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Benzoylphenyl ureas inhibit chitin synthesis and interfere with the molting process in arthropods. In this study, the effect of diflubenzuron on third‐instar larvae of Aedes aegypti was evaluated. The susceptibility to the product was determined, and the alterations generated were shown through light and electron microscopy. LC50 and LC90 were 0.23 and 0.47 ppm, respectively. The main alterations observed were the incapacity to complete the molt, a reduction of mobility, the fragmentation of the old cuticle, a division of the body segments that was not evident, and the deformation of the caudal structures. Images of the ultrastructure are included, where breaking zones in the cuticle were observed, separation of the cuticle, the epidermis and the muscles, and these latter with a disorganized arrangement. In low concentrations, from 0.15 ppm, diflubenzuron causes alterations in the behavior and morphology of Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

The sensitivity to diflubenzuron varies considerably among species of caterpillars that cause damage to fruit. The cause of this difference in sensitivity was studied in larvae of Adoxophyes orana F. R., a not so sensitive species and Laspeyresia pomonella L., a species that is highly sensitive. Results indicate that the ingestion pattern of diflubenzuron and significance of chitin synthesis to these species are of importance for explaining the difference. It is uncertain whether there is a difference in the affinity of the sites of action of A. orana and L. pomonella for diflubenzuron.
Résumé La sensibilité au diflubenzuron varie considérablement suivant les espèces de lépidoptères qui provoquent des dégâts aux fruits. La cause de ces différences de sensibilité a été étudiée chez les larves d'Adoxophyes orana, une espèce peu sensible, et de Laspeyresia pomonella qui est très sensible. Les résultats soulignent l'importance du processus d'ingestion du diflubenzuron et de la synthèse de la chitine pour expliquer cette différence. Il n'est pas sûr qu'il y ait une différence d'affinité au diflubenzuron des cibles de A. orana et L. pomonella.

Sixth instar Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman and 5th instar Orgyia pseudotsugata (McDunnough) were fed ring-labelled 14C-diflubenzuron coated on Douglas-fir needles. After ingestion the gut was purged of radioactive needle residues with artificial diet. Radioactivity in body and frass extracts and residues were measured. Diflubenzuron in extracts were separated from metabolites by thin layer chromatography.Ninety percent and 86% of the ingested diflubenzuron passed through the body without being absorbed in C. occidentalis and O. pseudotsugata, respectively. Bodies of C. occidentalis retained 0.3% of ingested diflubenzuron, while O. pseudotsugata retained 5.3%. This difference in % diflubenzuron retention in the body was negatively correlated with % relative metabolism in the two species. Relative toxicities of diflubenzuron to the two species may be related to % retained diflubenzuron which may be due to a significant difference in relative metabolism.
Zusammenfassung Sechstraupen von Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman und Fünftraupen von Orgyia pseudotsugata (McDunnough) wurden Douglasiennadeln gefüttert, die mit ringmarkiertem 14C-Diflubenzuron überzogen waren. Nach der Nahrungsaufnahme wurde der Darm von radioaktiven Nadelresten befreit durch Fütterung einer künstlichen Diät. Die Radioaktivität der Körper- und der Kotextrakte und der Nahrungsreste wurde gemessen. In den Extrakten wurde durch Dünnschichtchromatographie Diflubenzuron von den Metaboliten getrennt.90% resp. 86% des aufgenommenen Diflubenzuron ging durch den Körper hindurch, ohne von den Raupen von C. occidentalis und O. pseudotsugata aufgenommen zu werden. Der Körper von C. occidentalis behielt 0.3%, derjenige von O. pseudotsugata 5.3% des aufgenommenen Diflubenzurons zurück. Dieser Unterschied im prozentualen Zurückhalten von Diflubenzuron war negativ korreliert mit dem prozentualen Metabolismus in beiden Arten. Die relative Giftigkeit von Diflubenzuron auf beide Arten mag abhängig sein vom Prozentsatz zurückgehaltenen Wirkstoffs. Dieser dürfte abhängig sein vom wesentlich unterschiedlichen Ausmass des Metabolismus.

Leschenaultia exul (Townsend) and Patelloa pachypyga (Aldrich & Webber) (Diptera: Tachinidae) are the principal larval parasitoids of the forest tent caterpillar (FTC) Malacosoma disstria (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) in Canada. The response of these two fly species to M. disstria differs depending on the tree species on which the host feeds. In wind tunnel experiments, L. exul spent more time on the side of the tunnel containing volatiles from FTC frass and was attracted to the FTC-aspen poplar (Populus tremuloides Michx.) complex preferentially to the FTC-balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.) complex. Field bioassays confirmed that this fly species was preferentially attracted to the herbivore-aspen poplar complex as compared to the herbivore-balsam poplar complex. In field bioassays, P. pachypyga was also attracted preferentially to aspen poplar trees containing FTC larvae, compared to balsam poplar trees with host larvae.  相似文献   

Summary Interactions between quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and the forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) are likely to be influenced by leaf protein and phenolic glycoside levels, and insect detoxication activity. We investigated the direct and interactive effects of dietary protein and phenolic glycosides on larval performance and midgut enzyme activity of forest tent caterpillars. We conducted bioassays with six artificial diets, using both first and fourth stadium larvae. Four of the diets comprised a 2×2 factorial design-two levels of protein, each with and without phenolic glycosides. Additionally, we assayed high protein diets containing S,S,S-tributylphosphorotrithioate (DEF, an esterase inhibitor) and DEF plus phenolic glycosides. Enzyme solutions were prepared from midguts of sixth instars and assayed for -glucosidase, esterase and glutathione transferase activities. First instar mortality and development times were higher for larvae on diets low in protein or containing phenolic glycosides. Effects of phenolic glycosides were especially pronounced at low protein levels and when administered with DEF. Fourth instar development times were prolonged, and growth rates reduced, in response to consumption of low protein diets. Effects of phenolic glycosides on growth were less pronounced, although the effect for larvae on the low protein diet was nearly significant. Activity of each of the enzyme systems was reduced in larvae reared on low protein diets, and esterase activity was induced in larvae fed phenolic glycosides. Our results suggest that larval performance may be strongly affected by levels of protein and phenolic glycosides commonly occurring in aspen foliage, and that these factors may play a role in differential defoliation of aspen by forest tent caterpillars.  相似文献   

Aim Our two main goals are first to evaluate the resilience of the boreal forest according to latitude across the closed‐crown forest zone using the post‐disturbance distribution and cover of lichen woodlands and closed‐crown forests as a metric, and second to identify the disturbance factors responsible for the regeneration and degradation of the closed‐crown forest according to latitude since the 1950s. Location The study area extends between 70°00′ and 72°00′ W and throughout the closed‐crown forest zone, from its southern limit near 47°30′ N to its northern limit at the contact with the lichen woodland zone at around 52°40′ N. Methods Recent (1972–2002) and old (1954–1956) aerial photos were used to map the distribution of lichen woodlands across the closed‐crown forest zone. Forest disturbances such as fire, spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens)) outbreak, and logging were recorded on each set of aerial photos. Each lichen woodland and stand disturbance was validated by air‐borne surveys and digitized using GIS software. Results Over the last 50 years, the area occupied by lichen woodlands has increased according to latitude; that is, 9% of the area that was occupied by closed‐crown forests has shifted to lichen woodlands. Although logging activities have been concentrated in the same areas during the last 50 years, the area covered by logging has increased significantly. Outbreaks by the spruce budworm occurred predominantly in the southern (47°30′ N to 48°30′ N) and central (48°53′ N to 50°42′ N) parts of the study area, where balsam fir stands are extensive. In the northern part of the study area (51°–52°40′ N), extensive fires affected the distribution and cover of closed‐crown forests and lichen woodlands. Main conclusions Over the last 50 years, the area occupied by closed‐crown forests has decreased dramatically, and the ecological conditions that allow closed‐crown forests to establish and develop are currently less prevalent. Fire is by far the main disturbance, reducing the ability of natural closed‐crown forests to self‐regenerate whatever the latitude. Given the current biogeographical shift from dense to open forests, the northern part of the closed‐crown forest zone is in a process of dramatic change towards the dominance of northern woodlands.  相似文献   

The disruption of the trail-based communication system of eastern tent caterpillars (ETC) ( Malacosoma americanum ) and forest tent caterpillars (FTC) ( M. disstria ) by spraying host trees with a trail pheromone mimic caused the disintegration and collapse of young colonies. A 1-ppm formulation of 5β-cholestan-3-one or a control formulation was sprayed on trees either before or after eclosion of the caterpillars in the spring. For pre-eclosion trials, an average of 92% of the FTC colonies on control trees, but only 17% of colonies on treated trees consisted of viable, cohesive aggregates when survival was assessed 5–23 days post-spray. The remaining colonies had either completely disappeared or were reduced to small, disintegrated fragments. For the ETC, 100% of colonies on control trees and an average of 12% of colonies on treated trees consisted of cohesive aggregates inhabiting tents when survival was assessed 3–41 days post-spray. The remaining colonies were completely destroyed, reduced to scattered individuals, or to small, disintegrated, shelter-less fragments. For post-eclosion trials with the FTC in which colonies were sprayed during their first or second larval stadium, an average of 63% of individuals in control groups but only 7% in treatment groups were still on the sprayed trees 5–18 days post-spray. For the ETC, colonies were largely unaffected when trees were not sprayed until after the caterpillars had eclosed and established tents. For all trials, the loss of individuals on treated trees was largely attributable to the inability of dispersed and isolated first or second instar caterpillars to maintain secure purchase, causing them to fall from trees and perish. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the potential of manipulating populations of pest species by interfering with a trail-based, chemical communication system.  相似文献   

Question: The recovery of forest plant communities in post‐agricultural landscapes is largely determined by dispersal constraints, but can environmental legacies of former land use additionally limit the recolonization of recent forests by forest herbs? Location: Ancient forest and recent forest on former heavily fertilized agricultural land (Muizenbos, northern Belgium). Methods: Seeds and adults of two forest herbs with similar life‐history traits, but contrasting colonization capacity – the fast‐colonizing Geum urbanum and the slow‐colonizing Primula elatior– were introduced into both ancient and recent forest sites. Soil conditions and plant tissue nutrient concentrations were measured to characterize habitat quality. To determine whether the introduced species could successfully establish and persist, we monitored recruitment, longevity and adult performance during 8 years in permanently marked plots. Results: Phosphorus availability was ten times higher in recent forest soils and was also reflected in the plant tissue samples. Species longevity was clearly lower in recent forest sites indicating higher turnover. The fast‐colonizing G. urbanum counterbalanced this lower longevity by new establishment, while the slow‐colonizing P. elatior dropped below the number of originally introduced individuals. Additionally, G. urbanum performed better in recent forest sites in contrast to P. elatior. Conclusions: Even when dispersal constraints of the slow‐colonizing forest herb P. elatior are eliminated through introduction, environmental conditions in recent forest sites additionally restrict its recruitment, longevity and performance. These experimental results suggest that environmental constraints may strengthen the differences in colonization capacity among forest herbs if slow dispersers also tend to be less likely to establish.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry of the first tarsal segment of the proleg of the forest tent caterpiller mothMalacosoma disstria Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) was significantly inversely related to survival ability in the lab. The monitoring of population levels of fluctuating asymmetry could have important implications in pest management of this and other species by providing an indication of the health of a population.  相似文献   

Diflubenzuron (DFB) and fenuron (FEN) are benzoylurea and phenylurea pesticides, widely used in Senegal, that do not exhibit any natural fluorescence, but can be determined by means of photoinduced fluorescence (PIF) methods. Photodegradation of DFB and FEN yielded a number of fluorescent and non‐fluorescent photoproducts. For both pesticides, at least 10 photoproducts were detected and identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS). To identify the formed fluorescent DFB and FEN photoproducts, their fluorescence spectra were compared with those of standard compounds, including phenol and p‐hydroxyaniline.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) to western spruce budworm larvae, Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman, increased as temperature increased. In constrast, at temperature extremes, mortality increased for a specified dose of malathion or diflubenzuron, while at the optimal temperatures (20–25°C), mortality decreased. Malathion was the fastest acting insecticide, followed by diflubenzuron and then NPV.Simulation results considered temperature dependent developmental rates of the larvae, energy consumption, time to achieve total mortality, and mortality at specified doses of insecticides. Low temperatures provided the greatest reduction in the amount of energy consumed by spruce budworm relative to the energy consumed when no treatment was applied. This was due to both the percent mortality and because total mortality was realized in the larval stage while at the higher temperatures, mortality was not fully realized until the pupal stage.
Résumé La température modifie la toxicité ou la pathogénie du virus de la polyhédrose nucléaire (NPV), du diflubenzuron, et du malathion consommés par Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman. La pathogénie du NPV augmente avec la température, si bien qu'il y a une relation linéaire entre mortalité et température. Pour le diflubenzuron et le malathion, la température est liée à la mortalité d'une façon gradiatique. Aux températures extrêmes, la mortalité augmente pour une dose donnée de malathion ou de diflubenzuron, tandis qu'aux températures optimales (20 à 25°C), la mortalité diminue. Des modèles multiples ont été utilisés pour évaluer les effets ci-dessus.Le moment de la mortalité finale observée et la mortalité cumulative ont été modifiés par la température, mais non par la dose d'insecticide. L'effet le plus rapide est obtenu avec le malathion, suivi par le diflubenzuron et enfin le NPV.Selon les résultats de simulation,—tenant compte des taux de développement larvaires à différentes températures, de la consommation d'énergie, du temps nécessaire pour obtenir la mortalité totale calculée et de la mortalité calculée, pour une dose donnée d'insecticide à une température particulière —, ce sont les basses températures qui réduisent le plus l'énergie consommée par la population par comparaison avec l'énergie consommée en l'absence de traitement. Ceci est dû au pourcentage de mortalité calculée et au fait que la mortalité est toujours obtenue au stade larvaire, tandis qu'aux températures plus élevées, la mortalité se poursuit jusqu'au stade nymphal.

Elevated levels of CO2 and O3 affect plant growth and phytochemistry, which in turn can alter physiological performance of associated herbivores. Little is known, however, about how generalist insect herbivores respond behaviorally to CO2‐ and O3‐mediated changes in their host plants. This research examined the effects of elevated CO2 and O3 levels on host plant preferences and consumption of forest tent caterpillar (FTC, Malacosoma disstria Hbn.) larvae. Dual choice feeding assays were performed with foliage from birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx., genotypes 216 and 259). Trees were grown at the Aspen Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) facility near Rhinelander, WI, USA, and had been exposed to ambient or elevated concentrations of CO2 and/or O3. Levels of nutritional and secondary compounds were quantified through phytochemical analyses. The results showed that elevated O3 levels increased FTC larval preferences for birch compared with aspen, whereas elevated CO2 levels had the opposite effect. In assays with the two aspen genotypes, addition of both CO2 and O3 caused a shift in feeding preferences from genotype 259 to genotype 216. Consumption was unaffected by experimental treatments in assays comparing aspen and birch, but were increased for larvae given high O3 foliage in the aspen genotype assays. Elevated levels of CO2 and O3 altered tree phytochemistry, but did not explain shifts in feeding preferences. The results demonstrate that increased levels of CO2 and O3 can alter insect host plant preferences both between and within tree species. Also, consequences of altered host quality (e.g., compensatory consumption) may be buffered by partial host shifts in situations when alternative plant species are available. Environmentally induced changes in host plant preferences may have the potential to alter the distribution of herbivory across plant genotypes and species, as well as competitive interactions among them.  相似文献   

The observed northern limit of the deciduous forest formation in North America is shown to agree closely with the reported –40°C average annual minimum temperature isotherm. This indicates that supercooling as a means of resisting freezing stresses may set a physiological limit on the northern expansion of the deciduous forest formation.Abbreviation LTE= Low Temperature Exotherm  相似文献   

Differences in susceptibility to infestation by spruce spider mite of 3 investigated spruce species (Picea glauca ‘Conica’, P. pungens and P. omorika) may be due to features of anatomical and morphological structure of needles. In P. omorika, showing some resistance to the spruce spider mite, we noted lamellar structure of epidermal cell walls and extensive supporting tissues (hypodermis and sclerenchyma fibres) at the whole circumference of the needle.  相似文献   

植物的光合作用是评估全球变化背景下碳循环的重要环节。目前,氮沉降增加日益明显,作为植物生长关键因子的可利用氮将对植物的光合生理生态过程产生影响。以长白山阔叶红松林主要树种红松和紫椴的幼苗为例,通过模拟氮沉降增加(氮添加量分别为0、23、46和69 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1))的方法,利用Li-6400光合测定系统分别测算了两个树种的最大净光合速率(A_(max))、气孔导度(G_(smax))和水分利用效率(WUE)的值,并测算了叶氮含量、叶绿素含量、比叶面积、光合氮利用效率(PNUE)的值。通过分析A_(max)随不同施氮量的变化规律,同时结合其他叶片特征参数的变化,进一步探讨植物光合随氮添加的变化原因。研究结果显示:两个树种的A_(max)值在0—46 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1)的氮添加范围内随施氮量的增加而增大,继续增加施氮量至69 kg Nhm~(-2)a~(-1)则出现下降。叶绿素含量、G_(smax)、PNUE和比叶面积在不同的氮添加水平下的变化规律与A_(max)的一致,且均与A_(max)呈显著正相关关系。叶氮含量与A_(max)的值仅在0—46 kg N hm~(-2)a~(-1)氮添加范围内呈显著正相关。A_(max)与WUE的相关关系不显著。相同氮添加水平下,氮添加对阔叶树种紫椴各生理生态参数(A_(max)、G_(smax)、叶氮含量、比叶面积、PNUE和WUE)的促进程度高于对针叶树种红松各生理生态参数的促进程度。研究结果可为评估氮沉降增加背景下我国东北地区的碳循环提供依据。  相似文献   

王振龙  张知彬 《兽类学报》2007,27(2):185-189
本文报道了PVC 防护套对鼠类危害内蒙古退耕还林区幼龄林的防护作用,目的在于检验其是否能用于治理退耕还林区鼠类对林木的危害。2004 年9 月至2005 年4 月,在内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔市杭锦后旗的退耕还林区进行防护实验,逐月调查危害情况。结果表明,本地区鼠类的危害期主要为9 月至11 月,累计危害率为34.25%, 其中9 月份的危害最严重,危害率高达17.42% ;该防护套可有效防止林业鼠类对林木的危害,实验期间未发现一例树木受到鼠类的危害,同时,PVC 防护套亦未增加其它树木受到危害的概率。建议在每年的9月之前对树木采取防护措施,以提高其对树木的防护效率。  相似文献   

We deployed a mesonet of year‐round eddy covariance towers in boreal forest stands that last burned in ~1850, ~1930, 1964, 1981, 1989, 1998, and 2003 to understand how CO2 exchange and evapotranspiration change during secondary succession. We used MODIS imagery to establish that the tower sites were representative of the patterns of secondary succession in the region, and Landsat images to show that the individual stands have changed over the last 22 years in ways that match the spatially derived trends. The eddy covariance towers were well matched, with similar equipment and programs, which maximized site‐to‐site precision and allowed us to operate the network in an efficient manner. The six oldest sites were fully operational for ~90% of the growing season and ~70% of the dormant season from 2001 or 2002 to 2004, with most of the missing data caused by low battery charge or bad signals from the sonic anemometers. The rates of midday growing‐season CO2 uptake recovered to preburn levels within 4 years of fire. The seasonality of land–atmosphere exchange and growing‐season length changed markedly with stand age. The foliage in the younger stands (1989, 1998, and 2003 burns) was almost entirely deciduous, which resulted in comparatively short growing seasons that lasted ~65 days. In contrast, the older stands (1850, 1930, 1964, and 1981) were mostly evergreen, which resulted in comparatively long growing seasons that lasted ~130 days. The eddy covariance mesonet approach we describe could be used within the context of other ecological experimental designs such as controlled manipulations and gradient comparisons.  相似文献   

The ecosystem function for water retention in a watershed of the Yangtze River was discussed in this study. The watershed was divided into 90 types of vegetation–soil–slope complex. A GIS-embodied spatial database was used to explore the relationships between the capacity of water retention by a complex and its types of vegetation, soil and slope. Furthermore, the capacity of water retention of every complex was estimated statistically by using estimation models. The spatial distribution of various capacity of water retention in the watershed was demarcated on a map based on the attributions and the locations of complexes. In addition, we evaluated integrally the situation of water retention in the watershed based on the estimation for the complexes from which it was distinctly recognized that the serious situation mainly results from the poor capacity of water retention of vegetation. The variation-location effect describes the phenomenon in which an identical variation of a factor may produce different effects on overall situation, when this variation occurs in a different spatial location. According to the variation-location effect on the expansion of forestland, a strategy 'spatial pattern-based forestland extension was proposed to conserve forest ecosystem and improve the situation of water retention in the watershed.  相似文献   

15N-ammonium sulphate equivalent to 0.5 kg N/ha was added as a tracer to lysimeters containing the organic horizons of an acid forest soil. The effect of logging debris (brash), vegetation and second rotationPicea sitchensis seedlings on the amount of the15N found in various soil, vegetation and leachate pools was followed over a period of 60 days. Transformation of15N-ammonium to nitrate occurred within 24 hours. Although total nitrate leachate losses were high, tracer-derived nitrate represented only 0.4%–4.2% of the applied15N-ammonium. The atom % excess of the KCI-extractable organic-N pool was initially lower than for the inorganic species but due to the large pool size, consistently represented 3–6% of the applied15N-ammonium. The similarity of the atom % excess of the ammonium and nitrate pools indicated an autotrophic nitrification pathway.A significant proportion of the15N-ammonium passed through the microbial biomass which contained between 16 and 48% of the15N-ammonium 2 days after addition of the15N-ammonium. This nitrogen was in a readily available form or short-term pool for the first two weeks (with no change in the overall biomass pool), after which the nitrogen appeared to become transformed into more stable compounds representing a long-term pool. Total recovery of the15N was between 68% and 99% for the different treatments. The presence of brash reduced microbial immobilisation of the15N-ammonium and total retention in the organic matter. This is suggested to be a consequence of greater nitrification and denitrificatiion rate in organic horizons beneath a brash covering due to different microclimatic conditions.  相似文献   

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