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The adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV) contains a single-stranded DNA genome of which the terminal 145 nucleotides are palindromic and form T-shaped hairpin structures. These inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) play an important role in AAV DNA replication and resolution, since each of the ITRs contains a terminal resolution site (trs) that is the target site for the AAV rep gene products (Rep). However, the Rep proteins also interact with the AAV DNA sequences that lie outside the ITRs, and the ITRs also play a crucial role in excision of the proviral genome from latently infected cells or from recombinant AAV plasmids. To distinguish between Rep-mediated excision of the viral genome during rescue from recombinant AAV plasmids and the Rep-mediated resolution of the ITRs during AAV DNA replication, we constructed recombinant AAV genomes that lacked either the left or the right ITR sequence and one of the Rep-binding sites (RBSs). No rescue and replication of the AAV genome occurred from these plasmids following transfection into adenovirus type 2-infected human KB cells, as expected. However, excision and abundant replication of the vector sequences was clearly detected from the plasmid that lacked the AAV left ITR, suggesting the existence of an additional putative excision site in the left end of the AAV genome. This site was precisely mapped to one of the AAV promoters at map unit 5 (AAV p5) that also contains an RBS. Furthermore, deletion of this RBS abolished the rescue and replication of the vector sequences. These studies suggest that the Rep-mediated cleavage at the RBS during viral DNA replication may, in part, account for the generation of the AAV defective interfering particles.  相似文献   

We constructed insertion and deletion mutants with mutations within the adeno-associated virus (AAV) sequences of the infectious recombinant plasmid pSM620. Studies of these mutants revealed at least three AAV phenotypes. Mutants with mutations between 11 and 42 map units were partially or completely defective for rescue and replication of the AAV sequences from the recombinant plasmids (rep mutants). The mutants could be complemented by mutants with replication-positive phenotypes. The protein(s) that is affected in rep mutants has not been identified, but the existence of the rep mutants proves that at least one AAV-coded protein is required for viral DNA replication. Also, the fact that one of the rep mutant mutations maps within the AAV intron suggests that the intron sequences code for part of a functional AAV protein. Mutants with mutations between 63 and 91 map units synthesized normal amounts of AAV duplex DNA but could not generate single-stranded virion DNA (cap mutants). The cap phenotype could be complemented by rep mutants and is probably due to a defect in the major AAV capsid protein, VP3. This suggests that a preformed capsid or precursor is required for the accumulation of single-stranded AAV progeny DNA. Mutants with mutations between 48 and 55 map units synthesized normal amounts of AAV single-stranded and duplex DNA but produced substantially lower yields of infectious virus particles than wild-type AAV (lip mutants). The lip phenotype is probably due to a defect in the minor capsid protein, VPI, and suggests the existence of an additional (as yet undiscovered) AAV mRNA. Evidence is also presented for recombination between mutant AAV genomes during lytic growth.  相似文献   

Single-stranded genomes of adeno-associated virus (AAV) are packaged into preformed capsids. It has been proposed that packaging is initiated by interaction of genome-bound Rep proteins to the capsid, thereby targeting the genome to the portal of encapsidation. Here we describe a panel of mutants with amino acid exchanges in the pores at the fivefold axes of symmetry on AAV2 capsids with reduced packaging and reduced Rep-capsid interaction. Mutation of two threonines at the rim of the fivefold pore nearly completely abolished Rep-capsid interaction and packaging. This suggests a Rep-binding site at the highly conserved amino acids at or close to the pores formed by the capsid protein pentamers. A different mutant (P. Wu, W. Xiao, T. Conlon, J. Hughes, M. Agbandje-McKenna, T. Ferkol, T. Flotte, and N. Muzyczka, J. Virol. 74:8635-8647, 2000) with an amino acid exchange at the interface of capsid protein pentamers led to a complete block of DNA encapsidation. Analysis of the capsid conformation of this mutant revealed that the pores at the fivefold axes were occupied by VP1/VP2 N termini, thereby preventing DNA introduction into the capsid. Nevertheless, the corresponding capsids had more Rep proteins bound than wild-type AAV, showing that correct Rep interaction with the capsid depends on a defined capsid conformation. Both mutant types together support the conclusion that the pores at the fivefold symmetry axes are involved in genome packaging and that capsid conformation-dependent Rep-capsid interactions play an essential role in the packaging process.  相似文献   

Using immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization techniques, we studied the intracellular localization of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) Rep proteins, VP proteins, and DNA during the course of an AAV-2/adenovirus type 2 coinfection. In an early stage, the Rep proteins showed a punctate distribution pattern over the nuclei of infected cells, reminiscent of replication foci. At this stage, no capsid proteins were detectable. At later stages, the Rep proteins were distributed more homogeneously over the nuclear interior and finally became redistributed into clusters slightly enriched at the nuclear periphery. During an intermediate stage, they also appeared at an interior part of the nucleolus for a short period, whereas most of the time the nucleoli were Rep negative. AAV-2 DNA colocalized with the Rep proteins. All three capsid proteins were strongly enriched in the nucleolus in a transient stage of infection, when the Rep proteins homogeneously filled the nucleoplasm. Thereafter, they became distributed over the whole nucleus and colocalized in nucleoplasmic clusters with the Rep proteins and AAV-2 DNA. While VP1 and VP2 strongly accumulated in the nucleus, VP3 was almost equally distributed between the nucleus and cytoplasm. Capsids, visualized by a conformation-specific antibody, were first detectable in the nucleoli and then spread over the whole nucleoplasm. This suggests that nucleolar components are involved in initiation of capsid assembly whereas DNA packaging occurs in the nucleoplasm. Expression of a transfected full-length AAV-2 genome followed by adenovirus infection showed all stages of an AAV-2/adenovirus coinfection, whereas after expression of the cap gene alone, capsids were restricted to the nucleoli and did not follow the nuclear redistribution observed in the presence of the whole AAV-2 genome. Coexpression of Rep proteins released the restriction of capsids to the nucleolus, suggesting that the Rep proteins are involved in nuclear redistribution of AAV capsids during viral infection. Capsid formation was dependent on the concentration of expressed capsid protein.  相似文献   

Positive and negative selection on the human genome.   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
J C Fay  G J Wyckoff  C I Wu 《Genetics》2001,158(3):1227-1234
The distinction between deleterious, neutral, and adaptive mutations is a fundamental problem in the study of molecular evolution. Two significant quantities are the fraction of DNA variation in natural populations that is deleterious and destined to be eliminated and the fraction of fixed differences between species driven by positive Darwinian selection. We estimate these quantities using the large number of human genes for which there are polymorphism and divergence data. The fraction of amino acid mutations that is neutral is estimated to be 0.20 from the ratio of common amino acid (A) to synonymous (S) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at frequencies of > or =15%. Among the 80% of amino acid mutations that are deleterious at least 20% of them are only slightly deleterious and often attain frequencies of 1-10%. We estimate that these slightly deleterious mutations comprise at least 3% of amino acid SNPs in the average individual or at least 300 per diploid genome. This estimate is not sensitive to human population history. The A/S ratio of fixed differences is greater than that of common SNPs and suggests that a large fraction of protein divergence is adaptive and driven by positive Darwinian selection.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is frequently used as a vector for gene therapy. The viral capsid consists of three structural proteins (VP1, VP2, and VP3) that have a common C-terminal core (VP3), with N-terminal extensions of increasing length in VP2 and VP1. The capsid encloses a single-stranded genome of up to 4.7 kb, which is packaged into empty capsids. The N-terminal extension of VP1 carries a phospholipase domain that becomes accessible during infection in the endosomal pathway. We have used cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction to determine subnanometer-resolution structures of recombinant AAV1 that has packaged different amounts of a 3. 6-kb recombinant genome. The maps show that the AAV1 capsid undergoes continuous conformational changes upon packaging of the genome. The rearrangements occur at the inner capsid surface and lead to constrictions of the pores at the 5-fold symmetry axes and to subtle movements of the β-sheet regions of the capsid proteins. In fully packaged particles, the genome forms stem-like features that contact the inner capsid surface at the 3-fold symmetry axes. We think that the reorganization of the inner surface has an impact on the viral life cycle during infection, preparing the externalization of phospholipase domains through the pores at the 5-fold symmetry axes and possibly genome release.  相似文献   

Full replication of adeno-associated virus type 5 (AAV5) is sustained by adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) helper functions E1a, E1b, E2a, E4Orf6, and virus-associated (VA) RNA; however, their combined net enhancement of AAV5 replication was comprised of both positive and negative individual effects. Although Ad5 E4Orf6 was required for AAV5 genomic DNA replication, it also functioned together with E1b to degrade de novo-expressed, preassembled AAV5 capsid proteins and Rep52 in a proteosome-dependent manner. VA RNA enhanced accumulation of AAV5 protein, overcoming the degradative effects of E4Orf6, and was thus required to restore adequate amounts of AAV5 proteins necessary to achieve efficient virus production.  相似文献   

We examined cytoplasmic trafficking and nuclear translocation of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) by using Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated wild-type AAV, A20 monoclonal antibody immunocytochemistry, and subcellular fractionation techniques followed by DNA hybridization. Our results indicated that in the absence of adenovirus (Ad), AAV enters the cell rapidly and escapes from early endosomes with a t(1/2) of about 10 min postinfection. Cytoplasmically distributed AAV accumulated around the nucleus and persisted perinuclearly for 16 to 24 h. Viral uncoating occurred before or during nuclear entry beginning about 12 h postinfection, when viral protein and DNA were readily detected in the nucleus. Few, if any, intact AAV capsids were found in the nucleus. In the presence of Ad, however, cytoplasmic AAV quickly translocated into the nucleus as intact particles as early as 40 min after coinfection, and this facilitated nuclear translocation of AAV was not blocked by the nuclear pore complex inhibitor thapsigargan. The rapid nuclear translocation of intact AAV capsids in the presence of Ad suggested that one or more Ad capsid proteins might be altering trafficking. Indeed, coinfection with empty Ad capsids also resulted in the appearance of AAV DNA in nuclei within 40 min. Escape from early endosomes did not seem to be affected by Ad coinfection.  相似文献   

Latent infection of KB cells with adeno-associated virus type 2.   总被引:10,自引:23,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a prevalent human virus whose replication requires factors provided by a coinfecting helper virus. AAV can establish latent infections in vitro by integration of the AAV genome into cellular DNA. To study the process of integration as well as the rescue of AAV replication in latently infected cells after superinfection with a helper virus, we established a panel of independently derived latently infected cell clones. KB cells were infected with a high multiplicity of AAV in the absence of helper virus, cloned, and passaged to dilute out input AAV genomes. AAV DNA replication and protein synthesis were rescued from more than 10% of the KB cell clones after superinfection with adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) or herpes simplex virus types 1 or 2. In the absence of helper virus, there was no detectable expression of AAV-specific RNA or proteins in the latently infected cell clones. Ad5 superinfection also resulted in the production of infectious AAV in most cases. All mutant adenoviruses tested that were able to help AAV DNA replication in a coinfection were also able to rescue AAV from the latently infected cells, although one mutant, Ad5hr6, was less efficient at AAV rescue. Analysis of high-molecular-weight cellular DNA indicated that AAV sequences were integrated into the cell genome. The restriction enzyme digestion patterns of the cellular DNA were consistent with colinear integration of the AAV genome, with the viral termini present at the cell-virus junction. In addition, many of the cell lines appeared to contain head-to-tail concatemers of the AAV genome. The understanding of the integration of AAV DNA is increasingly important since AAV-based vectors have many advantages for gene transduction in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Positive and negative selection on the mitochondrial genome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Several recent studies have confirmed that mitochondrial DNA variation and evolution are not consistent with the neutral theory of molecular evolution and might be inappropriate for estimating effective population sizes. Evidence for the action of both positive and negative selection on mitochondrial genes has been put forward, and the complex genetics of mitochondrial DNA adds to the challenge of resolving this debate. The solution could lie in distinguishing genetic drift from 'genetic draft' and in dissecting the physiology of mitochondrial fitness.  相似文献   

We have utilized deletion mutants of adeno-associated virus (AAV) to investigate which elements of the AAV genome are required in cis for high yields of the wild-type virus in a plasmid transfection assay and in addition whether these elements affect primarily AAV DNA replication or encapsidation. All tested deletions from within the Rep region demonstrated a modest, approximately threefold, decrease in viral production. Deletions within the cap region resulted in markedly less virus. Previous observations suggested that in cells in which recombinant AAV (rAAV) was produced, as in our assay with the helper plasmid pDG, there is a substantial excess of empty capsids. Co-transfections of high- and low-yielding constructs demonstrated that under conditions where Cap is abundant, the constructs with cap deletions did not package efficiently. These observation suggest that the lower yields of rAAV cannot be entirely due to lack of capsids but that elements within the cap region of the wild-type genome are important for efficient encapsidation. The production of virus by the mutants we tested was, however, not consistent with the disruption of a cis-acting packaging signal. Apparently, when Cap is provided "in trans," encapsidation is inefficient. A second observation is that there were equivalent amounts of replicated but unencapsidated viral DNA in cells transfected with each of our constructs. We propose that, in accord with the previously proposed link between DNA replication and encapsidation, the total amount of AAV DNA replication can be limited by the efficiency of encapsidation.  相似文献   

The human parvovirus adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) has many features that make it attractive as a vector for gene therapy. However, the broad host range of AAV2 might represent a limitation for some applications in vivo, because recombinant AAV vector (rAAV)-mediated gene transfer would not be specific for the tissue of interest. This host range is determined by the binding of the AAV2 capsid to specific cellular receptors and/or co-receptors. The tropism of AAV2 might be changed by genetically introducing a ligand peptide into the viral capsid, thereby redirecting the binding of AAV2 to other cellular receptors. We generated six AAV2 capsid mutants by inserting a 14-amino-acid targeting peptide, L14, into six different putative loops of the AAV2 capsid protein identified by comparison with the known three-dimensional structure of canine parvovirus. All mutants were efficiently packaged. Three mutants expressed L14 on the capsid surface, and one efficiently infected wild-type AAV2-resistant cell lines that expressed the integrin receptor recognized by L14. The results demonstrate that the AAV2 capsid tolerates the insertion of a nonviral ligand sequence. This might open new perspectives for the design of targeted AAV2 vectors for human somatic gene therapy.  相似文献   

This study identifies a region of the adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) rep gene (nucleotides 190 to 540 of wild-type AAV-2) as a cis-acting Rep-dependent element able to promote the replication of transiently transfected plasmids. This viral element is also shown to be involved in the amplification of integrated sequences in the presence of adenovirus and Rep proteins.  相似文献   

Structure of adeno-associated virus type 4   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a member of the Parvoviridae, belonging to the Dependovirus genus. Currently, several distinct isolates of AAV are in development for use in human gene therapy applications due to their ability to transduce different target cells. The need to manipulate AAV capsids for specific tissue delivery has generated interest in understanding their capsid structures. The structure of AAV type 4 (AAV4), one of the most antigenically distinct serotypes, was determined to 13-A resolution by cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction. A pseudoatomic model was built for the AAV4 capsid by use of a structure-based sequence alignment of its major capsid protein, VP3, with that of AAV2, to which AAV4 is 58% identical and constrained by its reconstructed density envelope. The model showed variations in the surface loops that may account for the differences in receptor binding and antigenicity between AAV2 and AAV4. The AAV4 capsid surface topology also shows an unpredicted structural similarity to that of Aleutian mink disease virus and human parvovirus B19, autonomous members of the genus, despite limited sequence homology.  相似文献   

Helicases not only catalyse the disruption of hydrogen bonding between complementary regions of nucleic acids, but also move along nucleic acid strands in a polar fashion. Here we show that the Rep52 and Rep40 proteins of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) are required to translocate capsid-associated, single-stranded DNA genomes into preformed empty AAV-2 capsids, and that the DNA helicase function of Rep52/40 is essential for this process. Furthermore, DNase protection experiments suggest that insertion of AAV-2 genomes proceeds from the 3' end, which correlates with the 3'-->5' processivity demonstrated for the Rep52/40 helicase. A model is proposed in which capsid-immobilized helicase complexes act as molecular motors to 'pump' single-stranded DNA across the capsid boundary.  相似文献   

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