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The enzymes of the KsgA/Dim1 family are universally distributed throughout all phylogeny; however, structural and functional differences are known to exist. The well-characterized function of these enzymes is to dimethylate two adjacent adenosines of the small ribosomal subunit in the normal course of ribosome maturation, and the structures of KsgA from Escherichia coli and Dim1 from Homo sapiens and Plasmodium falciparum have been determined. To this point, no examples of archaeal structures have been reported. Here, we report the structure of Dim1 from the thermophilic archaeon Methanocaldococcus jannaschii. While it shares obvious similarities with the bacterial and eukaryotic orthologs, notable structural differences exist among the three members, particularly in the C-terminal domain. Previous work showed that eukaryotic and archaeal Dim1 were able to robustly complement for KsgA in E. coli. Here, we repeated similar experiments to test for complementarity of archaeal Dim1 and bacterial KsgA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, neither the bacterial nor the archaeal ortholog could complement for the eukaryotic Dim1. This might be related to the secondary, non-methyltransferase function that Dim1 is known to play in eukaryotic ribosomal maturation. To further delineate regions of the eukaryotic Dim1 critical to its function, we created and tested KsgA/Dim1 chimeras. Of the chimeras, only one constructed with the N-terminal domain from eukaryotic Dim1 and the C-terminal domain from archaeal Dim1 was able to complement, suggesting that eukaryotic-specific Dim1 function resides in the N-terminal domain also, where few structural differences are observed between members of the KsgA/Dim1 family. Future work is required to identify those determinants directly responsible for Dim1 function in ribosome biogenesis. Finally, we have conclusively established that none of the methyl groups are critically important to growth in yeast under standard conditions at a variety of temperatures.  相似文献   

2F5 is a monoclonal antibody with potent and broadly neutralizing activity against HIV-1. It targets the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of the gp41 subunit of the envelope glycoprotein and interferes with the process of fusion between viral and host cell membranes. This study presents eight 2F5 Fab′ crystal structures in complex with various gp41 peptide epitopes. These structures reveal several key features of this antibody-antigen interaction. (1) Whenever free of contacts caused by crystal artifacts, the extended complementarity-determining region H3 loop is mobile; this is true for ligand-free and epitope-bound forms. (2) The interaction between the antibody and the gp41 ELDKWA epitope core is absolutely critical, and there are also close and specific contacts with residues located N-terminal to the epitope core. (3) Residues located at the C-terminus of the gp41 ELDKWA core do not interact as tightly with the antibody. However, in the presence of a larger peptide containing the gp41 fusion peptide segment, these residues adopt a conformation consistent with the start of an α-helix. (4) At high sulfate concentrations, the electron density maps of 2F5 Fab′-peptide complexes contain a peak that may mark a binding site for phosphate groups of negatively charged lipid headgroups. The refined atomic-level details of 2F5 paratope-epitope interactions revealed here should contribute to a better understanding of the mechanism of 2F5-based virus neutralization, in general, and prove important for the design of potential vaccine candidates intended to elicit 2F5-like antibody production.  相似文献   

Glycosomes are peroxisome-like organelles essential for trypanosomatid parasites. Glycosome biogenesis is mediated by proteins called “peroxins,” which are considered to be promising drug targets in pathogenic Trypanosomatidae. The first step during protein translocation across the glycosomal membrane of peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (PTS1)-harboring proteins is signal recognition by the cytosolic receptor peroxin 5 (PEX5). The C-terminal PTS1 motifs interact with the PTS1 binding domain (P1BD) of PEX5, which is made up of seven tetratricopeptide repeats. Obtaining diffraction-quality crystals of the P1BD of Trypanosoma brucei PEX5 (TbPEX5) required surface entropy reduction mutagenesis. Each of the seven tetratricopeptide repeats appears to have a residue in the αL conformation in the loop connecting helices A and B. Five crystal structures of the P1BD of TbPEX5 were determined, each in complex with a hepta- or decapeptide corresponding to a natural or nonnatural PTS1 sequence. The PTS1 peptides are bound between the two subdomains of the P1BD. These structures indicate precise recognition of the C-terminal Leu of the PTS1 motif and important interactions between the PTS1 peptide main chain and up to five invariant Asn side chains of PEX5. The TbPEX5 structures reported here reveal a unique hydrophobic pocket in the subdomain interface that might be explored to obtain compounds that prevent relative motions of the subdomains and interfere selectively with PTS1 motif binding or release in trypanosomatids, and would therefore disrupt glycosome biogenesis and prevent parasite growth.  相似文献   

AMSH plays a critical role in the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport) machinery, which facilitates the down-regulation and degradation of cell-surface receptors. It displays a high level of specificity toward cleavage of Lys63-linked polyubiquitin chains, the structural basis of which has been understood recently through the crystal structure of a highly related, but ESCRT-independent, protein AMSH-LP (AMSH-like protein). We have determined the X-ray structure of two constructs representing the catalytic domain of AMSH: AMSH244, the JAMM (JAB1/MPN/MOV34)-domain-containing polypeptide segment from residues 244 to 424, and AMSH219E280A, an active-site mutant, Glu280 to Ala, of the segment from 219 to 424. In addition to confirming the expected zinc coordination in the protein, the structures reveal that the catalytic domains of AMSH and AMSH-LP are nearly identical; however, guanidine-hydrochloride-induced unfolding studies show that the catalytic domain of AMSH is thermodynamically less stable than that of AMSH-LP, indicating that the former is perhaps structurally more plastic. Much to our surprise, in the AMSH219E280A structure, the catalytic zinc was still held in place, by the compensatory effect of an aspartate from a nearby loop moving into a position where it could coordinate with the zinc, once again suggesting the plasticity of AMSH. Additionally, a model of AMSH244 bound to Lys63-linked diubiquitin reveals a type of interface for the distal ubiquitin significantly different from that seen in AMSH-LP. Altogether, we believe that our data provide important insight into the structural difference between the two proteins that may translate into the difference in their biological function.  相似文献   

The molecular basis for the substrate specificity of human caspase-3 has been investigated using peptide analog inhibitors and substrates that vary at the P2, P3, and P5 positions. Crystal structures were determined of caspase-3 complexes with the substrate analogs at resolutions of 1.7 A to 2.3 A. Differences in the interactions of caspase-3 with the analogs are consistent with the Ki values of 1.3 nM, 6.5 nM, and 12.4 nM for Ac-DEVD-Cho, Ac-VDVAD-Cho and Ac-DMQD-Cho, respectively, and relative kcat/Km values of 100%, 37% and 17% for the corresponding peptide substrates. The bound peptide analogs show very similar interactions for the main-chain atoms and the conserved P1 Asp and P4 Asp, while interactions vary for P2 and P3. P2 lies in a hydrophobic S2 groove, consistent with the weaker inhibition of Ac-DMQD-Cho with polar P2 Gln. S3 is a surface hydrophilic site with favorable polar interactions with P3 Glu in Ac-DEVD-Cho. Ac-DMQD-Cho and Ac-VDVAD-Cho have hydrophobic P3 residues that are not optimal in the polar S3 site, consistent with their weaker inhibition. A hydrophobic S5 site was identified for caspase-3, where the side-chains of Phe250 and Phe252 interact with P5 Val of Ac-VDVAD-Cho, and enclose the substrate-binding site by conformational change. The kinetic importance of hydrophobic P5 residues was confirmed by more efficient hydrolysis of caspase-3 substrates Ac-VDVAD-pNA and Ac-LDVAD-pNA compared with Ac-DVAD-pNA. In contrast, caspase-7 showed less efficient hydrolysis of the substrates with P5 Val or Leu compared with Ac-DVAD-pNA. Caspase-3 and caspase-2 share similar hydrophobic S5 sites, while caspases 1, 7, 8 and 9 do not have structurally equivalent hydrophobic residues; these caspases are likely to differ in their selectivity for the P5 position of substrates. The distinct selectivity for P5 will help define the particular substrates and signaling pathways associated with each caspase.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, frequently utilize tripartite efflux complexes in the RND (resistance–nodulation–cell division) family to expel diverse toxic compounds from the cell. These complexes span both the inner and outer membranes of the bacterium via an α-helical, inner membrane transporter; a periplasmic membrane fusion protein; and a β-barrel, outer membrane channel. One such efflux system, CusCBA, is responsible for extruding biocidal Cu(I) and Ag(I) ions. To remove these toxic ions, the CusC outer membrane channel must form a β-barrel structural domain, which creates a pore and spans the entire outer membrane. We here report the crystal structures of wild-type CusC, as well as two CusC mutants, suggesting that the first N-terminal cysteine residue plays an important role in protein–membrane interactions and is critical for the insertion of this channel protein into the outer membrane. These structures provide insight into the mechanisms on CusC folding and transmembrane channel formation. It is found that the interactions between CusC and membrane may be crucial for controlling the opening and closing of this β-barrel, outer membrane channel.  相似文献   

12-Oxophytodienoate reductase 3 (OPR3) is a FMN-dependent oxidoreductase that catalyzes the reduction of the cyclopentenone (9S,13S)-12-oxophytodienoate [(9S,13S)-OPDA] to the corresponding cyclopentanone in the biosynthesis of the plant hormone jasmonic acid. In vitro, however, OPR3 reduces the jasmonic acid precursor (9S,13S)-OPDA as well as the enantiomeric (9R,13R)-OPDA, while its isozyme OPR1 is highly selective, accepting only (9R,13R)-OPDA as a substrate. To uncover the molecular determinants of this remarkable enantioselectivity, we determined the crystal structures of OPR1 and OPR3 in complex with the ligand p-hydroxybenzaldehyde. Structural comparison with the OPR1:(9R,13R)-OPDA complex and further biochemical and mutational analyses revealed that two active-site residues, Tyr78 and Tyr246 in OPR1 and Phe74 and His244 in OPR3, are critical for substrate filtering. The relatively smaller OPR3 residues allow formation of a wider substrate binding pocket that is less enantio-restrictive. Substitution of Phe74 and His244 by the corresponding OPR1 tyrosines resulted in an OPR3 mutant showing enhanced, OPR1-like substrate selectivity. Moreover, sequence analysis of the OPR family supports the filtering function of Tyr78 and Tyr246 and allows predictions with respect to substrate specificity and biological function of thus far uncharacterized OPR isozymes. The discovered structural features may also be relevant for other stereoselective proteins and guide the rational design of stereospecific enzymes for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Intercellular adhesion molecule-5 (ICAM-5, telencephalin) is a dendritically polarized membrane glycoprotein expressed in tissues distinct from those expressing other ICAMs. Here, we determined the N-glycan structure of ICAM-5 purified from adult rat brain and compared it with that of other ICAMs. N-glycans were released by N-glycosidase F digestion and labeled with p-amino benzoic octylester (ABOE). ABOE-labeled glycans were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry. The N-glycans obtained from rat brain ICAM-5 consisted of approximately 85% neutral, 10.2% sialylated-only, 2.8% sulfated-only, and 1.2% sialylated and sulfated glycans. Compared with the N-glycan structures of human ICAM-1 expressed in CHO cells, HEK cells, or mouse myeloma cells and ICAM-3 isolated from human T-cells, rat brain ICAM-5 had less highly branched glycans, sialylated glycans, and N-acetyllactosamine structures. In contrast, high-mannose-type N-glycans and Lewis X were more commonly found in rat brain ICAM-5 than in human ICAM-1 expressed in CHO cells, HEK cells, or mouse myeloma cells and ICAM-3 isolated from human T-cells. In addition, sulfated glycans contained GlcNAc 6-O-sulfate on the non-reducing terminal side. Our data will be important for the elucidation of the roles of the N-glycans expressed in neural cells, including those present on ICAM-5.  相似文献   

Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor-like kinase (RLK) proteins play key roles in a variety of biological pathways. In a previous study, we analyzed the members of the rice LRR-RLK gene family using in silico analysis. A total of 23 LRR-RLK genes were selected based on the expression patterns of a genome-wide dataset of microarrays. The Oryza sativa gamma-ray induced LRR-RLK1 (OsGIRL1) gene was highly induced by gamma irradiation. Therefore, we studied its expression pattern in response to various different abiotic and phytohormone treatments. OsGIRL1 was induced on exposure to abiotic stresses such as salt, osmotic, and heat, salicylic acid (SA), and abscisic acid (ABA), but exhibited downregulation in response to jasmonic acid (JA) treatment. The OsGIRL1 protein was clearly localized at the plasma membrane. The truncated proteins harboring juxtamembrane and kinase domains (or only harboring a kinase domain) exhibited strong autophosphorylation. The biological function of OsGIRL1 was investigated via heterologous overexpression of this gene in Arabidopsis plants subjected to gamma-ray irradiation, salt stress, osmotic stress, and heat stress. A hypersensitive response was observed in response to salt stress and heat stress, whereas a hyposensitive response was observed in response to gamma-ray treatment and osmotic stress. These results provide critical insights into the molecular functions of the rice LRR-RLK genes as receptors of external signals.  相似文献   

The transfer of the bacteriophage genome from the capsid into the host cell is a key step of the infectious process. In bacteriophage T5, DNA ejection can be triggered in vitro by simple binding of the phage to its purified Escherichia coli receptor FhuA. Using electrophoresis and cryo-electron microscopy, we measure the extent of DNA ejection as a function of the external osmotic pressure. In the high pressure range (7-16 atm), the amount of DNA ejected decreases with increasing pressure, as theoretically predicted and observed for λ and SPP1 bacteriophages. In the low and moderate pressure range (2-7 atm), T5 exhibits an unexpected behavior. Instead of a unique ejected length, multiple populations coexist. Some phages eject their complete genome, whereas others stop at some nonrandom states that do not depend on the applied pressure. We show that contrarily to what is observed for the phages SPP1 and λ, T5 ejection cannot be explained as resulting from a simple pressure equilibrium between the inside and outside of the capsid. Kinetics parameters and/or structural characteristics of the ejection machinery could play a determinant role in T5 DNA ejection.  相似文献   

N-Acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), a major component of complex carbohydrates, is synthesized de novo or salvaged from lysosomally degraded glycoconjugates and from nutritional sources. The salvage pathway requires that GlcNAc kinase converts GlcNAc to GlcNAc-6-phosphate, a component utilized in UDP-GlcNAc biosynthesis or energy metabolism. GlcNAc kinase belongs to the sugar kinase/Hsp70/actin superfamily that catalyze phosphoryl transfer from ATP to their respective substrates, and in most cases catalysis is associated with a large conformational change in which the N-terminal small and C-terminal large domains enclose the substrates. Here we report two crystal structures of homodimeric human GlcNAc kinase, one in complex with GlcNAc and the other in complex with ADP and glucose. The active site of GlcNAc kinase is located in a deep cleft between the two domains of the V-shaped monomer. The enzyme adopts a "closed" configuration in the GlcNAc-bound complex and GlcNAc interacts with residues of both domains. In addition, the N-acetyl methyl group contacts residues of the other monomer in the homodimer, a unique feature compared to other members of the sugar kinase/Hsp70/actin superfamily. This contrasts an "open" configuration in the ADP/glucose-bound structure, where glucose cannot form these interactions, explaining its low binding affinity for GlcNAc kinase. Our results support functional implications derived from apo crystal structures of GlcNAc kinases from Chromobacter violaceum and Porphyromonas gingivalis and show that Tyr205, which is phosphorylated in thrombin-activated platelets, lines the GlcNAc binding pocket. This suggests that phosphorylation of Tyr205 may modulate GlcNAc kinase activity and/or specificity.  相似文献   

Adhesive type 1 pili from uropathogenic Escherichia coli are filamentous protein complexes that are attached to the assembly platform FimD in the outer membrane. During pilus assembly, FimD binds complexes between the chaperone FimC and type 1 pilus subunits in the periplasm and mediates subunit translocation to the cell surface. Here we report nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray protein structures of the N-terminal substrate recognition domain of FimD (FimD(N)) before and after binding of a chaperone-subunit complex. FimD(N) consists of a flexible N-terminal segment of 24 residues, a structured core with a novel fold, and a C-terminal hinge segment. In the ternary complex, residues 1-24 of FimD(N) specifically interact with both FimC and the subunit, acting as a sensor for loaded FimC molecules. Together with in vivo complementation studies, we show how this mechanism enables recognition and discrimination of different chaperone-subunit complexes by bacterial pilus assembly platforms.  相似文献   

Harada E  Sugase K  Namba K  Iwashita T  Murata Y 《FEBS letters》2007,581(22):4298-4302
Hordeum vulgare L. yellow stripe 1 (HvYS1) is a selective transporter for Fe(III)-phytosiderophores, involved in primary iron acquisition from soils in barley roots. In contrast, Zea mays yellow stripe 1 (ZmYS1) in maize possesses broad substrate specificity, despite a high homology with HvYS1. Here we revealed, by assessing the transport activity of a series of HvYS1-ZmYS1 chimeras, that the outer membrane loop between the sixth and seventh transmembrane regions is essential for substrate specificity. Circular dichroism spectra indicated that a synthetic peptide corresponding to the loop of HvYS1 forms an alpha-helix in solution, whereas that of ZmYS1 is flexible. We propose that the structural difference at this particular loop determines the substrate specificity of the HvYS1 transporter.  相似文献   

We have recently observed promising success in a mouse model for treating the metabolic disorder phenylketonuria with phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) from Rhodosporidium toruloides and Anabaena variabilis. Both molecules, however, required further optimization in order to overcome problems with protease susceptibility, thermal stability, and aggregation. Previously, we optimized PAL from R. toruloides, and in this case we reduced aggregation of the A. variabilis PAL by mutating two surface cysteine residues (C503 and C565) to serines. Additionally, we report the structural and biochemical characterization of the A. variabilis PAL C503S/C565S double mutant and carefully compare this molecule with the R. toruloides engineered PAL molecule. Unlike previously published PAL structures, significant electron density is observed for the two active-site loops in the A. variabilis C503S/C565S double mutant, yielding a complete view of the active site. Docking studies and N-hydroxysuccinimide-biotin binding studies support a proposed mechanism in which the amino group of the phenylalanine substrate is attacked directly by the 4-methylidene-imidazole-5-one prosthetic group. We propose a helix-to-loop conformational switch in the helices flanking the inner active-site loop that regulates accessibility of the active site. Differences in loop stability among PAL homologs may explain the observed variation in enzyme efficiency, despite the highly conserved structure of the active site. A. variabilis C503S/C565S PAL is shown to be both more thermally stable and more resistant to proteolytic cleavage than R. toruloides PAL. Additional increases in thermal stability and protease resistance upon ligand binding may be due to enhanced interactions among the residues of the active site, possibly locking the active-site structure in place and stabilizing the tetramer. Examination of the A. variabilis C503S/C565S PAL structure, combined with analysis of its physical properties, provides a structural basis for further engineering of residues that could result in a better therapeutic molecule.  相似文献   

6,7-Dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase (lumazine synthase; LS) catalyzes the penultimate step in the biosynthesis of riboflavin in plants and microorganisms. This protein is known to exhibit different quaternary assemblies between species, existing as free pentamers, decamers (dimers of pentamers) and icosahedrally arranged dodecamers of pentamers. A phylogenetic analysis on eubacterial, fungal and plant LSs allowed us to classify them into two categories: Type I LSs (pentameric or icosahedral) and Type II LSs (decameric). The Rhizobiales represent an order of alpha-proteobacteria that includes, among others, the genera Mesorhizobium, Agrobacterium and Brucella. Here, we present structural and kinetic studies on several LSs from Rhizobiales. Interestingly, Mesorhizobium and Brucella encode both a Type-I LS and a Type-II LS called RibH1 and RibH2, respectively. We show that Type II LSs appear to be almost inactive, whereas Type I LSs present a highly variable catalytic activity according to the genus. Additionally, we have solved four RibH1/RibH2 crystallographic structures from the genera Mesorhizobium and Brucella. The relationship between the active-site architecture and catalytic properties in these isoenzymes is discussed, and a model that describes the enzymatic behavior is proposed. Furthermore, sequence alignment studies allowed us to extend our results to the genus Agrobacterium. Our results suggest that the selective pressure controlling the riboflavin pathway favored the evolution of catalysts with low reaction rates, since the excess of flavins in the intracellular pool in Rhizobiales could act as a negative factor when these bacteria are exposed to oxidative or nitrosative stress.  相似文献   

Bacterial tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (Tgt) catalyses the exchange of guanine in the wobble position of particular tRNAs by the modified base preQ1. In vitro, however, the enzyme is also able to insert the immediate biosynthetic precursor, preQ0, into those tRNAs. This substrate promiscuity is based on a peptide switch in the active site, gated by the general acid/base Glu235. The switch alters the properties of the binding pocket to allow either the accommodation of guanine or preQ1. The peptide conformer recognising guanine, however, is also able to bind preQ0. To investigate selectivity regulation, kinetic data for Zymomonas mobilis Tgt were recorded. They show that selectivity in favour of the actual substrate preQ1 over preQ0 is not achieved by a difference in affinity but via a higher turnover rate. Moreover, a Tgt(Glu235Gln) variant was constructed. The mutation was intended to stabilise the peptide switch in the conformation favouring guanine and preQ0 binding. Kinetic characterisation of the mutated enzyme revealed that the Glu235Gln exchange has, with respect to all substrate bases, no significant influence on kcat. In contrast, KM(preQ1) is drastically increased, while KM(preQ0) seems to be decreased. Hence, regarding kcat/KM as an indicator for catalytic efficiency, selectivity of Tgt in favour of preQ1 is abolished or even inverted in favour of preQ0 for Tgt(Glu235Gln). Crystal structures of the mutated enzyme confirm that the mutation strongly favours the binding pocket conformation required for the accommodation of guanine and preQ0. The way this is achieved, however, significantly differs from that predicted based on crystal structures of wild-type Tgt.  相似文献   

Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (PRPP) synthetase catalyzes the transfer of the pyrophosphate group from ATP to ribose-5-phosphate (R5P) yielding PRPP and AMP. PRPP is an essential metabolite that plays a central role in cellular metabolism. The enzyme from a thermophilic archaeon Thermoplasma volcanium (Tv) was expressed in Escherichia coli, crystallized, and its X-ray molecular structure was determined in a complex with its substrate R5P and with substrate analogs β,γ-methylene ATP and ADP in two monoclinic crystal forms, P21. The β,γ-methylene ATP- and the ADP-bound binary structures were determined from crystals grown from ammonium sulfate solutions; these crystals diffracted to 1.8 Å and 1.5 Å resolutions, respectively. Crystals of the ternary complex with ADP-Mg2+ and R5P were grown from a polyethylene glycol solution in the absence of sulfate ions, and they diffracted to 1.8 Å resolution; the unit cell is approximately double the size of the unit cell of the crystals grown in the presence of sulfate. The Tv PRPP synthetase adopts two conformations, open and closed, at different stages in the catalytic cycle. The binding of substrates, R5P and ATP, occurs with PRPP synthetase in the open conformation, whereas catalysis presumably takes place with PRPP synthetase in the closed conformation. The Tv PRPP synthetase forms a biological dimer in contrast to the tetrameric or hexameric quaternary structures of the Methanocaldococcus jannaschii and Bacillus subtilis PRPP synthetases, respectively.  相似文献   

A recombinant carboxylesterase (rPPE) from Pseudomonas putida ECU1011 was previously cloned and engineered to give a potential application for resolving chiral α-hydroxy acids including mandelic acids and derivatives. Two variants rPPEW187H and rPPED287A showed a ∼100-fold increase in activity towards rac-2-acetoxy-2-(2′-chlorophenyl) acetate (rac-AcO-CPA), but rPPED287A had a significant decrease in enantioselectivity (E = 8.7) compared to rPPEW187H and the wild-type rPPE (rPPEWT) (E > 200). Here we report the crystal structures of rPPEWT and rPPEW187H, both by themselves and in complex with the substrate, to elucidate the structural basis of this phenomenon. An inactive mutation of nucleophile residue S159A was introduced to obtain the structure of rPPES159A/W187H complexed with (S)-AcO-CPA. The structural analysis reveals that the side chain of residue Asp287 in rPPEWT would have a potential steric conflict with (S)-AcO-CPA when the substrate binds at the active site of the enzyme. However, the mutation W187H could facilitate the relocation of Asp287, while D287A directly eliminates the hindrance of Asp287, both of which offer sufficient space for the binding and hydrolysis of substrate. Moreover, Asp287 generates one site of the “three-point attachment model” as a hydrogen-bond donor that determines the excellent enantioselectivity of rPPE in chiral recognition, and D287A would obviously destroy the hydrogen bond and result in the low enantioselectivity of rPPED287A.  相似文献   

Alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase (alpha3GT) catalyzes the transfer of galactose from UDP-galactose to beta-linked galactosides with retention of its alpha configuration. Although several complexes of alpha3GT with inhibitors and substrates have been reported, no structure has been determined of a complex containing intact UDP-galactose. We describe the structure of a complex containing an inhibitory analogue of UDP-galactose, UDP-2F-galactose, in a complex with the Arg365Lys mutant of alpha3GT. The inhibitor is bound in a distorted, bent configuration and comparison with the structure of the apo form of this mutant shows that the interaction induces structural changes in the enzyme, implying a role for ground state destabilization in catalysis. In addition to a general reduction in flexibility in the enzyme indicated by a large reduction in crystallographic B-factors, two loops, one centred around Trp195 and one encompassing the C-terminal 11 residues undergo large structural changes in complexes with UDP and UDP derivatives. The distorted configuration of the bound UDP-2F-galactose in its complex is stabilized, in part, by interactions with residues that are part of or near the flexible loops. Mutagenesis and truncation studies indicate that two highly conserved basic amino acid residues in the C-terminal region, Lys359 and Arg365 are important for catalysis, probably reflecting their roles in these ligand-mediated conformational changes. A second Mn(2+) cofactor has been identified in the catalytic site of a complex of the Arg365Lys with UDP, in a location that suggests it could play a role in facilitating UDP release, consistent with kinetic studies that show alpha3GT activity depends on the binding of two manganese ions. Conformational changes in the C-terminal 11 residues require an initial reorganization of the Trp195 loop and are linked to enzyme progress through the catalytic cycle, including donor substrate distortion, cleavage of the UDP-galactose bond, galactose transfer, and UDP release.  相似文献   

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