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春黄菊族6属植物种子的微形态特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对春黄菊族6属10种的种子微形态特征进行了比较观察。结果表明:10种种子在种子形态、表面纹饰、脐处的喙状突起、种子端的衣领状环等方面都表现出丰富的多样性,例如茼蒿的穴状和芫荽菊的细胞状纹饰等,具有明显的属级水平上的分类特征;在系和种级水平上,微形态特征虽有相似性,但仍具有一定的分类学价值,如龙蒿系圆头蒿的沟壑状纹饰和猪毛蒿系猪毛蒿的搓板状纹饰等。说明春黄菊族植物丰富的种子微形态特征在其系统分类中具有重要的参考价值;本研究结果支持栉叶蒿属、紊蒿属、茼蒿属独立成属的观点。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜方法对井冈山地区18种唇形科植物的果实形状与表面微形态特征进行观察比较。结果表明:18种唇形科植物果实形状多样,可分为矩圆形、圆形、卵形、三棱形、球形和椭圆形6类;外果皮表面细胞形状为4~6边形、不规则形和细胞形状不可见;依据外果皮表面凸起度可分为平滑型、凹陷型和凸起型3类;外果皮表面蜡质纹饰复杂多样,有平滑无纹饰、负网状纹饰、网状纹饰兼具疣状或瘤状凸起和网状纹饰兼具次级条纹4类;外果皮表面附属结构主要包括表皮毛和丝状结构,并具有或多或少的鳞片状或颗粒状分泌物。18种唇形科植物果实形状和外果皮表面微形态特征均表现出丰富的多样性,可为唇形科属间和种间亲缘关系研究提供重要的分类学依据。  相似文献   

本文报道了在立体显微镜和扫描电子显微镜下对福建荸荠属8种、1变种植物果实表皮微形态特征的观察结果。根据果皮纹饰的不同,可分为两种类型:网状纹饰、拟网状纹饰;荸荠属植物果实表皮微形态特征具有丰富的多样性,表型可塑性小,不同类群之间具有明显的种间差异。观察结果表明:荸荠属果实表皮微形态特征是该属分类与系统研究中不可忽视的性状。  相似文献   

廖晨阳  杨明乐  陈一  高庆 《西北植物学报》2019,39(11):2003-2010
当归属是伞形科的代表性大属,日本列岛是其重要的分布地和多样性中心之一。该研究对产自日本的9种当归属植物(特有种8种)的果实形态结构和表面微形态特征进行了观察和比较,以明确它们的分类学特征,探讨潜在的种间关系,为进一步的分类修订和系统发育研究提供资料和依据。结果表明:(1)体式显微镜观察发现,产自日本的9种当归属植物的果实形状主要为倒卵形和长圆形,表面光滑或少毛,呈不同程度的背腹压扁,背棱大多呈线状突起或狭翅状,侧棱则呈或宽或窄的翅状,油管一般为每个棱槽1条、合生面2~4条。(2)扫描电镜观察发现,大多数材料的果实具有疏密不等的平行线形初级蜡质纹饰,次级纹饰呈现鳞状、束状、索状、丘状或不明显,个别可见珊瑚状或网格状基底,一般具有颗粒状附属物。(3)通过分析比较上述形态特征和鉴别要点,编制了分种检索表,并结合中国当归属系统发育的研究成果,进一步对日本特有当归属植物的系统位置及其与东亚大陆物种的亲缘关系进行了讨论。研究认为,日本特有当归属植物的果实形态特征较丰富,能为种间分类和亲缘关系研究提供有力支持。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜方法对中国31种狭义当归属植物的果实表面微形态特征进行了观察比较,结果表明:(1)狭义当归属植物外果皮细胞轮廓均不可见,但依据表面突起度可将其分为粗糙型和平滑型。(2)表面蜡质纹饰主要为粗条状和细线状,并呈现出或疏或密的交错或平行排布。(3)表面附属结构主要包括表皮毛、皮刺以及根枝状和块状结构等,并具有或多或少的颗粒状分泌物。上述果实表面微形态特征均表现出较丰富的多样性和一定的规律性,可作为狭义当归属果实形态研究的重要补充,为其物种鉴别和种间关系研究提供重要的参考依据。据此,该研究将31种狭义当归属植物分为4种类型:类型Ⅰ.果实表面无显著的蜡质纹饰,包括大巴山当归、带岭当归、紫花前胡和峨眉当归等4种;类型Ⅱ.果实表面有蜡质纹饰且较平滑,包括阿坝当归和东川当归等10种;类型Ⅲ.果实表面粗糙并有交错蜡质纹饰,包括城口当归和朝鲜当归等9种;类型Ⅳ.果实表面粗糙并有平行蜡质纹饰,包括东当归和当归等8种。本研究亦对属下的分类鉴定和部分近缘种的鉴别进行了探讨。  相似文献   

山东莎草属植物果实形状及果皮微形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜对山东分布的18种莎草属植物的果实形状及果皮微形态进行了观察研究。结果表明,莎草属植物果实为椭圆状、倒卵状或卵状三棱形,顶端具柱状或锥状短喙;果皮微形态可分为:网-疣复合纹饰、网状纹饰、疣状纹饰和无规则突起纹饰4种类型;果皮微形态类型的划分与基于宏观形态特征的传统分类关联较小,但在该属形态相近的种间存在明显差异,可作为种间划分的依据。果皮微形态证据支持将水莎草属(Juncellus)、砖子苗属(Mariscus)和断节莎属(Torulinium)归入莎草属(Cyperus)的分类观点。  相似文献   

中国菊科绢蒿属植物叶表皮特征观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用扫描电镜对17种绢蒿属植物叶表皮特征进行了观察。结果表明,该属植物叶表面有大量带状蜡质和表皮毛覆盖,在蜡质成分的外面分泌有盐分颗粒,表现出明显的旱生结构特征。表皮毛在种间无明显差异,而气孔器在保卫细胞形状和表面纹饰等特征组合方面存在较大差异,说明叶表皮气孔器特征对于绢蒿属植物的系统分类有参考价值。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜对来自北美和东亚的变豆菜属植物(美国7个种,中国8个种)的果实表面微形态进行观察,结合前人对伞形科其他类群果实微形态特征的研究及近年来分子系统学证据,对变豆菜属的种间分类进行研究。结果显示,变豆菜属植物果实的形态大小、皮刺弯曲程度和果柄蜡质纹饰丰富多样。研究表明变豆菜属是一个自然类群,果实表面钩刺结构有利于该属植物的传播及扩散,果实微形态特征具有分类学价值,可作为种间分类的依据。根据变豆菜属果实表面微形态特征,编制了该属植物分种检索表。  相似文献   

黄土高原蒿属植物花粉形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,观察了黄土高原32种蒿属植物的花粉形态,结果表明蒿属植物花粉形态具有高度一致性,支持传统的属级分类。根据花粉外壁纹饰,可将其分为5种类型。Ⅰ型:小刺密集,刺基部膨大,覆盖层有细小颗粒。Ⅱ型:小刺密集,刺基具显著膨大,几乎密集相连。Ⅲ型:小刺密集,刺基明显膨大状,覆盖层光滑。Ⅳ型:稀疏小刺,覆盖层光滑;轮廓线较光滑或微刺状。Ⅴ型:稀疏微刺,覆盖层有小颗粒;轮廓线较光滑,萌发沟细长,孔扁长。蒿属植物不同种花粉的大小、形状、萌发孔类型、外壁纹饰及边缘形态等方面均表现出一定的特异性,对蒿属植物种间鉴定分类及古植物孢粉鉴别均有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

中国荞麦属果实形态特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用解剖镜和扫描电镜对中国产荞麦属Fagopyrum Mill.8种1变种的果实形态和微形态特征进行了观察。结果表明这些种类的果实可分为3类:(1)果实三棱锥状,表面不光滑,无光泽,具皱纹网状纹饰,此种类型的植物有苦荞麦、金荞麦。(2)果实卵圆三棱锥状,表面光滑,有光泽,具条纹纹饰,此种类型的植物有荞麦、长柄野荞麦、线叶野荞麦。(3)果实卵圆三棱锥状,表面光滑,有光泽,具大量的瘤状颗粒和少数模糊的细条纹纹饰,此种类型的植物有硬枝野荞麦、细柄野荞麦、小野荞麦、疏穗小野荞麦。研究结果认为金荞麦与栽培种苦荞麦关系较近。  相似文献   

首次报道了中国绢蒿属[Seriphidium (Bess.) Poljak.]7种植物的染色体数目和核型,其核型公式分别为:西北绢蒿[S.nitrosum (Web.ex Stechm.) Poljak.]2n=2x=18=6m(2SAT)+8sm +2st+2T;沙漠绢蒿[S.santolinum (Schrenk) Poljak.]2n=2x=18=14m+4sm;博洛塔绢蒿[S.borotalense (Poljak.) Ling et Y.R.Ling]2n=2x=18=2M+14m+2sm;新疆绢蒿[S.kaschgaricum (Krasch.) Poljak.]2n=2x=18=8m(2SAT)+10sm(2SAT);纤细绢蒿[S.gracilescens (Krasch.et Iljin) Poljak.]2n=2x=18=4m+14sm(2SAT);三裂叶绢蒿[S.junceum (Kar.et Kir.) Poljak.]2n=2x=18=10m+4sm+4st;民勤绢蒿[S.minchünensa Y.R.Ling]2n=2x=18=12m+6sm.结果表明,7种绢蒿植物中,博洛塔绢蒿最原始,西北绢蒿最进化.  相似文献   

<正> The paper is a review, in which author showed 1). A view of the classification, including history and taxonomic evidence of the genera, Artemisia L. and Seriphidium (Bess.) Poljak.; 2). the distribution, including migration in geological period, the speciation and present distributional mass center and so-called "3 oblique mass zones" in China, as well as the secondary speciation and developing centers in Hengduang-Himalayan Mts. and 3). the application, mainly in medicine, but also for herbage in steppe and for the windbreaks and assist to sand fixation at the desert and semi-desert areas.  相似文献   

东北蒿属植物比较形态学研究:Ⅰ.种皮结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张大维 《植物研究》1999,19(1):111-120
本文通过光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,对东北蒿属植物萝组,艾蒿组,艾组,龙蒿组,牡贡组,35种代表植物种皮的形态特征进行了观察,其中瘦果形态多为倒卵形,长圆形及其它变形,但立体构型多有变化。  相似文献   

This paper deals with pollen grains of 9 chinese genera of Trib. Anthemideae Cass., which include the genera: Ajania Poljak., Hippolytia Poljak., Stilpnolepis Krasch., Elachanthemum Ling et Y. R. Ling, Filifolium Kitam., Ajaniopsis Shih, Kaschgaria Poljak., Neopallasia Poljak., Seriphidium Poljak., Pollen grains of these genera are isopolar, radially symmetrical, 3-colporate, NPC 345, spheroidal, sometimes suboblate or subprolate. Polar axis 20.0-30.0μm equatorial axis 20.0 -30.0μm. The exine consists of three layers: tectum, columellae and nexine. Exine thickness 3.2-5.6μm, usually the columellae is the thickest. According to the differences of exine ornamentation, they are divided into two main groups: 1. with distinct spines, including the genera Ajania Poljak., Hippolytia Poljak., Stilpnolepis Krasch., 2.with indistinct spinules, including the genera Elachanthemum Ling et Y.R.Ling, Filifolium Kitam., Ajaniopsis Shih, Kaschgaria., Neopallasia Poljak.,Seriphidium Polj  相似文献   

The present paper is an attempt to propose a preliminary taxomomic treatment of the genus Hippolytia Poljak. and to analyse the geographical distribution of its composite elements. This small genus with 17 species is divided into 2 sections, namely, section Anthodesma Shih and section Hippolytia. Anthodesma is a small section with 3 species and is characterized by fascicled corymbs, campanulate and nitid involucres, rigidly herbaceous phyllaries, and undershrubs, while Hippolytia consisting of 14 species is characterized by corymbose inflorescence or glomerules or compund heads, cuneate and unpolished involucres, herbaceous phyllaries with pitch black margines. There are 12 species of Hippolytia in China, of which 3 are proposed as new in the present paper. Regarding the distribution pattern of Hippolytia, it is noteworthy to note that its range of distribution forms a more or less U-shape as shown in map 2. It may be seen that Hippolytia distributes in Central Asia-Sino-Himalaya-Median Asia. Section Anthodesma Shih occurs in central Asia, while section Hippolytia in the whole Himalayan region and northern Meridional Ranges and Median Asia. There seems to be no center of species concentration within the total range of Hippolytia, whose species are localized in distribution, for example, H. desmantha Shih is known only from Qinghai provence (Yu-Shu-Hsien), H. alashanensis (Ling) Shih is restricted to Ninghsia and central part of Kansu provence. It is interesting to note that H. yunnanensis (J. F. Jeffrey) Shih and H. longifolia (Wall.) Shih are referred to as vicarious species. The localization of the species distribution and the obvious discontinuity of morphological characters between species indicate a remarkable geographical influence on the species formation of Hippolytia. Hippolytia is an alpine genus of temperate zone of Asia, in which 64 per cent of species occurs at high elevations of above 3300m. altitude, 30 per cent of species are distributed in middle elevations of above 2200m. altitude. The life forms are microundershrubs, erect perennial herbs, glomerule stemless herbs or stemless herbs. It is very possible that its geographical origin and development may be linked up with occurance of desert steppe, especially of alpine meadow vegetations in the northern temperate zone of Asia. With regard to the geographical elements to which each species of Hippolytia belongs, it seems to indicate that H. trifida (Turcz.) Poljak., H. alashanensis (Ling) Shih and H. desmantha Shih belong to the geographical elements of central Asia, while H. yunnanensis (J. F. Jeffrey) Shih, H. glomerata Shih, H. tomentosa (DC.) Tzvel., H. senecionis (Bess.) Poljak. H. longifolia (Wall.) Shih, H. kennedayi (Dunn) Ling, H. syncalathiformis Shih, H. gossypina (Hook. f. et Thoms.) Shih and H. nana (C. B. Clarke) Shih to Himalayan elements, and H. darvasica (C. Winkl.) Poljak., H. megacephala (Rupr.) Poljak,, H. herderi (Rgl. et Schmalh.) Poljak. to Median Asia, H. delavayi (W. W. Smith) Shih to North-West-Yunna.  相似文献   

蒿属与邻近属的谱系分支分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
蒋林  林有润 《植物研究》1992,12(4):399-406
本文首次报道“蒿属与邻近属的谱系分支分析”,结果如下:在蒿自然群中,蒿属和绢蒿属及线叶菊属和栉叶蒿属各为一对姐妹群,后一对姐妹群还与毛蒿自然群有较近的亲缘关系;紊蒿属和百花蒿属在进化过程中,作为两个独立的属,很早就与蒿自然群其它属分化出。在蒿属各组中,腺毛蒿组和白苞蒿组为一对姐妹群,并与艾组构成姐妹关系;龙蒿亚属三个组(龙蒿组、牡蒿组和球蒿组)的亲缘关系很接近,且与友蒿组有较近的亲缘关系。 研究的结果支持林有润的蒿属与蒿自然群的演化假说和紊蒿作为一个独立的属的观点以及将中国蒿属分为蒿亚属和龙蒿亚属以及七个组的观点。根据谱系分支分析的结果以及形态上的特征,建议在蒿属下建立一新亚属,灰蒿亚属。  相似文献   

The natural seed coat of Seriphidium transiliense Poljak could indirectly absorb water to almost saturation in 1 to 3 h at different temperatures and different relative humidities (RH). At lower humidifies, temperature almost did not affect the water absorbing rate, but at higher humidities, water absorbency escalated with temperature rise. In drought condition with a RH of 21%, it could still retain 10% of water. The direct water absorbing rate of the natural seed was about 1 500%, while that of the seed without film was only 170%. The natural seed coat made up 11% of the total seed weight. The direct absorbing rate was 12 400%. The water absorbency belonged to monomolecular layer absorption at RH < 70%. The ability of water absorbency was stronger at RH > 70%, and the water absorbency belonged to multimolecular layer absorption. There was a linear correlation between the reciprocal of the water absorbing rate and that of the water absorbing time. According to the classifying analysis and the determination of the seed coat substances using IR, it was initially maintained that the main composition of the seed coat of Seriphidium transiliense Poljak was neither protein, pectine, cellulose, nor starch, but some other polysaccharide composed of aldoses. It also contained a kind of acid-base indicating substance.  相似文献   

Chromosome data are important for elucidating intergeneric relationships and delimiting infrafamilial tribes in plants. This paper reports karyological data for 12 Seriphidium (Bess.) Poljak. species from China, of these, five count as new reports and the others have been reported elsewhere. We also report the tetraploid level in S. schrenkianum for the first time. The karyotype formulae and types for the five new reports are: S. schrenkianum (Ledeb.) Poljak. 2n = 4x = 36 = 22m + 12sm + 2st, S. sublessingianum (Kell.) Poljak. 2n = 2x = 18 = 14m + 4sm and S. transiliense (Poljak.) Poljak. 2n = 2x = 18 = 4M + 6m + 2m(SAT) + 4sm + 2sm(SAT), belong to 2A type; S. cinum (Berg. ex Poljak.) Poljak. 2n = 2x = 18 = 8m + 10sm and S. sawanense Y. R. Ling et C. J. Humphries 2n = 2x = 18 = 10m + 2m(SAT) + 6sm, belong to 2B type. Furthermore, we estimated karyotype asymmetry in the 12 species by using an intrachromosomal asymmetry index and an interchromosomal asymmetry index. The data increase information about the karyosystematics of Seriphidium.  相似文献   

分析了171个中国蒿属植物样品的精油化学成分,鉴定出305个化合物。这些样品代表64个种,其中蒿亚属47种,龙蒿亚属17种。 分析结果表明,这些化合物在两亚属中的分布有一定的规律性。在蒿亚属精油中主要含单萜类和倍半萜类化合物,而在龙蒿亚屑精油中主要含倍半萜类化合物和芳香族化合物。这种分布与中国蒿属植物从较原始到进化划分为7个组的系统分类有一定的相关性,即蒿亚属:莳萝蒿组(单萜类化合物)→艾蒿组(单萜类化合物)→艾组(单萜类化合物)→腺毛蒿组(单萜类化合物和倍半萜类化合物)→白苞蒿组(倍半萜类化合物)。龙蒿亚属:龙蒿组(倍半萜类化合物和芳香族化合物)→牡蒿组(倍半萜类化合物和芳香族化合物)。  相似文献   

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