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W. O. Spitzer  R. S. Roberts  T. Delmore 《CMAJ》1976,114(12):1099-1102
The new Utilization and Financial Index (UF-Index) was developed to measure the economic effects of deployment of new health professionals or of other changes in the provision of health services. By means of several steps, information on concurrent use of various categories of health service is converted into a single quantitative index. The index has been used to evaluate the financial effects of introduction of nurse practitioners into primary care practices by means of two complementary studies.  相似文献   

The aging of the elderly population is of crucial importance as people who are over 80 make far greater use of health and social services than any other age group. Government guidelines on the provision of services, which are generally related to the whole population aged 65 and over, fail to take account of this change in the age structure of the elderly population and are no longer appropriate. Recent trends in the provision of domiciliary services, day care, specialist housing for the elderly, and residential care have been related to changes in the number of potential consumers. Ironically, despite the government''s stated commitment to "community care," the chief growth area has been private institutional care. The number of day care places and sheltered housing units has also increased in real terms, but the provision of domiciliary services, such as home help and health visitor visits to the elderly, has either fallen behind or barely matched the increase in the number of very old people. If community care is to be made a reality and if the present inadequate levels of service are to be maintained, let alone improved, then additional resources, greater cooperation among agencies, and a more imaginative approach to the development and delivery of services are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Although need is often assumed to be the most important factor in determining the use of health services, there are many inequities in the provision and use of NHS services in both primary and secondary care. For example, existing data from district child health information services have been combined with census data for small areas to show wide variations in immunisation rates between affluent and deprived areas. Purchasers of health care are already responsible for assessing health needs and evaluating services, and the process of monitoring equity is a logical extension of these activities. Routine data sources used to collect activity data in both primary and secondary care can be used to assess needs for care and monitor how well these needs are met. Purchasers and providers should collaborate to improve the usefulness of these routine data and to develop a framework for monitoring and promoting equity more systematically.  相似文献   

Expenditures for health services, as a percentage of national wealth (gross national product, or GNP), have been rising throughout the world. Data to quantify this trend are available for many industrialized countries. The share of health spending derived from governmental sources has also been increasing. Mandatory or social insurance has developed to support health services in 70 nations. While widely used for paying doctors on a fee basis or by capitation, in Latin America doctors are organized in polyclinics and paid by salaries. General revenues are used to support Ministry of Health programs. Among health expenditures, the largest share goes to hospitalization. Cost sharing by patients is widely used to control rising costs. World trends have promoted equity in health care delivery.  相似文献   

T. E. Hunt  R. D. Crichton 《CMAJ》1977,116(12):1351-1355
Although articles on studies of organized home care programs are numerous, reports of long-term effectiveness of these programs are scanty. While government spokesmen appear to advocate more widespread use of alternatives to hospitalization, there has been serious criticism of the efficiency and accomplishments of home care services. A medically oriented home care program in Saskatoon (population, less than 150 000) has grown steadily over a 16-year period and is now serving a daily average of 200 individuals. All patients have required "hospital-like care" at home and most have not ordinarily been sufficiently mobile during their time in the program to attend hospital outpatient services. Many have required "concentrated care" through daily visits of professional health personnel. The program is designed for the physically ill and disabled and is administered by the major teaching hospital in the city, although it provides services to the whole community. Over one third of the patients referred in recent years had been at home. Almost one half of the patients have undergone satisfactory rehabilitation at home. The program has also proven to be an acceptable alternative to long-term institutional care for the permanently seriously disabled, a large number of whom are elderly. The program has been able to operate at considerably less cost to the public than inpatient (hospital or institutional) services would have entailed.  相似文献   

W. O. Spitzer  R. S. Roberts  T. Delmore 《CMAJ》1976,114(12):1103-1108
The impact of multidisciplinary teams that incorporate nurse practitioners on total use of health services was measured with the new Utilization and Financial Index (UF-Index). The data from two studies, a randomized controlled trial and a before-and-after study, showed that, in spite of large increases in use of ambulatory services by practice populations served by family physician-nurse practitioner teams, the ultimate effect has been a substantial reduction in total use of health services. The effect was associated with major reductions in hospital care for the same populations. Such economic advantages to society proved feasible within a fee-for-service context and in settings where rigorous evidence demonstrated no concurrent deterioration in health status of patients or in quality of care.  相似文献   

The continued escalation in health care spending has caused money to become an increasingly limited resource, which may eventually affect the ability of health professionals to provide complete health care services. Health care payers have stressed efficiency and the appropriateness of health care measures and are putting greater financial pressures on health professionals by making them more accountable for services provided. Hospitals and physicians must take a more active role in monitoring health care delivery and work together to improve performance efficiency. Efficiency can be gained through a comprehensive program that emphasizes high-quality care and the effective use of health care resources. The Health Resource Management Program is a model for carrying out this function that integrates data analysis and physician input and education.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine changes in primary care in London in the 11 years since the Acheson report on primary health care in inner London. DESIGN--Analysis of key data from the family health services authority performance indicators and from the Department of Health; study of trends since the time of the Acheson report; examination of the provision of primary care in 1990-1 and its relation to health and social factors. SETTING--Comparisons between the family health services authorities of inner London, outer London, and England as a whole, with a special study of Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester. SUBJECTS--The family health services authorities of England. RESULTS--There has been an improvement in the provision of primary care in inner London as judged by the criteria of the Acheson report, but these improvements have occurred only as part of an overall improvement in the provision of primary care in the country as a whole. None of the recommendations of the Acheson report specifically oriented to London have been implemented. There are some worrying trends in inner London, such as the increasing proportion of practices with more than 2500 patients. The problems faced by practitioners in inner London resemble those in other large inner city areas, but the primary care provision to deal with them is relatively poor.  相似文献   

The current proliferation of proposals for health care reform makes it difficult to sort out the differences among plans and the likely outcome of different approaches to reform. The current health care system has two basic features. The first, enrollment and eligibility functions, includes how people get into the system and gain coverage for health care services. We describe 4 models, ranging from an individual, voluntary approach to a universal, tax-based model. The second, the provision of health care, includes how physician services are organized, how they are paid for, what mechanisms are in place for quality assurance, and the degree of organization and oversight of the health care system. We describe 7 models of the organization component, including the current fee-for-service system with no national health budget, managed care, salaried providers under a budget, and managed competition with and without a national health budget. These 2 components provide the building blocks for health care plans, presented as a matrix. We also evaluate several reform proposals by how they combine these 2 elements.  相似文献   

Health and development planners have tended to see women primarily in context of their reproductive role. As a result, solutions to women''s health needs have been restricted to expanding and improving maternal and child health systems. There has recently been a major shift in direction, largely because of the influence of the world conference on population and development held in Cairo in 1994. Dr Guiseppe Benagiano, director of the special programme of research, development and research training in human reproduction based at the WHO, says, "We need to remind ourselves constantly that reproductive health is not simply a biomedical issue but one with serious implications for our general health and by extension, for all our efforts in human social and economic development." The 1993 world development report on health identified the lack of a clear strategy for engaging women in health care and suggested that child health services, prenatal care, treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, and family planning services should be provided jointly at convenient times. In an example of this, the Chilean Institute of Reproductive Medicine now offers integrated family planning services at the same time as child health services, and Thailand is experimenting with mobile health clinics to reach women in their homes. As the proportion of elderly women increases, old age is increasingly being seen as a female issue. With the impact of urbanisation and industrialisation, more of these women are living isolated lives, often suffering from chronic debilitating diseases. In his opening statement to the global commission on women''s health in April 1995 which focused on health conditions of women in old age, Dr Hiroshi Nakajima, the WHO''s director general, said: "Our goal should not be solely to extend lives in the physical sense, but to ensure that the added years are worth living."  相似文献   

The bulk of mental health services for people with depression are provided in primary care settings. Primary care providers prescribe 79 percent of antidepressant medications and see 60 percent of people being treated for depression in the United States, and they do that with little support from specialist services. Depression is not effectively managed in the primary care setting. Collaborative care based on a team approach, a population health perspective, and measurement-based care has been proven to treat depression more effectively than care as usual in a variety of settings and for different populations, and it increases people’s access to medications and behavioral therapies. Psychiatry has the responsibility of supporting the primary care sector in delivering mental health services by disseminating collaborative care approaches under recent initiatives and opportunities made possible by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  相似文献   

Although refugee health care emerged as a special interest in the United States following the influx of almost a million Southeast Asians since 1975, few studies have been done of the influence of refugee traditions on the use of Western medical services. The illness patterns, medical beliefs, and health care behavior of a Southeast Asian refugee group, the Mien from Laos are described in this study. A cohort of 119 Mien refugees living in Richmond, California, was observed for a 6-month period. In-home interviews were undertaken about all episodes of ill health, including treatment and health care decisions. This study shows that the Mien integrate traditional healing beliefs and practices with the use of American health services. Such findings are important because the increasing cultural diversity in the United States, particularly in Western states, necessitates that health care professionals understand the importance of cultural factors for access to and the use of health care by all patients including refugees and other immigrant groups.  相似文献   

Disastrous events in the country and the region caused a 13.5% increase in the prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders in Serbia in the last few years, thus making them the second largest public health problem. Due to prolonged adversities, the health system has deteriorated and is facing specific challenges. However, the reform of mental health care has been initiated, with a lot of positive movements such as the preparation of a national policy for mental health care and a law for protection of mentally ill individuals. The transformation of mental health services has started, with an accent on community care, antistigma campaigns and continuing education. Based on an assessment carried out by the National Committee on Mental Health, service provision, number of professionals working in services, funding arrangements, pathways into care, user/carer involvement and other specific issues are reported.  相似文献   

There are a number of reasons for anticipating that contact by women in developing country settings with modern maternal-child health (MCH) services will lead to increased use of family planning services. Indeed, the expectation of such a relationship underlies the integrated service delivery strategy that has been adopted on a more or less global basis. However, the available empirical evidence in support of this proposition is inconclusive. This study re-examines this issue in Morocco. Household survey data and data on the supply environment for health and family planning services gathered in 1992 are analysed in the study. A full-information maximum likelihood estimator is used to control for the possible endogeneity of health care and contraceptive choices. The findings indicate a substantial and apparently causal relationship between the intensity of MCH service use and subsequent contraceptive use. Policy simulations indicate that sizeable increases in contraceptive prevalence might be realized by increasing the coverage and intensity of use of MCH services.  相似文献   

M Gordon  P B Berger 《CMAJ》1996,155(4):404-406
Canada''s medicare system has provided Canadians with high-quality health care for almost three decades. Now Canadian health care appears to be at risk of losing the single-payer system, which is the premise on which medicare is built. As medicare comes under increasing financial pressure, many are calling for the introduction of private care as a means of bolstering our health care system and maintaining its quality. Although it appears alluring to some politicians, physicians and commentators, privatization could very well lead to the demise of the principles and practices of the Canadian health care system as we know it, with little clear benefit to the public or physicians.  相似文献   

《California medicine》1963,98(3):177-179
Interest in the area of medical socio-economics has largely come about due to the proliferation of social welfare programs and advances in the distribution of health services in the private sector of the economy. The increasing role of our government has also been a stimulus. With the advent of new techniques for the financing of care, a large volume of institutional literature has appeared delving into issues which range from the role of the medical profession in the evaluation of quality of medical care to the measurement of demand for and prepayment of numerous types of health care services. Since the area of medical socio-economics is not considered "pure" enough to be categorized as a discipline, the range of periodicals, government and non-government publications and books, in which data are found, is vast. This report will briefly describe some of the more important sources of data in the area of medical socio-economics. Major emphasis is given to the literature which provides current statistical data on the operational aspects of public and private programs providing health care services, and ancillary activities which affect the market for health care activities. Leading publications of governmental and other community agencies are cited to illustrate the range of materials available to the public and to the medical profession.  相似文献   

The fair allocation of resources for health and social care in relation to the needs of the population in different parts of the United Kingdom has become particularly important since the implementation of the new arrangements for community care in April 1993. These depend on close collaboration between health authorities and local authority social services departments. Yet funding reaches these authorities by different means and according to different criteria. Most health authority funds come through a weighted capitation formula that overemphasises the effects of age, while family health services funding is largely not cash limited and hence demand led. Funds to local authorities for community care are being transferred from the social security budget but on a basis that partly reflects past provision of residential and nursing home care. None of these mechanisms responds to underlying needs that give rise to demands on the health and social care system as a whole, and none makes any attempt to compensate for defects in the others. The solution includes better research and a unified weighted capitation system for all sources of funding.  相似文献   

In publications which have compared the health expenditure in the component parts of the United Kingdom by applying the Resource Allocation Working Party (RAWP) formula to the health budget of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland it has been previously concluded that Scotland''s hospital and community health services expenditure is more than 19% above what would be a fair distribution. It has also been implied that Scotland''s allocation should be cut substantially to improve services in England. On the assumption that the purpose of examining the distribution of the health and community health service budget is to ensure "equal opportunity of access to health care for people at equal risk" it is concluded that simple RAWPing of the United Kingdom budget is flawed and a conclusion based on this is therefore untenable.  相似文献   

In 1993 about 20% of the population in the 15 'old' member countries of the European Union (EU) was over 60 years of age and this percentage will increase to more than 25% in 2020. These developments play a key role for the investments in education and training to meet societies needs for health care services. In 2002 about 25% of the medical students in the 'old' EU did not receive any education in geriatric medicine. A question is who will provide the services for older people in related areas, like social care, community care, acute care in the hospitals, long-term care, permanent care and care for psychiatric patients? Geriatric medicine has been recognized as an independent specialty in 8 of the 15 member countries of the 'old' EU. In all EU member states the governments are autonomous regarding all aspects of health care services, including the recognition of specialties and specialist training programmes. A two years training in internal medicine has been recommended in the EU, followed by another four years of training in geriatric medicine. The specialist training has a hospital oriented character, however, it includes also community care and other institutionalised care like nursing homes. The curriculum should contain: biological, social, psychological and medical aspects of common diseases and disturbances in older people. A problem in many EU countries is the shortage of well trained researchers and leading persons for academic positions for geriatric medicine. In a number of countries chairs at the universities remain vacant for long periods of time or even disappear. Good services in the health care for older people need a high quality curriculum and training programme.  相似文献   

In the first decade of this new millennium, health professionals are faced with a rapidly increasing need for child mental health services and changing models of service provision. This gives us a unique opportunity to make provision for services where it has not been available before, or to improve upon the existing services. This paper examines the challenges and opportunities while attempting to integrate child mental health services to primary care.  相似文献   

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