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When human monocyte-derived leukemia (THP-1) cells, which are floating cells, are stimulated with lipid peroxides, or Streptococcus suis, these cells adhere to a plastic plate or endothelial cells. However, it is unclear whether or not non-stimulated THP-1 cells adhere to collagen vitrigel membrane (CVM). In this study, firstly, we investigated the rate of adhesion of THP-1 cells to CVM. When THP-1 cells were not stimulated, the rate of adhesion to CVM was high. Then, to identify adhesion molecules involved in adhesion of THP-1 cells to CVM, expressions of various cell adhesion molecules on the surface of THP-1 cells adhering to CVM were measured. β-actin, β-catenin, and β1-integrin expressions did not change in non-stimulated THP-1 cells cultured on CVM compared with those in cells cultured in a flask, but β2-integrin expression markedly increased.  相似文献   

Novel types of PKCα activators based on isobenzofuranone bearing a myo-inositol moiety were designed and synthesized. The derivatives with bulky substituents on the myo-inositol moiety significantly activated PKCα, but their binding sites were not the same as that of phorbol ester.  相似文献   

Occlusive lesions of atherosclerosis are the consequence of focal accumulation within the innermost layer of the artery of leukocytes from the circulation and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) from the underlying media. Tea polyphenol especially (−)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) has been shown to have cardiovascular protective effect. However, the effects of other catechins such as (+)-catechin, and (−)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG) on SMC’s functions have not been fully understood. In the present study, we investigate the effects of tea catechins on SMC adhesion and migration. Our results indicate that EGCG and ECG but not (+)-catechin were able to inhibit SMC adhesion on collagen and laminin, two abundant extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins expressed in physiological and pathological conditions. Further analyses indicate that EGCG could bind laminin more than collagen. Moreover, EGCG could inhibit SMC adhesion to integrin β1 Ab and affect SMC’s β1 integrin expression, suggesting it affects SMC’s cellular components. In migration experiment, laminin- and PDGF-BB-induced SMC migration were both inhibited by EGCG in a dose-dependent manner. Taken together, the data presented here provide evidence showing that among these tea catechins, EGCG and ECG are relatively effective inhibitors on SMC–ECM interaction and their action mechanisms are through interference with SMC’s integrin β1 receptor and binding to ECM proteins.  相似文献   

β-D-Glucan, a polysaccharide isolated from an edible mushroom Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Quel., presented antinociceptive activity in mice. This study evaluated the involvement of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and protein kinase C (PKC) on antinociceptive effect of a (1→3),(1→6)-linked β-D-glucan (GL) in mice. Intraperitoneal administration of GL potently inhibited nociceptive responses induced by intraplantar injections of capsaicin, cinnamaldehyde, menthol, acidified saline and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). Moreover, Western blot analysis revealed that GL treatment also prevented PMA-induced PKC? activation. Collectively, present results demonstrate that GL could constitute an attractive molecule of interest for the development of new analgesic drugs.  相似文献   

 Intravascular adhesion of leucocytes plays a role in the pathogenesis of acute and chronic vascular disease. Regular aerobic exercise seems to protect against vascular disease. Since leucocyte adhesion is mediated by integrins, we tested the hypothesis that surface expression of the integrin adhesive receptors LFA-1 (cd11a/cd18), MAC-1 (cd11b/cd18), gp 150/95 (cd11c/cd18), and VLA-4 (cd29/cd49) is decreased by moderate endurance exercise. Surface expression of integrins was measured by FACS analysis in 19 healthy subjects (16 males, 3 females, 36.6 ± 8.7 years, 177.1 ± 7.5 cm, 70.3 ± 8.1 kg) before and after submaximal exercise (3 h run) using monoclonal antibodies against cd11a, cd11b, cd11c, cd18, cd29 and cd49. In addition, we compared resting integrin expression in this group with a group of sedentary subjects (19 males, 6 females, 29.3 ± 5.3 years). White blood cell count increased from 5300 ml–1 to 9740 ml–1 during exercise (P<0.001). Nevertheless, the expression (indicated by the mean log fluorescence) of cd11a (94 ± 24 vs. 78 ± 14) and cd18 (128 ± 31 vs. 102 ± 21) on lymphocytes and of cd11a (104 ± 25 vs. 85 ± 16), cd11c (497 ± 171 vs. 408 ± 126) cd29 (109 ± 16 vs. 89 ± 16), cd49 (69± 8 vs. 54 ± 11) on monocytes was decreased after exercise (all P<0.05). In contrast, integrin expression on granulocytes was not altered by exercise. Comparison of exercising and sedentary subjects showed a significantly decreased expression of integrins in exercising subjects. Our results demonstrate that moderate exercise leads to decreased expression of integrin receptors on leucocytes. This decreased expression of adhesion molecules may result in decreased adhesion and infiltration of leucocytes into the vessel wall. This phenomenon may play a role in the beneficial effect of moderate exercise in prevention of acute and chronic vascular disease. Accepted: 18 March 1997  相似文献   

Infection with dengue virus (DENV) causes diseases ranging from mild dengue fever to severe hemorrhage or shock syndrome. DENV infection of endothelial cells may cause cell apoptosis or vascular leakage and result in clinical illness of hemorrhage. However, the endothelial cell molecules involved in DENV infection and the mechanisms governing virus-cell interactions are still uncertain. Since protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) reducing function at the cell surface was shown to be required for entry of certain viruses and bacteria, we explored the role of PDI expressed on endothelial cell surface in DENV infection. Using siRNA to knock down PDI, DENV infection was reduced which could be reversed by treating cells with a reducing agent Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP). DENV-induced PDI surface expression was mediated through the Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu (KDEL) receptor-Src family kinase signal pathway. Furthermore, cell surface PDI colocalized with β1 and β3 integrins after DENV infection, and the activation of integrins was blocked by PDI inhibition. Finally, blockade of PDI inhibited DENV entry into endothelial cells. Our findings suggest a novel mechanism whereby surface PDI which causes integrin activation is involved in DENV entry, and DENV infection further increases PDI surface expression at later time points. These findings may have implications for anti-DENV drug design.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes are the paradigmatic effectors of lipid signaling. PKCs translocate to cell membranes and are allosterically activated upon binding of the lipid diacylglycerol to their C1A and C1B domains. The crystal structure of full-length protein kinase C βII was determined at 4.0 ?, revealing the conformation of an unexpected intermediate in the activation pathway. Here, the kinase active site is accessible to substrate, yet the conformation of the active site corresponds to a low-activity state because the ATP-binding side chain of Phe629 of the conserved NFD motif is displaced. The C1B domain clamps the NFD helix in a low-activity conformation, which is reversed upon membrane binding. A low-resolution solution structure of the closed conformation of PKCβII was derived from small-angle X-ray scattering. Together, these results show how PKCβII is allosterically regulated in two steps, with the second step defining a novel protein kinase regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) signaling is linked to the membrane trafficking of TGFβ receptors. The Protein Kinase C (PKC) family of serine/threonine kinases have been implicated in modulating the endocytic processes of various receptors. The present study investigated whether PKC activity plays a role in the trafficking, and signaling of TGFβ receptors, and further explored which PKC isoforms may be responsible for altered TGFβ signaling patterns. Using immunofluorescence microscopy and 125I-TGFβ internalization assays, we show that the pharmacological inhibition of PKC activity alters TGFβ receptor trafficking and delays TGFβ receptor degradation. Consistent with these findings, we demonstrate that PKC inhibition extends TGFβ-dependent Smad2 phosphorylation. Previous studies have shown that PKCζ associates with TGFβ receptors to modulate cell plasticity. We therefore used siRNA directed at the atypical PKC isoforms to investigate if reducing PKCι and PKCζ protein levels would delay TGFβ receptor degradation and extend TGFβ signaling. Our findings suggest that atypical PKC isoforms regulate TGFβ signaling by altering cell surface TGFβ receptor trafficking and degradation.  相似文献   

The effect of -alanyl-L-histidinato zinc (AHZ) on bone metabolism was investigated in osteoblastic MC3T3-El cells. Cells were cultured for 3 days at 37°C in a CO2 incubator in plastic dishes containing -modified minimum essential medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. After the cultures, the medium was exchanged for that containing 0.1% bovine serum albumin plus various concentrations of AHZ or other reagents, and the cells were cultured further for appropriate periods of time. The presence of AHZ (10–7–10–5M) stimulated the proliferation of cells. AHZ (10–6 and 10–5M) increased deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) content in the cells with 48hr-culture. This increase was completely blocked by the presence of cycloheximide (10–6M) or hydroxyurea (10–3M). Also, the presence of cycloheximide (10–6M) completely inhibited the AHZ (10–5M)-induced increase in the proliferation of cells. Meanwhile, parathyroid hormone (10–7M), estrogen (10–9M) and insulin (10–M) significantly increased cellular DNA content. However, these hormonal effects clearly lowered in comparison with that of AHZ (10–5M). Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (10–4M) and zinc sulfate (10–5M) did not cause a significant increase in cellular DNA content. The present results support the view that AHZ has a direct specific proliferative effect on osteoblastic cellsin vitro and that this effect is dependent on protein synthesis.  相似文献   



Several studies have suggested that proteins that interact with more partners evolve more slowly. The strength and validity of this association has been called into question. Here we investigate how biases in high-throughput protein–protein interaction studies could lead to a spurious correlation.  相似文献   

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis adhesive protein invasin is crucial for the bacteria to cross the intestine epithelium by binding to β1 integrins on M-cells and gaining access to the underlying tissues. After the crossing invasin can bind to β1 integrins on other cell surfaces, however effector proteins delivered by the type III secretion system Y. pseudotuberculosis efficiently inhibit potential immune responses induced by this interaction. Here, we use mutant Y. pseudotuberculosis strains lacking the type III secretion system and additionally invasin-expressing Escherichia coli to analyze neutrophil responses towards invasin. Our data reveals that invasin induces production of reactive oxygen species and release of chromatin into the extracellular milieu, which we confirmed to be neutrophil extracellular traps by immunofluorescence microscopy. This was mediated through β1 integrins and was dependent on both the production of reactive oxygen species and signaling through phosphoinositide 3-kinase. We therefore have gained insight into a potential role of integrins in inflammation and infection clearance that has not previously been described, suggesting that targeting of β1 integrins could be utilized as an adjunctive therapy against yersiniosis.  相似文献   

Activation of Kit receptor protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK) by its ligand Stem Cell Factor (SCF) is required for the development of mast cells, and for the regulation of mast cell proliferation, migration and modulation of inflammatory mediator release. Recent studies have implicated the non-receptor PTK Fps/Fes (hereafter referred to as Fes) in signaling downstream of oncogenic Kit, however, the potential role of Fes in regulating Kit signaling is not well defined. In this study, we show that SCF induces transient tyrosine phosphorylation of wild-type Fes as well as kinase-dead Fes in bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMCs). The latter finding implicates an upstream kinase acting on Fes, which we identified as Fyn PTK. SCF treatment of BMMCs promoted recruitment of Fes to Kit, potentially via direct interaction of the Fes SH2 domain with phosphorylated Kit. While Fes was not required for SCF-induced signaling to Akt and Erk kinases, Fes-deficient (fes?/?) BMMCs displayed a defect in sustained p38 kinase activation, compared to control cells. SCF-treated Fes-deficient BMMCs also displayed elevated β1 integrin-mediated cell adhesion and spreading on fibronectin, compared to control cells, and a reduction in cell polarization at later times of SCF treatment. Restoring Fes expression in fes?/? BMMCs by retroviral transduction was sufficient to rescue cell spreading and polarization defects. Interestingly, SCF-induced chemotaxis of BMMCs was also defective in Fes-deficient BMMCs, and restored in Fes-rescue BMMCs. Overall, these results implicate Fes in regulating cross-talk between Kit and β1 integrins to promote cytoskeletal reorganization and motility of mast cells.  相似文献   

To search for factors promoting bone fracture repair, we investigated the effects of extracorporeal shock wave (ESW) on the adhesion, spreading, and migration of osteoblasts and its specific underlying cellular mechanisms. After a single period of stimulation by 10 kV (500 impulses) of shock wave (SW), the adhesion rate was increased as compared with the vehicle control. The data from both wound healing and transwell tests confirmed an acceleration in the migration of osteoblasts by SW treatment. RT-PCR, flow cytometry, and Western blotting showed that SW rapidly increased the surface expression of α5 and β1 subunit integrins, indicating that integrin β1 acted as an early signal for ESW-induced osteoblast adhesion and migration. It has also been found that a significant elevation occurred in the expression of phosphorylated β-catenin and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) at the site of tyrosine 397 in response to SW stimulation after the increasing expression of the integrin β1 molecule. When siRNAs of integrin α5 and β1 subunit were added, the level of FAK phosphorylation elevated by SW declined. Interestingly, the adhesion and migration of osteoblasts were decreased when these siRNA reagents as well as the ERK1/2 signaling pathway inhibitors, U0126 and PD98059, were present. Further studies demonstrated that U0126 could inhibit the downstream integrin-dependent signaling pathways, such as the FAK signaling pathway, whereas it had no influence on the synthesis of integrin β1 molecule. In conclusion, these data suggest that ESW promotes the adhesion and migration of osteoblasts via integrin β1-mediated expression of phosphorylated FAK at the Tyr-397 site; in addition, ERK1/2 are also important for osteoblast adhesion, spreading, migration, and integrin expression.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix signals and regulates the behavior of vascular cells during the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Type VIII collagen, a short chain collagen, is scarcely present in normal arteries, but is dramatically upregulated in atherosclerosis and after other types of vascular injury. Cell culture studies have revealed that this protein supports smooth muscle cell (SMC) adhesion and stimulates migration, however little is known about the signaling or the mechanisms by which this occurs. SMCs isolated from wild-type C57BL/6 and type VIII collagen deficient mice were studied using assays to measure chemotactic and haptotactic migration, and remodeling and contraction of 3-dimensional type I collagen gels. Col8?/? SMCs exhibited impairments in migration, and a strongly adhesive phenotype with prominent stress fibers, stable microtubules and pronounced central basal focal adhesions. The addition of exogenous type VIII collagen to the Col8?/? SMCs rescued the impairments in migration, and restored cytoskeletal architecture so that it was similar to Col8+/+ cells. We measured elevated levels of active GTP-RhoA in the Col8?/? cells, and this too was reversed by treatment with exogenous type VIII collagen. We showed that type VIII collagen normally suppresses RhoA activation through a beta-1 integrin dependent mechanism. MMP-2 levels were reduced in the Col8?/? SMCs, and knockdown of MMP-2 in Col8+/+ SMCs partially recapitulated the decreases in migration and 3D gel contraction seen in Col8?/? cells, showing that type VIII collagen-stimulated migration was dependent on MMP-2. Inhibition of Rho restored MMP-2 activity in the Col8?/? cells, and partially rescued migration, demonstrating that the elevations in RhoA activity were responsible for the suppression of migration of these cells. In conclusion, we have shown that type VIII collagen signals through beta-1 integrin receptors to suppress RhoA, allowing optimal configuration of the cytoskeleton, and the stimulation of MMP-2-dependent cell migration.  相似文献   

Accumulation of collagen I and III in the myocardium is a prominent feature of interstitial fibrosis. Prostaglandin F(2α) (PGF(2α)) facilitates fibrosis by increasing collagen synthesis. However, the underlying mechanisms mediating the effect of PGF(2α) on collagen expression in cardiac fibroblasts are not yet fully elucidated. We measured the mRNA and protein levels of collagen I and III by quantitative real-time PCR and ELISA, respectively. Activation of signaling pathways was determined by western blot analysis. In primary rat cardiac fibroblasts, treatment with PGF(2α) stimulated both the mRNA and protein levels of collagen I and III, and pretreatment with the F-prostanoid (FP) receptor antagonist AL-8810, protein kinase C inhibitor LY-333531, and Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632 significantly inhibited PGF(2α)-induced collagen I and III expression. FP receptor, protein kinase C, and Rho kinase were activated with PGF(2α) treatment. PGF(2α) may be an important regulator in the synthesis of collagen I and III via an FP receptor/protein kinase C/Rho kinase cascade in cardiac fibroblasts, which might be a new therapeutic target for myocardial fibrosis.  相似文献   

P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) is involved in the initial step of lymphocyte homing by interacting with P- or E-selectins expressed on activated endothelium cells. Besides, it also functions as a receptor to induce signals that increase integrin affinity to ligands and mediate cell adhesion to endothelium. Integrin is required for the second step of lymphocyte homing, whose activation has been reported tightly regulated by inside-out signals triggered by chemokines or the shear-stress generated during lymphocyte rolling on endothelium. However, the relationship between PSGL-1-triggered signals and integrin activation is not clear. In this study, we demonstrated that PSGL-1 ligation induces β1 integrin-mediated adhesion to fibronectin via regulation of both β1 subunit clustering and conformation changes. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) is required for PSGL-1-induced β1 integrin clustering which ultimately regulates β1 integrin-mediated Jurkat cell adhesion to fibronectin. However, PI3K is not involved in the conformation changes or increases in the total expression of β1 integrin. Taken together, we found a novel signal pathway, PSGL-1-PI3K-β1 integrin, demonstrating the cooperation between initial adhesion and subsequent arrest and stable adhesion.  相似文献   

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