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Two new species of aquatic Oligochaeta are described from the North-west Iberian Peninsula: Krenedrilus realis sp. nov. (Tubificidae) and Cernosvitoviella bulboducta sp. nov. (Enchytraeidae). Krenedrilus realis is the fourth species in a genus of small and presumably plesiomorphic Tubificinae. It is closely related to K. sergei Giani, Erséus & Martínez-Ansemil, 1990. Cernosvitoviella bulboducta belongs to a genus of small amphibiotic enchytraeids. It is close to C. ampullax Klungland & Abrahamsen, 1981 and C. tatrensis (Kowalewski, 1916). Supplementary data to the diagnosis of C. tatrensis are given. The presence of two small glands attached to the gut immediately behind the pharyngeal bulb is noticed in C. bulboducta and C. tatrensis . This previously unknown character is probably more common in the genus than has been supposed.  相似文献   

Linaria qartobensis, from southern Iberian Peninsula, is here newly described, illustrated and compared with its morphologically closest relatives from L. sect. Supinae: L. ricardoi and L. orbensis. The new species is characterized by longer calyx lobes, corolla and spur, violet corolla with yellow‐orangish palate, big and globose capsule, and seeds with black and prominently white‐tuberculate disc and subentire wing. Linaria qartobensis is an endemic species growing on marly deposits from the Guadalquivir river basin, in the Córdoba province (Andalusia, Spain).  相似文献   

During the Spanish oceanographic expedition BENTART '95, carried out in Antarctic waters off Livingston Island (South Shetland Islands), five small specimens of a new species of Solenogastres-Cavibelonia, Dorymenia troncosoi sp. nov., were collected at a depth of 65–240 m on a silt bottom. The species is characterized by the presence of a pallial cavity with four pouches (a dorsal, two lateral and a ventral pouch), seminal receptacles that open into the spawning ducts through a short duct, radula having 9–11 teeth per row (1 central and 4–5 lateral, all the same size), the end of the copulatory spicules having a cross-section in the shape of a four-pointed star, and abdominal spicules present. These characteristics separate this species from other species of the genus, particularly from Dorymenia profunda, which is the most similar. Received: 9 April 1998 / Accepted: 12 June 1998  相似文献   

A new species of apseudomorph tanaidacean, Apseudopsis adami sp. nov., is described, including intraspecific variation, from specimens collected in the seagrass meadows of O Grove inlet (NW Iberian Peninsula, NE Atlantic). The new species is characterized by the unique combination of the following characters: pointed rostrum with rounded shoulders, four ventral propodal spines on pereopod 1, and posterolateral pointed apophyses on pereonites 2–5, regardless of the developmental stage of the individual. Two juvenile stages were identified before reaching maturity; early juvenile limbs are scarcely ornamented in comparison to the adults. Advanced juveniles represent the vast majority of the studied population, and the limb ornamentation is similar to that of the adults. Males show two different cheliped morphologies. After a preparatory stage, females pass through a sequence of copulatory instars followed by intermediate stages in which the female loses the ovisac after manca release. The number of segments of the antennular and antennal flagella and uropod endopods, as well as the development and ornamentation of the mandibular palp, are meristic changes that occur during development and allow rapid identification of the developmental instar.  相似文献   

A new caprellid amphipod, Caprella tavolarensis n. sp., is described based on specimens collected from a Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow at the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area (Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea). The species is close to Caprella liparotensis, but can be clearly distinguished by smaller size, presence of a short rostrum, body elongate and dorsally smooth, absence of serrate carina on the basis of gnathopod 2 and pereopods, mouthparts scarcely setose, absence of fine setae on peduncle of antenna 1 and absence of swimming setae on antenna 2. The number of caprellid species reported from the Mediterranean Sea has increased from 23 (1993) to 41 (2010), consequently, further taxonomical studies should be addressed to properly estimate the total amphipod diversity in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

A new species of the Amphipoda (Gammarus desperatus) is described from North Spring in Roswell, Chaves County, New Mexico. Apparently this is the same species reported erroneously as G. fasciatus Say from nearby Lander Springbrook by Noel (1954).Supported in part by NSF Grants GB-2461 and GB-6477X to W. L. MinckleySupported in part by NSF Grants GB-2461 and GB-6477X to W. L. Minckley  相似文献   

A new caprellid species, Caprellinoides singularis, is described and illustrated based on the material collected on the Polarstern Cruise ANT XVII/3 from the Branfield Strait. The most striking characteristic of this species is the presence of bilobed gills on pereonites 3 and 4. The genus Caprellinoides is revised. Caprellinoides antarctica Schellengerg, 1926 and Caprellinoides spinosus Barnard, 1930 are considered junior synonyms of Caprellinoides tristanensis Stebbing, 1888 and Caprellinoides mayeri (Pfeffer, 1888), respectively. The new species, C. singularis, is compared with the remaining species in the genus Caprellinoides: C. tristanensis and C. mayeri, which are illustrated in detail. Received in revised form: 4 June 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The fresh waters of the Baltic German and Polish lowlands are inhabited by several Gammarus species. One of them, Gammarus fossarum, a common inhabitant of lowland and submontane waters in western and central Europe, is known to show different morphotypes of unclear taxonomic status. Recent molecular studies showed that Gammarus fossarum is a complex of numerous highly divergent lineages. We characterized one of these lineages genetically and morphologically, described it as a species new to science and named it in honour of Krzysztof Ja?d?ewski as Gammarus jazdzewskii. The newly described species is widely distributed in Central Europe, from the Western Carpathians to the Baltic Lowlands. Its ancestral lineage appeared in the Miocene and diversified largely throughout the Pleistocene, presumably in the Western Carpathians. Its current distribution is predominantly a result of postglacial expansion from local refugia located in the Western Carpathians.  相似文献   

González  Exequiel R.  Watling  Les 《Hydrobiologia》2001,464(1-3):175-199
Hyalella is the only epigean freshwater amphipod present in Chile . H. chiloensis, H. costera and H. kochi are here described and illustrated. H. kochi is distributed in highland areas of the Andes in northern Chile; it is characterized by a short ramus on uropod 3 and a hammer-shaped gnathopod 1. H. costera and H. chiloensis are present in lowland areas, the latter restricted to the southern part of the country. These two species have a long ramus on uropod 3, but they differ in the shape and length of the palp on maxilla 1, the setation of peraeopods 3, 4, and telson. The presence in Chile of H. fossamancinii Cavalieri, 1959 is also reported here.  相似文献   

A new species of Ingolfiellid Amphipod Ingolfiella azorensis n. sp. is described from samples collected in a benthic survey off the Azores archipelago, Portugal. The new species is characterized by the lack of ocular lobes, a four-toothed dactylus on the first and second gnathopods, and having dissimilar claws on the third to seventh pereiopods. Individuals were obtained from shallow subtidal samples of sand. The new findings bring the number of Ingolfiellidae from Macaronesia up to six, equalling almost 20 % of the world’s known species, suggesting this area as a potential evolutionary centre for Ingolfiellidae.  相似文献   

Myanmarorchestia victoria sp.nov.is described from high altitude habitats in Myanmar.The new species differs morphologically from its congeners by palp of maxilliped narrow;sexually dimorphic gnathopod Ⅱ,propodus of male chelate and propodus of female mitten-shaped;and dimorphic uropod Ⅱ,outer ramus of male with small teeth distally,outer ramus of female with three distal spines.Analysis of DNA barcode sequences and niche distinctiveness support recognition of the new species.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Monoliropus belonging to the family Caprellidae was collected from the Yellow Sea, Korea. The new species differs from Monoliropus agilis Mayer, 1903, Monoliropus kazemii Momtazi & Sari, 2013, and Triprotella amica Arimoto, 1970 as follows: 1) gnathopod 1 subrectangular; 2) pereonites 2–3 with acute triangular processes anterolaterally; 3) mandibular palp, apical article with four simple setae subdistally. The new species is fully illustrated and extensively compared with related species. This is the first record of the genus Monoliropus from Korean waters. A key to Monoliropus species is also given.  相似文献   

Ko Tomikawa 《ZooKeys》2015,(530):15-36
A new species of anisogammarid amphipod, Jesogammarus (Jesogammarus) ikiensis sp. n., is described from freshwaters in the Iki Island, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, based on results of morphological and molecular analyses. The new species is distinguished from all members of the genus by the combination of small number of setae on dorsal margins of pleonites 1–3, short and small number of setae on posterior margins of peduncular articles of antennae, mandibular article 1 without setae, well developed posterior lobes of accessory lobes of coxal gills on gnathopod 2 and pereopods 3–5, and pectinate setae on palmar margin of female gnathopod 2. A key to all the species of Jesogammarus is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of lysianassid amphipod belonging to the genus Socarnes Boeck was collected from Korean coastal waters. This is the first record of the genus Socarnes from Korea. The new species is fully illustrated and extensively compared with related species. A key to Socarnes speciesis provided.  相似文献   

Pseudoniphargus candelariae n. sp. is described from a ground-water-fed well in Tenerife (Canary Islands) and is compared with all species known from Macaronesia. The new species has one unique character (spination of palmar angle of gnathopod 1 sexually dimorphic) and presents furthermore a new combination of morphological features not found in other species of the genus in the area studied.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Galium are described from the Iberian Peninsula: G. moralesianum Ortega-Olivencia & Devesa, and G. talaveranum Ortega-Olivencia & Devesa. The first grows on limestone or dolomitic-limestone outcrops in south-east Spain (the Segura and Gádor mountain ranges) and shows morphological similarities with G. boissieranum Ehrend. & Krendl, which is endemic to southern Spain (mountains of Málaga). The second inhabits the margins of water courses, alder stands and cork-oak dehesas (parkland-type systems) of the west of the Iberian Peninsula, and is morphologically reminiscent of G. mollugo L. The chromosome numbers of these two species and of G. boissieranum are given.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 177−187.  相似文献   

-A new species of anisogammarid amphipod, Jesogammarus (Jesogammarus) mikadoi sp. nov., is described from freshwater habitats in northern Honshu, Japan. The species is distinguished from its congeners by having dorsal setae on pereonites 5-7 and pleonites 1-3.  相似文献   

Benthic samplings along the southern temperate coast of Australia yielded stenothoid specimens related to the taxonRaumahara Barnard. ?Raumahara virdurorum sp. n. is described, illustrated, and the systematic position within the genus is discussed.Raumahara seems to be a nonmonophyletic group, as not one synapomorphic character can be discerned that exactly fits for each member of this taxon.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(5):489-500
A new stem dugongid species, Prototherium ausetanum sp. nov. (Dugongidae, Halitheriinae), is described based on a cranium from the middle Eocene of Mas Vilageliu (Tona, NE Iberian Peninsula). The new species displays a combination of features that enables its distinction from other halitheriines, including Prototherium veronense (type species of the genus), Prototherium? intermedium (which likely belongs to a different genus), and Prototherium? montserratense (here considered a nomen dubium), as well as Eotheroides spp. In overall morphology (e.g., dolichocephaly) the new species more closely resembles species previously included in Prototherium. However, a cladistic analysis based on craniodental features recovers the new species as the sister taxon of Eotheroides aegyptiacum (type species of this genus), further constituting a polytomy with P. veronense, Eotheroides lambondrano and the remaining Halitheriinae. Our analysis further indicates that P.? intermedium is more derived than other species of Prototherium, but it does not conclusively resolve the phylogenetic relationships between the included species of Prototherium and Eotheroides. A deeper taxonomic revision of these two genera would be required in order to better resolve the phylogeny of early dugongids.  相似文献   

Both leucomorph and anamorph developmental stages of Anamixis bananaramasp. n., are illustrated and described from shallow back reef environments of Moorea, French Polynesia. Distinguished by vestigial first gnathopods that persist in post-transformational adult males, this is the second species in the genus to exhibit this unusual character. In other features such as coxae and second gnathopods Anamixis bananaramasp. n. resembles other Pacific Plate endemics of Anamixis known from the region. Specific host association is not documented but suspected to be small calcareous asconoid sponges associated with coral rubble.  相似文献   

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