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Sympatric speciation is studied in population polymorphic in one polygenic character. Individuals with different marginal phenotypes are reproductively isolated. The final stage of speciation is investigated when the number of the forming species greatly exceeds the total number of intermediate individuals, which allowed the set of equations describing our population to be reduced to a set of linear equations. The final stage of speciation appears to be critical and determines the output of the process. The force of disruptive selection necessary to complete the speciation has been found under various conditions (namely, the number of loci, different types of selection, and assortative mating). Our model shows that sympatric speciation is possible under a wide range of quite realistic conditions, which supports the hypothesis about its possibility in nature. Relative frequencies of the intermediate phenotypes containing much information about the main factors of speciation are also found.  相似文献   

Multilocus model of sympatric speciation. III. Computer simulations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the previous papers some analytical results were obtained for the limit stages of sympatric speciation. The present paper aims at finding the scope of validity for these results. The Monte Carlo computer model of this process was created and studied. We deal with two aspects of the speciation process: the development of reproductive isolation between the forming species and the extinction of the intermediate individuals. It has been shown that the advantage of the allele of reproductive isolation increases with the growth of its frequency. The extinction of the intermediates goes differently with various numbers of loci involved in speciation. If reproductive isolation is due to differences in two or four loci, then the completion of extinction of the intermediates requires the strongest disruptive selection, so that the necessary conditions for speciation found previously are also proved to be sufficient. But with eight and probably with a larger number of loci, the selection required to promote speciation in a population that is far from it is considerably stronger than selection needed at the last stage of speciation. Consequently, under some intensities of disruptive selection the final state of a population depends initial state. The conditions under which the stationary state of a population is characterized by bimodal distribution of phenotypes are also found.  相似文献   

Abstract. In populations of phytophagous insects that use the host plant as a rendezvous for mating, divergence in host preference could lead to sympatric speciation. Speciation requires the elimination of "generalist" genotypes, that is, those with intermediate host preference. This could occur because such genotypes have an inherent fitness disadvantage, or because preference alleles become associated with alleles that are oppositely selected on the two hosts. Although the former mechanism has been shown to be plausible, the latter mechanism has not been studied in detail. I consider a multilocus model (the "Bush model") in which one set of biallelic loci affects host preference, and a second set affects viability on the hosts once chosen. Alleles that increase viability on one host decrease viability on the other, and all loci are assumed to be unlinked. With moderately strong selection on the viability loci, preference alleles rapidly become associated with viability alleles, and the population splits into two reproductively isolated host specialist populations. The conditions for speciation to occur in this model, as measured by the strength of selection required, are somewhat more stringent than in a model in which preference and viability are controlled by the same loci (one-trait model). In contrast, the conditions are much less stringent than in a model in which speciation requires buildup of associations between viability loci and loci controlling a host-independent assortative mating trait (canonical two-trait model). Moreover, in the one-trait model, and to a lesser extent the Bush model, the strength of selection needed to initiate speciation is only slightly greater than that needed to complete it. This indicates that documenting instances of sympatric species that are reproductively isolated only by host or habitat preference would provide evidence for the plausibility of sympatric speciation in nature.  相似文献   

The paper entitled "Sympatric speciation," which was published by John Maynard Smith in 1966, initiated the development of mathematical models aiming to identify the conditions for sympatric speciation. A part of that paper was devoted to a specific two-locus, two-allele model of sympatric speciation in a population occupying a two-niche system. Maynard Smith provided some initial numerical results on this model. Later, Dickinson and Antonovics (1973) and Caisse and Antonovics (1978) performed more extensive numerical studies on the model. Here, I report analytical results on the haploid version of the Maynard Smith model. I show how the conditions for sympatric and parapatric speciation and the levels of resulting genetic divergence and reproductive isolation are affected by the strength of disruptive selection and nonrandom mating, recombination rate, and the rates of male and female dispersal between the niches.  相似文献   

I use multilocus genetics to describe assortative mating in a competition model. The intensity of competition between individuals is influenced by a quantitative character whose value is determined additively by alleles from many loci. With assortative mating based on this character, frequency- and density-dependent competition can subdivide a population with an initially unimodal character distribution. The character distribution becomes bimodal, and the subpopulations corresponding to the two modes are reproductively separated because mating is assortative. This happens if the resource distribution is unimodal, i.e. even if selection due to phenotypic carrying capacities is not disruptive. The results suggest that sympatric speciation due to frequency-dependent selection can occur in quite general ecological scenarios if mating is assortative. I also discuss the evolution of assortative mating. Since it induces bimodal phenotype distributions, assortative mating leads to a better match of the resources if their distribution is also bimodal. Moreover, in a population with a bimodal phenotype distribution, the average strength of frequency-dependent competition is lower than in a unimodal population. Therefore, assortative mating permits higher equilibrium densities than random mating even if the resource distribution is unimodal. Thus, even though it may lead to a less efficient resource use, assortative mating is favoured over random mating because it reduces frequency-dependent effects of competition.  相似文献   

While models of sympatric speciation are motivated in part by multi-species adaptive radiations such as the Cameroon crater lake cichlids, existing models have focused on bifurcation into a single pair of daughter species. This paper shows that a familiar model of sympatric speciation, driven by intraspecific competition and assortative mating based on ecological characters values, can yield multiple daughter species if individual niche widths are sufficiently restricted. Surprisingly, the multi-species outcome is not produced by successive bifurcation events, but by simultaneous divergence resulting in a hard polytomy. This result is sensitive to a number of assumptions, whose violation may prevent speciation. In some cases when speciation fails, the population instead ends in a state that closely resembles incipient species pairs, with an ecological polymorphism and partial reproductive isolation. However, this polymorphism is stable and does not lead to complete reproductive isolation, suggesting that empirical cases of incipient species pairs may not always end in speciation.  相似文献   

While it now appears likely that sympatric speciation is possible, its generality remains contentious. If it really is rare, then most natural populations must not fit the assumptions of sympatric speciation theory. A better understanding of these assumptions may help identify when sympatric speciation is or is not likely. This paper investigates two such assumptions: that genetic variation for stringent assortative mating is not limiting and that females are not penalized for mating assortatively. Simulations demonstrate that the speed of sympatric speciation is very sensitive to the population's capacity for stringent assortative mating and is potentially extremely slow. The rapid divergence often thought to be a hallmark of sympatric speciation may only occur in a restricted area of parameter space.  相似文献   

A deterministic genetic model for sympatric speciation by sexual selection   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A deterministic haploid genetic model confirms and explores in more detail the results of our previous individual-based simulation model for sympatric speciation by sexual selection. With the deterministic model, we are able to elucidate parameter dependence by phase plane analysis. We clarify how and why sympatric speciation by sexual selection can happen in a number of ways: (1) Female preferences for or against particular types of males have different effects. Whereas the former affects how readily speciation is invoked, the latter changes the stability of speciation equilibrium. (2) When there is no cost on male ornamentations, speciation is triggered regardless of initial haplotype frequencies if sufficient female preference is provided. (3) There exists a threshold for female initial frequencies for speciation to be invoked, but male initial frequencies have little effect. (4) A small cost on female mate choice does not cancel speciation, but when large, it greatly reduces the possibility of speciation.  相似文献   

First multilocus analysis of the largest Neotropical cichlid genus Crenicichla combining mitochondrial (cytb, ND2, 16S) and nuclear (S7 intron 1) genes and comprising 602 sequences of 169 specimens yields a robust phylogenetic hypothesis. The best marker in the combined analysis is the ND2 gene which contributes throughout the whole range of hierarchical levels in the tree and shows weak effects of saturation at the 3rd codon position. The 16S locus exerts almost no influence on the inferred phylogeny. The nuclear S7 intron 1 resolves mainly deeper nodes. Crenicichla is split into two main clades: (1) Teleocichla, the Crenicichla wallacii group, and the Crenicichla lugubris-Crenicichla saxatilis groups (“the TWLuS clade”); (2) the Crenicichla reticulata group and the Crenicichla lacustris group-Crenicichla macrophthalma (“the RMLa clade”). Our study confirms the monophyly of the C. lacustris species group with very high support. The biogeographic reconstruction of the C. lacustris group using dispersal-vicariance analysis underlines the importance of ancient barriers between the middle and upper Paraná River (the Guaíra Falls) and between the middle and upper Uruguay River (the Moconá Falls). Our phylogeny recovers two endemic species flocks within the C. lacustris group, the Crenicichla missioneira species flock and the herein discovered Crenicichla mandelburgeri species flock from the Uruguay and Paraná/Iguazú Rivers, respectively. We discuss putative sympatric diversification of trophic traits (morphology of jaws and lips, dentition) and propose these species flocks as models for studying sympatric speciation in complex riverine systems. The possible role of hybridization as a mechanism of speciation is mentioned with a recorded example (Crenicichla scottii).  相似文献   

An individual-based simulation study was conducted to examine the population dynamics of 'invasion of a vacant niche' and subsequent speciation (by reproductive isolation) when food resources are randomly distributed spatially within the habitat and the frequencies of different food types are bimodally distributed (i.e. smaller and larger sizes of food being most abundant). The initially vacant niche was that of unused larger sizes of food. When phenotypic variation for resource use (i.e. food sizes) was small in the initial population, and each female could choose a mate from anywhere in the habitat, the population could not invade the vacant niche. But when the dispersal distance of the offspring and the area within which a female could choose a mate were small (i.e. the genetic neighbourhood size was small), the population could, in most cases, evolve to use both smaller and larger food sizes and form sister species sympatrically, with each species utilizing one of the two niches (small and large sizes of food). When phenotypic variation in resource use in the initial population was large, the population could, in most cases, invade the vacant niche by evolving to use both smaller and larger sizes of food. The probability of speciation increased as the dispersal distance of offspring decreased. The results indicate that populations whose individuals have small Wright's genetic neighbourhoods may often exploit a vacant niche and diversify sympatrically in the process.  相似文献   

同域物种形成是指在缺少地理隔离的情况下分化出新种,相比异域物种形成更为罕见,存在较多的研究空白.该文分析了近十年来与被子植物同域物种形成相关的国内外研究,着重论述同域物种形成的影响因素和种对间的生殖隔离.考虑到历史上的地理隔离难以确定,加之种对间亲缘关系很近,同域物种的判定容易引发争议.其成因可分为生态因素和突变因素:...  相似文献   

Sexual selection can constrain sympatric speciation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Recent theory has suggested that sympatric speciation can occur quite easily when individuals that are ecologically similar mate assortatively. Although many of these models have assumed that individuals have equal mating success, in nature rare phenotypes may often suffer decreased mating success. Consequently, assortative mating may often generate stabilizing sexual selection. We show that this effect can substantially impede sympatric speciation. Our results emphasize the need for data on the strength of the stabilizing component of selection generated by mating in natural populations.  相似文献   

Many factors could influence progress towards sympatric speciation. Some of the potentially important ones include competition, mate choice and the degree to which alternative sympatric environments (resources) are discrete. What is not well understood is the relative importance of these different factors, as well as interactions among them. We use an individual-based numerical model to investigate the possibilities. Mate choice was modelled as the degree to which male foraging traits influence female mate choice. Competition was modelled as the degree to which individuals with different phenotypes compete for portions of the resource distribution. Discreteness of the environment was modelled as the degree of bimodality of the underlying resource distribution. We find that strong mate choice was necessary, but not sufficient, to cause sympatric speciation. In addition, sympatric speciation was most likely when the resource distribution was strongly bimodal and when competition among different phenotypes was intermediate. Even under these ideal conditions, however, sympatric speciation occurred only a fraction of the time. Sympatric speciation owing to competition on unimodal resource distributions was also possible, but much less common. In all cases, stochasticity played an important role in determining progress towards sympatric speciation, as evidenced by variation in outcomes among replicate simulations for a given set of parameter values. Overall, we conclude that the nature of competition is much less important for sympatric speciation than is the nature of mate choice and the underlying resource distribution. We argue that an increased understanding of the promoters and inhibitors of sympatric speciation is best achieved through models that simultaneously evaluate multiple potential factors.  相似文献   

Many models have investigated how the process of speciation may occur in sympatry. In these models, individuals are either asexual or mate choice is determined by very simple rules. Females, for example, may be assumed either to compare their phenotype to that of a potential mate, preferring to mate with similar males (phenotype matching), or to possess preference genes that determine which male phenotype they prefer. These rules often do not reflect the mate-choice rules found in empirical studies. In this paper, we compare these two modes of female choice with various types of sexual imprinting. We examine the efficacy of different mate-choice behavior in causing divergence in male traits under simple deterministic one-locus population genetic models as well as under polygenic, individual-based simulations based on the models of Dieckmann and Doebeli (1999). We find that the inheritance mechanism of mate choice can have a large effect on the ease of sympatric speciation. When females imprint on their mothers, the result of the model is similar to phenotype matching, where speciation can occur fairly easily. When females imprint on their fathers or imprint obliquely, speciation becomes considerably less likely. Finally, when females rely on preference genes, male trait evolution occurs easily, but the correlation between trait and preference can be weak, and interpreting these results as speciation may be suspect.  相似文献   

Sympatric speciation has always been a controversial issue. Recently, the debate has centred around the possibility that host race formation in phytophagous insects occurs as a first stage in this process. Now a new approach to host race formation - examining the population genetics of performance on alternative hosts - is challenging a major underlying assumption of this model. The evidence suggests that improved performance on one host is not generally accompanied by reduced performance on others.  相似文献   

Can speciation occur in a single population when different types of resources are available, in the absence of any geographical isolation, or any spatial or temporal variation in selection? The controversial topics of sympatric speciation and ecological speciation have already stimulated many theoretical studies, most of them agreeing on the fact that mechanisms generating disruptive selection, some level of assortment, and enough heterogeneity in the available resources, are critical for sympatric speciation to occur. Few studies, however, have combined the three factors and investigated their interactions. In this article, I analytically derive conditions for sympatric speciation in a general model where the distribution of resources can be uni‐ or bimodal, and where a parameter controls the range of resources that an individual can exploit. This approach bridges the gap between models of a unimodal continuum of resources and Levene‐type models with discrete resources. I then test these conditions against simulation results from a recently published article (Thibert‐Plante & Hendry, 2011, J. Evol. Biol. 24 : 2186–2196) and confirm that sympatric ecological speciation is favoured when (i) selection is disruptive (i.e. individuals with an intermediate trait are at a local fitness minimum), (ii) resources are differentiated enough and (iii) mating is assortative. I also discuss the role of mating preference functions and the need (or lack thereof) for bimodality in resource distributions for diversification.  相似文献   

Allopatric processes of speciation have routinely been presented to explain the extraordinary radiation of the East African Great Lakes cichlid fish species flocks. The 21 or more species of pelagic cichlids within the Lake Malawi flock appear to have lake-wide distributions that challenge such a concept. Data from six microsatellite DNA loci indicate single, panmictic populations across the lake of three Diplotaxodon species. Levels of variability at these loci suggest that populations have been large and stable. Mitochondrial DNA sequence data (872 bp of control region + 981 bp of the NADH-2) from 90 species, representing all major clades within the Lake Malawi flock, indicate reciprocal monophyly of the pelagic clade. We suggest that these data support a hypothesis that speciation in sympatry is more plausible (and widespread) within the cichlid species flocks than previously thought.  相似文献   

Lake Tanganyika, Africa's oldest lake, harbours an impressive diversity of cichlid fishes. Although diversification in its radiating groups is thought to have been initially rapid, cichlids from Lake Tanganyika show little evidence for ongoing speciation. In contrast, examples of recent divergence among sympatric colour morphs are well known in haplochromine cichlids from Lakes Malawi and Victoria. Here, we report genetic evidence for recent divergence between two sympatric Tanganyikan cichlid colour morphs. These Petrochromis morphs share mitochondrial haplotypes, yet microsatellite loci reveal that their sympatric populations form distinct genetic groups. Nuclear divergence between the two morphs is equivalent to that which arises geographically within one of the morphs over short distances and is substantially smaller than that among other sympatric species in this genus. These patterns suggest that these morphs diverged only recently, yet that barriers to gene flow exist which prevent extensive admixture despite their sympatric distribution. The morphs studied here provide an unusual example of active diversification in Lake Tanganyika's generally ancient cichlid fauna and enable comparisons of speciation processes between Lake Tanganyika and other African lakes.  相似文献   

The taxonomic challenge posed by cryptic species underlines the importance of using multiple criteria in species delimitation. In the current paper we tested the use of acoustic analysis as a tool to assess the real diversity in a cryptic species complex of Neotropical ants. In order to understand the potential of acoustics and to improve consistency in the conclusions by comparing different approaches, phylogenetic relationships of all the morphs considered were assessed by the analysis of a fragment of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b. We observed that each of the cryptic morph studied presents a morphologically distinct stridulatory organ and that all sympatric morphs produce distinctive stridulations. This is the first evidence of such a degree of specialization in the acoustic organ and signals in ants, which suggests that stridulations may be among the cues used by these ants during inter-specific interactions. Mitochondrial DNA variation corroborated the acoustic differences observed, confirming acoustics as a helpful tool to determine cryptic species in this group of ants, and possibly in stridulating ants in general. Congruent morphological, acoustic and genetic results constitute sufficient evidence to propose each morph studied here as a valid new species, suggesting that P. apicalis is a complex of at least 6 to 9 species, even if they present different levels of divergence. Finally, our results highlight that ant stridulations may be much more informative than hitherto thought, as much for ant communication as for integrative taxonomists.  相似文献   

Until recently, our view of speciation was that reproductive isolation evolves during long periods of allopatry through the accumulation of genetic differences that result in genetic incompatibility. This view now contrasts with new findings that characters affecting reproductive isolation can diverge rapidly in sympatry as a result of natural selection. Recent studies combining research on phylogeny and ecology of natural populations cast new light on patterns, timescales and mechanisms, and emphasize the role of ecological factors in speciation. Studies of parallel speciation provide a strong case for sympatric speciation and for natural selection generating reproductive barriers.  相似文献   

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