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Understanding female sexuality and mate choice is central to evolutionary scenarios of human social systems. Studies of female sexuality conducted by sex researchers in the United States since 1938 indicate that human females in general are concerned with their sexual well-being and are capable of sexual response parallel to that of males. Across cultures in general and in western societies in particular, females engage in extramarital affairs regularly, regardless of punishment by males or social disapproval. Families are usually concerned with marriage arrangements only insofar as those arrangements are economically or politically advantageous, but females most often have a voice in arranged marriages. Extended families also concentrate on a couple’s future reproduction rather than on sexual exclusivity. Although marriage for females is often compromised by male or family reproductive interests (which may not in fact differ from female interests), females appear to exercise their sexuality with more freedom than has previously been suggested. Notions of human females as pawns in the male reproductive game, or as traders of sex for male services, should be dispelled.  相似文献   

Allocation to reproductive mode (sexual and asexual) can vary depending on environmental conditions but is often examined at the population level, whereas selection acts upon the individual. We examined individual variation in reproductive mode to identify how the interaction of sex and the environment affect population genetic diversity. Using the plant Marchantia inflexa, we tested whether reproductive allocation pattern varies consistently between males and females and among plants collected from different environments, and determined if morphological responses were the result of individual plasticity or genetic differences. We then quantified genetic variability between the different environments and between the sexes. Male and female plants were collected from two strikingly different habitats within the same region: along natural sites (rivers) and along novel human-modified sites (roadsides). Using a common garden approach, we found a strong sex by habitat interaction: male and female responses differed significantly by their source habitat. For females, relative to river-collected, road-collected plants had higher growth and asexual reproduction, while the pattern was reversed, although not significant, for males. Genetic differentiation was significant between the two habitats with no evidence of individual differences in plasticity for growth, but there was a genotype effect for asexual propagule production. Males and females did not differ genetically; but river-collected plants with lower sexual potential were more diverse than roadside-collected plants, possibly the result of founder events. These results show that individual variation in reproduction is controlled by the interaction of both the environment and genetics. Due to different selection pressures between natural and novel habitats, there are observable differences in life history traits with an associated evolutionary response to the novel habitat.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory assumes that secondary sexual characters do not influence female reproductive effort. Female animals may invest relatively more in reproduction if they acquire mates of high phenotypic quality, because offspring sired by preferred males may be relatively more viable than offspring sired by less preferred males. Here we report for the first time in a field study that females of the monogamous barn swallow Hirundo rustica adjust their reproductive effort to the attractiveness of their mates. Experimental manipulation of male tail length, which is a trait currently subject to a directional female mating preference, affected the reproductive effort by females in single broods as well as their decision on the seasonal number of clutches. These results, and those of previous experiments, demonstrate that female barn swallows assess the quality of their mates throughout the reproductive season and adjust their reproductive decisions accordingly. This result has important implications for the theory of sexual selection and for the possibility of testing current models of female mate preferences, because the viability of offspring will be confounded by differential reproductive effort.  相似文献   

Females tend to be smaller than males in woody dioecious plant species, but they tend to be larger in herbs. The smaller size of females in woody species has been attributed to higher reproductive costs, yet no satisfactory explanation has been provided for their larger size in herbs. Because herbs have higher nitrogen concentrations in their tissues than woody plants, and because pollen is particularly rich in nitrogen, we predicted that male growth would be more compromised by reproduction than female growth. To test this hypothesis, we conducted three experiments on the annual dioecious herb Mercurialis annua. First, we compared the timing of reproduction between males and females and found that males started flowering earlier than females; early flowering is expected to compromise growth more than later flowering. Second, we compared plants allowed to flower with those prevented from flowering by experimental debudding and found that males incurred a higher reproductive cost than females in terms of both biomass and, particularly, nitrogen. Third, we grew plants under varying levels of nitrogen availability and found that although sexual size dimorphism was unaffected by nitrogen, females, but not males, decreased their relative allocation to both roots and reproduction under high nitrogen availability. We propose that males deal with the high cost of pollen production in terms of nitrogen by allocating biomass to nitrogen-harvesting roots, whereas females pay for carbon-rich seeds and fruits by investing in photosynthetic organs. Sexual dimorphism would thus seem to be the outcome of allocation to above- versus below-ground sinks that supply resources (carbon versus nitrogen) limiting the female and male reproduction differentially.  相似文献   

Males pay considerable reproductive costs in acquiring mates (precopulatory sexual selection) and in producing ejaculates that are effective at fertilising eggs in the presence of competing ejaculates (postcopulatory sexual selection). Given these costs, males must balance their reproductive investment in a given mating to optimise their future reproductive potential. Males are therefore expected to invest in reproduction prudently according to the likelihood of obtaining future matings. In this study we tested this prediction by determining whether male reproductive investment varies with expected future mating opportunities, which were experimentally manipulated by visually exposing male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to high or low numbers of females in the absence of competing males. Our experiment did not reveal consistent effects of perceived future mating opportunity on either precopulatory (male mate choice and mating behaviour) or postcopulatory (sperm quality and quantity) investment. However, we did find that male size and female availability interacted to influence mating behaviour; large males visually deprived of females during the treatment phase became more choosy and showed greater interest in their preferred female than those given continuous visual access to females. Overall, our results suggest males tailor pre- rather than postcopulatory traits according to local female availability, but critically, these effects depend on male size.  相似文献   

Sclerasterias richardi, a relatively deep sea asteroid (140–200 m) from the border of the Mediterranean continental shelf, is characterized by an asexual reproduction by fissiparity concomitant with a functional sexuality.

A monthly sampling of a population from Calvi (Corsica) has allowed a study of the complete sexual cycle from 354 histologically-treated specimens.

The 218 sexually defined animals (62% males, 38% females) show strict gonochorism. In males, spermatogenesis is cyclic and sexual maturity seems to be reached before that of the females. In females, the different stages of oogenesis are well marked: oogonia and parietal oocytes disappear only at maturity. Oligolecithic oocytes (120–150 μn) show a synchronous growth.

The annual reproductive cycle is well defined in both sexes with one spawning period from mid-September to mid-October.

After spawning, a resting period (from mid-October to mid-January) occurs during which unspawned oocytes are phagocytized by more or less isolated accessory cells. These phagocytic cells have never been found in male specimens.

Each month the presence of specimens without gonads or unsexable individuals is one of the characteristics of this cycle. Their high proportion during the organization stage and after spawning can be easily explained. In March they are frequent too, owing to the infestation of gonads by Ciliates.

As shown by our samples, the bottom water temperature is nearly the same during the whole year and cannot be directly involved as the dominant exogenous variable stimulating spawning.

As a consequence of fissiparity which affects the main part of the population there is a great inter- and intra-individual variability.

The reproductive potentiality is low: as a female emits approximatly 400–500 ova whose development produces planktotrophic larvae with a long pelagic life, it is clear that sexual reproduction is accessory in comparison with asexual reproduction by fission.  相似文献   

Lasting effects of conditions at birth on moose body mass   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Whether cohort effects can be retrieved in adult phenotypes depends on the possibility for individuals to compensate for a good or bad start in life. This ability to compensate may itself depend on the environment and on individual sex. In large polygynous ungulates, male reproductive success relies more on body size than the reproductive success of females, which makes them more sensitive to a bad start in life. Based on current theories of life history evolution and sexual selection, we tested the following predictions in a moose population: 1) cohort effects and year effects occur in both male and female adult body mass, but due to 2) compensatory growth, cohort effects tend to fade away with the individual's age; and 3) males are more sensitive to cohort effects than females. In support of the first prediction, we found that density and climate during the year-of-birth and the year-of-harvest affected moose body mass in both sexes. However, the magnitude of the effects of environmental conditions at birth on adult body mass decreased with increasing age, but less so in males than in females. Thus, as expected based on our third prediction, environmental conditions early in life were more influential on adult body mass of males compared to females. Such a result supports the existence of sex-specific life history tactics, with males maximising growth rate and females rather trading-off growth for reproduction.  相似文献   

The breeding system of an animal population is thought to depend on the ability of one sex (usually the male) to acquire mates, either directly through association with females or indirectly through defense of the resources desired by females. The sex that contributes most to infant care (usually the female) is constrained by parental involvement and thereby limits reproduction of the opposite sex. Accordingly, males, but not females, enhance their reproductive success by acquiring additional mates. This classical view has emphasized the role of male-male competition in sexual selection, at the expense of fully exploring the potential for female choice. A more recent shift in focus has revealed substantial variation in female reproductive success and increasingly accentuates the importance of female intrasexual competition and male mate choice. A comparative review of primate reproduction, therefore, challenges expectations of male control and female compliance, and calls for a comprehensive treatment of costs and benefits that extends beyond conventional mention of heavy female investment versus male negligence or absenteeism. For individuals that manipulate their social environment or reproductive output, consideration of more subtle, even cryptic, aspects of female behavior and physiology (e.g., social strategizing, sexual solicitation or rejection, sexual advertisement or concealed ovulation, multiple mating, and reproductive failure) raises the question of whether females can be effectively 'monopolized.' Widespread patterns that counter Bateman's paradigm call for a reexamination of the predictions generated by dichotomizing gametes into 'expensive eggs' and 'cheap sperm,' and encourage continued mechanistic research focused on conception quality rather than quantity.  相似文献   

A key prediction of theories of differential allocation and sexual conflict is that male phenotype will affect resource allocation by females. Females may adaptively increase investment in offspring when mated to high quality males to enhance the quality of their offspring, or males may vary in their ability to manipulate female investment post-mating. Males are known to be able to influence female reproductive investment, but the male traits underlying this ability have been little studied in taxa other than birds. We investigated the relationship between male dominance and female oviposition rate in two separate experiments using the field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. In both experiments, females mated to more dominant (but not larger) males laid more eggs. This reveals that either females allocate more effort to reproduction after mating with a dominant male or that dominance status is associated with male ability to manipulate their mates. This is the first evidence that dominance, rather than male attractiveness, has a post-copulatory effect on reproductive investment by females.  相似文献   

Rather than being a static, species specific trait, reproductive behavior in female amphibians is variable within an individual during the breeding season when females are capable of reproductive activity. Changes in receptivity coincide with changes in circulating estrogen. Estrogen is highest at the point when females are ready to choose a male and lay eggs. At this time female receptivity (her probability of responding to a male vocal signal) is highest and her selectivity among conspecific calls (measured by her probability of responding to a degraded or otherwise usually unattractive male signal) is lowest. These changes occur even though females retain the ability to discriminate different acoustic characteristics of various conspecific calls. After releasing her eggs, female amphibians quickly become less receptive and more choosy in terms of their responses to male sexual advertisement signals. Male vocal signals stimulate both behavior and estrogen changes in amphibian females making mating more probable. The changes in female reproductive behavior are the same as those generally accepted as indicative of a change in female sexual arousal leading to copulation. They are situationally triggered, gated by interactions with males, and decline with the consummation of sexual reproduction with a chosen male. The changes can be triggered by either internal physiological state or by the presence of stimuli presented by males, and the same stimuli change both behavior and physiological (endocrine) state in such a way as to make acceptance of a male more likely. Thus amphibian females demonstrate many of the same general characteristics of changing female sexual state that in mammals indicate sexual arousal.  相似文献   

While males gain obvious direct advantages from multiple mating, the reproductive capacity of females is more constrained. The reason why polyandry evolved in females is therefore open to many conjectures. One hypothesis postulates that females gain indirect benefits by increasing the probability of siring young from high quality males. To explore this hypothesis, we used the natural variation of the reproductive value that males and females undergo through age. The age-related variation of phenotypic performance might then induce variations in mating strategies in males and females. Using the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) as our model system, we showed that reproductive immaturity and senescence created variability in both male and female reproductive success (including survival of offspring). Consistent with theory, males at their best-performing phenotype adopted a polygynous strategy. These males were of an intermediate age and they produced offspring of higher viability than younger and older males. In contrast, females at their best performing phenotype, also of an intermediate age, were less polyandrous than other less-performing females. Middle-aged females tended to mate with males of an intermediate age and produced litters with higher viability independently from their reproductive strategy. Males of an intermediate age enhanced their fitness by additional matings with young or old females. Young and old females increased their fitness by being more polyandrous. Polyandry therefore appears as means to seek for good males. A positive correlation between males and their partners' fitness disagree with the idea that polyandry is the result of a sexual conflict in this species.  相似文献   

In dioecious plants, females typically invest more biomass in reproduction than males and consequently experience stronger life-history trade-offs. Sexual dimorphism in life history runs counter to this pattern in Silene latifolia: females acquire less carbon and invest more biomass in reproduction, but males pay a higher cost of reproduction. The species is sexually dimorphic for many traits, especially flower number, with males producing many, small flowers compared to females. We tested whether the cost of reproduction is higher in males because flower number, which we presume to be under sexual selection in males, is genetically correlated with traits that would affect life-history trade-offs. We performed artificial selection to reduce the sexual dimorphism in flower size and looked at correlated responses in ecophysiological traits. We found significant correlated responses in total vegetative mass, leaf mass, leaf thickness, and measures of CO(2) exchange. Individuals in the many-and-small-flowered selection lines did not grow as large or invest as much biomass in leaves, and their leaves exhibited an up-regulated physiology that shortened leaf life span. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that genetic correlations between floral display and ecophysiological traits lead to a higher cost of reproduction for males.  相似文献   

Abstract Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) larvae are capable of developing in one of many hosts that may vary greatly in quality. We hypothesized that they will respond to the larval environment in a manner beneficial to their subsequent reproductive performance. Accordingly, we investigated the effects of various larval diets (varying in the amount of protein and sugar they contain) on the size, development time, nutritional status and reproductive maturation (ovarian development and onset of sexual behaviour) of females and males. We found that flies which undergo larval development in artificial host fruit that contain sugar and protein ('protein-fed') were larger, developed faster and emerged with more nutritional reserves than flies that were protein-deprived as larvae. Protein-fed males, regardless of their size, became sexually active before males that developed in hosts with no protein. Protein-fed females produced more mature eggs than protein-deprived ones. Moreover, protein-fed females tended to copulate sooner than females that developed in hosts with no protein. In addition, regardless of female larval diet, females with more mature eggs tended to copulate sooner than females with less mature eggs. In light of these results, the importance of the larval environment for adult reproductive success is discussed.  相似文献   

The behavioural responses of reproductive and non‐reproductive female round gobies Neogobius melanostomus to water conditioned by reproductive and non‐reproductive males and females were tested. The behavioural responses of reproductive female round gobies exposed to odour of reproductive males included increased time spent near the source of the odour, elevated swimming velocities and directed movement to and around the odour source when compared with their responses to control water. These results suggested that pheromones released from reproductive males may induce spawning behaviour in reproductive females. Non‐reproductive females exposed to reproductive female odour spent significantly more time near the odour source of reproductive females compared with control water. Non‐reproductive females also showed directed movement towards and around the odour source when exposed to reproductive female odour. These results suggested that round gobies use inter‐sexual and intra‐sexual pheromones and that both sex and reproductive status are important in the detection and release of these pheromones.  相似文献   

In many species, males can influence the amount of resources their mates invest in reproduction. Two favoured hypotheses for this observation are that females assess male quality during courtship or copulation and alter their investment in offspring accordingly, or that males manipulate females to invest heavily in offspring produced soon after mating. Here, we examined whether there is genetic variation for males to influence female short-term reproductive investment in Drosophila melanogaster, a species with strong sexual selection and substantial sexual conflict. We measured the fecundity and egg size of females mated to males from multiple isofemale lines collected from populations around the globe. Although these traits were not strongly influenced by the male's population of origin, we found that 22 per cent of the variation in female short-term reproductive investment was attributable to the genotype of her mate. This is the first direct evidence that male D. melanogaster vary genetically in their proximate influence on female fecundity, egg size and overall reproductive investment.  相似文献   

Older males signal more reliably   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The hypothesis that females prefer older males because they have higher mean fitness than younger males has been the centre of recent controversy. These discussions have focused on the success of a female who prefers males of a particular age class when age cues, but not quality cues, are available. Thus, if the distribution of male quality changes with age, such that older males have on average genotypes with higher fitness than younger males, then a female who mates with older males has fitter offspring, which allows the female preference to spread through a genetic correlation. We develop a general model for male display in a species with multiple reproductive bouts that allows us to identify the conditions that promote reliable signalling within an age class. Because males have opportunities for future reproduction, they will reduce their levels of advertising compared with a semelparous species. In addition, because higher-quality males have more future reproduction, they will reduce their advertising more than low-quality males. Thus, the conditions for reliable signalling in a semelparous organism are generally not sufficient to produce reliable signalling in species with multiple reproductive bouts. This result is due to the possibility of future reproduction so that, as individuals age and the opportunities for future reproduction fade, signalling becomes more reliable. This provides a novel rationale for female preference for older mates; older males reveal more information in their sexual displays.  相似文献   

Where both sexes invest substantially in offspring, both females and males should discriminate between potential partners when choosing mates. The degree of choosiness should relate to the costs of choice and to the potential benefits to be gained. We measured offspring quality from experimentally staged matings with preferred and non-preferred partners in a sex-role-reversed pipefish, Syngnathus typhle L. Here, a substantial male investment in offspring results in a lower potential reproductive rate in males than in females, and access to males limits female reproductive success rather than vice versa. Thus, males are choosier than females and females compete more intensely over mates than do males. Broods from preferred matings were superior at escaping predation, when either males or females were allowed to choose a partner. However, only 'choosing' females benefited in terms of faster-growing offspring. Our results have important implications for mate-choice research: here we show that even the more competitive and less choosy sex may contribute significantly to sexual selection through mate choice.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction involves many costs. Therefore, females acquiring a capacity for parthenogenetic (or asexual) reproduction will gain a reproductive advantage over obligately sexual females. In contrast, for males, any trait coercing parthenogens into sexual reproduction (male coercion) increases their fitness and should be under positive selection because parthenogenesis deprives them of their genetic contribution to future generations. Surprisingly, although such sexual conflict is a possible outcome whenever reproductive isolation is incomplete between parthenogens and the sexual ancestors, it has not been given much attention in the studies of the maintenance of sex. Using two mathematical models, I show here that the evolution of male coercion substantially favours the maintenance of sex even though a female barrier against the coercion can evolve. First, the model based on adaptive-dynamics theory demonstrates that the resultant antagonistic coevolution between male coercion and a female barrier fundamentally ends in either the prevalence of sex or the co-occurrence of two reproductive modes. This is because the coevolution between the two traits additionally involves sex-ratio selection, that is, an increase in parthenogenetic reproduction leads to a female-biased population sex ratio, which will enhance reproductive success of more coercive males and directly promotes the evolution of the coercion among males. Therefore, as shown by the individual-based model, the establishment of obligate parthenogenesis in the population requires the simultaneous evolution of strong reproductive isolation between males and parthenogens. These findings should shed light on the interspecific diversity of reproductive modes as well as help to explain the prevalence of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Genetic theories of sexual selection predict that most ornamental secondary sexual traits provide reliable indication of the genetic quality of their bearers. Accordingly, also the offspring of mates with elaborate mating display should perform better than those of less conspicuous counterparts. In this study, we used Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) as a model species to investigate whether the variation in a carotenoid-based red breeding coloration (a sexually dichromatic trait) in different sexes would reflect differences in individual genetic variability, one measure of individual quality, and/or indirectly, be manifested in variation in the offspring’s early viability and growth. We created maternal half-sibling families by artificially fertilizing the eggs with milt from bright- and pale-coloured males and then held the resulting progenies under identical hatchery conditions. The expression of red coloration among parental fish was not associated with their genetic diversity estimates in either sex nor did offspring sired by bright males consistently differ in terms of embryo survival or endogenous growth efficiency from offspring sired by pale males. By contrast, maternal effects were notably strong and, additionally, the degree of female coloration was negatively linked to their reproductive potential. The more intensely coloured females had a smaller relative fecundity and they also produced offspring of lower viability, implying a significant trade-off in resource allocation between ornamentation and offspring. Our results indicate that the red breeding ornamentation of Arctic charr is likely to be informative rather among females than males when the reproductive quality is predicted on grounds of the number of offspring produced. Nevertheless, this study does not support the direct selection hypothesis in explaining the evolution of female ornamentation, but rather suggests that the less intense coloration of female charr compared to males may reflect inter-sexual differences in the trade-off between natural and sexual selection.  相似文献   

The red-backed fairy-wren is a socially monogamous passerine bird which exhibits two distinct types of breeding male, bright males that breed in bright red and black plumage and dull males that breed in dull brown plumage. Most males spend their first potential breeding season in dull plumage and subsequent breeding seasons in bright plumage, but a relatively small proportion of males develop bright plumage in their first breeding season. This study quantifies morphology, behavior, and reproductive success of dull and bright males to assess the adaptive costs and benefits of bright plumage while controlling for age. Older bright males (two years of age or older) attempted to increase their reproductive success via copulations with extrapair females, whereas younger (one-year old) bright males and dull males did not. Thus, older bright males spent less time on their own territories, intruded on neighboring groups with fertile females more frequently, gave more courtship displays, and had larger sperm storage organs than did younger bright males and dull males. Microsatellite analyses of paternity indicate that the red-backed fairy-wren has extremely high levels of sexual promiscuity, and that older bright males had higher within-brood paternity than dull males or younger bright males. Regardless of age, bright males were more attractive to females in controlled mate choice trials than were dull males, and both age classes of bright males obtained higher quality mates earlier in the breeding season than did dull males, when nesting success was higher. In conclusion, although it appears that bright plumage increases access to higher quality mates, age also plays a central role in determining a male's overall reproductive success because of the high levels of sexual promiscuity exhibited by the red-backed fairy-wren.  相似文献   

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