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Oldfield succession in Mediterranean ecosystems has been studied extensively in mesic conditions. However, this phenomenon is still poorly understood in semi-arid Mediterranean areas, where reduced plant cover, the importance of facilitation processes and the role of abiotic factors make these environments distinct. We first test whether the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) generates nucleation patterns in semi-arid oldfields, and to what extent such patterns change with abandonment age. Then we test to what extent nucleation can be explained by the perch effect. And finally, we test whether the nucleated pattern around carob trees is a source of diversity in the oldfields studied. To answer these questions we located oldfields abandoned 25 and 50 years ago (20 in each case) in the Alacant Province (SE Spain, Iberian Peninsula) on the basis of aerial photographs and personal interviews with local landowners and managers. In each oldfield woody plant density and richness were sampled on two microsites: under the carob tree and in the open field. Analysis was performed on all woody plants and by separating the species in two functional groups: fleshy-fruited (with fleshy mesocarp) and non-fleshy-fruited species. The results suggest that woody vegetation colonising abandoned C. siliqua fields in SE Spain is not randomly distributed but follows a nucleation pattern with higher plant density under the trees. However, the nucleation pattern is only significant for fleshy-fruited species, suggesting that facilitative interactions alone cannot explain the nucleation pattern and that the perch effect plays an important role. The results also show that the nucleation pattern (total plant density and density of non-fleshy-fruited plants) did not increase with abandonment age, while the perch effect (density of fleshy-fruited plants) did increase significantly. Furthermore, the results also show that the nucleation pattern is not only a loci of high plant density but also a loci of high species richness. Thus we can conclude that the nucleation pattern found in oldfield succession is best explained by the perch effect, while facilitation has a secondary importance. This emphasises the key role that dispersal mode has on the dynamics of vegetation recovery in formerly cropped areas.  相似文献   

In the present work we examined the composition and distribution across three soil layers of the buried soil seed bank under three different overstory types (Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur, Pinus sylvestris) and in logging areas in a 4383-ha forest in central Belgium. The objectives were: (1) to investigate whether species composition and species richness of soil seed banks are affected by different forest stands; (2) to examine how abundant are habitat-specific forest species in seed banks under different planted tree layers. The study was carried out in stands which are replicated, managed in the same way (even-aged high forest), and growing on the same soil type with the same land-use history. In the investigated area, the seed bank did show significant differences under oak, beech, pine and in logging areas, respectively in terms of size, composition and depth occurrence. All species and layers taken together, the seed bank size ranked as follows: oakwood > beechwood > logging area > pinewood. The same pattern was found for forest species. Seed numbers of Betula pendula, Calluna vulgaris, Dryopteris dilatata and Rubus fruticosus were significantly higher under the beech canopy. Carex remota, Impatiens parviflora and Lotus sp. showed a significantly denser seed bank in logging areas, while Digitalis purpurea seeds were significantly more abundant in soils under the oak canopy. The fact that the seed bank of an originally homogeneous forest varies under different planted stands highlights that a long period of canopy conversion can affect the composition and depth of buried seeds.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effect of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) on the growth of trees. Rainforest trees of eastern Australia provide an opportunity to investigate responses to VPD in species that occur in high precipitation areas but have contrasting dry seasons—summer in the temperate south and winter in the tropical north. Growth responses to VPD were measured in eight species of Australian rainforest trees from different latitudes to investigate possible differences in their response to atmospheric drought. Previous work on these species found that the tropical species have large reductions in gas exchange with increasing VPD whereas the temperate species were mainly unresponsive to increasing VPD. Plants were grown in glasshouses for a year under either low VPD or ambient conditions of a temperate climate. All species had non-significant increases in growth rates (1–9%) of plants grown under low VPD compared with plants grown under ambient VPD. In addition, growing the species under low VPD had no effect on allocation of biomass (leaf area ratio, leaf weight ratio and root/shoot ratio). Therefore, the high sensitivity of gas exchange to increasing VPD found in the tropical rainforest trees did not have a significant, long-term effect on growth under high VPD.  相似文献   

Plant transpiration has a key role on both plant performance and ecosystem functioning in arid zones, but realistic estimates at appropriate spatial-temporal scales are scarce. Leaf and tiller morphology and crown architecture were studied together with leaf physiology and whole plant water balance in four individual plants of Stipa tenacissima of different sizes to determine the relative influence of processes taking place at different spatial and temporal scales on whole plant transpiration. Transpiration was estimated in potted plants by leaf-level gas exchange techniques (infrared gas analyzer and porometer), by sap flow measurements, and by integrating leaf physiology and crown architecture with the 3-D computer model Yplant. Daily transpiration of each individual plant was monitored using a gravimetric method, which rendered the reference values. Leaves on each individual plant significantly varied in their physiological status. Young and green parts of the leaves showed five times higher chlorophyll concentration and greater photosynthetic capacity than the senescent parts of the foliage. Instantaneous leaf-level transpiration measurements should not be used to estimate plant transpiration, owing to the fact that extrapolations overestimated individual transpiration by more than 100%. Considering leaf age effects and scaling the estimates according to the relative amount of each foliage category reduced this difference to 46% though it was still significantly higher than gravimetric measurements. Sap flow calculations also overestimated tussock transpiration. However, 3-D reconstruction of plants with Yplant and transpiration estimates, considering both the physiological status and the daily pattern of radiation experienced by each individual leaf section within the crown, matched the gravimetric measurements (differences were only 4.4%). The complex interplay of leaf physiology and crown structure must be taken into account in scaling up plant transpiration from instantaneous, leaf-level measurements, and our study indicates that transpiration of complex crowns is easily overestimated.  相似文献   

Gary M. Barker   《Acta Oecologica》2006,29(3):256-265
Five experiments investigated the importance of herbivory by Sminthurus viridis in structuring botanical composition in developing grasslands, and how these effects may be modified by diversity in collembolan and plant species. Differential susceptibility to S. viridis feeding was demonstrated in 23 dicotyledonous and three monocotyledonous plants assayed as seedlings at the first true leaf stage. The composition of seedling communities developing from natural and artificially constructed soil seed banks varied with the level of S. viridis infestation, with plant species least susceptible to herbivory making the greatest contribution to plant biomass. The combined effect of herbivory by S. viridis and Bourletiella hortensis on Trifolium repens biomass was shown to be less than the effect of S. viridis alone, indicating competitive interference. The adverse effects of herbivory by S. viridis on T. repens biomass was reduced by increased diversity of plants growing in association with the legume, and the presence of four non-herbivorous arthropleonan Collembola. S. viridis was shown to reduce seedling numbers, species diversity and biomass in communities developing from the soil seed bank, but the presence of non-herbivorous arthropleonan species reduced the effect of S. viridis. The experiments demonstrate the potential for herbivory by S. viridis to significantly alter species composition in developing grassland communities. However, interactions with collembolan and plant species profoundly modified S. viridis herbivory impacts, either by reducing feeding intensity or enhancing plant growth. These results highlight the fact that data from simple, synthetic systems may be poor predictors of herbivory impacts under field conditions where more complex species interactions occur.  相似文献   

Heterostylous self-incompatible plant species are particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation and to disruption of pollination processes because of the need of intermorph cross-pollination for producing seeds. Heterostyly is characterized by sexual polymorphism through the occurrence of two (distyly) or three (tristyly) morph types that differ in floral traits (style length and anther position). We examined whether the long-styled (pin) and short-styled (thrum) morph types show differences in reproductive components and responses to habitat fragmentation in the distylous, self-incompatible perennial herb Primula veris. We documented reproductive components for pin and thrum individuals and their relationships with population size, plant density and morph ratio (pin frequency), in nine populations from Flanders (northern Belgium) located in fragmented habitats of the intensively used agricultural landscape. Seed abortion increased in small populations as a result of inbreeding depression. Fruit set increased with plant density. Seed set was positively related to pin proportion. Seed set was higher for pin than thrum in small populations, but lower in large populations. Two hypotheses can be considered to explain these morph-specific differences: a pollen transfer asymmetry, and a reproductive advantage for the partially self-compatible pin morph. Morph types appear to respond differently to habitat fragmentation constraints. A floral morph type showing partial self-compatibility may be favored in populations under pollination failure, because it can increase reproductive success and mating opportunities through intramorph crosses.  相似文献   

Jasmonic acid (JA) is implicated in a wide variety of developmental and physiological processes in plants. Here, we studied the effects of JA and the combination of JA and ethylenediamine-dio-hydroxyphenyl-acetic acid (EDDHA) on flowering in Lemna minor in axenical cultures. JA (0.475-47.5 nmol l(-1)) enhanced floral induction in L. minor under long-day (LD) conditions. Under the same conditions, at a concentration of 237.5 nmol l(-1), JA inhibited floral induction, and at a concentration of 475 nmol l(-1) it prevented floral induction. Under LD conditions with LD preculture, a combination of EDDHA (20,500 nmol l(-1)) and JA (47.5 nmol l(-1)) had a synergistic effect on the promotion of floral induction. Floral induction was enhanced to the greatest extent in experiments with LD precultures. Microscopic examination of microphotographs of histological sections showed that JA and, to an even greater extent, JA+EDDHA at optimal concentrations promote apical floral induction (evocation). Furthermore, JA, and to an even greater extent JA in combination with EDDHA in an optimal concentration, also promote flower differentiation, especially the development of stamens, as is evident from the microphotographs. The experimental results show that JA promotes floral induction in other species of Lemnaceae from various groups according to their photoperiodic response. The results support our hypothesis that, in addition to previously ascribed functions, JA may regulate floral induction, evocation and floral differentiation. Our hypothesis is supported also by the results obtained by quantitative determination of endogenous JA levels in L. minor at three growth stages. The levels of endogenous JA decreased from 389 ng JA g(-1) (fresh weight) of L. minor during the vegetative stage to 217 ng JA g(-1) during the evocation stage, and to 37.5 ng JA g(-1) during the flowering stage, which proves that JA is used for flowering.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyze the ant community found along an alluvial fan located in the Tehuacán Valley, central Mexico. Considering that this fan is composed of four terraces with different soils and vegetation structures, our main goal was to determine whether there are significant differences in ant diversity among terraces. To accomplish this goal, we determine species richness and abundance in order to calculate diversity and evenness indices. In addition, we classify species in different feeding guilds to evaluate whether differences among terraces exist. We expected higher ant diversity and variety of food guilds in terraces with sandy soils and complex vegetation structures than in terraces with argillic and calcic horizons. Correlations between several diversity parameters, and soil percent-sand and vegetation structure were also conducted. A total of 26 ant species were recorded along the fan. Species richness was not different among terraces whereas abundance was higher in sandy soils and on terraces with complex vegetation structure. Particularly, the abundance of the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus was higher in these terraces decreasing total ant diversity and evenness. Species richness within feeding guilds was similar among terraces with the generalized foragers as the most common. Our work suggests that percentage of sand in the soil and complexity of vegetation structure of the alluvial fan studied might be influencing ant distribution and favoring the abundance of numerically dominant species which could be affecting the diversity patterns of the whole community.  相似文献   

A proteinaceous trypsin inhibitor was purified from Crotalaria pallida seeds by ammonium sulfate precipitation, affinity chromatography on immobilized trypsin-Sepharose and TCA precipitation. The trypsin inhibitor, named CpaTI, had M(r) of 32.5 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE and was composed of two subunits with 27.7 and 5.6 kDa linked by disulfide bridges. CpaTI was stable at 50 degrees C and lost 40% of activity at 100 degrees C. CpaTI was also stable from pH 2 to 12 at 37 degrees C. CpaTI weakly inhibited chymotrypsin and elastase and its inhibition of papain, a cysteine proteinase, were indicative of its bi-functionality. CpaTI inhibited, in different degrees, digestive enzymes from Spodoptera frugiperda, Alabama argillacea, Plodiainterpunctella, Anthonomus grandis and Zabrotes subfasciatus guts. In vitro and in vivo susceptibility of Callosobruchus maculatus and Ceratitis capitata to CpaTI was evaluated. C. maculatus and C. capitata enzymes were strongly susceptible, 74.4+/-15.8% and 100.0+/-7.3%, respectively, to CpaTI. When CpaTI was added to artificial diets and offered to both insect larvae, the results showed that C. maculatus was more susceptible to CpaTI with an LD(50) of 3.0 and ED(50) of 2.17%. C. capitata larvae were more resistant to CpaTI, in disagreement with the in vitro effects. The larvae were more affected at lower concentrations, causing 27% mortality and 44.4% mass decrease. The action was constant at 2-4% (w/w) with 15% mortality and 38% mass decrease.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that body size of land snail species increases with aridity in Israel and Palestine because large snails lose relatively less water due to their lower surface to volume ratio has been investigated. Data on rainfall amplitudes of 84 land snail species in Israel and Palestine and on their body sizes were used to test for interspecific correlations between body size and rainfall. Four methods, means of body sizes in rainfall categories, the midpoint method, the across-species method, and a phylogenetically controlled analysis (CAIC) showed that there is no significant correlation between body size of land snail species and their rainfall amplitude in Israel and Palestine. The lack of an interspecific correlation between body size and rainfall amplitude may be the result of conflicting selective forces on body size.  相似文献   

The effects of chilling on respiration (SHAM-resistant, cytochrome pathway and KCN-resistant, alternative pathway), temperature sensitivity, relative electrolyte conductivity, and degrees of oxidative stress (H(2)O(2) and malonaldehyde (MDA) contents) were separately examined in leaves and roots of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). After chilling at 8 degrees C for 4 days, both total respiration and KCN-resistant respiration in roots increased at different measurement temperatures. In contrast, SHAM-resistant respiration remained unchanged. In comparison, chilling significantly decreased the total respiration in leaves and this decrease was mostly due to a decrease in SHAM-resistant respiration. Chilling apparently decreased the sensitivity of KCN-resistant respiration to changes of temperature. The reduction levels of ubiquinone pool (UQr/UQt) increased both in chilled leaves and roots whilst pyruvate content increased only in chilled roots, but not in chilled leaves. Furthermore increases of H(2)O(2) and MDA contents were much greater in leaves than in roots. The same trend was also observed for ion leakage from tissues. Taken together, the results suggested that the higher chilling tolerance of roots was associated with their high total respiration and KCN-resistant respiration.  相似文献   

Remains of a large-bodied species of endemic nesomyid rodent, Macrotarsomys petteri Goodman and Soarimalala, 2005, were identified from subfossil deposits recovered from Andrahomana Cave in extreme southeastern Madagascar. This recently described extant species was previously only known from a single specimen collected at a site about 450 km northwest of Andrahomana and with distinctly different forest habitat than currently found in the vicinity of the cave. Radiocarbon dating of remains of M. petteri from the cave site indicates that it persisted in the region subsequent to human settlement. Previous reports of a large member of Macrotarsomys from other Quaternary sites in southern Madagascar are almost certainly of M. petteri. It is proposed that this species once had a broad distribution across the southern portion of the island during a more mesic period and subsequent aridification of the region has led to its local extirpation across most of its former range. To cite this article: S.M. Goodman et al., C. R. Palevol 5 (2006).  相似文献   

The activity of a 65 kDa, cytosolic protease from sunflower seedling cotyledons coincides with the degradation of oleosins during seed germination. Further investigations carried out in this laboratory have demonstrated the probable association of a thiol-protease with oil bodies, leading to gradual degradation of oleosins during seedling growth. Evidence to this effect have been brought out through zymographic detection of protease activity from oil bodies, degradation of oleosins by electrophoretically eluted protease from the seedling cotyledons and inhibition of protease activity by thiol-protease inhibitor, such as N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). In addition to these biochemical evidence, visualization of thiol-protease activity has also been achieved by a novel fluorescence microscopic method and confocal imaging. It involves the uptake and binding of a fluorogenic thiol-protease inhibitor (fluorescein mercuric acetate, FMA) at the intracellular thiol-protease activity sites in protoplasts, leading to fluorescence emission at 523 nm following excitation at 499 nm. Maximum protease activity is observed in 4-d-old seedling cotyledons, coinciding with the phase of active triacylglycerol (TAGs) hydrolysis. All these observations provide evidence for the expression of the said thiol-protease activity on the oil body surface, leading to gradual proteolysis of oleosins during seed germination.  相似文献   

Tocopherols and tocotrienols are present in mature seeds. Yet, little is known about the physiological role and the metabolism of these compounds during seed development. Here we present data on tocopherol and tocotrienol accumulation during seed development in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Albert Lavallée (Royal). This species was chosen for its ability to synthesize both tocopherols and tocotrienols. It is shown here for the first time that during seed development there are significant differences in localization and accumulation kinetics of tocopherols and tocotrienols. Tocopherols are found homogeneously dispersed throughout all tissues of the seed, in concentrations ranging from 20 to 100 microg tocopherol per g dry weight. Tocopherol levels decrease gradually during seed development. In contrast, tocotrienols are only found in the endosperm of the seeds, accumulating in a sigmoid fashion during the maturation period of seed development. Tocotrienol levels were found to be (54+/-7.4) microg/g dry seed in 90-day-old seeds of V. vinifera L. Furthermore, tocotrienol biosynthesis is demonstrated in these seeds during tocotrienol accumulation and in an endosperm fraction isolated at 75 days after flowering.  相似文献   

Cell-specific expression patterns of the Eucalyptus gunnii cinnamoyl coenzymeA reductase (EgCCR) and cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (EgCAD2) promoters were analyzed by promoter-GUS histochemistry in the primary and secondary xylem tissues from floral stems and roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Expression patterns indicated that the EgCCR and EgCAD2 genes were expressed in a coordinated manner in primary and secondary xylem tissues of the Arabidopsis floral stem and root. Both genes were expressed in all lignifying cells (vessel elements, xylem fibers and paratracheal parenchyma cells) of xylem tissues. The capacity for long-term monolignol production appeared to be related to the cell-specific developmental processes and biological roles of different cell types. Our results suggested that lignification of short-lived vessel elements was achieved by a two-step process involving (i) monolignol production by vessel elements prior to vessel programmed cell death and (ii) subsequent monolignol production by vessel-associated living paratracheal parenchyma cells following vessel element cell death. EgCCR and EgCAD2 gene expression patterns suggested that the process of xylem cell lignification was similar in both primary and secondary xylem tissues in Arabidopsis floral stems and roots.  相似文献   

A cDNA of fatty acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) thioesterase (Fat) from developing seed of Madhuca butyracea has been cloned. The deduced amino acid sequence of the cDNA corresponding to the mature polypeptide showed 30-40% and 60-75% identity to the reported FatA and FatB class of plant thioesterases, respectively. This gene, MbFatB, is present as a single copy in M. butyracea genome and the MbFatB protein was detected clearly in seed tissues of this plant but not in that of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Heterologous expression of the MbFatB gene driven by different promoters in E. coli wild type and fatty acid beta-oxidation mutant (fadD88) strains resulted production of the recombinant protein with various fusion tags either as biologically inactive (insoluble) or functionally active forms. Expression of functionally active recombinant MbFatB in E. coli affected bacterial growth and cell morphology as well as changed the fatty acid profiles of the membrane lipid and the culture supernatant. Alteration of the fatty acid composition was directed predominantly towards palmitate and to a lesser extent myristate and oleate due to acyl chain termination activity of plant thioesterase in bacteria. Thus, this new MbFatB gene isolated from a non-traditional oil-seed tree can be used in future for transgenic development of oil-seed Brassica, a widely cultivated crop that expresses predominantly oleoyl-ACP thioesterase (FatA) in its seed tissue and has high amount of unwanted erucic acid in edible oil in order to alter the fatty acid profile in a desirable way.  相似文献   

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