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The zebrafish pharyngeal cartilage is derived from the pharyngeal apparatus, a vertebrate-specific structure derived from all three germ layers. Developmental aberrations of the pharyngeal apparatus lead to birth defects such as Treacher-Collins and DiGeorge syndromes. While interactions between endoderm and neural crest (NC) are known to be important for cartilage formation, the full complement of molecular players involved and their roles remain to be elucidated. Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule a (alcama), a member of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily, is among the prominent markers of pharyngeal pouch endoderm, but to date no role has been assigned to this adhesion molecule in the development of the pharyngeal apparatus. Here we show that alcama plays a crucial, non-autonomous role in pharyngeal endoderm during zebrafish cartilage morphogenesis. alcama knockdown leads to defects in NC differentiation, without affecting NC specification or migration. These defects are reminiscent of the phenotypes observed when Endothelin 1 (Edn1) signaling, a key regulator of cartilage development is disrupted. Using gene expression analysis and rescue experiments we show that Alcama functions downstream of Edn1 signaling to regulate NC differentiation and cartilage morphogenesis. In addition, we also identify a role for neural adhesion molecule 1.1 (nadl1.1), a known interacting partner of Alcama expressed in neural crest, in NC differentiation. Our data shows that nadl1.1 is required for alcama rescue of NC differentiation in edn1−/− mutants and that Alcama interacts with Nadl1.1 during chondrogenesis. Collectively our results support a model by which Alcama on the endoderm interacts with Nadl1.1 on NC to mediate Edn1 signaling and NC differentiation during chondrogenesis.  相似文献   

Four genes - deltaA, deltaB, deltaC and deltaD - coding for homologues of the Notch ligand Delta have been discovered in zebrafish (Haddon et al., 1998b). We report here the cDNA sequence and expression pattern of deltaC. Its closest relatives are deltaB and Xenopus X-Delta-2. Unlike deltaA, deltaB, and deltaD, deltaC is not expressed in the majority of nascent primary neurons; but it is strongly expressed in the early retina, where it precedes other delta genes. It is also expressed in cranial ganglia, in sensory epithelia including ear and lateral line, and in scattered epidermal cells. In the mesoderm, expression is visible by 50% epiboly; it is seen subsequently in the tail bud, in stripes in the presomitic mesoderm and in the posterior half of each somite. There is expression also in notochord, blood vessels and pronephros.  相似文献   

 The vertebrate Hox genes have been shown to confer regional identity along the anteroposterior axis of the developing embryo, especially within the central nervous system (CNS) and the paraxial mesoderm. The notochord has been shown to play vital roles in patterning adjacent tissues along both the dorsoventral and mediolateral axes. However, the notochord’s role in imparting anteroposterior information to adjacent structures is less well understood, especially as the notochord shows no morphological distinctions along the anteroposterior axis and is not generally described as a segmental or compartmentalized structure. Here we report that four zebrafish hox genes: hoxb1, hoxb5, hoxc6 and hoxc8 are regionally expressed along the anteroposterior extent of the developing notochord. Notochord expression for each gene is transient, but maintains a definite, gene-specific anterior limit throughout its duration. The hox gene expression in the zebrafish notochord is spatially colinear with those genes lying most 3’ in the hox clusters having the most anterior limits. The expression patterns of these hox cluster genes in the zebrafish are the most direct molecular evidence for a system of anteroposterior regionalization of the notochord in any vertebrate studied to date. Received: 30 March 1998 / Accepted: 16 June 1998  相似文献   

hlx1 is a related homeobox gene expressed in a dynamic spatiotemporal expression pattern during development of the zebrafish brain. The homologues of hlx1, mouse dbx1 and Xenopus Xdbx, are known to play a role in the specification of neurons in the spinal cord. However, the role of these molecules in the brain is less well known. We have used two different approaches to elucidate a putative function for hlx1 in the developing zebrafish brain. Blastomeres were injected with either synthetic hlx1 mRNA in gain-of-function experiments or with antisense morpholino oligonucleotides directed against hlx1 in loss-of-function experiments. Mis-expression of hlx1 produced severe defects in brain morphogenesis as a result of abnormal ventricle formation, a phenotype we referred to as "fused-brain". These animals also showed a reduction in the size of forebrain neuronal clusters as well as abnormal axon pathfinding. hlx1 antisense morpholinos specifically perturbed hindbrain morphogenesis leading to defects in the integrity of the neuroepithelium. While hindbrain patterning was in the most part unaffected there were select disruptions to the expression pattern of the neurogenic gene Zash1B in specific rhombomeres. Our results indicate multiple roles for hlx1 during zebrafish brain morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Transverse frozen sections from the postcephalic region of stage 9-16 chick embryos and from the wing bud region of stage 17-31 embryos were stained with antibodies to the major extracellular matrix components of cartilage. These probes included unfractionated A1 and A2 antisera to the major cartilage proteoglycan, affinity-purified purified antibodies to the proteoglycan core protein and to Type II collagen, and a monoclonal antibody to keratan sulfate. In embryos as early as stage 10, notochord stained specifically with the keratan sulfate monoclonal antibody. At this stage the notochord, as well as surrounding tissues, were negative to cartilage proteoglycan and collagen antibodies. Positive staining with the latter probes was coordinately acquired by notochord cells and their accompanying sheath around stage 15, while surrounding tissues remained negative. At this stage, the ventral region of the perispinal cord sheath exhibited light staining with the proteoglycan and keratan sulfate antibodies though failing to react to Type II collagen antibodies. Positive staining of notochord and ventral spinal cord persisted through later developmental stages. As revealed by immunofluorescence, definitive vertebral chondroblasts first emerged at approximately stage 23 and definitive limb chondroblasts at stage 25. The results are discussed in terms of the possible multiple roles of notochord in early embryogenesis.  相似文献   



The choroid plexus (ChP), a component of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), produces the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and as a result plays a role in (i) protecting and nurturing the brain as well as (ii) in coordinating neuronal migration during neurodevelopment. Until now ChP development was not analyzed in living vertebrates due to technical problems.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have analyzed the formation of the fourth ventricle ChP of zebrafish in the GFP-tagged enhancer trap transgenic line SqET33-E20 (Gateways) by a combination of in vivo imaging, histology and mutant analysis. This process includes the formation of the tela choroidea (TC), the recruitment of cells from rhombic lips and, finally, the coalescence of TC resulting in formation of ChP. In Notch-deficient mib mutants the first phase of this process is affected with premature GFP expression, deficient cell recruitment into TC and abnormal patterning of ChP. In Hedgehog-deficient smu mutants the second phase of the ChP morphogenesis lacks cell recruitment and TC cells undergo apoptosis.


This study is the first to demonstrate the formation of ChP in vivo revealing a role of Notch and Hedgehog signalling pathways during different developmental phases of this process.  相似文献   

Kwon HJ  Akimoto H  Ohmiya Y  Honma K  Yasuda K 《Gene》2008,424(1-2):147-152
Although the rabbit is commonly used as an animal model for the in vivo study of cartilage formation or regeneration, genetic approaches to the rabbit cartilage are rare. We constructed an expressed sequence tag (EST) library from rabbit cartilage tissue for the first time to establish the foundations for genetic study on rabbit cartilage. From our results, we identified 2387 unique genes among 4885 clones, corresponding to 1839 matched to characterized genes including 1618 genes with known function and 548 uncharacterized and novel genes. Gene expression profiles based on EST frequency show that type II collagen (COL2A1) and type X collagen (COL10A1) among collagen clones, proteoglycan 4 (PRG4) and decorin (DCN) among proteoglycan clones, and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) and matrix Gla protein (MGP) among other extracellular matrix clones, are highly expressed in rabbit cartilage. In addition, gene expression analysis based on real-time PCR of these major extracellular matrix constituents showed that expression of col2a1 and col10a1 remains constant whereas the expression of prg4, dcn, and comp reveals substantial change with rabbit age. This EST library will provide a valuable resource with which to identify genes involved in the biochemical and physiological functions of rabbit cartilage, and will contribute to establishing the rabbit as an animal model for cartilage research.  相似文献   

In vertebrate embryos, positioning of the boundary between the midbrain and hindbrain (MHB) and subsequent isthmus formation are dependent upon the interaction between the Otx2 and Gbx genes. In zebrafish, sequential expression of gbx1 and gbx2 in the anterior hindbrain contributes to this process, whereas in mouse embryos, a single Gbx gene (Gbx2) is responsible for MHB development. In the present study, to investigate the regulatory mechanism of gbx2 in the MHB/isthmic region of zebrafish embryos, we cloned the gene and showed that its organization is conserved among different vertebrates. Promoter analyses revealed three enhancers that direct reporter gene expression after the end of epiboly in the anterior-most hindbrain, which is a feature of the zebrafish gbx2 gene. One of the enhancers is located upstream of gbx2 (AMH1), while the other two enhancers are located downstream of gbx2 (AMH2 and AMH3). Detailed analysis of the AMH1 enhancer showed that it directs expression in the rhombomere 1 (r1) region and the dorsal thalamus, as has been shown for gbx2, whereas no expression was induced by the AMH1 enhancer in other embryonic regions in which gbx2 is expressed. The AMH1 enhancer is composed of multiple regulatory subregions that share the same spatial specificity. The most active of the regulatory subregions is a 291-bp region that contains at least two Pax2-binding sites, both of which are necessary for the function of the main component (PB1-A region) of the AMH1 enhancer. In accordance with these results, enhancer activity in the PB1-A region, as well as gbx2 expression in r1, was missing in no isthmus mutant embryos that lacked functional pax2a. In addition, we identified an upstream conserved sequence of 227bp that suppresses the enhancer activity of AMH1. Taken together, these findings suggest that gbx2 expression during the somitogenesis stage in zebrafish is regulated by a complex mechanism involving Pax2 as well as activators and suppressors in the regions flanking the gene.  相似文献   

Endostatin, located in the NC1 domain of the collagen XVIII, is believed to inhibit the migration and proliferation of endothelial cells (Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. J. 15 (2001) 1044) and to play a role in axon guidance in Caenorhabditis elegans (J. Cell Biol. 152 (2001) 1219). Zebrafish is an attractive vertebrate model to determine the role of endostatin and the entire molecule of collagen XVIII during vertebrate development. Therefore, we have investigated the expression pattern of COL18A1 in zebrafish embryos from the segmentation to the hatching period stages.  相似文献   

Emx family homeobox genes, Emx1 and Emx2, play an essential role in rostral brain development in mammalian embryos. Here we report a zebrafish emx family gene, emx1, which is more similar to the mouse Emx1 gene than the previously reported zebrafish emx1 gene; we propose to rename that gene emx3. The expression of emx1 is first detected around the 10-somite stage in the pineal gland (epiphysis) primodium in the developing anterior brain and in the pronephric primodium within the intermediate mesoderm. emx1 expression in the epiphysis has not been reported in other species. Expression in the epiphysis is suppressed at 23 h post-fertilization (hpf) in the floating head (flh) mutant, in which development of the epiphysis is impaired. Subsequently, emx1 is expressed in the telencephalon, as reported in mammals, and can be detected in the olfactory placode and in a small group of cells in the forebrain at 25 hpf. In the mesoderm, emx1 expression is gradually concentrated in the posterior pronephric duct during somitogenesis, and becomes expressed predominantly in the urogenital opening at 25 hpf. Thus, emx1 displays a unique expression pattern that is distinct from the patterns of emx2 and emx3.  相似文献   

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