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In field populations of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, there is a significant inverse correlation between the prevalence of corn borer infection with the microsporidian Nosema pyrausta and the prevalence of parasitism by the introduced braconid Macrocentrus grandii where infections with N. pyrausta exceed 45%. This relationship occurs geographically and from year to year. Corn borer infection with N. pyrausta, the source of infection for M. grandii, is significantly related to corn borer density in the cornfield. These findings strongly suggest that N. pyrausta has a significant adverse affect on field populations of M. grandii and may help explain the diminishing role of this and other introduced parasites as natural controls of the corn borer in the United States.  相似文献   

Thermoperiodic induction of larval diapause was shown to occur in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner). Using continuous darkness and thermoperiods of the format XC:24-XT(15:30°C), incidence of diapause was shown to be dependent on phase durations, with a critical cryophase of about 9.5 hr. A thermoperiodic response threshold was demonstrated; it was found to be very close to 17.5°C. Thermoperiodic amplitude (temperature difference between cryophase and thermophase) was shown to have no influence on the induction of diapause, within a relatively broad range of physiological temperatures. Thermoperiodic induction of diapause was shown to be at least partially independent from the effects of temperature on larval developmental rates.  相似文献   

The regulation of juvenile hormone esterase in last-instar diapause and nondiapause larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis was investigated using topically applied juvenile hormone I and a juvenile hormone mimic, methoprene. The influence of the head on juvenile hormone esterase was also investigated. Both juvenile hormone and methoprene caused increases in esterase levels when applied to feeding animals. Neither the hormone nor methoprene was capable of elevating nondiapause esterase activity to levels comparable to those found in untreated prediapause larvae. The esterase levels could be elevated in the larval body, without the head, during prepupal development of nondiapause larvae and in post-feeding diapause larvae. In both cases, juvenile hormone or methoprene induced juvenile hormone esterase activity in head-ligated animals. Topically applied methoprene prolonged feeding and delayed the onset of diapause. When methoprene was applied to larvae that had entered diapause, it disrupted diapause by inducing a moult.  相似文献   

The electroantennogram (EAG) response of male moths of the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) to their two pheromone components, (Z)- and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetates, were studied. The EAG amplitude of the fast initial phase was approximately proportional to the antennal length. Local EAG responses were obtained along the length of the antenna with multiple electrodes. Response-interaction studies indicated a unique spread of the EAG response in a proximal direction in the antenna. A possible mechanism of the EAG summation was considered. The EAG response characteristic was similar for both (Z)- and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate along the length of the antenna.  相似文献   

The ecdysteroid titres of last-instar prediapausing, diapausing and nondiapausing larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis were determined by radioimmunoassay. In the nondiapause larvae a major peak of ecdysteroid activity preceded pupation by 24 h and continued through the pupal ecdysis. This peak was correlated with head and thorax critical periods as well as with changes in behaviour and physiology marking the transition from feeding larva to prepupa. Nondiapause larvae also displayed a rise in ecdysteroid titre during the feeding phase of development. This rise was approx one tenth that of the major peak and lasted 32 h. It was not correlated with any overt changes in larval physiology or behaviour. The diapause ecdysteroid profile was distinctive in that the levels measured were all lower than the lowest of the nondiapause curve. No peaks were observed in the diapause titres. Prepupal changes such as spinning and the cessation of feeding were not correlated with any increase in ecdysteroid levels. During diapause termination, under a long-day photoperiod, no increases in ecdysteroid titre were observed for the first 10 days. After 12 days individuals began to show ecdysteroids above the diapause levels. Pupation started after 16 long days.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature and thermoperiod on larval development and the induction of diapause were investigated in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis. Developmental threshold temperatures characteristic of the first four larval instars were estimated under both thermoperiods and constant temperatures. Threshold values were similar under the two conditions, but the 4th-larval instar was shown to display a significantly lower developmental threshold temperature than was characteristic of the earlier instars. Although developmental times (days per instar) were not greatly affected by fluctuating temperature regimes, the quantity of growth (weight, head width) during the 4th and 5th (last) stadia was found to be much greater under thermoperiodic regimes than under comparable constant temperature conditions. By means of thermoperiodic regimes having identical mean temperatures but different cryophase durations, it was demonstrated that the induction of diapause is dependent on the duration of the cryophase rather than on the mean temperature of the thermoperiod. To be effective, the cryophase must be colder than the insect's thermoperiodic response threshold. It was also demonstrated that thermoperiodic responses that are readily produced under continuously dark rearing conditions are not manifested under continuous light.  相似文献   

Haemolymph levels of juvenile hormone esterase, 1-naphthyl acetate esterase, and juvenile hormone were measured in synchronously staged diapause and nondiapause larvae of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis. Juvenile hormone esterase levels were monitored using juvenile hormone I as a substrate while juvenile hormone titres were measured with the Galleria bioassay. Haemolymph of nondiapause larvae showed two peaks of juvenile hormone hydrolytic activity: one near the end of the feeding phase and a smaller one just prior to pupal ecdysis. These peaks of enzyme activity correlated well with the low levels of haemolymph juvenile hormone. Juvenile hormone titres were high early in the stadium then showed a second peak during the prepupal stage coinciding with low esterase activity. Diapause haemolymph had peak juvenile hormone esterase activity nearly 4 times the nondiapause level, reaching a peak near the end of the feeding phase. Diapause-destined larvae retained high juvenile hormone titres even during the rise of the high esterase levels. 1-naphthyl acetate esterase levels did not correlate with the juvenile hormone esterase levels in either the diapause or nondiapause haemolymph. High levels of 1-naphthyl acetate esterase activity were associated with moulting periods.  相似文献   

Developmental time of the polyembryonic parasitoid Macrocentrus grandii in larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis, the European corn borer was shown to be shortest under a warm-temperature regime and in later-host instars. Temperature had a significant effect upon parasitoid development during both host-internal and host-external phases, whereas host instar proved important only during the former developmental phase. The number of parasitoids emerging from each host showed a dramatic increase from 20 to 25°C. The ability of emerged parasitoids to reach the pupation stage successfully also was affected significantly by temperature with an optimum of 25°C. A peculiar phenomenon involving abnormal pupal development in the European corn borer observed during the study suggests that alteration of the normal host-parasitoid relationship occurred at cooler temperatures (15–20°C).  相似文献   

The possible involvement of juvenile hormone (JH) in controlling the mature larval diapause of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, was examined using biological and chemical assays for JH titres, topical applications of JH mimic, and injections of 20-hydroxy-ecdysone. Bioassays of extracts of larval haemolymph showed that (1) 4th instar pre-diapausing larvae had a higher JH titre (ca. 1450 Galleria Units (GU)/ml) than equivalent non-diapausing larvae (ca. 340 GU/ml), and that (2) 5th instar pre-diapausing larvae contained a JH titre of ca. 320 GU/ml, which declined to ca. 90 GU/ml in newly-diapaused larvae. Chemical assasys carried out on extracts of whole larvae showed that early diapausing larvae contained an extremely low titre of JH. In addition, the application of JH mimic or 20-hydroxy-ecdysone or both agents to diapausing larvae failed to reveal the presence of a functional JH titre during diapause. The application of JH mimic to early 5th instar non-diapausing larvae produced moribund larval-pupal intermediates rather than supernumerary larvae. Our results, therefore, suggest that although JH may control some phases of diapause induction, it is not involved in maintaining diapause.  相似文献   

This experiment determined the chemical composition, rumen degradability (aNDF in stalks and starch in kernels) and in vitro gas production of kernels from three corn hybrids treated (TT) or not treated (control, CTR) with insecticides against the European corn borer (ECB, Ostrinia nubilalis). Two whole-plant silage hybrids belonging to the FAO rating 600 and 700 maturity class (S600 and S700, respectively) and one selected for grain production (G600, FAO rating 600, Dekalb-Monsanto Agricoltura S.p.A., Lodi, Italy) were sown in two main plots (TT and CTR) of an experimental field. Two subsequent treatments of pyrethroids (25 and 1.2 g/ha of cyfluthrin and deltamethrin, respectively) were applied to the TT plots. The insecticide treatment reduced the number of damaged plants (4.5 broken plants/plot versus 0.3 broken plants/plot, P<0.01) and increased the total grain yield by 11% (13.8 t/ha versus 12.4 t/ha), while hybrids did not differ. ECB larvae which bored into the stalk tunnels modified the chemical composition of stalks and kernels. In stalks, total sugars content (i.e. glucose, fructose, sucrose) was about twice that in TT versus CTR plants (123 g/kg versus 60 g/kg DM, P<0.01), while aNDF content was higher in CTR stalks (765 versus 702 g/kg DM, P<0.01). DM degradability after 48 h of incubation of stalks was higher in TT than in CTR, both in vitro (0.360 versus 0.298, P<0.01) and in situ (0.370 versus 0.298, P<0.05), while there were no differences in aNDF degradability. Kernels from TT plots contained less DM (615 g/kg versus 651 g/kg, P<0.01) and more CP (84 g/kg and 78 g/kg DM, P<0.05) than those from CTR plots, while in situ rumen starch disappearance and in vitro gas production were similar. Corn hybrid selected for yield of grain (G600) differed from S600 and S700 due to a higher (P<0.01) content of aNDF, ADF and lignin(sa) in the stalks, and a higher starch content (696 g/kg versus 674 and 671 g/kg DM, P<0.01) and CP (87 g/kg versus 77 and 76 g/kg DM, P<0.05) in grain. The G600 hybrid produced stalks with a lower (P<0.01) aNDF rumen degradability than the S600 and S700.  相似文献   

A methanol-soluble oviposition deterrent has been discovered in the frass of fifth-instar larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis, the European corn borer. Bioassays established a significant linear relationship between reduction in oviposition and concentration of extract applied on the oviposition substratum. Activity of the deterrent under laboratory conditions lasts for at least 72 hr when exposed to air, indicating a low volatility.  相似文献   

Infection with Nosema pyrausta Paillot lengthens developmental period of Bt-susceptible Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) to a similar extent as feeding on Cry1Ab-incorporated diet in Cry1Ab-resistant O. nubilalis, and these two factors combined lengthen developmental period further than either alone. Resistant O. nubilalis mating with infected susceptible, or infected resistant partners would produce partially- and fully-resistant offspring, respectively, infected with N. pyrausta. To investigate the impacts on the progeny of such matings, test crosses were set up to produce partially- and fully Cry1Ab-resistant O. nubilalis offspring transovarially infected and not infected with N. pyrausta, which were exposed to Cry1Ab toxin at doses of 0, 3, or 30 ng/cm2 for 7 days. Transovarial infection with N. pyrausta significantly decreased 7 day survival of partially and fully-resistant O. nubilalis feeding on 30 ng/cm2 Cry1Ab. In addition, N. pyrausta infection delayed larval development (as measured by weight) of partially- and fully-resistant O. nubilalis feeding on 3 and 30 ng/cm2 Cry1Ab. Impacts of natural enemies on target pests may have the potential to impact evolution of resistance. N pyrausta-infected O. nubilalis are more strongly affected by feeding on Bt, and would be less likely to survive to adulthood to pass on resistance to the next generation. This indigenous microsporidium may work to delay evolution of resistance in O. nubilalis by lowering their ability to survive on Bt.  相似文献   

Some effects of thermoperiods on the photoperiodic determination of larval diapause in the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis are reported. Thermoperiods and photoperiods were shown to interact to a highly significant degree in the induction of diapause. Diapause determination was found to be sensitive to the duration and temperature of the cryoscotophase of the thermophotoperiod; the thermophotophase characteristics exerted only minor influence. Cryoscotophase temperatures of 10°C or lower caused an unexpected increase in the apparent critical nightlength for diapause determination. A 0°C cryoscotophase effectively prevented the photoperiodic determination of diapause. Experimental investigation of the effects of 0°C cryoscotophases produced evidence that such low-temperature cryoscotophases may suppress the biological clock functions regulating the determination of diapause. Photoperiodic regimes in which 0°C pulses were inserted at successive points in 24-h cycle evoked responses suggesting that the early scotophase (saturation phase) was more strongly influenced by the low temperature pulse than was the later scotophase (scotonon); low temperature had little effect on the light-dependent processes (photonon) associated with the photophase.  相似文献   

As an integral part of a programme to attempt the biological control of several crop-infesting aphid pests in Australia by the introduction of specific hymenopterous parasites, a laboratory technique to try to predict their likely effectiveness in the field, was developed with the aim of improving selection of natural enemies in future. It was based on demonstrating whether the parasites attack a greater proportion of their hosts with increased host density, i.e. whether they show a Type 3 functional response (Holling, 1959). To overcome the problem of super-parasitisation at low densities when a parasite is confined with aphids on one plant (van Lenteren & Bakker, 1976) we used several plants in a large cage, all with the same density of host aphids. A parasite released into such a cage searches for and attacks the aphids on one plant, then leaves it to repeat the process on a second plant, and so on. After a standard exposure time the parasitisation rate is estimated separately for the aphids on each plant and the average performance of the parasite calculated. Using this technique for seven parasites introduced into Australia for biological control of crop aphids, only one, Aphidius salicis Halliday, attacking carrot aphid showed a Type 3 response.  相似文献   

The relationship between second generation European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner) egg mass numbers and subsequent field corn damage, as measured by stalk cavity numbers, was studied in 79 fields in northeastern North Carolina over three years. A mean of 0.028 egg masses per plant (645 egg masses/23400 plants) was found over the course of the study. Significant differences in oviposition rate were detected between fields and years. Ca. 85% of egg masses were deposited in a five leaf zone surrounding the primary ear; of these, 89% were found on the lower four leaves in this zone. Egg masses appeared to be distributed randomly within fields but at low rates of incidence, and oviposition was relatively uniform between sampling areas within individual fields. Under moderate to high oviposition pressure (mean number of egg masses per plant over the duration of the oviposition period >ca. 0.02), eggs laid during the early phases of the oviposition period account for more subsequent stalk damage than eggs laid during the later phases of the oviposition period. Variations in second generation egg mass numbers accounted for ca. 70% of variation in stalk cavity numbers.  相似文献   

A number of gramineous plants such as maize contain cyclic hydroxamic acids (cHx) that are toxic to many herbivores. Among the Ostrinia species found in Japan, the Asian corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis is the only one that utilizes maize, a gramineous plant. We used O. furnacalis and two congeners, Ostrinia scapulalis and Ostrinia latipennis, to obtain insights into the physiological adaptation of O. furnacalis to cHx. When an artificial diet containing a low concentration (0.3 mg/g diet) of cHx was fed to the larvae of O. furnacalis and O. scapulalis, larval growth and survival were significantly less affected in O. furnacalis than O. scapulalis. An artificial diet containing a high level (0.7 mg/g diet) of cHx was found to severely retard the growth of both species, albeit to different degrees. In an assay in vitro, homogenate of the digestive tract of O. furnacalis larvae degraded cHx more rapidly than that of O. scapulalis or O. latipennis. The degradation was found to be enzymatic and dependent on a cofactor, UDP-glucose, suggesting that UDP-glucosyltransferase or other UDP-glucose-dependent enzymes were involved. This enzymatic adaptation probably has enabled O. furnacalis to utilize plants containing cHx.  相似文献   

The Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is an economically important pest of corn. Finding simple, cheap, and suitable rearing techniques of O. furnacalis is an urgent need to support research for management of this insect. This research aimed to determine the suitability of a read bean and rice bran-based artificial diet used for mass rearing of this insect since 2009.The tested artificial diet was compared with the natural diet (sweet corn kernel) and each diet was tested in individual rearing method (one larva in each vial). The criteria used to justify the quality of diet and mass rearing procedure were based on the fitness of O. furnacalis. The degree of fitness was based on life history, growth, and development. In general, the fitness parameteres observed from O. furnacalis reared in the artificial diet at 25.7?±?1.6?°C with 57.7?±?3.8% RH, and L12:D12 were similar than those in the natural diet.Therefore, the existing artificial diet and rearing procedure were considered suitable and qualified for O. furnacalis. It is important to periodically check the laboratory colony to ensure that they have similar fitness to those found in the natural population.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of feeding site on the interaction of the European corn borer and its host, field corn. Insect infestation was established artificially in three internodes on the stalks. It was found that survival and the rate of development were higher among borers established in internodes near the ear. But, infestation near the base of plant has a greater adverse effect on ear growth.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Untersuchung sollte die Wirkungen feststellen, die vom Fraßplatz auf die Beziehungen zwischen Maiszünslerraupen und ihrer Wirtspflanze, dem Mais, ausgeübt werden. Dazu wurde künstlich an drei verschiedenen Internodien des Stengels Insektenbefall hervorgerufen. Es zeigte sich, daß der Überlebensanteil und die Entwicklungsrate der Larven an den Internodien in der Nähe der ähren höher war. Jedoch verursachte der Befall nahe der Pflanzenbasis eine größere Schadwirkung für das Ährenwachstum.

Paper No. 5305 Scientific Journal Series, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Plants produce and release large quantities of methanol, especially when attacked by herbivores. It seems that the herbivores may suffer from methanol intoxication. Here we reported the tolerance to and the metabolism of methanol by Ostrinia furnacalis third-instar larvae. When larvae were exposed to dietary methanol, formaldehyde and formic acid for 72 h, the estimated LC50 value was 28, 40 and 29 mg/g diet, respectively. Toxicity of methanol was enhanced by 4-methylpyrazole, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole and piperonyl butoxide, and toxicity of formaldehyde was increased by 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole and piperonyl butoxide. However, triphenyl phosphate had little synergistic effects on both methanol and formaldehyde. These data indicate that alcohol dehydrogenase, and probably catalase and cytochrome P450 monooxygenase oxidize methanol to formaldehyde, catalase and cytochrome P450 monooxygenase catalyze formaldehyde to formic acid, water and carbon dioxide, and carboxylesterase may have a minor effect. Several fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were identified from extracts of the frass of larvae which had been exposed to a methanol-contained diet, in contrast to those on a methanol-free artificial diet. In vitro tests revealed that a crude enzyme solution from the larvae could synthesize FAMEs from corresponding fatty acids and methanol. In addition, dietary methanol induced higher esterase activities in the first-, second- and third-instar larvae. These findings demonstrate that both oxidative metabolism and non-oxidative metabolism are partially responsible for methanol elimination in O. furnacalis larvae.  相似文献   

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