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The elongation growth of stem segments is determined by the outer cell layers (epidermis and collenchyma). We measured the sugar composition and molecular weight distribution of pectin and hemicellulose fractions obtained from inner and outer tissues of squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) hypocotyls. In addition, we studied the changes in these parameters after a 9 hour period of incubation of the segments. The results show that outer tissues have higher molecular weight pectin and hemicellulose compared to inner tissues (2-3 times higher). Incubation results in a 13 to 25% decrease in the amount of pectin and hemicellulose in inner tissues and an increase of 11 to 32% in the outer tissues. This increase in the outer tissues is accompanied by a decrease in the molecular weight of some of the components. These results clearly show that cell wall metabolism during elongation growth differs markedly in inner and outer tissues, and that future studies on the effect of auxin need to take these differences into account.  相似文献   

Brassinolide (BR) stimulated elongation of etiolated squashhypocotyl segments with outer tissues removed, as well as thatof unpeeled segments, while IAA has no effect on peeled segments.BR changed the mechanical properties of cell walls of the innertissue. The inner tissue is probably the target tissue in BR-inducedelongation. 1Dr. Susumu Kuraishi died in 1993.  相似文献   

The changes in the mechanical properties and compositions ofcell walls in outer and inner tissues were investigated alongthe hypocotyls of squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) seedlings.The endogenous growth capacity decreased and the minimum stress-relaxationtime (TO) of cell walls in outer tissues increased from theapical to the basal region of hypocotyls. A high correlationwas observed between values of To in outer tissues and endogenousgrowth (r=–0.99). The values of TO in inner tissues didnot change from the apical to the basal region of hypocotyls. In outer tissues, the levels of neutral sugars in pectin decreasedconsiderably from the apical to the basal region of hypocotyls.However, relative amounts of hemicellulose showed little differencealong the hypocotyls. Levels and molecular weights of hemicellulosicxyloglucans in outer tissues were about 2-3 times greater thanthose in inner tissues. The amount of xyloglucans in outer tissuesincreased in the middle region of hypocotyls, and xyloglucansin upper and basal regions had similar molecular weights. Bycontrast, in inner tissues, amounts of cell-wall material decreasedtoward the basal region. Amounts and molecular weights of hemicellulosicxyloglucans also decreased along the hypocotyls. These results clearly show that cell-wall metabolism duringaging of intact growing stem tissues differs markedly betweenouter and inner tissues, and the absence of a simple relationship between the molecular weights of xyloglucans and the mechanicalproperties of the cell walls in outer tissues indicates thatthe changes in the mechanical properties of the cell walls inintact growing tissues cannot be explained only by the molecularweights of xyloglucans. Thus, the regulation of the mechanicalproperties of cell walls in intact growing stems may be somewhatdifferent from that in auxin-treated stem sections, in whichauxin promotes the depolymerization of xyloglucan molecules. (Received November 28, 1991; Accepted November 16, 1992)  相似文献   

Hypocotyl growth of seedlings of dark-grown squash (Cucurbitamaxima Duch.) was greatly reduced by the addition of 60mM polyethyleneglycol (PEG) to hydroponic solution (water stress). Apoplastic solution (A) and cell sap (C) were separately collectedfrom the hypocotyl segments by a centrifugation method. Theosmotic potentials of A (A) and C (c), and (=cA) ofstressed hypocotyls were always lower than those of unstressedhypocotyls. Suction force was measured by immersing the segments into solutionsof different concentrations of mannitol. Suction force was significantlycorrelated with C (r= –0.99). The mechanical properties of the cell wall of hypocotyl segmentswere measured by stressrelaxation technique. Minimum stressrelaxation time (To), relaxation rate (R) and residual stressof unstressed hypocotyls were low during the growth period andincreased when the growth ceased. To and R of stressed hypocotylsdecreased one day after the stress treatment, but the residualstress was not decreased by the water stress throughout theexperiment. These results suggest that the suppressed growth of dark-grownsquash hypocotyls under water stress was due neither to thereduction of the osmotic potential difference between innerand outer space of the cell, nor to the decrease in suctionforce, but was partly due to the unchanged mechanical propertiesof the cell wall, as represented by one stress-relaxation parameter,residual stress. (Received February 5, 1988; Accepted September 8, 1988)  相似文献   

Hypocotyl growth of dark-grown squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch.)seedlings was greatly reduced by the addition of polyethyleneglycol (60 mM) to the hydroponic solution through inhibitionof cell elongation. Measurement of the mechanical propertiesof the cell walls revealed that the cell wall of stressed hypocotylswas loosened as much as that of the unstressed hypocotyls, suggestingthat the stressed hypocotyl could not elongate even though thecell wall loosened. Galactose and arabinose in the pectic fraction,which are probably attached to high mol wt rhamnogalacturonans,increased under stressed as well as under unstressed condition.Other polysaccharides including pectic low mol wt galacturonans,hemicellulosic xyloglucans, galactoglucomannans, arabinans,and glucuronoarabinoxylans increased more under unstressed condition.The mol wt of xyloglucans in the hemicellulosic fraction increasedunder unstressed but not under stressed condition. These results suggest that changes in wall structure, such asincreases in high mol wt rhamnogaracturonans rich in arabinoseand galactose residues, and the suppression of polymerizationof xyloglucans are involved in the process of cell wall loosening. (Received December 15, 1986; Accepted June 8, 1987)  相似文献   

Hypocotyl growth of dark-grown squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch.)seedlings was greatly reduced by the addition of 60 mM polyethyleneglycol (PEG) to hydroponic solution (water stress). When PEGwas removed after one day, growth promptly recovered. The contents of hemicelluloses and cellulose in the wall increasedunder unstressed condition as hypocotyls grew but these increaseswere substantially reduced by water stress. The increases inwall polysaccharide contents recovered when the water stresswas relieved. The amounts per hypocotyl of cellulose and thatof uronic acid in pectin changed in parallel with the growth(r=0.95 and 0.98, respectively). The amounts of most of thesugar components of hemicelluloses also changed in parallelwith hypocotyl growth. Pectic and hemicellulosic galactose contentof unstressed hypocotyls increased to day 2 when the hypocotylgrew at a maximum growth rate, then decreased. In contrast,galactose content of stressed hypocotyls progressively increasedto the end of the experiment. The results indicated that water stress substantially reducednet increases in most of the polysaccharides of the hypocotylcell walls when it reduced the growth, but it did not affectsyntheses of some galactosic polysaccharides in pectin and hemicelluloseB. We assume that the syntheses of non-galactosic wall polysaccharidesare associated with hypocotyl growth and the synthesis of galactose-containingpolysaccharides with preservation of the potential of the cellwall to be loosened, since hypocotyl growth promptly and completelyrecovers when water stress is relieved. (Received December 15, 1986; Accepted June 8, 1987)  相似文献   

Total peroxidase activities and peroxidase isozymes were comparedamong 10 bush- and vine-squash cultivars of Cucurbita maximaDuch. and C. pepo (L.) Several qualitative variations of isozymeswere detected between C. maxima and C. pepo, and some differenceswere evident among varieties of C. pepo. There were no qualitativedifferences between genetically similar bush and vine strains.Quantitative differences were difficult to resolve, althoughit did appear that in varieties of C. maxima exhibiting lowlevels of peroxidase activity, isozymes C3, C4, and C6 wereless intense. Depending upon the cultivars compared, total peroxidase activityin bush forms was either higher or lower than, or the same astheir vine counterparts. Since the major bush genes in the varietiesstudied are believed to be allelic, the results indicate thatthe over-all genotype of squash varieties can influence therelative expression of peroxidase activity between bush andvine forms.  相似文献   

Metal and metalloid resistances in plant species and genotypes/accessions are becoming increasingly better understood at the molecular and physiological level. Much of the recent focus into metal resistances has been on hyperaccumulators as these are excellent systems to study resistances due to their very abnormal metal(loid) physiology and because of their biotechnological potential. Advances into the mechanistic basis of metal(loid) resistances have been made through the investigation of metal(loid) transporters, the construction of mutants with altered metal(loid) transport and metabolism, a better understanding of the genetic basis of resistance and hyperaccumulation and investigations into the role of metal(loid) ion chelators. This review highlights these recent advances.  相似文献   

Lignin in the cell walls of woody tissue has a much lower crosslinkdensity in tobacco wood than in tree wood. This causes tobaccowood to show very different viscoelastic behaviour. With theaid of genetically modified plants, it is shown that the ligninin tobacco plant cell walls behaves in much the same way asa polymer solution. It exhibits both rate stiffening and ratethinning behaviour due to the entangled nature of the ligninnetworks. The hydrophobic portions of lignin have a very lowpolymer chain crosslink density, hence entanglements make asignificant contribution.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Tobacco plants, lignin, polymer solution, shear thinning, stress relaxation.  相似文献   

Daly JM  Barna B 《Plant physiology》1980,66(4):580-583
The effect of purified host-specific toxin from Bipolaris (Helminthosporium) maydis, race T, on dark or light-dependent CO2 fixation was studied with thin (1 × 8 mm) corn (Zea mays L.) leaf slices supplied H14CO3. At 5 to 30 nanograms per milliliter (5 nanomolar), toxin significantly inhibited (20 to 40%) dark CO2 fixation in susceptible (T) corn slices after either dark or light preincubations of 10-20 minutes. The same concentrations were effective to the same degree on photosynthesis, but the effect differed in that significant inhibition occurred after 25 minutes and only with light preincubation. Light preincubation without toxin did not shorten the time required for inhibition of photosynthesis after addition of toxin. Once photosynthetic inhibition was entrained, it was not reversed by subsequent periods of darkness. The results suggest the possibility that race T toxin affects two separate metabolic sites, and the data are discussed in view of currently held concepts of toxin action in susceptible tissue.  相似文献   

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