the IWRB International Waterfowl Census 1967–1986. Moss , S. 1988. Natural History of the Antarctic Peninsula. Ogilvie , M. & Winter , S. (eds) 1989. Best Days with British Birds. Orton , D.A. 1989. The Hawkwatcher. Adventures among birds of prey in the wild. Paynter , R.A. Jr. 1989. Ornithological Gazetteer of Paraguay. 2nd ed. Pemberton , J.E. (ed.) 1989. The Birdwatcher's Yearbook and Diary 1990. Pickford , P. & B., & Tarboton , W. 1989. African Birds of Prey. Reilly , P. 1988. The Lyrebird. Santa Barbara Software Products 1988. World Birdbase: Users Manual. Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara Software Products. Schembri , P.J. & Sultana , J. (ed.) 1989. Red Data Book for the Maltese Islands. Scottish Chouch Study Group . 1989. Choughs and Land-use in Europe. Van Someren , G.R. Cunningham & Van Someren , L.A. 1989. Van Somerens' Birds I.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha) on serine 51 integrates general translation repression with activation of stress-inducible genes such as ATF4, CHOP, and BiP in the unfolded protein response. We sought to identify new genes active in this phospho-eIF2alpha-dependent signaling pathway by screening a library of recombinant retroviruses for clones that inhibit the expression of a CHOP::GFP reporter. A retrovirus encoding the COOH terminus of growth arrest and DNA damage gene (GADD)34, also known as MYD116 (Fornace, A.J., D.W. Neibert, M.C. Hollander, J.D. Luethy, M. Papathanasiou, J. Fragoli, and N.J. Holbrook. 1989. Mol. Cell. Biol. 9:4196-4203; Lord K.A., B. Hoffman-Lieberman, and D.A. Lieberman. 1990. Nucleic Acid Res. 18:2823), was isolated and found to attenuate CHOP (also known as GADD153) activation by both protein malfolding in the endoplasmic reticulum, and amino acid deprivation. Despite normal activity of the cognate stress-inducible eIF2alpha kinases PERK (also known as PEK) and GCN2, phospho-eIF2alpha levels were markedly diminished in GADD34-overexpressing cells. GADD34 formed a complex with the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1c) that specifically promoted the dephosphorylation of eIF2alpha in vitro. Mutations that interfered with the interaction with PP1c prevented the dephosphorylation of eIF2alpha and blocked attenuation of CHOP by GADD34. Expression of GADD34 is stress dependent, and was absent in PERK(-)/- and GCN2(-)/- cells. These findings implicate GADD34-mediated dephosphorylation of eIF2alpha in a negative feedback loop that inhibits stress-induced gene expression, and that might promote recovery from translational inhibition in the unfolded protein response.  相似文献   

Expression of insulin metabolic effects can be obtained by anti-receptor antibodies without activation of the tyrosine kinase activity [O'Brien R. M., Soos M. A. and Siddle K. (1987) EMBO J. 6, 4003-4010; Forsayeth J. R., Caro J. F., Sinha M. K., Maddux B. A. and Goldfine I. D. (1987) Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 34,448-34,514; Ponzio G., Contreres J. O., Debant A., Baron V., Gautier N., Dolais-Kitabgi J. and Rossi B. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 4111-4117; Hawley D. M., Maddux B. A., Patel R. G., Wong K. Y., Mamula P. W., Firestone G. L., Brunetti A., Verspohl E. and Goldfine I. D. (1989) J. biol. Chem. 264, 2438-2444; Soos M. A., O'Brien R. M., Brindle N. P. J., Stigter J. M., Okamoto A. K., Whittaker J. and Siddle K. (1989) Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 5217-5221.]. Recently, we have proposed that receptor cross-linking is sufficient in itself to stimulate glycogen synthesis, even if aggregation was performed on receptors mutated on Tyr 1162 and Tyr 1163 and thus devoid of tyrosine kinase activity [Debant A., Ponzio G., Clauser E., Contreres J. O. and Rossi B. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 14-17]. The aim of this study was to gain information on the involvement of receptor clustering in the expression of the different insulin biological effects. To this end, we studied the mimetic effects of wheat-germ agglutinin, which is likely to induce receptor aggregation without interacting with the receptor protein moiety. Wheat-germ agglutinin failed to promote DNA synthesis, whereas the lectin behaved as a potent mimicker of insulin on tyrosine aminotransferase activity and amino-acid transport. However, this stimulatory effect did not parallel the activation of receptor autophosphorylation. Our data reinforce the idea that the expression of the metabolic effects of insulin are not strictly dependent on a general tyrosine kinase activation.  相似文献   

《DNA research》2005,12(6):455-456
Abe, T. 281 Akiyama, K. 247 Amagai, N. 191 Amanchy, R. 79 Aotsuka, S. 117 Ara, T. 291 Arifuzzaman, M. 291 Asamizu, E. 301 Bachmair, A. 69 Bachvaroff, T.R. 151 Behmanesh, M. 39 César Ulian, E. 27 Chakrabarti, J. 235 Chandran, S. 79 Chatterjee, S. 91 Chen, Y. 103 Coenye, T. 221 Costantine, M. 203 Das, S. 91, 235 Da Silva, A.M. 27 de Bragança Pereira, C.A. 27 Deguchi, H. 429 Delabar, J.-M. 203 Delwiche,  相似文献   

Surveying about 1000 compounds, we found that several low molecular weight α,β-unsaturated ketones induced non-apoptotic cell death characterized by the formation of autophagosomes, occasionally accompanied by mitochondrial shrinkage. The cytotoxic activity of these compounds was significantly reduced by the addition of N-acetyl-L-cysteine, suggesting their interaction with SH groups of intracellular targeted molecules (the so-called “non-sterically hindered Michael acceptor”). This suggests that the nature of the chemical structure as well as the type of target cells is another factor that determines the type of cell death induced by chemicals.

Addendum to:

Tumor-Specificity and Type of Cell Death Induced by Trihaloacetylazulenes in Human Tumor Cell Lines

T. Sekine, J. Takahashi, M. Nishishiro, A. Arai, H. Wakabayashi, T. Kurihara, M. Kobayashi, K. Hashimoto, H. Kikuchi, T. Katayama, Y. Kanda, S. Kunii, N. Motohashi and H. Sakagami

Anticancer Res 2007; 27:133-44  相似文献   

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