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Explants of the Indo-Pacific sponge Pseudosuberites aff. andrewsi were fed with the microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana and Rhodomonas sp. It was microscopically observed that these algae were ingested and digested by the sponge cells, suggesting that they were consumed by the sponges. The algae were further used for two growth experiments with five explants of P. aff. andrewsi and four explants of P. andrewsi. Growth was measured as the increase in projected body area. The explants showed considerable growth (up to 730% in 54 days for P. aff. andrewsi and up to 680% in 22 days for P. andrewsi), which is much higher than previously reported growth rates for sponges. Growth started after a stationary phase of 5–20 days in which the projected body area did not increase. The growth of P. aff. andrewsi appeared to be linear and was inhibited at the end of the experiment. Two explants of P. andrewsi showed exponential growth instead of linear growth. Hence, no general statements about the growth kinetics of these sponges can be made at this time. However, the high growth rates found in this study suggest a promising future for cultivation of sponges in closed systems.  相似文献   

A large number of novel compounds with significant medical potential have been isolated from sponges, motivating efforts to develop techniques for the sustainable cultivation of sponge biomass. To date, 33 sponges from nine different orders have been examined to assess their ability to be cultured in vitro. However, little consideration has been given to the relationships between these sponges; only one report has considering the phylogenetic relationships between the species. On the basis of morphological data, no taxonomic specificity was apparent as an indicator for the successful cultivation of the sponges. As the systematic classification of the Demospongiae is poorly understood, we collated available information on the success of in vitro sponge cell cultivation reports and examined the phylogenetic relationships of these sponges through the use of 18S and 28S rDNA sequence data. Based on molecular data, the ability of sponges to form primary aggregates from the dissociated cells of marine demosponges indicates that taxonomic trends may exist, emphasizing the need to better characterize sponges being investigated for biotechnological applications. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In vitro culture is one possible method for supplying sponge metabolites for pharmaceutical applications, but appropriate feeding regimens that maximize both growth and metabolite biosynthesis are largely unknown. According to the natural concentration (NC) of cells 1 to 50 µm in size that are available to wild Axinella corrugata, we fed explants a multispecific diet of bacteria, microalgae, and yeast at 4 different concentrations: 1NC, 3NC, 5NC, and 5+1NC (the last consisted of 5 NC of bacteria and 1 NC of microalgae and yeast). Explants fed a 3NC diet had the best culture response, growing on average from 8.5 g to 10.3 g in 8 weeks, and showing a 110% increase in concentration (milligrams per gram of dry weight) of the antitumor compound stevensine. Stevensine production in 3NC explants, representing the total milligrams of metabolite per explant, increased by 157% over the study. Explants fed at 1NC had relatively stable weights, indicating that the diet met metabolic costs only. Explants fed at the two highest concentrations lost weight after 4 weeks, possibly because long-term high cell concentration blocked their aquiferous system, reducing their ability to feed efficiently. Stevensine production in explants fed the 1NC, 5NC, or 5+1NC diets were similar, and varied little from the initial amount. A separate experiment showed that the clearance rate for A. corrugata is similar between the examined food types and cell concentrations over 5 hours, averaging 766 ml h–1 g DW–1.Overall, this study demonstrates that relatively small changes in food abundance can greatly affect both sponge growth and metabolite biosynthesis. The good growth and increased production of the target metabolite stevensine for A. corrugata explants fed a 3NC diet suggests that in vitro culture is a viable method of supplying some sponge metabolites.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on prey consumption and growth in mass of juvenile trahira Hoplias aff. malabaricus were investigated. Consumption of small-sized lambari Astyanax altiparanae (mean standard length, L S, 5·43 cm) varied from zero to 65 over a period of 30 days. Temperatures ranged from 14 to 34° C and the size of trahiras ranged from 17·5 to 24·7 cm L S. Prey consumption differed significantly among temperatures. Trahiras at 18° C consumed significantly less than those at 30° C. A linear multiple regression model including temperature, prey consumption and L S explained 89·4% of the variability in growth in mass. Some caution is suggested when inferring the impact of H. aff. malabaricus piscivory on assemblage structures in systems that, despite their location in tropical regions, are subjected to seasonal thermal variations.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the mechanism(s) by which 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6- tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) and its active metabolite 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) cause parkinsonism in humans and other primates has prompted consideration of possible endogenous MPTP/MPP(+)-like neurotoxins in the etiology of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Here we examined inhibition of mitochondrial respiration in vitro and neurotoxicity in rats in vivo produced by beta-carbolinium compounds that are presumed to form following Pictet-Spengler cyclization of serotonin. We also evaluated N-methylisoquinolinium, a putative endogenous neurotoxin, in the same manner. The latter compound exhibited MPP(+)-like mitochondrial respiratory inhibition, whereas the beta-carbolinium compounds, although more potent inhibitors of electron transport, exhibited weak accumulation-dependent enhancement of inhibition in intact mitochondria. It is interesting that the beta-carbolinium compounds inhibited succinate- as well as glutamate-supported respiration, and are best described as inhibitor-uncouplers. The results of partitioning experiments suggest that both the low accumulation potential and the inhibition of succinate respiration may be a consequence of the beta-carboliniums being in equilibrium with neutral "anhydro" bases. Relative to MPP+, all compounds tested had weak dopaminergic uptake activity in vitro and weak dopaminergic toxicity in vivo, consistent with other findings of relatively low neurotoxic potential for presumed endogenous pyridiniums.  相似文献   

The breeding behaviour and distribution of tucunaré Cichla aff. monoculus were studied for 2 months during the breeding season in the Paraguá River, Bolivia. Tucunaré were more abundant in the old remnant channels and isolated lakes than in the main river channel. The breeding period was delayed for c . 1 month in the river compared to the old remnant channels and lakes. The batch fecundity ranged between 3712 and 10 355 for females weighing 460 and 1380 g, respectively. Gonad analysis of egg-guarding or juvenile-guarding females showed that a female was able to spawn more than once during the breeding season. Nests were significantly larger and deeper in the isolated lakes than in the old remnant channels and in the main river. The maximum depth of the nests also differed significantly, being deeper in the isolated lakes than in the river channel and in the old remnant channels.  相似文献   

Experiments examined the effects of peripheral and central administration of the vesicular acetylcholine transport blocker vesamicol (AH5183) on the content, synthesis, and release of acetylcholine in the rat brain in vivo. In time course studies, a single intraperitoneal dose of DL-vesamicol (5 mg/kg) rapidly and reversibly (within 2 h) doubled the content of acetylcholine in the striatum and hippocampus, without affecting choline levels or the rate of transmitter synthesis. In microdialysis experiments, the same peripheral dose of drug produced a reversible 55% reduction in endogenous striatal acetylcholine release. A similar inhibitory effect was produced by direct intrastriatal perfusion with vesamicol. Moreover, this effect of vesamicol was (a) concentration-dependent and saturable (EC50 = 68 nM), (b) rapidly reversible, (c) stereospecific for the L-isomer, and (d) poorly mimicked by a vesamicol analog with lower plasma membrane permeability. This profile of effects is consistent with an interaction with a specific vesamicol receptor as defined by previous in vitro binding studies. These results support a functional role for vesamicol receptors in modulating central cholinergic transmission in vivo.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes are potent biopesticides that can be mass-produced by in vitro or in vivo methods. For in vivo production, consistently high infection rates are critical to efficiency of the process. Our objective was to optimize in vivo inoculation of Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in Galleria mellonella and Tenebrio molitor by determining effects of inoculation method, nematode concentration, and host density. We found immersing hosts in a nematode suspension to be approximately four times more efficient in time than pipeting inoculum onto the hosts. The number of hosts exhibiting signs of nematode infection increased with nematode concentration and decreased with host density per unit area. This is the first report indicating an effect of host density on inoculation efficiency. We did not detect an effect of nematode inoculum concentration on nematode yield per host or per gram of host. Yield was affected by host density in one of the four nematode-host combinations (S. carpocapsae and T. molitor). We conclude that optimization of inoculation parameters is a necessary component of developing an in vivo production system for entomopathogenic nematodes.  相似文献   

To determine the role of the liver in the elimination of free radicals from the body, the clearance rate (K) of nitroxide radicals (Tempol) at the hepatic domain was compared with that at the pelvic domain of live mice, using L-band ESR spectroscopy. The reduction of Ternpol in biopsy specimens (liver tissue and femoral muscle) and blood obtained from Tempol-treated mice was also monitored using X-band ESR spectroscopy. Results indicated that the reduction of nitroxide radicals was delayed in both the liver and peripheral tissues when the liver was damaged. The decrease in both blood supply and reductants in the damaged liver might be involved in delaying the reduction in the whole body, because the liver can reduce the radicals supplied via the blood from the peripheral tissues, and the reductants such as reduced glutathione in the peripheral tissues are supplied from the liver.  相似文献   

In vivo microdialysis was used in conjunction with a novel dual-label preloading method, to monitor changes in extracellular levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate in the striatum of conscious, unrestrained rats. [3H]GABA and [14C]glutamate were applied in the dialysis stream for a preloading period of 30 min, after which dialysis perfusion was continued for up to 6 h, and dialysate samples were collected for scintillation counting. Veratridine (Vtd: 100 microM in the dialysate) caused significant rises in both 3H and 14C content measured in the dialysates, the majority of which remained associated with the preload GABA and glutamate, respectively. The Vtd-stimulated release of GABA and glutamate measured in this way was blocked by tetrodotoxin and was Ca2+ dependent. Thus, by reproducing results obtained using other techniques, we have shown that the preloading method provides a quick and reliable method for measuring the effects of drugs on the release of neurotransmitter GABA and glutamate in vivo by dyalisis. It should enable sample times as low as 1 min to be used, thus allowing resolution of transient stimulated responses taking place over a time course of minutes.  相似文献   

The effects of active oxygen species on the in vivo activity of recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) treated by Fenton system, xanthine (X) plus xanthine oxidase (XO) system and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been studied by means of counting the increase in number of hemolyser-resistant cells (HRCs) in EPO-injected mice. The results showed that both Fenton and X plus XO systems caused a significant reduction of the activity in proportion to the concentration of generated active oxygen species. Meanwhile, the treatment of EPO with H2O2 alone resulted in a relatively slight reduction of the activity. Electrophoretic studies on the structure of EPO revealed that its main protein band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAGE) disappeared in proportion with the extent of exposure to active oxygen generating systems. Both Fenton and X plus XO systems caused a significant loss of fluorescence in the pyridylamino (PA-) sugar chain in proportion to the concentration of generated active oxygen species, and no degradation products in the sugar chain part of the PA-sugar chain were detected. This showed that aromatic groups in EPO were sensitive to attack by active oxygen species. These results provide evidence that hydroxyl radical and other active oxygen species have a potential to react with EPO, leading to a reduction of its in vivo activity.  相似文献   

The mammalian inner ear has 6 distinct sensory epithelia: 3 cristae in the ampullae of the semicircular canals; maculae in the utricle and saccule; and the organ of Corti in the coiled cochlea. The cristae and maculae contain vestibular hair cells that transduce mechanical stimuli to subserve the special sense of balance, while auditory hair cells in the organ of Corti are the primary transducers for hearing 1. Cell fate specification in these sensory epithelia and morphogenesis of the semicircular canals and cochlea take place during the second week of gestation in the mouse and are largely completed before birth 2,3. Developmental studies of the mouse inner ear are routinely conducted by harvesting transgenic embryos at different embryonic or postnatal stages to gain insight into the molecular basis of cellular and/or morphological phenotypes 4,5. We hypothesize that gene transfer to the developing mouse inner ear in utero in the context of gain- and loss-of-function studies represents a complimentary approach to traditional mouse transgenesis for the interrogation of the genetic mechanisms underlying mammalian inner ear development6.The experimental paradigm to conduct gene misexpression studies in the developing mouse inner ear demonstrated here resolves into three general steps: 1) ventral laparotomy; 2) transuterine microinjection; and 3) in vivo electroporation. Ventral laparotomy is a mouse survival surgical technique that permits externalization of the uterus to gain experimental access to the implanted embryos7. Transuterine microinjection is the use of beveled, glass capillary micropipettes to introduce expression plasmid into the lumen of the otic vesicle or otocyst. In vivo electroporation is the application of square wave, direct current pulses to drive expression plasmid into progenitor cells8-10. We previously described this electroporation-based gene transfer technique and included detailed notes on each step of the protocol11. Mouse experimental embryological techniques can be difficult to learn from prose and still images alone. In the present work, we demonstrate the 3 steps in the gene transfer procedure. Most critically, we deploy digital video microscopy to show precisely how to: 1) identify embryo orientation in utero; 2) reorient embryos for targeting injections to the otocyst; 3) microinject DNA mixed with tracer dye solution into the otocyst at embryonic days 11.5 and 12.5; 4) electroporate the injected otocyst; and 5) label electroporated embryos for postnatal selection at birth. We provide representative examples of successfully transfected inner ears; a pictorial guide to the most common causes of otocyst mistargeting; discuss how to avoid common methodological errors; and present guidelines for writing an in utero gene transfer animal care protocol.  相似文献   

A new technology called in vivo spectrophotometry was applied to the quantitative determination of the variations in local acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities. Repeated measurements of the enzyme activities in the same live animal allowed the study of the in vivo inhibition of AChE by amitriptyline. Interactions between AChE and this tricyclic antidepressant were investigated at the striatal level in anesthetized rats. In this anesthetized model, AChE assays were shown to be stable for approximately 8 h. The dose-effect relationship was explored in the 2.5- to 50-mg/kg amitriptyline range. A reversible inhibition was observed after acute amitriptyline administration. The maximum of inhibition appeared between 90 and 210 min after the intoxication and reached up to 22% for the 50-mg/kg dose. The threshold dose was established as 8 mg/kg. Evidence for an indirect interaction between tricyclic antidepressant and AChE was demonstrated when the total integrity of the biological system was preserved.  相似文献   

This study on the phosphorylation in vivo of membrane proteins in cerebral cortices of infant rats reports the identification of the adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-sensitive phosphoprotein B-50 as one of the substrate proteins that are rapidly phosphorylated in vivo following intracisternal administration of 2 mCi [32P]orthophosphate. Rats were sacrificed 30 min after isotope injection. A fraction enriched in membranes, designated neural membranes (NM), was isolated from the cerebral cortices according to the procedure used for preparation of synaptic plasma membranes (SPM) from adult brain. This NM fraction was characterized by electron microscopy. The proteins of NM were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Numerous protein bands of NM in infant rat brain were phosphorylated in vivo. Attention was focussed on the 32P-labeled protein bands in the molecular weight range of 47K-67K. In this region one phosphoprotein band (MW 48K) was more highly labeled than the other bands. The electrophoretic behavior of three of these labeled bands, designated a, c, and e (MW 48K, 55K, and 62K, respectively) was compared with that of protein bands that were phosphorylated in vitro in cerebral membranes isolated from noninjected infant rats. The effects of ACTH1-24 and cyclic AMP in the in vitro system were also studied to probe for the presence of specific membrane proteins known to be sensitive to these modulators. On incubation of NM with [gamma-32P)ATP in the presence and absence of ACTH1-24 in vitro, phosphorylation of a 48K protein band was inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by the neuropeptide. Two-dimensional electrophoretic separation of NM proteins labeled in vivo indicated that the 48K band had an isoelectric point of 4.5, identical to that of the ACTH-sensitive B-50 protein previously identified. Cyclic AMP stimulated phosphorylation in vitro of two protein bands (MW 55K and 59K) in NM preparations. This result indicates that the in vivo labeled band c may correspond to the cyclic AMP-sensitive 55K protein, whereas phosphoprotein band e, labeled in vivo, appears to be different from the cyclic AMP-sensitive 59K protein band. These observations indicate that neural membranes isolated from infant rat cerebral cortices contain a variety of proteins that can be phosphorylated in vivo. Several of these, for example, the 48K protein band, have the properties of synaptic plasma membrane proteins of adult rat brain that have been characterized by their sensitivity to neuromodulators in endogenous phosphorylating systems in vitro.  相似文献   

An involvement of the mesolimbic dopamine (DA) system in mediating the motivational effects of opioids has been suggested. Accordingly, the present study employed the technique of in vivo microdialysis to examine the effects of selective mu-, delta-, and kappa- opioids on DA release in the nucleus accumbens (NAC) of anesthetized rats. Microdialysis probes were inserted into the NAC and perfusates were analyzed for DA and its metabolites, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DO-PAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA), using a reverse-phase HPLC system with electrochemical detection for separation and quantification. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of selective mu-opioid [D-Ala2, N-methyl-Phe4, Gly5-ol]-enkephalin (DAMGO) or delta-opioid [D-Pen2, D-Pen5]-enkephalin (DPDPE) agonists, at doses that function as positive reinforcers in rats, resulted in an immediate and significant increase in extracellular DA. DOPAC and HVA levels were also significantly increased. The effects of DAMGO were blocked by the selective mu-antagonist D-Pen-Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Orn-Thr-Pen-Thr-NH2 (CTOP) whereas those of DPDPE were blocked by the delta-antagonist allyl2-Tyr-Aib-Aib-Phe-Leu-OH (ICI 174,864). In contrast to mu- and delta-agonists, the kappa-agonist N-CH3-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-N-CH3-Arg-D-Leu-NHC2H5 (E-2078), a dynorphin analog that produces aversive states, decreased DA release in a biphasic manner. Norbinaltorphimine, a selective kappa-antagonist, could block this effect. These results demonstrate that mu-, delta-, and kappa-opioid agonists differentially affect DA release in the NAC and this action is centrally mediated.  相似文献   

Microvoltammetric electrodes implanted in the caudate nucleus of the anesthetized rat have been used to monitor dopamine released following electrical stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle. These electrodes are fabricated from unmodified carbon fibers and have been used with normal pulse voltammetry. Dopamine appears in the vicinity of the electrode when the stimulation is initiated, and disappears almost immediately when the stimulation is terminated. The data suggest that the effective diffusion distance is less than 100 micron. Postmortem analysis using liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection shows that dopamine released in this manner is metabolized to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC); however, neither substance is observed electrochemically in the extracellular fluid within seconds after the stimulation. In addition, inhibitors of neuronal uptake of dopamine, amphetamine (1.8 or 15 mg X kg-1) or benztropine (25 mg X kg-1), or of dopamine metabolism, pargyline (150 mg X kg-1) or tropolone (100 mg X kg-1), do not significantly affect the rate at which dopamine disappears from extracellular fluid, although they can affect the amount released. These results suggest that dopamine cannot freely diffuse in the extracellular fluid because an extraneuronal uptake mechanism exists that clears dopamine from extracellular fluid into an extraneuronal pool where metabolism to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid occurs. Dopamine can be observed during electrical stimulation of the ascending fibers because neuronal and extraneuronal uptake systems are unable to remove dopamine on these short time scales.  相似文献   

SCH 39166 [(-)-trans-6,7,7a,8,9, 13b-hexahydro-3-chloro-2-hydroxy-N-methyl-5H-benzo-[d]naphtho[2, 1b]azepine] has recently been described as a selective D1 antagonist and has entered clinical trials for the treatment of schizophrenia. The tritiated analogue of this compound, [3H]SCH 39166, has now been synthesized and characterized for its in vitro and in vivo binding profiles. [3H]SCH 39166 binds to D1 receptors in a saturable, high-affinity fashion, with a KD of 0.79 nM. In competition studies, D1-selective antagonists like SCH 23390 displaced the binding of [3H]SCH 39166 with nanomolar affinities, whereas antagonists of other receptors exhibited poor affinity. In vivo, [3H]SCH 39166 bound to receptors in rat striatum in a fashion suggestive of D1 selectivity. Further, when the time course for the binding of [3H]SCH 39166 was compared with the behavioral time course of the unlabeled compound, the two durations of action were virtually indistinguishable. Similar studies were performed for SCH 23390 and its tritiated analogue, but the in vivo binding of this radioligand exhibited a duration of action far greater than the behavioral activity of the unlabeled drug. In concert, these data demonstrate that [3H]SCH 39166 selectively labels D1 receptors in vitro and in vivo, and that this drug is superior for in vivo imaging of the D1 receptor.  相似文献   

Spontaneous activity and responses to sensory stimulation in ventrobasal (VB) thalamic neurons were studied in barbiturate-anesthetized rats through intracellular recordings. The recordings were carried out with micropipettes filled with K acetate, KCl plus horseradish peroxidase (HRP), our KCl plus biocytin. Two types of spontaneous depolarizing events were observed: fast potentials (FPs), characterized by a low amplitude (5.3 ± 1.8 mV [mean and standard deviation]), a fast rising slope (1.15 ± 0.19 msec), and a short duration (8.47 ± 0.89 msec); and slow potentials (SPs), characterized by a larger and more variable amplitude (9.1 ± 5.6 mV) and a longer duration (62.5 ± 27.2 msec), with a slower rising slope (26.2 ± 6.4 msec). The potential changes elicited by sensory stimuli delivered manually were similar to those elicited by electronically gated short air jets to the receptive fields. FPs were evoked by sensory stimulation in 62.7% of the recorded neurons, and SPs in the remaining 37.3%. Both types of events could occur spontaneously in the same neuron, but only one of them was triggered by stimulation of the receptive field. Five neurons that were successfully stained with either HRP or biocytin were studied in detail. AH were medium-sized stellate cells, with spine-like appendages sparsely distributed along slender radiating dendrites. The axons took a rostrolateral course across the VB, and all but one left one or two thin collaterals in the reticular thalamic nucleus. No overt morphological differences were observed between VB neurons that responded with FPS or SPs to sensory stimulation.  相似文献   

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