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Albumin-synthesizing polysomes from mouse liver and mouse hepatoma cells in in tissue culture have been localized on sucrose gradients with 125I-labeled antimouse serum albumin used as a marker. Competition studies show that the 125I-labeled antibody binds specifically to albumin-synthesizing polysomes from both tissues. The 125I-labeled polysomes from liver and hepatoma cells have identical sedimentation properties on sucrose gradients, which indicates that the polysomes range in size from 9–14 ribosomes. This is comparable in size to polysomes from rat liver and Morris hepatoma. One significant difference between these albumin-synthesizing polysomes is that those extracted from hepatoma cells bind 70% less antibody than equivalent amounts of polysomes from liver cells. Since the level of albumin synthesis in the hepatoma cells is comparable to the level of albumin synthesis in vivo, this difference in antibody-binding capacity is not likely to be due to differences in polysomal content, but appears to be a characteristic difference between hepatoma and normal mouse liver cells.  相似文献   

Undegraded rat liver polysomes were obtained after homogenizing the tissue in a medium containing NH4Cl, heparine, and yeast tRNA. Purification of poly(A)-containing RNA from polysomal RNA was accomplished by affinity chromatography on oligo(dT)-cellulose columns. Poly(A)-containing RNA molecules were monitored by the formation of ribonuclease-resistant hybrids with [3H]poly(U). To improve the separation of messenger RNA and ribosomal RNA by oligo(dT)-cellulose it was found essential to dissociate the aggregates formed between both molecular species by heat treatment in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO) prior to chromatography. Sucrose gradient analysis under denaturing conditions showed that the preparations obtained were virtually free of ribosomal RNA. Poly(A)-containing RNA constituted approx. 2.2% of the total polysomal RNA and the number average size was 1500--1800 nucleotides, as judged by sedimentation analysis on sucrose density gradients containing Me2SO. Approximately 8.2% of the purified preparation obtained was able to anneal with [3H]poly(U); the number average nucleotide length of the poly(A) segment of the RNA population was calculated to be 133 adenylate residues. Based on these values, our preparations appear to be greater than 90% pure. The RNA fractions obtained after oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography were used to direct the synthesis of liver polypeptides in a heterologous cell-free system derived from wheat-germ. The system was optimized with respect to monovalent and divalent cations, and presence of polyamines (spermine). More than 65% of the translational activity present in the unfractionated polysomal RNA was recovered in the final poly(A)-containing RNA fraction. However, about 25% of the activity was found to be associated with the unbound fraction which was essentially free of poly(A)-containing RNA. Immunoprecipitation analysis with a specific antiserum to rat serum albumin demonstrated that about 6--8% of the labeled synthetic products translated from the poly(A)-containing RNA sample corresponded to serum albumin. Analysis of the translation products by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a heterogeneous distribution of molecular sizes ranging from 15 000 to greater than 70 000 daltons. Spermine not only increased the overall yield and extent of protein synthesis, but also resulted in higher yields of large protein products. Under optimal translation conditions a discrete peak representing about 7% of the total radioactivity was observed to migrate with rat serum albumin.  相似文献   

1. Two methods are described for the preparation of 'proalbumin' in good yields from rat liver. 2. One of the methods does not depend on the use of specific antisera. 3. The product from both methods is identical as judged by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel, isoelectric focusing on pH gradients, ion-exchange chromatography and quantitative immunoelectrophoresis. The protein also appears to be radiochemically pure by these criteria. 4. The protein is free from serum albumin as judged by isoelectric focusing and co-chromatography on ion-exchange columns. It is judged to be free from other proteins by these same criteria and by specific precipitation with antibody. 5. It is converted into serum albumin by limited tryptic hydrolysis. The albumin so produced has the same N-terminal (glutamic acid) and C-terminal (alanine) amino acids as reported for rat serum albumin. 6. A hexapeptide is liberated from the N-terminal end of 'proalbumin' simultaneously. It contains three arginine, one phenylalanine, one valine and one glycine residues.  相似文献   

The influence of starvation on rat liver polysomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We tested, in rat liver, the postulate that free polysomes were precursors of membrane-bound polysomes. Three methods were used to isolate free and membrane-bound ribosomes from either post-nuclear or post-mitochondrial supernatants of rat liver. Isolation and quantitation of 28 S and 18 S rRNA allowed determination of the 40 S and 60 S subunit composition of free and membrane-bound ribosomal populations, while pulse labeling of 28 S and 18 S rRNA with [6-14C]orotic acid and inorganic [32P]phosphate allowed assessment of relative rates of subunit renewal. Throughout the extra-nuclear compartment, 40 S and 60 S subunits were present in essentially equal numbers, but, free ribosomes contained a stoichiometric excess of 40 S subunits, while membrane-bound ribosomes contained a complementary excess of 60 S subunits. Experiments with labeled precursors showed that throughout the extra-nuclear compartment, 40 S and 60 S subunits accumulated isotopes at essentially equal rates, however, free ribosomes accumulated isotopes faster than membrane-bound ribosomes. Among free ribosomes or polysomes, 40 S subunits accumulated isotopes faster than 60 S subunits, but, this relationship was not seen among membrane-bound ribosomes. Here, 40 S subunits accumulated isotope more slowly than 60 S subunits. This distribution of labeled precursors does not support the postulate that free polysomes are precursors of membrane-bound polysomes, but, these data suggest that membrane-bound polysomes could be precursors of free polysomes.  相似文献   

Isolation and properties of polysomes from human placenta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The inducible Cu-binding protein from adult rat liver previously referred to as Cu-chelatin has been purified and shown to be Cu-thionein. The Cu-protein was purified to homogeneity by gel filtration and thiopropyl-Sepharose chromatography. The Cu-thionein exhibited an amino acid composition similar but not identical to that of the two forms of rat liver Cd,Zn-thionein. The polypeptide-chain molecular weight of Cu-thionein was indistinguishable from that of Cd,Zn-thionein. The identification of the Cu-protein as metallothionein was substantiated by the complete immunological cross-reactivity with antisera prepared against purified rat liver Cd,Zn-thionein. Purified Cu-thionein bound 9–11 g atoms of Cu per mole of protein in an electron paramagnetic resonance nondetectable form. The CuZn ratio of the protein is about 100. Ion-exchange chromatography resolved the Cu-protein into three polymorphic forms which differed from the polymorphism of Cd,Zn-thionein.  相似文献   

大鼠肝细胞过氧化物酶体的提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
:采用蔗糖密度梯度离心法 ( 950 0 0× g,2 h)提取大鼠肝细胞过氧化物酶体 ,所得过氧化物酶体形态完整 ,纯度与肝匀浆相比提高了 2 6倍 ,仅有少量 ( 0 .5%~ 0 .9%)的微粒体和线粒体污染 ,回收率为 1 2 %。为研究过氧化物酶体提供了有效的分离方法。此法还可将过氧化物酶体、微粒体、线粒体同时进行分离。  相似文献   

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