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A study of the mass, volume and density of each of the wrist and hand bones of male and female human skeletons was undertaken. It was found that the mass and volume (i.e. size) of the bones are well correlated with the relative frequencies of preservation ofAustralopithecus and earlyHomo wrist and hand bones from fossil hominid sites in Africa. In general, the larger the bone, the greater its preservation frequency. In contrast to findings on bovid bones, the density of hand and wrist bones is not well correlated with the frequency of such bones recovered from these sites. These findings may be explained in terms of the agents of deposition of the bones, the physical nature of the deposit, and the methods of extraction of the fossils from the deposit.  相似文献   

Fish fingers: digit homologues in sarcopterygian fish fins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A defining feature of tetrapod evolutionary origins is the transition from fish fins to tetrapod limbs. A major change during this transition is the appearance of the autopod (hands, feet), which comprises two distinct regions, the wrist/ankle and the digits. When the autopod first appeared in Late Devonian fossil tetrapods, it was incomplete: digits evolved before the full complement of wrist/ankle bones. Early tetrapod wrists/ankles, including those with a full complement of bones, also show a sharp pattern discontinuity between proximal elements and distal elements. This suggests the presence of a discontinuity in the proximal-distal sequence of development. Such a discontinuity occurs in living urodeles, where digits form before completion of the wrist/ankle, implying developmental independence of the digits from wrist/ankle elements. We have observed comparable independent development of pectoral fin radials in the lungfish Neoceratodus (Osteichthyes: Sarcopterygii), relative to homologues of the tetrapod limb and proximal wrist elements in the main fin axis. Moreover, in the Neoceratodus fin, expression of Hoxd13 closely matches late expression patterns observed in the tetrapod autopod. This evidence suggests that Neoceratodus fin radials and tetrapod digits may be patterned by shared mechanisms distinct from those patterning the proximal fin/limb elements, and in that sense are homologous. The presence of independently developing radials in the distal part of the pectoral (and pelvic) fin may be a general feature of the Sarcopterygii.  相似文献   

Recently recovered hominid postcrania from Member 1, Swartkrans Formation include the proximal and distal ends of a right radius attributed to a single individual of Paranthropus robustus. These fossils are essentially similar to Australopithecus afarensis, A. africanus, and P. boisei homologues. The head manifests an ape-like circumferentia articularis, and the distal end has prominent medial, dorsal, and lateral tubercles and a well developed brachioradialis crest, features also commonly exhibited by extant great apes. The volar set of the P. robustus radiocarpal joint, like that of Australopithecus homologues, more closely resembles the neutral condition exhibited by Homo than the greater flexion evinced by living apes. Compared with fossil and recent specimens of Homo, the configuration of the P. robustus radial head suggests enhanced stability against medial displacement during pronation and supination; the strong crest for the attachment of brachioradialis may attest to enhanced forearm flexor capability. In addition, this crest and the prominent dorsal tubercles may indicate enhanced hand extensor and, therefore, hand flexor capabilities. The differences in radial morphology between Paranthropus and Homo may relate to significant behavioral differences between these two synchronic taxa.  相似文献   

A major problem of fossil hominid analysis is a lack of complete specimens. Many individual specimens have been damaged by the effects of diagenesis and excavation. Significant advances in the field of three dimensional image processing (3D) have enabled the creation of accurately scaled reconstructions of individual fossil bones using mirrored parts of the same fossil bone or human/fossil hominid equivalents. This study presents, for the first time, a method to reconstruct a 3D virtual model of the lower limb of the Neandertal using different bones from different fossil remains (Spy II, Neandertal 1 and Kebara 2) and integrating them into a single model of the Neandertal lower limb. A biomechanical analysis of the model was performed, including computer graphics visualization of the results, motion displacement graphs and muscle moment arms. The overall method has been implemented into an open-source customized software (lhpFusionBox) developed for the biomechanical study of the musculoskeletal system.  相似文献   

Recent study of the geological succession at Kanapoi reveals that there are at least three series of sediments younger than the early Pliocene Kanapoi sediments which repose unconformably on them. Both sets of terrace and placage deposits contain an admixture of reworked Pliocene fossils and younger fossils preserved at the time of deposition of the younger sediments. This discovery throws doubt on the homogeneous nature of the Kanapoi fossil hominid sample, and suggests instead thatAustralopithecus anamensis may consist of a chimera of an early Pliocene hominid with generally ape-like dentognathic and postcranial anatomy and considerably youngerHomo specimens with more human-like post-cranial bones.  相似文献   

The fossil hominid hand bone collection from the Pliocene Hadar Formation, Ethiopia, is described anatomically. These hand bones, all from A.L. (Afar Locality) 333 and 333w, constitute the largest sample of hominid manus remains thus far recovered from the Plio-Pleistocene of Africa.  相似文献   

A new fossil hominid partial skeleton (KNM-ER 803) that was discovered from the Plio-Pleistocene sediments to the east of Lake Rudolf is described. It includes parts of a femur, two tibiae, an ulna, two radii, a third metatarsal and several toe bones. There are also two teeth, an upper canine and an upper central incisor. A second new fossil hominid (KNM-ER 164) is represented by a parietal fragment, two vertebrae and some hand bones. A third is represented by a massive left femur (KNM-ER 999). The specimens are described in anatomical detail, some are illustrated and selected measurements are given. It is concluded that they should be attributed to the genus Homo sp. indet. Detailed comparative studies will be published in due course.  相似文献   

Chimpanzee hunting provides information on prey characteristics and constraints acting on a large-bodied primate lacking a hunting technology, and has important implications for modeling hunting by fossil hominids. Analysis of the remains of five red colobus monkeys captured and consumed by Gombe chimpanzees in a single hunting bout provides one of the first opportunities to investigate the characteristics of prey bones surviving chimpanzee consumption. Four of the five individuals (an older infant, two juveniles and one subadult) were preserved in the bone assemblage; a neonate was entirely consumed. Cranial and mandibular fragments had the highest survivorships, followed by the scapulae and long bones. Post-cranial axial elements had the lowest survivorships. A high percentage (80%) of the long bones and ribs surviving consumption were damaged, most commonly through crenulation and step fracturing of bone ends. One of two partially reconstructed crania preserves a canine puncture through its left parietal. Proposed characteristics of faunal assemblages formed through chimpanzee-like hunting include small modal prey size, limited taxonomic diversity, a high proportion of immature individuals and a high frequency of skull bones. These characteristics would not uniquely identify hunting by fossil primates in the geological record, necessitating a contextual approach to diagnose hunting by hominids not forming an archeological record.Hominid utilization of vertebrate tissue is first unambiguously documented at 2.5 m.y.a. Rather than representing a strict "scavenging phase" in the evolution of hominid-prey interactions, Oldowan hominid carnivory may represent the overlay of large mammal scavenging on a tradition of small mammal hunting having a low archeological visibility.  相似文献   

The partial skeleton of a young adult Geotrypus antiquus (de Blainville 1840) from the Upper Oligocene (MP 28) found in Enspel comprises the skull with both mandibles, distal ends of both scapulae, left clavicula, humeri, ulnae and radii of both sides, various elements of the hand, some vertebrae, ribs, and the left femur. For the first time, the previously postulated association between dentition and postcranial elements can be confirmed. The skeleton exhibits strong adaptations for a subterranean life, similar to modern fossorial moles. The humerus is wide with a large pectoral process. The wing-like greater and lesser tuberosities, teres tubercle, and distal epicondylus are clearly developed. The metacarpals and phalanges are broad and stout. There are several sesamoid bones in the broad digging hand, including a prepollex (os falciforme). The preserved bones allowed the forelimb of G. antiquus to be reconstructed. Previous finds of G. antiquus have mainly been from France, with a few specimens from Switzerland and southern Germany. The specimen from Enspel is the northernmost record. A cladistic analysis, based on the matrix of Sánchez-Villagra et al. (Cladistics 22:59?C88, 2006), confirms the basal position of Geotrypus within the Old World moles (Talpini).  相似文献   

Anatomical differences among squirrels are usually most evident in the comparison of flying squirrels and nongliding squirrels. This is true of wrist anatomy, probably reflecting the specializations of flying squirrels for the extension of the wing tip and control of it during gliding. In the proximal row of carpals of most squirrels, the pisiform articulates only with the triquetrum, but in flying squirrels there is also a prominent articulation between the pisiform and the scapholunate, providing a more stable base for the styliform cartilage, which supports the wing tip. In the proximal wrist joint, between these carpals and the radius and ulna, differences in curvature of articular surfaces and in the location of ligaments also correlate with differences in degree and kind of movement occurring at this joint, principally reflecting the extreme dorsal flexion and radial deviation of the wrist in flying squirrels when gliding. The distal wrist joint, between the proximal and distal rows of carpals, also shows most variation among flying squirrels, principally in the articulations of the centrale with the other carpal bones, probably causing the distal row of carpal bones to function more like a single unit in some animals. There is little variation in wrist musculature, suggesting only minor evolutionary modification since the tribal radiation of squirrels, probably in the early Oligocene. Variation in the carpal bones, particularly the articulation of the pisiform with the triquetrum and the scapholunate, suggests a different suprageneric grouping of flying squirrels than previously proposed by McKenna (1962) and Mein (1970). J. Morphol. 246:85-102, 2000. Published 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The structure and functions of the modern human hand are critical components of what distinguishes Homo sapiens from the great apes (Gorilla, Pan, and Pongo). In this study, attention is focused on the trapezium and trapezoid, the two most lateral bones of the distal carpal row, in the four extant hominid genera, representing the first time they have been quantified and analyzed together as a morphological-functional complex. Our objective is to quantify the relative articular and nonarticular surface areas of these two bones and to test whether modern humans exhibit significant shape differences from the great apes, as predicted by previous qualitative analyses and the functional demands of differing manipulative and locomotor strategies. Modern humans were predicted to show larger relative first metacarpal and scaphoid surfaces on the trapezium because of the regular recruitment of the thumb during manipulative behaviors; alternatively, great apes were predicted to show larger relative second metacarpal and scaphoid surfaces on the trapezoid because of the functional demands on the hands during locomotor behaviors. Modern humans were also expected to exhibit larger relative mutual joint surfaces between the trapezoid and adjacent carpals than do the great apes because of assumed transverse loads generated by the functional demands of the modern human power grip. Using 3D bone models acquired through laser digitizing, the relative articular and nonarticular areas on each bone are quantified and compared. Multivariate analyses of these data clearly distinguish modern humans from the great apes. In total, the observed differences between modern humans and the great apes support morphological predictions based on the fact that this region of the human wrist is no longer involved in weight-bearing during locomotor behavior and is instead recruited solely for manipulative behaviors. The results provide the beginnings of a 3D comparative standard against which further extant and fossil primate wrist bones can be compared within the contexts of manipulative and locomotor behaviors.  相似文献   

Bartomeu Seguí 《Ibis》2002,144(3):411-422
A new genus and species of crane is described from Late Tertiary karstic deposits in Punta Nati-Cala's Pous, in the north-west of Menorca. The coracoid, the ends of the distal and proximal tibiotarsus, the proximal and distal ends of the tarsometatarsus (the latter is not well preserved) and the femur have been recovered, in what is one of the best osteological series of a crane pre-dating the Pleistocene. The morphology of the fossil is mainly coincident with the Gruinae, especially with recent Grus . However, its size and some symplesiomorphic features of the distal end of the tibiotarsus and of the coracoid are coincident with Balearica , and automorphic characters are also found mainly in the proximal end of the tibiotarsus. The combination of characters justifies the creation of a new genus that is considered basal in the Gruinae.  相似文献   

Data on investigation of hand sceletal bones carried out in eight genera of three families of bats were subjected to comparative-anatomical and functional analysis. Quantitatively, the hand sceletal bones of Chiroptera preserve constructive pattern general for the hand of terrestrial mammalians Pentadactilus. It has rudiments of the prefirst (Pp) and the seventh (Pm) rays. The latter is situated on the volar surface of the base Mc5. Scaphoid, semilunar and central carnal bones of Chiroptera, like those of Mototremata, some Marsupialia, Insectivorona and Carnivora merge together into one large bone--os lunatum. At the same time, the hand of Chiropter is a highly specialized structure, that is evident from the presence of articular restricotrs of anterior sagging of the wrist, crests and grooves directing movements in a strictly definite plane, from fan-like spreading and bringing together the rays, from very long metacarpal bones and proximal phalanges, from reduction of distal phalangs of the 3d and 5th fingers. Thus, the hand of Chiroptera is a unique example of combination of primitive, initial for pentadactule plantigrades wrist with signs of narrow specialization resembling, to some extent, those of Ungulata; only in Ungulata those signs developed on the base of digitigrades wrist.  相似文献   

Castel di Guido near Rome is one of the few open air Middle Pleistocene European sites that has yielded hominid skeletal remains associated with fossil fauna and Acheulean implements. The fossil hominid bones include two femoral shafts, respectively designated Castel di Guido-1 (CdG-1) and CdG-2, an occipital fragment (CdG-3), a right maxilla lacking teeth (CdG-4), a portion of right parietal (CdG-5), a right temporal (CdG-6), and a fragment of left parietal vault (CdG-7). CdG-1 through CdG-4 were collected in 1979-1982 on the surface, together with fossil fauna, where ploughing incised fossiliferous tuffaceous sands. Excavations conducted in the same area from 1980 to 1990 led to the discovery of CdG-5, CdG-6 and CdG-7 within the tuffaceous sands, which were shown to overlay a bone-bearing paleosurface, with abundant evidence of hominid activities. The Castel di Guido hominid assemblage poses intriguing taphonomic questions. The analysis of the physical evidence offered by the bone surfaces, reported in the present study, indicates that the hominid skeletal remains were heavily fragmented before fossilization and exposed to carnivores and rodents, as well as to trampling and/or friction in abrasive sediment. Although definitive conclusions cannot be reached on the basis of the available evidence, it is possible that clusters of incisions localized on specific regions of the Castel di Guido fossil hominid bones might reflect deliberate human manipulations.  相似文献   

Although more than 60 ancient hominid track sites ranging in age from 3.7 million to less than 500 B. P. are recorded from all continents except Antarctica, no ichnotaxonomic names have ever been formally proposed for hominid tracks. There is no prohibition to the naming of fossil footprints of species that created tracks and trackways similar to those of living species. On the contrary, there is precedent for the naming of ichnotaxa corresponding to the dominant extant vertebrates classes: mammals = Mammalipedia and birds = Avipeda. The hominid track site sample includes only about a dozen sites where footprint preservation is good enough to show details of diagnostic foot morphology and typical trackway morphology. We infer that the Acahualinca Footprint Museum site in Nicaragua represents the most important ancient hominid track site that combines accessibility, a large sample of well-preserved trackways and reliable dating. For this reason, we select the Nicaraguan tracks as the type sample for the new ichnotaxon Hominipes modernus ichnogen., and ichnsp. et ichnosp. nov., which we infer to represent fully modern Homo sapiens. Our preliminary investigations of other track sites suggest that the majority also yield H. modernus. However, at many sites preservation is insufficient to make an ichnotaxonomic designation at the species level or to infer that the trackmaker was H. sapiens. Thus, at many sites including the famous Laetoli site, we apply the more general label of Hominipes isp. indet.  相似文献   

牛亚科动物在中国第四纪古人类遗址中十分常见,但其分类和鉴定仍存在诸多问题。南方洞穴动物群经常仅有单个牙齿保存,所以南方更新世洞穴遗址中牛亚科动物化石鉴别问题更为突出。湖北郧西白龙洞古人类遗址出土的大型牛亚科动物化石,不仅有大量单个牙齿,还有残破颅骨、角心、下颌骨及头后骨骼。白龙洞的牛亚科动物角心粗短、横截面呈背腹略扁的椭圆形;额骨上的角间隆突发育且呈拱形;顶骨从颅顶退出;枕面较圆且高;角后颅骨收缩强烈使得枕骨上部变窄,颞窝明显凹进;下颌角大于90°,下颌支向后倾斜;下颌p2的结构复杂程度介于水牛Bubalus和黄牛Bos(Bos)taurus之间。依据上述特征,可将白龙洞的大型牛亚科动物化石归入大额牛Bos(Bibos)gaurus。白龙洞是我国出土大额牛化石最为丰富的古人类遗址,为区分南方洞穴出土的牛亚科动物化石提供了重要材料。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(2-3):145-158
Preservation of intact macromolecules and geochemical signals in fossil bones is mainly controlled by the extent of post-mortem interaction between bones and sediment pore waters. Trace elements such as lanthanum are added to bone post-mortem from pore waters, and where uptake occurs via a simple process of diffusion and adsorption, the elemental distribution can be used to assess the relative extent of bone-pore water interaction and rate of recrystallisation. Distribution profiles can be parameterised effectively using simple exponential equations, and the extent of bone–water interaction compared within and between sites. In this study, the distribution of lanthanum within bone was determined by laser ablation ICP–MS in 60 archaeological and fossil bones from Pleistocene and Cretaceous sites. The rates of recrystallisation and potential for preservation of intact biogeochemical signals vary significantly within and between sites. Elemental profiles within fossil bones hold promise as a screening technique to prospect for intact biomolecules and as a taphonomic tool.  相似文献   

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