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A fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) method was developed for double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (dsDNA) detection in living cells using the RecA-GFP (green fluorescent protein) fusion protein filament. In brief, the thiol-modified single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) was attached to gold nanoparticles (AuNPs); on the contrary, the prepared RecA-GFP fusion protein interacted with ssDNA. Due to the FRET between AuNPs and RecA-GFP, fluorescence of RecA-GFP fusion protein was quenched. In the presence of homologous dsDNA, homologous recombination occurred to release RecA-GFP fusion protein. Thus, the fluorescence of RecA-GFP was recovered. The dsDNA concentration was detected using fluorescence intensity of RecA-GFP. Under optimal conditions, this method could detect dsDNA activity as low as 0.015 optical density (OD) Escherichia coli cells, with a wide linear range from 0.05 to 0.9 OD cells, and the regression equation was ΔF = 342.7c + 78.9, with a linear relationship coefficient of 0.9920. Therefore, it provided a promising approach for the selective detection of dsDNA in living cells for early clinical diagnosis of genetic diseases.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanism of resistance to the endophagous braconid Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) by a pink clone (PC) of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera, Aphididae) has been investigated. Comparative data on parasitoid development and associated host biochemical changes in the resistant PC aphids and in a susceptible green clone (GC) of A. pisum are reported. When the PC aphids were attacked as early 4th instars, the developing parasitoid larvae showed a strongly reduced increase in size, compared to those synchronously developing in GC aphids, and were unable to produce a regular mummy. In contrast, parasitism of 2nd instar PC aphids, allowed completion of parasitoid development, but adults had a prolonged developmental time, due to a longer duration of parasitoid’s final (3rd) instar. In all cases, teratocytes, cells deriving from the A. ervi serosal membrane, and the proteins abundantly synthesised by them, were never found in the haemolymph of parasitised PC aphids. Host castration, as demonstrated by total protein incorporation into reproductive tissues, was total in the majority of early (2nd instar) parasitised host aphids, while it was limited when later instars (4th) of PC aphids were parasitised. This is partly due to the absence of the cytolytic activity of teratocytes on host embryos, which, through their persistence, may compete for nutritional resources with the developing parasitoid larvae. In parasitised PC aphids, this competitive effect is further aggravated for the parasitoid by the absence of the regulated amino acid titre increase in the host haemolymph, which is regularly observed in GC aphids. Failure of teratocyte development in the PC clone of the pea aphid is, then, the major functional constraint accounting for the reduction/inhibition of A. ervi larval growth. The reported results allow to assess in vivo the role of teratocytes in the host physiological redirection and nutritional exploitation by the parasitoid, and to integrate and validate the proposed physiological model of host-parasitoid interactions in the system A. pisum-A.ervi.  相似文献   



This study aims at evaluating the chromosomal abnormalities and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage in cases with primary amenorrhea by karyotyping and comet assay.


A total of 30 cases of primary amenorrhea were recruited. Secondary sexual characters were assessed by Tanner staging. Chromosomal analysis was performed by conventional phytohemagglutinin stimulated lymphocyte cell culture technique. Alkaline version of comet assay was used to evaluate DNA damage.


The chromosomal pattern of 20 subjects (66.7%) was found to be normal (46,XX). Two subjects had 46,XY pattern and eight subjects had Turner syndrome (45,X or 45,X/46,XX). The comet parameters were found to be increased among subjects with 45,X monosomy, when compared to the rest of the study group and also in subjects with Tanner stage 1 when compared to stage 2.


Comet assay revealed increased DNA damage in cases with 45,X monosomy, compared with subjects with 46,XX and 46,XY karyotype, which correlated with clinical features.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 levels can dilute the nitrogen (N) resource in plant tissue, which is disadvantageous to many herbivorous insects. Aphids appear to be an exception that warrants further study. The effects of elevated CO2 (750 ppm vs. 390 ppm) were evaluated on N assimilation and transamination by two Medicago truncatula genotypes, a N‐fixing‐deficient mutant (dnf1) and its wild‐type control (Jemalong), with and without pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) infestation. Elevated CO2 increased population abundance and feeding efficiency of aphids fed on Jemalong, but reduced those on dnf1. Without aphid infestation, elevated CO2 increased photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, nodule number, biomass, and pod number for Jemalong, but only increased pod number and chlorophyll content for dnf1. Furthermore, aphid infested Jemalong plants had enhanced activities of N assimilation‐related enzymes (glutamine synthetase, Glutamate synthase) and transamination‐related enzymes (glutamate oxalate transaminase, glutamine phenylpyruvate transaminase), which presumably increased amino acid concentration in leaves and phloem sap under elevated CO2. In contrast, aphid infested dnf1 plants had decreased activities of N assimilation‐related enzymes and transmination‐related enzymes and amino acid concentrations under elevated CO2. Furthermore, elevated CO2 up‐regulated expression of genes relevant to amino acid metabolism in bacteriocytes of aphids associated with Jemalong, but down‐regulated those associated with dnf1. Our results suggest that pea aphids actively elicit host responses that promote amino acid metabolism in both the host plant and in its bacteriocytes to favor the population growth of the aphid under elevated CO2.  相似文献   

1. Parasitoid females foraging for hosts rely on cues derived from the insect host, the host plant and/or their interaction, and all of these can be learned during the immature and adult stages. 2. The present study investigated the importance of rearing history on foraging behaviour of Diaeretiella rapae, an endoparasitoid often associated with aphids feeding on brassicaceous plant species. 3. Parasitoids were reared on one of the four possible combinations, comprising two brassicaceous host plant species, Brassica nigra or Raphanus sativus, and two aphid species Brevicoryne brassicae or Myzus persicae. These parasitoids were tested in a Y‐tube olfactometer and given the choice between volatiles emitted by an aphid‐infested plant (25 or 100 aphids per plant) and an uninfested control plant. The parasitoid's responses were compared when offered: (i) the same plant–aphid combination as the one on which it had been reared; (ii) the same host plant infested with the alternative aphid species; or (iii) an alternative plant with the alternative aphid species. 4. Aphid density did affect the behavioural responses to the various odour sources, but rearing history did not. Diaeretiella rapae only preferred aphid‐induced to non‐induced plant volatiles at low aphid infestation level, whereas they did not discriminate between volatiles at high aphid infestation level. 5. It is concluded that aphid‐induced volatiles of brassicaceous plants play an important role during host habitat location, but seem less important for parasitoids to locate the aphid host itself. The data are discussed in the light of manipulation of host plant defences by aphids.  相似文献   

Abstract. A recently developed framework was applied to investigate the responses of newborn pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae), to simultaneous variations in dietary suerose and amino acid levels. The location of functional 'targets' for intake and growth were determined experimentally using performance criteria. Behavioural rules employed by insects to approach these targets were investigated by reference to the geometry of arrays of intake and growth across a range of diets. First-instar aphids were fed one of thirty-one chemically-defined diets ranging in sucrose concentration from 200 to 1000 mM and amino acid concentration from 25 to 250 mM. Insect survivorship, dry weight, protein- and carbohydrate-derived growth were high for all diets except those with the lowest nutrient levels. Peaks in final dry weight and protein content identified the intake target as the point reached by larvae fed the 600 mM sucrose, 75 mM amino acid diet. Aphids regulated sucrose primarily by consumption (i.e. behaviourally), whereas amino acids were regulated post-ingestively (i.e. by physiological mechanisms).  相似文献   

Adler ID 《Mutation research》1976,35(2):247-256
MC is well known to induce dominant lethal mutations in mouse spermatocytes. Tests were done to determine whether chromosomal aberrations could be identified in spermatocytes as being responsible for the dominant lethal effects. Male mice were treated with single doses of MC during DNA synthesis preceding meiosis and during early prophase of meiosis. Simultaneous labeling was performed to identify cells that were in S-phase during the time of treatment. Diakineses-metaphases I were analyzed for the occurrence of univalents, gaps, fragments and rearrangements. The frequencies of cells with aberrations increased with dose and time after treatment. Maximal values were obtained after 12 days, indicating that MC was most effective in cells undergoing DNA replication. 95% of these cells were labeled. The majority of aberrant cells contained one or more fragments. These cells will lead to dominant lethality of the zygotes after fertilization. Cells with rearrangements occurred 11 and 12 days after treatment. These cells can develop into sperm carrying a reciprocal translocation which would then give rise to semi-sterile progeny after fertilization. Further investigations are needed to study the transmission of rearrangements observed in primary spermatocytes.  相似文献   

【背景】高尿酸血症是人体内嘌呤代谢紊乱导致的一种慢性代谢疾病,利用乳酸菌降解嘌呤类物质是辅助治疗高尿酸血症的新方法。【目的】筛选高效降解嘌呤核苷的乳酸菌并对其益生特性进行研究。【方法】利用HPLC法评价乳酸菌对肌苷、鸟苷的降解效果。通过药敏性试验、体外耐受性试验及细胞黏附试验研究目标菌株的益生特性。【结果】筛选出一株发酵乳杆菌(Lactobacillus fermentum) SR2-6,对肌苷和鸟苷的降解率分别为99.26%和98.85%。该菌株对青霉素、氯霉素等5种常见抗生素不具备耐药性,在pH 2.0环境下处理4 h后菌株的存活率为76.51%,在饱腹状态下的人工肠液模拟消化4 h后活菌数仍能达到6.85 lg (CFU/mL),对Caco-2细胞的黏附数为(52.29±15.14) CFU/cell。【结论】发酵乳杆菌SR2-6能够高效降解肌苷和鸟苷且具有优良的益生特性,是预防和治疗高尿酸血症的潜在优势菌株,可作为优势菌种资源应用于相关功能产品的开发。  相似文献   

Interaction of the food colorant acid red 27 with double stranded DNA was investigated using spectroscopic and calorimetric methods. Absorbance and fluorescence studies suggested an intimate binding interaction between the dye and DNA. The quantum efficiency value testified an effective energy transfer from the DNA base pairs to the dye molecules. Minor groove displacement assay with Hoechst 33258 revealed that the binding occurs in the minor groove of DNA. Circular dichroism studies revealed that acid red 27 induces moderate conformational perturbations in DNA. Results of calorimetric studies suggested that the complexation process was driven largely by positive entropic contribution with a smaller favorable enthalpy contribution. The equilibrium constant of the binding was calculated to be (3.04 ± 0.09) × 104 M?1 at 298.15 K. Negative heat capacity value along with the enthalpy–entropy compensation phenomenon established the involvement of dominant hydrophobic forces in the binding process. Differential scanning calorimetry studies presented evidence for an increased thermal stability of DNA on binding of acid red 27. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The growth (increase in height and leaf number) of four grass species was reduced by a −0.5 MPa drought stress, but the performance of an associated herbivore, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), was not affected consistently. The intrinsic rate of increase of R. padi was reduced by drought stress on three grass species, including Dactylis glomerata (L.), but was unaffected on Arrhenatherum elatius (L.). Therefore, there is no general relationship in the effect of plant drought on an insect herbivore, even among closely related host plant species.
2. Drought stress increased the quality of plant phloem sap, as indicated by increased sieve element osmotic pressure and essential amino acid concentrations. Thus, diet quality could not account for the reduced performance of R. padi under drought stress. The concentration of essential amino acids in the phloem of well-watered A. elatius was, however, lower than that of well-watered D. glomerata , correlating with the decreased performance of aphids on well-watered A. elatius .
3. There were no differences in aphid feeding duration between watering treatments or plant species but sap ingestion rates were reduced significantly under drought stress.
4. Using the measure of dietary amino acid concentrations and the estimate of sap ingestion, the essential amino acid flux through aphids was calculated. Compared with the flux through aphids feeding on well-watered D. glomerata , there was a reduction in aphids feeding on drought-stressed D. glomerata and drought-stressed A. elatius due to lower sap ingestion rates. The flux through aphids on well-watered A. elatius was also reduced due to low phloem essential amino acid concentrations. Thus, the performance of an aphid is correlated with the availability and accessibility of essential amino acids.  相似文献   

The pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) incorporated [1-14C]acetate into a phospholipid dienoic fatty acid in a time-dependent manner. In 2-h incubations, the incorporation of radioactivity into the 18:2 fraction was minimal, whereas after 45 h 18:2 was the major fatty acid labeled. Ozonolysis of the isolated dienoic fatty acid methyl ester followed by radio-gas-liquid chromatography showed that radioactivity was associated with fragments containing carbons 1–9 and 13–18. These data established the location of the double bonds in the 9,12 positions and indicated that the entire molecule was labeled from [1-14C]acetate. Tetracycline-treated aphids synthesized linoleic acid in the same proportions as untreated controls. Scanning electron microscopy showed that over 50% of the treated insects had greatly reduced numbers of intracellular symbiotes or lacked them or most of the existing symbiotes had an abnormal appearance. Therefore, we conclude that intracellular symbiotes are not involved in the biosynthesis of linoleic acid in the pea aphid.  相似文献   

The translocation patterns of paclobutrazol and gibberellic acid were studied by applying these plant growth regulators locally to the main or lateral shoots of Sturt's Desert Pea. Paclobutrazol only reduced the growth of shoots to which it was directly applied indicating that it was readily translocated acropetally within a shoot (via xylem) but not basipetally (via phloem), although some phloem translocation has been reported. Gibberellic acid elongated the main shoot and enhanced apical dominance irrespective of the place of application suggesting it is readily translocated both through xylem and phloem. The translocation patterns did not vary between the main or lateral shoots.  相似文献   

The cytosine DNA methylation and demethylation have a role in regulating plant responses to the environment by affecting the promoter regions of most plant defense-related genes through the CpG islands or the CCGG motifs. Salicylic acid, a defense and signaling plant hormone, is seen playing crucial role in the variation of the methylome. In this study, the effects of salicylic acid and feeding of the millet headminer (Heliocheilus albipunctella de Joannis) on pearl millet DNA methylome changes were evaluated through MSAP epigenotyping during panicle development. The results showed that millet headminer feeding increased the level of genomic methylation while application of salicylic acid caused DNA demethylation occurring mostly at external cytosine and accompanied by a decrease of the number of larvae per panicle. This suggests that hemimethylation (external cytosine methylation) has key role in regulating defense responses and conferring tolerance to pearl millet through salicylic acid application.  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌是常见的人类条件致病菌,其生物被膜的形成会增强菌体的耐药性。已有文献报道绿原酸可抑制铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的形成,本研究在此基础上主要探究了其对全局性次级代谢调控系统Gac-Rsm表达的影响。结果显示,绿原酸可抑制铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜形成的能力,降低胞外总多糖合成量,但关键胞外多糖psl的合成酶基因pslA转录未受影响,还可增强Gac-Rsm系统中关键调控因子RsmA的表达水平,降低细胞内关键信使分子环二鸟苷酸(cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate,c-di-GMP)水平。结果表明,绿原酸可通过增强RsmA的表达来抑制铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的形成。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨施钾条件下,蚜虫取食诱导的水杨酸在促进马铃薯Solanum tuberosum抗虫性方面的作用机制,为提高作物抗虫性提供科学依据。【方法】施钾(外施硫酸钾6 g/株)、虫害(桃蚜Myzus persicae取食, 5头成虫/株)、施钾+虫害及外源水杨酸(浓度分别为15, 30和45 μmol/L,喷施量20 mL/株)条件下,测定马铃薯叶片中水杨酸和脯氨酸含量、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性及抗氧化酶[过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)]活性。【结果】结果表明:与未处理对照相比,施钾、虫害、施钾+虫害处理后马铃薯叶片中内源水杨酸含量分别增加了1.1,1.3和1.5倍,PAL活性分别增加了23.3%, 22.3%和35.0%。在施钾、虫害、施钾+虫害3个处理中,施钾+虫害处理的马铃薯叶片中内源水杨酸含量和PAL活性均为最高。用不同浓度外源水杨酸喷施马铃薯叶片,不论是否施钾,用浓度为15 μmol/L水杨酸喷施马铃薯植株后,其SOD活性均显著高于对照组。施钾后除喷施30 μmol/L水杨酸溶液外,喷施15和45 μmol/L水杨酸溶液的马铃薯植株POD活性均显著高于各自对照,活性分别为各自对照的1.7和1.8倍。施钾组中CAT活性在15和30 μmol/L水杨酸喷施后均显著高于对照,分别为对照的1.3和1.5倍。喷施15 μmol/L水杨酸后,马铃薯叶片中脯氨酸含量(1.2 OD/g pro)较对照(0.4 OD/g pro)显著升高。【结论】虫害、施钾+虫害处理均能提高马铃薯叶片中水杨酸含量和PAL活性。15 μmol/L外源水杨酸显著提高了施钾组中POD, SOD和CAT活性及脯氨酸含量,说明15 μmol/L是所用最适水杨酸浓度,该浓度下水杨酸与施钾具有正交互作用。结果提示虫害与施钾共同作用能增强水杨酸信号途径,从而提高植物的抗虫性。  相似文献   

Subirana JA  Anokian E 《Gene》2011,473(2):76-81
A very simple new program is presented (G-SQUARES). It is useful in order to visualize the composition and basic structural features of whole genomes and selected chromosome regions. The frequency of all dimer and tetramer sequences is reported. Overall structural features are calculated, such as the tendency for alternation. A direct visual comparison among different sequences is easily available. Furthermore, the features which are visualized indicate further studies which should be carried out. Examples are presented on Alu sequences, CpG islands, whole eukaryotic and bacterial genomes.  相似文献   

The primary acid product of DPNH   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of the proton magnetic resonance spectra obtained at 220 MHz confirms the axial conformation of the C-6 hydroxyl in the model primary acid product 1-n-(2,6-dichlorobenzyl)-6-hydroxy-1,4,5,6-tetrahydronicotinamide. In the primary acid product of DPNH however the reaction occurs stereospecifically with the substitution at the C-6 position equatorial and on the B-side of the pyridine ring and the C-4A proton axial. A cyclic structure α,O2′-6B cyclotetrahydronicotinamide is proposed for the primary acid product of DPNH, formed by epimerization of βDPNH to the α configuration followed by protonation at C-5 and subsequent attack of the ribose C-2′-OH on the C-6 position forming a new five membered ring.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is commonly found in diabetes. There is an association between small dense low density lipoprotein (LDL) phenotype, which is more prevalent in the diabetic state, and atherosclerosis. Small dense LDL is more easily oxidised and it is possible that fatty acid compositional changes, particularly an increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids, could underlie this association. However, there is little information about fatty acids in the different LDL phenotypes in the literature. This study examined LDL subfraction composition in 18 non-insulin-dependent diabetic (NIDDM) patients and 11 control subjects. LDL was isolated and fractionated into LDL 1, 2 and 3 by density gradient ultracentrifugation. NIDDM patients had significantly more fatty acids in all LDL subfractions than control subjects (P<0.01). Palmitic and linoleic acid were significantly greater in all subfractions in the diabetic patients compared to control subjects (P<0.01) and palmitoleic and oleic acids were also greater in LDL1 and LDL2 in diabetic patients (P<0.01). We conclude that in NIDDM fatty acids are increased in all LDL subfractions and this may be the reason for the increased atherosclerosis in diabetes irrespective of phenotype.  相似文献   

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