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The pH dependence of infrared and NMR spectroscopic parameters for carbon monoxide bound to human, equine, rabbit and Glycera dibranchiata monomer fraction hemoglobins has been examined. In all cases, the vertebrate hemoglobins exhibit CO vibrations and 13CO chemical shifts which are pH dependent, whereas the invertebrate hemoglobin does not. The Glycera dibranchiata monomer fraction exhibits the highest wavenumber CO vibration (1970 cm-1) and the most shielded chemical shift (206.2 ppm). The pH behavior of the vertebrate CO-hemoglobins is that the heme-coordinated carbon monoxide chemical shifts and principal infrared vibrations tend toward the values observed for the G. dibranchiata CO-hemoglobin fraction. These results are interpreted as originating in protonation of the distal histidine (E-7) in the vertebrate hemoglobins. The anomalous values for Glycera dibranchiata are concluded to be due to the absence of a distal histidine (E-7 His----Leu) in the heme pocket and not to gross structural dissimilarities between the proteins of the different species examined. Primary sequence similarity matrices have been constructed to compare the functional classes of amino acids at homologous positions for the CD and E helices and for the primary heme contacts in human, equine, sperm whale myoglobin, and the Glycera dibranchiata monomer hemoglobin to illustrate this point. They reveal a high correspondence for all globins and do not correlate with the spectroscopic parameters of heme-coordinated CO.  相似文献   

This work indicates a high degree of purity for our preparations of all three of the primary Glycera dibranchiata monomer hemoglobins and details assignments of the heme methyl and vinyl protons in the hyperfine shift region of the ferric (aquo?) protein forms. The assignments were carried out by reconstituting the apoproteins of each component with selectively deuteriated hemes. The results indicate that even though the individual component preparations consist of essentially a single protein, the proton NMR spectra indicate spectroscopic heterogeneity. Evidence is presented for identification and classification of major and minor protein forms that are present in solutions of each component. Finally, in contrast to previous results, a detailed analysis of the proton hyperfine shift patterns of the major and minor forms of each component, in comparison to the major and minor forms of metmyoglobin, leads to the conclusion that the corresponding forms of the proteins from each species have strikingly similar heme-globin contacts and display nearly identical heme electronic structures and coordination numbers.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional 1H-NMR methods have been used to assign side-chain resonances for the tryptophan residues and for several amino acids located in the heme pockets of the carbon monoxide complexes of the major monomeric hemoglobins from Glycera dibranchiata. The NMR spectra reveal a high degree of conservation of the heme pocket structure in the different hemoglobins. However some conformational differences are evident and residues at positions B10 and G8 on the distal side of the heme pocket are not conserved. From the present NMR studies it appears that the monomeric G. dibranchiata hemoglobin examined by X-ray crystallography [Padlan, E. A. & Love, W. (1974) J. Biol. Chem. 249, 4067-4078] corresponds to HbC. Except that the orientation of the heme in solution is the reverse of that reported in the crystal structure, there is a close correspondence between the heme pocket structure in the crystal and in solution. The proximal histidine coordination geometry is almost identical in the CO complexes of the three monomeric hemoglobins studied. Distal residues are strongly implicated in determining the observed kinetic differences in ligand binding reactions. In particular, steric crowding of the ligand binding site in hemoglobin A is probably a major factor in the slower kinetics of this component.  相似文献   

The coelomic haemoglobin of Glycera dibranchiata is known to be separable into monomeric and higher-Mr fractions. Although exhibiting homogeneity with respect to Mr, the extent of haemoglobin heterogeneity for the monomer fraction has never been adequately assayed. In the present paper we demonstrate that there exists in the monomer haemoglobin fraction reproducibly detectable heterogeneity regardless of the presence or absence of proteinase inhibitors during the isolations. These results show that, considered on the same time scale as previous preparations used for amino acid sequencing, crystallography and kinetics, the monomer haemoglobin fraction is highly heterogeneous. Application of ion-exchange chromatography and ion-filtration methods resulted in the isolation of four resolvable haem protein components from the Glycera monomer haemoglobin fraction. Three of these components were isolated in sufficient quantity to employ proton n.m.r. as a successful analytical tool for discriminating the individual haemoglobins. These results are not surprising. Several previous studies indicated less extensive heterogeneity in the monomer fraction. Moreover, the ability of the Glycera monomer haemoglobin to bind oxygen at even quite low partial pressures has been attributed to functional diversity originating in multiple haemoglobin components. The present work reveals the extent of the haemoglobin heterogeneity. The results show that it is more extensive than previously believed. Examination of this monomer fraction is particularly important, since crystallography indicates that one of the components of the monomer fraction lacks the E-7 (distal) histidine residue. As a consequence, the identification of such extensive heterogeneity is important to many previously published ligand-binding studies.  相似文献   

Previously, Man8-14GlcNAc oligosaccharides were isolated from highly purified Saccharomyces cerevisiae invertase and shown by one-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopy and alpha 1,2-linkage-specific mannosidase digestion to constitute a homologous series of nearly homogeneous compounds, which appeared to define the intermediates in oligosaccharide core synthesis in yeast (Trimble, R.B. and Atkinson, P.H. (1986) J. Biol. Chem., 261, 9815-9824). To evaluate whether invertase oligosaccharides reflected global core processing of yeast glycans, the soluble glycoprotein pool of disrupted log-phase cells was digested with endo-beta-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase H and Man8-13GlcNAc were isolated by Bio-Gel P-4 chromatography. Although analysis of each size class by one-dimensional 400 MHz and two-dimensional 500 MHz phase-sensitive COSY 1H NMR spectroscopy revealed considerable structural heterogeneity in all but Man8GlcNAc, the major positional isomer in Man9-13GlcNAc (approximately 50%) was identical to that previously elucidated on invertase. The heterogeneity resided in four families of oligosaccharides: (i) Glc3Man9GlcNAc----Man8 GlcNAc trimming intermediates; (ii) alpha-mannosidase degradation products of the principal isomers; (iii) mannan elongation intermediates; (iv) core structures with the alpha 1,2-linked mannose usually removed by the processing alpha-mannosidase. The potential for the vacuolar alpha-mannosidase (AMS1 gene product) to generate heterogeneity in vitro was confirmed by isolating oligosaccharides from AMS1 and ams1 yeast strains in the presence of a Man13GlcNAc[3H]-ol marker (where GlcNAc[3H]-ol is N-acetylglucosamin [1-3H]itol). Degradation of the Man13GlcNAc[3H]-ol to Man9-12GlcNAc[3H]-ol occurred in the former, but not in the latter. A role for the vacuolar alpha-mannosidase in generating at least some heterogeneity in vivo was inferred from the 1H NMR spectrum of the AMS1 Man11GlcNAc pool, which showed more structural isomerism than seen in the spectrum of a comparable ams1 Man11GlcNAc preparation. Thus, the principal biosynthetic pathway of inner core mannan in Saccharomyces is defined by the Man8-13GlcNAc oligosaccharides found on external invertase, while structural heterogeneity in these size classes results from precursor processing in the endoplasmic reticulum, core extension in the Golgi and metabolic degradation in the vacuole.  相似文献   

The effects of high dilution on the 1H Fourier transform NMR spectrum of native human insulin at pH* 8.0 and 9.3 have been examined at 500 MHz resolution. The dependence of the spectrum on concentration and comparison with the spectrum of a biologically highly potent monomeric insulin mutant (SerB9----Asp) establish that at 36 microM (pH* 9.3) or 18 microM (pH* 8) and no added buffer or salts, human insulin is monomeric. Under these conditions of dilution, ionic strength, and pH*, human insulin and the SerB9----Asp mutant exhibit nearly identical 1H NMR spectra. At higher concentrations (i.e. greater than 36 microM to 0.91 mM), native human insulin dimerizes, and this aggregation causes a change in insulin conformation. Although there are many changes in the spectrum, the TyrB26 ring H3,5 proton signals located at 6.63 ppm and the methyl signal located at 0.105 ppm (characteristics of monomeric insulin) are particularly distinct signatures of the conformation change that accompanies dimerization. Magnetization transfer experiments show that the 0.105 ppm methyl signal shifts downfield to a new position at 0.45 ppm. We conclude that the 0.105 ppm methyl signal is due to a conformation in which a Leu methyl group is centered over and in van der Waals contact with the ring of an aromatic side chain. Dimerization causes a conformation change that alters this interaction, thereby causing the downfield shift. Nuclear Overhauser studies indicate that the methyl group involved is located within a cluster of aromatic side chains and that the closest ring-methyl group interaction is with the ring of PheB24.  相似文献   

1. 1H NMR spectra were acquired from whole plasma, intact erythrocytes, and ultrafiltrates of erythrocytes from nine native and eight introduced (domestic) Australian animals; single-pulse, spin-echo and 2-dimensional spectra were obtained. The aim was to detect and at least semi-quantify metabolites in the samples and compare the profiles amongst the species. 2. The Australian natives that were studied were all marsupials: greater brown bandicoot; bettong; eastern grey kangaroo; red kangaroo; koala; possum; red necked pademelon; Tammar wallaby; and wombat. The introduced mammals that were studied were: cat; cattle; dog; goat; horse; pig; rabbit; and sheep. 3. Because of the range of habitats and diets amongst the animals, it was postulated that the concentrations of the common metabolites in the blood would show marked differences and that there would also be some metabolites that were peculiar to a given animal. There were several major differences in the spectra: in the spectra of plasma, the glycoprotein and lipoprotein resonances showed the largest inter-species variation, whereas the most dramatic finding from the spectra of erythrocytes was a very high concentration of lysine in the cells from the Tammar wallaby.  相似文献   

Yang Y  Bai G  Zhang X  Ye C  Liu M 《Analytical biochemistry》2004,324(2):292-297
Recent studies have suggested that ibuprofen inhibits low-density lipoprotein oxidation in a high dose-dependent manner and is a promising drug for treatment of the conditions associated with atherosclerosis. In this article, we present the NMR spectroscopic evidence for the interaction between ibuprofen and phospholipids in lipoprotein particles in intact human plasma. Ibuprofen caused chemical shift upfield drifts for the protons of -N(+)(CH(3))(3) moieties of phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, olefinic chains (-CH[double bond]CH[bond], [bond]CH[triple bond]CHCH(2)CH[triple bond]CH[bond], [bond](CH(2))(n)CH(2)CH[double bond]), and (CH(2))(n) and CH(3) groups, from unsaturated lipids in lipoprotein particles. The ibuprofen may interact directly with the above-mentioned groups of phospholipids or induce structural changes in the lipoproteins. This may shed light on the mechanism by which the drug protects against oxidative modification of lipoproteins.  相似文献   

The complete 1H- and 13C-NMR assignments of the major Cannabis constituents, delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, delta8-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabigerol, cannabinol, cannabidiol, cannabidiolic acid, cannflavin A and cannflavin B have been determined on the basis of one- and two-dimensional NMR spectra including 1H- and 13C-NMR, 1H-1H-COSY, HMQC and HMBC. The substitution of carboxylic acid on the cannabinoid nucleus (as in tetrahydrocannabinolic acid and cannabidiolic acid) has a large effect on the chemical shift of H-1" of the C5 side chain and 2'-OH. It was also observed that carboxylic acid substitution reduces intermolecular hydrogen bonding resulting in a sharpening of the H-5' signal in cannabinolic acid in deuterated chloroform. The additional aromaticity of cannabinol causes the two angular methyl groups (H-8 and H-9) to show identical 1H-NMR shifts, which indicates that the two aromatic rings are in one plane in contrast to the other cannabinoids. For the cannabiflavonoids, the unambiguous assignments of C-3' and C-4' of cannflavin A and B were determined by HMBC spectra.  相似文献   

The 1H-NMR spectra of the two Escherichia coli basic, low-Mr (approximately equal to 9000) DNA-binding proteins NS1 and NS2 and of their native complex NS were studied at 400 MHz and a number of resonances and resonance peaks were assigned. As in the case of some eukaryotic histones, the presence of a large number of high-field perturbed Phe resonances, several shielded and deshielded methyl resonances and backbone NH protons quite inaccessible to the solvent clearly indicate the existence of extensive tertiary and, even more so, quaternary structures involving hydrophobic interactions. These structures are lost upon heating, but readily reform upon cooling. Spectral differences between NS1, NS2 and NS and the greater thermal stability of NS indicate that molecules of the heterologous subunits (NS1 and NS2) aggregate (dimerize) preferentially in comparison to the self-aggregation of the homologous subunits. Unlike those of the eukaryotic histones, the tertiary and quaternary structures of NS are insensitive to extensive variations of the ionic strength.  相似文献   

Water-soluble hemicelluloses were extracted from milled aspen wood (Populus tremula) employing microwave oven treatment at 180 degrees C for 10 min. The final pH of this extract was 3.5. From this extract oligo- and polysaccharides were isolated and subsequently fractionated by size-exclusion chromatography. The structures of the saccharides in three of the fractions obtained were determined by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, using homonuclear and heteronuclear two-dimensional techniques. The polysaccharides present in the two fractions eluted first were O-acetyl-(4-O-methylglucurono)xylans. The average degree of acetylation of the xylose residues in these compounds was 0.6. The structural element -->4)[4-O-Me-alpha-D-GlcpA-(1-->2)][3-O-Ac]-beta-D-Xylp-(1 --> could also be identified. On the average, these two xylans were composed of the following (1-->4)-linked beta-D-xylopyranosyl structural elements: unsubstituted (50 mol%), 2-O-acetylated (13 mol%), 3-O-acetylated (21 mol%), 2,3-di-O-acetylated (6 mol%) and [MeGlcA alpha-(1-->2)][3-O-acetylated] (10 mol%). Most of the 4-O-methylglucuronyl and acetyl substituents in the isolated polysaccharides survived the microwave oven treatment. The third fraction, eluted last, contained acetylated xylo-oligosaccharides, with minor contamination by an acetylated mannan. In the case of these xylo-oligosaccharides, the average degree of acetylation was 0.3.  相似文献   

A proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of the reaction of apohemoglobin A with both oxidized and reduced hemes reveals that at least two slowly interconverting species are initially formed, only one of which corresponds to the native proteins. Reconstitutions with isotope-labeled hemes reveal that the hyperfine-shift patterns for heme resonances in the metazido derivatives differ for the two species by interchange of heme environment characteristic of heme orientational disorder about the alpha, gamma-meso axis, as previously demonstrated for myoglobin [La Mar, G. N., Davis, N. L., Parish, D. W., & Smith, K. M. (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 168, 887-896]. Careful scrutiny of the 1H NMR spectrum of freshly prepared hemoglobin A (Hb A) reveals that characteristic resonances for the alternate heme orientation are present in both subunits, clearly demonstrating that "native" Hb A possesses an important structure heterogeneity. It is observed that this heterogeneity disappears with time for one subunit but remains unchanged in the other. This implies that a metastable disordered state in vivo involves the alpha subunit and an equilibrium disordered state both in vivo and in vitro is involved within the beta subunit. The presence of metastable disorder in fresh blood suggests an in vivo hemoglobin assembly from apoprotein and heme that is similar to the in vitro reconstitution process. The slow equilibration and known lifetimes for erythrocytes provide a rationalization for the presence of detectable metastable states. The implications of such heme disorder for Hb function are discussed.  相似文献   

Nearly complete sequence-specific 1H NMR assignments are presented for amino acid residues 3-81 in the 81-residue globular activation domain of porcine pancreatic procarboxypeptidase B isolated after limited tryptic proteolysis of the zymogen. These resonance assignments are consistent with the chemically determined amino acid sequence. Regular secondary structure elements were identified from nuclear Overhauser effects and the sequence locations of slowly exchanging backbone amide protons. The molecule contains two alpha-helices, including residues 20-30 and approximately residues 58-72, and a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet with the individual strands extending approximately from 12 to 17, 50 to 55, and 75 to 77. The identification of these secondary structures and a preliminary analysis of additional long-range NOE distance constraints show that isolated activation domain B forms a stable structure with the typical traits of a globular protein. The data presented here are the basis for the determination of the complete three-dimensional structure of activation domain B, which is currently in progress.  相似文献   

500 MHz 1H NMR spectra were obtained of solutions containing oligomeric and monomeric forms of Chl a/b-P2, the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein complex of photosystem II, isolated from thylakoid membranes of barley (Hordeum vulgare). Oligomers showed only a broad unresolved spectrum, but for monomers several downfield-shifted chlorophyll proton resonances were observed, assigned to the alpha and beta methine protons and the formyl proton of Chl-b. Identifying the observed shifts as ring-current shifts, these NMR data can be matched with previously obtained optical data confirming the trimeric arrangement of Chl-b in Chl a/b-P2 protein, with a distance between the chromophore centers of approximately 12 A.  相似文献   

The hyperfine-shifted 1H NMR resonances of oxidized and reduced Trichomonas vaginalis ferredoxin, a functionally unique [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin, have been studied. The oxidized protein spectrum displayed a pattern of six broad upfield-shifted resonances between 13 and 40 ppm with chemical shifts distinct from those of other [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins. All hyperfine 1H resonances of the oxidized ferredoxin displayed anti-Curie temperature dependences. Reduced T. vaginalis ferredoxin displayed hyperfine resonances both upfield and downfield of the diamagnetic region. These resonances showed Curie temperature dependences. Overall the hyperfine-shifted NMR spectrum of T. vaginalis ferredoxin, along with other spectroscopic properties, suggested different structural properties for the active center of oxidized hydrogenosomal ferredoxins from those of other [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins.  相似文献   

L P Yu  G M Smith 《Biochemistry》1990,29(12):2920-2925
The 15N-enriched ferricytochrome c2 from Rhodospirillum rubrum has been studied by 15N and 1H NMR spectroscopy as a function of pH. The 15N resonances of the heme and ligand tau nitrogen are broadened beyond detection because of paramagnetic relaxation. The 15N resonance of the ligand histidine phi nitrogen was unambiguously identified at 184 ppm (pH 5.6). The 15N resonances of the single nonligand histidine are observed only at low pH, as in the ferrocytochrome because of the severe broadening caused by tautomerization. The dependence of the 15N and 1H spectra of the ferricytochrome on pH indicated that the ligand histidine tau NH does not dissociate in the neutral pH range and is involved in a hydrogen bond, similar to that in the reduced state. Because neither deprotonated nor non-hydrogen-bonded forms of the ligand histidine are observed in the spectra of either oxidation state, the participation of such forms in producing heterogeneous populations having different electronic g tensors is ruled out. Transitions having pKa's of 6.2, 8.6, and 9.2 are observed in the ferricytochrome. The localized conformational change around the omega loops is observed in the neutral pH range, as in the ferrocytochrome. Structural heterogeneity leads to multiple resonances of the heme ring methyl at position 8. The exchange rate between the conformations is temperature dependent. The transition with a pKa of 6.2 is assigned to the His-42 imidazole group. The displacement of the ligand methionine, which occurs with a pKa of 9.2, causes gross conformational change near the heme center.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In our search for potential folding intermediates we have prepared and characterized the fragment of RNase A corresponding to residues 50-61. Proton chemical shift variations with temperature, addition of stabilizing (TFE) or denaturing agents (urea) provide a strong experimental basis for concluding that in aqueous solution this RNase fragment forms an alpha-helix structure similar to that in the intact RNase A crystal. This conclusion lends strong support to the idea that elements of secondary structure (mainly alpha-helices) can be formed in the absence of tertiary interactions and act as nucleation centers in the protein folding process.  相似文献   

Hannah KC  Gil RR  Armitage BA 《Biochemistry》2005,44(48):15924-15929
A symmetrical cyanine dye was previously shown to bind as a cofacial dimer to alternating A-T sequences of duplex DNA. Indirect evidence suggested that dimerization of the dye occurred in the minor groove. 1H NMR experiments reported here verify this model based on broadening and shifting of signals due to protons on carbon 2 of adenine and imino protons at the central five A-T pairs of the 11 base pair duplex: 5'-GCGTATATGCG-3'/3'-CGCATATACGC-5'. This binding mode is similar to that of distamycin A, even though the dye lacks the hydrogen-bonding groups used by distamycin for sequence-specific recognition. Surprisingly, the third base pair (G-C) was also implicated in the binding site. UV-vis experiments were used to compare the extent of dimerization of the dye for 11 different sequence variants. These experiments verified the importance of a G-C pair at the third position: replacing this pair with A-T suppressed dimerization. These results indicate that the dye binding site spans six base pairs: 5'-GTATAT-3'. The initial G-C pair seems to be important for widening the minor groove rather than for making important contacts with the dye molecules since inverting its orientation to C-G or replacing it with I-C still led to favorable dimerization of the dye.  相似文献   

The reaction between cyanide and aurothiomalate (Autm) has been studied by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and by uv spectroscopy. At cyanide:Autm ratios greater than or equal to 2, aurocyanide, [Au(CN)2]-, is the sole product but was also produced at lower ratios. Two intermediates were also identified. These were a mixed ligand complex, [tmAuCN]-, which accounted for over 80% of the gold at a ratio of cyanide to Autm of 1, and a bisthiomalato complex, [Autm2]-, which accounted for 6.8% of the total gold at this ratio of cyanide to Autm. The formation of these complexes may be significant in the antiarthritic activity of Autm since cyanide is produced by potential target cells such as polymorphonuclear leukocytes.  相似文献   

The main oxidised component in hypochlorite-oxidised potato starch was isolated by anion-exchange chromatography after enzymatic hydrolysis. The primary structure of the isolated oligosaccharides was determined by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, using homonuclear and heteronuclear two-dimensional techniques. The isolated pentamer and hexamer contained one glucose unit oxidised to a dicarboxyl residue. As the hypochlorite oxidation has occurred at positions C-2 and C-3 of a glucose unit, the introduced carboxyl groups caused ring cleavage between the carbons C-2 and C-3. The ring-cleaved dicarboxyl residue had glycosidic linkages on both sides, implying that this oxidation pathway does not result in depolymerisation. The vicinal coupling constant between H-4 and H-5 in the ring-cleaved dicarboxyl residue was 3.2 Hz, showing that the gauche orientations are preferred. As a result, a different bending of the starch chain is observed and is probably, therefore, one of the reasons why hypochlorite oxidation reduces the tendency to retrogradation. The pKa values (3.0) were determined from the pH-dependent chemical shifts of H-1, H-4 and H-5 of the dicarboxylic residue.  相似文献   

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