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澜沧江-湄公河作为一条国际河流,是全世界鱼类物种多样性最高的流域之一,其中中国境内澜沧江流域的条鳅科鱼类共记录37种,由于该类群分类鉴定较为困难,流域内仍存在未被发现、描述或准确鉴定的物种。2015至2019年,通过对云南省普洱市和西双版纳傣族自治州境内的澜沧江流域进行多次鱼类生物多样性调查,共发现3种未曾记录的条鳅科鱼类。对所采集到鱼类标本的重要性状进行测量,并与国内外相关文献进行形态特征比较,分别鉴定为长带条鳅(Nemacheilus longistriatus)、裸背南鳅(Schistura nudidorsum)和宽齿南鳅(S. latidens),均为中国物种新记录;其中,由于以前在中国记录的条鳅属鱼类均已移入南鳅属(Schistura),长带条鳅是目前中国分布的唯一条鳅属物种。本文对这3种新记录的条鳅科鱼类进行描述,对今后澜沧江条鳅科鱼类物种鉴定具有一定的指导意义,同时为澜沧江鱼类资源的调查和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

斑纹薄鳅(Leptobotia zebra)最初是由Wu(1939)描述的一个新种,当时定名为斑纹沙鳅(Botia zebra),后来Chen(1980)根据眼下刺不分叉将其改归为薄鳅属的物种。本研究通过对线粒体DNA细胞色素b基因序列的测定和分析,发现斑纹薄鳅和薄鳅属(除斑纹薄鳅)物种间的平均遗传距离为0.177,和中华沙鳅属物种美丽沙鳅(Sinibotia pulcher)的平均遗传距离仅为0.057。系统发育分析发现斑纹薄鳅并未和薄鳅属的物种聚在一起,而是和中华沙鳅属物种美丽沙鳅聚在一起形成姐妹群。进一步对斑纹薄鳅进行形态学特征检视,发现该物种具有颊部裸露无鳞、颏部具一对纽状突起等中华沙鳅属鱼类的特征,但又具有眼下刺简单不分叉的薄鳅属鱼类的特征。结合分子数据分析的结果,将斑纹薄鳅订正为中华沙鳅属的物种,其命名为斑纹沙鳅(Sinibotia zebra)。另外,对沙鳅科鱼类属的划分标准及形态特征的演化也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

作为干流高坝水电开发导致鱼类生境丧失的一种补偿措施,支流替代生境近年来被广泛应用于受工程影响河段的土著鱼类保护,但替代支流发挥怎样的保护效果及干流对其的影响仍不清楚。以实施了澜沧江梯级生境替代的支流基独河与罗梭江为研究对象,并选择了邻近的对照支流,通过对鱼类调查数据的分析对比,揭示了各支流鱼类种类组成与群落结构的差异特征,初步阐明了梯级开发下鱼类支流生境替代效果以及干流工程建设对其的影响。结果表明:澜沧江支流替代生境对干流鱼类具有明显的保护作用,支流生境修复后鱼类物种丰富度明显提高,罗梭江土著鱼类、特有鱼类物种数分别增加了12种、7种,基独河则是7种、2种,替代生境能为澜沧江土著鱼类、部分濒危特有鱼类和洄游鱼类提供完成生活史的关键栖息地。干流对支流生境替代保护有着重要影响,罗梭江、基独河与邻近干流鱼类群落的Bray-Curtis相似性分别为21.76%、10.73%,支流河口段保持“河相”是支流生境替代保护效果可持续的关键。综合考虑生境替代保护的效益与投入,建议今后开展此类保护措施时优先选择库尾河相区的支流。  相似文献   

通过主成分分析法并结合物种的生物学特征对长江上游支流沱江资中段69尾宽体沙鳅Sinibotia reevesae和长江干流宜宾段、南溪段及沱江资中段141尾中华沙鳅Sinibotia superciliaris的10个常规可量性状与20个框架性状进行了比较研究。结果显示: 主成分分析并不能区分宽体沙鳅和中华沙鳅之间的形态差异; 依据二者在尾柄高、吻须长、D1-3(胸鳍基部起点至腹鳍基部起点之间的距离)、D7-9(臀鳍基部后末端至尾鳍基部腹部起点之间的距离)和D9-10(鳍基部腹部起点至尾鳍基部背部起点之间的距离) 等形态特征的显著性差异(P<0.05), 并结合其繁殖生物学特征, 认为中华沙鳅和宽体沙鳅应为2个有效种。建议在使用框架性状度量评价物种有效性时需选择恰当的形态指标, 数据分析应结合物种的生物学特征。  相似文献   

河流是一个连续的、流动的、独特而完整的系统,研究河流生态系统中水生植物的多样性分布格局及其影响因素对河流生态学研究具有重要意义。本文通过野外调查,研究了新疆开都河流域水生植物多样性、主要水生植物群落特征及与环境因子之间的关系,并利用水分-能量动态假说和栖息地异质性假说对该流域水生植物物种多样性的地理格局进行解释。结果表明: 开都河流域共有水生植物71种,隶属于24科39属;聚类分析可将开都河流域水生植物群落划分为10个主要群落类型,其中芦苇群落物种丰富度最高,狭叶香蒲群落和金鱼藻群落物种丰富度最低;流域水生植物群落Shannon指数与pH呈显著负相关,Simpson指数与pH、经度呈显著负相关,与海拔呈显著正相关;流域水生植物群落类型主要受海拔、水深及水温的影响;流域水生植物物种多样性随经纬度无明显变化规律。水分-能量动态假说和栖息地异质性假说共解释开都河流域水生植物多样性格局变量的31.4%,表明这两个假说对于该流域水生植物多样性格局的解释力并不高。  相似文献   

大刺鳅(Mastacembelus armatus)主要分布于我国南方各大水系,现阶段野生资源急剧减少,已被福建、广东、湖南等省列为重点保护野生水生动物。为了解赣南地区大刺鳅在主要分布水域桃江和九曲河中的资源状况,于2020年夏季对该水域鱼类和大刺鳅资源状况进行了调查,共采集鱼类34种隶属于4目11科31属。调查结果显示:所有样点本土鱼类中黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)、大刺鳅、鲫(Carassius auratus)为优势物种,桃江中外来物种莫桑比克罗非鱼(Oreochromis mossambicus)占主要优势;随着水利工程建设、外来物种入侵、栖息生境破坏及过度捕捞,大刺鳅资源量呈显著下降趋势。调查分析表明,修复自然河流生境,恢复洄游通道;增强本土物种保护意识,加强外来物种治理;严格禁捕,科学增殖放流对大刺鳅资源保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

穴居盲副鳅及其性状演化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1995年由G.Aljancic先生在贵州荔波溶洞采到3尾体呈半透明、无眼睛的全穴居鱼类标本,经鉴定为副鳅属中的1新种,依特征命名为长须盲副鳅Paracobitis longibarbatus sp.nov.。形态特征的分析表明:洞穴鱼类的性状演化,反映了物种对黑暗环境的适应性变异,同时也表达了物种适应辐射的结果,体现了性状在演化中趋同和趋异的双重意义。  相似文献   

付贵权  秦涛  陈小勇  雷春云  李光华 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9557-9573
根据2018-2020年澜沧江西双版纳段5次鱼类资源调查数据,结合相关文献资料,对该流域鱼类组成及物种多样性进行了分析。结果显示:澜沧江西双版纳段此次共调查到鱼类119种,隶属于11目28科79属,而历史记录鱼类共179种,隶属于12目34科106属。随着调查的不断深入,土著鱼类种数逐渐增多,但占比却逐渐下降,外来鱼类种数逐渐增多,占比也逐渐升高;本次调查到土著鱼类92种,占鱼类种数的77.31%,占比进一步下降;外来鱼类27种,占鱼类种数的22.69%,占比进一步升高。该区域鱼类优势种为云南吻孔鲃Poropuntius huangchuchieni和少鳞舟齿鱼Scaphiodonichthys acanthopterus,常见种为长臀鲃Mystacoleucus marginatus和宽额鳢Channa gachua。有《国家重点保护野生动物名录》(2021年)鱼类5种,《中国生物多样性红色名录脊椎动物卷》(2015年)受威胁鱼类8种。相对于我国其他江河,澜沧江西双版纳段有极高水平的鱼类物种多样性,其中澜沧江干流鱼类物种多样性相对于左、右岸支流较低,左岸支流鱼类多样性高于右岸,罗梭江鱼类多样性高于其他一级支流。虽然澜沧江西双版纳段鱼类物种多样性维持在较高水平,但土著鱼类占比下降趋势明显,仍面临着严重威胁,本文分析了受威胁因素,并提出了保护建议。  相似文献   

郑诚  温仲明  郭倩  樊勇明  杨玉婷  高飞 《生态学报》2021,41(17):6825-6835
明确延河流域常见草本植物的潜在适生区分布,是植被恢复工作持续推进的基础。本研究收集了延河流域8种常见草本植物的地理分布信息和13个环境变量,采用MaxEnt和ArcGIS模拟了延河流域常见草本植物在当前气候下的潜在适生性分布,进而研究这8种不同草本植物适生性分布与功能性状变异特征之间的相关关系。研究结果显示:根据物种-性状排序图的分布格局判断,本研究选择的七个功能性状在植物所属科之间发生了明显趋异分化现象,在PC1右侧为禾本科植物,PC1左侧为菊科、豆科和唇形科植物。对物种适生性分布模拟结果表明,达乌里胡枝子在研究区内的适生性最高,百里香的适生性最低,表明达乌里胡枝子比其他常见草本物种更适合被选择为该流域的植被恢复的先锋物种。在功能性状变异特征相关性分析中,物种适生区大小与比叶面积变异系数呈显著正相关,与其他植物功能性状变异特征不显著。因此,比叶面积的变异系数更适合作为指示延河流域草本植物适生区大小的性状。  相似文献   

福建建溪流域常绿阔叶防护林物种多样性特征研究   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
从生物多样性保护原则出发,物种多样性应是评价防护林综合效益的重要指标之一。本文采用Weibull分布模型分析建溪流域防护林乔木层、灌木层的种-多度关系,用多种公式计算防护林各层次的物种多样性并与我国暖温带落叶阔叶林的物种多样性相比较,得出以下结论:1)该流域防护林乔木层的种-多度关系符合Weibull分布模型,说明个体数量较多的乔木仅限于少数几种主要的树种,群落的均匀度相对较小;2)该流域防护林主要群落内乔木层、灌木层和草本层的丰富度、均匀度和总多样性指数都较我国暖温带落叶阔叶林相对应的指数高。  相似文献   

In this study, six fish species of five families are reported for the first time from Yunnan Province, China. The nemacheilid Schistura amplizona Kottelat, 2000 is reported from the Luosuojiang River and Nanlahe River subbasins, Mekong basin; the prochilodontid Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1837), the balitorid Vanmanenia serrilineata Kottelat, 2000, and the tetraodontid Monotrete turgidus Kottelat, 2000, from Nanlahe River subbasin, Mekong basin; the balitorid Beaufortia daon (Mai, 1978), and the belonid Xenentodon canciloides (Bleeker, 1854), both, from Black River subbasin, Red River basin. The freshwater puffer M. turgidus and the needlefish X. canciloides have been previously misidentified as Tetraodon leiurus (Bleeker, 1950) and Tylosurus strongylurus (van Hasselt, 1823), respectively.  相似文献   

Fish assemblage relationships with environmental parameters were studied in four small unregulated subbasins in the speciose Upper Green River Basin of central Kentucky, USA. One subbasin drains into a tributary of the Green River and produced the lowest species (28) richness. The three other subbasins drain directly into the Green River and supported 41−59 species. Parameters were partitioned into watershed- and reach-scale spatial categories. Watershed area per stream segment and stream-size related environmental parameters at the reach scale produced the highest loadings of a principle components analysis (PCA), and both PCA Axes 1 and 2 for all subbasins were reflective either of watershed area or stream-size parameters. Small loadings were produced by all watershed-scale land-use parameters and all reach-scale water chemistry parameters. Fish richness and diversity were positively correlated with watershed area for the two largest subbasins and for the three Upper Green River subbasins combined. The lack of a linear relationship, however, between the residuals of multiple linear regression models between richness and diversity versus stream width, percent bedrock, percent pool and percent fine substrates indicated that a simple species area relationship was not operating. A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) performed for each subbasin showed that several fish species were associated mainly either with small, upland segments or conversely the largest, deeper segments, and each subbasin yielded significant correlations between the environmental PCA loadings and fish assemblage DCA site scores. These results indicated that within the regional scale, and in absence of steep disturbance gradients, stream fish assemblages can reflect natural hydrologic and geomorphic gradients.  相似文献   

Summary The Asselian-Sakmarian strata of the Fosheim-Hamilton subbasin represent a distinct 15 000 km2 depocentre located at the northeast margin of the main Sverdrup Basin in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Approximately 35 high-frequency cycles composed mainly of platformal carbonates with subaqueous evaporites accumulated at a time of renewed rifting activity in this subbasin. A general depositional model based on the facies analysis of the Asselian-Sakmarian strata shows that the carbonate platforms surrounding the Fosheim-Hamilton subbasin were segmented by the position of critical interfaces including the: 1) base of the fairweather wave abrasion zone; 2) base of the storm wave abrasion zone; and 3) base of the photic zone. The base of the fairweather wave abrasion zone divided the platforms into two broad parts; an inner shelf with a relatively quiet, semi-restricted lagoon and more agitated, open marine barries and shoals and an open marine mid-shelf with numerous reefal and non-reefal subenvironments extending from the base of fairweather wave abrasion zone to below the photic zone. Outer shelf and associated slope and basin were not present within the Fosheim-Hamilton subbasin but were present farther west along the margin of the main Sverdrup Basin.  相似文献   

The species Oncorhynchus mykiss is characterized by a complex life history that presents a significant challenge for population monitoring and conservation management. Many factors contribute to genetic variation in O. mykiss populations, including sympatry among migratory phenotypes, habitat heterogeneity, hatchery introgression, and immigration (stray) rates. The relative influences of these and other factors are contingent on characteristics of the local environment. The Rock Creek subbasin in the middle Columbia River has no history of hatchery supplementation and no dams or artificial barriers. Limited intervention and minimal management have led to a dearth of information regarding the genetic distinctiveness of the extant O. mykiss population in Rock Creek and its tributaries. We used 192 SNP markers and collections sampled over a 5‐year period to evaluate the temporal and spatial genetic structures of O. mykiss between upper and lower watersheds of the Rock Creek subbasin. We investigated potential limits to gene flow within the lower watershed where the stream is fragmented by seasonally dry stretches of streambed, and between upper and lower watershed regions. We found minor genetic differentiation within the lower watershed occupied by anadromous steelhead (FST = 0.004), and evidence that immigrant influences were prevalent and ubiquitous. Populations in the upper watershed above partial natural barriers were highly distinct (FST = 0.093) and minimally impacted by apparent introgression. Genetic structure between watersheds paralleled differences in local demographics (e.g., variation in size), migratory restrictions, and habitat discontinuity. The evidence of restricted gene flow between putative remnant resident populations in the upper watershed and the admixed anadromous population in the lower watershed has implications for local steelhead productivity and regional conservation.  相似文献   

长江,珠江,黑龙江鲢,鳙和草鱼原种种群形态差异   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
李思发  倪重匡 《动物学报》1989,35(4):390-398
对长江、珠江、黑龙江的鲢、鳙、草鱼原种种群的十项形态特征,于高维空间上用统计方法进行判别分析,发现种群间具有显著差异,不同江河鲢、鳙的侧线鳞数也有明显不同。这些形态特征上的差异的大小与种群间的地理距离呈正相关。 根据上述显著性差异的特征,用模式分类法推导得鉴别程序,可在IBM-PC-AT计算机上对鱼逐尾自动判别鉴定其种群,除长江鲢外,准确率在75%~100%。  相似文献   

香溪河水质空间分布特性研究   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
运用聚类分析和主成分分析对香溪河19个样点水质的理化特性进行研究,聚类分析表明,根据各采样点之间水质组分的相似性可将香溪河大致分为3个河段,分别属于不同的亚流域,各亚流域问的特征差异显著,对各河段水质的主成分分析表明,上述3河段的主要水质信息差异很大,第1河段(在河流上游)水质的信息主要体现为总碱度和硬度,第2河段(河流中游)主要体现为可溶性磷酸盐、总磷和氯离子,第3河段(河流下游)则为pH、亚硝酸盐氮、总氮和COD,文中结合香溪河流域地理环境背景,探讨了香溪河水质空间分布格局的成因,为分析流域水质状况及成因提供了一条简单有效的途径。  相似文献   

Population monitoring of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) abundance is an essential element to understand annual stock variability and inform fisheries management processes. Smolts are the life stage marking the transition from the freshwater to the marine phase of anadromous Atlantic salmon. Estimating smolt abundance allows for subsequent inferences on freshwater and marine survival rates. Annual abundances of out-migrating Atlantic salmon smolts were estimated using Bayesian models and an 18-year capture–mark–recapture time series from two to five trapping locations within the Restigouche River (Canada) catchment. Some of the trapping locations were at the outlet of large upstream tributaries, and these sampled a portion of the total out-migrating population of smolts for the watershed, whereas others were located just above the head of tide of the Restigouche River and sampled the entire run of salmon smolts. Due to logistic and environmental conditions, not all trapping locations were operational each year. Additionally, recapture rates were relatively low (<5%), and the absolute number of recaptures was relatively few (most often a few dozen), leading to incoherent and highly uncertain estimates of tributary-specific and whole catchment abundance estimates when the data were modeled independently among trapping locations and years. Several models of increasing complexity were tested using simulated data, and the best-performing model in terms of bias and precision incorporated a hierarchical structure among years on the catchability parameters and included an explicit spatial structure to account for the annual variations in the number of sampled locations within the watershed. When the best model was applied to the Restigouche River catchment dataset, the annual smolt abundance estimates varied from 250,000 to 1 million smolts, and the subbasin estimates of abundance were consistent with the spatial structure of the monitoring programme. Ultimately, increasing the probabilities of capture and the absolute number of recaptures at the different traps will be required to improve the precision and reduce the bias of the estimates of smolt abundance for the entire basin and within subbasins of the watershed. The model and approach provide a significant improvement in the models used to date based on independent estimates of abundance by trapping location and year. Total abundance and relative production in discrete spawning, nesting, or rearing areas provide critical information to appropriately understand and manage the threats to species that can occur at subpopulation spatial scales.  相似文献   

Three microsatellite loci were used to examine genetic variation among 16 coho salmon ( Oncorhynchus kisutch ) populations within the Fraser River drainage system, in British Columbia, Canada. Each locus was highly polymorphic with 30 alleles at the Ots 101 locus, 15 alleles at the Ots 3 locus and 38 alleles at the Ots 103 locus. Average observed heterozygosities were 86.1%, 70%, and 56.1%, respectively. With the exception of the Dunn and Lemieux River populations, Chi-square tests and F ST values indicated that all populations had significantly different allele frequencies. Two distinct population groups within the Fraser River drainage were observed. Lower Fraser River populations were strongly differentiated from populations spawning in the upper Fraser River, which includes the Thompson River (a tributary flowing into the upper Fraser) and the portion of the Fraser River beyond the precipitous Fraser River canyon. This regional population structure may have resulted from colonization of the upper and lower Fraser River regions by different founder populations following Pleistocene glaciation, and be maintained by adaptive differences between the two groups of coho salmon. Coho salmon populations in the upper Fraser and Thompson River drainages form an evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) of importance for conservation of biodiversity in coho salmon. Microsatellite DNA loci show promise as technically simple and highly informative genetic markers for coho salmon population management.  相似文献   

River Dan,headwater of the Jordan,an aquatic oasis of the Middle East   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
River Dan is the largest of the headwater rivers of the Jordan. The karstic exsurgence of the Dan has a seasonally stable output, a long stretch of strongly turbulent flow, stable temperature around 15.5°C and high oxygen saturation. A total of 156 taxa, mainly at the species level, were identified from the river. These species are almost exclusively of Palearctic origin. About half of the species are limited to the northernmost part of Israel. The faunal complex described, does not present any longitudinal zonation for the 5 kilometers of turbulent flow; neither does it present seasonal changes in species composition. River Dan is considered to be a post-Pleistocenic river which has an important function of refugium for a wide area of aquatic water-bodies in the area, including the presently drained Lake Hula. It is suggested that in the Illies scheme of stream classification, River Dan might represent a type of stream belonging to a ‘pseudorhithral’ along with other stenothermic warm water torrents of the tropical-subtropical climatic belt.  相似文献   

川陕哲罗鲑(Hucho bleekeri Kimura)是我国长江流域特有鱼类,近几十年来资源量急剧下降,陕西和四川等地历史分布区已多年未见其踪迹,濒临灭绝。2013年在汉江上游陕西省太白县太白河发现了19尾成体样本。本次发现是该物种在太白河消失15年后的再次发现,也是近30多年来该物种在分布区范围内同时被发现成体数量最大的一次。本次发现对川陕哲罗鲑资源保护和恢复有重要意义。  相似文献   

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