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The aim was to establish the relationship between simple reaction time in motor response in young adults in relation to their body physique, as represented by body mass index. Forty-five young male participants were allocated to one of three anthropometric groups, based on their body mass index. Participants performed 100 reaction-time trials with instructions to move a joystick, as quickly as possible, as soon as they detected a single star appearing in the centre of a monitor. All data were statistically selected into seven intervals and data from the mode frequency interval were precisely analysed. Participants from the group with greater body mass index reacted significantly slower than others. We did not record group lateral differences based on simple reaction time in each selected group. We recommend for future researchers the importance of identification of the level of body mass index of participants prior to testing them for effectiveness of simple sensori-motor reactions.  相似文献   

1. Data on swimming energy expenditure of 30 submerged and nine surface swimmers, covering different swimming styles and taxonomic groups, are selected from the literature. 2. The costs of transport at the optimum speed are compared and related to body mass and Re numbers. 3. Fish and turtles use relatively less and most surface swimmers slightly more energy than the other submerged swimmers; man and mink are poorly adapted to swimming. 4. The metabolic rate in W at optimum speed is approximately equal to the body mass in kg for fish and turtles and three times the mass figure for the other submerged swimmers.  相似文献   

Body size influences wing shape and associated muscles in flying animals which is a conspicuous phenomenon in insects, given their wide range in body size. Despite the significance of this, to date, no detailed study has been conducted across a group of species with similar biology allowing a look at specific relationship between body size and flying structures. Neotropical social vespids are a model group to study this problem as they are strong predators that rely heavily on flight while exhibiting a wide range in body size. In this paper we describe the variation in both wing shape, as wing planform, and mesosoma muscle size along the body size gradient of the Neotropical social wasps and discuss the potential factors affecting these changes. Analyses of 56 species were conducted using geometric morphometrics for the wings and lineal morphometrics for the body; independent contrast method regressions were used to correct for the phylogenetic effect. Smaller vespid species exhibit rounded wings, veins that are more concentrated in the proximal region, larger stigmata and the mesosoma is proportionally larger than in larger species. Meanwhile, larger species have more elongated wings, more distally extended venation, smaller stigmata and a proportionally smaller mesosoma. The differences in wing shape and other traits could be related to differences in flight demands caused by smaller and larger body sizes. Species around the extremes of body size distribution may invest more in flight muscle mass than species of intermediate sizes.  相似文献   

Temperature acclimation may be a critical component of the locomotor physiology and ecology of ectothermic animals, particularly those living in eurythermal environments. Several studies of fish report striking acclimation of biochemical and kinetic properties in isolated muscle. However, the relatively few studies of whole-animal performance report variable acclimation responses. We test the hypothesis that different types of whole-animal locomotion will respond differently to temperature acclimation, probably due to divergent physiological bases of locomotion. We studied two cyprinid fishes, tinfoil barbs (Puntius schwanenfeldii) and river barbels (Barbus barbus). Study fish were acclimated to either cold or warm temperatures for at least 6 wk and then assayed at four test temperatures for three types of swimming performance. We measured voluntary swimming velocity to estimate routine locomotor behavior, maximum fast start velocity to estimate anaerobic capacity, and critical swimming velocity to estimate primarily aerobic capacity. All three performance measures showed some acute thermal dependence, generally a positive correlation between swimming speed and test temperature. However, each performance measure responded quite differently to acclimation. Critical speeds acclimated strongly, maximum speeds not at all, and voluntary speeds uniquely in each species. Thus we conclude that long-term temperature exposure can have very different consequences for different types of locomotion, consistent with our hypothesis. The data also address previous hypotheses that predict that polyploid and eurythermal fish will have greater acclimation abilities than other fish, due to increased genetic flexibility and ecological selection, respectively. Our results conflict with these predictions. River barbels are eurythermal polyploids and tinfoil barbs stenothermal diploids, yet voluntary swimming acclimated strongly in tinfoil barbs and minimally in river barbels, and acclimation was otherwise comparable.  相似文献   

Abiotic and biological factors have been hypothesized as controlling maximum body size of tetrapods and other animals through geological time. We analyse the effects of three abiotic factors--oxygen, temperature and land area--on maximum size of Permian-Jurassic archosauromorphs and therapsids, and Cenozoic mammals, using time series generalized least-squares regression models. We also examine maximum size growth curves for the Permian-Jurassic data by comparing fits of Gompertz and logistic models. When serial correlation is removed, we find no robust correlations, indicating that these environmental factors did not consistently control tetrapod maximum size. Gompertz models--i.e. exponentially decreasing rate of size increase at larger sizes--fit maximum size curves far better than logistic models. This suggests that biological limits such as reduced fecundity and niche space availability become increasingly limiting as larger sizes are reached. Environmental factors analysed may still have imposed an upper limit on tetrapod body size, but any environmentally imposed limit did not vary substantially during the intervals examined despite variation in these environmental factors.  相似文献   

Body temperature has been reported to influence human performance. Performance is reported to be better when body temperature is high/near its circadian peak and worse when body temperature is low/near its circadian minimum. We assessed whether this relationship between performance and body temperature reflects the regulation of both the internal biological timekeeping system and/or the influence of body temperature on performance independent of circadian phase. Fourteen subjects participated in a forced desynchrony protocol allowing assessment of the relationship between body temperature and performance while controlling for circadian phase and hours awake. Most neurobehavioral measures varied as a function of internal biological time and duration of wakefulness. A number of performance measures were better when body temperature was elevated, including working memory, subjective alertness, visual attention, and the slowest 10% of reaction times. These findings demonstrate that an increased body temperature, associated with and independent of internal biological time, is correlated with improved performance and alertness. These results support the hypothesis that body temperature modulates neurobehavioral function in humans.  相似文献   

We used a still-water swim channel in conjunction with open-flow oxygen and carbon dioxide respirometry to examine the energy requirements of river-otters (Lutra lutra L.) swimming voluntarily underwater in Neumünster Zoo (Germany). While at rest on land (5 °C), river-otters had a respiratory quotient of 0.77 and a resting metabolic rate of 4.1 W kg−1. This increased to an estimated 6.4 W kg−1 during rest in water (11–15 °C) and to 12.3 W kg−1 when the animals were feeding in the channel. River-otters swimming under water preferred a mean speed of 0.89 m s−1, and their energy requirements attained 11.6 W kg−1. Cost of transport, however, was minimal at 1.3 m s−1 and amounted to 0.95 J N−1 m−1. Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

In Tetranychus spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae), diapausing females have a conspicuous orange body colour, which is used as an indicator of diapause induction in many laboratory studies. However, to which extent body colour reflects reproductive activity is scarcely investigated. In this study, we investigated the relationship between body colour, reproductive arrest, and food intake in the inbred strain of T. pueraricola individually reared at 20 °C with a 10:14 h light: dark photoperiod. Our results showed that (1) body colour is a good indicator of reproductive arrest 11 days after adult emergence but does not completely reflect reproductive status at an earlier age; (2) even orange females intermittently feed, and the arrest of feeding comes after the change in body colour; and (3) reproducing females have a higher risk of death than non-reproducing females. These results suggest that measurement of diapause incidence by body colour alone may miss the variation in reproductive status in early adult life.  相似文献   

A sensitive method for measuring cell surface and secreted protease activity utilizing 3H-labelled casein is described. The method is based upon proteolytic degradation of the casein substrate into trichloroacetic acid soluble 3H-labelled peptides. Utilizing the radioassay we found that all cultured cell lines examined contain cell surface proteolytic activity which is not secreted into the media. The protease activity was found to be due to protease(s) other than plasminogen activator or plasmin. A comparison of surface protease activity of normal and transformed mouse epidermal cells indicated that the transformed cells contained approximately 3–4 times more proteolytic activity than the normal cells.Surface protease activity was also correlated with the doubling times of various cultured cells. The results indicated that cultured cells with doubling times of greater than three days possess less surface protease activity than cells with shorter doubling times. In order to determine changes in the levels of surface protease activity during the cell cycle several cell lines were synchronized. In synchronized rabbit aortic fibroblasts, mouse transformed epidermal cells and human melanoma cells, a marked increase in surface protease activity was observed during or before mitosis. The protease levels decreased following mitosis. The results suggest that in culture, cell surface protease(s) may be important factor in regulating the rate of cell growth.  相似文献   

The effect of flooding on the behaviour of most mammals has not been studied, even though in tropical areas there are well delineated wet and dry seasons which produce flood conditions on a regular basis. Fossorial mammals can be expected to be particularly vulnerable to flooding because of the absolute dependence on a sub-surface existence and poor climbing ability.
Behaviour of the East-African mole-rat, Tachyoryctes splendens , was studied under flood conditions and compared with published field work conducted under non-flood conditions. Four completely excavated burrow systems were obviously abbreviated (2–9 m in length), although the nest area did not appear to be affected. Live-trapped animals released on the surface travelled as far as 80 m before attempting to dig; surface speed was generally slow (7 m/min). Animals generally (83% of the trials) excavated towards the increase in slope on the study area; total digging time before closure of the tunnel ranged from 7–49 min. In swimming trials, animals were not hesitant to enter water but swimming endurance was short (range 115-550s).
Flooding may be a very disruptive but not an entirely negative aspect of the biology of Tachyoryctes. Dispersal may be instigated and even assisted by providing surface routes over edaphic barriers and moist soils which are readily workable.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The maximum homing ability of female bees, that is, their capacity to return to the nest after being displaced a certain distance, is considered to be an estimate of their maximum foraging distance. 2. The present study provides data on homing ability and body weight for Osmia lignaria and combines them with data for five other congenerics, O. rufa, O. cornuta, O. pedicornis, O. cornifrons, and O. emarginata for analysis. These species are important pollinators of spring‐flowering plants, and some have been developed as commercial crop pollinators. 3. It is shown that homing ability is positively and linearly related to body weight (r2 = 0.81; P = 0.01). 4. These results should be of use in selecting Osmia species as potential crop pollinators and establishing adequate buffer distances around genetically modified crops.  相似文献   

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