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Salt respiration is defined as the increase of respiration under early salt stress. However, the response of respiration varies depending on the degree of salt tolerance and salt stress. It has been hypothesized that the activity of the alternative pathway may increase preventing over‐reduction of the ubiquinone pool in response to salinity, which in turn can increase respiration. Three genotypes of Medicago truncatula are reputed as differently responsive to salinity: TN1.11, A17 and TN6.18. We used the oxygen‐isotope fractionation technique to study the in vivo respiratory activities of the cytochrome oxidase pathway (COP) and the alternative oxidase pathway (AOP) in leaves and roots of these genotypes treated with severe salt stress (300 mM) during 1 and 3 days. In parallel, AOX capacity, gas exchange measurements, relative water content and metabolomics were determined in control and treated plants. Our study shows for first time that salt respiration is induced by the triggered AOP in response to salinity. Moreover, this phenomenon coincides with increased levels of metabolites such as amino and organic acids, and is shown to be related with higher photosynthetic rate and water content in TN6.18.  相似文献   

Leaf explants of Medicago truncatula were used to investigate the origins of auxin-induced root formation. On the application of auxin there is some callus formation (not the massive amount that occurs in response to auxin plus cytokinin) and roots appear shortly after the first visible callus. Histological examination reveals morphologically distinctive sheets of callus cells that emanate from the veins of the leaf explants and, within this cell type, root primordia are produced as well as some vascular tissue cells. What is suggested is that the vein-derived cells (VDCs) are procambial-like and function as pluripotent stem cells with a propensity to form root meristems or vascular tissues in response to added auxin. The development of root primordia from these pluripotent cells was clearly up-regulated by the use of the sickle (skl) mutant, which is a mutant impaired in ethylene signal transduction while the wild type and the sunn mutant, defective in auxin polar transport, produced similar numbers of roots. The skl mutant in generating many more roots concomitantly formed fewer vascular tissues. The root meristems differentiate similarly to normal roots producing a central cylinder of vascular tissue, which connects with the leaf explant veins. The VDCs appear to be derived from the cells of or near the phloem. The leaf observations suggest that a pool of stem cells exist in vascular tissue that, in combination with auxin and perhaps other factors, drive a diversity of plant development outcomes that is species specific. The way auxin interacts with other hormones is a key factor in determining the stem cell fate. The histological data in this study also assist in the interpretation of the molecular analysis of auxin-induced root formation in cultured leaves of M. truncatula.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to investigate the possibility of regulating free proline content and ethylene production in the resistant to abiotic stress cv. ‘Hornet H’ and the tolerant to stress cv. ‘Sunday’ of winter rapeseed seedlings by pretreatment with exogenous L-proline and L-glutamine in non-acclimated and cold-acclimated seedlings in relation to freezing tolerance. The ratio of proline content in acclimated (at 4°C) versus non-acclimated (18°C) ‘Hornet H’ seedlings increased 2.12-fold and in ‘Sunday’ seedlings 1.95-fold. Exogenously applied, proline and glutamine produced a positive effect on free proline content in both cold-acclimated and non-acclimated seedlings. At a temperature of -1°C the proline content significantly increased in non-acclimated and especially in cold-acclimated seedlings. At an intensified freezing temperature (?3°C, ?5°C, ?7°C), the proline content decreased in comparison with that at ?1°C, but glutamine, especially proline, in cold-acclimated seedlings takes part in free proline level increase and in seedlings’ resistance to freezing. Ethylene production increased in cold-acclimated conditions and under the effect of exogenous proline and glutamine. In freezing conditions, ethylene production decreased, but in cold-acclimated seedlings and under pretreatment of proline and glutamine the ethylene synthesis was intensive. Thus, free proline content and ethylene production increase in cold-acclimated winter rapeseed seedlings and under pretreatment with glutamine and especially with proline. Free proline is involved in the response to cold stress, and its level may be an indicator of cold-hardening and freezing tolerance, but the role of ethylene in the regulation of cold tolerance remains not quite clear.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is emerging as an important regulatory player in the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis, but its biological role in nodule functioning is still far from being understood. To unravel the signal transduction cascade and ultimately NO function, it is necessary to identify its molecular targets. This study provides evidence that glutamine synthetase (GS), a key enzyme for root nodule metabolism, is a molecular target of NO in root nodules of Medicago truncatula, being regulated by tyrosine (Tyr) nitration in relation to active nitrogen fixation. In vitro studies, using purified recombinant enzymes produced in Escherichia coli, demonstrated that the M. truncatula nodule GS isoenzyme (MtGS1a) is subjected to NO-mediated inactivation through Tyr nitration and identified Tyr-167 as the regulatory nitration site crucial for enzyme inactivation. Using a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, it is shown that GS is nitrated in planta and that its nitration status changes in relation to active nitrogen fixation. In ineffective nodules and in nodules fed with nitrate, two conditions in which nitrogen fixation is impaired and GS activity is reduced, a significant increase in nodule GS nitration levels was observed. Furthermore, treatment of root nodules with the NO donor sodium nitroprusside resulted in increased in vivo GS nitration accompanied by a reduction in GS activity. Our results support a role of NO in the regulation of nitrogen metabolism in root nodules and places GS as an important player in the process. We propose that the NO-mediated GS posttranslational inactivation is related to metabolite channeling to boost the nodule antioxidant defenses in response to NO.  相似文献   

Methylated inositol, d ‐pinitol (3‐O‐methyl‐d ‐chiro‐inositol), is a common constituent in legumes. It is synthesized from myo‐inositol in two reactions: the first reaction, catalyzed by myo‐inositol‐O‐methyltransferase (IMT), consists of a transfer of a methyl group from S‐adenosylmethionine to myo‐inositol with the formation of d ‐ononitol, while the second reaction, catalyzed by d ‐ononitol epimerase (OEP), involves epimerization of d ‐ononitol to d ‐pinitol. To identify the genes involved in d ‐pinitol biosynthesis in a model legume Medicago truncatula, we conducted a BLAST search on its genome using soybean IMT cDNA as a query and found putative IMT (MtIMT) gene. Subsequent co‐expression analysis performed on publicly available microarray data revealed two potential OEP genes: MtOEPA, encoding an aldo‐keto reductase and MtOEPB, encoding a short‐chain dehydrogenase. cDNAs of all three genes were cloned and expressed as recombinant proteins in E. coli. In vitro assays confirmed that putative MtIMT enzyme catalyzes methylation of myo‐inositol to d ‐ononitol and showed that MtOEPA enzyme has NAD+‐dependent d ‐ononitol dehydrogenase activity, while MtOEPB enzyme has NADP+‐dependent d ‐pinitol dehydrogenase activity. Both enzymes are required for epimerization of d ‐ononitol to d ‐pinitol, which occurs in the presence of NAD+ and NADPH. Introduction of MtIMT, MtOEPA, and MtOEPB genes into tobacco plants resulted in production of d ‐ononitol and d ‐pinitol in transformants. As this two‐step pathway of d ‐ononitol epimerization is coupled with a transfer of reducing equivalents from NADPH to NAD+, we speculate that one of the functions of this pathway might be regeneration of NADP+ during drought stress.  相似文献   

印度梨形孢促进蒺藜苜蓿生长及其提高耐盐性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究盐胁迫下印度梨形孢定殖对豆科模式植物蒺藜苜蓿生长发育的影响。【方法】通过分析不同生境下植物的根长、根鲜重和茎鲜重,以及体内抗氧化物酶活性、脯氨酸含量、甜菜碱醛脱氢酶基因(BADH)的表达,确定印度梨形孢对蒺藜苜蓿生长的促进作用,并初步阐释印度梨形孢诱导植物耐盐性的机制。【结果】印度梨形孢能在蒺藜苜蓿根部定殖并能促进植物的生长发育,有效缓解盐胁迫造成的生长抑制。印度梨形孢能提高植物体内抗氧化物酶活性,增加游离脯氨酸含量并诱导BADH基因的表达。【结论】印度梨形孢作为植物生长促进因子可以用来提高植物耐盐性,实现盐碱土壤的间接改良。  相似文献   

Development of adventitious roots (ARs) at the base of the shoot is an important adaptation of plants to waterlogging stress; however, its physiological mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we investigated the regulation of AR formation under waterlogged conditions by hormones and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Cucumis sativus L., an agriculturally and economically important crop in China. We found that ethylene, auxin, and ROS accumulated in the waterlogged cucumber plants. On the other hand, application of the ethylene receptor inhibitor 1‐methylcyclopropene (1‐MCP), the auxin transport inhibitor 1‐naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), or the NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium (DPI) decreased the number of ARs induced by waterlogging. Auxin enhanced the expression of ethylene biosynthesis genes, which led to ethylene entrapment in waterlogged plants. Both ethylene and auxin induced the generation of ROS. Auxin‐induced AR formation was inhibited by 1‐MCP, although ethylene‐induced AR formation was not inhibited by NPA. Both ethylene‐ and auxin‐induced AR formation were counteracted by DPI. These results indicate that auxin‐induced AR formation is dependent on ethylene, whereas ethylene‐induced AR formation is independent of auxin. They also show that ROS signals mediate both ethylene‐ and auxin‐induced AR formation in cucumber plants.  相似文献   

The symbiotic association between legumes and nitrogen-fixing bacteria collectively known as rhizobia results in the formation of a unique plant root organ called the nodule. This process is initiated following the perception of rhizobial nodulation factors by the host plant. Nod factor (NF)-stimulated plant responses, including nodulation-specific gene expression, is mediated by the NF signaling pathway. Plant mutants in this pathway are unable to nodulate. We describe here the cloning and characterization of two mutant alleles of the Medicago truncatula ortholog of the Lotus japonicus and pea (Pisum sativum) NIN gene. The Mtnin mutants undergo excessive root hair curling but are impaired in infection and fail to form nodules following inoculation with Sinorhizobium meliloti. Our investigation of early NF-induced gene expression using the reporter fusion ENOD11::GUS in the Mtnin-1 mutant demonstrates that MtNIN is not essential for early NF signaling but may negatively regulate the spatial pattern of ENOD11 expression. It was recently shown that an autoactive form of a nodulation-specific calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase is sufficient to induce nodule organogenesis in the absence of rhizobia. We show here that MtNIN is essential for autoactive calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-induced nodule organogenesis. The non-nodulating hcl mutant has a similar phenotype to Mtnin, but we demonstrate that HCL is not required in this process. Based on our data, we suggest that MtNIN functions downstream of the early NF signaling pathway to coordinate and regulate the correct temporal and spatial formation of root nodules.  相似文献   

We have shown the functional expression by chondrocytes of serine racemase (SR) which is responsible for the synthesis of D-serine (Ser) from L-Ser in cartilage. In this study, we evaluated the possible functional expression of SR by bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-resorbing osteoclasts. Expression of SR mRNA was seen in osteoblasts localized at the cancellous bone surface in neonatal rat tibial sections and in cultured rat calvarial osteoblasts endowed to release D-Ser into extracellular medium, but not in cultured osteoclasts differentiated from murine bone marrow progenitor cells. Sustained exposure to D-Ser failed to significantly affect alkaline phosphatase activity and Ca(2+) accumulation in cultured osteoblasts, but significantly inhibited differentiation and maturation in a concentration-dependent manner at a concentration range of 0.1-1 mM without affecting cellular survival in cultured osteoclasts. By contrast, L-Ser promoted osteoclastic differentiation in a manner sensitive to the inhibition by D-Ser. Matured osteoclasts expressed mRNA for the amino acid transporter B(0,+) (ATB(0,+) ) and the system alanine, serine, and cysteine amino acid transporter-2 (ASCT2), which are individually capable of similarly incorporating extracellular L- and D-Ser. Knockdown of these transporters by siRNA prevented both the promotion by L-Ser and the inhibition by D-Ser of osteoclastic differentiation in pre-osteoclastic RAW264.7 cells. These results suggest that D-Ser may play a pivotal role in osteoclastogenesis through a mechanism related to the incorporation mediated by both ATB(0,+) and ASCT2 of serine enantiomers in osteoclasts after the synthesis and subsequent release from adjacent osteoblasts.  相似文献   

In this study, microarray data analysis, real‐time quantitative PCR and immunohistochemistry were used to detect the expression levels of SSRP1 in colorectal cancer (CRC) tissue and in corresponding normal tissue. The association between structure‐specific recognition protein 1 (SSRP1) expression and patient prognosis was examined by Kaplan‐Meier analysis. SSRP1 was knocked down and overexpressed in CRC cell lines, and its effects on proliferation, cell cycling, migration, invasion, cellular energy metabolism, apoptosis, chemotherapeutic drug sensitivity and cell phenotype‐related molecules were assessed. The growth of xenograft tumours in nude mice was also assessed. MiRNAs that potentially targeted SSRP1 were determined by bioinformatic analysis, Western blotting and luciferase reporter assays. We showed that SSRP1 mRNA levels were significantly increased in CRC tissue. We also confirmed that this upregulation was related to the terminal tumour stage in CRC patients, and high expression levels of SSRP1 predicted shorter disease‐free survival and faster relapse. We also found that SSRP1 modulated proliferation, metastasis, cellular energy metabolism and the epithelial‐mesenchymal transition in CRC. Furthermore, SSRP1 induced apoptosis and SSRP1 knockdown augmented the sensitivity of CRC cells to 5‐fluorouracil and cisplatin. Moreover, we explored the molecular mechanisms accounting for the dysregulation of SSRP1 in CRC and identified microRNA‐28‐5p (miR‐28‐5p) as a direct upstream regulator of SSRP1. We concluded that SSRP1 promotes CRC progression and is negatively regulated by miR‐28‐5p.  相似文献   

The presence of human-pathogenic, enteric bacteria on the surface and in the interior of raw produce is a significant health concern. Several aspects of the biology of the interaction between these bacteria and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) seedlings are addressed here. A collection of enteric bacteria associated with alfalfa sprout contaminations, along with Escherichia coli K-12, Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium strain ATCC 14028, and an endophyte of maize, Klebsiella pneumoniae 342, were labeled with green fluorescent protein, and their abilities to colonize the rhizosphere and the interior of the plant were compared. These strains differed widely in their endophytic colonization abilities, with K. pneumoniae 342 and E. coli K-12 being the best and worst colonizers, respectively. The abilities of the pathogens were between those of K. pneumoniae 342 and E. coli K-12. All Salmonella bacteria colonized the interiors of the seedlings in high numbers with an inoculum of 10(2) CFU, although infection characteristics were different for each strain. For most strains, a strong correlation between endophytic colonization and rhizosphere colonization was observed. These results show significant strain specificity for plant entry by these strains. Significant colonization of lateral root cracks was observed, suggesting that this may be the site of entry into the plant for these bacteria. At low inoculum levels, a symbiosis mutant of Medicago truncatula, dmi1, was colonized in higher numbers on the rhizosphere and in the interior by a Salmonella endophyte than was the wild-type host. Endophytic entry of M. truncatula appears to occur by a mechanism independent of the symbiotic infections by Sinorhizobium meliloti or mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is one of the first physiological processes inhibited in legume plants under water‐deficit conditions. Despite the progress made in the last decades, the molecular mechanisms behind this regulation are not fully understood yet. Recent proteomic work carried out in the model legume Medicago truncatula provided the first indications of a possible involvement of nodule methionine (Met) biosynthesis and related pathways in response to water‐deficit conditions. To better understand this involvement, the drought‐induced changes in expression and content of enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of Met, S‐adenosyl‐L‐methionine (SAM) and ethylene in M. truncatula root and nodules were analyzed using targeted approaches. Nitrogen‐fixing plants were subjected to a progressive water deficit and a subsequent recovery period. Besides the physiological characterization of the plants, the content of total sulphur, sulphate and main S‐containing metabolites was measured. Results presented here show that S availability is not a limiting factor in the drought‐induced decline of nitrogen fixation rates in M. truncatula plants and provide evidences for a down‐regulation of the Met and ethylene biosynthesis pathways in roots and nodules in response to water‐deficit conditions.  相似文献   

Two rapid and simple in planta transformation methods have been developed for the model legume Medicago truncatula. The first approach is based on a method developed for transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana and involves infiltration of flowering plants with a suspension of Agrobacterium. The second method involves infiltration of young seedlings with Agrobacterium. In both cases a proportion of the progeny of the infiltrated plants is transformed. The transformation frequency ranges from 4.7 to 76% for the flower infiltration method, and from 2.9 to 27.6% for the seedling infiltration method. Both procedures resulted in a mixture of independent transformants and sibling transformants. The transformants were genetically stable, and analysis of the T2 generation indicates that the transgenes are inherited in a Mendelian fashion. These transformation systems will increase the utility of M. truncatula as a model system and enable large-scale insertional mutagenesis. T-DNA tagging and the many adaptations of this approach provide a wide range of opportunities for the analysis of the unique aspects of legumes.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect defences against feeding induced by chewing (Spodoptera littoralis) and piercing-sucking (Tetranychus urticae) herbivores, as well as components of signal transduction, were investigated in the model legume Medicago truncatula. Emitted volatiles, representing a mechanism of indirect defence, were measured and identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS). As elements of direct defence, the accumulation of phenolic compounds and of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was assessed using microscopic techniques. Jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA) concentrations were assessed as putative components of signal transduction. Volatile profiles revealed a sizeable number of different substances emitted, particularly sesquiterpenoids. The qualitative composition clearly differed depending on the type of herbivory. The same held true for JA and SA concentrations. Also, deposition of phenolic compounds and the production of ROS around the wounding sites could be detected. Conspicuous differences were found in indirect defence and signalling for different types of herbivory. In contrast, no divergence in direct defences was observed; furthermore, the traits investigated exhibited striking similarities to reactions known to occur upon pathogen attack.  相似文献   

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