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A study is made of the structure of a relativistic current filament with the azimuthal magnetic field Bθ in the range 4πn e m e c2?B θ 2 n i m i c2, when the plasma quasineutrality near the filament axis is violated and a narrow peak in electron density is formed there. The ion dynamics in a strong radial electric field of the filament on time scales of about several inverse ion plasma frequencies ω pi ?1 is investigated. The initial ion pressure prevents the ion plasma component from compression to infinitely high densities under the action of the electric field and leads to the formation of a dense hot plasma core near the axis of the Z-pinch on time scales of about a dozen ω pi ?1 . The compression of the ion component in the axial region gives rise to a collisionless “unloading” shock wave that propagates away from the axis and is accompanied by the vanishing of the radial ion velocity behind the shock front, the accumulation of positive charge near the axis, and the formation of a steady-state ion density profile. It is shown theoretically that ion-ion dissipation manifests itself as the destruction of the hot core of the formed Z-pinch on picosecond time scales. This may serve to explain the explosions of “hot points” in a current-carrying plasma.  相似文献   

The motion of a nonquasineutral plasma in a strong magnetic field such that is analyzed. It is shown in simple examples that, when the plasma pressure and dissipation are neglected, the only dynamic process in a magnetized plasma is the evolution of the charge-separation electric field and the related magnetic field flux. The equations derived to describe this evolution are essentially the wave Grad-Shafranov equations. The solution to these equations implies that, in a turbulent Z-pinch, a steady state can exist in which the current at a supercritical level is concentrated near the pinch axis.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the behavior of dust grains in a track plasma produced by an accelerated proton beam. Dynamic dust structures in such a plasma are obtained for the first time, and their spatiotemporal evolution is thoroughly investigated. The structures develop from a dust spiral, which abruptly transforms with increasing dust density into a differentially rotating dust cloud across which dust-sound waves (including spiral waves generated by the dense central core) propagate. As time elapses, the dust cloud loses its fragments and gradually vanishes. At constant experimental conditions, the lifetime of the structures attains a few minutes.  相似文献   

A generalized analytical model of instabilities in a dusty plasma with a nonzero grain charge gradient in a field of nonelectrostatic forces is considered. A review is given of different experimental observations of the dust self-oscillations that occur in the plasmas of an rf capacitive discharge and a dc glow discharge and whose appearance can be explained in terms of the proposed model. It is shown that the change in the grain charge gives rise to dynamic dust structures in laboratory gas-discharge plasmas. Attention is focused on the analysis of the onset of vortex motion of the dust grains.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of electron vortex bunches in a cold ion-beam plasma consisting of strongly magnetized electrons and a beam of almost free positive ions. The existence of electron vortex bunches was detected from local minima of the electric potential on surfaces perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. It is found that the vortices have the form of magnetic-field-aligned filaments, in which electrons rotate with a velocity significantly exceeding both the velocity of the vortex as a whole and the electron velocity in the ambient plasma. It is shown that, in a sufficiently strong magnetic field, the accumulation of electrons in the vortices terminates when the condition for the longitudinal confinement of electrons by the electric field fails to hold.  相似文献   

Results are presented from Monte Carlo calculations of the electric charge of dust grains in a plasma produced during the slowing down of the radioactive decay products of californium nuclei in neon. The dust grain charging is explained for the first time as being due to the drift of electrons and ions in an external electric field. It is shown that the charges of the grains depend on their coordinates and strongly fluctuate with time. The time-averaged grain charges agree with the experimental data obtained on ordered liquidlike dust structures in a nuclear-track plasma. The time-averaged dust grain charges are used to carry out computer modeling of the formation of dynamic vortex structures observed in experiments. Evidence is obtained of the fact that the electrostatic forces experienced by the dust grains are potential in character.  相似文献   

A study is made of the fundamental features of current filaments with a nonzero electron vorticity Ω e B − (c/e) ▿ × p ee ≠ 0 and the corresponding Lagrangian invariant I e . Such current structures can exist on spatial scales of up to ω pi −1. It is shown that the dissipative stage of the plasma evolution and the violation of Thomson’s theorem on vorticity conservation in an electron fluid are of fundamental importance for the onset of electron current structures. A key role of the screening of electric and magnetic fields at distances on the order of the magnetic Debye radius r B = B/(4πen e )—the main property of such current structures in a Hall medium with σB/(en e c) ≫ 1—is stressed. Since the minimum size of a vortex structure is the London length c pe , the structures under consideration correspond to the condition r B > c pe or B 2 > 4πn e m e c 2, which leads to strong charge separation in the filament and relativistic electron drift. It is demonstrated that the specific energy content in current structures is high at a filament current of 10–15 kA: from 100 J/cm3 at a plasma density of 1014 cm−3 (the parameters of a lightning leader) to 107 J/cm3 for a fully ionized atmospheric-pressure air. Estimates are presented showing that the Earth’s ionosphere, circumsolar space, and interstellar space are all Hall media in which current vortex structures can occur. A localized cylindrical equilibrium with a magnetic field reversal is constructed—an equilibrium that correlates with the magnetic structures observed in intergalactic space. It is shown that a magnetized plasma can be studied by using evolutionary equations for the electron and ion Lagrangian invariants I e and I i . An investigation is carried out of the evolution of a current-carrying plasma in a cylinder with a strong external magnetic field and with a longitudinal electron current turned on in the initial stage—an object that can serve as the simplest electrodynamic model of a tokamak. In this case, it is assumed that the plasma conductivity is low in the initial stage and then increases substantially with time. Based on the conservation of the integral momentum of the charged particles and electromagnetic field in a plasma cylinder within a perfectly conducting wall impenetrable by particles, arguments are presented in support of the generation of a radial electric field in a plasma cylinder and the production of drift ion fluxes along the cylinder axis. A hypothesis is proposed that the ionized intergalactic gas expands under the action of electromagnetic forces.  相似文献   

A study is made of nonquasineutral vortex structures in a plasma with a magnetic field B z in which the charges separate on a spatial scale equal to the magnetic Debye radius r B=B z/4πen e. The electric field arising due to charge separation leads to radial expansion of the ions, thereby destroying the initial electron vortex. It is shown that the ion pressure gradient stops ion expansion in a nonquasineutral electron vortex and gives rise to a steady structure with a characteristic scale on the order of r B. With the electron inertia taken into account in the hydrodynamic approximation, the magnetic vortex structure in a hot plas mamanifests itself in the appearance of a “hole” in the plasma density.  相似文献   

The in situ measurement of the zero current potential of a platinum electrode in a fermentation broth gives information about the presence or the absence of dissolved O2 but does not allow to know its concentration. This potential is submitted to an abrupt variation at every stage of the wine making. This parameter indicates to wine maker the different moments of intervention.  相似文献   

The equations of vortex electron anisotropic hydrodynamics are used to show that, in a plasma with anisotropic pressure, the Weibel instability of short-wavelength perturbations gives rise to a large-amplitude quasi-harmonic magnetic field varying periodically as a function of time. The computed field parameters agree well with the proposed analytic estimates.  相似文献   

Particle-in-cell simulations show that the inhomogeneity scale of the plasma produced in the interaction of high-power laser radiation with gas targets is of fundamental importance for ion acceleration. In a plasma slab with sharp boundaries, the quasistatic magnetic field and the associated electron vortex structure produced by fast electron beams both expand along the slab boundary in a direction perpendicular to the plasma density gradient, forming an extended region with a quasistatic electric field, in which the ions are accelerated. In a plasma with a smooth density distribution, the dipole magnetic field can propagate toward the lower plasma density in the propagation direction of the laser pulse. In this case, the electron density in an electric current filament at the axis of the magnetic dipole decreases to values at which the charge quasineutrality condition fails to hold. In electric fields generated by this process, the ions are accelerated to energies substantially higher than those characteristic of plasma configurations with sharp boundaries.  相似文献   

Forces acting on toroidal vortices in an unbounded medium (plasma vortices in air and vortex rings in air and water) are investigated. A solution to the equations describing such votrices is obtained. It is shown that this solution satisfactorily agrees with experiment. Based on the experimental results and the solution obtained, the drag coefficient C x of such vortices is found. For the same Reynolds numbers, the value of C x may be much less than the drag coefficient of a drop-shaped axisymmetric body (0.045), which is known to be the best streamlined object.  相似文献   

Structures resembling Metallogenium spp. were observed in agar and in liquid cultures of a Mn-oxidizing basidiomycetous fungus only when Mn2+ was oxidized. Fungal viability was necessary for formation of the structures; Mn2+ concentration and the presence or absence of agar in the medium were important factors determining their morphology. Slide cultures revealed no identifiable cells in any stage of development. Fluorescent dyes that stained nucleic acids and polysaccharides in the fungal hyphae did not stain the Metallogenium-like structures. Likewise, Rhodamine 123, a fluorescent probe for membrane potential, stained fungal mitochondria, but did not stain the structures. Thin sections through the structures showed no biological membranes or other cellular features. Only the characteristic ultrastructure of biological Mn oxides were observed in serial thin sections. In agar, unfixed structures disappeared permanently during reduction of Mn oxides with hydroxylamine. Glutaraldehyde fixation stabilized these structures. Fixed structures lost most of their original phase density during reduction with hydroxylamine, but continuous microscopic observations showed that their phase density could be restored by staining with Coomassie blue. Structures that formed in liquid medium did not require stabilization with glutaraldehyde during reduction of Mn oxides. They, too, lost their original phase density during reduction with hydroxylamine; phase density could be restored by staining with cationic colloidal iron or Coomassie blue. The results suggest that the Metallogenium-like structures were formed as a result of Mn oxidation associated with exopolymers produced by the fungus.Non-standard abbreviations HEPES (N-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane sulfonic acid) - DAPI (4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) - PIPES (piperazine-N,N-bis[2-ethane sulfonic acid])  相似文献   

A rigorous theoretical investigation has been made of obliquely propagating electrostatic solitary structures in a magnetized plasma, taking into account the effect of nonextensive electrons. By employing the reductive perturbation method, the basic characteristics of obliquely propagating ion-acoustic (IA) solitary waves (SWs) in a cold magnetized electron-ion plasma (consisting of inertial ions and noninertial q-distributed electrons) have been addressed. The Korteweg-de Vries equation is derived and its numerical solution is obtained. It has been shown that the effects of electron nonextensivity and external magnetic field significantly modify the natures of the small but finite-amplitude IA SWs. The present analysis may be useful to understand and demonstrate the dynamical properties of IA SWs in different astrophysical and cosmological scenarios (viz. stellar polytropes, hadronic matter, quark-gluon plasma, protoneutron stars, dark-matter halos, etc.).  相似文献   

Since the electrochemical oxidation peaks of both DNA and anti-tumor drug tamoxifen (TAM) overlapped with each other, the known electrochemical methods were limited in the study of the interactions between DNA and TAM. In this paper, zero current potentiometry, a new electrochemical method, was used to study the interaction of calf thymus dsDNA with TAM. The dsDNA was immobilized on the surface of carbon paste (dsDNA/CP). The dsDNA/CP connected in series between the clips of working and counter electrodes of a potentiostat and a reference electrode were immersed in aqueous solution containing TAM, the interaction of dsDNA with TAM produced a change in interfacial potential at the dsDNA/CP/solution interface. When linear sweep potential was applied to the dsDNA/CP and the corresponding I-E curve was recorded, interfacial potential offset applied potential partially, making the I-E curve displace along potential axis. Zero current potential where circuit current I was equal to zero in the I-E curve was measured to check the displacement of the I-E curve. Based on the displacement, the thermodynamic constants of the interaction between dsDNA and TAM were determined. The binding ratio of dsDNA with TAM was found to be 1:1 and the apparent binding constant was (6.85±0.20)×10(6) M(-1). As zero current potentiometry was independent of the changes in redox potential or current of both dsDNA and TAM themselves, the interaction was studied in their natural forms without damage. Moreover, TAM can be determined. The detection limit was 1.1×10(-7) M.  相似文献   

A previously developed method for describing vortex structures is used to construct electrostatic vortices in a plasma in an external magnetic field. An equation for the radial electric field that gives rise to azimuthal electron drift in crossed electric (E r ) and magnetic (B z ) fields is derived without allowance for the magnetic field of the electron currents. Two types of the resulting electrostatic vortex structures with a positive and a negative electric potential at the axis are analyzed. The results obtained are compared with experimental data on vortex structures.  相似文献   

A new method for creating nanostructures in a plasma focus discharge is proposed. It is shown that the material of a micron-size dust target produced at the discharge axis efficiently evaporates and is then involved in the pinching process. After the pinch decays, the plasma expands with the thermal velocity and the evaporated dust material is deposited on the collectors in the form of fractal particles or nanoclusters organized into various structures. Such structures have a well-developed surface, which is important for various technological applications.  相似文献   

The review considers different experimental and theoretical approaches to the investigation of RNA folding and identification of nucleotides that critically affect the folding of molecules, such as tRNA, and several classes of ribozymes. For instance, it has been shown that nucleotides of the D- and T-loop regions are the last to be involved in the tRNA structure, or, rather, they are not included in the tRNA folding nucleus. A specially developed SHAPE method was used to show that the long-recognized hierarchical folding model does not hold true for tRNA folding. In the second part of the review, algorithms and programs used for the prediction of RNA secondary structures, as well as for modeling RNA folding, are considered.  相似文献   

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