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Polychaete biodiversity has received little attention despite its importance in biomonitoring. This study describes polychaete diversity, and its spatial and temporal variability in infralittoral, hard substrate assemblages. Seven stations were chosen in the central area of the northern Aegean Sea. At each station, one to three depth levels were set (15, 30 and 40 m). Five replicates were collected by scuba diving with a quadrat sampler (400 cm2) from each station and depth level during summer for the spatial analysis, and seasonally for the study of temporal changes. Common biocoenotic methods were employed (estimation of numerical abundance, mean dominance, frequency, Margalefs richness, Shannon-Weaver index and Pielous evenness). A total of 5,494 individuals, belonging to 79 species, were counted and classified. Diversity indices were always high. Clustering and multidimensional scaling techniques indicated a high heterogeneity of the stations, although these were all characterized by the sciaphilic alga community. A clear seasonal pattern was not detectable. Summer and autumn samples discriminate, while winter and spring form an even group. The abundance/biomass comparison indicated a dominance of k-strategy patterns, characteristic of stable communities.Communicated by H.-D. Franke  相似文献   

In this study, 32 crab species belonging to 13 families are recorded from Gökçeada Island, based on bottom material collected at 39 stations around the island at depths between 0 and 70 m, using dredges, drift nets and scoop nets. Ecological properties of the species are provided.  相似文献   

Aim To test the performance of the choros model in an archipelago using two measures of environmental heterogeneity. The choros model is a simple, easy‐to‐use mathematical relationship which approaches species richness as a combined function of area and environmental heterogeneity. Location The archipelago of Skyros in the central Aegean Sea (Greece). Methods We surveyed land snails on 12 islands of the archipelago. We informed the choros model with habitat data based on natural history information from the land snail species assemblage. We contrast this with habitat information taken from traditional vegetation classification to study the behaviour of choros with different measures of environmental heterogeneity. R2 values and Akaike's information criterion (AIC) were used to compare the choros model and the Arrhenius species–area model. Path analysis was used to evaluate the variance in species richness explained by area and habitat diversity. Results Forty‐two land snail species were recorded, living in 33 different habitat types. The choros model with habitat types had more explanatory power than the classic species–area model and the choros model using vegetation types. This was true for all islands of the archipelago, as well as for the small islands alone. Combined effects of area and habitat diversity primarily explain species richness in the archipelago, but there is a decline when only small islands are considered. The effects of area are very low both for all the islands of the archipelago, and for the small islands alone. The variance explained by habitat diversity is low for the island group as a whole, but significantly increases for the small islands. Main conclusions The choros model is effective in describing species‐richness patterns of land snails in the Skyros Archipelago, incorporating ecologically relevant information on habitat occupancy and area. The choros model is more effective in explaining richness patterns on small islands. When using traditional vegetation types, the choros model performs worse than the classic species–area relationship, indicating that use of proxies for habitat diversity may be problematic. The slopes for choros and Arrhenius models both assert that, for land snails, the Skyros Archipelago is a portion of a larger biogeographical province. The choros model, informed by ecologically relevant habitat measures, in conjunction with path analysis points to the importance of habitat diversity in island species richness.  相似文献   

Coralline algae are one of the most important constructors of biogenic habitats. In the Mediterranean Sea, the dominant coralline algae species form crusts comprising formations known as coralligène, considered as very important fishing grounds by fishermen. Due to the destructive effect of fishing gear activities over coralligène, these formations were recently protected from the use of active benthic gears by the EU 1967/2006 Mediterranean fisheries management Regulation. However, the lack of maps and information on their distribution makes the effective application of these measures impossible. The present publication contributes to the mapping of coralligène in the southern Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean), and to the study of coralline algae formation morphology, distribution, development conditions and relation to fisheries using a combination of single-beam echo sounder, sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiler recordings and biological and sedimentological ground-truthing techniques. The coralligène formations were recognized as two distinct acoustic signatures of localized backscatter facies distinguishable from other hard substrate reflectors at depths ranging from 55.9 to 114.0 m, but mainly between 70 and 90 m. Two types of formations were identified: minute reefs 0.5-2.5 m in height and superficial layer formations no more than 0.2 m thick over the substrate. The seismic profiles revealed a cavernous internal structure of the minute reefs and recorded their development on both hard and soft substrates. The distribution of formations was contagious, creating aggregations. The finding of superficial layer formations and coralline shreds around minute coralligène reefs indicated that the former could be an intermediate development type between isolated small coralline pebbles, rhodoliths, and minute reefs. Regarding the development conditions, sidescan sonar imagery indicated that the optimal conditions for the establishment and development of coralligène formations are medium intensity currents. Concerning human activity over coralligène, trawl traces were recorded near but not over minute reefs and both near and crossing superficial layer type aggregations, while a submarine cable was also recorded among minute reefs. The mapping of coralligène aggregation areas is essential for the application of the EU Regulation and the protection of this important marine habitat.  相似文献   

Acoustic and satellite environmental data as well as bathymetry data were used to model the presence of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus during early summer in the northern Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) were used for modelling and subsequently applied in a predictive mode to identify those areas in the Greek Seas and the entire Mediterranean basin that could support species’ presence. Model results were evaluated with the estimation of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)-plots as well as qualitatively, based on (a) acoustic data from concurrent studies in certain areas of the northern Aegean Sea that were not included in the estimation of the GAM model and (b) historical acoustic data from the central Aegean and Ionian Seas. Mapping the estimated environmental conditions in the Mediterranean basin indicated areas that generally agree with the known distribution grounds of anchovy, such as the straits of Sicily and coastal waters of Tunisia, areas in the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Adriatic Sea, the Gulf of Lions and the Catalan Sea. Guest editor: V. D. Valavanis Essential Fish Habitat Mapping in the Mediterranean  相似文献   

The study area consists of wetlands and semi-wetlands (saltpan and salt lakes) that are separated from the Gulf of Saros in the northeastern Aegean Sea by a littoral cordon. Twenty-four samples were collected from the Enez Salt Lake; Dalyan, Enez Gala, Kuvalak, Isik, and Tasalti Lakes; Vakif and Erikli Saltpans; and Karagol Lagoon. The overall distribution of the sediment sizes reveals that they consist predominantly of mud and sand and a mixture of mud, sand, and gravel. The average proportion of gravel size particles is 8.36%. Feldspar and mica are abundant in sand and gravel-sized materials. Ecological conditions of these coastal areas were assessed on the basis of ostracod assemblages that can be considered as useful bioindicators and depend on water depth, temperature, and salinity. In this context, the effects of physical and chemical properties of the environment, geochemistry of the sediment, and anthropogenic impact on the meiofauna, in particular ostracoda, was here evaluated. Cyprideis torosa Jones, a cosmopolitan species of ostracoda, was found in salt lakes. Other species of ostracoda were shown to be affected by environmental conditions. The toxicity of some heavy metals in the saltpans, salt lakes, and hypersaline lagoons was evaluated. Lake Dalyan and Erikli Saltpan display high toxicity for Cu and Cd levels. The distribution of hydrocarbon pollution of terrestrial origin was determined.  相似文献   

The snapper Pristipomoides multidens is reported for the first time from the Gulf of Aqaba. A comparison of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) with available data revealed a high similarity with a sample from Mauritius and a lower similarity with samples from the China Sea. The status and distribution of the Red Sea species of Pristipomoides are summarised.  相似文献   

1. An understanding of the links between life histories and responses to exploitation could provide the basis for predicting shifts in community structure by identifying susceptible species and linking life-history tactics with population dynamics.
2. We examined long-term trends in the abundance of species in the North Sea bottom-dwelling (demersal) fish community. Between 1925 & 1996 changes in species composition led to an increase in mean growth rate, while mean maximum size, age at maturity and size at maturity decreased. The demersal fish community was increasingly heavily fished during this period.
3. Trends in mean life-history characteristics of the community were linked to trends in abundance of component species. An approach based on phylogenetic comparisons was used to examine the differential effects of fishing on individual species with contrasting life histories.
4. Those species that decreased in abundance relative to their nearest relative, matured later at a greater size, grew more slowly towards a greater maximum size and had lower rates of potential population increase. The phylogenetically based analyses demonstrated that trends in community structure could be predicted from the differential responses of related species to fishing.
5. This is the first study to link exploitation responses of an entire community to the life histories of individual species. The results demonstrate that fishing has greater effects on slower growing, larger species with later maturity and lower rates of potential population increase. The comparative approach provides a basis for predicting structural change in other exploited communities.  相似文献   

The Bay of Fundy, on the east coast of Canada, has a maximum tidal range slightly higher than that of the Bristol Channel and similar environmental conditions, but a more extreme climate. However, the littoral community, despite the common presence of many species, differs greatly. Fundy shores show universal domination by Ascopkyllum nodosum under all exposure conditions and its biomass is very high. Funis vesiculosus is common but its distribution is unrelated to exposure. Fucoid algae normally cover all but a few percent of the midlittoral. As a consequence of this intertidal primary primary productivity is very high and a protected sub-canopy environment very extensive. The standard littoral zones do show a typical pattern but respond only slightly to exposure. Many typical and important species show constant zonation under alt exposure conditions. Typical of this group are A. nodosum and the other fucoid algae. Although the high tidal range does reduce the effect of wave action, this factor alone does not explain the results since they are not repeated in the Bristol Channel. Differences in the suite of herbivores, particularly the absence of Patella species in Fundy, is considered to be an equally important causative factor. Also significant is the modifying effect of the heavy algal canopy itself. Clearance experiments have shown that dominance by A. nodosum is not restored within 10 years and that herbivory, especially by littorinids and limpets, does play a critical role in succession.  相似文献   

The large-scale distribution patterns of the estuarine spionid polychaetes Marenzelleria cf. viridis, Pygospio elegans, and Streblospio shrubsoli were studied in the Pomeranian Bay (southern Baltic Sea) at 20 stations in April 1993 and their relationship with hydrographic factors and sediment composition investigated. The densities of M. cf. viridis and S. shrubsoli decreased rapidly with increasing distance offshore. A corresponding decrease in phytoplankton concentration offshore is suggested as the main cause for the observed spatial patterns. P. elegans was more evenly distributed. At 10 selected stations further samples were collected between April 1993 and July 1996 to study the response of abundance and biomass of the three polychaetes to changes in environmental conditions and to investigate interspecific interactions within the macrofauna. Salinity, pelagic food supply, and sediment parameters did not change. At three of these stations redox potential of the sediment and macrofauna composition were affected by an unusual hypoxic/anoxic event in July/August 1994. All three spionid species were able to survive moderate seasonal hypoxic conditions, but died after exposure to severe anoxia. Special attention was focused on the re-establishment of the spionids. The rate with which M. cf. viridis and P. elegans re-colonised defaunated stations varied between a few weeks and two years. These differences in rate of re-establishment were attributed to the distance from undisturbed recruitment areas, and to the severity of the oxygen deficiency. Increasing densities of P. elegans and S. shrubsoli after the hypoxic event coincided with a reduced abundance of the bivalve Mya arenaria, suggesting a negative interspecific interaction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A standardized methodology to assess the impacts of land-use changes on vegetation and ecosystem functioning is presented. It assumes that species traits are central to these impacts, and is designed to be applicable in different historical, climatic contexts and local settings. Preliminary results are presented to show its applicability. METHODS: Eleven sites, representative of various types of land-use changes occurring in marginal agro-ecosystems across Europe and Israel, were selected. Climatic data were obtained at the site level; soil data, disturbance and nutrition indices were described at the plot level within sites. Sixteen traits describing plant stature, leaf characteristics and reproductive phase were recorded on the most abundant species of each treatment. These data were combined with species abundance to calculate trait values weighed by the abundance of species in the communities. The ecosystem properties selected were components of above-ground net primary productivity and decomposition of litter. KEY RESULTS: The wide variety of land-use systems that characterize marginal landscapes across Europe was reflected by the different disturbance indices, and were also reflected in soil and/or nutrient availability gradients. The trait toolkit allowed us to describe adequately the functional response of vegetation to land-use changes, but we suggest that some traits (vegetative plant height, stem dry matter content) should be omitted in studies involving mainly herbaceous species. Using the example of the relationship between leaf dry matter content and above-ground dead material, we demonstrate how the data collected may be used to analyse direct effects of climate and land use on ecosystem properties vs. indirect effects via changes in plant traits. CONCLUSIONS: This work shows the applicability of a set of protocols that can be widely applied to assess the impacts of global change drivers on species, communities and ecosystems.  相似文献   

Amphisbaena anomala is a species of worm lizard endemic to Brazil, with most known records in eastern Amazonia, but also occurring in northern Cerrado and at highland moist forest enclaves in Caatinga. Based on citizen science data, we report a new easternmost and southernmost locality for A. anomala, representing its first record in the lowlands of the Caatinga ecoregion. The new record, in Abaiara, Ceará, Brazil is 335 km southeast from the nearest previously documented occurrence of the species. We conducted a comprehensive literature review, updating the species known distribution map with three times more records than the last update, and describing the soil types and ecoregions where the species is typically found. The new record reinforces the crucial role of taxonomists in the identification of species in citizen science platforms, assisting in narrowing existing gaps in biogeographic knowledge. Furthermore, we draw attention to the lack of specimen collection in some environmental impact assessments, from which some photos on citizen science platforms come.  相似文献   

The calanoid copepod, Acartia bispinosa Carl, 1907, is reported for the first time in the Red Sea, where it is found to be an important copepod in the mesozooplankton community structure of the Sharm El-Maya Bay. Female and male are fully redescribed and illustrated of as the mouthparts of this species have never previously been described and figured. Acartia bispinosa was collected in the plankton samples throughout the year and showed two peaks of abundance, a pronounced one in April (4234 individuals m-3), and second smaller peak during November (1784 individuals m-3). The average total length of females varied between 1.32 and 1.53 mm at the end of June and January respectively. For males, the average total length fluctuated between 1.07 and 1.16 mm at end of June and March respectively. Temperature showed an inverse relationship with the body length (P > 0.001) and seemed to be one of the prime factors affecting the body length of both sexes.  相似文献   

Thecadinium yashimaense was recorded for the first time in France, Great Britain, The Netherlands, and Germany. The invasion and establishment of the species in the German Bight was documented reliably and is presented here. The geographic expansion of the species from the North Pacific to the North Atlantic Ocean is discussed. This bloom-forming, marine, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate was shown to be non-toxic. Also Thecadinium kofoidii, the type species of the genus, was analyzed for potential toxin production and turned out to be non-toxic as well.  相似文献   

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