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该文报道了采自中国浙江庆元县百山祖国家级自然保护区木兰科含笑属一新种——尾叶含笑(Michelia caudata M.X.Wu,X.H.WuG.Y.Li),该种与野含笑(M.skinneriana)和紫花含笑(M.crassipes)相近,但与野含笑的区别在于叶片倒卵形至倒卵状椭圆形,叶背面密被黄褐色茸毛,长5~7.5cm,宽2.5~3.2cm,先端尾尖,侧脉每边约6对,花被片椭圆形;与紫花含笑的区别在于花被片淡黄色,雌蕊群柄长3~4mm。根据国际自然及自然资源保护联盟(IUCN)红色名录分类标准,尾叶含笑濒危等级为极度濒危。  相似文献   

江西含笑属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农植林   《广西植物》1993,13(3):220-222
<正> 本种与阔瓣含笑(M.platypetala Hand-Mazz)近似,其不同点在于本种叶柄较短,长5—7mm,苞片痕显著,彼此间距离较长,长1cm,花被片较小、较狭,长1.6—2.2cm,宽0.9—1.4cm,花柱较短,长1mm,雌蕊群柄长约8mm,花梗密被黄褐色绒毛。 乔木,高18—28m,常绿,树皮灰白色,芽、小枝和叶柄密被锈色柔毛。叶薄革质,长  相似文献   

本新种与皱皮杜鹃(Rhododendron wiltonii Hemsl.et Wils.)相近似,区别在于前者叶较小,长6.8~8.0 cm,宽2.0~2.5 cm,叶表面平坦而不呈泡状突起,叶背密被一层黄色至锈红色毡毛,花5~6(~9)朵,较小,长约2.5 cm,易于区别。  相似文献   

报道了木兰科(Magnoliaceae)含笑属(Michelia L.)一新种:台山含笑(M. taishanensis Y. H. Tong,X. E. Ye,X. H. Ye & Yu Q. Chen)。该新种目前仅分布于我国广东台山市的北峰山,与广东含笑(M. guangdongensis Y. H. Yan,Q. W. Zeng & F. W. Xing)近缘,但其叶柄更纤细,叶背老时变无毛,雄蕊较多且较长,花丝白色,药隔短小而与后者区别。  相似文献   

紫花含笑(Micheliacrassipes)为木兰科含笑属常绿小乔木或灌木,高2—5米。芽、小枝、叶柄、花梗均密被红褐色或黄褐色长绒毛。叶革质,互生,倒卵形或窄倒卵形,长7—13厘米,宽2.5—4厘米,表面光泽,无毛。花极芳香,单生于叶腋,直立,紫红色或黑紫色,花被片6,2  相似文献   

为了探究色素含量以及细胞结构在紫花含笑花被呈色过程中的作用机理,该研究以绿色和紫色花被为材料,测定其花被色素含量,运用逐步回归方程分析花被呈色与色素含量的关系,采用石蜡切片及超薄切片技术观察花被细胞超显微结构变化.结果表明:(1)在紫花含笑花被呈色过程中,紫色花被表面明度L*值降低,a*值上升,b*值降低;花被花青素苷...  相似文献   

该文报道了在泰国北部和中国西南部的菊科一个新归化属——苹果蓟属(Centratherum Cass.)。依据所采集的标本,详细描述了该属在东南亚大陆的唯一代表亚种苹果蓟 [Centratherum punctatum Cass. Subsp. fruticosum(S. Vidal)K. Kirkman ex Shih H. Chen, M. J. Wu & S. M. Li],并配以插图。苹果蓟与其所在属的其他种的区别在于该亚种叶片菱形至椭圆形,叶缘具不规则锯齿,先端微尖,总苞片基部硬化,先端无芒。文中还提供了苹果蓟的分布图,并讨论了其可能的传播途径。  相似文献   

报道了湖南重楼属(Paris L.)一新变种:大萼球药隔重楼(Paris fargesii Franch.var.macrosepala H.X.Yin&W.X.Rao&L.Zhao),其与原变种球药隔重楼(P.fargesii Franch.var.fargesii)区别在于外轮花被片极为宽大,长6.5~11.0 cm,宽2.5~4.0 cm,叶-萼长度比常小于2.0(平均1.91),叶-萼宽度比普遍小于3.0(平均2.86),内轮花被片较短,2.0~5.3 cm,常平展于外轮花被片之上,药隔凸出部分呈扁平状,具明显裂痕,顶面观呈蝶形或双肾形。  相似文献   

报道中国茜草科(Rubiaceae)玉叶金花属一新记录种——长瓣玉叶金花(Mussaenda longipetala H. L. Li)。该种在形态上与尾裂玉叶金花(M. caudatiloba D. Fang)和狭瓣玉叶金花(M. lancipetal X. F. Deng & D. X. Zhang)相似,但区别在于叶片长圆状卵形或椭圆状卵形,托叶早落,正常的萼裂片长6~8 mm,花冠管长约3 cm,裂片披针形,长约12 mm。目前仅知分布于越南北部的广宁省和中国的广西北部湾沿海地区。凭证标本存放于广西植物标本馆(IBK)。  相似文献   

报道了润楠属一新种,狭基润楠Machilus attenuataF.N.Wei&S.C.Tang。本种与形态上相似的定安润楠M.dinganensis S.Lee&F.N.Wei的区别在于叶先端尾状渐尖或长渐尖,基部渐狭并略下延,幼叶上面无毛,下面疏被短柔毛;与西畴润楠M.sichourensisH.W.Li的区别在于叶较小,薄革质,倒披针形或椭圆形,长8~13 cm,宽2.2~4 cm,基部渐狭,侧脉在上面明显或略明显,下面明显。  相似文献   

报道了印度唇形科刺蕊草属一新记录种:长苞刺蕊草,该种在印度产于阿萨姆邦,凭证标本保存于英国皇家植物园爱丁堡植物园标本馆(E)。在形态特征上,该种与中国特有的北刺蕊草相似,但其茎叶被糙硬毛、花萼呈近管状等特征与之相异。  相似文献   

We report the morphology and morphogenesis of Urosoma caudata (Ehrenberg, 1833) Berger, 1999 based on in vivo observation and protargol impregnation and provide an improved diagnosis of Ucaudata based on previous and current work. Urosoma caudata differs from its congeners mainly by the combination of the following features: tail‐like posterior end, colorless cortical granules, and two macronuclear nodules. Urosoma caudata shares most of the ontogenetic features with its congeners: the oral primordium of the opisthe develops apokinetally, and the frontal‐ventral‐transverse cirral anlagen develop in five streaks. However, a unique morphogenetic characteristic is recognizable: the anlagen of three dorsal kineties occur de novo to the left of the parental structures differing from their intrakinetal origin in other Urosoma species. The first record of the 18S rRNA gene sequence for the species is also provided. Phylogenetic analyses based on 18S rRNA gene sequence data suggest that the genus Urosoma is a nonmonophyletic group.  相似文献   

Microcotyle omanae n. sp. (Monogenea: Microcotylidae) is described from the gills of Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) (Sparidae) from the Arabian Sea. The new species closely resembles Microcotyle arripis Sandars, 1945, M. helotes Sandars, 1944, M. caudata Goto, 1984 and M. sebastis Goto, 1984, which have also been found in the Indo-Pacific. Microcotyle omanae n. sp. differs from M. arripis, M. helotes and M. caudata by its greater number of testes, from M. arripis, M. helotes by its greater length of the genital atrium, length/width ratio of the genital atrium and length of the eggs, and from M. helotes also in greater width of the clamps, from M. caudata and M. sebastis in its greater number of clamps and additionally from M. sebastis by its smaller genital atrial spines and clamps and by the ratio between length and width of the genital atrium. Moreover, the mature specimens of the new species have greater average body length than all above mentioned species. Correlations between 15 morphometric characters and body length are analysed in the new species, and their significance for species differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

The esterase and peroxidase patterns in five varieties ofAegilops caudata (genome type C) andAe. comosa (genome type M) were studied in order to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships within and between the two groups. The electrostarch gel electrophoresis technique was applied to extracts of shoot and root of 4-day-old seedlings, and the electropherograms were evaluated by gel densitometer traces. Inspite of considerable isozyme polymorphism, closer relationships in the banding patterns were found between different varieties of a single species than between varieties of the two different species. Esterase and peroxidase patterns of the twoAe. caudata varieties (caudata andpolyathera) are very similar and prove their close phylogenetic relationship. The isozyme affinities withinAe. comosa varieties are illustrated by the seriessubventricosa—biaristata—thessalica. The latter endemic variety has quite a number of characteristic bands and is relatively isolated. Altogether, the electrophoretic data agree well with morphological and cytological similarities (Zhukovsky 1928,Eig 1929,Karataglis 1973, 1975b).  相似文献   

YunLiang  Peng  Abebe  Eyualem  Coomans  August 《Hydrobiologia》2002,468(1-3):83-93
A new Eumonhystera species, E. huruii n. sp., together with Monhystera nubiae Eyualem & Coomans, 1996, Monhystera somereni Allgén, 1952, and Monhystera wangi Wu & Hoeppli, 1932 are described from Li river at Guiling, China. Eumonhystera huruii n. sp. is closest to E. barbata Andrássy, 1981, but differs in having shorter anterior setae, much longer reproductive system, shorter and less dorsally bent tail and differently shaped spinneret. M. nubiae and M. wangi are reported here for the first time outside their type locality, whereas M. somereni is reported from China for the first time.  相似文献   

A native population ofAegilops cylindrica was encountered for the first time in Greece in 1980 (near Kastoria, NW. Greece), completely isolated and at a great distance from its main distribution area. There are morphological and chromosomal, but no protein and esterase pattern differences from otherAe. cylindrica populations. This justifies the recognition of a new variety: var.kastorianum. Our comparative and karyotypic observations support the view thatAe. caudata var.polyathera and not var.caudata (typica) is the possible donor of genome C of the new variety.  相似文献   

Summary C-banding patterns were analysed in 19 different accessions of Aegilops caudata (= Ae. markgrafii, = Triticum dichasians) (2n = 14, genomically CC) from Turkey, Greece and the USSR, and a generalized C-banded karyotype was established. Chromosome specific C-bands are present in all C-genome chromosomes, allowing the identification of each of the seven chromosome pairs. While only minor variations in the C-banding pattern was observed within the accessions, a large amount of polymorphic variation was found between different accessions. C-banding analysis was carried out to identify Ae. caudata chromosomes in the amphiploid Triticum aestivum cv Alcedo — Ae. caudata and in six derived chromosome addition lines. The results show that the amphiploid carries the complete Ae. Caudate chromosome complement and that the addition lines I, II, III, IV, V and VIII carry the Ae. caudata chromosome pairs B, C, D, F, E and G, respectively. One of the two SAT chromosome pairs (A) is missing from the set. C-banding patterns of the added Ae. caudata chromosomes are identical to those present in the ancestor species, indicating that these chromosomes are not structurally rearranged. The results are discussed with respect to the homoeologous relationships of the Ae. caudata chromosomes.  相似文献   


Two species of microcotylid monogeneans, Microcotyle caudata Goto, 1894 and Microcotyle sebastisci Yamaguti, 1958, have been reported from fishes of the Sebastes inermis species complex and Sebastiscus marmoratus (Cuvier) (Scorpaeniformes: Sebastidae). So far, these parasite species have been distinguished by the size of the eggs and the number of testes, but based on morphological evidence including re-examination of the type-specimens and topotypes and molecular analysis, we consider M. sebastisci to be a junior synonym of M. caudata. As a result, M. caudata exhibits a wide host range, seven species from three genera and two families. A new species, Microcotyle kasago n. sp., is described based on material from S. marmoratus and differentiated from other congeners by means of morphological and molecular analysis.


李志远  韩胜男  王进  赵丹  韩超  刘爱新 《微生物学报》2022,62(11):4529-4540
辣椒溶杆菌(Lysobacter capsici) X2-3是从小麦根际分离的一株对多种病原真菌和卵菌有抑菌活性的菌株,目前对该菌株产生的抗菌物质及其产生调控机制尚不明确。【目的】明确转录因子LC_Clp对该菌株抗菌物质产生的调节作用,为深入了解L. capsici X2-3的生防机制提供依据。【方法】从转座子EZ-Tn5随机插入突变体库中筛选获得X2-3的LC_clp基因突变体M356,通过恢复性克隆获得功能互补菌株,分析LC_clp基因在拮抗活性、胞外酶分泌以及调控基因表达方面的差异。【结果】与X2-3相比,M356对测试病原真菌、卵菌的抑菌活性和产生体外抗菌物质的能力完全丧失,蛋白酶和纤维素酶产生量明显减少,几乎不产几丁质酶;所检测的转录调节因子、次生代谢及胞外酶等相关基因的表达量均显著低于野生株X2-3,而互补菌株MCS28和X2-3水平相当。【结论】LC_Clp不仅与菌株的抗菌物质合成及抑菌活性有关,还影响胞外酶的产生,并调控多种基因的表达,具有广泛的调节作用。  相似文献   

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