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Vertebrate dentitions originated in the posterior pharynx of jawless fishes more than half a billion years ago. As gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) evolved, teeth developed on oral jaws and helped to establish the dominance of this lineage on land and in the sea. The advent of oral jaws was facilitated, in part, by absence of hox gene expression in the first, most anterior, pharyngeal arch. Much later in evolutionary time, teleost fishes evolved a novel toothed jaw in the pharynx, the location of the first vertebrate teeth. To examine the evolutionary modularity of dentitions, we asked whether oral and pharyngeal teeth develop using common or independent gene regulatory pathways. First, we showed that tooth number is correlated on oral and pharyngeal jaws across species of cichlid fishes from Lake Malawi (East Africa), suggestive of common regulatory mechanisms for tooth initiation. Surprisingly, we found that cichlid pharyngeal dentitions develop in a region of dense hox gene expression. Thus, regulation of tooth number is conserved, despite distinct developmental environments of oral and pharyngeal jaws; pharyngeal jaws occupy hox-positive, endodermal sites, and oral jaws develop in hox-negative regions with ectodermal cell contributions. Next, we studied the expression of a dental gene network for tooth initiation, most genes of which are similarly deployed across the two disparate jaw sites. This collection of genes includes members of the ectodysplasin pathway, eda and edar, expressed identically during the patterning of oral and pharyngeal teeth. Taken together, these data suggest that pharyngeal teeth of jawless vertebrates utilized an ancient gene network before the origin of oral jaws, oral teeth, and ectodermal appendages. The first vertebrate dentition likely appeared in a hox-positive, endodermal environment and expressed a genetic program including ectodysplasin pathway genes. This ancient regulatory circuit was co-opted and modified for teeth in oral jaws of the first jawed vertebrate, and subsequently deployed as jaws enveloped teeth on novel pharyngeal jaws. Our data highlight an amazing modularity of jaws and teeth as they coevolved during the history of vertebrates. We exploit this diversity to infer a core dental gene network, common to the first tooth and all of its descendants.  相似文献   

The diversity of tooth location in teleost fishes provides an excellent system for comparing genetic divergence between teeth in different species (phylogenetic homologs) with divergence between teeth within one species (iterative homologs). We have chosen to examine the expression of three members of the bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) family because they are known to play multiple roles in tooth development and evolution in tetrapod vertebrates. We characterized expression of Bmp2a, Bmp2b, and Bmp4 during the development of oral and pharyngeal dentitions in three species of teleost fishes, the zebrafish (Danio rerio), Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus), and Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). We found that expression in teleosts is generally highly conserved, with minor differences found among both iteratively homologous and phylogenetically homologous teeth. Expression of orthologous genes differs in several ways between the teeth of teleost fishes and those of the mouse, but between these vertebrate groups the summed expression pattern of Bmp genes is highly conserved. Significantly, the toothless oral region of the zebrafish lacks Bmp expression domains found in teleosts with oral teeth, implicating these genes in evolutionary tooth loss. We conclude that Bmp expression has been largely conserved in vertebrate tooth development over evolutionary time, and that loss of Bmp expression is correlated with region-specific loss of the dentition in a major group of fishes.  相似文献   

In order to investigate similarities and differences in genetic control of development among teeth within and between species, we determined the expression pattern of all eight Dlx genes of the zebrafish during development of the pharyngeal dentition and compared these data with that reported for mouse molar tooth development. We found that (i) dlx1a and dlx6a are not expressed in teeth, in contrast to their murine orthologs, Dlx1 and Dlx6; (ii) the expression of the six other zebrafish Dlx genes overlaps in time and space, particularly during early morphogenesis; (iii) teeth in different locations and generations within the zebrafish dentition differ in the number of genes expressed; (iv) expression similarities and differences between zebrafish Dlx genes do not clearly follow phylogenetic and linkage relationships; and (v) similarities and differences exist in the expression of zebrafish and mouse Dlx orthologs. Taken together, these results indicate that the Dlx gene family, despite having been involved in vertebrate tooth development for over 400 million years, has undergone extensive diversification of expression of individual genes both within and between dentitions. The latter type of difference may reflect the highly specialized dentition of the mouse relative to that of the zebrafish, and/or genome duplication in the zebrafish lineage facilitating a redistribution of Dlx gene function during odontogenesis.  相似文献   

Mammalian dentitions consist of different shapes/types of teeth that are positioned in different regions of the jaw (heterodont) whereas in many fish and reptiles all teeth are of similar type (homodont). The process by which heterodont dentitions have evolved in mammals is not understood. In many teleosts teeth develop in the pharynx from endoderm (endodermal teeth), whereas mammalian teeth develop from the oral ectoderm indicating that teeth can develop (and thus possibly evolve) via different mechanisms. In this article, we compare the molecular characteristics of pharyngeal/foregut endoderm with the molecular characteristics of oral ectoderm during mouse development. The expression domains of Claudin6, Hnf3β, α‐fetoprotein, Rbm35a, and Sox2 in the embryonic endoderm have boundaries overlapping the molar tooth‐forming region, but not the incisor region in the oral ectoderm. These results suggest that molar teeth (but not incisors) develop from epithelium that shares molecular characteristics with pharyngeal endoderm. This opens the possibility that the two different theories proposed for the evolution of teeth may both be correct. Multicuspid (eg. molars) having evolved from the externalization of endodermal teeth into the oral cavity and monocuspid (eg. incisors) having evolved from internalization of ectodermal armour odontodes of ancient fishes. The two different mechanisms of tooth development may have provided the developmental and genetic diversity on which evolution has acted to produce heterodont dentitions in mammals. genesis 48:382–389, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Serially homologous structures are believed to originate from the redeployment of a genetic cascade in different locations of the body. Serial homologs may diverge at the genetic and morphological level and acquire developmental independency (individualization). Teeth are repeated units that form dentitions found on different bones of the oral–pharyngeal cavity in gnathostomes and provide a good model to study such processes. Previous comparisons of dlx gene expression patterns between mouse oral teeth and zebrafish pharyngeal teeth showed a high level of divergence. Furthermore, these genes are differentially expressed in different teeth of the zebrafish, and in the mouse they are responsible for tooth identity (incisors vs. molars). We examined the potential divergence of dlx gene expression between oral and pharyngeal teeth by examining the expression pattern in the development of the first generation teeth of the medaka and comparing it with data from the zebrafish and the mouse. Out of the seven medaka dlx genes, five are expressed during odontogenesis compared with six in both the zebrafish and the mouse. The only difference observed between oral and pharyngeal teeth in the medaka is an earlier expression of dlx5a in the oral dental epithelium. The subset of dlx genes expressed in the medaka, zebrafish, and mouse is slightly different but their detailed expression patterns are highly divergent. Our results demonstrate a low constraint on dlx gene expression shuffling in the odontogenic cascade within osteichtyans but the non-individualization of oral and pharyngeal dentitions in the medaka.  相似文献   

Ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) are the dominant vertebrate group today (+30 000 species, predominantly teleosts), with great morphological diversity, including their dentitions. How dental morphological variation evolved is best addressed by considering a range of taxa across actinopterygian phylogeny; here we examine the dentition of Polyodon spathula (American paddlefish), assigned to the basal group Acipenseriformes. Although teeth are present and functional in young individuals of Polyodon, they are completely absent in adults. Our current understanding of developmental genes operating in the dentition is primarily restricted to teleosts; we show that shh and bmp4, as highly conserved epithelial and mesenchymal genes for gnathostome tooth development, are similarly expressed at Polyodon tooth loci, thus extending this conserved developmental pattern within the Actinopterygii. These genes map spatio-temporal tooth initiation in Polyodon larvae and provide new data in both oral and pharyngeal tooth sites. Variation in cellular intensity of shh maps timing of tooth morphogenesis, revealing a second odontogenic wave as alternate sites within tooth rows, a dental pattern also present in more derived actinopterygians. Developmental timing for each tooth field in Polyodon follows a gradient, from rostral to caudal and ventral to dorsal, repeated during subsequent loss of teeth. The transitory Polyodon dentition is modified by cessation of tooth addition and loss. As such, Polyodon represents a basal actinopterygian model for the evolution of developmental novelty: initial conservation, followed by tooth loss, accommodating the adult trophic modification to filter-feeding.  相似文献   

Teleost fishes display a remarkable diversity of adult dentitions; this diversity is all the more remarkable in light of the uniformity of first-generation dentitions. Few studies have quantitatively documented the transition between generalized first-generation dentitions and specialized adult dentitions in teleosts. We investigated this transition in the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus (Characidae), by measuring aspects of the dentition in an ontogenetic series of individuals from embryos to 160 days old, in addition to adults of unknown age. The first-generation dentition and its immediate successors consist of small, unicuspid teeth that develop extraosseously. Multicuspid teeth first appear during the second tooth replacement event, and are derived from single tooth germs, rather than from the fusion of multiple conical tooth germs. We document that the transition from unicuspid to multicuspid teeth corresponds to a change in the location of developing tooth germs (from extraosseous to intraosseous) and in patterns of tooth replacement (from haphazard to simultaneous within a jaw quadrant). In addition, while the size of the largest teeth scales with positive allometry to fish size, the transition to multicuspid teeth is accompanied by an exceptionally large increase in tooth size.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 145 , 523–538.  相似文献   

We have investigated fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling during the development of the zebrafish pharyngeal dentition with the goal of uncovering novel roles for FGFs in tooth development as well as phylogenetic and topographic diversity in the tooth developmental pathway. We found that the tooth-related expression of several zebrafish genes is similar to that of their mouse orthologs, including both epithelial and mesenchymal markers. Additionally, significant differences in gene expression between zebrafish and mouse teeth are indicated by the apparent lack of fgf8 and pax9 expression in zebrafish tooth germs. FGF receptor inhibition with SU5402 at 32 h blocked dental epithelial morphogenesis and tooth mineralization. While the pharyngeal epithelium remained intact as judged by normal pitx2 expression, not only was the mesenchymal expression of lhx6 and lhx7 eliminated as expected from mouse studies, but the epithelial expression of dlx2a, dlx2b, fgf3, and fgf4 was as well. This latter result provides novel evidence that the dental epithelium is a target of FGF signaling. However, the failure of SU5402 to block localized expression of pitx2 suggests that the earliest steps of tooth initiation are FGF-independent. Investigations of specific FGF ligands with morpholino antisense oligonucleotides revealed only a mild tooth shape phenotype following fgf4 knockdown, while fgf8 inhibition revealed only a subtle down-regulation of dental dlx2b expression with no apparent effect on tooth morphology. Our results suggest redundant FGF signals target the dental epithelium and together are required for dental morphogenesis. Further work will be required to elucidate the nature of these signals, particularly with respect to their origins and whether they act through the mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Teeth have long served as a model system to study basic questions about vertebrate organogenesis, morphogenesis, and evolution. In nonmammalian vertebrates, teeth typically regenerate throughout adult life. Fish have evolved a tremendous diversity in dental patterning in both their oral and pharyngeal dentitions, offering numerous opportunities to study how morphology develops, regenerates, and evolves in different lineages. Threespine stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus) have emerged as a new system to study how morphology evolves, and provide a particularly powerful system to study the development and evolution of dental morphology. Here, we describe the oral and pharyngeal dentitions of stickleback fish, providing additional morphological, histological, and molecular evidence for homology of oral and pharyngeal teeth. Focusing on the ventral pharyngeal dentition in a dense developmental time course of lab‐reared fish, we describe the temporal and spatial consensus sequence of early tooth formation. Early in development, this sequence is highly stereotypical and consists of seventeen primary teeth forming the early tooth field, followed by the first tooth replacement event. Comparing this detailed morphological and ontogenetic sequence to that described in other fish reveals that major changes to how dental morphology arises and regenerates have evolved across different fish lineages. J. Morphol. 277:1072–1083, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The correlation of the origin of teeth with jaws in vertebrate history has recently been challenged with an alternative to the canonical view of teeth deriving from separate skin denticles. This alternative proposes that organized denticle whorls on the pharyngeal (gill) arches in the fossil jawless fish Loganellia are precursors to tooth families developing from a dental lamina along the jaw, such as those occurring in sharks, acanthodians, and bony fishes. This not only indicates that homologs of tooth families were present, but also illustrates that they possessed the relevant developmental controls, prior to the evolution of jaws. However, in the Placodermi, a phylogenetically basal group of jawed fishes, the state of pharyngeal denticles is poorly known, tooth whorls are absent, and the presence of teeth homologous to those in extant jawed fishes (Chondrichthyes + Osteichthyes) is controversial. Thus, placoderms would seem to provide little evidence for the early evolution of dentitions, or of denticle whorls, or tooth families, at the base of the clade of jawed fishes. However, organized denticles do occur at the rear of the placoderm gill chamber, but are associated with the postbranchial lamina of the anterior trunkshield, assumed to be part of the dermal cover. Significantly, these denticles have a different organization and morphology relative to the external dermal trunkshield tubercles. We propose that they represent a denticulate part of the visceral skeleton, under the influence of pharyngeal patterning controls comparable to those for pharyngeal denticles in other jawed vertebrates and Loganellia.  相似文献   

Shark and ray (elasmobranch) dentitions are well known for their multiple generations of teeth, with isolated teeth being common in the fossil record. However, how the diverse dentitions characteristic of elasmobranchs form is still poorly understood. Data on the development and maintenance of the dental patterning in this major vertebrate group will allow comparisons to other morphologically diverse taxa, including the bony fishes, in order to identify shared pattern characters for the vertebrate dentition as a whole. Data is especially lacking from the Batoidea (skates and rays), hence our objective is to compile data on embryonic and adult batoid tooth development contributing to ordering of the dentition, from cleared and stained specimens and micro-CT scans, with 3D rendered models. We selected species (adult and embryonic) spanning phylogenetically significant batoid clades, such that our observations may raise questions about relationships within the batoids, particularly with respect to current molecular-based analyses. We include developmental data from embryos of recent model organisms Leucoraja erinacea and Raja clavata to evaluate the earliest establishment of the dentition. Characters of the batoid dentition investigated include alternate addition of teeth as offset successional tooth rows (versus single separate files), presence of a symphyseal initiator region (symphyseal tooth present, or absent, but with two parasymphyseal teeth) and a restriction to tooth addition along each jaw reducing the number of tooth families, relative to addition of successor teeth within each family. Our ultimate aim is to understand the shared characters of the batoids, and whether or not these dental characters are shared more broadly within elasmobranchs, by comparing these to dentitions in shark outgroups. These developmental morphological analyses will provide a solid basis to better understand dental evolution in these important vertebrate groups as well as the general plesiomorphic vertebrate dental condition.  相似文献   

Vertebrate dentitions at the origin of jaws: when and how pattern evolved   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
New evidence shows that teeth evolved with a greater degree of independence from jaws than previously considered. Pharyngeal denticles occur in jawless fish and also in early gnathostomes and precede jaw teeth in phylogeny. Many of these denticles form joined polarized sets on each branchial arch; these resemble whorl-shaped tooth sets on the jaws of stem and crown gnathostomes and are proposed as homologous units. Therefore, the source of patterning of these pharyngeal denticle and tooth sets is conserved from jawless conditions. It is proposed that developmental regulatory systems, responsible for all such tooth patterns on the jaws, are co-opted from the pharyngeal region and not from the skin as classically understood. This strongly implicates embryonic endoderm as opposed to ectoderm in the genetic control of dentition patterning. New interpretations of ontogenetic data on patterning dentitions of extant sharks are proposed, together with those of osteichthyan fish. Two entirely fossil groups, placoderms and acanthodians, at the base of gnathostome phylogeny are reassessed on the basis of a new model. It is concluded that within stem group and crown group gnathostomes several different strategies, unique to each taxon, were adopted to produce different developmental models of dentition patterning from pharyngeal denticles. One shared developmental pattern is that of initiation from primordial tooth sites, independently in each dentate zone of the jaws. The new model is proposed as a framework for data on evolutionary developmental genetics.  相似文献   

Teeth are one of the most fascinating innovations of vertebrates. Their diversity of shape, size, location, and number in vertebrates is astonishing. If the molecular mechanisms underlying the morphogenesis of individual teeth are now relatively well understood, thanks to the detailed experimental work that has been performed in model organisms (mainly mouse and zebrafish), the mechanisms that control the organization of the dentition are still a mystery. Mammals display simplified dentitions when compared to other vertebrates with only a single tooth row positioned in the anterior part of the mouth, whereas other vertebrates exhibit tooth rows in many locations. As proposed 60 years ago, tooth rows can be formed sequentially from an initiator tooth. Recent results in zebrafish have now largely confirmed this hypothesis. Here this observation is generalized upon and it is suggested that in most vertebrates tooth rows could form sequentially from a single initiator tooth.  相似文献   

Variations in tooth number in children, each of whom had supernumerary teeth and agenesis of teeth, is described. Among the 11, seven had cleft lip and palate, and two had clefting syndromes; two children had dental anomalies only. Only children who had both supernumerary teeth and congenitally missing teeth outside the area of the cleft alveolus were included. Concomitant hypodontia and hyperdontia were observed in the same dentition in nine subjects, in the same jaw in eight subjects, and in the same jaw quadrant in only three subjects. Supernumerary teeth and agenesis of teeth were observed simultaneously more often in the permanent dentitions than in the deciduous dentitions or in both dentitions simultaneously. The overall number of supernumeraries was 10 in the deciduous dentition and 14 in the permanent dentition of the 11 subjects. The number of congenitally absent teeth was 14 in the deciduous dentition and 40 in the permanent dentition. The etiology of concomitant hypodontia and hyperdontia is difficult to explain. It may result from disturbances in migration, proliferation, and differentiation of neural crest cells or interactions between the epithelial and mesenchymal cells during the initiation of odontogenesis.  相似文献   

This introduction to new patterning theories for the vertebrate dentition outlines the historical concepts to explain graded sequences in tooth shape in mammals (incisors, canines, premolars, molars) which change in evolution in a linked manner, constant for each region. The classic developmental models for shape regulation, known as the 'regional field' and 'dental clone' models, were inspired by the human dentition, where it is known that the last tooth in each series is the one commonly absent. The mouse, as a valuable experimental model, has provided data to test these models and more recently, based on spatial-temporal gene expression data, the 'dental homeobox code' was proposed to specify regions and regulate tooth shape. We have attempted to combine these hypotheses in a new model of the combinatorial homeobox gene expression pattern with the clone and field theories in one of 'co-operative genetic interaction'. This also explains the genetic absence of teeth in humans ascribed to point mutations in mesenchymally expressed genes, which affect tooth number in each series.  相似文献   

Classically the oral dentition with teeth regulated into a successional iterative order was thought to have evolved from the superficial skin denticles migrating into the mouth at the stage when jaws evolved. The canonical view is that the initiation of a pattern order for teeth at the mouth margin required development of a sub-epithelial, permanent dental lamina. This provided regulated tooth production in advance of functional need, as exemplified by the Chondrichthyes. It had been assumed that teeth in the Osteichthyes form in this way as in tetrapods. However, this has been shown not to be true for many osteichthyan fish where a dental lamina of this kind does not form, but teeth are regularly patterned and replaced. We question the evolutionary origin of pattern information for the dentition driven by new morphological data on spatial initiation of skin denticles in the catshark. We review recent gene expression data for spatio-temporal order of tooth initiation for Scyliorhinus canicula, selected teleosts in both oral and pharyngeal dentitions, and Neoceratodus forsteri. Although denticles in the chondrichthyan skin appear not to follow a strict pattern order in space and time, tooth replacement in a functional system occurs with precise timing and spatial order. We suggest that the patterning mechanism observed for the oral and pharyngeal dentition is unique to the vertebrate oro-pharynx and independent of the skin system. Therefore, co-option of a successional iterative pattern occurred in evolution not from the skin but from mechanisms existing in the oro-pharynx of now extinct agnathans.  相似文献   

Tooth replacement in piranhas is unusual: all teeth on one side of the head are lost as a unit, then replaced simultaneously. We used histology and microCT to examine tooth‐replacement modes across carnivorous piranhas and their herbivorous pacu cousins (Serrasalmidae) and then mapped replacement patterns onto a molecular phylogeny. Pacu teeth develop and are replaced in a manner like piranhas. For serrasalmids, unilateral tooth replacement is not an “all or nothing” phenomenon; we demonstrate that both sides of the jaws have developing tooth rows within them, albeit with one side more mineralized than the other. All serrasalmids (except one) share unilateral tooth replacement, so this is not an adaptation for carnivory. All serrasalmids have interlocking teeth; piranhas interdigitate lateral tooth cusps with adjacent teeth, forming a singular saw‐like blade, whereas lateral cusps in pacus clasp together. For serrasalmids to have an interlocking dentition, their teeth need to develop and erupt at the same time. We propose that interlocking mechanisms prevent tooth loss and ensure continued functionality of the feeding apparatus. Serrasalmid dentitions are ubiquitously heterodont, having incisiform and molariform dentitions reminiscent of mammals. Finally, we propose that simultaneous tooth replacement be considered as a synapomorphy for the family.  相似文献   

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