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2012年7月和2013年6月从大渡河支流脚木足河采集黄石爬(Euchiloglanis kishinouyei)383尾,以脊椎骨作为主要年龄鉴定材料,对其年龄结构和生长特性进行了研究。黄石爬体长92~190 mm,其中110~140 mm个体占渔获物总量的74.41%;体重14.70~119.80 g,其中20~60 g个体占渔获物总量的84.86%;由3~13龄11个年龄组组成,5~8龄鱼占渔获物总量的84.07%;种群雌雄性比为1︰1.06。体长(L)与脊椎骨半径(RO)回归方程为L=67.038+50.783RO(n=325,R2=0.758,P0.01)。雌雄个体体长和体重生长无显著差异,据体长(L,单位mm)与体重(W,单位g)关系式W=3×10﹣5L2.927 9(n=383,R2=0.807 1,P0.01),黄石爬为等速生长类型。据体长、体重生长方程Lt=208.42[1﹣e﹣0.089(t+1.20)]、Wt=184.82[1﹣e﹣0.089(t+1.20)]2.927 9,体长和体重生长速度方程分别为d L/dt=18.549 4 e﹣0.089(t+1.20)和d W/dt=48.161 0 e﹣0.089(t+1.20)[1﹣e﹣0.089(t+1.20)]1.927 9,体长和体重生长加速度方程分别为d2L/dt2=﹣1.650 9 e﹣0.089(t+1.20)和d2W/dt2=4.286 3 e﹣0.089(t+1.20)[1﹣e﹣0.089(t+1.20)]0.927 9[2.927 9 e﹣0.089(t+1.20)﹣1],黄石爬属于生长缓慢,生命周期较长的鱼类。生长拐点年龄为10.87,落后于性成熟年龄(♀6龄,♂5龄),属于性成熟后生长仍然较快的类型。产卵群体主要以补充群体(5、6龄)和低龄剩余群体(7、8龄)为主,资源已经受到严重破坏,需加大保护力度。  相似文献   

张树德 《生态学报》1990,10(2):145-149
本文探讨了鹰爪虾黄渤海群系的种群结构特征。结果如下:1.种群体长范围、生殖群体为20—107mm;越冬群体为13—101mm。2.种群的年龄结构为3个年龄组,4个世代(0—3龄)。3.头胸甲长和体重关系W=0.002421L~(2.5173),r=+0.9961。4.雌、雄性比组成为1.35:1;性成熟的年龄一般为2龄虾。  相似文献   

本文报道温度对美洲斑潜蝇种群参数和自然内禀增长率的影响。实验在 5种温度即 15,2 0 ,2 5,30和 35℃ ,相对湿度为 80 % ,光照 12∶12 (L∶D)条件下进行 ,并用菜豆Phaseolusvulgaris作为它的寄主植物。实验结果表明 ,美洲斑潜蝇非成熟期的发育时间从 15℃的 38d减少到 35℃的 11d。描述卵 ,幼虫和蛹的发育率 (y)随温度 (t)变化的方程分别是 y =1 786 2t - 13 84 1,y =1 16 2t - 4 94 6和 y =0 6 34t - 5 146。雌成虫的寿命在 15℃条件下是 2 0d ,到 35℃时则下降到 9d。最适宜的繁殖温度是 2 0℃- 30℃ ,在此温度范围内每雌产卵量为 158粒到 2 82粒。非成熟期在 2 5℃条件下的死亡率最低 ,为9% ,而最高出现在 35℃ ,为 4 9%。在 2 5℃到 30℃这个温度范围内 ,获得较高的自然内禀增长率(rm)和净繁殖力 (R0 ) ,分别为 0 2 7和 116 8,此结果表明此温度范围最有利于该种群的增长 ,种群的世代增长倍数约为 117倍。实验结果还表明 ,该虫种群的平均世代历期 (T)和种群倍增时间 (t)随温度升高而减少 ,而种群有限增长率 (λ)与温度的关系则是正的线性关系。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖黄鳝的生长特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以基舌骨和脊椎骨作为年龄鉴定的材料,研究了鄱阳湖黄鳝(Monopterus albus)种群的生长特征.结果表明,种群的年龄结构分别为:雌性1~5龄,雄性2~6龄,2~5龄为黄鳝性别的过渡期(间性).2~4龄为优势年龄组,占渔获物的89.75%,相对应的体长为30~50 cm,体重为30~120 g.体长(L)与体重(W)的关系为:W=0.000 4L3.2601(♀);W=0.001 4L2.9008(∮).按生长指标值分析,阶段生长可以明显地划分为两个时期,即2龄前的生长迅速期和2龄后的生长稳定期.拟合的Von Bertalanffy生长参数分别为雌性L∞=78.5 Cm,k=0.174 02/y,t0=-1.203 2 Y,W∞:602.01 g;雄性L∞=102.3 cm,k=0.118 45/y,t0=-1.310 1 Y,W-=947.32 g;生长特征参数分别为ψ=3.030 3(♀)和ψ=3.093 4(∮);雌雄个体生长差异显著.  相似文献   

对采自中国云南省高海拔地区-稀有低额溞-喜马拉雅低额溞(Simocephalus himalayensis)在低海拔地区实验室内不同温度梯度下的生长及生殖能力进行了研究.结果表明:高海拔地区生活的低额溞在低海拔地区的相应环境中同样生长繁殖良好,其繁殖率、最大生殖量及种群的增长能力不受海拔高度及不同环境条件的影响.在一定温度条件下(15-31℃,误差为±1℃),喜马拉雅低额溞的发育速率随温度的升高而加快,但在32℃时减慢.在通常培养条件下,喜马拉雅低额溞一般有4个幼龄期(15℃时部分溞体有5个幼龄),16-19个成龄,平均寿命通常为74d(15℃)、54d(20℃)、39d(25℃)和24d(30℃).平均总产仔量在15-25℃最高,分别为449个(15℃)、482个(20℃)和447个(25℃).各温度梯度下的体长增长模型都表明,其体长与龄期之间存在显著的对数关系.每溞平均生殖量以20℃时最高,种群的内禀增长率(rm)和一生的生殖次数都以25℃时最高,净增殖率(R0)以20℃最高.喜马拉雅低额溞最适合的繁殖温度范围在15-25℃.研究还对该种与相应种类在不同温度条件下的生殖量和生物学特性进行了比较.  相似文献   

2012年7月和2013年6月从大渡河支流脚木足河采集黄石爬(鱼兆)(Euchiloglanis kishinouyei)383尾,以脊椎骨作为主要年龄鉴定材料,对其年龄结构和生长特性进行了研究.黄石爬(鱼兆)体长92~190 mm,其中110 ~ 140mm个体占渔获物总量的74.41%;体重14.70 ~ 119.80 g,其中20~60 g个体占渔获物总量的84.86%;由3~ 13龄11个年龄组组成,5~8龄鱼占渔获物总量的84.07%;种群雌雄性比为1∶1.06.体长(L)与脊椎骨半径(Ro)回归方程为L=67.038+ 50.783Ro(n=325,R2=0.758,P< 0.01).雌雄个体体长和体重生长无显著差异,据体长(L,单位mm)与体重(W,单位g)关系式W=3×10-5L2.9279(n=383,R2=0.807 1,P<0.01),黄石爬(鱼兆)为等速生长类型.据体长、体重生长方程Lt=208.42[1-e-0.089(t+1.20)]、Wt=184.82[1-e-0.089(t+1.20)]2.9279,体长和体重生长速度方程分别为dL/dt=18.549 4 e0089(t+ 1.20)和dW/dt=48.161 0 e-0.089(t+1.20)[1-e-0.089(t+ 1.20)] 1.9279,体长和体重生长加速度方程分别为d2L/dt2=-1.650 9 e-0.089(t+1.20)和d2W/dt2=4.286 3 e-0.089(t+1.20)[1-e-0.089(t+1.20)]0.9279[2.927 9 e-0.089(t+1.20)-1],黄石爬(鱼兆)属于生长缓慢,生命周期较长的鱼类.生长拐点年龄为10.87,落后于性成熟年龄(♀6龄,♂5龄),属于性成熟后生长仍然较快的类型.产卵群体主要以补充群体(5、6龄)和低龄剩余群体(7、8龄)为主,资源已经受到严重破坏,需加大保护力度.  相似文献   

海南坡鹿种群生活史特征及种群动态趋势预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文应用生命表和Leslie矩阵等生活史常规研究方法,分析了生存于海南邦溪自然保护区的国家I级珍稀濒危哺乳动物海南坡鹿种群的年龄结构、特定年龄存活率、特定年龄繁殖率、初次产仔年龄、产仔季节、性比、寿命等重要生活史特征,并预测其种群动态趋势.邦溪海南坡鹿种群平均寿命4.6岁,雌性平均寿命略高于雄性,分别为4.7岁,4.4岁;雌性平均初次产仔年龄为24月龄;雌性平均性成熟年龄为16月龄;雌性最长繁殖寿命为8.5岁,雄性最长繁殖寿命约为4岁;成年雌性平均一年一胎,胎仔数为1;新生幼仔数量雄性大于雌性,性比为1.33∶1;种群动态生命表的分析结果表明,各年龄段雄性存活率高于雌性.幼体(0~2岁)死亡数雌性高于雄性,壮年成体(3~8岁)死亡数雄性高于雌性,老体(9岁~)死亡数两性几乎相等.雌性幼体受到较强的自然选择作用,体弱个体被淘汰;壮年雄体为繁殖付出较高的代价,死亡个体数量较高.Leslie矩阵预测结果表明,如果影响出生率和死亡率的因子不变,种群数量将逐年增长,周限增长率为λ≈1.011; 种群内禀增长率r≈0.012;种群世代增长率R0 ≈1.06;世代长度T≈5.12年.产仔时间为秋季与冬季,春、夏季节不产仔,此为适应海南岛独特的热带环境选择压力的结果.  相似文献   

三峡水库秀丽白虾生长与繁殖生物学特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(5):989-996
2012 年11 月至2013 年10 月逐月对三峡水库木洞江段秀丽白虾的生长和繁殖生物学特征进行了研究。结果显示秀丽白虾是一年生的虾类, 寿命为1214 个月。雌性个体的平均体长(37.727.92) mm 显著大于雄性(37.086.59) mm, 具有明显的雌雄异形现象。秀丽白虾的渐近体长(L)为59.33 mm, 生长系数(K)是1.6/年, 生长方程为:Lt=59.33-e-1.6(t+0.081)。雌虾繁殖季节从4 月上旬持续至9 月下旬, 繁殖高峰期为4 月中旬至6 月中旬, 由越冬虾和当年虾两个世代的繁殖群体组成。抱卵雌虾的体长为27.0753.71 mm, 平均体长(L50)为37.06 mm。雌雄性比月变化为1.112.36, 平均为1.46, 群体中雌性个体数量显著多于雄性(P 0.001)。绝对繁殖力(FA)为31294 粒, 相对繁殖力(FR)为(11522)粒/g。绝对繁殖力与体长呈幂函数关系(FA=0.0031L2.8632, r=0.72, n=106), 而与体重呈直线关系(FA=104.63W+9.9534, r=0.79, n=106)。卵径(D)平均值为(1215102) m。为合理保护和利用三峡水库秀丽白虾种群资源, 建议加强虾类捕捞管理, 繁殖期间(49 月)禁止捕捞虾类或限制捕捞强度。    相似文献   

温度和食物浓度对老年低额溞生长与生殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在20℃和25℃培养温度下研究了3种食物浓度对老年低额(Simocephalus vetulusOF Müller)生长与生殖的影响。结果表明:老年低额有4个幼龄(在20℃、低食物浓度下有5个)和10-13个成龄。成龄的龄期明显高于幼龄,第一成龄的发育时间一般最长。在相同温度下,老年低额的首次怀卵所需时间及各龄期一般随食物浓度的增加而缩短,而各龄的平均体长及其生殖量则呈相反的趋势。在相同的食物条件下,25℃老年低额在生长后期的平均体长明显高于20℃,而各龄期却小于20℃。最大体长是2.82mm,出现在25℃、高食物浓度下的第16龄。老年低额的平均最大生殖量和最大内禀增长率分别为144个和0.41/d,均出现在25℃和高食物浓度下。统计分析显示老年低额的生殖量与体长之间存在显著的相关性。老年低额的食物浓度域值小于1×104cells/mL(Scenedesmus obliquus)。作者探讨了老年低额在渔业生产中作为活体饵料养殖对象的可能性。    相似文献   

以2011年8月—2015年6月在华南地区主要水系采集的223尾革胡子鲶(Clarias gariepinus)为研究对象,以矢耳石磨片为主要年龄鉴定材料,对华南地区革胡子鲶种群的年龄结构和生长特征进行研究。结果表明:采集样本由1~3龄3个龄组组成,以1龄鱼为主,占样本总量的60.19%;雌、雄鱼体长与体重关系式分别为:W_♀=5.763×10~(-5)L~(2.737)(n=87,R~2=0.989)、W_♂=9.239×10~(-5)L~(2.631)(n=122,R~2=0.942),均为等速生长类型。选用Von Bertalanffy生长方程描述其生长,雌、雄鱼体长生长方程分别为:L_t=455.566(1-1877.112e~(-8.036t))、L_t=475.187(1-1.48e~(-0.908t))。体重生长方程分别为:W_t=1089.19(1-1877.112e~(-8.036t))~(2.737)、W_t=1019.66(1-1.48e~(-0.908t))~(2.631)。雌、雄鱼生长拐点年龄分别为1.07和1.64龄,拐点年龄处雌、雄鱼的体长分别为297.75和316.79 mm,体重分别为340.08和350.88 g;革胡子鲶野生种群的生长速度随着年龄增长而逐年降低,且性成熟年龄较低的个体生长速度大于性成熟年龄较高的个体,种群年龄结构简单,生产量大,种群数量呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

红棕象甲室内生物学特性及形态观察   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在室内对红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fab.生物学特性和形态进行系统观察。结果表明在26℃、RH80%、寄主食料华盛顿棕榈饲养条件下,红棕象甲世代历期平均114.77d,最短87.00d、最长166.00d,其中卵期平均3.50d,幼虫期平均36.68d,结茧到产卵前历期平均29.96d。幼虫以8龄为主,1~2龄幼虫的体重小于0.01g,头壳宽短于1.0mm,3龄后幼虫体重、头壳宽度、体长和体宽开始增加,8龄时幼虫平均体重为3.36g,头壳宽度6.0mm。成虫雌雄性比1.78∶1,补充营养能显著延长成虫寿命,在无补充营养时,雌雄成虫寿命只有7.00d左右,而在补充营养后,雌雄成虫寿命最长可分别达130.00d和244.00d。雌虫产卵量最大376粒,最小89粒,平均216粒。  相似文献   

1997 年5 ~9 月,采用标志重捕法对中华山蝠的生长发育进行研究,共观察幼蝠388 只次(雄性184 只次,雌性204 只次),结果显示:中华山蝠幼蝠20 d 前体重和前臂长均呈直线增长,日平均生长率分别为0.57 g/d 与1.36 mm/d, 回归方程为:体重=3.05 + 0.57×日龄, 前臂长= 15.49+1.36×日龄。20 d后增长减慢, 大约5 周龄后开始飞行,初飞幼蝠与成体的体重差异显著,前臂长与成蝠差异不显著。中华山蝠幼体生长与Logistic、Von Bertalanffy 及Compertz 3 种生长曲线模型的拟合度均较高, R2 值超过0.93。前臂长的增长用Logistic曲线拟合最合适,体重的增长用Von Bertalanffy 曲线拟合最合适。根据前臂长以及第四掌骨与指骨间软骨的发育模式,得到出生后1 ~ 76 d幼蝠的年龄鉴定方程式。当前臂长≤43.32 mm时,日龄= -10.77 +0.71 × 前臂长;当前臂长> 43.32 mm时, 日龄= 71.10 - 9.89 ×第四掌骨与指骨间软骨长。   相似文献   

大型溞生长、生殖和种群增长的研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
年龄6±6小时的纯系大型溞培养在25±1℃静置换水条件下,饲以斜生栅藻,其平均寿命为68.40±9.82天。龄期(x)和年龄(t,天)之间呈曲线迴归关系:t=-2.245+1.510x+0.035x2(r=0.99,p3.86-0.131t)(式中Y为累计生殖量个数,t为天数)。    相似文献   

In prenatally underfed guinea pigs the following data were obtained: 1. On the 1st day of life the mean body weight of 18 underfed animals was significantly reduced as compared to that of 18 control animals. This difference was not compensated by postnatal feeding ad libitum but persisted up to the 36th week of life (day of sacrificing). 2. The mean food intake per day estimated over 10 days during the 5th month of life was also significantly diminished in the prenatally underfed animals. 3. A significant positive correlation was found between the body weight at birth and the adult body weight, adult body length and adult body weight/body length, when the parameters of the experimental plus control animals were evaluated together. These findings suggest that in guinea pigs, which are born in a relatively mature stage, the prenatal nutrition can influence body weight, body length and body weight/body length ratio as well as food intake in adulthood.  相似文献   

The sewage snail Physa acuta is a serious threat to certain economic plants and to the purification plant of sewage works by rendering the biofilters ineffective. Various attempts are being made to control it. The efficacy of the predacious water bugs Sphaerodema rusticum was judged experimentally, in the laboratory in the potential control of P. acuta. It is revealed that, when supplied separately, the first, second and third instar and the adult S. rusticum did not attack P. acuta belonging to 3.1-8 mm, 5.1-8 mm, 7.1-8 mm and 相似文献   

Fifty day-old chicks were each infected with 10 excysted metacercariae of Philophthalmus nocturnus Looss, 1907 around each orbit and growth, development and allometry were studied. The growth rate showed two phases over a period of 35 days, a limited lag phase lasting two days post-infection in which flukes did not exceed 440 microns in length, and a rapid phase during which growth was rapid and flukes reached a size of 3.008-3.504 mm on day 35. Five developmental stages were noticed during the course of development of the metacercaria to the egg-producing adult stage. Eggs appeared in the uterus on day 14 and oculate miracidia on day 25. The hindbody, testes and ovary showed positive allometric growth, the pharnyx less so, whereas negative allometric growth was shown by the forebody. Body width, oral sucker and ventral sucker were close to isometry, growing at the same rate as the body length.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on predation by Ilione albiseta (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) on Lymnaea peregra was investigated at 14°, 17°, 20°, 23° and 26°C. The mean dry weight of snail tissue (Lymnaea peregra) attacked and consumed per day by first and second instar I. albiseta larvae was highest at 20°C while for third instar and total larval duration period it was greatest at 23°C. The mean number of snails killed per day during the third instar was also highest at 23°C. The total amount of snail tissue consumed by I. albiseta larvae increased significantly from first to second instar and from second to third instar at each constant temperature. Mean survival period of unfed first instar larvae decreased from 28.4 days at 14°C to 11 days at 26°C and the mean length of the second instar cephalopharyngeal skeleton decreased with increasing temperatures. As temperature increased the rate of consumption of oxygen (dissolved in water) by first and third instar larvae rose.  相似文献   

Summary. Individuals of Pterochloroides persicae reared under controlled conditions were used to describe the morphometry and biological parameters of instars of this aphid. Our results showed that P. persicae developed four instars before reaching the adult stage. The first and the second larval instars both have five antennal segments, although the others have six segments. A significant difference was observed between instars in the first antennal segment (F = 56.11; df = 4, P = 0.026), in the body length (F = 115.38; df = 4, p = 0.014) and in the cauda length (F = 72, 77; df = 4, p = 0.021). The study of developmental and reproductive performance of P. persicae showed that the first instar lasted for 3.17 days, the second instar 2.35 days, the third instar 4.68 days, the fourth instar 5.035 days and the adult 6.86 days. We demonstrate also that the generation time lasted for 15.26 days. The life span was 22.11 days. As for fecundity, a single female of P. persicae gave birth to 29.68 ± 7.38 nymphs with an average reproductive rate per day of 4.32 ± 2.16.  相似文献   

The third-stage larvae of Angiostrongylus costaricensis were successfully cultured to young adults in a chemically defined medium. The most suitable medium for the development was Waymouth's medium among eight defined media examined. Twenty-eight days after cultivation in this medium, 77% of the larvae developed to young adults, although these worms gradually died thereafter. When Waymouth's medium was supplemented with mouse red blood cells, these young adult worms continued their development. The mean body lengths of the worms cultivated in Waymouth's medium supplemented with RBCs were significantly larger than those of the worms in the medium without RBCs on Days 14 and 21 after cultivation. Addition of RBCs was essential for their further development. At 28 days after cultivation, the maximum body length of the worms was 2.1 mm for males and 3.3 mm for females. Additions of serum, yeast extract lactalbumin hydrolysate, and growth factors to Waymouth's medium did not provide any additional benefits for worm development.  相似文献   

麻疯树柄细蛾形态和生物学特性观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
麻疯树柄细蛾Stomphastis thraustica Meyrick是在我国新发现的麻疯树Jatropha curcas L.潜叶蛾类重要害虫。通过室内饲养与野外调查相结合对该虫形态、发育习性及生活史进行了研究。本文对麻疯树柄细蛾成虫、卵、各龄幼虫和蛹的形态及大小进行了详细描述。95.54%(n=426)的老熟幼虫在10点至18点结茧。89.19%(n=111)在夜间20点至次日凌晨6点羽化。交配在清晨进行, 持续30~210 min不等。87.53%(n=441)的卵在夜间20点以后至次日6点以前产出。卵多产于叶脉边缘与叶片形成的凹陷处。66.77%(n=8 266)的卵产于叶片背面, 其余产于叶片正面。每雌产卵平均60.03粒(n=32)。麻疯树柄细蛾在攀枝花全年均可发育。以成虫在每年2月至5月越冬。一年发生10代以上, 世代重叠明显。以6月室外平均气温25.15℃条件下, 全世代发育需18~20 d。卵期3~4 d, 1龄幼虫期1 d, 2龄幼虫期1~2 d, 3龄幼虫期1~2 d, 4龄幼虫期1~2 d, 5龄幼虫期2~3 d, 预蛹期1 d, 蛹期4~6 d, 成虫产卵前期1 d。  相似文献   

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