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Protochlorophyllide 650 (PChld 650) regeneration following asingle brief illumination of the cotyledons of Pharbitis nilwas studied by monitoring the in vivo absorbance at 650 nm. The lag period for PChld regeneration, the regeneration rate,the final concentration of regenerated PChld, and PChld accumulatedin darkness in etiolated cotyledons were affected by age. ThePChld content in etiolated leaves and the content of PChld regeneratedafter brief illumination similarly increased up to age 2 (2days after the appearance of cotyledons on vermiculite), thendecreased with age. The duration of the Shibata shift was also influenced by age,becoming longer with age. PChld regeneration began about 4 minbefore the end of the Shibata shift regardless of age. (Received April 18, 1977; )  相似文献   

The kinetics of the photoconversion of protochlorophyllide 649 to chlorophyllide 676 were studied spectrophotometrically over the temperature range of -15 -- -80 degrees C under light-saturating conditions in etiolated cotyledons of Pharbitis nil. Photoconversion obeyed the sum of two first-order kinetics over this low temperature range. Activation energies obtained from the rate constants were about 5000 cal; this suggests that these two processes may be physical processes not chemical reactions. The results indicate that photoconversion involves two main steps. One is the step dependent on both light intensity and temperature that has been well studied. The other, which is concerned in this study, is the step dependent on temperature only, which may be the requisite for photoconversion. This latter step seems to be related to the binding mode of protochlorophyllide to a holochrome protein or to conformational changes in the protochlorophyllide-holochrome.  相似文献   

The nature of macromolecular "auxin protector substances" causinglag periods rather than inhibition in the rate of IAA oxidationwas reinvestigated. Three different peaks were separated bySephadex gel filtration; each was then examined by means ofenzymatic (IAA oxidase, peroxidase) and electrophoretic techniquesand correlated with the activities of both enzymes and withzymogram patters. The auxin protector activity of the high molecularweight fractions increased after high temperature treatment.On the basis of experiments involving dialysis and chromatographybefore and after heating, auxin protectors appear to be complexesof macromolecules with small molecules. (Received May 18, 1971; )  相似文献   

Effects of abscisic acid on flowering in Pharbitis nil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Under continuous light, flowering of Pharbitis seedlings wasnot induced by abscisic acid (ABA) treatment. Under short daytreatment, flowering was slightly enhanced by ABA at 0.2 and0.4 mg/liter. Stem elongation was considerably inhibited by25 and 50 mg/liter of ABA irrespective of day length. (Received October 21, 1972; )  相似文献   

The effects of shoot inversion on stem structure over 72 hr were investigated in Pharbitis nil by analyzing cell number, cell length, and the cross sectional areas of cells, tissues, and regions. An increase in stem diameter can be attributed to an increase in both cell number and cross sectional area of pith (primarily) and vascular tissue (secondarily). Qualitative observations of cell wall thickness in the light microscope did not reveal any significant effects of shoot inversion on this parameter. The inhibition of shoot elongation was accompanied by a significant decrease in cell length in the pith. The results are generally consistent with an ethylene effect on cell dimensions, especially in the pith.  相似文献   

When the upper part of main shoot of morning glory (Pharbitis nil) is gently bent down, lateral bud on the bending region is released from apical dominance and starts to elongate. But, clinorotating the bending shoots prevents the release of the lateral bud from apical dominance. These results suggest that gravity affects apical dominance in morning glory. Here we verified the gravity-regulated apical dominance by using a weeping morning glory defective in gravitropic response due to abnormal differentiation of endodermis. That is, bending main shoot of the weeping morning glory hardly caused the lateral bud to elongate. In addition, decapitation of apical bud released the lateral bud from apical dominance, and exogenous auxin applied to the cut surface of the decapitated stem was inhibitory to the outgrowth of the lateral bud in the wild type. However, the effect of auxin was much less in the weeping morning glory. Thus, apical dominance of the weeping morning glory was weaker and less influenced by gravity than that of the wild type, which could occur due to abnormal differentiation of endodermis required for graviperception.  相似文献   

Aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) inhibited photoperiodically inducedflowering in Pharbitis nil. The application of AOA to the plumulejust after an inductive period was the most effective in inhibitingflowering. A correlation between inhibition of flowering andinhibition of glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase activity wasobserved with fifteen aminooxy derivatives. (Received April 18, 1992; Accepted June 25, 1992)  相似文献   

Hydroxypyruvate reductase activity in etiolated cotyledons ofPharbitis nil is highly stimulated by white light. The actionspectrum shows three effective regions: blue, red and far red.The main characteristics of this high irradiance reaction responseis a high blue efficiency and a low red efficiency. Experimentswith herbicide-treated plants demonstrated that chlorophyllis not involved in the regulation but suggest that a specificblue-absorbing pigment is involved, in addition to phytochrome. (Received November 22, 1983; Accepted June 20, 1984)  相似文献   

Flowering of Pharbitis nil plants was slightly inhibited byexposure to the light of the full moon for 8 or more hours witha single dark period of 16, 14 or 13 h. It is suggested thatin the natural environment moonlight may have at most only aslight delaying effect on the time of flower induction in short-dayplants. Flowering, moonlight, night-break, Pharbitis nil, photoperiodism, short day plants  相似文献   

Increasing concentrations of K (20, 200, 2000 mum) in the nutrient solution depressed Ca content and concentration in barley plants growing in nutrient solutions of low Ca concentrations (250 and 2500 mum). Increasing K from 20 to 200 mum depressed Ca absorption more than increasing K from 200 to 2000 mum K.The strong depression of Ca absorption by low concentrations of K must involve a different process from that studied by other workers at high concentrations of K. Since the depression in net absorption of Ca was as great at 250 as at 2500 mum Ca the results fail to support previous suggestions that a specific mechanism for Ca absorption operates at low Ca concentrations. It is suggested that, at the low concentrations of K and Ca likely to be found at the root surface in many soil solutions, the above mentioned effect of K in inhibiting Ca absorption may be important in the Ca nutrition of plants.  相似文献   

Heide OM  King RW  Evans LT 《Plant physiology》1986,80(4):1020-1024
Evidence is presented of an endogenous rhythm in flowering response to far-red (FR) irradiation, with a period of about 12 h (hence semidian rhythm), which persists through at least three cycles in constant conditions of continuous light at 27°C and has a marked influence on the flowering response in Pharbitis nil to a subsequent inductive dark period. The phase of the rhythm is not influenced by real time nor by the time from imbibition or from the beginning of the light period. Rather, it is fed forward from the beginning of the FR interruption to the beginning of the inductive dark period. The period of the rhythm is not affected by irradiance but is longer at cooler temperature. When there are two FR interruptions during the preceding light period, it is primarily the later one which determines the phase of the rhythm, although some interactions are evident. There appears to be an abrupt rephasing of the rhythm at the beginning of the inductive dark period. No overt rhythms which could be used as “clock hands” for the semidian rhythm were detected in photosynthesis, stomatal opening, or translocation.  相似文献   

Gibberellin A1, (GA1), GA19, and GA20 in phloem exudates andcotyledons of seedlings of Pharbitis nil cv. Violet, grown underdifferent photoperiodic conditions, were qualitatively and semi-quantitativelyanalyzed by a combination of high performance-liquid chromatography(HPLC) and radioimmunoassays (RIA). The levels of GA19 and GA20were higher in cotyledons from plants grown under dark treatment(DT) conditons of 16 h-light/8 h-dark for 6 days followed by8 h-light/16 h-dark for 3 days than in those grown under continuouslight (CL) for 9 days. This relationship was also observed forthe GAs in phloem exudates, although the levels were much lowerthan in the cotyledons. When GAs were applied to the cotyledons,elongation of the epicotyl was promoted more by GA20 than byGA1 or GA19, especially under the CL treatment. The relativeeffect of GA1 and GA20 on the epicotyl elongation was reversedwhen these GAs were applied to epicotyls pre-treated with prohexadione,an inhibitor of 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases. 3Present address: Frontier Research Program, The Institute ofPhysical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), 2-1 Hirosawa, Wakoshi,Saitama, 351-01 Japan 4Present address: Laboratory of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture,Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-01 Japan  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra were recorded of whole filaments of the cyanobacteria Nostoc muscorum and Anabaena cylindrica. Signals due to manganese were removed by freezing and thawing the cells in EDTA. EPR spectra were assigned on the basis of their g values, linewidths, temperature dependence and response to dithionite and light treatments. The principal components identified were: (i) rhombic Fe3+ (signal at g = 4.3), probably a soluble storage form of iron; (ii) iron-sulfur centers A and B of Photosystem I; (iii) the photochemical electron acceptor 'X' of Photosystem I; this component was also observed for the first time in isolated heterocysts; (iv) soluble ferredoxin which was present at a concentration of 1 molecule per 140 +/- 20 chlorophyll molecules; (v) a membrane-bound iron-sulfur protein (g = 1.92). A signal g = 6 in the oxidized state was probably due to an unidentified heme compound. During deprivation of iron the rhombic Fe3+, centers A, B and X of Photosystem I, and soluble ferredoxin were all observed to decrease.  相似文献   

We investigated the metabolism and translocation of two gibberellins(GAs), [3H]GA20 and [3H]GA1, which were applied at low concentrationto the cotyledons of Pharbitis nil (cv. Violet). Seedlings weregrown under three different photoperiodic conditions: continuouslight (CL-CL), continous light followed by short day conditions(CL-DT) and long day conditions followed by short day conditions(DT-DT). Translocation of the applied [3H]GAs from cotyledonsto hypocotyls was promoted by DT for all GAs examined. Whilethe conversion of the translocated [3H]GA1 to [3H]GA8 and itsconjugates was rapid in hypocotyl, the conversion of translocated[3H]GA20 to [3H]GA29 was slow. Radioactivity in epicotyls wasdetected much more rapidly on application of [3H]GA20 than of[3H]GA1, [3H]GA8 and [3H]GA29 and their conjugates. The conversionof [3H]GA20 to [3H]GA1 in the epicotyl was more rapid underCL-CL conditions. This result in consistent with the higherlevel of endogenous GA1 existing in epicotyls under CL-DT thanDT-DT conditions. However, when [3H]GA1 was applied to the cotyledon,only small amounts of [3H]GA8 and its conjugates were detectedin the epicotyl regardless of the photoperiodic conditions.This result may suggest that the translocation and metabolismof [3H]GA20 from cotyledons to epicotyl was faster under CL-CLthan DT-DT conditions and may correlate with the increased epicotylelongation of GA20 treated plants under CL-DT than DT-DT conditions. (Received June 28, 1995; Accepted November 2, 1995)  相似文献   

The effects of artificial night lighting on animal behaviour and fitness are largely unknown. Most studies report short-term consequences in locations that are also exposed to other anthropogenic disturbance. We know little about how the effects of nocturnal illumination vary with different light colour compositions. This is increasingly relevant as the use of LED lights becomes more common, and LED light colour composition can be easily adjusted. We experimentally illuminated previously dark natural habitat with white, green and red light, and measured the effects on life-history decisions and fitness in two free-living songbird species, the great tit (Parus major) and pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in two consecutive years. In 2013, but not in 2014, we found an effect of light treatment on lay date, and of the interaction of treatment and distance to the nearest lamp post on chick mass in great tits but not in pied flycatchers. We did not find an effect in either species of light treatment on breeding densities, clutch size, probability of brood failure, number of fledglings and adult survival. The finding that light colour may have differential effects opens up the possibility to mitigate negative ecological effects of nocturnal illumination by using different light spectra.  相似文献   

We investigated the flash-induced electrochromic absorbance change, A 515, of isolated intact chloroplasts in continuous monochromatic background light of different intensities and wavelengths. From the variation of the amplitude of A 515 in background illumination the steady-state turnover time of electron transport was found to be around 100 msec and the slowest process could be assigned to a photosystem 1 driven cycle. The change of pH induced by nigericin, ATP, or ADP did not modify substantially the turnover time.In contrast to earlier observations the slow rise (10 msec) of A 515 in untreated chloroplasts persists also at high-intensity background illumination exciting both photosystems. The proportion of the slow rise of A 515 in nigericin-treated chloroplasts increases in the presence of background light. This result on the slow rise is discussed in terms of two different models existing in the literature.  相似文献   

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