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Pollen-tube cell walls are unusual in that they are composed almost entirely of callose, a (1,3)--linked glucan with a few 6-linked branches. Regulation of callose synthesis in pollen tubes is under developmental control, and this contrasts with the deposition of callose in the walls of somatic plant cells which generally occurs only in response to wounding or stress. The callose synthase (uridine-diphosphate glucose: 1,3--d-glucan 3--d-glucosyl transferase, EC activities of membrane preparations from cultured pollen tubes and suspension-cultured cells of Nicotiana alata Link et Otto (ornamental tobacco) exhibited different kinetic and regulatory properties. Callose synthesis by membrane preparations from pollen tubes was not stimulated by Ca2+ or other divalent cations, and exhibited Michaelis-Menten kinetics only between 0.25 mM and 6 mM uridine-diphosphate glucose (K m 1.5–2.5 mM); it was activated by -glucosides and compatible detergents. In contrast, callose synthesis by membrane preparations from suspension-cultured cells was dependent on Ca2+, and in the presence of 2 mM Ca2+ exhibited Michaelis-Menten kinetics above 0.1 mM uridine-diphosphate glucose (K m 0.45 mM); it also required a -glucoside and low levels of compatible detergent for full activity, but was rapidly inactivated at higher levels of detergent. Callose synthase activity in pollen-tube membranes increased ten fold after treatment of the membranes with trypsin in the presence of detergent, with no changes in cofactor requirements. No increase in callose synthase activity, however, was observed when membranes from suspension-cultured cells were treated with trypsin. The insoluble polymeric product of the pollen-tube enzyme was characterised as a linear (1,3)--d-glucan with no 6-linked glucosyl branches, and the same product was synthesised irrespective of the assay conditions employed.Abbreviations Ara l-arabinose - CHAPS 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonia]-1-propane sulphonic acid - DAP diphenylamine-aniline-phosphoric acid stain - Gal d-galactose - Glc d-glucose - Man d-mannose - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethane sulphonic acid - Rha d-rhamnose - Rib d-ribose - TFA trifluoroacetic acid - UDPGlc uridine-diphosphate glucose - Xyl d-xylose This research was supported by funds from a Special Research Centre of the Australian Research Council. H.S. was funded by a Melbourne University Postgraduate Scholarship and an Overseas Postgraduate Research Studentship; S.M.R. was supported by a Queen Elizabeth II Research Fellowship. We thank Bruce McGinness and Susan Mau for greenhouse assistance, and Deborah Delmer and Adrienne Clarke for advice and encouragement throughout this project.  相似文献   

The distribution of cellulose and callose in the walls of pollen tubes and grains of Nicotiana tabacum L. was examined by electron microscopy using gold-labelled cellobiohydrolase for cellulose and a (1,3)-β-D-glucan-specific monoclonal antibody for callose. These probes provided the first direct evidence that cellulose co-locates with callose in the inner, electron-lucent layer of the pollen-tube wall, while both polymers are absent from the outer, fibrillar layer. Neither cellulose nor callose are present in the wall at the pollen-tube tip or in cytoplasmic vesicles. Cellulose is first detected approximately 5–15 μm behind the growing tube tip, just before a visible inner wall layer commences, whereas callose is first observed in the inner wall layer approximately 30 μm behind the tip. Callose was present throughout transverse plugs, whereas cellulose was most abundant towards the outer regions of these plugs. This same distribution of cellulose and callose was also observed in pollen-tube walls of N. alata Link et Otto, Brassica campestris L. and Lilium longiflorum Thunb. In pollen grains of N. tabacum, cellulose is present in the intine layer of the wall throughout germination, but no callose is present. Callose appears in grains by 4 h after germination, increasing in amount over at least the first 18 h, and is located at the interface between the intine and the plasma membrane. This differential distribution of cellulose and callose in both pollen tubes and grains has implications for the nature of the β-glucan biosynthetic machinery. Received: 20 February 1988 / Accepted: 25 March 1998  相似文献   

The callose synthase (CalS) activity of membrane preparations from cultured Nicotiana alata Link & Otto pollen tubes is increased several-fold by treatment with trypsin in the presence of digitonin, possibly due to activation of an inactive (zymogen) form of the enzyme. Active and inactive forms of CalS are also present in stylar-grown tubes. Callose deposition was first detected immediately after germination of pollen grains in liquid medium, at the rim of the germination aperture. During tube growth the 3-linked glucan backbone of callose was deposited at an increasing rate, reaching a maximum of 65 mg h−1 in tubes grown from 1 g pollen. Callose synthase activity was first detected immediately after germination, and then also increased substantially during tube growth. Trypsin caused activation of CalS throughout a 30-h time course of tube growth, but the degree of activation was higher for younger pollen tubes. Over a 10-fold range of callose deposition rates, the assayed CalS activity was sufficient to account for the rate of callose deposition without trypsin activation, implying that the form of CalS active in isolated membranes is responsible for callose deposition in intact pollen tubes. Sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation separated a lighter, intracellular membrane fraction containing only inactive CalS from a heavier, plasma-membrane fraction containing both active and inactive CalS, with younger pollen tubes containing relatively more of the inactive intracellular enzyme. The increasing rate of callose deposition during pollen-tube growth may thus be caused by the transport of inactive forms of CalS from intracellular membranes to the plasma membrane, followed by the regulated activation of these inactive forms in this final location. Received: 1 December 1998 / Accepted: 21 January 1999  相似文献   

The addition of boric acid or calcium, or both boric acid and calcium to the warm water in which the styles were treated led to a further enhancement of pollen tube growth in otherwise incompatible styles. It was established that developing pollen tubes ofOenothera organesis obtain sugar from the stylar tissue through which they grow. The rate of this utilization of endogenous sugar was stimulated by the addition of boric acid. It was further established that with increased pollen tube development there was reduction in callose plugs as well as in content of endogenous stylar sugar.  相似文献   

The callose synthase (UDP-glucose: 1,3-β-d-glucan 3-β-d-glucosyl transferase; EC enzyme (CalS) from pollen tubes of Nicotiana alata Link et Otto is responsible for developmentally regulated deposition of the cell wall polysaccharide callose. Membrane preparations from N. alata pollen tubes grown in liquid culture were fractionated by density-gradient centrifugation. The CalS activity sedimented to the denser regions of the gradient, approximately 1.18 g · ml−1, away from markers for Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and into fractions enriched in ATPase activity and in membranes staining with phosphotungstic acid at low pH. This suggests that pollen-tube CalS is localised in the plasma membrane. Callose synthase activity from membranes enriched by downward centrifugation was solubilised with digitonin, which gave a 3- to 4-fold increase in enzyme activity, and the solubilised activity was then enriched a further 10-fold by product entrapment. The complete procedure gave final CalS specific activities up to 1000-fold higher than those of pollen-tube homogenates. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that several polypeptides co-fractionated with CalS activity through purification, with a polypeptide of 190 kDa being enriched in product-entrapment pellets. Received: 24 September 1997 / Accepted: 12 November 1997  相似文献   

Cellular morphogenesis involves changes to cellular size and shape which in the case of walled cells implies the mechanical deformation of the extracellular matrix. So far, technical challenges have made quantitative mechanical measurements of this process at subcellular scale impossible. We used micro-indentation to investigate the dynamic changes in the cellular mechanical properties during the onset of spatially confined growth activities in plant cells. Pollen tubes are cellular protuberances that have a strictly unidirectional growth pattern. Micro-indentation of these cells revealed that the initial formation of a cylindrical protuberance is preceded by a local reduction in cellular stiffness. Similar cellular softening was observed before the onset of a rapid growth phase in cells with oscillating growth pattern. These findings provide the first quantitative cytomechanical data that confirm the important role of the mechanical properties of the cell wall for local cellular growth processes. They are consistent with a conceptual model that explains pollen tube oscillatory growth based on the relationship between turgor pressure and tensile resistance in the apical cell wall. To further confirm the significance of cell mechanics, we artificially manipulated the mechanical cell wall properties as well as the turgor pressure. We observed that these changes affected the oscillation profile and were able to induce oscillatory behavior in steadily growing tubes.  相似文献   

Summary The wall ofPinus sylvestris pollen and pollen tubes was studied by electron microscopy after both rapid-freeze fixation and freeze-substitution (RF-FS) and chemical fixation. Fluorescent probes and antibodies (JIM7 and JIM5) were used to study the distribution of esterified pectin, acidic pectin and callose. The wall texture was studied on shadow-casted whole mounts of pollen tubes after extraction of the wall matrix. The results were compared to current data of angiosperms. TheP. sylvestris pollen wall consists of a sculptured and a nonsculptured exine. The intine consists of a striated outer layer, that stretches partly over the pollen tube wall at the germination side, and a striated inner layer, which is continuous with the pollen tube wall and is likely to be partly deposited after germination. Variable amounts of callose are present in the entire intine. No esterified pectin is detected in the intine and acidic pectin is present in the outer intine layer only. The wall of the antheridial cell contains callose, but no pectin is detectable. The wall between antheridial and tube cell contains numerous plasmodesmata and is bordered by coated pits, indicating intensive communication with the tube cell. Callose and esterified pectin are present in the tip and the younger parts of the pollen tubes, but both ultimately disappear from the tube. Sometimes traces in the form of bands remain present. No acidic pectin is detected in either tip or tube. The wall of the pollen tube tip has a homogenous appearance, but gradually attains a fibrillar character at aging, perhaps because of the disappearance of callose and pectin. No secondary wall formation or callose lining can be seen wilh the electron microscope. The densily of the cellulose microfibrils (CMF) is much lower in the tip than in the tube. Both show CMF in all but axial and nontransverse orientations. In conclusion,P. sylvestris and angiosperm pollen tubes share the presence of esterified pectin in the tip, the oblique orientations of the CMF, and the gradual differentiation of the pollen tube wall, indicating a possible relation to tip growth. The presence of acidic pectin and the deposition of a secondary-wall or callose layer in angiosperms but not inP. sylvestris indicales that these characteristics are not related to tip growth, but probably represent adaptations to the fast and intrastylar growth of angiosperms.Abbreviations CMF cellulose microfibrils - II inner intine - NE nonsculptured exine - OI outer intine - RF-FS rapid-freeze fixation freeze-substitution - SE sculptured exine - SER smooth endoplasmic reliculum - SV secretory vesicles  相似文献   

Trivalent chromium has previously been found to effectively inhibit kiwifruit pollen tube emergence and elongation in vitro . In the present study, a photometric measure of increases in tube wall production during germination showed that 25 and 50 μ m CrCl3 treatment induced a substantial reduction in levels of polysaccharides in walls over those in controls. Moreover, chromium-treated kiwifruit pollen tubes had irregular and indented cell walls. Callose, the major tube wall polysaccharide, was deposited in an anomalous punctuate pattern. Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), which are integral in maintaining correct tube growth and shape in kiwifruit pollen, were found to be strongly altered in their distribution after CrCl3 treatment compared to control tube walls. Transmission electron microscopy–immunogold analysis using four monoclonal antibodies (JIM8, JIM13, JIM14 and MAC207) revealed discontinuous AGP distribution within the treated tube walls. Such clearly discernable alterations in the molecular and morphological architecture of pollen tube walls may be detrimental in vivo for the male gametophyte to accomplish its vital role in the fertilisation process.  相似文献   

Summary The permeability of pollen grains, pollen tubes and generative cells of Helleborus foetidus and Galanthus nivalis has been investigated using four probes spanning a wide range of molecular weights: 4,6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI; mol.wt. 350). Evans blue (mol.wt. 960), FITC-dextran (average mol.wt. 19400) and FITC-albumin (average mol.wt. 67000). DAPI penetrated into the vegetative cells of desiccated and hydrated pollen, and also entered growing pollen tubes. In contrast, the generative cells of hydrated pollen and of pollen tubes were highly resistant to penetration, as they were when isolated in osmotically balancing medium. Evans blue failed to enter intact generative cells under any of the conditions tested. The dye ultimately entered the vegetative cells of some pollen grains, but these were non-germinable. Growing pollen tubes invariably resisted penetration. Neither of the high molecular weight conjugates entered germinable pollen grains or intact pollen tubes. The results suggest that it is highly unlikely that DNA fragments of high molecular weight can enter viable pollen, pollen tubes or generative cells under any normal conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of different external factors on pollen germination and pollen tube growth is well documented for several species. On the other hand the consequences of these factors on the division of the generative nucleus and the formation of callose plugs are less known. In this study we report the effect of medium pH, 2-[N-morpholino]ethanesulfonic acid (MES) buffer, sucrose concentration, partial substitution of sucrose by polyethyleneglycol (PEG) 6000, arginine (Arg), and pollen density on the following parameters: pollen germination, pollen tube length, division of the generative nucleus, and the formation of callose plugs. We also studied the different developmental processes in relation to time. The optimal pH for all parameters tested was 6.7. In particular, the division of the generative nucleus and callose plug deposition were inhibited at lower pH values. MES buffer had a toxic effect; both pollen germination and pollen tube length were lowered. MES buffer also influenced migration of the male germ unit (MGU), the second mitotic division, and the formation of callose plugs. A sucrose concentration of 10% was optimal for pollen germination, pollen tube growth rate and final pollen tube length, as well as for division of the generative nucleus and the production of callose plugs. Partial substitution of sucrose by PEG 6000 had no influence on pollen germination and pollen tube length. However, in these pollen tubes the MGU often did not migrate and no callose plugs were observed. Pollen tube growth was independent of the migration of the MGU and the deposition of callose plugs. In previous experiments Arg proved to be positive for the division of the generative nucleus in pollen tubes cultured in vitro. Here, we found that more pollen tubes had callose plugs and more callose plugs per pollen tube were produced on medium with Arg. After the MGU migrated into the pollen tube (1 h after cultivation), callose plugs were deposited (3 h). After 8 h the first sperm cells were produced. The MGU moved away from the active pollen tube tip until the second pollen mitosis occurred, thereafter the distance from the MGU to the pollen tube tip diminished. Callose plug deposition never started prior to MGU migration into the pollen tube. Pollen tubes without a MGU also lack callose plugs (±30% of the total number of pollen tubes). Furthermore, we found a correlation between the occurrence of sperm cells in pollen tubes and the synthesis of callose plugs.  相似文献   

Ethylene biology. More than a gas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Chang C  Bleecker AB 《Plant physiology》2004,136(2):2895-2899

The NaGSL1 gene has been proposed to encode the callose synthase (CalS) enzyme from Nicotiana alata pollen tubes based on its similarity to fungal 1,3-beta-glucan synthases and its high expression in pollen and pollen tubes. We have used a biochemical approach to link the NaGSL1 protein with CalS enzymic activity. The CalS enzyme from N. alata pollen tubes was enriched over 100-fold using membrane fractionation and product entrapment. A 220 kDa polypeptide, the correct molecular weight to be NaGSL1, was specifically detected by anti-GSL antibodies, was specifically enriched with CalS activity, and was the most abundant polypeptide in the CalS-enriched fraction. This polypeptide was positively identified as NaGSL1 using both MALDI-TOF MS and LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis of tryptic peptides. Other low-abundance polypeptides in the CalS-enriched fractions were identified by MALDI-TOF MS as deriving from a 103 kDa plasma membrane H+-ATPase and a 60 kDa beta-subunit of mitochondrial ATPase, both of which were deduced to be contaminants in the product-entrapped material. These analyses thus suggest that NaGSL1 is required for CalS activity, although other smaller (<30 kDa) or low-abundance proteins could also be involved.  相似文献   

Summary A polyclonal antibody against -1,3-glucan, callose, extracted from the pollen tube wall ofCamellia japonica was raised in mice and, using it as a probe, the localization of callose in the germinated pollen was studied. By confocal laser scanning microscopy, callose was found in the tip region of the pollen tube and the tube wall; the immuno-fluorescence in the tube wall was less toward the base of the tube. In contrast, the tip region did not fluoresce although the whole of the tube wall did strongly with aniline blue, the specific dye for callose. Immuno-electron microscopy showed that callose was also found in Golgi vesicles which concentrated in the tip region of the pollen tube, the inner layer of the tube wall, callose plugs, and Golgi vesicles in the pollen grain. Immuno-gold labeling was often detected on the fibrous structures in Golgi vesicles and callose plugs. Based on these results, the participation of Golgi vesicles in the formation of the tube wall and callose plugs was discussed.Abbreviation TBS Tris-buffered saline - Tris Tris(hydroxy-methyl)-aminomethane - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - BSA bovine serum albumin - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - CLSM confocal laser scanning microscopy - DP degree of polymerization  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility (SI) in Papaver rhoeas triggers a ligand-mediated signal transduction cascade, resulting in the inhibition of incompatible pollen tube growth. Using a cytomechanical approach we have demonstrated that dramatic changes to the mechanical properties of incompatible pollen tubes are stimulated by SI induction. Microindentation revealed that SI resulted in a reduction of cellular stiffness and an increase in cytoplasmic viscosity. Whereas the former cellular response is likely to be the result of a drop in cellular turgor, we hypothesize that the latter is caused by as yet unidentified cross-linking events. F-actin rearrangements, a characteristic phenomenon for SI challenge in Papaver, displayed a spatiotemporal gradient along the pollen tube; this suggests that signal propagation occurs in a basipetal direction. However, unexpectedly, local application of SI inducing S-protein did not reveal any evidence for localized signal perception in the apical or subapical regions of the pollen tube. To our knowledge this represents the first mechanospatial approach to study signal propagation and cellular responses in a well-characterized plant cell system. Our data provide the first evidence for mechanical changes induced in the cytoplasm of a plant cell stimulated by a defined ligand.  相似文献   

The Gram stain, the most important stain in microbiology, was described more than a century ago. Only within the past decade, however, has an understanding of its mechanism emerged. It now seems clear that the cell wall of Gram-positive microorganisms is responsible for retention of a crystal violet:iodine complex. In Gram-negative cells, the staining procedures damage the cell surface resulting in loss of dye complexes. Gram-positive microorganisms require a relatively thick cell wall, irrespective of composition, to retain the dye. Therefore, Gramstainability is a function of the cell wall and is not related to chemistry of cell constituents. This review provides a chronology of the Gram stain and discusses its recently discovered mechanism.  相似文献   

In plant cells, microtubule-based motor proteins have not been characterized to the same degree as in animal cells; therefore, it is not yet clear whether the movement of organelles and vesicles is also dependent on the microtubular cytoskeleton. In this work the kinesinimmunoreactive homologue from pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum L. has been purified and biochemically characterized. The protein preparation mainly contained a polypeptide with a relative molecular weight of approx. 100 kDa. This polypeptide bound to animal microtubules in an ATP-dependent manner and it further copurified with an ATPase activity fourfold-stimulated by the presence of microtubules. In addition, the sedimentation coefficient (approx. 9S) was similar to those previously shown for other kinesins. Immunofluorescence analyses revealed a partial co-distribution of the protein with microtubules in the pollen tube. These data clearly indicate that several properties of the kinesin-immunoreactive homologue are similar to those of kinesin proteins, and suggest that molecular mechanisms analogous to those of animal cells may drive the microtubule-based motility of organelles and vesicles in plants.Abbreviations AE-LPLC anion-exchange low-pressure liquid chromatography - AMPPNP 5-adenylylimidodiphosphate - PKH pollen kinesin homologue - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

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