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《Nordic Journal of Botany》2007,25(3-4):183-189
Reproduction of plants pollinated solely by flower-visiting animals depends on the ability of the population and each of its flowering member to attract pollinators. Factors affecting the pollination of nectarless species differ somewhat from those affecting the pollination of rewarding species due to the avoidance behaviour of pollinators after visiting empty flowers.
We studied a non-mimic food-deceptive orchid, Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. incarnata, in 16 populations in central Finland to examine if population properties and plant size affected reproductive success of plants.
We found that the number of flowering plants increased total pollinia removal and seed production of the population, but had no effect on reproduction of individual plants. Dactylorhiza incarnata occurred in open mires with virtually no rewarding species in the neighbourhood, but the distance from the forest edge did not have any effect on reproduction. However, increased variation in the number of flowers among within-population plants enhanced plant reproductive success. The increased variation probably hampered the learning process of flower visitors. Plant size affected reproductive success only in populations with a high general reproductive success indicating that in the rarely visited populations, pollination of individual plants is mainly affected by random effects.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation decreases plant population sizes and increases spatial isolation, which hampers the exchange of seeds and pollen between fragmented populations. This may result in decreased population viability. We compared the effects of population size and isolation on the reproductive success of two orchid species, Gymnadenia conopsea (nectar-producing) and Orchis mascula (nectarless) growing in highly fragmented calcareous grassland in southern Belgium. We expected that the nectar-producing species would be more susceptible to the negative reproductive consequences of habitat fragmentation compared to the nectarless species. Nectar production has been associated with increased geitonogamous pollination and, therefore, with lower seed viability. Our results show that seed viability increased with increasing population size in O. mascula, whereas it was always low in G. conopsea, even in large populations. In contrast, percentage fruit set was positively related to population size in the nectar-producing G. conopsea, but no such effect was observed in the nectarless O. mascula, where fruit set was low even in large populations. Population isolation was not related to reproductive success for either species. Our results suggest that even in large populations, where pollinators are expected to be more abundant, increased geitonogamous pollination reduces seed viability in the nectar-producing G. conopsea. In contrast, seed viability in O. mascula seems to benefit from increased pollinator availability in larger populations. For the latter species, however, fruit set remains low, even in large populations, compared to G. conopsea. This may be explained by the relatively low attractiveness of nectarless orchid species for pollinators. Our results indicate that small population size may negatively influence reproductive success in both nectarless and nectar-producing orchids by reducing seed viability and fruit set, respectively.  相似文献   

Observations in the Cape Province, South Africa, showed that Disa ferruginea (Orchidaceae) is dependent on a single butterfly species— Meneris tulbaghia (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae)—for pollination. The flowers of D. ferruginea contain no food reward and, instead, appear to secure pollinator visits by imitating flowers which are nectar sources for the butterfly. A red-flowered form of D. ferruginea appears to mimic the red nectar-producing flowers of Tritoniopsis triticea (Iridaceae) in the south-western Cape, while an orange-flowered form of D. ferruginea appears to mimic the orange nectar-producing flowers of Kniphofia uvaria (Asphodelaceae) in the Langeberg Mountains. Reflectance spectra of the orchid's flowers closely match those of its putative models. Analysis of foraging movements of the butterfly in a mixed stand of D. ferruginea and T. triticea indicated that it does not discriminate between the nectarless orchid and the nectar-producing model. Populations of D. ferruginea which are sympatric with T. triticea have relatively high levels of pollination and fruit production, compared with populations where the orchid grows alone. Although other studies have reported relatively low fecundity in deceptive orchids, pollination and fruiting success in D. ferruginea compares favourably with a nectar-producing congener, Disa uniflora , which is also pollinated solely by M. tulbaghia.  相似文献   

Deceptive orchids are generally characterized by low levels of fruit set; however, there may be substantial variations in fruit set between sites and years. Within a single population, individual plants may also differ greatly in their reproductive output as a result of differences in inflorescence size or local density. In this study, we determined flower and fruit production over 5 years in two populations of the food-deceptive orchid, Orchis purpurea . All plants were monitored annually for survival and flowering at each site to determine whether flowering and fruiting induced costs. The number of flowers per inflorescence varied considerably from year to year (min: 36.6, max: 49.5). Average fruit set was low (7%) and varied considerably among years and populations. A considerable proportion of plants also failed to set any fruit. However, the probability of producing at least one fruit was not affected by inflorescence size or local density. The number of fruits was significantly related to inflorescence size, but proportional fruit set was not. Local density also did not affect the number of fruits, nor proportional fruit set. There was also no evidence that plants with large inflorescence size or high fruiting success had a larger probability of remaining vegetative the year after flowering than plants with small inflorescence size or low fruiting success. Our results suggest that pollinator-mediated selective forces on inflorescence size through female reproductive success alone are weak, most likely because of the low overall level of visitation and the resulting uncertainty of pollination at the individual level. Our results further demonstrate that investigation of patterns of fruit set over several years is needed to better understand the variability in female reproductive success that is typical of most plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

The roles of herbivory and pollination success in plant reproduction have frequently been examined, but interactions between these two factors have gained much less attention. In three field experiments, we examined whether artificial defoliation affects allocation to attractiveness to pollinators, pollen production, female reproductive success and subsequent growth in Platanthera bifolia L. (Rich.). We also recorded the effects of inflorescence size on these variables. We studied the effects of defoliation on reproductive success of individual flowers in three sections of inflorescence. Defoliation and inflorescence size did not have any negative effects on the proportion of opened flowers, spur length, nectar production or the weight of pollinia. However, we found that hand-pollination increased relative seed production and defoliation decreased seed set in most cases. Interactions between hand-pollination and defoliation were non-significant indicating that defoliation did not affect female reproductive success indirectly via decreased pollinator attraction. Plants with a large inflorescence produced relatively more seeds than plants with a small inflorescence only after hand-pollination. The negative effect of defoliation on relative capsule production was most clearly seen in the upper sections of the inflorescence. In addition to within season effects of leaf removal, defoliated P. bifolia plants may also have decreased lifetime fitness as a result of lower seed set within a season and because of a lower number of reproductive events due to decreased plant size (leaf area) following defoliation. Our study thus shows that defoliation by herbivores may crucially affect reproductive success of P. bifolia.  相似文献   

Many orchids produce no nectar rewards. Foraging pollinators should visit more flowers per inflorescence in species with nectar, which could increase geitonogamous self-fertilization. If a history of selfing decreases genetic load, then nectar-producing orchids should harbour lower inbreeding depression than nectarless species. Here, I tested this hypothesis by quantifying inbreeding depression and pollinator limitation in populations of three closely related orchid species, one of which provides nectar. I also compared inbreeding depression for nectarless and nectar-producing species of orchids using published studies. All field populations expressed pollinator limitation, but the nectar-providing species was intermediate to the two nectarless species. All populations expressed inbreeding depression, and levels increased in later life-history stages. There was no tendency for nectarless species to express higher inbreeding depression either in experiments or published studies. Nectarless orchids may not express higher levels of inbreeding depression because pollinators fail to visit more flowers in nectar-bearing species, because such visitations do not result in greater selfing, and/or because higher selfing may be ineffective in purging the mutations that cause load.  相似文献   

Colour polymorphism has often been described among individuals of deceptive orchid species, and several studies have investigated reproductive success variations among colour morphs. However, whether colour morphs differed in other traits has received little attention in previous studies. Here, we report the case of a tropical deceptive orchid in Reunion Island that exhibits three different colour varieties. We investigated patterns of trait variation among colour varieties and found significant differences in floral and inflorescence morphology. Interestingly, we found that most populations included only individuals of a single variety, and that strong differences exist among varieties in spatial distribution and flowering phenology. This situation differs from previously reported cases of floral polymorphism in deceptive orchids where colour morphs co-occur and flower in the same populations. The spatio-temporal variation in flowering suggests that colour varieties have independent reproductive ecologies and are adapted to local conditions. We propose that potential variations in pollinator species abundance or diversity and the co-occurrence of nectar-producing species in the community may have driven the adaptation of each variety to its current pollination niche.  相似文献   

Abstract In perennial plants, life-history theory suggests that natural selection should result in the optimization of fruit-to-flower ratios within the limits imposed by the trade-offs between resource allocation for present reproduction and future growth and reproduction. The tropical orchid Dendrobium monophyllum F. Muell., an epiphyte or lithophyte, offers no nectar rewards, is self-incompatible and has a capsule-to-flower ratio of about 1:14. The influence of pollination limitation and the costs of capsule production on capsule-to-flower ratios were assessed using experimental and field studies in which individual plants were observed for 3 years. Pollinators visited about 80% of flowers, and capsule production was significantly related to inflorescence size and pollinaria removal. About nine pollinator visits occurred per capsule. Pollinator visitation and capsule production did not vary significantly between years. The inflorescence size classes most successful in capsule production were also the most frequent in natural populations. The experimental supplementation of outcross pollen to flowers increased capsule set over controls by 45% within a year, but was limited to about 53%. A capsule-to-flower ratio of 1:2 in experimental plants significantly decreased the subsequent growth and flowering of individuals relative to controls. A capsule-to-flower ratio above 1:10 in naturally pollinated plants decreased flowering in the subsequent year. Thus, it is suggested than an increase in capsule production above 10% would not necessarily correlate with greater reproductive fitness because of the increased cost of capsule production. The capsule-to-flower ratio recorded in this study could be evolutionarily stable because of trade-offs between selection for pollinator attraction and the cost of capsule production. The production of surplus flowers appears to function in pollinator attraction and increases fitness through male function.  相似文献   

Floral biology and pollination mechanisms of Cymbidium dayanum, an endangered epiphytic orchid, were investigated in south Kyushu, Japan. The flowering period spanned approximately 4 months from fall to winter, with the inflorescences often blooming asynchronously on each plant and individual flowers commonly lasting for a month. The nectarless flowers are self-compatible but cannot autonomously self-pollinate; the orchid needs to attract pollinators by deceit for capsule production. The field observations showed that the flowers were pollinated exclusively by the Japanese honeybee Apis cerana japonica, despite its long flowering period. The worker bees pollinated flowers and/or received the pollinarium on the thorax, while escaping from the labellum chamber. The natural fruit-set ratios at the population level, an estimate of pollination success, varied interannually but were generally low, as the result of infrequent flower visits by honeybee workers owing to the cold winter climate and the lack of a nectar reward. Because most flowers that were artificially pollinated in the winter successfully developed into capsules, the coldness was not considered a direct cause of the low fruit-set ratios. Our results explicitly indicate that the bee pollination niche could be available to temperate plant species even during mid-winter. We inferred advantages for the winter flowering of C. dayanum.  相似文献   

The pollination biology of the nectarless orchid Pogonia minor was investigated in central Japan. The investigation revealed that the solitary flowers failed to attract pollinators, while high rates of fruit set were observed in the natural population. Comparable levels of fruit set were obtained in bagged, artificial self‐pollinated and artificial cross‐pollinated plants, indicating that the species is not pollinator‐limited for fruit set under natural conditions. Autonomous self‐pollination in P. minor resulted from a reduced rostellum, which allowed contact between the pollinia and the stigma. Self‐pollination is thought to be an adaptive response that provides reproductive assurance under conditions of pollinator limitation. Since pollen limitation is generally known to be frequent among deceptive orchids, strong pollen limitation is probably a driving force in the autonomous self‐pollination mechanism in the nectarless orchid P. minor.  相似文献   

Differences in reproductive biology between two orchid species were examined: Eight Danish populations of the nectarless Dactylorhiza majalis ssp. majalis and six Swedish populations of the nectar-producing Gymnadenia conopsea ssp. densiflora . Population size varied from 24 to 1700 flowering individuals in D. majalis and from 100 to 1200 in G. conopsea. Dactylorhiza majalis had only half as many flowers per spike as G. conopsea . Fruit-set of D. majalis ranged from 16 to 39%, much lower than the fruit-set of G. conopsea (78–91%). Thus in the species with a few flowers and no nectar a lower fruit-set was observed than in the species with many flowers and presence of nectar. The low fruit-set of D. majalis was pollen-limited and fruit-set was positively correlated with pollinia removal and the latter was negatively correlated with population size. In both species, fruit-set and population size were uncorrelated.  相似文献   

Floral deception, which mainly appears in highly evolved families such as Orchidaceae, was studied in Central Finland. In nectarless Dactylorhiza incarnata, the deceptive pollination system has been considered to function best in remote habitats such as marshes, where flowering plants attractive to pollinators are rare (remote habitats hypothesis). In contrast, the magnet-species theory predicts that a nectarless plant benefits from growing in the vicinity of nectarcontaining species. We tested these hypotheses by adding attractive, nectar-containg violets (Viola x wittrockiana) to orchid populations. The percentage of fruit set in D. incarnata was adversely affected by the violets, probably because interspecific exploitation competition for pollinators took place in favour of the violas at the expense of the orchids. This result gave no support for the magnet-species theory and supported the remote habitats hypothesis.  相似文献   

Plants that lack floral rewards may nevertheless attract pollinators if their flowers sufficiently resemble those of rewarding plants. Flowers of the South African terrestrial orchid Disa nervosa are similar in floral dimensions and spectral reflectance to those of a sympatric nectar-producing irid ( Watsonia densiflora s.l. ). Observations showed that the orchid and Watsonia share the same pollinator, a long-proboscid tabanid fly Philoliche aethiopica . These flies visited inflorescences of both species during their foraging bouts and most (64%) observed or captured on Watsonia inflorescences carried pollinaria of the orchid on their proboscides. They probe an average of 6.3 flowers on Watsonia inflorescences, but just 1.9 flowers on the Disa inflorescences, a behaviour which would strongly promote cross-pollination in the self-compatible orchid. The orchid generally achieves high levels of pollination success, with approximately 50% of flowers receiving or exporting pollen at some sites. Pollination success was also high at one site that lacked Watsonia plants, suggesting that the orchid does not have an obligate dependence on Watsonia . Its pollination system may therefore be characterized as intermediate between generalized food deception and specific floral mimicry.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 271–278.  相似文献   

Interactions between Hemipilia flabellata and anthophilous insects were studied in northwestern Yunnan, China during June-July of 1996 and 1997. Twenty-seven species of insects were seen visiting the flowers of this species, although only male and female individuals of the bee Anthophora mangkamensis Wu were observed carrying the pollinaria. The frequency of visits by A.mangkamensis to this orchid was rather low. Pollinating bees normally sampled only the lowermost flowers in an inflorescence, staying for 1–3 seconds. This species is also characterized by low pollination, low fruit set (1–22%) and a very striking decrease in fruit production from bottom to top of the inflorescence. All of these indicate that the orchid may rely on deception to attract visitors. Ajuga forrestii Diels (Labiatae) appears to be the main or exclusive subsidiary nectar source for A.mangkamensis during the flowering period of H.flabellata . It appears that H.flabellata utilizes a food deceit pollination strategy for pollination. The orchid benefits from the great variation or flowers in colour and shape. Phenological, functional-morphometric and distribution data indicate that A.mangkamensis is an optimal pollinator of H.flabellala and thus the anthecological adaptation of the orchid to the pollen vector may be unique.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is considered to be one of the major threats to biological diversity worldwide. To date, however, its consequences have mainly been studied in an ecological context, while little is known about its effects on evolutionary processes. In this study we examined whether habitat fragmentation affects selection on plant phenotypic traits via changes in plant-pollinator interactions, using the self-incompatible perennial herb Phyteuma spicatum. Specifically, we hypothesized that limited pollination service in small or low-density populations leads to increased selection for traits that attract pollinators. We recorded mean seed production per capsule and per plant as a measure of pollination intensity and assessed selection gradients (i.e., trait-fitness relationships) in 16 natural populations of varying size and density over 2 years. Mean seed production was not related to population size or density, except for a marginal significant effect of density on the mean number of seeds per capsule in 1 year. Linear selection for flowering time and synchrony was consistent across populations; relative fitness was higher in earlier flowering plants and in plants flowering synchronously with others. Selection on inflorescence size, however, varied among populations, and linear selection gradients for inflorescence size were negatively related to plant population size and density in 1 year. Selection for increased inflorescence size decreased with increasing population size and density. Contrary to our expectation this appeared not to be related to changes in pollination intensity (mean seed production was not related to population size or density in this year), but was rather likely linked to differences in some other component of the abiotic or biotic environment. In summary, our results show that habitat fragmentation may influence selection on plant phenotypic traits, thereby highlighting potential evolutionary consequences of human-induced environmental change.  相似文献   

Calanthe amamiana is a terrestrial orchid that thrives on the shady forest floors of broad-leaved forests on Amami Island, central Ryukyus, Japan. Here, I report on the floral and pollination biology of this critically endangered orchid based on a 7-year study conducted in the species' natural habitats. As the nectarless flowers are probably self-compatible but are unable to autonomously self-pollinate, they need to attract pollen vectors by deceit for pollination. To advertise themselves, the flowering inflorescences, which comprise a few to dozens of flowers, use whitish floral colors that are comparatively conspicuous against the shaded background. The exclusive pollinator was the long-horned bee Eucera okinawae, which nests in soils of the forest floor, although bee abundance varied considerably among study years. Natural fruit-set ratios were generally low but showed interannual variation. The annual fruit-set ratios were positively correlated with annual bee abundance, thereby suggesting that under natural conditions, the orchid is pollinator-limited. Given that C. amamiana is dependent exclusively on E. okinawae for pollination and is also probably pollinator-limited, conservation plans for this orchid should take into consideration the welfare of long-horned bees. In particular, as nectariferous flowers were unavailable within broad-leaved forests, to satisfy the foraging requirements of long-horned bees, conservation managers should be cognizant of conservation values of flowering plants distributed in sun-lit sites near orchid habitats, and manage those in an appropriate manner.  相似文献   

In many plants, including orchids, differential fruit set along the inflorescence has been attributed to pollinator behaviour. For instance, the pollinator, moving up the inflorescence, becomes satiated with the resources and leaves before visiting the upper flowers. Consequently, the pollinators do not visit flowers as frequently higher up the inflorescence. Alternatively, flower size may vary along the inflorescence, making pollination ineffective as flowers decrease in size. I tested for the presence of differential pollination along the inflorescence in a pollinator-limited tropical epiphyte, Lepanthes rupestris Stimson, and determined the likely cause of the observed pattern. As this species has inflorescences with sequential flowering, pollinator behaviour, moving up the inflorescence as in synchronous multiflowering inflorescences, can be discounted as an explanation for differential fruit set. Fruit set is shown to be more frequent at the base of the inflorescence, but male reproductive success through pollinarium removal is basically independent of flower position. Moreover, cross-pollination by hand at variable flower positions along the inflorescence results in equal fruit set, suggesting that resources are not limiting and cannot explain the cause of differential fruit production along the inflorescence in natural populations. Furthermore, flower size is shown to diminish along the inflorescence, suggesting that the pollinator(s) may be ineffective at depositing the pollinarium in the smaller higher flowers. Consequently, pollinator behaviour and its interaction with flower size, and not resource limitation, is likely to be the main cause of differential fruit set along the inflorescence in L. rupestris .  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 405–410.  相似文献   

The availability of soil and pollination resources are main determinants of fitness in many flowering plants, but the degree to which each is limiting and how they interact to affect plant fitness is unknown for many species. We performed resource (water and nutrients) and pollination (open and supplemental) treatments on two species of flowering plants, Ipomopsis aggregata and Linum lewisii, that differed in life-history, and we measured how resource addition affected floral characters, pollination, and reproduction (both male and female function). We separated the direct effects of resources versus indirect effects on female function via changes in pollination using a factorial experiment and path analysis. Resource addition affected I. aggregata and L. lewisii differently. Ipomopsis aggregata, a monocarp, responded to fertilization in the year of treatment application, increasing flower production, bloom duration, corolla width, nectar production, aboveground biomass, and pollen receipt relative to control plants. Fertilization also increased total seed production per plant, and hand-pollination increased seeds per fruit in I. aggregata, indicating some degree of pollen limitation of seed production. In contrast, fertilization had no effect on growth or reproductive output in the year of treatment on L. lewisii, a perennial, except that fertilization lengthened bloom duration. However, delayed effects of fertilization were seen in the year following treatment, with fertilized plants having greater aboveground biomass, seeds per fruit, and seeds per plant than control plants. In both species, there were no effects of resource addition on male function, and the direct effects of fertilization on female function were relatively stronger than the indirect effects via changes in pollination. Although we studied only two plant species, our results suggest that life-history traits may play an important role in determining the reproductive responses of plants to soil nutrient and pollen additions.  相似文献   

Plants that lack floral rewards may nevertheless attract pollinators through mimetic resemblance to the flowers of co-occurring rewarding plants. We show how a deceptive orchid (Disa nivea) successfully exploits a reciprocally specialized mutualism between a nectar-producing plant (Zaluzianskya microsiphon) and its long-proboscid fly pollinator (Prosoeca ganglbaueri). Disa nivea is a rare southern African orchid known only from habitats that support large populations of Z. microsiphon, which it closely resembles in both general morphology and floral spectral reflectance. Significant covariation in floral traits of Z. microsiphon and D. nivea was detected among populations. Where mimics are uncommon, flies do not appear to discriminate between the flowers of the two species. Pollination success in D. nivea was much higher at a site with abundant Z. microsiphon plants than at a site where Z. microsiphon was rare. Exploitation of a highly specialized mutualism appears to demand a high degree of phenotypic resemblance to a rewarding model by a deceptive mimic, as exemplified by D. nivea. The majority of deceptive orchids, on the other hand, exploit relatively generalized pollination systems and thus require only a vague resemblance to rewarding plants in the community in order to attract pollinators.  相似文献   

The effect of pollination on floral scent composition and production in the moth-pollinated orchid Platanthera bifolia was studied. A significant decrease in scent production was detected both two and five days after pollination. The proportion of wilted flowers was higher in pollinated compared to control plants after seven days. A principal component analysis (PCA) showed how pollination reduced scent production. All scent compounds were affected by pollination, even though some compounds had larger impact on the overall scent reduction. A classification of samples offered a quantitative test of the changes found in individual plants after pollination. The induced decrease in floral scent production following pollination is suggested to be of adaptive value for both plants and pollinators.  相似文献   

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