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The effect of intracellular (i) and extracellular (o) Na+ on pre-steady-state transient current associated with Na+/Na+ exchange by the Na+/K+ pump was investigated in the vegetal pole of Xenopus oocytes. Current records in response to 40-ms voltage pulses from -180 to +100 mV in the absence of external Na+ were subtracted from current records obtained under Na+/Na+ exchange conditions. Na+-sensitive transient current and dihydroouabain-sensitive current were equivalent. The quantity of charge moved (Q) and the relaxation rate coefficient (ktot) of the slow component of the Nao+-sensitive transient current were measured for steps to various voltages (V). The data were analyzed using a four-state kinetic model describing the Na+ binding, occlusion, conformational change, and release steps of the transport cycle. The apparent valence of the Q vs. V relationship was near 1.0 for all experimental conditions. When extracellular Na+ was halved, the midpoint voltage of the charge distribution (Vq) shifted -25.3+/-0.4 mV, which can be accounted for by the presence of an extracellular ion-well having a dielectric distance delta=0.69+/-0.01. The effect of changes of Nai+ on Nao+-sensitive transient current was investigated. The midpoint voltage (Vq) of the charge distribution curve was not affected over the Nao+ concentration range 3.13-50 mM. As Nai+ was decreased, the amount of charge measured and its relaxation rate coefficient decreased with an apparent Km of 3.2+/-0.2 mM. The effects of lowering Nai+ on pre-steady-state transient current can be accounted for by decreasing the charge available to participate in the fast extracellular Na+ release steps, by a slowly equilibrating (phosphorylation/occlusion) step intervening between intracellular Na+ binding and extracellular Na+ release.  相似文献   

The modulation of the intrasynaptosomal concentration of Ca2+, [Ca2+]i, by Na+/Ca2+ exchange was studied using Indo-1 fluorescence. The electrochemical gradient of Na+ was manipulated by substituting Li+ or choline for Na+ in the external medium and, then, the influx of 45Ca2+ and the [Ca2+]i were measured. It was found that the increase in [Ca2+]i induced by K+ depolarization is lower if the value of [Ca2+]i has been previously raised by Na+/Ca2+ exchange, suggesting that Ca2+ entering by Na+/Ca2+ exchange reduces the Ca2+ entering by voltage-dependent calcium channels. Our results show that a value of [Ca2+]i of about 650 nM induced by Na+/Ca2+ exchange reduces by 50% the Ca2+ entering due to K+ depolarization and no Ca2+ enters through the channels if the [Ca2+]i is previously raised above about 800 nM. Furthermore, predepolarization of the synaptosomes in a Ca-free medium also inhibits by at least 40% the [Ca2+]i rise through Ca2+ channels. Thus, the results suggest that both predepolarization and [Ca2+]i rise due to Na+/Ca2+ exchange decrease the Ca2+ entering by voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels. The Ca2+ entering by Na+/Ca2+ exchange might contribute to the regulation of neurotransmitter release. Our results also show that the presence of Li+ in the external medium decreases the buffering capacity of synaptosomes, probably by releasing Ca2+ from mitochondria by Li+/Ca2+ exchange.  相似文献   

Na+/K+-ATPase functions as both an ion pump and a signal transducer. Cardiac glycosides partially inhibit Na+/K+-ATPase, causing activation of multiple interrelated growth pathways via the Na+/K+-ATPase/c-Src/epidermal growth factor receptor complex. Such pathways include Ras/MEK/ERK and Ral/RalGDS cascades, which can lead to cardiac hypertrophy. In search of novel Ral-GTPase binding proteins, we used RalB as the bait to screen a human testes cDNA expression library using the yeast 2-hybrid system. The results demonstrated that 1 of the RalB interacting clones represented the C-terminal region of the beta1 subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase. Further analysis using the yeast 2-hybrid system and full-length beta1 subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase confirmed the interaction with RalA and RalB. In vitro binding and pull-down assays demonstrated that the beta1 subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase interacts directly with RalA and RalB. Ral-GTP pull-down assays demonstrated that short-term ouabain treatment of A7r5 cells, a rat aorta smooth muscle cell line, caused activation of Ral GTPase. Maximal activation was observed 10 min after ouabain treatment. Ouabain-mediated Ral activation was inhibited upon the stimulation of Na+/K+-ATPase activity by Ang II. We propose that Ral GTPase is involved in the signal transducing function of Na+/K+-ATPase and provides a possible molecular mechanism connecting Ral to cardiac hypertrophy during diseased conditions.  相似文献   

A modest diet-induced increase in serum cholesterol in rabbits increases the sensitivity of the sarcolemmal Na+/K+ pump to intracellular Na+, whereas a large increase in cholesterol levels decreases the sensitivity to Na+. To examine the mechanisms, we isolated cardiac myocytes from controls and from rabbits with diet-induced increases in serum cholesterol. The myocytes were voltage clamped with the use of patch pipettes that contained osmotically balanced solutions with Na+ in a concentration of 10 mM and K+ in concentrations ([K+]pip) ranging from 0 to 140 mM. There was no effect of dietary cholesterol on electrogenic Na+/K+ current (Ip) when pipette solutions were K+ free. A modest increase in serum cholesterol caused a [K+]pip-dependent increase in Ip, whereas a large increase caused a [K+]pip-dependent decrease in Ip. Modeling suggested that pump stimulation with a modest increase in serum cholesterol can be explained by a decrease in the microscopic association constant KK describing the backward reaction E1 + 2K+ E2(K+)2, whereas pump inhibition with a large increase in serum cholesterol can be explained by an increase in KK. Because hypercholesterolemia upregulates angiotensin II receptors and because angiotensin II regulates the Na+/K+ pump in cardiac myocytes in a [K+]pip-dependent manner, we blocked angiotensin synthesis or angiotensin II receptors in vivo in cholesterol-fed rabbits. This abolished cholesterol-induced pump inhibition. Because the -isoform of protein kinase C (PKC) mediates effects of angiotensin II on the pump, we included specific PKC-blocking peptide in patch pipette filling solutions. The peptide reversed cholesterol-induced pump inhibition. partial reactions; protein kinase C; angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors; arteriosclerosis; insulin resistance  相似文献   

Intracellular electrical potential and potassium activity was measured by means of microelectrodes in the epithelial cells of choroid plexus from bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana). Ouabain applied from the ventricular side caused an abrupt depolarisation of 10 mV but only a gradual loss of potassium from the cells. Readministration of potassium to the ventricular solution of plexuses which were previously depleted of potassium, caused a hyperpolarisation of about 4 mV. These two experiments are consistent with the notion of an electrogenic Na+/K+ pump situated at the ventricular membrane and which pumps potassium into the cell and sodium into the ventricle. The numerical values obtained suggest that 3 sodium ions are pumped for 2 potassium ions. The permeability coefficient for potassium exit from the cell is calculated to be 1.24 · 10?5 cm?1 · s?1 expressed per cm2 of flat epithelium.  相似文献   

G Agam  A Argaman  A Livne 《FEBS letters》1989,244(1):231-236
Thrombin affects blood platelets by activation of Na+/H+ exchange and induction of aggregation, but the relationship between these effects is under debate. The present study attempts to clarify whether the activation of the exchanger activity is required for platelet aggregation. In apparent support of such a requirement, thrombin-induced aggregation is higher in Na+ medium than in N-methylglucamine+ medium and is inhibited by sphingosine, an inhibitor of protein kinase C known to regulate the Na+/H+ exchanger. However, the inhibition of aggregation by sphingosine occurs in both Na+-containing and Na+-free media, the aggregation is identical in Na+ and K+-containing media, and is not inhibited by 5-N-(3-aminophenyl)amiloride, at a concentration 10-fold higher than its Ki for platelet Na+/H+ exchange. Furthermore, at low concentration (0.005 U/ml) thrombin induces aggregation but does not activate the exchange. It is concluded that the activation of Na+/H+ exchange is not required for thrombin-induced platelet aggregation and that the apparent augmentation of aggregation by Na+ is due to an inhibitory effect of N-methylglucamine+.  相似文献   

Current generated by the electrogenic Na+/K+ pump protein was determined in oocytes of Xenopus laevis as strophantidine-sensitive current measured under voltage clamp. Under conditions of reduced intracellular [Na+] and [ATP], both to values below 1 mM, and in extracellularly K(+)-free medium, the Na+/K+ pump seems to operate in a reversed mode pumping Na+ into the cell and K+ out of the cell. This is demonstrated by strophantidine-induced hyperpolarization of the membrane and inward-directed current mediated by the pump protein. In addition, strophantidine-sensitive uptake of 22Na+ can be demonstrated under these conditions. The pump current decreases with membrane depolarization as expected for a pump cycle that involves inward movement of positive charges during Na+ translocation.  相似文献   

Frog skeletal muscle has a K+ channel called the inward rectifier, which passes inward current more readily than outward current. Gay and Stanfield (1977) described a voltage-dependent block of inward K+ currents through the inward rectifier by external Cs+ in frog muscle. Here, frog single muscle fibers were voltage clamped using the vaseline-gap voltage-clamp technique to study the effect of external [K+] on the voltage-dependent block of inward K+ currents through the inward rectifier by external Cs+. The block of inward K+ currents through the channel by external Cs+ was found to depend on external [K+], such that increasing the external concentration of the permeant ion K+ potentiated the block produced by the impermeant external Cs+. These findings are not consistent with a one-ion channel model for the inward rectifier. The Eyring rate theory formalism for channels, viewed as single-file multi-ion pores (Hille and Schwarz, 1978), was used to develop a two-site multi-ion model for the inward rectifier. This model successfully reproduced the experimentally observed potentiation of the Cs+ block of the channel by external K+, thus lending further support to the view of the inward rectifier as a multi-ion channel.  相似文献   

Na+/K+-ATPase (EC is an important membrane-bound enzyme. In this paper, kinetic studies on Na+/K+-ATPase were carried out under mimetic physiological conditions. By using microcalorimeter, a thermokinetic method was employed for the first time. Compared with other methods, it provided accurate measurements of not only thermodynamic data (deltarHm) but also the kinetic data (Km and Vmax). At 310.15K and pH 7.4, the molar reaction enthalpy (deltarHm) was measured as -40.514 +/- 0.9kJmol(-1). The Michaelis constant (Km) was determined to be 0.479 +/- 0.020 mM and consistent with literature data. The reliability of the thermokinetic method was further confirmed by colorimetric studies. Furthermore, a simple and reliable kinetic procedure was presented for ascertaining the true substrate for Na+/K+-ATPase and determining the effect of free ATP. Results showed that the MgATP complex was the real substrate with a Km value of about 0.5mM and free ATP was a competitive inhibitor with a Ki value of 0.253 mM.  相似文献   

There are well-documented differences in ion channel activity and action potential shape between epicardial (EPI), midmyocardial (MID), and endocardial (ENDO) ventricular myocytes. The purpose of this study was to determine if differences exist in Na/K pump activity. The whole cell patch-clamp was used to measure Na/K pump current (I(P)) and inward background Na(+)-current (I(inb)) in cells isolated from canine left ventricle. All currents were normalized to membrane capacitance. I(P) was measured as the current blocked by a saturating concentration of dihydro-ouabain. [Na(+)](i) was measured using SBFI-AM. I(P)(ENDO) (0.34 +/- 0.04 pA/pF, n = 17) was smaller than I(P)(EPI) (0.68 +/- 0.09 pA/pF, n = 38); the ratio was 0.50 with I(P)(MID) being intermediate (0.53 +/- 0.13 pA/pF, n = 19). The dependence of I(P) on [Na(+)](i) or voltage was essentially identical in EPI and ENDO (half-maximal activation at 9-10 mM [Na(+)](i) or approximately -90 mV). Increasing [K(+)](o) from 5.4 to 15 mM caused both I(P)(ENDO) and I(P)(EPI) to increase, but the ratio remained approximately 0.5. I(inb) in EPI and ENDO were nearly identical ( approximately 0.6 pA/pF). Physiological [Na(+)](i) was lower in EPI (7 +/- 2 mM, n = 31) than ENDO (12 +/- 3 mM, n = 29), with MID being intermediate (9 +/- 3 mM, n = 22). When cells were paced at 2 Hz, [Na(+)](i) increased but the differences persisted (ENDO 14 +/- 3 mM, n = 10; EPI 9 +/- 2 mM, n = 10; and MID intermediate, 11 +/- 2 mM, n = 9). Based on these results, the larger I(P) in EPI appears to reflect a higher maximum turnover rate, which implies either a larger number of active pumps or a higher turnover rate per pump protein. The transmural gradient in [Na(+)](i) means physiological I(P) is approximately uniform across the ventricular wall, whereas transporters that utilize the transmembrane electrochemical gradient for Na(+), such as Na/Ca exchange, have a larger driving force in EPI than ENDO.  相似文献   

Treatment with ouabain led to massive death of principal cells from collecting ducts (C7-MDCK), indicated by cell swelling, loss of mitochondrial function, an irregular pattern of DNA degradation, and insensitivity to pan-caspase inhibitor. Equimolar substitution of extracellular Na(+) by K(+) or choline(+) sharply attenuated the effect of ouabain on intracellular Na(+) and K(+) content but did not protect the cells from death in the presence of ouabain. In contrast to ouabain, inhibition of the Na(+)/K(+) pump in K(+)-free medium increased Na(+)(i) content but did not affect cell survival. In control and K(+)-free medium, ouabain triggered half-maximal cell death at concentrations of approximately 0.5 and 0.05 microM, respectively, which was consistent with elevation of Na(+)/K(+) pump sensitivity to ouabain in K(+)-depleted medium. Our results show for the first time that the death of ouabain-treated renal epithelial cells is independent of the inhibition of Na(+)/K(+) pump-mediated ion fluxes and the [Na(+)](i)]/[K(+)](i) ratio.  相似文献   

Currents generated by the endogenous Na+/K+ pump in the oocytes of Xenopus laevis were determined under voltage-clamp as currents activated by different K+ congeners. The voltage dependence of the pump current reflects voltage-dependent steps in the reaction cycle. The decrease of K(+)-activated pump current at positive potentials has been attributed to voltage-dependent stimulation by the external K+ (Rakowski, Vasilets, LaTona and Schwarz (1991) J. Membr. Biol. 121, 177-187). In Na(+)-free solution, activation of the pump by external cations seems to be the dominating voltage-dependent and rate-determining step in the reaction cycle. Under these conditions, the voltage dependence of apparent Km values for pump activation can be analyzed. The dependence suggests voltage-dependent binding of extracellular cations assuming that an effective charge of about 0.4 of an elementary charge is moved in the electrical field during a step associated with the cation binding. The apparent Km values at 0 mV differ for various cations that stimulate pump activity. The values are in mM: 0.10 for Tl+, 0.63 for K+, 0.71 for Rb+, 9.3 for NH4+, and 12.9 for Cs+. The corresponding apparent affinities follow the same sequence as the cation permeability of the K(+)-selective delayed rectifier channel of nerve cells. The results are compatible with the interpretation that the cations have to pass an ion-selective access channel to reach their binding sites in the pump molecule.  相似文献   

Klotho-hypomorphic (Klotho(hm)) mice suffer from renal salt wasting and hypovolemia despite hyperaldosteronism. The present study explored the effect of Klotho on renal Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity. According to immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy Na(+)/K(+) ATPase protein abundance in isolated collecting ducts was lower in Klotho(hm) mice than in their wild type littermates (Klotho(+/+)). Analysis with dual electrode voltage clamp recording showed that expression of Klotho in Xenopus oocytes increased the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase pump current. Treatment of Xenopus oocytes with Klotho protein similarly increased the pump current. In conclusion, Klotho increases the membrane abundance and activity of the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase. Decreased Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity could thus contribute to the volume-depletion of klotho(hm) mice.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of tetracyclines on the Na+/K+ pump activity in Calu-3, a human airway cell line. To estimate Na+/K+ pump capacity on the basolateral membrane, an ouabain-sensitive component of the short-circuit current (Isc) was measured in the presence of nystatin, an ionophore of Na+. The application of ouabain (1 mM) to the basolateral solution completely inhibited the Isc generated by adding nystatin (50 microM) to the apical solution. Tetracycline (TC), minocycline (MC), or demethylchlortetracycline (DC) at 0.5 mM applied to the apical but not to the basolateral solution also decreased the nystatin-induced Isc. Neither phlorizin- nor diphenylamine-2-carboxylic acid-sensitive Isc was affected by TC, MC, or DC. These results indicate that tetracyclines may permeate only through the apical membrane with the result that the Na+/K+ pump's capacity for Na+ extrusion should be suppressed without a decrease in Cl- transport.  相似文献   

It is known that the addition of NaCl with oligomycin or ATP stimulates ouabain-sensitive and K+-dependent p-nitrophenylphosphatase (pNPPase) activity of Na+/K+-ATPase. We investigated the mechanism of the stimulation. The combination of oligomycin and NaCl increased the affinity of pNPPase activity for K+. When the ratio of Na+ to Rb+ was 10 in the presence of oligomycin, Rb+-binding and pNPPase activity reached a maximal level and Na+ was occluded. Phosphorylation of Na+/K+-ATPase by p-nitrophenylphosphate (pNPP) was not affected by oligomycin. Because oligomycin stabilizes the Na+-occluded E1 state of Na+/K+-ATPase, it seemed that the Na+-occluded E1 state increased the affinity of the phosphoenzyme formed from pNPP for K+. On the other hand, the combination of ATP and NaCl also increased the affinity of pNPPase for K+ and activated ATPase activity. Both activities were affected by the ligand conditions. Oligomycin noncompetitively affected the activation of pNPPase by NaCl and ATP. Nonhydrolyzable ATP analogues could not substitute for ATP. As NaE1P, which is the high-energy phosphoenzyme formed from ATP with Na+, is also the Na+-occluded E1 state, it is suggested that the Na+-occluded E1 state increases the affinity of the phosphoenzyme from pNPP for K+ through the interaction between alpha subunits. Therefore, membrane-bound Na+/K+-ATPase would function as at least an (alphabeta)2-diprotomer with interacting alpha subunits at the phosphorylation step.  相似文献   

The voltage dependence of steady state current produced by the forward mode of operation of the endogenous electrogenic Na+/K+ pump in Na(+)- loaded Xenopus oocytes has been examined using a two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique. Four experimental cases (in a total of 18 different experimental conditions) were explored: variation of external [Na+] ([Na]o) at saturating (10 mM) external [K+] ([K]o), and activation of pump current by various [K]o at 0, 15, and 120 mM [Na]o (tetramethylammonium replacement). Ionic current through K+ channels was blocked by Ba2+ (5 mM) and tetraethylammonium (20 mM), thereby allowing pump-mediated current to be measured by addition or removal of external K+. Control measurements and corrections were made for pump current run-down and holding current drift. Additional controls were done to estimate the magnitude of the inwardly directed pump-mediated current that was present in K(+)-free solution and the residual K(+)- channel current. A pseudo two-state access channel model is described in the Appendix in which only the pseudo first-order rate coefficients for binding of external Na+ and K+ are assumed to be voltage dependent and all transitions between states in the Na+/K+ pump cycle are assumed to be voltage independent. Any three-state or higher order model with only two oppositely directed voltage-dependent rate coefficients can be reduced to an equivalent pseudo two-state model. The steady state current-voltage (I-V) equations derived from the model for each case were simultaneously fit to the I-V data for all four experimental cases and yielded least-squares estimates of the model parameters. The apparent fractional depth of the external access channel for Na+ is 0.486 +/- 0.010; for K+ it is 0.256 +/- 0.009. The Hill coefficient for Na+ is 2.18 +/- 0.06, and the Hill coefficient for K+ (which is dependent on [Na]o) ranges from 0.581 +/- 0.019 to 1.35 +/- 0.034 for 0 and 120 mM [Na]o, respectively. The model provides a reasonable fit to the data and supports the hypothesis that under conditions of saturating internal [Na+], the principal voltage dependence of the Na+/K+ pump cycle is a consequence of the existence of an external high- field access channel in the pump molecule through which Na+ and K+ ions must pass in order to reach their binding sites.  相似文献   

Isozymes of the Na+/K+-ATPase   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  

Human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inhibits the Na+/K+ pump in human red cells and the activity of purified Na+/K+-ATPase (Halperin, J. A., Shaeffer, R., Galvez, L., and Malavé, S. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. A. 80, 6102-6104, 1983; Halperin, J. A., Martin, A. M., and Malavé, S. (1985) Life Sci. 37, 561-566. We describe here some properties of the CSF inhibitor of the Na+/K+ pump. Active material was extracted from human CSF with 50% methanol and then concentrated and desalted by ultrafiltration. This extract inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, the ouabain-sensitive influx of K+ into human red cells and the activity of purified Na+/K+-ATPase. Partial separation of the inhibitory activity was achieved by gel filtration and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Inhibition of both pump and enzyme was specific in that other red cell membrane transport systems or enzymes examined were not influenced by CSF extracts. Dialysis and ultrafiltration experiments indicate that the molecular weight of the inhibitor is approximately equal to 600. The inhibitory activity is sensitive to proteolytic enzymes indicating that the inhibitor might be a small peptide. In the presence of CSF extract the K0.5 for external K+ to stimulate the Na+/K+ pump increased from 1.4 to 3.1 mM, suggesting that the CSF inhibitor competes with external K+ for stimulation of the pump. We estimate that the concentration of the inhibitor in CSF might be approximately equal to 50 pg/ml, a value close to the concentration of other active peptides found in human CSF.  相似文献   

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