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The mass ratio hypothesis provides the key link between plant functional traits (PFTs) and ecosystem processes. Despite its centrality to the field it has had few direct tests. A litter decomposition study using grassland species, singly and in mixtures, was set up to see whether simple leaf traits could be used to predict the decomposition of leaf mixtures. Leaf Dry Matter Content (LDMC) was the trait that performed best. Mass loss in single species bags was best predicted using an exponential model. LDMC explained 48% of the variance in mixture mass loss. There was no significant impact of mixture species richness on mass loss. This study generally confirmed the predictions of the mass ratio hypothesis, but adds some support to other studies that indicate it needs broadening to take into account non-linear and threshold relationships between PFTs and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Microplastics (MPs) are widespread in aquatic environments and have become a critical environmental issue in recent years due to their adverse impacts on the physiology, reproduction, and survival of aquatic animals. Exposure to MPs also has the potential to induce sub‐lethal behavioral changes that can affect individual fitness, but these effects are understudied. Many plastic additives introduced during the manufacture of MPs are known endocrine‐disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that mimic the action of natural hormones, alter sexual and competitive behavior, and impair reproductive success in fish. In addition, EDCs and other aquatic contaminants may adhere to MPs in the environment, the latter of which may serve as transport vectors for these compounds (i.e., the vector hypothesis). In this study, we staged territorial contests between control males, and males exposed to virgin MP particles or to MPs previously immersed in one of two environmentally relevant concentrations of 17‐alpha ethinyl estradiol (EE2; 5 ng/L and 25 ng/L) to evaluate the independent and synergistic effects of exposure to MPs and a common environmental estrogen on male–male aggression and competitive territory acquisition in a freshwater fish, Pimephales promelas. Short‐term (30 days) dietary exposure to MPs did not impair the ability of males to successfully compete for and obtain a breeding territory. Overall levels of aggression in control and exposed males were also similar across trial series. These results help to fill a critical knowledge gap regarding the direct and indirect (vector‐borne) effects of MPs on the reproductive behavior of aquatic vertebrates in freshwater systems.  相似文献   

This paper highlights possible effects of physical and chemical mechanisms of formalin fixation and preservation on biological tissue and reviews the consequent potential inaccuracies on estimates of body mass of small fishes fixed and preserved in formalin. Twenty-six papers including 65 independent experiments with 35 species which examine effects of formalin on body mass estimates on small fishes are included. The effect of the formalin on the specimens depends on the salinity of the water used to dilute the commercial formalin (usually 1:9 formalin: water) before being used to fixate and preserve fish. Mean wet body mass of the specimens from the studies using seawater or fresh water diluted formalin deceases by 13% and increases by 7%, respectively, from before to after being immersed in formalin. The same trend is found with condition factor in the few papers that report this parameter. Body length decreases on average by c. 2% in fixated and preserved fish regardless of whether the formalin is diluted in seawater or fresh water.  相似文献   

The Trivers–Willard hypothesis predicts that natural selection should favor unequal parental investment between daughters and sons based upon maternal condition and offspring reproductive potential. Specifically, it predicts that mothers in good condition should increase investment toward sons, while mothers in poor condition should favor daughters. Previous tests of the hypothesis in human populations overwhelmingly focused on economic resources as maternal condition indicators. We test the Trivers–Willard hypothesis using maternal nutrition—energy and vitamin A status representing macro- and micronutrition, respectively—as the indicator for maternal condition, with breastfeeding frequency recalls serving as the indicator for parental investment. Data from exclusively breastfeeding mothers (n=83) in drought-ridden Ariaal agropastoral villages of northern Kenya were used to test the hypothesis that mothers in poor condition will breastfeed daughters more frequently than sons. Poor condition was defined as having a body mass index <18.5 or serum retinol (vitamin A) concentration <1.05 µmol/l. A linear regression model was applied using breastfeeding frequency as the dependent variable and respective maternal condition, infant's sex, and the maternal condition–infant's sex interaction as the predictors, controlling for covariates. Results supported the hypothesis only in the vitamin A model which predicts that low-vitamin-A mothers breastfeed daughters significantly more frequently than sons (11 vs. 6 times/day), while vitamin-A-sufficient mothers breastfeed daughters and sons equivalently (9 times). These results indicate that maternal nutritional status, particularly micronutrient status, can contribute to the investigation of the evolutionary hypothesis of sex-biased parental investment.  相似文献   

Li  J.  Loneragan  W.A.  Duggin  J.A.  Grant  C.D. 《Plant Ecology》2004,172(1):11-26
The 'intermediate disturbance hypothesis' (IDH) predicts maximum species diversity at intermediate levels of disturbance. Disturbance levels are measured by intensity or frequency of disturbance or by the time since disturbance. The IDH has been tested over a wide range of studies and communities with results either accepting or rejecting the hypothesis. The objectives of this study were to determine how observed disturbance response patterns for the same herbaceous plant community are influenced by modelling techniques, particularly in relation to the expression of disturbance gradients, choice of species diversity indices, and time of assessment since disturbance. Response patterns were examined using a multi-factorial disturbance experiment involving grazing (absent and present); fire (absent and present); soil cultivation (none, 5 and 20 cm); and amendment (none, fertiliser, and fertiliser plus clover seeds). Generalized linear models with a b-spline function were used to define response patterns for five different disturbance gradients over a 24-month period using three indices of diversity. Seven basic disturbance response models were recognized ranging from the classical IDH bell-shaped pattern through increasing or decreasing trends, to a no-change model with increasing levels of disturbance. Only 6.7% of all models were consistent with the IDH. The no-change model was found in nearly half the cases investigated and increased in occurrence with time since disturbance. The choice of the disturbance intensity gradient, the species diversity index used and the time of assessment after disturbance significantly influenced the frequency of occurrence of the disturbance response models observed. Consequently, the responses of vegetation to disturbance gradients show many patterns depending on how they are defined and modelled rather than the simple bell-shaped curve as predicted by the IDH, but the ecological mechanisms supporting some of these patterns need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

We acclimated northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) to either chow (high carbohydrate/low protein) or crickets (low carbohydrate/high protein) and tested predictions of hypotheses based on the premise of the economical design of animals. The adaptive modulation hypothesis predicts that d-glucose uptake would be higher and l-proline uptake lower in bobwhites acclimated to chow. The spare capacity hypothesis predicts that the capacity to absorb d-glucose actively will exceed the estimated nutrient load from daily food intake. There was no significant dietary effect on intestinal d-glucose (P = 0.8) and l-proline (P = 0.7) uptake rates measured in vitro using the everted sleeve technique. In chow eaters maximal mediated d-glucose uptake summed along the entire length of intestine (53 cm) was far too low (7.2 mmol/d) to explain observed rates of glucose absorption in vivo (>35 mmol/d). Hence, both predictions were falsified. In vitro uptake may not be an appropriate measure of the intestine's absorptive capacity because it does not measure possibly important pathways of passive absorption. There is increasing evidence that substantial passive glucose absorption occurs in some birds. If passive absorption predominates the adaptive modulation hypothesis might not apply.  相似文献   

The question of why birds migrate is still poorly understood despite decades of debate. Previous studies have suggested that use of edge habitats and a frugivorous diet are precursors to the evolution of migration in Neotropical birds. However, these studies did not explore other ecological correlates of migration and did not control for phylogeny at the species level. We tested the evolutionary precursor hypothesis by examining the extent to which habitat and diet are associated with migratory behavior, using a species-level comparative analysis of the Tyranni. We used both migratory distance and sedentary versus migratory behavior as response variables. We also examined the influences of foraging group size, membership in mixed-species flocks, elevational range, and body mass on migratory behavior. Raw species analyses corroborated some results from studies that put forth the evolutionary precursor hypothesis, but phylogenetically independent contrast analyses highlighted an important interaction between habitat and diet and their roles as precursors to migration. Foraging group size was consistently associated with migratory behavior in both raw species and independent contrast analyses. Our results lead to a resource variability hypothesis that refines the evolutionary precursor hypothesis and reconciles the results of several studies examining precursors to migration in birds.  相似文献   

Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is the most widely plasticizer for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) that is used in plastic tubes, in medical and paramedical devices as well as in food storage packaging. The toxicological profile of DEHP has been evaluated in a number of experimental animal models and has been extensively documented. Its toxicity is in part linked to the activation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα). As a response, an intensive research for a new, biologically inert plasticizer has been initiated. Among the alternative studied, tri(2-ethylhexyl) trimellitate (TEHTM) or trioctyl trimellitate (TOTM) has attracted increasing interest. However, very little information is available on their biological effects. We proceeded to dock TOTM, DEHP and its metabolites in order to identify compounds that are likely to interact with PPARα and PPARγ binding sites. The results obtained hint that TOTM is not able to bind to PPARs and should therefore be safer than DEHP.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-a content is widely used as an indicator of the quality of freshwater bodies. Quantification of chlorophyll-a is a routine procedure in the test laboratories of water works, and in research laboratories. Although attempts have been made to standardise the measurement procedure, there are nonetheless many procedures currently in use. This work is focused on a careful re-examination of the ISO: 10260, 1992 standard, which prescribes 90% (v/v) ethanol for chlorophyll extraction and measurement. Chlorophyll contents of cultures of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus Nägeli and the chlorophyte Scenedesmus acutus Meyen were determined by means of a series of concentrations of ethanol/water mixtures which were employed as extracting agents – the water content was gradually decreased from 20 to 0%. The extraction procedure was verified by measuring the amount of retained water after using both water and oil pumps for filtering the samples. The spectroscopic effects of the presence of water were studied and the molecular background of these spectral phenomena is discussed. The extraction yields obtained with 90% ethanol were compared to those obtained with methanol and acetone. On the basis of the calculated error level, improvements to the ISO: 10260, 1992 standard method have been suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract ‘Alpine grazing reduces blazing’ is a widely and strongly held view concerning the effects of livestock grazing on fuels, and therefore fire behaviour and impact, in Australia's high country landscapes. As a test of this hypothesis, we examined the patterns of burning across the alpine (treeless) landscapes of the Bogong High Plains in Victoria, following the extensive fires of January 2003. Data were collected from multiple transects, each 3–5 km long, with survey points located randomly at either 50, 200 or 500 m intervals. The transects traversed the major regions of the Bogong High Plains, both grazed and ungrazed. At each point, we recorded whether the point was burnt or unburnt, the vegetation type (closed‐heath, open‐heath, grassland or herbfield), the estimated prefire shrub cover, slope, aspect, and a GPS location. At burnt heathland sites, we recorded the minimum twig diameter (an a posteriori measure of fire severity) in a sample of common shrubs. In total, there were 108 km of transect lines, 419 survey points and 4050 twig measurements, with sample points equally distributed across grazed and ungrazed country. The occurrence of fire (i.e. burnt or unburnt) in grazed and ungrazed areas was analysed by logistic regression; the variation in twig diameters by anova . Approximately half of all points were burnt. There was no statistically significant difference between grazed and ungrazed areas in the proportion of points burnt. Fire occurrence was determined primarily by vegetation type, with the proportion burnt being 0.87 for closed‐heath, 0.59 for open‐heath, and 0.13 for grassland and all snow‐patch herbfield points unburnt. In both closed‐heath and open‐heath, grazing did not significantly lower the severity of fire, as measured by the diameter of burnt twigs. We interpret the lack of a grazing effect in terms of shrub dynamics (little or no grazing effect on long‐term cover of taller shrubs), diet and behaviour of cattle (herbs and dwarf shrubs eaten; tall shrubs not eaten and closed‐heath vegetation generally avoided), and fuel flammability (shrubs more flammable than grass). Whatever effects livestock grazing may have on vegetation cover, and therefore fuels in alpine landscapes, they are likely to be highly localized, with such effects unlikely to translate into landscape‐scale reduction of fire occurrence or severity. The use of livestock grazing in Australian alpine environments as a fire abatement practice is not justified on scientific grounds.  相似文献   



The concurrent management of allergic rhinitis and asthma (ARA) has been recommended by Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) guidelines. However, a tool capable of assessing simultaneously the control of upper and lower airways diseases is lacking.


To describe the studies conducted to design the control of ARA test (CARAT) questionnaire.


We performed a literature review to generate a list of potentially important items for the assessment of control of ARA. A formal consensus development process, that used an innovative web-based application, was designed – 111 experts in ARA and 60 patients participated. At the final consensus meeting, 25 primary and secondary care physicians formulated the questions and response options. A qualitative feasibility study (n = 31 patients) was conducted to evaluate the comprehensibility of the questionnaire while testing two different designs.


Thirty-four potentially important items were identified. All the steps of the consensus process were completed in 2.5 months. The opinions of experts and patients lead to the formulation of 17 questions. At the feasibility study the instructions and wording problems were corrected and a semi-tabular format was chosen.


A tool to measure the control of allergic rhinitis and asthma was developed using a comprehensive set of methodological steps ensuring the design quality and the face and content validity. Additional validation studies to assess the psychometric properties of the questionnaire have started.  相似文献   

There is no generally accepted scientific theory for the causes of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). As part of its mission to widen understanding of scoliosis etiology, the International Federated Body on Scoliosis Etiology (IBSE) introduced the electronic focus group (EFG) as a means of increasing debate on knowledge of important topics. This has been designated as an on-line Delphi discussion. The text for this debate was written by Dr Ian A Stokes. It evaluates the hypothesis that in progressive scoliosis vertebral body wedging during adolescent growth results from asymmetric muscular loading in a "vicious cycle" (vicious cycle hypothesis of pathogenesis) by affecting vertebral body growth plates (endplate physes). A frontal plane mathematical simulation tested whether the calculated loading asymmetry created by muscles in a scoliotic spine could explain the observed rate of scoliosis increase by measuring the vertebral growth modulation by altered compression. The model deals only with vertebral (not disc) wedging. It assumes that a pre-existing scoliosis curve initiates the mechanically-modulated alteration of vertebral body growth that in turn causes worsening of the scoliosis, while everything else is anatomically and physiologically 'normal' The results provide quantitative data consistent with the vicious cycle hypothesis. Dr Stokes' biomechanical research engenders controversy. A new speculative concept is proposed of vertebral symphyseal dysplasia with implications for Dr Stokes' research and the etiology of AIS. What is not controversial is the need to test this hypothesis using additional factors in his current model and in three-dimensional quantitative models that incorporate intervertebral discs and simulate thoracic as well as lumbar scoliosis. The growth modulation process in the vertebral body can be viewed as one type of the biologic phenomenon of mechanotransduction. In certain connective tissues this involves the effects of mechanical strain on chondrocytic metabolism a possible target for novel therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

TJ Clark  SA Houck  JI Clark 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40486
As a small stress response protein, human αB crystallin, detects protein destabilization that can alter structure and function to cause self assembly of fibrils or aggregates in diseases of aging. The sensitivity of αB crystallin to protein instability was evaluated using wild-type hemoglobin (HbA) and hemoglobin S (HbS), the glutamate-6-valine mutant that forms elongated, filamentous aggregates in sickling red blood cells. The progressive thermal unfolding and aggregation of HbA and HbS in solution at 37°C, 50°C and 55°C was measured as increased light scattering. UV circular dichroism (UVCD) was used to evaluate conformational changes in HbA and HbS with time at the selected temperatures. The changes in interactions between αB crystallin and HbA or HbS with temperature were analyzed using differential centrifugation and SDS PAGE at 37°C, 50°C and 55°C. After only 5 minutes at the selected temperatures, differences in the aggregation or conformation of HbA and HbS were not observed, but αB crystallin bound approximately 6% and 25% more HbS than HbA at 37°C, and 50°C respectively. The results confirmed (a) the remarkable sensitivity of αB crystallin to structural instabilities at the very earliest stages of thermal unfolding and (b) an ability to distinguish the self assembling mutant form of HbS from the wild type HbA in solution.  相似文献   

For comparative 3D microCT studies of trabecular bone, the use of a volume of interest (VOI) scaled to body size may avoid over-sampling the trabecular mass in smaller versus larger-bodied taxa and comparison of regions that are not functionally homologous (Fajardo and Müller: Am J Phys Anthropol 115 (2001) 327-336), though the influence on quantitative analyses using scaled versus nonscaled VOIs remains poorly characterized. We compare trabecular architectural properties reflecting mass, organization, and orientation from three volumes of interest (large, scaled, and small) obtained from the distal first metacarpal in a sample of Homo (n = 10) and Pan (n = 12). We test the null hypotheses that neither absolute VOI size, nor scaling of the VOI to metacarpal size as a proxy for body size, biases intraspecific analyses nor impacts the detection of interspecific differences. These hypotheses were only partially supported. While certain properties (e.g., bone volume fraction or trabecular thickness) were not affected by varying VOI size within taxa, others were significantly impacted (e.g., intersection surface, connectivity, and structure). In comparing large versus scaled VOIs, we found that the large VOI inflated the number and/or magnitude of significant differences between Homo and Pan. In summary, our results support the use of scaled VOIs in studies of trabecular architecture.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific competition and facilitation have both been proposed as processes promoting species separation and co-existence in African ungulates. In one group of grazers on the Serengeti plains, comprising wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus), zebra (Equus burchelli), and Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsoni), these processes have also been suggested to regulate the populations. Censuses of these populations over 20 years have shown changes that allow a test of which, if either, process regulates population numbers. Wildebeest numbers have levelled off as a result of intraspecific competition for food following a five-fold increase due to release from disease and an increase in food supply. Zebra numbers have remained stationary throughout the same period. Gazelle numbers have declined in the last 10 years. These results are contrary to the facilitation hypothesis, which predicts that wildebeest numbers should not have increased if those of zebra did not, and that gazelle numbers should have increased since the wildebeest population increased. The gazelle results are consistent with the interspecific competition hypothesis, but the zebra results are contrary to it. We propose an alternative hypothesis that predation regulates the zebra population, and we suggest ways of testing this.  相似文献   

A bacterial complementation assay has been developed for the rapid screening of a large number of compounds to identify those that inhibit an enzyme target for structure-based inhibitor design. The target enzyme is the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT). This enzyme has been proposed as a potential target for inhibitors that may be developed into drugs for the treatment of diseases caused by several parasites. The screening assay utilizes genetically deficient bacteria complemented by active, recombinant enzyme grown in selective medium in microtiter plates. By comparing absorbance measurements of bacteria grown in the presence and absence of test compounds, the effect of the compounds on bacterial growth can be rapidly assayed. IC50 values for inhibition of bacterial growth are a reflection of the ability of the compounds to bind and/or inhibit the recombinant enzyme. We have tested this bacterial complementation screening assay using recombinant HPRT from the parasites Plasmodium falciparum and Trypanosoma cruzi, as well as the human enzyme. The results of these studies demonstrate that a screening assay using bacterial complement selection can be used to identify compounds that target enzymes and can become an important part of structure-based drug design efforts. Received: 4 December 1997 / Received revision: 17 March 1998 / Accepted: 26 March 1998  相似文献   

The effects of ocean acidification (OA) on marine species and ecosystems have received significant scientific attention in the past 10 years. However, to date, the effects of OA on host-parasite interactions have been largely ignored. As parasites play a multidimensional role in the regulation of marine population, community, and ecosystem dynamics, this knowledge gap may result in an incomplete understanding of the consequences of OA. In addition, the impact of stressors associated with OA on host-parasite interactions may serve as an indicator of future changes to the biodiversity of marine systems. This opinion article discusses the potential effects of OA on host and parasite species and proposes the use of parasites as bioindicators of OA disturbance.  相似文献   

Abstract The forage-maturation hypothesis (FMH) states that herbivores migrate along a phenological gradient of plant development in order to maximize energy intake. Despite strong support for the FMH, the actual relationship between plant phenology and ungulate movement has remained enigmatic. We linked plant phenology (MODIS-normalized difference vegetation index [NDVI] data) and space use of 167 migratory and 78 resident red deer (Cervus elaphus), using a space-time-time matrix of "springness," defined as the instantaneous rate of green-up. Consistent with the FMH, migrants experienced substantially greater access to early plant phenology than did residents. Deer were also more likely to migrate in areas where migration led to greater gains in springness. Rather than "surfing the green wave" during migration, migratory red deer moved rapidly from the winter to the summer range, thereby "jumping the green wave." However, migrants and, to a lesser degree, residents did track phenological green-up through parts of the growing season by making smaller-scale adjustments in habitat use. Despite pronounced differences in their life histories, we found only marginal differences between male and female red deer in this study. Those differences that we did detect pointed toward additional constraints on female space-use tactics, such as those posed by calving and caring for dependent offspring. We conclude that whereas in some systems migration itself is a way to surf the green wave, in others it may simply be a means to reconnect with phenological spring at the summer range. In the light of ubiquitous anthropogenic environmental change, understanding the relationship between the green wave and ungulate space use has important consequences for the management and conservation of migratory ungulates and the phenomenon of migration itself.  相似文献   

A model that implies highly inertial regulation of phytophage numbers by entomophages has been applied for the analysis of phytophage–entomophage interactions during different phases of the gradation cycle of phyllophagous insects. The data on population dynamics and the degree of parasite infestation in pupae of the pine looper Bupalus piniarius L. and fir looper Ectropis (=Boarmia) bistortata Gz are used to verify the model. The results of field studies apparently are in good agreement with the model of highly inertial regulation in the “phytophage–entomophage” system. The model that is proposed explains the decisive roles of different factors (entomophages, predators, or diseases) in the population dynamics of phytophages under different conditions.  相似文献   

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