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Molecular Identification of Potentially Probiotic Lactobacilli   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes are useful for the identification of Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. gasseri, L. johnsonii, L. crispatus, and L. amylovorus. However, the oligonucleotide probe designed for L. helveticus hybridized with nucleic acids of type strains of L. gallinarum and L. helveticus. Hence, the similarity among the 73 strains of lactobacilli was evaluated on the basis of their randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles derived from five single-primer reactions. These strains were grouped into seven clusters at a similarity level of 30%, which corresponded to six separate species of the L. acidophilus complex (L. johnsonii, L. gallinarum, L. amylovorus, L. crispatus, L. acidophilus, and L. gasseri, respectively) and L. helveticus. For the first time, strains of L. gallinarum were characterized by RAPD and PFGE analyses. The genome length in that species was estimated to be near 1.45 Mb with the summation of ApaI fragments, and near 1.95 Mb with the summation of SmaI fragments. Received: 1 July 1999 / Accepted: 2 August 1999  相似文献   

Acid adaptation of Streptococcus mutans UA159 involves several different mechanisms, including the ability to alter its proportion of long-chain, monounsaturated membrane fatty acids (R. G. Quivey, Jr., R. Faustoferri, K. Monahan, and R. Marquis, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 189:89-92, 2000). In the present study, we examined the mechanism and timing of changes in fatty acid ratios and the potential benefit that an increased proportion of long-chained fatty acids has for the organism during growth at low pH. Cells taken from steady-state cultures at intermediate pH values of 6.5, 6, and 5.5 showed incremental changes from the short-chained, saturated membrane fatty acid profile normally seen in pH 7 cultures to the long-chained, monounsaturated fatty acids more typically observed in acidic cultures (pH 5). Our observations showed that the bacterium was capable of effecting the majority of changes in approximately 20 min, far less than one generation time. However, reversion to the distribution of fatty acids seen in cells growing at a pH of 7 required a minimum of 10 generations. Fatty acid composition analysis of cells taken from cultures treated with chloramphenicol suggested that the changes in fatty acid distribution did not require de novo protein synthesis. Cells treated with the fatty acid biosynthesis inhibitor cerulenin were unable to alter their membrane fatty acid profiles and were unable to survive severe acidification. Results presented here indicate that membrane fatty acid redistribution is important for low pH survival and, as such, is a component of the S. mutans acid-adaptation arsenal.  相似文献   

Summary: Lactobacilli have been crucial for the production of fermented products for centuries. They are also members of the mutualistic microbiota present in the human gastrointestinal and urogenital tract. Recently, increasing attention has been given to their probiotic, health-promoting capacities. Many human intervention studies demonstrating health effects have been published. However, as not all studies resulted in positive outcomes, scientific interest arose regarding the precise mechanisms of action of probiotics. Many reported mechanistic studies have addressed mainly the host responses, with less attention being focused on the specificities of the bacterial partners, notwithstanding the completion of Lactobacillus genome sequencing projects, and increasing possibilities of genomics-based and dedicated mutant analyses. In this emerging and highly interdisciplinary field, microbiologists are facing the challenge of molecular characterization of probiotic traits. This review addresses the advances in the understanding of the probiotic-host interaction with a focus on the molecular microbiology of lactobacilli. Insight into the molecules and genes involved should contribute to a more judicious application of probiotic lactobacilli and to improved screening of novel potential probiotics.  相似文献   

With the aim of developing new functional foods, a traditional product, the table olive, was used as a vehicle for incorporating probiotic bacterial species. Survival on table olives of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (three strains), Lactobacillus paracasei (two strains), Bifidobacterium bifidum (one strain), and Bifidobacterium longum (one strain) at room temperature was investigated. The results obtained using a selected olive sample demonstrated that bifidobacteria and one strain of L. rhamnosus (Lactobacillus GG) showed a good survival rate, with a recovery of about 106 CFU g−1 after 30 days. The Lactobacillus GG population remained unvaried until the end of the experiment, while a slight decline (to about 105 CFU g−1) was observed for bifidobacteria. High viability, with more than 107 CFU g−1, was observed throughout the 3-month experiment for L. paracasei IMPC2.1. This strain, selected for its potential probiotic characteristics and for its lengthy survival on olives, was used to validate table olives as a carrier for transporting bacterial cells into the human gastrointestinal tract. L. paracasei IMPC2.1 was recovered from fecal samples in four out of five volunteers fed 10 to 15 olives per day carrying about 109 to 1010 viable cells for 10 days.  相似文献   

Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins - Early microbial colonization is a determinant factor in animal health, and probiotic administration has been demonstrated to modulate intestinal microbiota...  相似文献   

Strains of Lactobacillus spp., isolated from sourdough and olive brines (seven strains), and three human isolates were screened for their antagonistic activity in coculture against the ureolytic pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica. A general reduction in the pathogen population was observed after 6 h when each Lactobacillus strain was cocultured with the pathogen at a ratio of 100:1 cfu ml−1, causing an almost complete inhibition of urease activity. Strains were also screened for their performances in in vitro tests such as adhesion ability to Caco-2 cells, tolerance to low pH, bile salts, and simulated digestion, which enabled the differences between strains to be highlighted. Three strains, L. paracasei IMPC2.1 and L. plantarum ITM21B and ITM5BG, met the main criteria for selecting effective probiotics: the ability to inhibit the pathogen Y. enterocolitica and, consequently, its urease activity (ITM21B); survival of simulated digestion (ITM21B and IMPC2.1); strong adhesion ability to enterocytes and good survival at low pH and in the presence of bile salts (ITM5BG and IMPC2.1).  相似文献   


The effects of 50–150 gray electron-beam irradiation on the biofilm-formation ability and cell surface hydrophobicity of the commercial strain, Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1, from Lacto-G (a marketed synbiotic formulation) and the putative probiotic, L. rhamnosus Vahe, were evaluated. No significant changes in cell surface hydrophobicity were found after irradiation, while increases in biofilm-formation abilities were documented for both investigated microorganisms 0.22 ± 0.03 vs. 0.149 ± 0.02 (L. rhamnosus Vahe, 150 Gy) and 0.218 ± 0.021 vs. 0.17 ± 0.012 (L. acidophilus DDS®-1, 150 Gy). Given this, the use of electron-beam irradiation (50–100 Gy) for the treatment of L. rhamnosus Vahe and L. acidophilus DDS®-1 cells may be considered in product sterilization, quality improvement, and packaging practices.


Probiotic microorganisms are ingested as food or supplements and impart positive health benefits to consumers. Previous studies have indicated that probiotics transiently reside in the gastrointestinal tract and, in addition to modulating commensal species diversity, increase the expression of genes for carbohydrate metabolism in resident commensal bacterial species. In this study, it is demonstrated that the human gut commensal species Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron efficiently metabolizes fructan exopolysaccharide (EPS) synthesized by probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri strain 121 while only partially degrading reuteran and isomalto/malto-polysaccharide (IMMP) α-glucan EPS polymers. B. thetaiotaomicron metabolized these EPS molecules via the activation of enzymes and transport systems encoded by dedicated polysaccharide utilization loci specific for β-fructans and α-glucans. Reduced metabolism of reuteran and IMMP α-glucan EPS molecules may be due to reduced substrate binding by components of the starch utilization system (sus). This study reveals that microbial EPS substrates activate genes for carbohydrate metabolism in B. thetaiotaomicron and suggests that microbially derived carbohydrates provide a carbohydrate-rich reservoir for B. thetaiotaomicron nutrient acquisition in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the diversity of vaginal lactobacilli in Lebanese women and to evaluate the antagonism, hydrophobicity, and safety characteristics of these strains. This study was performed on samples from 135 women who visited a gynecology clinic in the north of Lebanon, between September 2012 and January 2013. From these samples, 53 different isolates of vaginal lactobacilli were collected from vaginal swabs and identified using biochemical and molecular methods. The use of genotypic Rep-PCR fingerprinting allowed for the organization of these isolates into 23 different groups. Seven of the isolated lactobacilli were antagonistic against the following vaginal pathogens: Gardnerella vaginalis CIP7074T, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC33862, Escherichia coli CIP103982, and Candida albicans ATCC10231. The antagonistic lactobacilli strains were then identified using 16S rDNA sequence. The data of this study show that the antagonistic lactobacilli were non-hemolytic, sensitive to most antibiotic tests, free of plasmid DNA, and exhibited interesting hydrophobicity and autoaggregation properties positioning them as potential candidates for probiotic design.  相似文献   

In response to antibiotic and/or environmental stress, some species of bacteria shift to a “persister” phenotype. Although toxigenic Vibrio cholerae, responsible for the disease cholera, can be found in nutrient-poor aquatic environments in endemic areas, the underlying mechanism(s) by which culturable cells persist in these environmental reservoirs is largely unknown. Here we report that introduction of V. cholerae into a nutrient-poor filter sterilized lake water (FSLW) microcosm promoted a shift to what we have defined as a “persister” phenotype (PP) which was culturable for >700 days. Direct transfer of PP of V. cholerae from original microcosms to freshly prepared FSLW resulted in the same pattern of persistence seen in the original microcosms. Scanning electron microscopy of cells persisting for over 700 days demonstrated cell morphologies that were very small in size, with a high degree of aggregation associated with flagella emanating from all aspects of the cell. V. cholerae PP cells reverted to a typical V. cholerae morphology when transferred to nutrient-rich L- broth. Cell-free supernatants obtained from microcosms at 24 hours, 180 days, and 700 days all showed >2-fold increase in CAI-1 signaling molecules, consistent with quorum sensing activity, as has been described for Pseudomonas aeruginosa persister cells. Chitin and phosphate promoted cell growth. Our data suggest that nutrient stress can select a V. cholerae persister phenotype in environmental reservoirs, with these strains then seeding subsequent cholera epidemics in response to chitin and phosphate availability.  相似文献   

In the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), acid rock drainage gives rise to aquatic habitats with low pH and high concentrations of heavy metals, a situation that causes important environmental problems. We investigated the occurrence and diversity of yeasts in two localities of the IPB: São Domingos (Portugal) and Rio Tinto (Spain). Yeast isolation was performed on conventional culture media (MYP), acidified (pH 3) media (MYP3), and on media prepared with water from the study sites (MYPw). The main goal of the study was to determine the structure of the yeast community; a combination of molecular methods was used for accurate species identifications. Our results showed that the largest fraction of the yeast community was recovered on MYPw rather than on MYP and MYP3. Twenty-seven yeast species were detected, 48% of which might represent undescribed taxa. Among these, an undescribed species of the genus Cryptococcus required low pH for growth, a property that has not been observed before in yeasts. The communities of S. Domingos and R. Tinto showed a considerable resemblance, and eight yeast species were simultaneously found in both localities. Taking into consideration the physicochemical parameters studied, we propose a hierarchic organization of the yeast community in terms of high-, intermediate-, or low-stress conditions of the environment. According to this ranking, the acidophile yeast Cryptococcus sp. 5 is considered the most tolerant species, followed by Cryptococcus sp. 3 and Lecytophora sp. Species occurring in situations of intermediate environmental stress were Candida fluviatilis, Rhodosporidium toruloides, Williopsis californica, and three unidentified yeasts belonging to Rhodotorula and Cryptococcus.  相似文献   

Expression of peptide transporter 1 (PepT1) and liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 (LEAP-2) in chickens can be influenced by food deprivation, pathological conditions and drug administration. Effect of three putative probiotic Lactobacillus strains and enrofloxacin on the expression of PepT1 and LEAP-2 mRNA was investigated in Ross 308 chickens. One-day-old chicks (n = 24) were allocated to following groups: control (without treatment); group treated with probiotics via feed; group treated with a combination of probiotics and enrofloxacin; and a group given enrofloxacin only. The drug was administered at a dose of 10 mg kg?1, via drinking water for 5 days. Samples from liver, duodenum and jejunum were collected 126 h after the start of the treatment. Expression levels of PepT1 and LEAP-2 were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction and were statistically evaluated by Mann–Whitney test. Enrofloxacin administered alone or in combination with probiotics provoked a statistically significant up-regulation of PepT1 mRNA levels in the measured organ sites. These changes can be attributed to a tendency of improvement in utilization of dietary peptide and in body weight gain. LEAP-2 mRNA expression levels did not change significantly in enrofloxacin-treated chickens in comparison with control group.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal tract of pigs is densely populated with microorganisms that closely interact with the host and with ingested feed. Gut microbiota benefits the host by providing nutrients from dietary substrates and modulating the development and function of the digestive and immune systems. An optimized gastrointestinal microbiome is crucial for pigs’ health, and establishment of the microbiome in piglets is especially important for growth and disease resistance. However, the microbiome in the gastrointestinal tract of piglets is immature and easily influenced by the environment. Supplementing the microbiome of piglets with probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus could help create an optimized microbiome by improving the abundance and number of lactobacilli and other indigenous probiotic bacteria. Dominant indigenous probiotic bacteria could improve piglets’ growth and immunity through certain cascade signal transduction pathways. The piglet body provides a permissive habitat and nutrients for bacterial colonization and growth. In return, probiotic bacteria produce prebiotics such as short-chain fatty acids and bacteriocins that benefit piglets by enhancing their growth and reducing their risk of enteric infection by pathogens. A comprehensive understanding of the interactions between piglets and members of their gut microbiota will help develop new dietary interventions that can enhance piglets’ growth, protect piglets from enteric diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria, and maximize host feed utilization.  相似文献   

African trypanosomes are not passively transmitted, but they undergo several rounds of differentiation and proliferation within their intermediate host, the tsetse fly. At each stage, the survival and successful replication of the parasites improve their chances of continuing the life cycle, but little is known about specific molecules that contribute to these processes. Procyclins are the major surface glycoproteins of the insect forms of Trypanosoma brucei. Six genes encode proteins with extensive glutamic acid–proline dipeptide repeats (EP in the single-letter amino acid code), and two genes encode proteins with an internal pentapeptide repeat (GPEET). To study the function of procyclins, we have generated mutants that have no EP genes and only one copy of GPEET. This last gene could not be replaced by EP procyclins, and could only be deleted once a second GPEET copy was introduced into another locus. The EP knockouts are morphologically indistinguishable from the parental strain, but their ability to establish a heavy infection in the insect midgut is severely compromised; this phenotype can be reversed by the reintroduction of a single, highly expressed EP gene. These results suggest that the two types of procyclin have different roles, and that the EP form, while not required in culture, is important for survival in the fly.  相似文献   

Survival of Denitrifiers in Nitrate-Free, Anaerobic Environments   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Experiments were undertaken to explain the occurrence of a high denitrification capacity in anaerobic, NO3--free habitats. Deep layers of freshwater sediments that were buried more than 40 years ago and digested sludge were the habitats studied. The denitrifier populations were 3.1 × 103 and 3.1 × 105 cells cm-3 in deep sediments from a river and lake, respectively, and 5.3 × 106 cells cm-3 in digested sludge. The denitrification capacities of the samples reflected the population densities. Strict anaerobic procedures were used to obtain the predominant isolates that would grow on anaerobic medium with NO3-. All strict anaerobes isolated failed to denitrify. All isolates that denitrified were aerobic, gram-negative bacteria, particularly species of Pseudomonas and Alcaligenes. No detectable growth was observed when these strains were incubated with electron acceptors other than NO3- or O2. When representative isolates were added to sterile, O2- and NO3--free porewater from their original locations at their natural densities (105 cells cm-3), no change in viable population was noted over 3 months of incubation. Metabolic activity was demonstrated in these cells by slow formation of formazan granules when exposed to tetrazolium and by observation of motile cells. When [14C]glucose was added to cell suspensions of the pseudomonads that had been starved for 3 months without electron acceptors (O2 or NO3-), 14C-labeled products, including cell biomass, 14CO2, and fermentation products, were produced. The high denitrification capacity of these anaerobic environments appears to be due to conventional respiratory denitrifiers. These organisms have the capacity for long-term survival without O2 or NO3- and appear to be capable of providing for their maintenance by carrying on a low level of fermentation.  相似文献   

Three halotolerant lactobacilli (Lactobacillus plantarum, L. pentosus, and L. acidipiscis) isolated from a ripened Mexican tropical cheese (double cream Chiapas cheese) were evaluated as potential probiotics and compared with two commercial probiotic strains (L. casei Shirota and L. plantarum 299v) from human origin. All the strains survived the in vitro gastrointestinal simulation from the oral cavity to the ileum. During the stomach simulation, all the strains survived in satiety conditions (60 min, pH 3.0, 3 g/L pepsin, 150 rpm) and only L. pentosus could not survive under fasting conditions (60 min, pH 2.0, 3 g/L pepsin, 150 rpm). All the strains showed a strong hydrophilic character with low n-hexadecane and a variable chloroform affinity. L. plantarum showed a mucin adhesion rate similar to that of L. plantarum 299v and L. casei Shirota, while L. pentosus and L. acidipiscis had a lower mucin adhesion. The isolated halotolerant lactobacilli exhibited similar antimicrobial activity against some gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens in comparison with the two commercial strains. In addition, the proteinaceous character of the antimicrobial agents against the most pathogenic strains was demonstrated. The compounds showed a low molecular weight (less than 10 kDa). Besides, L. plantarum and L. acidipiscis were able to produce the enzyme β-galactosidase. Finally, L. pentosus was able to deconjugate taurocholic, taurodeoxycholic, glycocholic, and glycodeoxycholic acids better than the two commercial strains analyzed. All these results suggest that the halotolerant lactobacilli isolated from this ripened Mexican cheese could be potentially probiotic. This is the first time that halotolerant lactic acid bacteria have been shown to have probiotic properties.  相似文献   

The present study shows that, from 300 Lactobacillus strains isolated from the oral cavity and large intestine of 600 healthy people, only 9 had high antagonistic activity against pathogens and opportunistic pathogens. All antagonistic strains of lactobacilli have been identified by 16S rRNA sequencing and assigned to four species: Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus casei. In addition, these lactobacilli appeared to be nonpathogenic and had some probiotic potential: the strains produced lactic acid and bacteriocins, showed high sensitivity to broad-spectrum antibiotics, and were capable of forming biofilms in vitro. With the help of PCR and specific primers, the presence of genes for prebacteriocins in L. plantarum (plnEF, plnJ, plnN) and L. rhamnosus (LGG_02380 and LGG_02400) has been revealed. It was found that intestinal strains of lactobacilli were resistant to hydrochloric acid and bile. Lactobacilli isolated from the oral cavity were characterized by a high degree of adhesion, whereas intestinal strains were characterized by average adhesion. Both types of lactobacilli had medium to high rates of auto-aggregation and hydrophobicity and could coaggregate with pathogens and opportunistic pathogens. Additionally, the ability of the lactobacilli strains to produce gasotransmitters, CH4, CO2, C2H6, CO, and NH3, has been revealed.  相似文献   

Abstract A number of studies on mammalian species that have adapted to urban areas suggest survival may be higher for urban populations than rural populations. We examined differences in fatalities between an urban and rural population of fox squirrels (Sciurus niger). We radiocollared (n = 50 rural, n = 78 urban) fox squirrels during approximately 2 years. We found monthly survival of rural fox squirrels (Ŝ = 0.936) was lower than urban fox squirrels (Ŝ = 0.976) over the same 12-month period. Nonetheless, when comparing a 24-month period of survival data on urban squirrels with an 18-month period on the rural squirrels (periods overlapped for 12 months), survival rates were more similar between urban (Ŝ = 0.938) and rural squirrels (Ŝ = 0.945). Our data suggest that sex and season may influence survival of urban squirrels and not rural squirrels. We also found that cause of fatalities differed between the urban and rural squirrels, with >60% of fatalities on the rural site caused by predation. In contrast, <5% of the fatalities on the urban site were caused by predation and >60% of urban fox squirrel fatalities were caused by motor vehicle collisions. This study illustrates the need to advance our ability to understand, predict, and mitigate effects of urbanization on wildlife resources.  相似文献   

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