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Summary Tubulin can be isolated and purified from Xenopus laevis egges through modification of Olmstedt's (1970) tubulin isolation method, viz. by repeating the vinblastin precipitation step after resuspension of the sediment in a detergent-containing stabilizing medium. By this we overcome the deleterious influence of the yolk granules in the isolation procedure. From 1 l of Xenopus laevis eggs 25 mg VB-paracrystals can be obtained. The apparent molecular weight of the purified tubulin is 52,800. Antiserum against the purified Xenopus VB-paracrystals, raised in 2 Chinchilla rabbits, cross-reacts in immunodiffusion tests in agar gels with rat brain tubulin and with tubulin isolated from Xenopus laevis eggs by the described procedure. Specific indirect fluorescence staining and appropriate control reactions reveal that cilia of Tetrahymena pyriformis, cytoplasmic networks in cultured mouse Leydig cells, as well as mitotic spindles and nuclear regions in paraffin sections of Xenopus laevis blastulae, react with the antibodies against Xenopus laevis egg tubulin as well as with monoclonal antibodies against pig brain tubulin.These results provide additional evidence for the view that tubulin antibodies are neither species nor tissue specific and show that under appropriate conditions tubulin containing structures can be visualized in paraffin sections.  相似文献   

A tribute to the Xenopus laevis oocyte and egg   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Microtubules take part in several mechanisms of intracellular motility, including organelle transport and mitosis. We have studied the ability of Xenopus egg extract to support nuclear membrane and pore complex formation when microtubule dynamics are manipulated. In this report we show that the formation of a nuclear envelope surrounding sperm chromatin requires polymerized microtubules. We have observed that microtubule-depolymerizing reagents, and AS-2, a known inhibitor of the microtubule motor protein kinesin, do not inhibit the formation of a double nuclear membrane. However these double membranes contain no morphologically identifiable nuclear pore complexes and do not support the accumulation of karyophilic proteins. In contrast, the assembly of annulate lamellae, cytoplasmic structures containing a subset of pore complex proteins, was not affected. Our data show that not only polymerized microtubules, but also the microtubule motor protein kinesin, are involved in the formation of the nuclear envelope. These results support the conclusion that multiple nuclear envelope-forming mitotic vesicle populations exist, that microtubules play an essential and selective role in the transport of nuclear envelope-forming vesicle population(s), and that separate mechanisms are involved in nuclear envelope and annulate lamellae formation.  相似文献   

Fertilization potential and electrical properties of the Xenopus laevis egg   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The membrane potential of Xenopus eggs was monitored continuously from prior to fertilization until early cleavage. A rapid decay of the initial potential of -33.1 +/- 8.1 (SD) mV (N = 14) upon impalement to a value of -19.3 +/- 4.2 (SD) mV (N = 68) suggested that insertion of the first electrode caused depolarization. Outward and inward rectification were observed when the resting potential was made more positive than about 5 mV or more negative than about -30 mV. Eggs were not activated by this level of current injection. Fertilization and activation evoked a membrane depolarization which was influenced by the external Cl- concentration, the nature of the halide species, and 4,4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid. Smaller transient depolarizations were associated with the initial stages of the fertilization potential but not with activation. Only when the fertilization potential was significantly diminished, as in high external Cl- or in the presence of Br- or I- solutions did polyspermy ensue. The input resistance of the unfertilized egg was 13.2 +/- 9.8 M omega (N = 26) and decreased about 200-fold at the peak of the fertilization potential to 0.077 +/- 0.020 M omega (N = 9). Ninety minutes after the onset of the fertilization potential and about 6 min after the start of furrow formation the membrane began a series of cleavage cycle-associated hyperpolarizations. These were unaffected by either the external Cl- concentration or other halide species. Reduction in amplitude of the fertilization potential had no apparent effect upon the normal elevation of the fertilization envelope or upon cleavage and later development. The fast electrical block to polyspermy appears to have a lower threshold in Xenopus compared with other species and is also effective at negative membrane potentials.  相似文献   

Measurements of membrane capacitance (C(m)) in Xenopus laevis oocytes offer unique experimental possibilities but are difficult to perform with current methods. To improve C(m) measurements in the two-electrode voltage clamp (TEVC) mode, we developed a paired-ramp protocol and tested its performance in a model circuit (with tunable C(m), membrane resistance R(m), and series resistance R(s)) and in Xenopus oocytes. In the cell model and with R(s) = 0 Omega, inaccuracy of C(m) estimates was <1% under widely varying conditions (R(m) ranging from 100 to 2000 kOmega, and C(m) from 50 to 1000 nF). With R(s) > 0 Omega, C(m) was underestimated by a relative error epsilon closely approximated as epsilon approximate 2 x R(s)/(R(s) + R(m)), in keeping with the theoretical prediction. Thus, epsilon may be neglected under standard conditions or, under extreme conditions, corrected for if R(s) is known. Relative imprecision of C(m) estimates was small, independent of R(s), and inversely related to C(m) (<1.5% at 50 nF, <0.4% at 200 nF). Averaging allowed reliable detection of C(m) deviations from 200 nF of 0.1 nF, i.e., 0.05%. In Xenopus oocytes, we could resolve C(m) changes that were small (e.g., DeltaC(m) approximate 2 nF upon 100 muM 8-Br-cAMP), fast (e.g., DeltaC(m)/Deltat approximate 20nF/30s upon 1 muM phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)) or extended and complex (e.g., fast increase, followed by prolonged C(m) decrease upon 1 muM PMA). Rapidly alternating between paired ramps and a second, step protocol allowed quasi-simultaneous monitoring of additional electrical parameters such as R(m), slope conductance g(m), and reversal potential E(rev). Taken together, our method is suited to monitor C(m) in Xenopus oocytes conveniently, with high temporal resolution, accuracy and precision, and in parallel with other electrical parameters. Thus, it may be useful for the study of endo- and exocytosis and of membrane protein regulation and for electrophysiological high-throughput screening.  相似文献   

A circular rDNA-containing recombinant plasmid, pXlr101A, and its vector pBR322 were microinjected into the cytoplasm of fertilized Xenopus laevis eggs. The DNAs extracted from injected embryos at various stages of development were analyzed by hybridization with 32P-labeled pBR322 as the probe. Neither pXlr101A nor pBR322 were replicated, but they were maintained until the tailbud stage, disappearing during the muscular response stage. When pXlr101A-injected embryos were raised until the 2-week-old tadpole stage, sequences homologous to pBR322 were detectable in two Eco RI fragments of the pXlr101A-injected tadpole DNA. The sizes of the Eco RI fragments suggested that the plasmid sequences were preserved most probably in the chromosome-integrated form.  相似文献   

Eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were examined by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy for tubulin-containing structures at intervals from fertilization through first cleavage. The staining revealed that the monaster is made up not only of the sperm aster but also of tubulin-staining fibers originating elsewhere in the egg. The monaster does not divide directly but is broken down first before the amphiaster or interphase asters begin to form. The interphase asters reach a peak of development at the streak stage and are in turn broken down before the formation of the mitotic apparatus. The breakdown of the monaster, interphase asters, as well as the asters of the mitotic apparatus proceeds from the cell center or aster centers to the periphery of the cell and is followed by growth of new asters, also proceeding outward from the aster centers. The pattern suggests a transient wavelike movement of some condition, or factor, which favors microtubule depolymerization.  相似文献   

Distribution of lectin binding sites in Xenopus laevis egg jelly.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eggs from the anuran Xenopus laevis are surrounded by a thick jelly coat that is required during fertilization. The jelly coat contains three morphologically distinct layers, designated J1, J2, and J3. We examined the lectin binding properties of the individual jelly coat layers as a step in identifying jelly glycoproteins that may be essential in fertilization. The reactivity of 31 lectins with isolated jelly coat layers was examined with enzyme-linked lectin-assays (ELLAs). Using ELLA we found that most of the lectins tested showed some reactivity to all three jelly layers; however, two lectins showed jelly layer selectivity. The lectin Maackia amurensis (MAA) reacted only with J1 and J2, while the lectin Trichosanthes kirilowii (TKA) reacted only with J2 and J3. Some lectins were localized in the jelly coat using confocal microscopy, which revealed substantial heterogeneity in lectin binding site distribution among and within jelly coat layers. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bound only to the outermost region of J3 and produced a thin, but very intense, band of fluorescence at the J1/J2 interface while the remainder of J2 stained lightly. The lectin MAA produced an intense fluorescence-staining pattern only at the J1/J2 interface. Several lectins were also tested for the ability to inhibit fertilization. WGA, MAA, and concanavalin A significantly inhibited fertilization and WGA was found to block fertilization by preventing sperm from penetrating the jelly. Using Western blotting, we identified high-molecular-weight components in J1 and J2 that may be important in fertilization.  相似文献   

The block to polyspermy in Xenopus laevis involves an interaction between a cortical granule lectin, released at fertilization, and a ligand located in the egg extracellular matrix. The egg extracellular matrix in X. laevis consists of a vitelline envelope and three distinct jelly layers, designated J1, J2 and J3. To localize cortical granule lectin ligand in the egg extracellular matrix, we used enzyme-linked lectin assays that showed that cortical granule lectin ligands were absent in J2, J3 and the vitelline envelope. Cortical granule lectin bound to a ligand(s) in J1 in a galactose-dependent fashion. In addition, we separated egg jelly macromolecules electrophoretically and, in conjunction with western blotting, have shown that J1 contains two major, high molecular weight ligands for cortical granule ligand. Finally, using confocal microscopy, we demonstrated that the ligand(s) for cortical granule lectin occupies a 20–30 μm thick band in a region of J1 just proximal to the vitelline envelope.  相似文献   

The egg envelope of most animal eggs is modified following fertilization, resulting in the prevention of polyspermy and hardening of the egg envelope. In frogs and mammals a prominent feature of envelope modification is N-terminal proteolysis of the envelope glycoprotein ZPA. We have purified the ZPA protease from Xenopus laevis eggs and characterized it as a zinc metalloprotease. Proteolysis of isolated egg envelopes by the isolated protease resulted in envelope hardening. The N-terminal peptide fragment of ZPA remained disulfide bond linked to the ZPA glycoprotein moiety following proteolysis. We propose a mechanism for egg envelope hardening involving ZPA proteolysis by an egg metalloprotease as a triggering event followed by induction of global conformational changes in egg envelope glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Egg surface proteins of Xenopus laevis were compared between unfertilized and fertilized egg surfaces before the first cleavage. The egg surfaces were isolated in acetone. The macromolecular compositions of egg surfaces were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and were shown to contain at least 30 proteins with molecular weights ranging from 27,000 to 200,000. At 50 min after fertilization, one spot with a molecular weight of 160,000 disappeared and two bands with molecular weights of 190,000 and 180,000 increased gradually after fertilization. Although the disappearance of the spot was not affected by colchicine or cytochalasin B, intensification of the two bands was inhibited completely by the two agents.  相似文献   

The cell-free extracts from animal Xenopus laevis egg could induce chromatin decon-densation and pronuclear formation from demembranated plant (Orychophragmus violaceus) sperm. The demembranated Orychophragmus violaceus sperm began to swell in 30 min incubation, and then were gradually decondensed. The reassembly of nuclear envelope in the reconstituted nuclei had been visualized by means of electron microscopy and fluorescent microscopy. Membrane vesicles fused to form the double envelope around the periphery of the decondensed chromatin. The morphology of the newly formed nucleus, with a double membrane, was similar to those nuclei after fertilization. Transmission electron microscope micrograph of the whole mount prepared nuclear matrix-lamina showed the reconstituted nucleus to be filled with a dense network.  相似文献   

Cell division in many metazoa is accompanied by the disassembly of the nuclear envelope and the assembly of the mitotic spindle. These dramatic structural rearrangements are reversed after mitosis, when the mitotic spindle is dismantled and the nuclear envelope reassembles. The targeting protein for XKlp2 (TPX2) plays important roles in mitotic spindle assembly. We report that TPX2 depletion from nuclear assembly extracts prepared from Xenopus laevis eggs results in the formation of nuclei that are only about one fifth the size of control nuclei. TPX2-depleted nuclei assemble nuclear envelopes, nuclear pore complexes, and a lamina, and they perform nuclear-specific functions, including DNA replication. We show that TPX2 interacts with lamina-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP2), a protein known to be required for nuclear assembly in interphase extracts and in vitro. LAP2 localization is disrupted in TPX2-depleted nuclei, suggesting that the interaction between TPX2 and LAP2 is required for postmitotic nuclear reformation.  相似文献   

While the anuran amphibian Xenopus laevis is a widely used vertebrate model system, it is not optimal for genetic manipulations due to its tetraploid genome and long generation time. A current alternative amphibian model system, Xenopus tropicalis, has the advantages of a diploid genome and a much shorter generation time. We undertook a comparative investigation of X. tropicalis egg extracellular matrix glycoproteins in relation to those already characterized in X. laevis. Fertilization methods and isolation of egg extracellular molecules were directly transferable from X. laevis to X. tropicalis. Cross-fertilizations were successful in both directions, indicating similar molecules involved in sperm-egg interactions. Egg envelopes analyzed by SDS-PAGE were found to have almost identical gel patterns, whereas jelly component profiles were similar only for the larger macromolecules (>90 kDa). The cDNA sequences for egg envelope glycoproteins ZPA, ZPB, ZPC, ZPD and ZPAX, and also egg cortical granule lectin involved in the block to polyspermy, were cloned for X. tropicalis and showed a consistent approximately 85% amino acid identity to the X. laevis sequences. Thus, homologous egg extracellular matrix molecules perform the same functions, and the molecular and cellular mechanisms of fertilization in these two species are probably equivalent.  相似文献   

To explain how micrometer-sized cellular structures generate and respond to forces, we need to characterize their micromechanical properties. Here we provide a protocol to build and use a dual force-calibrated microneedle-based setup to quantitatively analyze the micromechanics of a metaphase spindle assembled in Xenopus laevis egg extracts. This cell-free extract system allows for controlled biochemical perturbations of spindle components. We describe how the microneedles are prepared and how they can be used to apply and measure forces. A multimode imaging system allows the tracking of microtubules, chromosomes and needle tips. This setup can be used to analyze the viscoelastic properties of the spindle on timescales ranging from minutes to sub-seconds. A typical experiment, along with data analysis, is also detailed. We anticipate that our protocol can be readily extended to analyze the micromechanics of other cellular structures assembled in cell-free extracts. The entire procedure can take 3-4 d.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies (IS1) reacting specifically with plasma membrane proteins of the Xenopus oocyte were used to study the formation of new plasma membrane in cleavage furrows. Membrane precursors were detected in the inner cytoplasm, then under the plasma membrane of the animal hemisphere and finally on the furrow's edges. Cycloheximide and colchicine caused abnormal distribution of stained material. IS1 antibodies conjugated to colloidal gold, were used to examine the local insertion of membrane precursors into the furrow region by electron microscopy. Membrane precursors were only detected in intracytoplasmic vesicles that fused with the plasma membrane at the edges of the furrow walls. Arrays of microtubules may guide membrane precursors to the site of their insertion in the furrow walls.  相似文献   

We investigated the existence of an endogenous system for lactate transport in Xenopus laevis oocytes. (36)Cl-uptake studies excluded the involvement of a DIDS-sensitive anion antiporter as a possible pathway for lactate movement. L-[(14)C]lactate uptake was unaffected by superimposed pH gradients, stimulated by the presence of Na(+) in the incubating solution, and severely reduced by the monocarboxylate transporter inhibitor p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonate (pCMBS). Transport exhibited a broad cation specificity and was cis inhibited by other monocarboxylates, mostly by pyruvate. These results suggest that lactate uptake is mediated mainly by a transporter and that the preferred anion is pyruvate. [(14)C]pyruvate uptake exhibited the same pattern of functional properties evidenced for L-lactate. Kinetic parameters were calculated for both monocarboxylates, and a higher affinity for pyruvate was revealed. Various inhibitors of monocarboxylate transporters reduced significantly pyruvate uptake. These studies demonstrate that Xenopus laevis oocytes possess a monocarboxylate transport system that shares some functional features with the members of the mammalian monocarboxylate cotransporters family, but, in the meanwhile, exhibits some particular properties, mainly concerning cation specificity.  相似文献   

The recognition and removal of interstrand cross-links is perhaps the least understood of all repair pathways in eukaryotic cells. We have shown previously that uncoupling of cross-links occurs in mammalian cell extracts and have identified a number of factors that mediate this process. However, we have not observed complete repair of the substrate in this system. Here, we show that uncoupling of interstrand cross-links also occurs in Xenopus laevis egg extracts, and that the initial products of this reaction are identical to the products observed in mammalian cell extracts suggesting a common mechanism. However in contrast to mammalian cell extracts, we observe repair of the cross-linked substrate in the Xenopus extracts presumably by a translesion bypass mechanism that allows replication past the uncoupled monoadduct, and its likely subsequent removal by nucleotide excision repair. This repair process is shown to be highly mutagenic consistent with bypass synthesis.  相似文献   

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