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Macroinvertebrate assemblages can vary with season as a result of changing environmental conditions and phenology of individual species. The objective of this study was to determine whether results from the South African Scoring System version 5 (SASS5) are affected by season. The standard SASS5 protocol was used to sample three sites on the Skeerpoort River, South Africa, in autumn, winter and spring 2013, and summer 2014. At each site, stream morphology was characterised and physico-chemical variables were measured. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare SASS indices in relation to site and season, and a one-way ANOVA was used to test the effect of season using both current and historical data. Macroinvertebrate assemblage similarity of sites was determined using non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination, followed by analysis of similarity. Whilst macroinvertebrate assemblages differed between seasons and sites, there was no seasonal variation in the values of SASS indices, but they did differ between sites. SASS5 appears to be robust to seasonal variation in macroinvertebrate assemblage and seems suitable for use throughout the year in a perennial river draining the South African highveld region.  相似文献   

Permian–Triassic boundary microbialites (PTBMs) are organosedimentary carbonates formed immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction. All those reported PTBMs constrained by convincing conodont biozones are present stratigraphycally not higher than the Hindeodus parvus zone and most of them are dominated by thrombolites. This paper provides the first record of a brief, but spectacular development of stromatolite-dominated PTBMs within the basal Isarcicella isarcica conodont zone of the earliest Triassic from the Xikou section of South Qinling Block that was at the margin of the North China Block during the Permian–Triassic transition and was geographically separated from the major occurrence of post-extinction microbialites in the South China Block. This stromatolite cap overlies a 3.7-m-thick oolitic limestone and is composed of a lower 0.2-m-thick bed and an upper 0.5-m-thick bed, separated by a 0.2-m-thick greyish green siliciclastic mudstone. These two stromatolite beds mainly consist of columnar stromatolites with subordinate domal stromatolites. The intercolumn and interstitial spaces within the stromatolites are filled with oolitic grainstones. At the microscopic scale, laminoid structures in stromatolites comprise wavy, millimetric-domical and tangled laminae. The increased grain and fossil contents and/or bioturbation in the domical and tangled laminae indicate that the formation of these laminae is likely related to an increase in the populations and the disruptions by benthic metazoans, as well as an influx of sediment grains. The δ13Ccarb values fluctuate between 2‰ and 3‰ in the uppermost Permian strata; a distinct negative shift of 1.9‰ occurs at the topmost oolitic grainstone, just below the lower stromatolite bed, and the lowest value of −0.1‰ is located at the base of the upper stromatolite bed. The stratigraphic succession from stromatolites to thrombolites of the PTBMs may represent a transgressive succession and/or a transient ecosystem recovery immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction. The thrombolites-dominated PTBMs mainly developed in near-equator shallow marine geographic locations, and stromatolite-dominated PTBMs mainly developed at higher latitude settings, which probably indicates that a relatively lower diversity and abundance of marine benthic metazoans existed at higher latitudes after the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

Tree root-associated microbiomes are shaped by geographic, soil physico-chemical, and host tree parameters. However, their respective impacts on microbiome variations in soils across larger spatial scales remain weakly studied. We out-planted saplings of oak clone DF159 (Quercus robur L.) as phytometer in four grassland field sites along a European North–South transect. After four years, we first compared the soil microbiomes of the tree root zone (RZ) and the tree root-free zone (RFZ). Then, we separately considered the total microbiomes of both zones, besides the microbiome with significant affinity to the RZ and compared their variability along the transect. Variations within the microbiome of the tree RFZ were shaped by geographic and soil physico-chemical changes, whereby bacteria responded more than fungi. Variations within both microbiomes of the tree RZ depended on the host tree and abiotic parameters. Based on perMANOVA and Mantel correlation tests, impacts of site specificities and geographic distance strongly decreased for the tree RZ affine microbiome. This pattern was more pronounced for fungi than bacteria. Shaping the microbiome of the soil zones in root proximity might be a mechanism mediating the acclimation of oaks to a wide range of environmental conditions across geographic regions.  相似文献   

From the Middle to Late Permian, the Laibin area in Guangxi, South China, was situated on the slope of an isolated carbonate platform, on which continuous marine successions were deposited. Two global stratotype sections for the boundary between the Guadalupian (Middle Permian) and Lopingian (Late Permian) are located at Penglaitan and Tieqiao in the Laibin area, respectively, and thus are chosen for study. At the two locations, 14 facies are recognized in the Maokou and Heshan Formations, and they are further grouped into four facies associations (basin, lower slope, upper slope, and platform margin). Six main transgressive–regressive (TR) sequences are identified in strata from the Roadian (Middle Permian) to the Wuchiapingian (Late Permian). They are conformable marine sequences that were little influenced by regional uplift (Dongwu Movement) and so provide a good record of the sea-level changes in South China at this time. Based on the significant taxonomic selection and controversial marine faunal loss in the end-Guadalupian mass extinction, and the Middle-Late Permian sea-level changes recorded by the TR sequences in the Laibin area, it is suggested that this extinction event might have been triggered by the reduction and loss of shallow-marine habitat area caused by the end-Guadalupian regression. The global cooling and Emeishan volcanism also occurring at this time could have further enhanced this extinction event.  相似文献   

Understanding the use of small bridges and culverts by wildlife to cross the Qinghai–Tibet railway will aid in the design of wildlife crossing structures for similar transportation infrastructure. From 2014 to 2016, 36 infrared cameras were placed inside 14 small bridges and 11 culverts along the Qinghai–Tibet railway to determine the structures’ effectiveness as wildlife passages. Thirteen species of mammals were found to use the small bridges and culverts to cross the railway. The crossing rates for all mammals were significantly higher for small bridges than for culverts. Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsonii), Tibetan gazelle (Procapra picticaudata), kiang (Equus kiang), and wild yak (Bos mutus) preferred small bridges over culverts to cross the railway. In contrast, mountain weasel (Mustela altaica) and Asian badger (Meles leucurus) preferred culverts to cross the railway. The crossing rates of all mammals, particularly Tibetan gazelle and woolly hare, were positively influenced by structure width. Structure height had a positive influence on wild yak, but structure length had a negative influence on kiang. The distance to the highway had a positive influence on the crossing rates of all mammals, particularly wild yak and woolly hare. Human use of the structures had no influence on the crossings of most mammals except for common wolf. We suggest that road design schemes include large and open crossing structures to benefit most species with limitations on human activities near wildlife passages.  相似文献   

Although cancer-regulatory genes are dichotomized to oncogenes and tumor-suppressor gene s, in reality they can be oncogenic in one situation but tumor-suppressive in another. This dual-function nature, which sometimes hampers our understanding of tumor biology, has several manifestations: (1) Most canonically defined genes have multiple mRNAs, regulatory RNAs, protein isoforms, and posttranslational modifications; (2) Genes may interact at different levels, such as by forming chimeric RNAs or by forming different protein complexes; (3) Increased levels of tumor-suppressive genes in normal cells drive proliferation of cancer progenitor cells in the same organ or tissue by imposing compensatory proliferation pressure, which presents the dual-function nature as a cell–cell interaction. All these manifestations of dual functions can find examples in the genes along the CCND–CDK4/6–RB axis. The dual-function nature also underlies the heterogeneity of cancer cells. Gene-targeting chemotherapies, including that targets CDK4, are effective to some cancer cells but in the meantime may promote growth or progression of some others in the same patient. Redefining “gene” by considering each mRNA, regulatory RNA, protein isoform, and posttranslational modification from the same genomic locus as a “gene” may help in better understanding tumor biology and better selecting targets for different sub-populations of cancer cells in individual patients for personalized therapy.  相似文献   

Plant ecophysiological changes in response to climatic change may be different in northern and southern European countries because different abiotic factors constrain plant physiological activity. We studied the effects of experimental warming and drought on the photosynthetic performance of two ericaceous shrubs (Erica multiflora and Calluna vulgaris) along a European gradient of temperature and precipitation (UK, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Spain). At each site, a passive warming treatment was applied during the night throughout the whole year, whereas the drought treatment excluded rain events over 6–10 weeks during the growing season. We measured leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence, and leaf carbon isotope ratio (13C) during the growing seasons of 1999 and 2000. Leaf net photosynthetic rates clearly followed a gradient from northern to southern countries in agreement with the geographical gradient in water availability. Accordingly, there was a strong correlation between net photosynthetic rates and the accumulated rainfall over the growing season. Droughted plants showed lower leaf gas exchange rates than control plants in the four sites. Interestingly, although leaf photosynthetic rates decreased along the precipitation gradient and in response to drought treatment, droughted plants were able to maintain higher leaf photosynthetic rates than control plants in relation to the accumulated rainfall over the months previous to the measurements. Droughted plants also showed higher values of potential photochemical efficiency (F v/F m) in relation to controls, mainly at midday. The warming treatment did not affect significantly any of the studied instantaneous ecophysiological variables..  相似文献   

Wetland hydrological health and the provision of indirect ecosystem services in the eMthonjeni–Fairview Spring Wetland, Grahamstown, South Africa, were assessed in 2008, using the newly developed wetland assessment tools WET-Health and WET-EcoServices. Variation in health and ecosystem services were assessed over time, based on aerial photograph interpretation and the use of the score sheets in these assessment tools. Hydrological health and indirect ecosystem services of the wetland have been altered since 1949, due to human activities both in the catchment and the wetland. The most significant human intervention on the wetland's hydrological health was the result of road construction and invasion by alien plants. Water use by local residents had an unmeasurable effect on hydrological health. Wetland health is related to the provision of wetland ecosystem services, and cumulative impacts in the catchment and wetland have reduced the provision of many indirect wetland ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Pterothrissus gissu is a rare albulid fish that is distributed in deep water off Japan. This fish is known to pass through a leptocephalus larval stage, but only metamorphosed (after reaching the fully grown stage) specimens have been available. In this study, the premetamorphosis (before fully grown stage) leptocephalus larva of P. gissu is first described from 45 specimens (117.2–194.5 mm SL) collected by a pelagic otter trawl in the Kuroshio–Oyashio transition region of the western North Pacific in May 1995. Premetamorphosis leptocephalus larvae are characterized by having poorly developed fin rays except for the caudal fin, a translucent body, branched melanophores beneath the eye, and punctuate melanophores on the dorsal edge of the gut from the throat to the anus. Previously fully grown leptocephali were estimated to reach about 130 mm SL based on the size distributions of metamorphosing specimens. However, the present specimens show that fully grown leptocephali of P. gissu exceed 180 mm SL. Received: March 21, 2001 / Revised: March 19, 2002 / Accepted: April 15, 2002  相似文献   


Key message

Both temperature and precipitation are strong factors of radial tree growth at all elevations in the semi-arid study area, except at the upper treeline where temperature becomes the major controlling factor.


Several recent studies across the Tibetan Plateau found consistent growth–climate relations at all elevations from the lower treelines to the upper treelines. These findings seem to challenge the general principle of dendroclimatology that precipitation serves as the controlling factor of radial tree growth at lower elevations while temperature serves as the controlling factor at higher elevations in semi-arid regions. Such conclusions also question the potential of temperature reconstruction using ring-width data in these regions if precipitation remains the dominant factor of tree growth at the upper treelines. In this study, radial growth of Qilian juniper (Sabina przewalskii Kom.) was examined along an elevation gradient between ~3820 and 4230 m in the mountains east of the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, to determine the limiting factors of radial tree growth at different elevations. Rotated principal component analysis revealed two modes of variation patterns. The first mode presents mostly tree ring data from the lower elevation zones (3820–4100 m) and contains strong signals of precipitation variation. The second mode represents the higher elevation zones (approx. 4100–4230 m) and contains strong signals of both temperature and precipitation variations. When signals of precipitation variation are removed from the tree ring data using partial correlation, the growth–temperature relationships become more evident on the upper slope. When correlations between individual tree-ring series and climate variables were examined, we discovered that there were better chances of finding tree ring samples strongly correlated to temperature variables (r = 0.6 or higher) at the elevation zone within ~100 m of the upper treeline, but uncommon at lower elevations. We also found that topographic variables, such as slope gradient and growing-season direct solar radiation may have minor influences on the growth–climate relationships.

In the Czech part of the Labe River and the lower part of the Vltava River, we examined if the benthic macroinvertebrate composition changed from 1996 to 2005 due to expected improvements in water quality resulting from socioeconomic changes in the Czech Republic since the 1990s. Special attention was given to rare and alien species. The four biological metrics used (Number of taxa, BMWP, Number of sensitive taxa, and Number of EPT taxa) demonstrated that there was indeed an improvement in water quality as well as a slight improvement of the Labe microhabitats during the investigated period. An increasing Number of taxa over time was observed at most sites. Two main concurrent ecological processes are recently in progress in the Labe: a recovery of native species and an expansion of alien species, some of which are considered invasive. The caddisfly Setodes punctatus and the beetle Pomatinus substriatus, considered as regionally extinct in the Czech Republic until 2005, were rediscovered during our investigations. Findings of the crustacean Hemimysis anomala (invasive) and the chironomids Stenochironomus sp. and Lipiniella sp. were the first records of these taxa in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

During the growing season of the exceptionally dry and warm year 2003, we assessed seasonal changes in nitrogen, carbon and water balance related parameters of mature naturally grown European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) along a North–South transect in Europe that included a beech forest stand in central Germany, two in southern Germany and one in southern France. Indicators for N balance assessed at all four sites were foliar N contents and total soluble non-protein nitrogen compounds (TSNN) in xylem sap, leaves and phloem exudates; C and water balance related parameters determined were foliar C contents, δ13C and δ18O signatures. Tissue sampling was performed in May, July and September. The N related parameters displayed seasonal courses with highest concentrations during N remobilization in May. Decreased total foliar N contents as well as higher C/N ratios in the stands in central Germany and southern France compared to the other study sites point to an impaired N nutrition status due to lower soil N contents and precipitation perception. TSNN concentrations in leaves and phloem exudates of all study sites were in ranges previously reported, but xylem sap content of amino compounds in July was lower at all study sites when compared to literature data (c. 1 μmol N mL−1). In September, TSNN concentrations increased again at the two study sites in southern Germany after a rain event, whereas they remained constant at sites in central Germany and southern France which hardly perceived precipitation during that time. Thus, TSNN concentrations in the xylem sap might be indicative for water balance related N supply in the beech trees. TSNN profiles at all study sites, however, did not indicate drought stress. Foliar δ13C, but not foliar C and δ18O followed a seasonal trend at all study sites with highest values in May. Differences in foliar δ13C and δ18O did not reflect climatic differences between the sites, and are attributed to differences in altitude, photosynthesis and δ18O signatures of the water sources. Except of low TSNN concentrations in the xylem sap, no physiological indications of drought stress were detected in the trees analysed. We suppose that the other parameters assessed might not have been sensitive to the drought events because of efficient regulation mechanisms that provide a suitable physiological setting even under conditions of prolonged water limitation. The uniform performance of the trees from southern France and central Germany under comparably dry climate conditions denotes that the metabolic plasticity of mature beech from the different sites studied might be similar.  相似文献   

Ω3-Polyunsaturated fatty acids (Ω3-PUFAs) are known to act as hypolipidaemics, but the literature is unclear about the effects that Ω3-PUFAs have on oxidative stress in obese and diabetic patients. In this study, our aim was to investigate the effects of Ω3-PUFAs on oxidative stress, including antioxidant enzyme activity and hepatic lipid and glycogen metabolism in the livers of diabetic and non-diabetic rats fed on a high fat thermolyzed diet. Rats were divided into six groups: (1) the control group (C), (2) the control diabetic group (D), (3) the high fat thermolyzed diet group (HFTD), which were fed a diet that was enriched in fat that was heated for 60 min at 180°C, (4) the high fat thermolyzed diet diabetic group (D + HFTD), (5) the high fat thermolyzed diet + Ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acid group (HFTD + Ω3), and (6) the high fat thermolyzed diet + Ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acid diabetic group (D + HFTD + Ω3). The most important finding of this study was that Ω3-PUFAs are able to reduce triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acid, lipoperoxidation levels, advanced glycation end products, SOD/CAT enzymatic ratio, and CAT immunocontent and increase SOD2 levels in the livers of diabetic rats fed with a HFTD. However, Ω3-PUFAs did not alter the observed levels of protein damage, blood glucose, or glycogen metabolism in the liver. These findings suggest that Ω3-PUFAs may represent an important auxiliary adjuvant in combating some diseases like diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.  相似文献   



Albuminuria is associated with cardiovascular disease, and the relationship between albuminuria and hypertension is well established in many studies. So the control of hypertension is critical for decreasing cardiovascular events and albuminuria. Obesity and abdominal obesity are also associated with hypertension and albuminuria. Therefore, we analyzed the relationship between albuminuria and the prevalence and control of hypertension in the general Korean population according to obesity status.


We analyzed data from the 2011–2012 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and 9,519 subjects were included. Subjects were divided into four groups: non-obese/normal waist circumference, non-obese/high waist circumference, obese/normal waist circumference, and obese/high waist circumference.


Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were positively associated with albumin–creatinine ratio in all groups (all p values <0.005). Non-obese/normal waist circumference group were more likely to have hypertension (odds ratios [95% confidential intervals (CIs)] were 3.20 [2.21–4.63] in microalbuminuria level and 3.09 [1.05–9.14] in macroalbuminuria level), and less likely to have controlled hypertension (odds ratios <1 for both albuminuria levels) after adjusting for all covariates. Obese/normal waist circumference group were also more likely to have hypertension (odds ratio [95% CI] were 3.10 [1.56–6.15] in microalbuminuria level and 21.75 [3.66–129.04] in macroalbuminuria level), and less likely to have controlled hypertension in macroalbuminuria level (odds ratio [95% CI], 0.04 [0.01–0.15]).


Non-obese and normal waist circumference subjects have an increased prevalence and decreased control of hypertension in microalbuminuria and macroalbuminuria levels. Screening for albuminuria may provide helpful information about hypertension and blood pressure control, particularly in the non-obese and normal waist circumference subjects.  相似文献   

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