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To evaluate the structural influence of the DNA phosphate backbone on the activity of Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I, modified forms of oligonucleotide dA(7) were synthesized with a chiral phosphorothioate replacing the non-bridging oxygens at each position along the backbone. A deoxy-iodo-uracil replaced the 5'-base to crosslink the oligonucleotides by ultraviolet (UV) and assess binding affinity. At the scissile phosphate there was little effect on the cleavage rate. At the +1 phosphate, the rectus phosphorus (Rp)-thio-substitution reduced the rate of cleavage by a factor of 10. At the +3 and -2 positions from the scissile bond, the Rp-isomer was cleaved at a faster rate than the sinister phosphorus (Sp)-isomer. The results demonstrate the importance of backbone contacts between DNA substrate and E. coli topoisomerase I.  相似文献   

The viability of the topA mutants lacking DNA topoisomerase I was thought to depend on the presence of compensatory mutations in Escherichia coli but not Salmonella typhimurium or Shigella flexneri. This apparent discrepancy in topA requirements in different bacteria prompted us to reexamine the topA requirements in E. coli. We find that E. coli strains bearing topA mutations, introduced into the strains by DNA-mediated gene replacement, are viable at 37 or 42 degrees C without any compensatory mutations. These topA(-) cells exhibit cold sensitivity in their growth, however, and this cold sensitivity phenotype appears to be caused by excessive negative supercoiling of intracellular DNA. In agreement with previous results (Zhu, Q., Pongpech, P., and DiGate, R. J. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 98, 9766-9771), E. coli cells lacking both type IA DNA topoisomerases I and III are found to be nonviable, indicating that the two type IA enzymes share a critical cellular function.  相似文献   

On the basis of the asymmetrical charge distribution of Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I, we developed a new procedure to purify E. coli DNA topoisomerase I in the milligram range. The new procedure includes using both cation- and anion-exchange columns, i.e., SP-Sepharose FF and Q-Sepharose FF columns. The E. coli DNA topoisomerase I purified here is free of DNase contamination. The kinetic constants of the DNA relaxation reaction of E. coli DNA topoisomerase I were also determined.  相似文献   

A transposon Tn10 insertion in topA, the structural gene of Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I, behaves as an excluded marker in genetic crosses with many strains of E. coli. However, derivative strains that accept this mutant topA allele are readily selected. We show that many of these topA mutant strains contain additional mutations that compensate for the loss of DNA topoisomerase I. Genetic methods for mapping and manipulating such compensatory mutations are described. These methods include a plate-mating test for the ability of strains to accept a topA::Tn10 allele and a powerful indirect selection for transferring compensatory mutations from male strains into non-compensatory female strains. One collection of spontaneous compensatory mutants is analyzed in detail and is shown to include compensatory mutations at three distinct loci: gyrA and gyrB, the genes that encode the subunits of DNA gyrase, and a previously unidentified locus near tolC. Mutations at this third locus, referred to as toc (topoisomerase one compensatory) mutations, do not behave as point mutations in transductional crosses and do not result in lowered DNA gyrase activity. These results show that wild-type strains of E. coli require DNA topoisomerase I, and at least one class of compensatory mutations can relieve this requirement by a mechanism other than reduction of DNA gyrase activity.  相似文献   

The putative structural gene encoding the vaccinia virus type I DNA topoisomerase (EC was expressed in Escherichia coli under the control of a bacteriophage T7 promoter. Provision of T7 RNA polymerase resulted in the accumulation to high level of a Mr = 33,000 type I topoisomerase with the properties of the vaccinia enzyme. A simple purification scheme yielded approximately 8 mg of recombinant vaccinia topoisomerase from 400 ml of bacteria. DNA unwinding by the enzyme was stimulated by magnesium, manganese, calcium, cobalt, and spermidine, but inhibited by copper and zinc. Like eukaryotic cellular type I topoisomerases, but unlike the prokaryotic counterpart, the recombinant topoisomerase relaxed positively and negatively supercoiled DNA. The viral topoisomerase I was, however, resistant to the effects of camptothecin, a drug that specifically inhibits cellular type I topoisomerases.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of complexes between type IA DNA topoisomerases and single-stranded DNA suggest that the residues Ser-192, Arg-195, and Gln-197 in a conserved region of Escherichia coli topoisomerase I may be important for direct interactions with phosphates on the G strand of DNA, which is the substrate for DNA cleavage and religation (Changela A., DiGate, R. J., and Mondragón, A. (2001) Nature 411, 1077-1081; Perry, K., and Mondragón, A. (2003) Structure 11, 1349-1358). Site-directed mutagenesis experiments altering these residues to alanines and other amino acids were carried out to probe the relevance of these interactions in the catalytic activities of the enzyme. The results show that the side chains of Arg-195 and Gln-197 are required for DNA cleavage by the enzyme and are likely to be important for positioning of the G strand of DNA at the active site prior to DNA cleavage. Mutation of Ser-192 did not affect DNA binding and cleavage but nevertheless decreased the overall rate of relaxation of supercoiled DNA probably because of its participation in a later step of the reaction pathway.  相似文献   

Cleavage of DNA by mammalian DNA topoisomerase II   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
Using the P4 unknotting assay, DNA topoisomerase II has been purified from several mammalian cells. Similar to prokaryotic DNA gyrase, mammalian DNA topoisomerase II can cleave double-stranded DNA and be trapped as a covalent protein-DNA complex. This cleavage reaction requires protein denaturant treatment of the topoisomerase II-DNA complex and is reversible with respect to salt and temperature. The product after reversal of the cleavage reaction remains supertwisted, suggesting that the two ends of the putatively broken DNA are held tightly by the topoisomerase. Alternatively, the enzyme-DNA interaction is noncovalent, and the covalent linking of topoisomerase to DNA is induced by the protein denaturant. Detailed characterization of the cleavage products has revealed that topoisomerase II cuts DNA with a four-base stagger and is covalently linked to the protruding 5'-phosphoryl ends of each broken DNA strand. Calf thymus DNA topoisomerase II cuts SV40 DNA at multiple and specific sites. However, no sequence homology has been found among the cleavage sites as determined by direct nucleotide-sequencing studies.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli deletion mutants lacking DNA topoisomerase I have been identified previously and shown to grow at a normal rate. We show that such strains grow normally only because of spontaneously arising mutations that compensate for the topoisomerase I defect. Several of these compensatory mutations have been found to map at or near the genes encoding DNA gyrase, gyrA and gyrB. DNA gyrase assays of crude extracts show that strains carrying the mutations have lower gyrase activity. Thus the mutations are in the gyrase structural genes or in nearby regulatory sequences. These results, in conjunction with DNA supercoiling measurements of others, indicate that in vivo DNA superhelicity is a result of a balance between topoisomerase I and gyrase activities. An excess of negative supercoils due to an absence of topoisomerase I is deleterious to the cell, but a moderate gyrase deficiency is not harmful.  相似文献   

Bacterial chromosomes and plasmid (pBR322) DNA from topoisomerase I-defective Escherichia coli strains have been characterized with respect to superhelical density. The topoisomerase I defect results in increased negative superhelical density of both the bacterial chromosome and pBR322. Thus topoisomerase I is involved in determining the level of supercoiling in bacteria. Three of the topoisomerase I-defective strains we studied carry secondary mutations that decrease superhelical density; these additional mutations are closely linked to the gyrB locus in two of the strains and to the gyrA locus in the third strain.  相似文献   

We investigated systematically the knotting of nicked circular duplex DNA by Escherichia coli topoisomerase I. Agarose gel electrophoresis of knots forms a ladder of DNA bands. Each rung is made up of a variety of knots with the same number of nodes, or segment crossings; knots in adjacent rungs differ by one node. We extended the technique of electron microscopy of recA protein-coated DNA to the visualization of the complex knots tied by topoisomerase I. The striking result is that the enzyme produces every knot theoretically possible. The requirement for excess enzyme to form complex knots suggests a role for topoisomerase I in contorting the DNA in addition to promoting strand passage. We conclude that nodes formed are equally likely to be positive or negative and that topoisomerase I can pass DNA strands through a transient enzyme-generated break without regard to orientation of the passing strand. The results are interpreted in terms of a formulation for the topological requirements for knotting.  相似文献   

A new topoisomerase capable of relaxing negatively supercoiled DNA in Escherichia coli has been identified during chromatography on novobiocin-Sepharose. A simple and reproducible purification procedure is described to obtain this enzyme, called topoisomerase III (topo III), in a homogeneous form. The protein is a single polypeptide with a molecular weight of 74 000 +/- 2000 and is a type I topoisomerase, changing the linking number of DNA circles in steps of one. It is present in deletion strains lacking the topA gene and further differs from the well-studied topoisomerase I (omega protein; Eco topo I) in (1) its requirement for K+ in addition to Mg2+ to exhibit optimal activity and (2) its affinity to novobiocin-Sepharose. Positively supercoiled DNA is not relaxed during exposure to the enzyme. Topo III has no ATPase activity, and ATP does not show any discernible effect on the reduction of superhelical turns. The purified topoisomerase has no supercoiling activity and is unaffected by high concentrations of oxolinic acid and novobiocin in the relaxing reaction. Single-stranded DNA and spermidine strongly inhibit the topoisomerase activity.  相似文献   

Sha R  Iwasaki H  Liu F  Shinagawa H  Seeman NC 《Biochemistry》2000,39(39):11982-11988
The Holliday junction is a key DNA intermediate in the process of genetic recombination. It consists of two double-helical domains composed of homologous strands that flank a branch point; two of the strands are roughly helical, and two form the crossover between the helices. RuvC is a Holliday junction resolvase that cleaves the helical strands at a symmetric sequence, leading to the production of two recombinant molecules. We have determined the position of the cleavage site relative to the crossover point by the use of symmetric immobile junctions; these are DNA molecules containing two crossover points, one held immobile by sequence asymmetry and the second a symmetric sequence, but held immobile by torsional coupling to the first junction. We have built five symmetric immobile junctions, in which the tetranucleotide recognition site is moved stepwise relative to the branch point. We have used kinetic analysis of catalysis, gel retardation, and hydroxyl radical hypersensitivity to analyze this system. We conclude that the internucleotide linkage one position 3' to the crossover point is the favored site of cleavage.  相似文献   

Active vaccinia virus topoisomerase I is expressed in Escherichia coli containing plasmid p1940 (S. Shuman, M. Golder, and B. Moss, J. Biol. Chem. 263:16401-16407, 1988). Growth curves showed a decline of 2 to 3 logs in the number of viable cells at 42 degrees C after shift from 30 degrees C because of increased vaccinia virus topoisomerase I level. Mutations in the gyrA and gyrB genes allowed cells to grow equally well at 42 and 30 degrees C. The presence of gyrase inhibitor also improved growth at 42 degrees C.  相似文献   

Removal of negative superhelical turns in ColE1 plasmid DNA by Escherichia coli topoisomerase I was markedly enhanced by the presence of single-stranded DNA binding protein from E. coli. A lack of species specificity makes unlikely the possibility of physical association between topoisomerase I and single-stranded DNA binding proteins. Stabilization of single-stranded regions in supercoiled DNA by single-stranded DNA binding protein would appear to be the basis of the enhancement of topoisomerase activity.  相似文献   

Insertion and deletion mutagenesis within the gene topA of Escherichia coli encoding DNA topoisomerase I was carried out to test the existence of subdomains in the enzyme and the relationship between the slow-growth topA- phenotype and the known DNA relaxation activity of the enzyme. All mutants that show no detectable DNA relaxation activity in cell extracts fail to complement the temperature-sensitive growth defect of strain AS17 topAam harboring a plasmid-borne temperature-sensitive suppressor tRNA. All mutants that show partial or full levels of DNA relaxation activity in cell extracts (relative to activity in extracts of wild-type cells) can complement this defect. The carboxyl-proximal 25% of the enzyme appears to be in a domain that is dispensable both in terms of the catalytic function of the enzyme and its biological role. Analysis of the mutant enzyme also indicates that the formation of the covalent topoisomerase-DNA complex is correlated with the DNA relaxation activity, which supports the notion that the covalent complex is an obligatory intermediate in the catalysis of DNA topoisomerization.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: DNA topoisomerases are enzymes that change the topology of DNA. Type IA topoisomerases transiently cleave one DNA strand in order to pass another strand or strands through the break. In this manner, they can relax negatively supercoiled DNA and catenate and decatenate DNA molecules. Structural information on Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase III is important for understanding the mechanism of this type of enzyme and for studying the mechanistic differences among different members of the same subfamily. RESULTS: The structure of the intact and fully active E. coli DNA topoisomerase III has been solved to 3.0 A resolution. The structure shows the characteristic fold of the type IA topoisomerases that is formed by four domains, creating a toroidal protein. There is remarkable structural similarity to the 67 kDa N-terminal fragment of E. coli DNA topoisomerase I, although the relative arrangement of the four domains is significantly different. A major difference is the presence of a 17 amino acid insertion in topoisomerase III that protrudes from the side of the central hole and could be involved in the catenation and decatenation reactions. The active site is formed by highly conserved amino acids, but the structural information and existing biochemical and mutagenesis data are still insufficient to assign specific roles to most of them. The presence of a groove in one side of the protein is suggestive of a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding region. CONCLUSIONS: The structure of E. coli DNA topoisomerase III resembles the structure of E. coli DNA topoisomerase I except for the presence of a positively charged loop that may be involved in catenation and decatenation. A groove on the side of the protein leads to the active site and is likely to be involved in DNA binding. The structure helps to establish the overall mechanism for the type IA subfamily of topoisomerases with greater confidence and expands the structural basis for understanding these proteins.  相似文献   

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