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Several processes during sexual reproduction in higher plants involve the movement of water between cells or tissues. Before flower anthesis, anther and pollen dehydration takes place before the release of mature pollen at dehiscence. Aquaporins represent a class of proteins that mediates the movement of water over cellular membranes. Aquaporins of the plasmamembrane PIP2 family are expressed in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) anthers and may therefore be involved in the movement of water in this organ. To gain more insight into the role these proteins may play in this process, we have analyzed their localization using immunolocalizations and generated plants displaying RNA interference of PIP2 aquaporins. Our results indicate that PIP2 protein expression is modulated during anther development. Furthermore, in tobacco PIP2 RNA interference plants, anther dehydration was slower, and dehiscence occurred later when compared with control plants. Together, our results suggest that aquaporins of the PIP2 class are required for efficient anther dehydration prior to dehiscence.  相似文献   

Presenilin (PS) 1 and PS2 are multi-pass transmembrane proteins involved in vital brain functions. Studies using transgenic or conditional knockout models show that PS1 is implicated in crucial brain developmental processes. Conversely, PS2 knockout mice do not exhibit any abnormality in the brain morphology, suggesting that PS2 may not be involved in brain development. However, there is no holistic information available for endogenous expression of PS during brain development. Therefore, we have examined the distribution and expression profile of PS1 and PS2 mRNA and protein in the cerebral cortex of prenatal, neonatal and postnatal mice. The results revealed that the distribution and expression profile of PS1 and PS2 mRNA varied significantly in the cerebral cortex during development. In prenatal stages, both PS1 and PS2 mRNA showed high expression at embryonic day (E) 12.5 and downregulation at E18.5. Postnatally, PS1 mRNA showed upregulation from postnatal day 0 (P0) to P45 and thereafter reduction at 20weeks, but PS2 mRNA showed no significant alteration. However, they did not exhibit any significant regional variation except at E18.5, when PS2 showed reduction in temporal and medial temporal lobes as compared to frontal and parietal lobes. Furthermore, PS1 showed significant change in protein expression similar to its mRNA profile. However, PS2 protein expression did not correspond to its mRNA; it was highest at E12.5, downregulated up to P20 and then upregulated at P45 and 20weeks. Taken together, our study demonstrates for the first time that the distribution and expression profile of PS2 is different from PS1 in the mouse cerebral cortex during development.  相似文献   

Aquaporins are channel proteins that facilitate transmembrane water movement. In this study, we showed that plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs) from maize shoots are in vitro and in vivo phosphorylated on serine residues by a calcium-dependent kinase associated with the membrane fraction. Mass spectrometry identified phosphorylated peptides corresponding to the C-terminal region of (i) ZmPIP2;1, ZmPIP2;2 and/or ZmPIP2;7; (ii) ZmPIP2;3 and/or ZmPIP2;4; (iii) ZmPIP2;6; together with (iv) a phosphorylated peptide located in the N-terminal region of ZmPIP1;1, ZmPIP1;2, ZmPIP1;3 and/or ZmPIP1;4. The role of phosphorylation in the water channel activity of wild-type and mutant ZmPIP2;1 was studied in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Activation of endogenous protein kinase A increased the osmotic water permeability coefficient of ZmPIP2;1-expressing oocytes, suggesting that phosphorylation activates its channel activity. Mutation of S126 or S203, putative phosphorylated serine residues conserved in all plant PIPs, to alanine decreased ZmPIP2;1 activity by 30-50%, without affecting its targeting to the plasma membrane. Mutation of S285, which is phosphorylated in planta, to alanine or glutamate did not affect the water channel activity. These results indicate that, in oocytes, S126 and S203 play an important role in ZmPIP2;1 activity and that phosphorylation of S285 is not required for its activity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Transmembrane water flow is aided by water-specific channel proteins, aquaporins. Plant genomes code for approx. 35 expressed and functional aquaporin isoforms. Plant aquaporins fall into four different subfamilies of which the PIPs (plasma membrane intrinsic proteins) constitute the largest and evolutionarily most conserved subfamily with 13 members in Arabidopsis and maize. Furthermore, the PIPs can be divided into two phylogenetic groups, PIP1 and PIP2, of which the PIP1 isoforms are most tightly conserved, sharing >90% amino acid sequence identity. As the nomenclature implies, the majority of PIPs have been shown to be localized at the plasma membrane. Recently, two highly abundant plasma membrane aquaporins, SoPIP2;1 and SoPIP1;2, have been purified and structurally characterized. RESULTS: We report the cloning of a cDNA encoding SoPIP1;2 and show that there are at least five additional sequences homologous with SoPIP2;1 and SoPIP1;2 in the spinach genome. To understand their role in planta, we have investigated the cellular localization of the aquaporin homologues SoPIP1;2 and SoPIP1;1. By Western- and Northern-blot analyses and by immunocytochemical detection at the light and electron microscopic levels, we show that SoPIP1;2 is highly expressed in phloem sieve elements of leaves, roots and petioles and that SoPIP1;1 is present in stomatal guard cells. CONCLUSIONS: Localization of the two abundant aquaporin isoforms suggests roles for specific PIPs of the PIP1 subgroup in phloem loading, transport and unloading, and in stomatal movements.  相似文献   

Tubulins, as major components involved in the organization of microtubules, play an important role in plant development. We describe here the expression profiles of all known α-tubulin (TUA), β-tubulin (TUB) and γ-tubulin (TUG) genes of barley ( Hordeum vulgare ), involving eight newly identified TUB sequences, five established TUA genes and one TUG gene. Macroarray and Northern blot-based expression patterns in the pericarp, endosperm and embryo were obtained over the course of the development of the grain between anthesis and maturation. These revealed that the various tubulin genes differed in their levels of expression, and to some extent were tissue specific. Two expression peaks were detected in the developing endosperm. The first and more prominent peak, at 2 days after flowering, included expression of almost all the tubulin genes. These tubulins are thought to be involved in mitoses during the formation of the syncytial endosperm. The second, less pronounced but more extended, peak included only some of the tubulin genes ( HvTUA3 , HvTUB1 and HvTUG ) and might be associated with the cell wall organization in aleurone and starchy endosperm. The HvTUA5 gene is expressed only in embryo of the developing grain and may be associated with shoot establishment. The expression profiles of the tubulin folding cofactors HvTFC A and HvTFC B as well as small G-protein HvArl2 genes were almost perfectly correlated with the global levels of tubulin mRNA, implying that they have a role in the control of the polymerization of α/β-tubulin heterodimers.  相似文献   

The levels of chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (Cab) gene polysomal poly(A)+ mRNA were quantitated throughout the development of Glycine max L. Cab mRNAs were abundant in young expanding leaves, representing 6.1% of the leaf mRNA population. Lower Cab mRNA levels were present in embryos, stems, and cotyledons of developing seedlings; the lowest levels were found in roots where they accounted for 0.04% of the polysomal poly(A)+ mRNA of this organ. To determine the contribution of different members of the Cab gene family to the Cab mRNA populations, a quantitative S1 nuclease reconstruction assay was developed. Cab3, Cab4, and Cab5 mRNAs were detected in all stages examined during soybean development but their levels underwent differential changes. Cab3 encodes the most abundant Cab mRNA in young leaves, developing embryos, and in Stage VII cotyledons from the developing soybean seedling. The levels of Cab mRNAs were compared to the levels of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit gene mRNA and differences in their patterns of accumulation were noted. Collectively these data indicate that during soybean embryogenesis developmental control mechanisms supersede light-regulatory signals.  相似文献   

The molecular functions of several aquaporins are well characterized (e.g., by analysis of aquaporin-expressing Xenopus oocytes). However, their significance in the physiology of water transport in multicellular organisms remains uncertain. The tobacco plasma membrane aquaporin NtAQP1 was used to elucidate this issue. By comparing antisense plants that were inhibited in NtAQP1 expression with control plants, we found evidence for NtAQP1 function in cellular and whole-plant water relations. The consequences of a decrease in cellular water permeability were determined by measurement of transpiration rate and stem and leaf water potential as well as growth experiments under extreme soil water depletion. Plants impaired in NtAQP1 expression showed reduced root hydraulic conductivity and lower water stress resistance. In conclusion, our results emphasize the importance of symplastic aquaporin-mediated water transport in whole-plant water relations.  相似文献   

The precise control of cell cycle progression is critical for coherent development. In all eukaryotes, the cell cycle is controlled by complexes composed of a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) and a cyclin. CDK activity is controlled at multiple levels, including association with CDK inhibitory proteins called CKIs. Here, we report the isolation and characterisation of a novel Nicotiana tabacum CKI, named NtKIS2, revealing the existence of a CKI family in tobacco. Like NtKIS1a, the tobacco CKI we previously identified, the NtKIS2 protein interacts with A-type CDK and D-type cyclins; is localised in the nucleus; and its overexpression strongly impairs plant development. Furthermore, our results show that NtKIS2 is a cell division inhibitor in planta and suggest that this CKI acts mainly in G1 phase. However, NtKIS2 shows clear differences to NtKIS1a in its expression patterns both during the cell cycle and plant development. Finally, to understand the developmental modifications seen in planta, the links between cell division inhibition and stomata determination or chloroplast division are explored.  相似文献   

A highly efficient and synchronousin vitro tuberization system is described. One-node stem pieces from potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Bintje) plants grown under short day-light conditions containing an axillary bud were cultured in the dark on a tuber-inducing medium. After 5 or 6 days all axillary buds started to develop tubers. To study gene expression during tuber development, RNA isolated from tuberizing axillary buds was used for bothin vitro translation and northern blot hybridizations. The genes encoding the proteinase inhibitors I and II (PI-I and PI-II), a Kunitz-and a Bowman-Birk-type proteinase inhibitor were already expressed in uninduced axillary buds. The length of the day-light conditions differently influenced the expression level of the individual genes. In addition, the expression of each of these genes changed specifically during the development of the axillary bud to tuber. In contrast to the expression of these proteinase inhibitor genes, patatin gene expression was only detectable from the day tuberization was manifested as a radial expansion of the axillary bud.These results are discussed with respect to the regulation of the expression of the genes studied in relation to the regulation of tuber development.  相似文献   

Chondromodulin-I (ChM-I) and tenomodulin (TeM) are homologous angiogenesis inhibitors. We have analyzed the spatial relationships between capillary networks and the localization of these molecules during mouse and chick development. ChM-I and TeM proteins have been localized to the PECAM-1-negative avascular region: ChM-I is expressed in the avascular cartilage, whereas TeM is detectable in dense connective tissues, including tendons and ligaments. We have also examined the vasculature of chick embryos by injection with India ink and have performed in situ hybridization of the ChM-I and TeM genes. The onset of ChM-I expression is associated with chondrogenesis during mouse embryonic development. ChM-I expression is also detectable in precartilaginous or noncartilaginous avascular mesenchyme in chick embryos, including the somite, sclerotome, and heart. Hence, the expression domains of ChM-I and TeM during vertebrate development incorporate the typical avascular regions of the mesenchymal tissues. This study was partly supported by Grants-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science, and Technology of Japan and by the Tanabe Medical Frontier Conference.  相似文献   

Recent studies have strongly suggested a role for the synaptic scaffolding protein SHANK1 in normal synaptic structure and signaling. Global SHANK1 knockout (SHANK1?/?) mice demonstrate reduced dendritic spine density, an immature dendritic spine phenotype and impairments in various cognitive tasks. SHANK1 overexpression is associated with increased dendritic spine size and impairments in fear conditioning. These studies suggest proper regulation of SHANK1 is crucial for appropriate synaptic structure and cognition. However, little is known regarding SHANK1's developmental expression in brain regions critical for learning. The current study quantified cell specific developmental expression of SHANK1 in the hippocampus, a brain region critically involved in various learning paradigms shown to be disrupted by SHANK1 dysregulation. Consistent with prior studies, SHANK1 was found to be strongly co‐expressed with dendritic markers, with significant increased co‐expression at postnatal day (P) 15, an age associated with increased synaptogenesis in the hippocampus. Interestingly, SHANK1 was also found to be expressed in astrocytes and microglia. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of glial SHANK1 localization; therefore, these findings were further examined via a glial purified primary cell culture fraction using magnetic cell sorting. This additional analysis further demonstrated that SHANK1 was expressed in glial cells, supporting our immunofluorescence co‐expression findings. Developmentally, astroglial SHANK1 co‐expression was found to be significantly elevated at P5 with a reduction into adulthood, while SHANK1 microglial co‐expression did not significantly change across development. These data collectively implicate a more global role for SHANK1 in mediating normal cellular signaling in the brain. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 78: 363–373, 2018  相似文献   

Glycosyl hydrolases are important mediators of plant cell wall modification during plant development. These enzymes catalyse the hydrolytic release of specific sugars, such as L-arabinose, from the polysaccharide-rich cell wall matrix. The cloning and expression analysis of two genes, AtASD1 and AtASD2, encoding putative alpha-L-arabinofuranosidases in Arabidopsis thaliana are reported here. AtASD1 and AtASD2 identities were assigned on the basis of homology to plant and microbial family 51 glycoside hydrolases. Using RT-PCR, RNA gel blot analysis and reporter gene expression analysis, AtASD1 and AtASD2 were shown to have different developmental expression profiles. High levels of AtASD1 promoter activity are present in multiple tissues during vegetative and reproductive growth. AtASD1 expression is particularly intense in zones of cell proliferation, the vascular system, developing and regressing floral tissues, and floral abscission zones. By comparison, AtASD2 expression is limited to the vasculature of older root tissue and to some floral organs and floral abscission zones.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton is involved in major developmental events in plant cell growth and differentiation. Nucleation events play a key role in the dynamic and organization of the microtubule (Mt) cytoskeleton. Among many proteins involved in Mt nucleation, γ -tubulin has been identified as an essential component of the Mt organizing centers (MTOC). In protoplasts, somatic embryogenesis induction has been correlated with remodeling of Mt cytoskeleton. We have investigated the specific developmental expression of γ -tubulin in Helianthus annuus . Two γ -tubulin isoforms have been detected by immunoblotting, with bands at 52 and 58 kDa. The larger γ -tubulin (58 kDa) is present in all the sunflower tissues tested and is associated with the nucleus. The smaller γ -tubulin (52 kDa), differing from the former at the carboxy-terminal end, is only present in meristematic and dedifferentiated cells and is not bound to the nucleus. This first demonstration of the presence of two γ -tubulins in plant cells is discussed in terms of distinct roles in the nucleation and organization of Mts.  相似文献   

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