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The activity of total monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the rat ovary and uterus fluctuates significantly under various physiological conditions. We analyzed total MAO activity in the hypothalamus, uterus and ovary in adult rats, having an extreme number of corpora lutea (hyperluteinized ovaries) resulting from the mechanical lesions in the posterior hypothalamic region of neonatal rats. Total MAO activity in the hypothalamus (30.21 +/- 1.53 pmol/mg tissue/min) and uterus (3.16 +/- 0.61 pmol/mg tissue/min) of rats with hyperluteinized ovaries did not show a significant difference as compared to that of intact controls (31.09 +/- 1.72 and 2.90 +/- 0.40 pmol/mg tissue/min, respectively). In contrast, in the ovaries of hyperluteinized rats, total MAO activity (21.16 +/- 1.70 pmol/mg tissue/min) was significantly higher (p<0.01) when compared to that of intact controls (13.61 +/- 1.30 pmol/mg tissue/min). The increased MAO activity in the hyperluteinized ovaries may be attributed to the increased number of transformed and accumulated corpora lutes as a consequence of diminished luteolysis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) has a role in striatal dopamine metabolism in animals with a unilateral lesion of the medial forebrain bundle, and whether 2-phenylethylamine (PE) could have a role in amplification of dopamine (DA) responses in DA depleted striatum. Inhibition of MAO-B did not alter DA metabolism in lesioned striata. PE accumulation decreased with loss of DA as long as there was no DA dysfunction. In lesioned striata with dysfunction of DA transmission at the synaptic level, PE accumulation increased,suggesting a compensatory increase in PE synthesis. This increase in PE levels does not appear to be mediated by an increase in the total striatal aromaticl-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) activity. We conclude that inhibition of MAO-B has no effect on DA metabolism in the hemi-parkinsonian rat striatum and that PE could be involved in the antiparkinsonian action of MAO-B inhibitors.  相似文献   

Astroglial cells dispersed from newborn rat hemispheres were established in medium supplemented with 20 per cent fetal calf serum (FBS) and then grown to a confluent monolayer in the presence of 10 per cent FBS or charcoal-stripped FBS (CS). Type 1 astrocytes were subcultured and either maintained under the same conditions of the primary cultures or converted to serum-free chemically defined medium (CDM). No differences were found in either MAO A or MAO B activity of astrocytes grown in the presence of FBS or CS after 15 and 21 days in vitro (day 1 and 6 of subculture). In contrast, on day 21 both MAO A and MAO B activities were markedly higher in astrocytes subcultured in CDM compared with cells maintained in serum-supplemented medium. This difference appeared to be due to increased number of enzyme molecules, since kinetic analysis showed an increase in Vmax of both MAO isoenzymes in serum-free medium, but no change in Km. Consistently, the recovery of MAO A and MAO B activity after irreversible enzyme inhibition by clorgyline and deprenyl was faster in CDM than in FBS-supplemented medium, indicating enhanced enzyme synthesis under serum-free condition. Estimates of half-lives for the recovery of MAO A and MAO B activity indicated that, under both culture conditions, type A activity had a higher turnover rate than type B. The effect of CDM on astrocyte MAO does not appear to be due to selection of a subpopulation of cells, but rather linked to a morphological change (differentiation) with increased synthesis of both MAO isoenzymes.  相似文献   

R B Silverman  C K Hiebert 《Biochemistry》1988,27(22):8448-8453
Three known mechanism-based inactivators of beef liver mitochondrial monoamine oxidase (MAO) B are tested as inactivators of human placental mitochondrial MAO A. 1-Phenylcyclopropylamine (1-PCPA), 1-benzylcyclopropylamine (1-BCPA), and N-cyclopropyl-alpha-methylbenzylamine (N-C alpha MBA) are time-dependent irreversible inactivators of MAO A. The KI values for 1-PCPA and N-C alpha MBA, analogues of the MAO B substrate benzylamine, are much higher with MAO A than with MAO B. Evidence is presented to show that 1-PCPA inactivates MAO A by attachment to the flavin cofactor, unlike the reaction with MAO B in which 1-PCPA can attach to both a cysteine residue and the flavin [Silverman, R.B., & Zieske, P.A. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 2128-2138]. The reaction of 1-BCPA with MAO A was too slow to study in detail. N-C alpha MBA exhibits the same properties toward inactivation of MAO A that it does for inactivation of MAO B. Attachment in both cases is shown to be to one cysteine residue per enzyme molecule. The results with 1-PCPA indicate that the active site topographies of MAO A and MAO B are different. The ability of N-C alpha MBA to undergo attachment to a cysteine residue in both MAO A and MAO B may lead the way toward peptide mapping of the two isozymes in order to determine differences in their primary structures.  相似文献   

Activities of monoamine oxidase (MAO) A and B were measured during the first month of postnatal development in mouse cerebellum and in primary cultures of either cerebellar granule cells or cerebellar astrocytes, derived from 7-day-old cerebella. In addition, effects of the two monoamines, serotonin (a MAO A substrate) and phenylethylamine (a MAO B substrate) on the release of glutamate under resting conditions and in a transmitter related fashion (i.e., potassium-induced, calcium-dependent glutamate release) were studied during the same period. Both MAO A and MAO B activities increased during in vivo development (beginning around postnatal day 14) and in cultured astrocytes (during a comparable time period and to a similar extent), but remained constant at a low level in granule cells. In 4-day-old cerebellar granule cell cultures there was no potassium-induced glutamate release but serotonin as well as phenylethylamine reduced the release in both the presence and absence of excess potassium. In 8- and 12-day-old granule cell cultures and in 8- and 18-day old astrocyte cultures there was a pronounced glutamate release during superfusion with 50 mM K+. In both neurons and astrocytes this response was inhibited by 1 nM of either serotonin or phenylethylamine. In the astrocytes the inhibition was followed by an increased release of glutamate in both the presence and absence of the high potassium concentration, whereas the 8-day-old neurons showed only a slight increase in glutamate release after the with-drawal of the monoamine and only in the absence of excess potassium. The response was almost identical in 8-and 18-day-old astrocytes in spite of the marked difference in MAO activities.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Paola S. Timiras.  相似文献   

Effects of a selective monoamine oxidase (MAO)--A inhibitor, clorgyline, a selective MAO-B inhibitor, deprenyl, and a non-selective MAO inhibitor, nialamide, were investigated on footshock-induced aggression (FIA) in paired rats. The doses and pretreatment times of the inhibitors used were based on an earlier reported in vivo dose-response and time-course study. In addition, apomorphine, a dopaminergic receptor agonist, and beta-phenylethylamine, a preferred substrate for MAO-B, were also used to garner corroborative evidence. The results of the study indicate that selective MAO-A inhibitors are likely to attenuate FIA by augmenting central serotonergic activity, while selective MAO-B inhibitors accentuate the behaviour by facilitating dopaminergic activity. A permissive role for noradrenaline could not be delineated by the available data.  相似文献   

In vitro comparative studies of effects of amiridin (9-amino-2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8-hexahydro-1H-cyclopentane (b) choline monohydrate hydrochloride) and tacrine physostigmine and piracetam on monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) and B (MAO-B) activity in the rat brain were carried out. Piracetam (1 x 10(-4)-1 x 10(-3) M) dose-dependently increased MAO-A and MAO-B activity. At all concentrations used (1 x 10(-7)-5 x 10(-4) M) physostigmine had no effect on MAO-A and MAO-B activity. Amiridin was found to inhibit MAO-B activity at 5 x 10(-4) M concentration only. Tacrine inhibited MAO-A activity at 5 x 10(-4) M concentration. The therapeutical effects of amiridin and tacrine in treatment of Alzheimer disease were not related to their action on MAO-A and -B activity.  相似文献   

Neurocatin, a small (about 2,000 Dalton) neuroregulator isolated from mammalian brain, is a powerful effector of monoamine oxidase B in rat brain synaptosomes. Incubation of intact synaptosomes with neurocatin caused an inhibition of the enzyme dependent on the concentration of neurocatin. This inhibition became statistically significant at a neurocatin concentration of 10 ng/200 l and was significant at all higher neurocatin concentrations. At 40 ng/200 l, neurocatin inhibited monoamine oxidase B activity by about 60%. This inhibitory effect was almost completely abolished by breaking the synaptosomal membrane by hypotonic buffer prior to incubation with neurocatin. In addition, incubation of the synaptosomes in calcium free medium almost completely abolished the inhibitory effect of neurocatin on monoamine oxidase B. The inhibition appeared to involve covalent modification of the enzyme mediated by a neurocatin receptor(s). Measurements of the kinetic parameters of the enzyme showed that 20 ng of neurocatin caused a statistically significant decrease in Vmax (by 20%) with no significant change in KM, compared to controls. Inhibition of monoamine oxidase by neurocatin is potentially of great clinical importance because this enzyme plays a major role in catabolism of the biogenic amines and alterations in its activity is believed to contribute to several neurological disorders.  相似文献   

Monoamine oxidase is an outer mitochondrial membrane protein that catalyzes the deamination of a number of neurotransmitters and dietary amines. To determine the roles of the carboxyl-terminal amino acids on the activity and solubility of human monoamine oxidase (MAO B), 10 sequential mutants were made with stop codons at amino acid positions 511, 504, 498, 492, 486, 481, 476, 467, 417, and 397, respectively. All truncated mutants were expressed in Sf21 insect cells using baculovirus, and the enzyme kinetic parameters were determined. Truncations at amino acid positions 511, 504, and 498 slightly decreased MAO B catalytic activity and had no significant changes on deprenyl inhibition. Further deletions up to amino acid 417 decreased the specific activity 10--100-fold without significant changes of the K(m) for phenylethylamine or dopamine or the IC(50) for deprenyl and clorgyline. The truncation mutant C397, which lacks covalently attached FAD, was inactive. Progressive carboxyl-terminal truncations up to position 481 were correlated with increased solubility of MAO B mutants. 47% of the activity of the truncated C481 was found in the 105,000 x g supernatant in the absence of detergent. However, further truncated mutants, C476, C467, and C417, remained associated with the membrane fraction. In contrast to crude homogenate, the water-soluble C481 mutant was rapidly inactivated at 4 degrees C and 37 degrees C, which indicates that the membrane environment is required for the stability of MAO B. Expression of the green fluorescent protein-MAO B C481 fusion protein revealed that this mutant was located in the cytoplasm, whereas its counterpart in MAO A, truncated mutant C490, was located on the mitochondria. These results suggest that the carboxyl-terminal amino acid residues 417--520 of MAO B are not directly involved in the active site but are required for maintaining the appropriate conformation and interaction with the outer mitochondrial membrane. The different solubilities of the various carboxyl-terminal truncation mutants indicate that the interaction of MAO B with mitochondrial membrane is not simply anchoring through the carboxyl-terminal hydrophobic tail. Further, our results suggest that the carboxyl-terminal of MAO A and B plays different roles in mitochondrial attachment.  相似文献   

Summary The histochemically detectable monoamine oxidase activity in certain organs of young and old rats is compared. Regardless of age, the activity is strong in the liver, faint in the skeletal muscle, and absent in the kidney. In the myocardium, however, the quantity of monoamine oxidase increases strongly with age. Its activity is manifest in the form of granular and diffuse formazan precipitates; both disappear after a preliminary treatment of the animals with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. This finding indicates that the diffuse as well as the previously identified granular precipitates represent monoamine oxidase.  相似文献   

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