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 The objective of this study was to determine the genetic basis of resistance to maize mosaic virus (MMV). Molecular markers were used to map resistance loci to MMV in a set of 91 maize (Zea mays L.) recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from the cross between Hi31 (a B68 conversion resistant to MMV) and Kil4 (a Thai inbred susceptible to MMV). The RILs were evaluated for MMV resistance in disease nurseries in Hawaii in the winter of 1993 and the summer of 1994. Twenty-eight highly susceptible RILs were chosen for gene mapping using the pooled-sampling approach. Initial evidence from the pooled DNA indicated that restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) probes on chromosome 3 near the centromere were biased to the susceptible parent allele. Analysis of 91 RILs at 103 RFLP loci confirmed the presence of a major MMV resistance gene on chromosome 3. The resistant allele at this locus, previously named Mv1, is present in the resistant parent Hi31 and traces back to the Argentine parent used in conferring common rust resistance to B68. We conclude that resistance to MMV in B68 and Caribbean flints involves a major gene mv1 on chromosome 3 located between RFLP markers umc102 and php20508. Received: 12 June 1996 / Accepted: 5 July 1996  相似文献   

Selection and random genetic drift are the two main forces affecting the selection response of recurrent selection (RS) programs by changes in allele frequencies. Therefore, detailed knowledge on allele frequency changes attributable to these forces is of fundamental importance for assessing RS programs. The objectives of our study were to (1) estimate the number, position, and genetic effect of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for selection index and its components in the base populations, (2) determine changes in allele frequencies of QTL regions due to the effects of random genetic drift and selection, and (3) predict allele frequency changes by using QTL results and compare these predictions with observed values. We performed QTL analyses, based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and simple sequence repeats (SSRs), in 274 F2:3 lines of cross KW1265 × D146 (A × B) and 133 F3:4 lines of cross D145 × KW1292 (C × D) originating from two European flint maize populations. Four (A × B) and seven (C × D) cycles of RS were analyzed with SSRs for significant allele frequency changes due to selection. Several QTL regions for selection index were detected with simple and composite interval mapping. In some of them, flanking markers showed a significant allele frequency change after the first and the final selection cycles. The correlation between observed and predicted allele frequencies was significant only in A × B. We attribute these observations mainly to (1) the high dependence of the power of QTL detection on the population size and (2) the occurrence of undetectable QTL in repulsion phase. Assessment of allele frequency changes in RS programs can be used to detect marker alleles linked to QTL regions under selection pressure. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

 Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from nine Japanese wild isolates of Phellinus linteus was carried out to examine their genetic variability. BamHI and EcoRI digests of mtDNAs from these isolates produced four and five distinct RFLP patterns, respectively. By combining the RFLP patterns obtained with the two endonucleases, mtDNAs from the nine isolates could be assigned to five different genotypes, but no mtDNA variation was detected among the isolates collected from a small area. Distance values calculated among all pairs of mtDNA genotypes, based on the presence or absence of comigrating restriction fragments, were clearly smaller than those among the mtDNA genotypes of Lentinula edodes and Pleurotus ostreatus samples collected worldwide, suggesting the necessity of collecting P. linteus wild isolates for genetic resources from geographically wider areas. Received: June 27, 2002 / Accepted: August 19, 2002 Correspondence to:T. Nakamura  相似文献   

Forty fourth single-copy RFLP markers were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of 122 accessions of common wild rice (CWR, Oryza rufipogon Griff.) and 75 entries of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L. ) from more than ten Asian countries. A comparison of the parameters showing genetic diversity, including the percentage of polymorphic loci (P), the average number of alleles per locus (A), the number of genotypes (Ng), the average heterozygosity (Ho) and the average genetic multiplicity (Hs) of CWR and indica and japonica subspecies of cultivated rice from different countries and regions, indicated that CWR from China possesses the highest genetic diversity, followed by CWR from South Asia and Southeast Asia. The genetic diversity of CWR from India is the second highest. Although the average gene diversity (Hs)of the South Asian CWR is higher than that of the Southeast Asian CWR, its percentage of polymorphic loci (P), number of alleles (Na) and number of genotypes (Ng) are all smaller. It was also found that the genetic diversity of cultivated rice is obviously lower than that of CWR. At the 44 loci investigated, the number of polymorphic loci of cultivated rice is only 3/4 that of CWR, while the number of alleles, 60%, and the number of genotypes is about 1/2 that of CWR. Of the two subspecies studied, the genetic diversity of indica is higher than that of japonica. The average heterozygosity of the Chinese CWR is the highest among all the entries studied. The average heterozygosity of CWR is about two-times that of cultivated rice. It is suggested that during the course of evolution from wild rice to cultivated rice, many alleles were lost through natural and human selection, leading to the lower heterozygosity and genetic diversity of the cultivated rice. Received: 19 May 1999 / Accepted: 26 April 2000  相似文献   

Summary In selected populations, families superior for the selected trait are likely to contribute more offspring to the next generation than inferior families and, as a consequence, the rate of inbreeding is likely to be higher in selected populations than in randomly mated populations of the same structure. Methods to predict rates of inbreeding in selected populations are discussed. The method of Burrows based on probabilities of coselection is reappraised in conjunction with the transition matrix method of Woolliams. The method of Latter based on variances and covariances of family size is also examined. These methods are one-generation approaches in the sense that they only account for selective advantage over a single generation, from parents to offspring. Two-generation methods are developed that account for selective advantage over two generations, from grandparent to grandoffspring as well as from parent to offspring. Predictions are compared to results from simulation. The best one-generation method was found to underpredict rates of inbreeding by 10–25%, and the two-generation methods were found to underpredict rates of inbreeding by 9–18%.  相似文献   

RFLP markers and predicted testcross performance of maize sister inbreds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Inbreds selfed from the same F2 or backcross population are referred to as sister inbreds. In some situations, maize (Zea mays L.) sister inbreds may not have testcross data available for best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of single-cross performance. This study evaluated the usefulness of BLUP and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-based coefficients of coancestry ( f ) in predicting the testcross performance of sister inbreds. Parental contributions (p) were estimated from 70 RFLP loci for 15 inbreds that comprised three sister inbreds selfed from each of five F2 populations. Estimates of p were subsequently used to calculate RFLP-based f. Grain yield, moisture, and stalk lodging data were obtained for 2265 single crosses tested by Limagrain Genetics in multilocation trials from 1990 to 1995. Performance of the sister inbreds when crossed to several inbred testers was predicted from the performance of the tested single crosses and RFLP-based f. Correlations between predicted and observed performance, obtained with a delete-one cross-validation procedure, were erratic and mostly low for all three traits. Correspondence was poor between ranks for predicted and observed general combining ability of the sister inbreds. The results suggested that the proportion of the genome derived by a sister inbred from a given parental inbred does not solely determine its testcross performance. The failure of BLUP and RFLP-based f to consistently predict testcross performance indicated that actual field testing will continue to be necessary for preliminary evaluation of sister inbreds. Received : 17 March 1997 / Accepted : 18 April 1997  相似文献   

We have constructed a molecular linkage map of pepper (Capsicum spp.) in an interspecific F2 population of 107 plants with 150 RFLP and 430 AFLP markers. The resulting linkage map consists of 11 large (206–60.3 cM) and 5 small (32.6–10.3 cM) linkage groups covering 1,320 cM with an average map distance between framework markers of 7.5 cM. Most (80%) of the RFLP markers were pepper-derived clones, and these markers were evenly distributed across the genome. By using 30 primer combinations, we were able to generate 444 AFLP markers in the F2 population. The majority of the AFLP markers clustered in each linkage group, although PstI/MseI markers were more evenly distributed than EcoRI/MseI markers within the linkage groups. Genes for the biosynthesis of carotenoids and capsaicinoids were mapped on our linkage map. This map will provide the basis of studying secondary metabolites in pepper. Received: 20 October 1999 / Accepted: 3 July 2000  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to use molecular markers to: (1) identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling seed-weight in soybean, (2) characterize the genetic basis of seed-weight expression, and (3) determine whether soybean shares orthologous seed-weight genes with cowpea and/or mung bean. An F2 population was developed between a large-seeded Glycine max breeding line and a small-seeded G. soja plant introduction. DNA samples from 150 F2 individuals were analyzed with 91 polymorphic genetic markers, including RFLPs, RAPDs and SSRs. Seed-weight was analyzed by randomly sampling 100 seeds from each of 150 greenhouse-grown F2 individuals, and their 150 F23 lines, from a replicated field trial. Markers associated with seed-weight were identified using the computer program MapMaker-QTL and a one-way analysis of variance. Three and five markers were significantly associated with seed-weight variation (P<0.01) in the F2 and F23 generations, respectively. Tests for digenic epistasis revealed three significant interactions in both generations. In a combined analysis, these markers and interactions explained 50 and 60% of the phenotypic variation for seed-weight in the F2 and F23 generations, respectively. Comparison of our results in soybean (Glycine) with those previously reported in cowpea and mung bean (Vigna) indicated that soybean and cowpea share an orthologous seed-weight gene. In both species, a genomic region significantly associated with seed-weight spanned the same RFLP markers in the same linkage order. A significant digenic interaction involving this genomic region was conserved in all three species. These results suggest that the exploitation of comparative QTL mapping is an invaluable tool for quantitative geneticists working with poorly characterized plant systems.  相似文献   

The number of greater prairie-chickens in Wisconsin has decreased by 91% since 1932. The current population of approximately 1500 birds exists primarily in four isolated management areas. In previous studies of the Wisconsin populations we documented low levels of genetic variation at microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial DNA control region. Here we investigate changes in genetic structure between the four management areas in Wisconsin over the last 50 years. We estimated the harmonic mean effective population size (Ne) over the last 50 years by comparing allele frequencies from the early 1950s with those from contemporary samples. Using a pseudo-likelihood approach that accounted for migration, estimates of Ne (15-32 prairie-chickens within each management area) were 10 times lower than census numbers from booming-ground counts. These low estimates of Ne are consistent with increased habitat fragmentation and an increase in genetic isolation between management areas over the last 50 years. The reduction of gene flow between areas has reduced Ne, increased genetic drift and, consequently, reduced genetic variation. These results have immediate consequences for the conservation of the prairie-chicken, and highlight the importance of how mating systems and limited dispersal may exacerbate the loss of genetic variation in fragmented populations.  相似文献   

Despite its significance in evolutionary and conservation biology, few estimates of effective population size (N(e)) are available in plant species. Self-fertilization is expected to affect N(e), through both its effect on homozygosity and population dynamics. Here, we estimated N(e) using temporal variation in allele frequencies for two contrasted populations of the selfing annual Medicago truncatula: a large and continuous population and a subdivided population. Estimated N(e) values were around 5-10% of the population census size suggesting that other factors than selfing must contribute to variation in allele frequencies. Further comparisons between monolocus allelic variation and changes in the multilocus genotypic composition of the populations show that the local dynamics of inbred lines can play an important role in the fluctuations of allele frequencies. Finally, comparing N(e) estimates and levels of genetic variation suggest that H(e) is a poor estimator of the contemporaneous variance effective population size.  相似文献   

Summary Six population samples of the South American cricetid rodent Akodon dolores were collected at the same site at six-month intervals over a three year period. Changes in density were detected. Seven out of 18 loci analyzed by means of starch gel electrophoresis were polymorphic. Only two of these loci (Est-4 and G6pdh) showed statistically significant variation in allele frequencies following a seasonal pattern. There was no correlation between allele frequencies and population density. When animals were grouped into two classes according to body weight, a clear difference in allele distribution at the Est-4 and G6pdh loci was observed between individuals 39 g or less and those heavier than 39 g. As the first group comprises predominantly younger animals, the data indicate that changes in the age-structure of population, rather than density variations, are responsible for the cyclic pattern of allele frequencies fluctuations.  相似文献   

 Three cycles of S1 recurrent selection for yield were carried out in two synthetic maize populations, EPS6 from humid Spain and EPS7 from arid Spain. One-hundred S1 lines were evaluated from each cycle of selection and the ten highest-yielding S1 lines were recombined to produce the next cycle. Changes in variability and genetic distances in two synthetic maize populations, following three cycles of recurrent selection, recombining ten S1 lines in each cycle, were determined. Isozyme analysis was performed on 125 seedlings per cycle of selection (four cycles in each of two populations). Regressions of each allozyme frequency on cycles of selection were performed, genetic distances between populations were determined, and simple correlations between genetic distances and heterosis were calculated. The average heterozygosity per locus was also calculated for each population. Regression analysis did not reveal any common trend between EPS6 and EPS7 for changes in allele frequencies presumably due to selection. The number of polymorphic loci, the mean alleles per locus, and the mean heterozygosity did not show any reduction in variability. Finally, selection did not affect genetic distances among cycles of selection. The agronomic evaluation of the selection program, after three cycles of selection, revealed that the genetic variance was not significantly reduced for most traits, and that the heterosis among cycles of selection of both populations had not changed significantly. The conclusions based on isozyme data supported the deductions made from agronomic data. Three cycles of selection neither caused relevant changes on variability nor on genetic distance among cycles of selection of both maize synthetic populations. These data did not indicate any basis for increasing the number of S1 lines recombined for recurrent selection. Received: 28 April 1997 / Accepted: 23 June 1997  相似文献   

Summary The genetic variance among random-mated lines derived from backcrossing (BCgS1 lines) depends upon the backcross generation (g) and the number (n) of BCgF1 plants crossed in generations 1 through g. There is little effect of n on genetic variance for n > 6. The genetic variance among BCgF2-derived lines is greater than that among BCgS1 lines for all g. If either BCgF2-derived or BCgS1 lines are used as a base population for recurrent selection, 8, 16, 32, and 64 BC1F1, BC2F1, BC3F1, and BC4F1 plants, respectively, should be used to avoid loss of donor alleles to drift.Joint contribution of USDA-ARS and Journal Paper No. J-11224 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 2471Formerly Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS, Ames, Iowa, USA  相似文献   

 The objective of this work was to assess the degree of trinucleotide microsatellite length polymorphism in the selfing species Arabidopsis thaliana. PCR amplifications of 12 microsatellite loci among 49 natural populations revealed between one to eight length variants (alleles) for each locus. The average number of alleles per locus was four and the average genetic diversity index was 0.43. Divergence between length variants was investigated at the nucleotide level. Several observations emerge from the sequence data: (1) for most loci, length polymorphism results only from variations in the number of trinucleotide repeats; (2) for a few others, some variability was noted in the flanking sequences; (3) for compound and interrupted loci containing two arrays of trinucleotide repeats, length variations preferentially affect the longest one. Five of the Arabidopsis thaliana accessions were clearly composed of two sublines. In 2 other accessions, some heterozygous individual plants, probably resulting from recent outcrosses, were found. A phylogenetic tree constructed on the basis of trinucleotide microsatellite allelic diversity shows that genetic relationships among the accessions are not correlated with their geographic origin. Received: 4 November 1997 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

 A molecular map of rice consisting of 231 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), 212 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), 86 simple-sequence length polymorphisms (SSLPs), five isozyme loci, and two morphological mutant loci [phenol staining of grain (Ph), semi-dwarf habit (sd-1)] has been constructed using an F11 recombinant inbred (RI) population. The mapping population consisted of 164 RI lines and was developed via single-seed descent from an intercross between the genetically divergent parents Milyang 23 (M) (tongil type) and Gihobyeo (G) ( japonica type). A subset of previously mapped RFLP and SSLP markers were used to construct the map framework. The AFLP markers were derived from ten EcoRI(+2) and MseI(+3) primer combinations. All marker types were well distributed throughout the 12 chromosomes. The integrated map covered 1814 cM, with an average interval size of 3.4 cM. The MG map is a cornerstone of the Korean Rice Genome Research Program (KRGRP) and is being continuously refined through the addition of partially sequenced cDNA markers derived from an immature-seed cDNA library developed in Korea, and microsatellite markers developed at Cornell. The population is also being used for quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis and as the basis for marker-assisted variety development. Received: 24 June 1997 / Accepted: 25 November 1997  相似文献   

 This study was intended to investigate the extent of genetic differentiation in parental lines of rice hybrids and to analyze the genetic basis underlying the fertility phenomenon in distant crosses. Two subsets of rice material (111 entries in total) were used, including 81 doubled-haploid (DH) lines and 30 Indica and Japonica rice varieties or lines (as a control). The DH lines was derived from a heterotic Indica/Japonica cross (Gui630/02428) by anther culture. The materials in the control represent a broad spectrum of the Asian cultivated rice gene pool including landraces, primitive cultivars, historically important cultivars, modern elite cultivars, super rice and parents of superior hybrids. In accordance with the NC II design, 57 out of the DH lines were test-crossed to two important wide compatibility lines: photoperiod-sensitive genetic male sterile (PGMS) line N422s and thermo-sensitive genetic male sterile (TGMS) line Peiai64s. The F1s and their parents, 182 entries in total, were examined for the performance of seven traits in a replicated field trial. All the rice materials was surveyed for polymorphisms using 92 RFLP markers selected from two published molecular marker linkage maps. Genotypes of the F1 hybrids at the molecular-marker loci were deduced from the parental genotypes. The analysis showed that there were two types of genetic differentiation in the two subsets of rice material; that is, qualitative differentiation in the control and quantitative differentiation in the DH lines. In addition, favorable genic interactions (both intra- or inter-locus) contributed to better increase the fertility in hybrids of distant crosses through incorporation of a wide-compatibility line as the female parent. Favorable genic interactions can be applied in hybrid rice breeding programs by selecting parents with an appropriate extent of genetic differentiation. Received: 5 June 1997 / Accepted: 10 September 1997  相似文献   

 A sesquidiploid hybrid (PPS, 2n=32) between Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (PP, 2n=20) and N. sylvestris (SS, 2n=24) was backcrossed to N. plumbaginifolia to produce monosomic alien addition lines. A total of 89 2n=21 plants, each containing two sets of N. plumbaginifolia chromosomes and a single N. sylvestris chromosome, were obtained in the BC1 and BC2 generations. These plants were classified into 12 groups based on morphological characteristics. The N. sylvestris chromosomes in these plants were identified by RFLP and karyotype analyses. Among the 84 probes tested, 20 could not detect N. sylvestris-specific DNA bands, and the remaining 64 were assigned to 9 normal and 6 aberrant synteny groups. The 9 normal synteny groups corresponded to chromosomes 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12, respectively. Four aberrant synteny groups were the result of chromosome translocations, and 2 were deletions. Received: 10 April 1996 / Accepted: 5 July 1996  相似文献   

A generation-means analysis was performed on two maize populations, each segregating for genes conferring resistance to anthracnose stalk rot (ASR). The populations were derived from a cross of DE811ASR x DE811 and of DE811ASR x LH132. The resistant parent, DE811ASR, was obtained through introgression with MP305 as the donor and DE811 as the recurrent parent. The analysis revealed significant additive effects in both populations and a significant additive x dominant effect in the DES11ASR x DES11 population. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-based molecular markers, indicated a significant QTL on linkage group 4 in both populations. The QTL analysis confirmed additive inheritance in both populations. This work demonstrates a close correspondence between generation-means analysis and discrete observations using molecular markers. Linkage of a genetic marker to genes conferring resistance to ASR will be useful for the introgression of resistance into elite germplasm.This research was part of a thesis submitted by the first author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a MS degree. Published as Miscellaneous Paper number 1491 of the Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

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