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Both primary mouse kidney and primary mouse embryo cells in culture were used for polyomavirus progeny production. Examination of polyomavirus virion structural integrity revealed that mouse embryo cell progeny contained a threefold greater population of unstable particles when compared with mouse kidney cell progeny. Differences in biological activity between these two progeny virion types were also shown. Mouse kidney cell progeny compared with mouse embryo cell progeny exhibited a 10-fold greater ability to agglutinate guinea pig erythrocytes, a 3-fold lower ability to become internalized into monopinocytotic vesicles, and a 2-fold lower ability to initiate a productive infection based on positive nuclear immunofluorescence when mouse embryo host cell cultures were used. The mouse kidney progeny were also found to bind to host cells less specifically than the mouse embryo cell progeny. When these two progeny virion types were labeled in vivo with 32P and subjected to isoelectric focusing followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophroesis in the second dimension, differences in the phosphorylation pattern of the major virus-encoded structural protein VP1 species were observed. It was revealed that species D and E of mouse kidney cell progeny were phosphorylated to the same degree, while mouse embryo cell progeny species E and F were phosphorylated equally. These data suggest that the host cells play a role in modulating the biological activity of the virus by affecting the degree and site-specific phosphorylation of the major capsid protein VP1 which may influence the recognition of virus attachment proteins for specific cellular receptors.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for a concomitant storage of α-Neo-endorphin and dynorphin immunoreactivities in neurons of the rat brain. Antisera were raised against the structurally related opioid peptides dynorphin(1–17) and α-Neo-endorphin. Both antisera were highly specific for their respective antigen. Thus, the α-Neo-endorphin antisera did not crossreact with dynorphin and the dynorphin antisera did not crossreact with α-Neo-endorphin. Both antisera were also not cross-reactive with leu-enkephalin which is contained within the sequence of both dynorphin and α-Neo-endorphin. The antisera were used for immunofluorescent staining of frozen sections through brains from rats which had been treated with colchicine 48 hours prior to death. Both antisera revealed strong and specific immunoreactivities of magnocellular neurons in the supraoptic, retrochiasmatic supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. Neuronal fiber systems in various areas of the brain were also labeled by the two antisera. Consecutive immunostaining of the same sections, first with dynorphin antisera and — after electrophoretic elution of the antibodies — with α-Neo-endorphin antisera or vice versa, showed that immunoreactivities for the two peptides are contained within the same hypothalamic magnocellular neurons. The neuronal fiber systems for α-Neo-endorphin and dynorphin also showed a close overlap. These studies demonstrating colocalization raise the question as to whether the two peptides have a common origin from a single precursor molecule.  相似文献   

Rapid interactions in cell division and cytodifferentiationare induced by hormone treatments in dark-cultured explantsof Jerusalem artichoke. Fusicoccin, at concentrations between10–6 and 10–5 M, markedly inhibited the division-promotingactivity induced by plant hormones. Further, fusicoccin-treatedmeristematic root tips of Vicia faba and Allium cepa showeda rapid decrease in the mitotic index. Fusicoccin seems to inhibitsome hormone-sensitive processes required during the inductionand regulation of cell division. (Received March 28, 1979; )  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial kidney cell cultures of Microtus agrestis contain 10 to 25% binucleated cells. Observations of living cells under the phase contrast microscope showed that binucleated cells can arise by nuclear mitosis without cytoplasmic division. When binucleated cells divide the two nuclei are highly synchronized as they enter mitosis. In mitosis the chromosomes of both nuclei combine to a common metaphase plate leading to polyploid cells. In one case a tripolar spindle was seen after formation of a metaphase by the chromosomes of the two nuclei of a binucleated cell. This tripolar mitosis resulted in one binucleated and one mononucleated cell. The DNA-content (Feulgen photometry) and the distribution of heterochromatic bodies of the nuclei were corresponding to a tetraploid, a triploid and a haploid chromosome set. This suggests the possibility of somatic segregation of complete haploid sets.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Inhibitory effect of lycorine on cell division and cell elongation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lycorine, an alkaloid isolated from bulbs of Amarillidaceae,was found to be a powerful inhibitor of cell division and elongation.Adding different concentrations of lycorine from 10–6M to 10–4 M in an appropriate growth-medium strongly inhibitedcell division in explants of lettuce pith parenchyma. The sameresult was obtained with liquid yeast cultures growing exponentially. Lycorine-treated meristematic cells of the primary roots ofVicia faba also showed rapid inhibition of the mitotic indexwhile interphase cells increased proportionately. Lycorine alsoinhibited endogenous and auxin-induced cell elongation in Avenacoleoptiles and pea segments. Since both cell division and cell elongation require proteinsynthesis and RNA synthesis, the assumption is that lycorineprobably inhibits one of the two syntheses. 1This study was supported by a contract between the NationalResearch Council of Italy and University of Bari, Instituteof Botany. (Received November 27, 1972; )  相似文献   

The cell multiplication inhibitory effect of SDS-treated mouse interferon separated into antiviral (AV) and cell multiplication inhibitory (CMI) fractions was compared to that of untreated similar interferon on a line of murine osteosarcoma cells. The untreated interferon poreparatin and the CMI fractions dose-dependently inhibited the multiplication of the cells as measured by cell count and incorporation of 3H-thymidine into the cultures. The AV fractions, containing comparable antiviral activites as the untreated interferon preparations, had only a minor effect on cell multiplication. The biochemical properties of the fractions studied remain unknown.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cultures of murine renal epithelial cells were established from a preparation of proximal tubule fragments. Confluent cultures exhibited multiple dome formation, indicating the presence of tight junctions and an intact transcellular transport process. Ultrastructural analysis revealed a monolayer of polarized cells, with a sparse but clearly defined microvillar surface facing the growth medium and a basolateral surface attached to the substratum. Cultures grown on collagen gels did not show domes. The epithelial monolayer exhibited several differentiated functions of the proximal tubule: a) parathyroid hormone (PTH)-stimulated cAMP synthesis; b) production of 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 from 25-hydroxyvitamin D3; c) high alkaline phosphatase activity; and d) Na+-dependent transport of phosphate (Pi) and α-methylglucoside (α-MG). The sugar uptake was selectively inhibited by phlorizin, a competitive inhibitor of glucose uptake at the luminal membrane. Kinetic analysis revealed independent transport systems for Pi and α-MG, with Km values corresponding to the high affinity systems identified in brush border membrane vesicles derived from the proximal tubule. Pi uptake by the epithelial monolayers was regulated by the concentration of Pi in the growth medium. Phorbol esters and PTH did not exert an effect on Pi and α-MG transport in mouse primary cultures. The present study demonstrates that primary cultures provide a useful in vitro preparation to investigate renal proximal tubular function. Cindy Bell was the recipient of an MRC Studentship Award. This work was supported by the MRC (Group in Medical Genetics). This is publication number 88011 of the McGill University-Montreal Children's Hospital Research Institute.  相似文献   

Primary mouse embryo cell cultures efficiently excise DNA damage introduced by the carcinogens 7-bromomethylbenz[a]anthracene and 3-methylcholanthrene but are inefficient in excision of damage introduced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene. Since exposure of the cells to the latter compound does not impair their capacity for excision of adducts introduced by the bromocompound, it is concluded the 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-DNA adducts are intrinsically difficult to excise.  相似文献   

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