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Mass spectrometric analysis revealed the presence of auxin, mainly in conjugated form, in secretions of Heterodera schachtii and Meloidogyne incognita, with or without treatment with DMT or resorcinol. M. incognita showed the highest production rates, though treatment of M. incognita with resorcinol had a negative effect on auxin production. Analysis of auxin precursor molecules in lysates of H. schachtii, M. incognita and Caenorhabditis elegans suggested that auxin is most probably a degradation product of tryptophan and that auxin may be synthesized via several intermediates, including indole-3-acetamide which is an intermediate of a pathway so far only characterized in bacteria. Furthermore, high levels of anthranilate, a degradation product of tryptophan in animals, but possibly also a precursor for auxin were detected.  相似文献   

Aqueous solutions of technical-grade phenamiphos [ethyl 3-methyl-4-(methylthio) phenyl (1-methylethyl) phosphoratnidale] were used in hatching chambers to test, under laboratory tory conditions, the effect of phenamiphos on the hatching and movement of Meloiclogyne javanica and Heterodera schachtii. Hatch of M. javanica and H. schachtii eggs was depressed 70 and 88% by nematicide at 0.48 and 4.80 μg/ml, respectively. The infectivity of second-stage larvae of both species was affected by concentrations as low as 0.01 μg/ml. At least 0.5 μg/ml was required to decrease the movement of larvae of M. javanica and H. schachtii. To decrease the movement of H. schachtii males toward females, 10 μg/ml was required. In a field experiment using a 15% granular formulation, 5 kg/ha a.i. significantly reduced infection of sugarbeet roots by H. schachtii.  相似文献   

Studies of the migration of second stage juveniles (JJ2) ofthe root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita in Arabidopsisroots were made at the cellular level using immunolabellingtechniques. A panel of antibodies that recognize epitopes presentin the plant extracellular matrix (JIMs) and the nematode cuticle(PC245) were used. The normal route for the juvenile (J2) hasbeen reconfirmed for both in vitro and in vivo conditions. Histologicalstudies show that, during migration towards the root meristem,juveniles (JJ2) sometimes break the physico-chemical barrierof the endodermis and establish close contact with the centralcylinder. Despite this, the juveniles continue their intercorticalmigration towards the root meristem. When the endodermis isbreached, hyperplasia and hypertrophy occur and a prematuregall is formed. Ultrastructural observations confirmed thatloosening of the middle lamella occurs during progress throughthe cortex. Differences in the patterns of labelling of healthyand infected roots were revealed when the antipolygalacturonicacid antibody, JIM5, was applied; epitopes recognized by thisantibody are mainly located on the triple junctions betweencells. Some of the antibodies used proved very useful in illustratingthe intercellular migration of JJ2 in the vascular cylinder,where they move in the vicinity of the protoxylem and futuremetaxylem cells. An envelope surrounding the nematodes, butlocated specifically on plant cell walls, was observed wheninfected rootsections were probed with PC245. This materialat this interface appears to be of nematode origin. Characterizationof the molecules involved is currently under investigation. Key words: Meloidogyne incognita, Arabidopsis thaliana, immunolabelling, JIM(s), migration  相似文献   

Proteolytic activities in extracts from three nematodes, the plant parasites Heterodera glycines and Meloidogyne incognita, and the free-living Panagrellus redivivus, were surveyed for substrate preferences using a battery of seven FRET-modified peptide substrates, all derived from members of the large FMRF-amide like peptide (FLP) family in nematodes. Overall protease activity in P. redivivus was four- to fivefold greater than in either of the parasites, a result that might reflect developmental differences. Digestion of the M. incognita FLP KHEFVRFa (substrate Abz-KHEFVRF-Y(3-NO2)a) by M. incognita extract was sevenfold greater than with H. glycines extract and twofold greater than P. redivivus, suggesting species-specific preferences. Additional species differences were revealed upon screening 12 different protease inhibitors. Two substrates were used in the screen, Abz-KHEFVRF-Y(3-NO2)a and Abz-KPSFVRF-Y(3-NO2)a), which was digested equally by all three species. The effects of various inhibitor, substrate and extract source combinations on substrate digestion suggest that M. incognita differs significantly from P. redivivus and H. glycines in its complement of cysteine proteases, particularly cathepsin L-type protease.  相似文献   

Invasion of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) roots by combined and sequential inoculations of Meloidogyne hapla and a tomato population of Heterodera schachtii was affected more by soil temperature than by nematode competition. Maximum invasion of tomato roots, by M. hapla and H. schachtii occurred at 30 and 26 C, respectively. Female development and nematode reproduction (eggs per plant) of M. hapla was adversely affected by H. schachtii in combined inoculations of the two nematode species. Inhibition of M. hapla development and reproduction on tomato roots from combined nematode inoculations was more pronounced as soil temperature was increased over a range of 18-30 C and with prior inoculation of tomato with H. schachtii. M. hapla minimally affected H. schachtii female development, but there was significant reduction in the buildup of H. schachtii when M. hapla inoculation preceded that of H. schachtii by 20 days.  相似文献   

N-Viro Soil (NVS) is an alkaline-stabilized municipal biosolid that has been shown to lower population densities and reduce egg hatch of Heterodera glycines and other plant-parasitic nematodes; but the mechanism(s) of nematode suppression of this soil amendment are unknown. This study sought to identify NVS-mediated changes in soil chemical properties and their impact upon H. glycines and Meloidogyne incognita mortality. N-Viro Soil was applied to sand in laboratory assays at 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0%, and 3.0% dry w/w with a nonamended treatment as a control. Nematode mortality and changes in sand-assay chemical properties were determined 24 hours after incubation. Calculated lethal concentration (LC90) values were 1.4% w/w NVS for second-stage juveniles of both nematode species and 2.6 and >3.0% w/w NVS for eggs of M. incognita and H. glycines, respectively. Increasing rates of NVS were strongly correlated (r² = 0.84) with higher sand solution pH levels. Sand solution pH levels and, to a lesser extent, the production of ammonia appeared to be the inorganic chemical-mediated factors responsible for killing plant-parasitic nematodes following amendment with NVS.  相似文献   

Biogenic amines regulate important behaviours in nematodes and are associated with pharyngeal activity in plant-parasitic nematodes. A robust behavioural assay based upon nematode body movements was developed to expand the study of these and other neuroregulators in plant-parasitic nematodes. Dopamine, octopamine and serotonin each had significant but differing effects on the behaviour of soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines and root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita juveniles. Body movement frequency was increased twofold in H. glycines by 5 mM dopamine (P = 0.0001), but decreased by 50 mM dopamine in H. glycines (88%) and M. incognita (53%) (P < 0.0001). Movement frequency in both species was increased by 50-70% (P < 0.0001) by 50 mM octopamine, and 5 mM octopamine increased M. incognita movement frequency more than twofold (P < 0.0001). Movement frequency in each species was reduced by more than 90% by 5 mM serotonin (P < 0.0001). While amplitude of body movement in H. glycines was unaffected by any amine, it was significantly reduced in M. incognita by all amines (P < 0.0006). Stylet pulsing frequencies in either species were unaffected by dopamine or octopamine, but 5 mM serotonin stimulated pulsing in H. glycines by nearly 13-fold (P < 0.0001) and in M. incognita by more than 14-fold (P < 0.0001). The invertebrate neuropeptide FLRFamide (N-Phe-Leu-Arg-Phe) increased M. incognita body movement frequency 45% (P = 0.02) at 1 mM but did not affect stylet activity. Finally, H. glycines egg hatch was completely suppressed by 50 mM serotonin, and partially suppressed by 50 mM dopamine (75%; P < 0.0001) and 50 mM octopamine (55%; P < 0.0001).  相似文献   

Interrelationships of Meloidogyne hapla and Heterodera schachtii in combinations of several population levels and different inoculation periods were studied. Results indicated suppression of gall development of M. hapla in any treatment in which inoculations of H. schachtii preceded those of M. hapla by 10 days. This interrelationship was characterized by amensalism with M. hapla serving as an amensat and H. schachtii serving as an inhibitor. Conversely, when inoculations of M. hapla preceded H. schachtii inoculations by 10 days, there were increases in cyst development. This relationship was characterized by commensalism with H. schachtii serving as a commensal. In both interactions, the preinvading parasites acted independently and established populations equal to treatments receiving either parasite alone. When both nematodes were inoculated simultaneously, there were no effects on populations of either. Relationships of this nature were characterized by neutralism. Ratios of total soluble/reducing carbohydrates were lower in treatments when M. hapla inoculations preceded those of H. schachtii. Plants inoculated with both nematodes died earlier than those inoculated with either parasite alone. High concentrations of Al and Fe occurred in treatments wherein M. hapla or H. schachtii inoculations preceded each other by 10 days. Generally, noninoculated control plants exhibited higher concentrations of K, P, Mg, and B than other treatments.  相似文献   

Numbers of cyst and root-knot nematodes and percentage parasitism by the nematophagous fungus Hirsutella rhossiliensis were quantified in microplots over 2 years. The microplots contained either sugarbeets in loam infested with Heterodera schachtii or tomatoes in sand infested with Meloidogyne javanica. The fungus was added to half of the microplots for each crop. Although H. rhossiliensis established in both microplot soils, the percentage of nematodes parasitized did not increase with nematode density and nematode numbers were not affected by the fungus. The results indicate that long-term interactions between populations of the fungus and cyst or root-knot nematodes will not result in biological control.  相似文献   

Heterodera schachtii, Meloidogyne hapla, and Nacobbus aberrans either alone, or in various combinations with each other, can, when inoculated at a concentration of 12 second-stage juveniles/ cm³ of soil, cause a significant (P = 0.01) suppression of growth of sugarbeet (cv. Tasco AH14) seedlings. M. hapla and H. schachtii decreased growth of sugarbeet more than N. aberrans over a 60-day period. The adverse effect of N. aberrans on the final population/initial population (Pf/Pi) ratio for either M. hapla or H. schachtii was dependent on time, and was more accentuated on that of M. hapla than on that of H. schachtii. Neither M. hapla nor H. schachtii had an adverse effect on the Pf/ Pi ratio of N. aberrans. N. aberrans is considered to be less aggressive on sugarbeet than either H. schachtii or M. hapla. Sections of sugarbeet roots infected simultaneously with H. schachtii and N. aberrans showed scattered vascular elements between the N. aberrans syncytium located in the central part of the root and that of H. schachtii in the peripheral position.  相似文献   

Four pepper genotypes classified as resistant and four pepper genotypes classified as susceptible to several avirulent populations of M. incognita were compared for their reactions against a population of Meloidogyne incognita (Chitwood) Kofoid and White which had been shown to be virulent to resistant bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) in preliminary tests. The virulent population of M. incognita originated from a commercial bell pepper field in California. The resistant pepper genotypes used in all experiments were the Capsicum annuum cultivars Charleston Belle, Carolina Wonder, and Carolina Cayenne, and the C. chinense cultigen PA-426. The susceptible pepper genotypes used in the experiments were the C. annuum cultivars Keystone Resistant Giant, Yolo Wonder B, California Wonder, and the C. chinense cultigen PA-350. Root gall indices (GI) were ≥ 3.0 for all genotypes in both tests except for PA-426 (GI=2.57) in test 1 and 'Carolina Cayenne' (GI=2.83) in test 2. Numbers of eggs per gram fresh root weight ranged from 20,635 to 141,319 and reproductive indices ranged from 1.20 to 27.2 for the pepper genotypes in both tests, indicating that all eight pepper genotypes tested were susceptible to the M. incognita population used in these tests. The M. incognita population used in these studies overcame resistance conferred by the N gene in all resistant genotypes of both C. annuum and C. chinense.  相似文献   

Double inoculations of sugar beet with larvae of Meloidogyne hapla resulted in a higher galling incidence in only one treatment than did a single inoculation using the same number of larvae. Double inoculations with larvae of Heterodera schachtii, however, resulted in three- to five-fold more cysts in most cases than did single inoculations using the same number of larvae. In general, plants died more quickly after double inoculations than after single inoculations of the same total number of either nematode. Ratios of total soluble carbohydrates to reducing carbohydrates were lower in multiple inoculated treatments than in other treatments. Plants infected with M. hapla had lower quantities of B, K, and P in leaf tissue than noninoculated plants, but no differences were correlated with type of inoculation. Plants inoculated with H. schachtii had lower quantities of B, K, and Mg than noninoculated plants. Also, quantities of Mn, Cu, and Zn were much lower in plants inoculated twice with H. schachtii larvae than in plants inoculated with the same total number of larvae in a single dose.  相似文献   

Sedentary plant‐parasitic cyst nematodes are obligate biotrophs that infect the roots of their host plant. Their parasitism is based on the modification of root cells to form a hypermetabolic syncytium from which the nematodes draw their nutrients. The aim of this study was to identify nematode susceptibility genes in Arabidopsis thaliana and to characterize their roles in supporting the parasitism of Heterodera schachtii. By selecting genes that were most strongly upregulated in response to cyst nematode infection, we identified HIPP27 (HEAVY METAL‐ASSOCIATED ISOPRENYLATED PLANT PROTEIN 27) as a host susceptibility factor required for beet cyst nematode infection and development. Detailed expression analysis revealed that HIPP27 is a cytoplasmic protein and that HIPP27 is strongly expressed in leaves, young roots and nematode‐induced syncytia. Loss‐of‐function Arabidopsis hipp27 mutants exhibited severely reduced susceptibility to H. schachtii and abnormal starch accumulation in syncytial and peridermal plastids. Our results suggest that HIPP27 is a susceptibility gene in Arabidopsis whose loss of function reduces plant susceptibility to cyst nematode infection without increasing the susceptibility to other pathogens or negatively affecting the plant phenotype.  相似文献   

Surface-coat epitopes of Meloidogyne incognita were detected in root tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana during migration and feeding site formation. A whole-mount root technique was used for immunolocalization of surface coat epitopes in A. thaliana, with the aid of a monoclonal antibody raised specifically against the outer surface of infective juveniles of M. incognita. The antibody, which was Meloidogyne-specific, recognized a fucosyl-bearing glycoprotein in the surface coat. During migration in host tissues the surface coat was shed, initially accumulating in the intercellular spaces next to the juvenile and later at cell junctions farther from the nematode. Upon induction of giant cell formation, the antibody bound to proximally located companion cells and sieve elements of the phloem.  相似文献   

Cyst nematodes establish and maintain feeding sites (syncytia) in the roots of host plants by altering expression of host genes. Among these genes are members of the large gene family of class III peroxidases, which have reported functions in a variety of biological processes. In this study, we used Arabidopsis-Heterodera schachtii as a model system to functionally characterize peroxidase 53 (AtPRX53). Promoter assays showed that under non-infected conditions AtPRX53 is expressed mainly in the root, the hypocotyl and the base of the pistil. Under infected conditions, the AtPRX53 promoter showed upregulation at the nematode penetration sites and in their migration paths. Interestingly, strong GUS activity was observed in H. schachtii-induced syncytia during the early stage of infection and remained strong in the syncytia of third-stage juveniles. Also, AtPRX53 showed upregulation in response to wounding and jasmonic acid treatments. Manipulation of AtPRX53 expression through overexpression and knockout mutation affected both plant morphology and nematode susceptibility. While AtPRX53 overexpression lines exhibited short hypocotyls, aberrant flower development and reduced nematode susceptibility to H. schachtii, the atprx53 mutant showed long hypocotyls and a 3-carpel silique phenotype as well as a non significant increase of nematode susceptibility. Taken together these data, therefore, indicate diverse roles of AtPRX53 in the wound response, flower development and syncytium formation.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the phosphonate fertilizers, Calphos® (a.i. calcium phosphonate), Magphos® (a.i. magnesium phosphonate and potassium phosphonate) and Phosphoros® (a.i. potassium phosphonate) against two species of root knot nematodes (RKN), Meloidogyne javanica and M. incognita is evaluated. Laboratory experiments showed that Calphos®, Magphos® and their main components inhibited egg hatching and caused 100% mortality of the second stage juveniles (J2s) of the two RKN species; the hatching inhibition effects persisted after transferring the egg masses of both species to water. However, Phosphoros® (0.5%) did not suppress egg hatching or the survival of J2s of both RKN species. No hatching occurred when egg masses were treated for one week with the nematicide Vydate L® (2 ml/l), however, J2s hatched when the Vydate L® treated egg masses were moved to water. The glasshouse study indicated that Magphos®, Calphos® and Phosphoros® reduced root galling caused by M. javanica by 98, 66 and 47%, respectively, in comparison to the untreated controls. Magphos® resulted in the lowest number of root galls formed by M. incognita, the reduction was 84%. In contrast, Calphos® and Phosphoros® reduced galling by 47 and 39%, respectively. The Magphos® treatment resulted in the lowest numbers of egg masses and the lowest reproductive factor (RF) of both nematode species. However, plants treated with Phosphoros® resulted in higher foliage weights compared with the application of the other two fertilizers and the untreated plants.  相似文献   

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