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The inflammatory response mediated by the immune system is the major cause of hepatitis B virus (HBV)-associated liver injury. Here, we identified CD59, as a novel HBc-interacting protein in hepatocytes by tandem affinity purification (TAP) screening. The expression of CD59 was markedly down-regulated in HBc-transfected HepG2 or HepG2.215 cells, which resulted in an upshift of hepatocyte sensitivity to membrane attack complex (MAC)-induced cell lysis. These results were consistent with the accumulation of MACs in the liver of HBV-infected patients. Additional analyses using laser confocal microscopy, quantitative PCR and flow cytometry revealed that CD59 was specifically translocated to the nucleus upon binding to HBc, which induced the down-regulation of CD59 on both the mRNA and protein levels.  相似文献   

In acute hepatitis C virus infection, 50 to 70% of patients develop chronic disease. Considering the low rate of spontaneous viral clearance during chronic hepatitis C infection, the first few months of interaction between the patient's immune system and the viral population seem to be crucial in determining the outcome of infection. We previously reported the association between a strong and sustained CD4+ T-cell response to nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) of the hepatitis C virus and a self-limited course of acute hepatitis C infection. In this study, we identify an immunodominant CD4+ T-cell epitope (amino acids 1248 to 1261) that was recognized by the majority (14 of 23) of NS3-specific CD4+ T-cell clones from four of five patients with acute hepatitis C infection. This epitope can be presented to CD4+ T cells by HLA-DR4, -DR11, -DR12, -DR13, and -DR16. HLA-binding studies revealed a high binding affinity for 10 of 13 common HLA-DR alleles. Two additional CD4+ T-cell epitopes, amino acids 1388 to 1407 and amino acids 1450 to 1469, showed a very narrow pattern of binding to individual HLA-DR alleles. Our data suggest that the NS3-specific CD4+ T-cell response in acute hepatitis C infection is dominated by a single, promiscuous peptide epitope which could become a promising candidate for the development of a CD4+ T-cell vaccine.  相似文献   

Activation of CD4+ T cells helps establish and sustain other immune responses. We have previously shown that responses against a broad set of nine CD4+ T-cell epitopes were present in the setting of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) Armstrong infection in the context of H-2d. This is quite disparate to the H-2b setting, where only two epitopes have been identified. We were interested in determining whether a broad set of responses was unique to H-2d or whether additional CD4+ T-cell epitopes could be identified in the setting of the H-2b background. To pursue this question, we infected C57BL/6 mice with LCMV Armstrong and determined the repertoire of CD4+ T-cell responses using overlapping 15-mer peptides corresponding to the LCMV Armstrong sequence. We confirmed positive responses by intracellular cytokine staining and major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-peptide binding assays. A broad repertoire of responses was identified, consisting of six epitopes. These epitopes originate from the nucleoprotein (NP) and glycoprotein (GP). Out of the six newly identified CD4+ epitopes, four of them also stimulate CD8+ T cells in a statistically significant manner. Furthermore, we assessed these CD4+ T-cell responses during the memory phase of LCMV Armstrong infection and after infection with a chronic strain of LCMV and determined that a subset of the responses could be detected under these different conditions. This is the first example of a broad repertoire of shared epitopes between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the context of viral infection. These findings demonstrate that immunodominance is a complex phenomenon in the context of helper responses.  相似文献   

Katri P  Ruan S 《Comptes rendus biologies》2004,327(11):1009-1016
Stilianakis and Seydel (Bull. Math. Biol., 1999) proposed an ODE model that describes the T-cell dynamics of human T-cell lymphotropic virus I (HTLV-I) infection and the development of adult T-cell leukemia (ATL). Their model consists of four components: uninfected healthy CD4+ T-cells, latently infected CD4+ T-cells, actively infected CD4+ T-cells, and ATL cells. Mathematical analysis that completely determines the global dynamics of this model has been done by Wang et al. (Math. Biosci., 2002). In this note, we first modify the parameters of the model to distinguish between contact and infectivity rates. Then we introduce a discrete time delay to the model to describe the time between emission of contagious particles by active CD4+ T-cells and infection of pure cells. Using the results in Culshaw and Ruan (Math. Biosci., 2000) in the analysis of time delay with respect to cell-free viral spread of HIV, we study the effect of time delay on the stability of the endemically infected equilibrium. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of rhesus macaques (RMs) provides a reliable model to study the relationship between lentivirus replication, cellular immune responses, and CD4+ T-cell dynamics. Here we investigated, using SIVmac251-infected RMs of a Chinese genetic background (which experience a slower disease progression than Indian RMs), the dynamics of CD4+ CCR5+ T cells, as this subset of memory/activated CD4+ T cells is both a preferential target of virus replication and a marker of immune activation. As expected, we observed that the number of circulating CD4+ CCR5+ T cells decreases transiently at the time of peak viremia. However, at 60 days postinfection, i.e., when set-point viremia is established, the level of CD4+ CCR5+ T cells was increased compared to the baseline level. Interestingly, this increase correlated with faster disease progression, higher plasma viremia, and early loss of CD4+ T-cell function, as measured by CD4+ T-cell count, the fraction of memory CD4+ T cells, and the recall response to purified protein derivative. Taken together, these data show a key difference between the dynamics of the CD4+ CCR5+ T-cell pool (and its relationship with disease progression) in Chinese RMs and those described in previous reports for Indian SIVmac251-infected RMs. As the SIV-associated changes in the CD4+ CCR5+ T-cell pool reflect the opposing forces of SIV replication (which reduces this cellular pool) and immune activation (which increases it), our data suggest that in SIV-infected Chinese RMs the impact of immune activation is more prominent than that of virus replication in determining the size of the pool of CD4+ CCR5+ T cells in the periphery. As progression of HIV infection in humans also is associated with a relative expansion of the level of CD4+ CCR5+ T cells, we propose that SIV infection of Chinese RMs is a very valuable and important animal model for understanding the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus infection.  相似文献   

In this study, we have examined the relative contributions of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in controlling an acute or chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection. To study acute infection, we used the LCMV Armstrong strain, which is cleared by adult mice in 8 to 10 days, and to analyze chronic infection, we used a panel of lymphocyte-tropic and macrophage-tropic variants of LCMV that persist in adult mice for several months. We show that CD4+ T cells are not necessary for resolving an acute LCMV infection. CD4+ T-cell-depleted mice were capable of generating an LCMV-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response and eliminated virus with kinetics similar to those for control mice. The CD8+ CTL response was critical for resolving this infection, since beta 2-microglobulin knockout (CD8-deficient) mice were unable to control the LCMV Armstrong infection and became persistently infected. In striking contrast to the acute infection, even a transient depletion of CD4+ T cells profoundly affected the outcome of infection with the macrophage- and lymphocyte-tropic LCMV variants. Adult mice given a single injection of anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody (GK1.5) at the time of virus challenge became lifelong carriers with high levels of virus in most tissues. Unmanipulated adult mice infected with the different LCMV variants contained virus for prolonged periods (> 3 months) but eventually eliminated infection from most tissues, and all of these mice had LCMV-specific CD8+ CTL responses. Although the level of CTL activity was quite low, it was consistently present in all of the chronically infected mice that eventually resolved the infection. These results clearly show that even in the presence of an overwhelming viral infection of the immune system, CD8+ CTL can remain active for long periods and eventually resolve and/or keep the virus infection in check. In contrast, LCMV-specific CTL responses were completely lost in chronically infected CD4-depleted mice. Taken together, these results show that CD4+ T cells are dispensable for short-term acute infection in which CD8+ CTL activity does not need to be sustained for more than 2 weeks. However, under conditions of chronic infection, in which CD8+ CTLs take several months or longer to clear the infection, CD4+ T-cell function is critical. Thus, CD4+ T cells play an important role in sustaining virus-specific CD8+ CTL during chronic LCMV infection. These findings have implications for chronic viral infections in general and may provide a possible explanation for the loss of human immunodeficiency virus-specific CD8+ CTL activity that is seen during the late stages of AIDS, when CD4+ T cells become limiting.  相似文献   

Chronicity after infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) can occur for a variety of reasons. However, once established, chronicity may be maintained by high levels of viral proteins circulating in the serum. To examine the characteristics of T cells capable of coexisting with the secreted hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg), T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic (Tg) mice were produced. To ensure that HBeAg-specific T cells would not be deleted in the presence of serum HBeAg, the TCR alpha- and beta-chain genes used to produce the TCR-Tg mice were derived from T-cell hybridomas produced from immunizing HBeAg-Tg mice. A TCR-Tg lineage (11/4-12) was produced that possessed a high frequency ( approximately 67%) of CD4(+) T cells that expressed a Tg TCR specific for the HBeAg. As predicted, when 11/4-12 TCR-Tg mice were bred with HBeAg-Tg mice no deletion of the HBeAg-specific CD4(+) T cells occurred in the thymus or the spleen. Functional analysis of the TCR-Tg T cells revealed that the HBeAg-specific CD4(+) T cells escaped deletion in the thymus and periphery by virtue of low avidity. Regardless of their low avidity, HBeAg-specific TCR-Tg T cells could be activated by exogenous HBeAg, as measured by cytokine production in vitro and T-helper-cell function for anti-HBe antibody production in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, activated TCR-Tg HBeAg-specific T cells polarized to the Th1 subset were able to elicit liver injury when transferred into HBeAg or HBcAg-Tg recipients. Therefore, HBeAg-specific CD4(+) T cells that can survive deletion or anergy in the presence of circulating HBeAg nonetheless are capable of being activated and of mediating liver injury in vivo. The 11/4-12 TCR-Tg lineage may serve as a monoclonal model for the HBe/HBcAg-specific CD4(+) T-cell repertoire present in chronically infected HBV patients.  相似文献   

Functional hepatitis B virus (HBV)-specific T cells are significantly diminished in individuals chronically infected with HBV compared to individuals with self-limiting HBV infection or those on anti-HBV therapy. In individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), coinfection with HBV is associated with an increased risk of worsening liver function following antiviral therapy and of more rapid HBV disease progression. Total HBV-specific T-cell responses in subjects with diverse genetic backgrounds were characterized by using a library of 15-mer peptides overlapping by 11 amino acids and spanning all HBV proteins. The magnitude and breadth of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses to HBV in peripheral blood were examined by flow cytometry to detect gamma interferon production following stimulation with HBV peptide pools. Chronic HBV carriers (n = 34) were studied, including individuals never treated for HBV infection (n = 7), HBV-infected individuals receiving anti-HBV therapy (n = 13), and HIV-1-HBV-coinfected individuals receiving anti-HBV therapy (n = 14). CD4(+) and CD8(+) HBV-specific T-cell responses were more frequently detected and the CD8(+) T-cell responses were of greater magnitude and breadth in subjects on anti-HBV treatment than in untreated chronic HBV carriers. There was a significant inverse correlation between detection of a HBV-specific T-cell response and HBV viral load. HBV-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses were significantly (fivefold) reduced compared with HIV-specific responses. Although, the frequency and breadth of HBV-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses were comparable in the monoinfected and HIV-1-HBV-coinfected groups, HBV-specific CD4(+) T-cell responses were significantly reduced in HIV-1-HBV-coinfected individuals. Therefore, HIV-1 infection has a significant and specific effect on HBV-specific T-cell immunity.  相似文献   

T-cell receptor (TCR) complementarily determining region 3 (CDR3) spetratyping analysis was employed to assess the ability of an AIDS virus to disrupt CD4 + T-cell repertoires during the primary infection. Rhesus and pig-tailed macaques infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)mac 251 and SIVsmmFGb, respectively, were evaluated. Following SIV infection, the macaques exhibited an apparent decline of CD4 + peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) counts, which was associated with a change in CDR3 profiles from multiple-length distribution to one- or two-length dominance in the selected TCR Vbeta-expressing CD4 + PBL subpopulations. Molecular analysis of the perturbed cell subpopulations suggested that the CD4 + T cells bearing the dominant CDR3 length were clonally expanded. These results indicate that SIV infection can induce a disruption of macaque CD4 + T-cell repertoires during the primary infection. The finding in this study, therefore, suggests that the virus-induced clonal dominance can contribute to the disruption of CD4 + T-cell repertoires.  相似文献   

A L Rothman  I Kurane    F A Ennis 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):6540-6546
The target epitopes, serotype specificity, and cytolytic function of dengue virus-specific T cells may influence their theoretical roles in protection against secondary infection as well as the immunopathogenesis of dengue hemorrhagic fever. To study these factors in an experimental system, we isolated dengue virus-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell clones from dengue-2 virus-immunized BALB/c mice. The T-cell response to dengue virus in this mouse strain was heterogeneous; we identified at least five different CD4+ phenotypes and six different CD8+ phenotypes. Individual T-cell clones recognized epitopes on the dengue virus pre-M, E, NSl/NS2A, and NS3 proteins and were restricted by the I-Ad, I-Ed, Ld, and Kd antigens. Both serotype-specific and serotype-cross-reactive clones were isolated in the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets; among CD8+ clones, those that recognized the dengue virus structural proteins were serotype specific whereas those that recognized the nonstructural proteins were serotype cross-reactive. All of the CD8+ and one of five CD4+ clones lysed dengue virus-infected target cells. Using synthetic peptides, we identified an Ld-restricted epitope on the E protein (residues 331 to 339, SPCKIPFEI) and a Kd-restricted epitope on the NS3 protein (residues 296 to 310, ARGYISTRVEM GEAA). These data parallel previous findings of studies using human dengue virus-specific T-cell clones. This experimental mouse system may be useful for studying the role of the virus serotype and HLA haplotype on T-cell responses after primary dengue virus infection.  相似文献   

The early immune response fails to prevent the establishment of chronic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection but may influence viremia during primary infection, thereby possibly affecting long-term disease progression. CD25+ FoxP3+ regulatory T cells may contribute to HIV/simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) pathogenesis by suppressing efficient antiviral responses during primary infection, favoring high levels of viral replication and the establishment of chronic infection. In contrast, they may decrease immune activation during chronic infection. CD4+ regulatory T cells have been studied in the most detail, but CD8+ CD25+ FoxP3+ T cells also have regulatory properties. We monitored the dynamics of CD25+ FoxP3+ T cells during primary and chronic SIVmac251 infection in cynomolgus macaques. The number of peripheral CD4+ CD25+ FoxP3+ T cells paralleled that of memory CD4+ T cells, with a rapid decline during primary infection followed by a rebound to levels just below baseline and gradual depletion during the course of infection. No change in the proportion of CD25+ FoxP3+ T cells was observed in peripheral lymph nodes. A small number of CD4+ CD25+ FoxP3+ T cells at set point was associated with a high plasma viral load. In contrast, peripheral CD8+ CD25+ FoxP3+ T cells were induced a few days after peak plasma viral load during primary infection. The number of these cells was positively correlated with viral load and negatively correlated with CD4+ T-cell activation, SIV antigen-specific proliferative responses during primary infection, and plasma viral load at set point, with large numbers of CD8+ CD25+ FoxP3+ T cells being indicative of a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

The humoral and CD4+ cellular immune responses in mice following genetic immunization with three retroviral vectors encoding different forms of hepatitis B virus core antigen (HBcAg) and e antigen (HBeAg) were analyzed. The retroviral vectors induced expression of intracellular HBcAg (HBc[3A4]), secreted HBeAg (HBe[5A2]), or an intracellular HBcAg-neomycin phosphoryltransferase fusion protein (HBc-NEO[6A3]). Specific antibody levels and immunoglobulin G isotype restriction were highly dependent on both the host major histocompatibility complex and the transferred gene. Humoral and CD4+ cellular HBcAg and/or HBeAg (HBc/eAg)-specific immune responses following retroviral vector immunization were of a lower magnitude but followed the same characteristics compared with those after immunization with HBc/eAg in adjuvant. Two factors influenced the humoral responses. First, in vivo depletion of CD8+ cells in HBc-NEO[6A3]-immunized H-2k mice abrogated both HBcAg-specific antibodies and in vitro-detectable cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Second, priming of H-2b mice with an HBc/eAg-derived T-helper (Th) peptide in adjuvant prior to retroviral vector immunization greatly enhanced the HBc/eAg-specific humoral responses to all three vectors, suggesting that insufficient HBc/eAg-specific CD4+ Th-cell priming limits the humoral responses. In conclusion, direct injection of retroviral vectors seems to be effective in priming HBc/eAg-specific CD8+ but comparatively inefficient in priming CD4+ Th cells and subsequently specific antibodies. However, the limited HBc/eAg-specific CD4+ cell priming can effectively be circumvented by prior administration of a recombinant or synthetic form of HBc/eAg in adjuvant.  相似文献   

A strong and transient hepatitis B virus core (HBc)-specific CD4+ T-cell response has been shown to be associated with viral elimination in acute self-limited hepatitis B but to be absent in chronic hepatitis B. So far, little is known about immunological mechanisms involved in the regulation of the HBc-specific CD4+ T-cell response. We studied 28 patients with acute hepatitis B, and frequently a sudden decrease in the HBc-specific CD4+ T-cell response was found between 4 and 8 weeks after disease onset. Thirty-two CD4+ T-cell clones specific for amino acids 50 to 69, 81 to 105, 117 to 131, or 141 to 165 of HBc were isolated from a patient shortly before the peripheral blood mononuclear cell response to most HBc-derived peptides abruptly disappeared. TH1 clones, but not TH0 clones, could be anergized in vitro by stimulation with specific peptides even in the presence of costimulatory cells. Moreover, when anergic cells were mixed with responsive cells, the proliferation of HBc-specific TH1 or TH0 clones was inhibited antigen specifically by anergic cells. The unusual susceptibility of HBc-specific TH1 clones to anergy induction in vitro as well as their potential to inhibit other HBc-specific TH1 and TH0 clones suggests that anergy induction may be involved in the downregulation of the virus-specific immune response during acute hepatitis B in vivo.  相似文献   

We recently found that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific CD4+ T cells express coreceptor CCR5 and activation antigen CD38 during early primary HIV-1 infection (PHI) but then rapidly disappear from the circulation. This cell loss may be due to susceptibility to infection with HIV-1 but could also be due to inappropriate apoptosis, an expansion of T regulatory cells, trafficking out of the circulation, or dysfunction. We purified CD38+++CD4+ T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells, measured their level of HIV-1 DNA by PCR, and found that about 10% of this population was infected. However, a small subset of HIV-specific CD4+) T cells also expressed CD127, a marker of long-term memory cells. Purified CD127+CD4+ lymphocytes contained fivefold more copies of HIV-1 DNA per cell than did CD127-negative CD4+ cells, suggesting preferential infection of long-term memory cells. We observed no apoptosis of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells in vitro and only a small increase in CD45RO+CD25+CD127dimCD4+ T regulatory cells during PHI. However, 40% of CCR5+CD38+++ CD4+ T cells expressed gut-homing integrins, suggesting trafficking through gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Furthermore, 80% of HIV-specific CD4+ T cells expressed high levels of the negative regulator CTLA-4 in response to antigen stimulation in vitro, which was probably contributing to their inability to produce interleukin-2 and proliferate. Taken together, the loss of HIV-specific CD4+ T cells is associated with a combination of an infection of CCR5+ CD127+ memory CD4+ T cells, possibly in GALT, and a high expression of the inhibitory receptor CTLA-4.  相似文献   

CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells have been shown to maintain peripheral tolerance against self and foreign antigens. In this study we analyzed the effect of circulating CD4+ CD25+ T cells on CD8+-T-cell responses of patients with chronic and resolved hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. We demonstrated that circulating CD4+ CD25+ T cells modulate the function and expansion of HBV-specific CD8+ cells ex vivo in all patients, regardless of whether they have chronic or resolved HBV infection. The possible role of CD4+ CD25+ T cells in the pathogenesis of chronic HBV infection is not supported by these data. However, these results might have implications for optimizing future immunotherapeutic approaches to HBV treatment.  相似文献   

During acute and early human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection (AEI) more than 50% of CD4+ T cells are preferentially depleted from the gastrointestinal (GI) lamina propria. To better understand the underlying mechanisms, we studied virological and immunological events within the peripheral blood (PB) and GI tract during AEI. A total of 32 AEI subjects and 18 uninfected controls underwent colonic biopsy. HIV-1 viral DNA and RNA levels were quantified in CD4+ T cells derived from the GI tract and PB by using real-time PCR. The phenotype of infected cells was characterized by using combinations of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Markers of immunological memory, activation, and proliferation were examined by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry, and the host-derived cytotoxic cellular response was examined by using immunohistochemistry. GI CD4+ T cells harbored, on average, 13-fold higher HIV-1 viral DNA levels and 10-fold higher HIV-1 RNA levels than PB CD4+ T cells during AEI. HIV-1 RNA was detected in both "activated" and "nonactivated" mucosal CD4+ T cells. A significantly higher number of activated and proliferating T cells were detected in the GI tract compared to the PB, and a robust cytotoxic response (HIV-1 specificity not determined) was detected in the GI tract as early as 18 days postinfection. Mucosal CD4+ T-cell depletion is multifactorial. Direct viral infection likely accounts for the earliest loss of CD4+ T cells. Subsequently, ongoing infection of susceptible CD4+ T cells, along with activation-induced cellular death and host cytotoxic cellular response, are responsible for the persistence of the lesion.  相似文献   

Dysfunctional CD8+ T cells present in chronic virus infections can express programmed death 1 (PD-1) molecules, and the inhibition of the engagement of PD-1 with its ligand (PD-L1) has been reported to enhance the antiviral function of these T cells. We took advantage of the wide fluctuations in levels of viremia which are typical of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection to comprehensively analyze the impact of prolonged exposure to different virus quantities on virus-specific T-cell dysfunction and on its reversibility through the blocking of the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway. We confirm that chronic HBV infection has a profound effect on the HBV-specific T-cell repertoire. Despite the use of a comprehensive panel of peptides covering all HBV proteins, HBV-specific T cells were rarely observed directly ex vivo in samples from patients with chronic infection, in contrast to those from patients with acute HBV infection. In chronic HBV infection, virus-specific T cells were detected mainly in patients with lower levels of viremia. These HBV-specific CD8+ T cells expressed PD-1, and their function was improved by the blocking of PD-1/PD-L1 engagement. Thus, a broad spectrum of anti-HBV immunity is expressed by patients with chronic HBV infection and this spectrum is proportional to HBV replication levels and can be improved by blocking the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway. This information may be useful for the design of immunotherapeutic strategies to complement and optimize available antiviral therapies.  相似文献   

Most humans carry Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in circulating memory B cells as a latent infection that is controlled by an immune response. When infected by EBV, B lymphocytes in fetal cord blood are readily transformed to lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL). It is frequently assumed that this high efficiency of transformation is due to the absence of a primary immune response. However, cord blood lymphocytes stimulated with autologous LCL yield CD4+ T cells that can completely inhibit the growth of LCL by a major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytotoxic mechanism mediated by granulysin and granzyme B. Because EBV-transformed B cells maintain the phenotype of antigen-activated B-cell blasts, they can potentially receive inhibitory or helper functions from CD4+ T cells. To assess these functions, the effect of EBV-specific CD4+ T cells on the efficiency of virus transformation of autologous B cells was assayed. Paradoxically, although the cytotoxic CD4+ T-cell lines reduced EBV B-cell transformation at a high effector/target ratio of 10:1, they caused a twofold increase in B-cell transformation at the lower effector/target ratio of 1:1. Th1-polarized CD4+ T cells were more effective at inhibiting B-cell transformation, but Th2-polarized cell lines had reduced cytotoxic activity, were unable to inhibit LCL growth, and caused a 10-fold increase in transformation efficiency. Tonsil lymphoid follicles lacked NK cells and CD8+ T cells but contained CD4+ T cells. We propose that CD4+ T cells provide helper or cytotoxic functions to EBV-transformed B cells and that the balance of these functions within tonsil compartments is critical in establishing asymptomatic primary EBV infection and maintaining a stable lifelong latent infection.  相似文献   

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