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Summary Interaction of Escherichia coli spheroplasts with Neurospora crassa slime cells was examined by transmission electron microscopy after treatment with polyvinyl alcohol followed by dilution with the high pH-high Ca buffer. Bacterial spheroplasts were found either adhering to the flat surface, associating with the invaginating surface, or residing within the intracellular vesicle of fungal protoplasts. In addition, bacterial spheroplasts free of the surrounding vesicles and those in the course of breakdown were observed in the fungal cytoplasm. It was concluded that Escherichia coli spheroplasts are taken up by Neurospora crassa protoplasts almost exclusively via endocytosis. This is the first cytological evidence for the endocytic activity of fungal cells.  相似文献   

The yields of human coronavirus 229E grown in L132 cells were markedly inhibited by actinomycin D, the 50% inhibitory dose being 0.1 micron/ml. Inhibition was maximal during the early phase of virus replication, did not appear to involve viral RNA synthesis per se, and was shown to be dependent on the input multiplicity of infection.  相似文献   

Flagella of Escherichia coli spheroplasts.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  

Styrene is a large volume, commodity petrochemical with diverse commercial applications, including as a monomer building-block for the synthesis of many useful polymers. Here we demonstrate how, through the de novo design and development of a novel metabolic pathway, styrene can alternatively be synthesized from renewable substrates such as glucose. The conversion of endogenously synthesized l-phenylalanine to styrene was achieved by the co-expression of phenylalanine ammonia lyase and trans-cinnamate decarboxylase. Candidate isoenzymes for each step were screened from bacterial, yeast, and plant genetic sources. Finally, over-expression of PAL2 from Arabidopsis thaliana and FDC1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (originally classified as ferulate decarboxylase) in an l-phenylalanine over-producing Escherichia coli host led to the accumulation of up to 260 mg/L in shake flask cultures. Achievable titers already approach the styrene toxicity threshold (determined as ∼300 mg/L). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of microbial styrene production from sustainable feedstocks.  相似文献   

Genetic control of glucose uptake by Escherichia coli   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Kornberg HL  Smith J 《FEBS letters》1972,20(3):270-272

The fate of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) after the uptake of Escherichia coli by macrophages in vitro was studied. The LPS of the galactose epimerase-deficient E. coli J5 mutant was specifically radiolabeled with [3H]galactose by growing the organism in a basic salts medium containing galactose. Control bacteria were uniformly radiolabeled by growth in [14C]glucose and unlabeled galactose-containing medium. Surface constituents of E. coli were also labeled with 125I. After in vitro phagocytosis of labeled E. coli by murine peritoneal exudate macrophages, the rate of exocytosis of LPS, as assessed by release of 3H over a 72-hr period, was considerably reduced in comparison with other bacterial constituents (14C and 125I release). The [3H]galactose-labeled material exocytosed from macrophages and that remaining intracellularly (obtained from macrophage lysates) were isolated by cesium chloride (CsCl) density gradients and were shown to have altered density profiles as compared with purified E. coli LPS. The macrophage-"processed" [3H] galactose-containing fractions from CsCl density gradients of culture supernatants or macrophage lysates were capable of clotting Limulus amebocyte lysate. The [3H]galactose material obtained from 48-hr macrophage lysates and culture supernatants could also induce a lethal response in actinomycin D-treated mice. These data suggest that bacterial LPS may be selectively retained by the macrophage and that the post-phagocytic events that result in bacterial degradation are not accompanied by the degradation of LPS. Furthermore, although the LPS may be modified by the macrophage, it retains its biologic activity.  相似文献   

In vitro experiments showed that RNA synthesis intensity in the rat liver with E-hypovitaminosis decreases considerably while the level of the labelled precursors incorporation into protein does not differ from the norm. Under conditions of E-hypovitaminosis the inhibitory effect of actinomycin D on the RNA synthesis is pronounced more clearly as compared to the norm. In the case of the E-hypovitaminous rate liver chyme preincubation with alpha-tocopherol there is no inhibitory effect of actinomycin D on the protein biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The fluorescent glucose analog, 2-(N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino)-2-deoxyglucose (2-NBDG), was used to measure rates of glucose uptake by single Escherichia coli cells. When cell populations were exposed to the glucose analog, 2-NBDG was actively transported and accumulated in single cells to a steady-state level that depended upon its extracellular concentration, the glucose transport capacity of the cells, and the intracellular degradation rate. The dependence upon substrate concentration could be described according to Michaelis-Menten kinetics with apparent saturation constant KM = 1.75 microM, and maximum 2-NBDG uptake rate= 197 molecules/cell-second. Specificity of glucose transporters to the analog was confirmed by inhibition of uptake of 2-NBDG by D-glucose, 3-o-methyl glucose, and D-glucosamine, and lack of inhibition by L-glucose. Inhibition of 2-NBDG uptake by D-glucose was competitive in nature. The assay for 2-NBDG uptake is extremely sensitive such that the presence of even trace amounts of D-glucose in the culture medium (approximately 0.2 microM) is detectable. The rates of single-cell analog uptake were found to increase proportionally with cell size as measured by microscopy or single-cell light scattering intensity. The assay was used to identify and isolate mutant cells with altered glucose uptake characteristics. A mathematical model was developed to provide a theoretical basis for estimating single-cell glucose uptake rates from single-cell 2-NBDG uptake rates. The assay provides a novel means of estimating the instantaneous rates of nutrient depletion in the growth environment during a batch cultivation.  相似文献   

Adult goats of a white breed were injected i.v. with glucagon in doses of 6.25--25 mug/kg. The blood sugar curve rose relatively slowly after the injection after the injection and the maximum increase, which attained 360--400% of the resting value was usually recorded 20-30 min after glucagon administration. The non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) level rose immediately after injecting glucose. Within 10 min it returned to the initial value and then fell abruptly. No concentration correlation was found between the glucagon dose and the size of the metabolic response.  相似文献   

The uptake of actinomycin-D (AMD) in the hamster cell line BHK21 clone 13, and its polyoma virus-transformed derivative, were compared. In the transformed cell the internal AMD concentration at equilibrium was lower and was reached more quickly. The AMD-binding capacities of nuclei from normal and transformed cells were similar, suggesting that some control of AMD uptake occurs at the plasma membrane. This may be a control on the efflux of AMD since this process has a higher rate constant in transformed cells.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: As part of our studies of the metabolic effects of ingested proteins, we are currently investigating the effects of ingestion of individual amino acids. The objective of the present study was to determine whether ingested phenylalanine stimulates insulin and/or glucagon secretion, and if phenylalanine ingested with glucose modifies the insulin, glucagon or glucose response to the ingested glucose. DESIGN: Six healthy subjects were tested on 4 separate occasions. Plasma phenylalanine, glucose, insulin, glucagon, and total alpha amino nitrogen (AAN) (i.e., total amino acids) concentrations were measured at various times during a 2.5 h period after ingestion of 1 mmol phenylalanine/kg lean body mass, 25 g glucose, 1 mmol phenylalanine/kg lean body mass+25 g glucose, or water only, given in random order. RESULTS: Following phenylalanine ingestion, the circulating phenylalanine concentration increased approximately 14 fold and remained elevated for the duration of the experiment. Glucagon and AAN increased, insulin increased modestly, and glucose was unchanged when compared to water ingestion. When glucose was ingested with phenylalanine, the circulating phenylalanine, glucagon, AAN, and insulin area responses were approximately the sum of the responses to phenylalanine alone and glucose alone. However, the plasma glucose area response was decreased 66% when phenylalanine was co-ingested with glucose. CONCLUSION: In summary, phenylalanine in an amount moderately greater than that in a large protein meal stimulates an increase in insulin and glucagon concentration. It markedly attenuates the glucose-induced rise in plasma glucose when ingested with glucose.  相似文献   

The possible direct effects of insulin and glucagon on carnitine uptake by perfused rat liver were studied with L-[3H]carnitine of an initial concentration of 50 microM in the perfusate. Insulin (10 nM) did not significantly affect the uptake by livers from fed animals. However, insulin could reverse the stimulated transport by livers from 24-h fasted animals, reducing the uptake rate from 852 +/- 54.1 to 480 +/- 39.9 (mean +/- S.E.), P less than 0.01 (rates are expressed as nmol per h per 100 g body wt). Glucagon (50 nM) stimulated the uptake rate when livers were either from fed (551 +/- 40.1 vs. 915 +/- 55.3, P less than 0.01) or from fasted animals (852 +/- 54.1 vs. 1142 +/- 88.1, P less than 0.02). Based on these and earlier observations, we propose that the carnitine concentration in rat liver is controlled by insulin and glucagon via cellular transport processes.  相似文献   

We recently reported (Clewell et al., 1972) on an inhibitory effect of rifampicin on Col E1 plasmid replication. The present study represents a further characterization of this phenomenon as well as a study of the effects of two other known inhibitors of RNA synthesis, Streptolydigin and actinomycin D.During treatment of cells with chloramphenicol the colicinogenic factor E1 (Col E1) continues to replicate for more than ton hours. During this time 4 to 5 S RNA is also synthesized. When varying concentrations of rifampicin were included during chloramphenicol treatment, inhibition of plasmid DNA synthesis correlated very closely with inhibition of cellular RNA synthesis. Similar experiments testing the effects of Streptolydigin and actinomycin D (during chloramphenicol treatment) showed that cellular RNA synthesis was at least 100 times more sensitive to these drugs than was plasmid DNA synthesis.When actively growing cells (i.e. cells not treated with chloramphenicol) were treated with a high concentration of rifampicin (250 μg/ml), chromosomal DNA synthesis continued to an extent representing about a 50% increase in DNA, while plasmid DNA synthesis appeared to stop abruptly.  相似文献   

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