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Sex-linked mammalian sperm proteins evolve faster than autosomal ones   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
X-linked genes can evolve slower or faster depending on whether most recessive, or at least partially recessive alleles are deleterious or beneficial due to their hemizygous expression in males. Molecular studies of X chromosome divergence have provided conflicting evidence for both a higher and lower rate of nucleotide substitution at both synonymous and nonsynonymous sites, depending on the nucleotide sites sampled. Using human and mouse orthologous genes, we tested the hypothesis that genes encoding male-specific sperm proteins are evolving faster on the X chromosome compared with autosomes. X-linked sperm proteins have an average nonsynonymous mutation rate almost twice as high as sperm genes found on autosomes, unlike other tissue-specific genes, where no significant difference in the nonsynonymous mutation rate between the X chromosome and autosomes was found. However, no difference was found in the average synonymous mutation rate of X-linked versus autosomal sperm proteins, which along with corresponding higher values of Ka/Ks in X-linked sperm proteins suggest that differences in selective forces and not mutation rates are the underlying cause of higher X-linked mammalian sperm protein divergence.  相似文献   

The rate of polypeptide chain elongation is up to one order of magnitude faster in prokaryotic cells than in eukaryotes. Here we report that the rates of in vitro refolding of orthologous prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins correlate with their differential rates of biosynthesis. The mitochondrial and cytosolic aspartate aminotransferases of chicken and aspartate aminotransferase of Escherichia coli show pairwise sequence identities of 41-48% and nearly identical three-dimensional structures. Nevertheless, the prokaryotic enzyme refolded 6 times faster (at 25 degrees C) than the eukaryotic isoenzymes after denaturation in 6 m guanidine hydrochloride. Prokaryotic malate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase also renatured faster than their orthologous eukaryotic counterparts, suggesting that evolutionary pressure has adapted the rate of folding to the rate of elongation of polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that chain length is the main determinant of the folding rate for proteins with the three-state folding kinetics. The logarithm of their folding rate in water (k(f)) strongly anticorrelates with their chain length L (the correlation coefficient being -0.80). At the same time, the chain length has no correlation with the folding rate for two-state folding proteins (the correlation coefficient is -0.07). Another significant difference of these two groups of proteins is a strong anticorrelation between the folding rate and Baker's "relative contact order" for the two-state folders and the complete absence of such correlation for the three-state folders.  相似文献   

Bacterial GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) subvert their host's eukaryotic Rho GTPases to their own advantage. Studies of bacterial GAPs extend our understanding of the action of eukaryotic GAPs, provide new tools for studies of cytoskeletal dynamics and offer new targets for anti-bacterial drugs.  相似文献   

The topology of a native protein influences the rate with which it is formed, but does topology affect the appearance of folding intermediates and their specific role in kinetic folding as well? This question is addressed by comparing the folding data recently obtained on apoflavodoxin from Azotobacter vinelandii with those available on all three other alpha-beta parallel proteins the kinetic folding mechanism of which has been studied, i.e. Anabaena apoflavodoxin, Fusarium solani pisi cutinase and CheY. Two kinetic folding intermediates, one on-pathway and the other off-pathway, seem to be present during the folding of proteins with an alpha-beta parallel, also called flavodoxin-like, topology. The on-pathway intermediate lies on a direct route from the unfolded to the native state of the protein involved. The off-pathway intermediate needs to unfold to allow the production of native protein. Available simulation data of the folding of CheY show the involvement of two intermediates with characteristics that resemble those of the two intermediates experimentally observed. Apparently, protein topology governs the appearance and kinetic roles of protein folding intermediates during the folding of proteins that have a flavodoxin-like fold.  相似文献   

The folding of larger proteins generally differs from the folding of similarly large nucleic acids in the number and stability of the intermediates involved. To date, however, no similar comparison has been made between the folding of smaller proteins, which typically fold without well-populated intermediates, and the folding of small, simple nucleic acids. In response, in this study, we compare the folding of a 38-base DNA aptamer with the folding of a set of equivalently simple proteins. We find that, as is true for the large majority of simple, single domain proteins, the aptamer folds through a concerted, millisecond-scale process lacking well-populated intermediates. Perhaps surprisingly, the observed folding rate falls within error of a previously described relationship between the folding kinetics of single-domain proteins and their native state topology. Likewise, similarly to single-domain proteins, the aptamer exhibits a relatively low urea-derived Tanford β, suggesting that its folding transition state is modestly ordered. In contrast to this, however, and in contrast to the behavior of proteins, ϕ-value analysis suggests that the aptamer''s folding transition state is highly ordered, a discrepancy that presumably reflects the markedly more important role that secondary structure formation plays in the folding of nucleic acids. This difference notwithstanding, the similarities that we observe between the two-state folding of single-domain proteins and the two-state folding of this similarly simple DNA presumably reflect properties that are universal in the folding of all sufficiently cooperative heteropolymers irrespective of their chemical details.  相似文献   

It is found that the helix parameter (HP), which favors clustering of non-polar residues, is linearly correlated with the logarithms of rate constants of folding of small two-state alpha-helical proteins. The definition is HP = N(H)(-1) sigma [f(i)+ (f(i-1)+f(i+1))/2], where f(i)=1 or -1, if the i'th residue is hydrophobic or hydrophilic, respectively, N(H) is the number of hydrophobic residues and the summation is taken over the hydrophobic residues.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism of folding of small proteins requires characterization of their starting unfolded states and any partially unfolded states populated during folding. Here, we review what is known from NMR about these states of Im7, a 4-helix bundle protein that folds via an on-pathway intermediate, and show that there is an alignment of non-native structure in urea-unfolded Im7 with the helices of native Im7 that is a consequence of hydrophobic helix-promoting residues also promoting cluster-formation in the unfolded protein. We suggest that this kind of alignment is present in other proteins and is relevant to how native state topology determines folding rates.  相似文献   

Folding of tendamistat, an inhibitor of alpha-amylase, is a fast two-state process accompanied by two minor slow reactions, which were assigned to prolyl isomerization. In a proline-free variant, 5% of the molecules still fold slowly with a rate constant of 2.5 s(-1). This reaction is caused by a slow equilibrium between two populations of unfolded molecules. The time constant for this equilibration process, its sensitivity to LiCl and its temperature dependence identify it as a cis-trans isomerization of nonprolyl peptide bonds. Although nonprolyl peptide bonds have the cis conformation populating only approximately 0.15% in unfolded proteins, their large number generates a significant fraction of slow-folding molecules. This emphasizes that heterogeneous populations in an unfolded protein can induce complex folding kinetics on various time scales.  相似文献   

Pathogenic bacteria exploit a wide variety of host cellular processes to adhere to, invade, replicate within and damage host cells. One such process is the eukaryotic secretory pathway, in which proteins and lipids are modified and transported from the endoplasmic reticulum through the Golgi network to the plasma membrane and other cellular destinations. Certain bacteria secrete toxins that utilise this transport pathway to reach their cellular targets. Some intracellular pathogens, including Legionella, Brucella and Chlamydia, engage other steps of the pathway to establish intracellular replicative organelles. Recent work has implicated specific virulence proteins of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica in secretory pathway interactions.  相似文献   

It is a challenging task to understand the relationship between sequences and folding rates of proteins. Previous studies are found that one of contact order (CO), long-range order (LRO), total contact distance (TCD), chain topology parameter (CTP), and effective length (Leff) has a significant correlation with folding rate of proteins. In this paper, we introduce a new parameter called n-order contact distance (nOCD) and use it to predict folding rate of proteins with two- and three-state folding kinetics. A good linear correlation between the folding rate logarithm lnkf and nOCD with n=1.2, alpha=0.6 is found for two-state folders (correlation coefficient is -0.809, P-value<0.0001) and n=2.8, alpha=1.5 for three-state folders (correlation coefficient is -0.816, P-value<0.0001). However, this correlation is completely absent for three-state folders with n=1.2, alpha=0.6 (correlation coefficient is 0.0943, P-value=0.661) and for two-state folders with n=2.8, alpha=1.5 (correlation coefficient is -0.235, P-value=0.2116). We also find that the average number of contacts per residue Pm in the interval of m for two-state folders is smaller than that for three-state folders. The probability distribution P(gamma) of residue having gamma pairs of contacts fits a Gaussian distribution for both two- and three-state folders. We observe that the correlations between square radius of gyration S2 and number of residues for two- and three-state folders are both good, and the correlation coefficient is 0.908 and 0.901, and the slope of the fitting line is 1.202 and 0.795, respectively. Maybe three-state folders are more compact than two-state folders. Comparisons with nTCD and nCTP are also made, and it is found that nOCD is the best one in folding rate prediction.  相似文献   

Many single-domain proteins exhibit two-state folding kinetics, with folding rates that span more than six orders of magnitude. A quantity of much recent interest for such proteins is their contact order, the average separation in sequence between contacting residue pairs. Numerous studies have reached the surprising conclusion that contact order is well-correlated with the logarithm of the folding rate for these small, well-characterized molecules. Here, we investigate the physico-chemical basis for this finding by asking whether contact order is actually a composite number that measures the fraction of local secondary structure in the protein; viz. turns, helices, and hairpins. To pursue this question, we calculated the secondary structure content for 24 two-state proteins and obtained coefficients that predict their folding rates. The predicted rates correlate strongly with experimentally determined rates, comparable to the correlation with contact order. Further, these predicted folding rates are correlated strongly with contact order. Our results suggest that the folding rate of two-state proteins is a function of their local secondary structure content, consistent with the hierarchic model of protein folding. Accordingly, it should be possible to utilize secondary structure prediction methods to predict folding rates from sequence alone.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies and a few recent experimental reports suggest that the evolution of diet breadth in herbivorous insects is constrained by a limited neural ability to efficiently process large amounts of information in short periods of time. This neural-constraints hypothesis predicts that generalist herbivores should make slower or poorer decisions than specialists when selecting plants, because generalists must discriminate and decide among stimuli from a wider variety of potential hosts. The present study compares the speed with which host-associated decisions are made in specialist versus generalist populations of the aphid Uroleucon ambrosiae. Populations of U. ambrosiae from eastern North America are highly specific to the host plant Ambrosia trifida (Asteraceae), whereas those from the American southwest also feed on a variety of other taxa from the Asteraceae. Experiments with winged (alate) and wingless (apterous) individuals showed that host-finding, host-selection, host-acceptance, host-sampling and host-settling were more efficiently performed by the eastern specialists. These very consistent results provide evidence that strongly supports the neural-constraints hypothesis.  相似文献   

Huang JT  Cheng JP  Chen H 《Proteins》2007,67(1):12-17
We present a simple method for determining the folding rates of two- and three-state proteins from the number of residues in their secondary structures (secondary structure length). The method is based on the hypothesis that two- and three-state foldings share a common pattern. Three-state proteins first condense into metastable intermediates, subsequent forming of alpha-helices, turns, and beta-sheets at slow rate-limiting step. The folding rate of such proteins anticorrelate with the length of these beta-secondary structures. It is also assumed that in two-state folding, rapidly folded alpha-helices and turns may facilitate formation of fleeting unobservable intermediates and thus show two-state behavior. There is an inverse relationship between the folding rate and the length of beta-sheets and loops. Our study achieves 94.0 and 88.1% correlations with folding rates determined experimentally for 21 three- and 38 two-state proteins, respectively, suggesting that protein-folding rates are determined by the secondary structure length. The kinetic kinds are selected on the basis of a competitive formation of hydrophobic collapse and alpha-structure in early intermediates.  相似文献   

Retroviral aspartyl proteases are homodimeric, whereas eukaryotic aspartyl proteases tend to be large, monomeric enzymes with 2-fold internal symmetry. It has been proposed that contemporary monomeric aspartyl proteases evolved by gene duplication and fusion from a primordial homodimeric enzyme. Recent sequence analyses have suggested that such "fossil" dimeric aspartyl proteases are still encoded in the eukaryotic genome. We present evidence for retention of a dimeric aspartyl protease in eukaryotes. The X-ray crystal structure of a domain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein Ddi1 shows that it is a dimer with a fold similar to that of the retroviral proteases. Furthermore, the double Asp-Thr-Gly-Ala amino acid sequence motif at the active site of HIV protease is found with identical geometry in the Ddi1 structure. However, the putative substrate binding groove is wider in Ddi1 than in the retroviral proteases, suggesting that Ddi1 accommodates bulkier substrates. Ddi1 belongs to a family of proteins known as the ubiquitin receptors, which have in common the ability to bind ubiquitinated substrates and the proteasome. Ubiquitin receptors contain an amino-terminal ubiquitin-like (UBL) domain and a carboxy-terminal ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domain, but Ddi1 is the only representative in which the UBL and UBA domains flank an aspartyl protease-like domain. The remarkable structural similarity between the central domain of Ddi1 and the retroviral proteases, in the global fold and in active-site detail, suggests that Ddi1 functions proteolytically during regulated protein turnover in the cell.  相似文献   

Recombinant expression of native or modified eukaryotic proteins is pivotal for structural and functional studies and for industrial and pharmaceutical production of proteins. However, it is often impeded by the lack of proper folding. Here, we present a stringent and broadly applicable eukaryotic in vivo selection system for folded proteins. It is based on genetic complementation of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe growth marker gene invertase fused C‐terminally to a protein library. The fusion proteins are directed to the secretion system, utilizing the ability of the eukaryotic protein quality‐control systems to retain misfolded proteins in the ER and redirect them for cytosolic degradation, thereby only allowing folded proteins to reach the cell surface. Accordingly, the folding potential of the tested protein determines the ability of autotrophic colony growth. This system was successfully demonstrated using a complex insertion mutant library of TNF‐α, from which different folding competent mutant proteins were uncovered.  相似文献   

Small single-domain proteins often exhibit only a single free-energy barrier, or transition state, between the denatured and the native state. The folding kinetics of these proteins is usually explored via mutational analysis. A central question is which structural information on the transition state can be derived from the mutational data. In this article, we model and structurally interpret mutational Φ-values for two small β-sheet proteins, the PIN and the FBP WW domains. The native structure of these WW domains comprises two β-hairpins that form a three-stranded β-sheet. In our model, we assume that the transition state consists of two conformations in which either one of the hairpins is formed. Such a transition state has been recently observed in molecular dynamics folding-unfolding simulations of a small designed three-stranded β-sheet protein. We obtain good agreement with the experimental data 1), by splitting up the mutation-induced free-energy changes into terms for the two hairpins and for the small hydrophobic core of the proteins; and 2), by fitting a single parameter, the relative degree to which hairpins 1 and 2 are formed in the transition state. The model helps us to understand how mutations affect the folding kinetics of WW domains, and captures also negative Φ-values that have been difficult to interpret.  相似文献   

The multiphasic kinetics of the protein folding and unfolding processes are examined for a “cluster model” with only two thermodynamically stable macroscopic states, native (N) and denatured (D), which are essentially distributions of microscopic states. The simplest kinetic schemes consistent with the model are: N-(fast) → I-(slow) → D for unfolding and N ← (fast)-D2 ← (slow)-D1 for refolding. The fast phase during the unfolding process can be visualized as the redistribution of the native population N to I within its free energy valley. Then, this population crosses over the free energy barrier to the denatured state D in the slow phase. Therefore, the macrostate I is a kinetic intermediate which is not stable at equilibrium. For the refolding process, the initial equilibrium distribution of the denatured state D appears to be separated into D1 and D2 in the final condition because of the change in position of the free energy barrier. The fast refolding species D2 is due to the “leak” from the broadly distributed D state, while the rest is the slow refolding species D1, which must overpass the free energy barrier to reach N. At an early stage of the folding process the amino acid chain is considered to be composed of several locally ordered regions, which we call clusters, connected by random coil chain parts. Thus, the denatured state contains different sizes and distributions of clusters depending on the external condition. A later stage of the folding process is the association of smaller clusters. The native state is expressed by a maximum-size cluster with possible fluctuation sites reflecting this association. A general discussion is given of the correlation between the kinetics and thermodynamics of proteins from the overall shape of the free energy function. The cluster model provides a conceptual link between the folding kinetics and the structural patterns of globular proteins derived from the X-ray crystallographic data.  相似文献   

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