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Inbreeding in Tamil Nadu, South India   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  


A representative random sample of 11,628 rural couples and 8,998 urban couples from North Arcot District of Tamil Nadu in South India are under follow up since 1969 in a study of inbreeding eflFects. This paper describes the level of inbreeding and its relationship to religion of the couples. Wright's F for autosomal genes in the rural and urban areas were 0.0371 and 0.0205, respectively. The F for sex‐linked genes was significantly higher than that for autosomal and was 0.0411 in the rural areas and 0.0228 in the urban. Hindus had the highest inbreeding coefficients as compared to Muslims or Christians for both autosomal and sex‐linked genes, but there were significant variations among the different castes. The level of inbreeding among Muslims and Christians was similar and fairly high. Significant rural‐urban differentials persist in all religions. There is no appreciable change in the level of inbreeding over the past few decades in any religion, although minor declines are observed in certain castes in the urban areas.  相似文献   

Ocular rhinosporidiosis in Tamil Nadu,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A high incidence of ocular rhinosporidiosis in Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu, India is reported. Among the four taluks (sub-division for administration), highest occurrence was found in Agastheeswaram taluk (51.2%) followed by Kalkulam (24.4%), Thovalai (22%) and Vilavancode (2.4%). The disease occurred among both sexes equally and preponderance of a particular sex was not observed. The young adolescents were found to be more susceptible. The disease was found in all socio-economic strata and among all communities and persons belonging to different religious groups. Most of the patients gave a history of bathing in muddy stagnant pools of water.Retired Professor of Microbiology and Project Leader University Scheme on Electronmicroscopic and Ultrastructural studies on rhinosporidiosis in nasal polyps of animals and man.  相似文献   

Abstract A new species of the genus Linshcosteus Distant, 1904 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) is described from specimens collected near Kalakkadu, Tamil Nadu state, southern India. Specimens were found in deep crevices between rocks, in a region of semi‐arid scrub jungle. The distinctiveness of the new species was demonstrated by a morphometric analysis including the five previously described species of Linshcosteus, all from India. Nine measurements of the head were used in an isometric size‐free principal component analysis. In terms of discrete morphology the new species, Linshcosteus karupus sp.n. Galvão, Patterson, Rocha & Jurberg differs from the most similar one, L. kali Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 , by its very prominent anterolateral projections of the pronotum, by the length to width ratio of the pronotum, by the pilosity of the head and several other characters, including phallic structures. A revised key is presented for the six species of the genus.  相似文献   

In this study, the diversity of prokaryotes inhabiting crystallizer ponds of three solar salterns, located along Bengal Bay in Tamil Nadu, India was examined. Unlike other salterns studied the Tamil Nadu salterns are fed by hypersaline spring water mixed with seawater and led to the ponds from bore wells. In addition, prokaryotic community development is restricted as salterns operate only during the arid part of the year. Both culture-based and culture-independent polymerase chain reaction 16S rRNA molecular phylogenetic approaches were employed. Representatives of the family Halobacteriaceae dominated in cultivable portion of diversity encountered with members of genera Haloferax, Halorubrum, Haloarcula, Halobacterium and Halogeometricum recovered in pure culture. In contrast, members of Bacteria were recovered from only one sampling site and were represented by members of genera Salinibacter, Cytophaga and Marinococcus. Based on culture-independent sampling, the predominant members of the haloarchaeal crystallizer community belonged to the genus Natrinema.  相似文献   



Hyperglycaemia in pregnancy (HIP), i.e. gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and diabetes in pregnancy (DIP), increases the risk of various short- and long-term adverse outcomes. However, much remains to be understood about the role of different risk factors in development of HIP.


The aims of this observational study were to examine the role of potential risk factors for HIP, and to investigate whether any single or accumulated risk factor(s) could be used to predict HIP among women attending GDM screening at three centres in urban, semi-urban and rural Tamil Nadu, India.


Pregnant women underwent a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test. Data on potential risk factors was collected and analysed using logistical regression analysis. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, sensitivity, specificity and predictive values were calculated for significant risk factors and a risk factor scoring variable was constructed.


HIP was prevalent in 18.9% of the study population (16.3% GDM; 2.6% DIP). Increasing age and BMI as well as having a mother only or both parents with diabetes were significant independent risk factors for HIP. Among women attending the rural health centre a doubling of income corresponded to an 80% increased risk of HIP (OR 1.80, 95%CI 1.10–2.93; p = 0.019), whereas it was not significantly associated with HIP among women attending the other health centres. The performance of the individual risk factors and the constructed scoring variable differed substantially between the three health centres, but none of them were good enough to discriminate between those with and without HIP.


The findings highlight the importance of socio-economic circumstances and intergenerational risk transmission in the occurrence of HIP as well as the need for universal screening.  相似文献   

Out of 100 samples (67 randomly collected and 33 known to contain aflatoxin) of feeds and feedstuffs examined, 40 showed cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) activity i.e., maize 10/26, groundnut cake 10/20, sunflower seed cake 7/10, sorghum 4/10, wheat 1/1, little millet 1/1, rice 1/1, deoiled rice bran 0/1, fishmeal 0/1, chick mash 1/3, grower mash 0/7, layer mash 3/11, broiler mash 2/6 and cattle feed 0/2, concentrations ranged from 0.4 to 12, 0.5 to 20, 0.3 to 20, 0.3 to 20,20, 10, 10, 1.5, 1 to 15, 8, and 15 ppm, respectively. Co-occurrence of CPA was found in 14 of 33 aflatoxin-containing samples. Part of Ph.D. thesis submitted by the first author to the Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Madras 600 007, India.  相似文献   

The present study was focused to evaluate the phytoplankton biodiversity in two freshwater perennial lakes of Sulur and Ukkadam of Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. The study period was two years from March 2012 to February 2014. Results revealed that totally 50 species of phytoplankton include 14 Cyanophyceae, 19 Chlorophyceae, 14 Bacillariophyceae, and 3 Euglenophyceae were recorded from the Sulur lake and 36 species of phytoplankton comprising 9 species of Cyanophyceae, 15 species of Chlorophyceae, 10 species of Bacillariophyceae and 2 species of Euglenophyceae were noticed in Ukkadam lake during the study period. The recorded phytoplankton density was ranged between 22,380 and 80,590 cells/l in Sulur lake and 29,350 and 1,16,255 cells/l in Ukkadam lake. Thus, the present study overall dominance of phytoplankton group was Chlorophyceae followed by Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, and Euglenophyceae. The phytoplankton population was recorded maximum in Ukkadam lake when compared to Sulur lake. Hence, the study revealed that both Ukkadam and Sulur lakes possess an appreciable quantum of phytoplankton and it can be used for fish culture.  相似文献   

The present study was focused to examine diversity and distributional pattern of freshwater snails and to identify the schistosome infected snails in ten different ponds of Madurai district, Tamil Nadu, South India. Snails were collected from native substrates in ponds using dip net from Madurai North, Tamil Nadu province of south India and microscopic examination for detecting cercariae larvae in snails were assessed. In total, 1250 individuals belonging to six species under five families of freshwater snails were collected. The alpha and beta diversity analyses were calculated for estimating the diversity of snails. The cercariae infection was observed in four collected freshwater snail species. Of four infected snails, Lymnaea luteola had the highest percentage of cercariae infection. Statistical tests showed that the environmental factors of total dissolved solids, pH and salinity were significantly related with snail distribution and cercariae infection rather than spatial factor. The study demonstrated that the salinity, conductivity and total dissolved solids of pond water play a key factor for the distribution of snails and cercariae infection. The findings of our study will improve the understanding of the dynamics of schistosomiasis transmission and would ease the implementation of integrated disease control measures based on ecological knowledge of schistosomiasis vector in Madurai and Tamil Nadu zones.  相似文献   

Mitochondria contains a single deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase, polymerase gamma (POLG) mapped to long arm of chromosome 15 (15q25), responsible for replication and repair of mitochondrial DNA. Exon 1 of the human POLG contains CAG trinucleotide repeat, which codes for polyglutamate. Ten copies of CAG repeat were found to be uniformly high (0.88) in different ethnic groups and considered as the common allele, whereas the mutant alleles (not -10/not -10 CAG repeats) were found to be associated with oligospermia/oligoasthenospermia in male infertility. Recent data suggested the implication of POLG CAG repeat expansion in infertility, but are debated. The aim of our study was to explore whether the not -10/not -10 variant is associated with spermatogenic failure. As few study on Indian population have been conducted so far to support this view, we investigated the distribution of the POLG CAG repeats in 61 infertile men and 60 normozoospermic control Indian men of Tamil Nadu, from the same ethnic background. This analysis interestingly revealed that the homozygous wild type genotype (10/-10) was common in infertile men (77% - 47/61) and in normozoospermic control men (71.7% - 43/60). Our study failed to confirm any influence of the POLG gene polymorphism on the efficiency of the spermatogenesis.  相似文献   



Snakebite represents a significant health issue worldwide, affecting several million people each year with as many as 95,000 deaths. India is considered to be the country most affected, but much remains unknown about snakebite incidence in this country, its socio-economic impact and how snakebite management could be improved.

Methods/Principal Findings

We conducted a study within rural villages in Tamil Nadu, India, which combines a household survey (28,494 people) of snakebite incidence with a more detailed survey of victims in order to understand the health and socio-economic effects of the bite, the treatments obtained and their views about future improvements. Our survey suggests that snakebite incidence is higher than previously reported. 3.9% of those surveyed had suffered from snakebite and the number of deaths corresponds to 0.45% of the population. The socio-economic impact of this is very considerable in terms of the treatment costs and the long-term effects on the health and ability of survivors to work. To reduce this, the victims recommended improvements to the accessibility and affordability of antivenom treatment.


Snakebite has a considerable and disproportionate impact on rural populations, particularly in South Asia. This study provides an incentive for researchers and the public to work together to reduce the incidence and improve the outcomes for snake bite victims and their families.  相似文献   

Anbu P  Hilda A  Gopinath SC 《Mycopathologia》2004,158(3):303-309
Soils of 10 poultry farms from Namakkal and 12 feather dumping sites from Chennai were studied for the presence of keratinophilic fungi. A total of 34 species belonging to 19 genera and one non-sporulating fungus were recovered. Sixteen species of fungi and one non-sporulating fungi were common to both sites, eight species were specific to Namakkal and nine species were specific to Chennai. Dermatophytes and closely related fungi were represented by six species belonging to five genera. Fungal species commonly found in the soil samples included Chrysosporium keratinophilum (73%), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (68.2%), Microsporum gypseum (64%), Myceliopthora vellerea (32%), Chrysosporium state of Arthroderma tuberculatum (27.3%) and Geomyces pannorum (23%). Non-dermatophyte fungi were represented by 28 species belonging to 14 genera and one non-sporulating fungus.  相似文献   

Local knowledge systems are not considered in the conservation of fragile seagrass marine ecosystems. In fact, little is known about the utility of seagrasses in local coastal communities. This is intriguing given that some local communities rely on seagrasses to sustain their livelihoods and have relocated their villages to areas with a rich diversity and abundance of seagrasses. The purpose of this study is to assist in conservation efforts regarding seagrasses through identifying Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) from local knowledge systems of seagrasses from 40 coastal communities along the eastern coast of India. We explore the assemblage of scientific and local traditional knowledge concerning the 1. classification of seagrasses (comparing scientific and traditional classification systems), 2. utility of seagrasses, 3. Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of seagrasses, and 4. current conservation efforts for seagrass ecosystems. Our results indicate that local knowledge systems consist of a complex classification of seagrass diversity that considers the role of seagrasses in the marine ecosystem. This fine-scaled ethno-classification gives rise to five times the number of taxa (10 species = 50 local ethnotaxa), each with a unique role in the ecosystem and utility within coastal communities, including the use of seagrasses for medicine (e.g., treatment of heart conditions, seasickness, etc.), food (nutritious seeds), fertilizer (nutrient rich biomass) and livestock feed (goats and sheep). Local communities are concerned about the loss of seagrass diversity and have considerable local knowledge that is valuable for conservation and restoration plans. This study serves as a case study example of the depth and breadth of local knowledge systems for a particular ecosystem that is in peril.  相似文献   

The DAZ-like (DAZL) gene located on the short arm of autosomal chromosome 3 (3p24), an essential master gene for the premeiotic development of male and female germ cells, is the father of the Y-chromosome DAZ gene cluster and encodes for RNA-binding proteins. Reported instances of positive association of DAZL gene mutations with infertility in men have been found in a Taiwanese population but not in Caucasians. There is no study from Tamil Nadu, South India, to demonstrate the role of DAZL gene in male infertility; we, therefore, analyzed a total of 287 men, including 147 infertile and 140 normozoospermic fertile controls from rural areas of Tamil Nadu, South India, to assess the phenotypic effect of DAZL mutations in this region of the world. Interestingly, all our samples showed absence of the A386G (T54A) mutation that was found to be associated with spermatogenic failure in the Taiwanese population. Therefore, we suggest that the A386G (T54A) mutation is not associated with male infertility in Tamil Nadu, South India.  相似文献   

Host plant resistance offers a viable alternative to the use of chemical insecticides for managing insects Infesting tomato. Hence, a study was carried out in Tamil Nadu, India during 1996 to 2004. An exhaustive germplasm comprising 321 tomato accessions including cultivars, wild lines, land races, tribal/native tomatoes was gathered from various sources and screened for resistance against the major pest namely fruit worm, Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera). In the field screening, larval population and fruit damage was evaluated while in the glasshouse, foliage and fruit damage was assessed and ten promising accessions were selected. Based on further laboratory studies on the various mechanisms and bases of resistance, four accessions namely, Varushanadu Local, Seijima Jeisei, Ac 238 and Roma were selected and subjected to intercrossing by conventional hybridization, which yielded three viable hybrids. The resistance potentials of these hybrids against the fruit worm, H. armigera, leaf caterpillar, Spodoptera litura Fab. Noctuldae: Lepidoptera), leaf miner, Liriomyza trifolii Blanchard (Agromyzidae: Diptera) and whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Genn. (Aleyrodidae: Hemiptera) were probed both in the field and glasshouse along with their respective parents. The hybrids exerted lesser feeding and ovipositional preference and higher antibiotic effects on insect stages. The density of three types of non-glandular and two types of glandular trichomes and phenol content in the foliage, lycopene and ascorbic acid content in the fruits were the major factors of resistance. Based on these studies, Hybrid 3 (Ac 238 x Roma) and its derivatives were adjudged as potential accessions possessing insect tolerance.  相似文献   

Igor Hudec 《Hydrobiologia》1987,145(1):147-150
Moina oryzae n. sp., from a rice field in South India, is described. The species is related toMoina reticulata Daday, 1905, and toMoina minuta Hansen, 1899. The parthenogenetic and sexual females and male are described. A differential diagnosis is given.  相似文献   

Periodic drug resistance surveillance provides useful information on trends of drug resistance and effectiveness of tuberculosis (TB) control measures. The present study determines the prevalence of drug resistance among new sputum smear positive (NSP) and previously treated (PT) pulmonary TB patients, diagnosed at public sector designated microscopy centers (DMCs) in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. In this single-stage cluster-sampling prevalence survey, 70 of 700 DMCs were randomly selected using a probability-proportional to size method. A cluster size of 24 for NSP and a varying size of 0 to 99 for PT cases were fixed for each selected DMC. Culture and drug susceptibility testing was done on Lowenstein-Jensen medium using the economic variant of proportion sensitivity test for isoniazid (INH), rifampicin (RMP), ofloxacin (OFX) and kanamycin (KAN). Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) status was collected from patient records. From June 2011 to August 2012, 1524 NSP and 901 PT patients were enrolled. Any RMP resistance and any INH resistance were observed in 2.6% and 15.1%, and in 10.4% and 30% respectively in NSP and PT cases. Among PT patients, multi drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) was highest in the treatment failure (35%) group, followed by relapse (13%) and treatment after default (10%) groups. Extensively drug resistant TB (XDRTB) was seen in 4.3% of MDR-TB cases. Any OFX resistance was seen in 10.4% of NSP, 13.9% of PT and 29% of PT MDR-TB patients. The HIV status of the patient had no impact on drug resistance levels. RMP resistance was present in 2.6% of new and 15.1% of previously treated patients in Tamil Nadu. Rates of OFX resistance were high among NSP and PT patients, especially among those with MDR-TB, a matter of concern for development of new treatment regimens for TB.  相似文献   

Roos Gerritsen 《Ethnos》2014,79(4):551-576
In this article, I explore the production of political images in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The state is known for the ubiquitous presence of banners, murals and posters in its public spaces, featuring prominent politicians and actors. It is commonly argued that these images help to convey the heroic or exclusive status of political leaders. However, such images are actually produced by party workers and therefore do not simply transpose status and image. Instead, political supporters praise their leader via these images and act as ‘kingmakers’ in constructing reputation and power. Simultaneously, by putting political images on display, supporters also authorise their own power. While praise is important in showing a person's dedication to a political party, the images, in the motivations of their producers, are suffused with ambivalence and competition as well. Hence, I argue, political image practices are not representative of politics, they are politics.  相似文献   

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