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Availability of seeds and provision of “safe sites” for seedling recruitment are essential for successful restoration of seminatural grassland communities. Inability to provide species‐specific conditions for seedling recruitment appears to be a major factor limiting establishment of fen‐meadow species on restoration sites. This contention was tested in the field for both germination and establishment conditions for a selection of fen‐meadow species. A Cirsio‐Molinietum fen meadow and an agriculturally semi‐improved species‐poor grass dominated rush pasture were used. Seeds of Carex ovalis, Cirsium dissectum, Molinia caerulea, Succisa pratensis, and Holcus lanatus were sown onto treatments comprising either irrigation or no irrigation, presence or absence of existing vegetation canopy, and presence or absence of soil disturbance. Germination of all except H. lanatus was higher in the fen meadow than in the rush pasture. The fen‐meadow site was less susceptible to drought, provided more light to the seed environment, and showed a stronger day–night variation in relative humidity compared with the rush pasture. All the fen‐meadow species responded strongly to the experimental treatments, whereas H. lanatus showed only a small response. Soil disturbance was the major factor that increased germination. Removal of the vegetation canopy improved germination only in S. pratensis. Conditions affecting survival of seedlings were different from those affecting seed germination. Seedling survival was greater on the fen‐meadow site than on the rush pasture. Canopy presence was the major factor that reduced seedling survival. Few seedlings survived in the presence of the rush pasture canopy. Irrigation and soil disturbance were of minor importance for seedling survival on both sites. Safe sites for seed germination and seedling establishment of fen‐meadow species existed on the fen meadow even without soil disturbance and gap creation. Safe sites for seedling recruitment were not present in the rush pasture. The need for species‐specific definition of safe site characteristics at the two stages of seedling recruitment (i.e., for seed germination and for seedling survival) was demonstrated. The implications of these findings for restoration of seminatural grasslands are discussed.  相似文献   

Restoration goals often involve the addition of new species to resident, degraded communities but in box gum woodlands such restoration is often constrained by competition from persistent exotic annuals that control critical ecological processes. Nutrient reduction (via carbon addition) and seed bank depletion are two approaches to reduce competition from exotic annuals but to be effective these treatments must allow establishment of species such as native grasses. This experiment was conducted in two degraded Austrostipa understoreys in the box gum woodlands of south‐east Australia. It compares the effects of carbon addition (sugar), seed depletion (spring burning or spring grazing) and combinations of carbon addition and seed depletion treatments on the establishment of C3 and C4 native grasses, and measured the effects of their establishment on soil nitrate concentration and exotic annuals. Treatments that reduced exotic annual abundance did not increase initial germination of the C4 native grasses, Bothriochloa or Themeda. However, sugar increased seedling survival of Themeda and Bothriochloa and grazing increased seedling survival of Bothriochloa, presumably by reducing effects of exotic annuals. Poa and Rytidosperma (C3 native grasses) failed to establish. Although we were unable to detect any reduction in soil nitrate concentration, swards with successful recruitment of C4 grasses suppressed exotic annuals more than the Austrostipa‐only swards at one site (the other was affected by wildfire). Further, AustrostipaThemeda swards were more effective than Austrostipa‐Bothriochloa for suppressing exotics, pointing to a role for both functional and species identity in the degree of resistance conferred.  相似文献   

Climate and disturbance are considered key factors in explaining plant invasion, mainly by their effect on alien seedling recruitment. We tested whether soil disturbance by digging and altitude, as a sub-set of climate, affected the seedling recruitment of two alien species (Cirsium vulgare and Melilotus alba) in the mountain grasslands of central Argentina. We performed a seed-addition factorial experiment with altitude as a fixed factor co-variable (6 levels), time since sowing (6 levels) as an autoregressive co-variable, and soil disturbance by digging (two levels) and seed addition (two levels) as fixed factors. Seeds of the studied species were sown in replicated undisturbed and disturbed soil plots, in grassland stands located every 200 m from 1200 to 2200 m a.s.l. The number of emerging seedlings at each plot was recorded during a period of 8 months, at intervals of 30–60 days. Seedlings of both alien species emerged at all the studied altitudes, but only the recruitment of C. vulgare increased linearly with altitude. Moreover, the time window of seedling recruitment for this species increased with altitude. Soil disturbance produced a significant decrease in overall seedling emergence of both species; however, an increase in emergence was observed for C. vulgare at an altitude over 2000 m a.s.l. Natural emergence inside control plots without seed addition was only observed for Cirsium vulgare, which indicates that this species was not seed limited. Our results show that altitude and the absence of disturbance do not restrict the recruitment of C. vulgare and M. alba in these natural mountain grasslands. Moreover, these alien species seem to be tolerant to and even favoured by conditions occurring at higher altitudes and in absence of micro-site soil disturbances in the Córdoba mountain grasslands.  相似文献   

Whether seed consumers affect plant establishment is an important unresolved question in plant population biology. Seed consumption is ubiquitous; at issue is whether seedling recruitment is limited by safe-sites or seeds. If most seeds inhabit sites unsuitable for germination, post-dispersal seed consumption primarily removes seeds that would otherwise never contribute to the population and granivory has minimal impacts on plant abundance. Alternatively, if most seeds ultimately germinate before they lose viability, there is greater potential for seed consumption to affect plant recruitment. Of the many studies on seed consumption, few ask how seed loss affects seedling recruitment for species with long-lived seed banks. We examined post-dispersal seed predation and seedling emergence in bush lupine (Lupinus arboreus), a woody leguminous shrub of coastal grasslands and dunes in California. We followed the fate of seeds in paired experimental seed plots that were either protected or exposed to rodent granivores in grassland and dune habitats. Significantly more seeds were removed by rodents in dunes than grasslands. In dunes, where rodent granivory was greatest (65% and 86% of seeds removed from plots by rodents in two successive years), there is a sparse seed bank (6.6 seeds m−2), and granivory significantly reduced seedling emergence (in the same two years, 18% and 19.4% fewer seedlings emerged from exposed versus protected plots), suggesting seed rather than safe-site limited seedling recruitment. In contrast, rodents removed an average of 6% and 56% of seeds from grassland plots during the same two years, and the grassland seed bank is 43-fold that of the dunes (288 seeds m−2). Even high seed consumption in the second year of the study only marginally influenced recruitment because seeds that escaped predation remained dormant. Burial of seeds in both habitats significantly reduced the percentage of seeds removed by rodents. Results suggest that granivores exert strong but habitat-dependent effects on lupine seed survival and seedling emergence. Received: 24 October 1996 / Accepted: 4 February 1997  相似文献   

The persistence of populations of short-lived species requires regular reproduction and seedling establishment. A persistent seed bank can buffer populations against extinction in unfavourable years. We experimentally investigated seed fate in Gentianella germanica, an endangered biennial species characteristic for species-rich nutrient-poor calcareous grasslands in central Europe. We studied the effect of experimental gaps on seedling establishment from sown seeds and the fate of seeds buried in bags over two years. In December 1993 experiments were established at seven calcareous grassland sites in the Swiss Jura mountains. In spring 1994 seedlings emerged in all plots where seeds had been sown, including previously unoccupied patches. This suggests that limited dispersal within sites contributes to small population sizes. Significantly more seedlings emerged at sites with current populations of G. germanica than at unoccupied sites (5.95% vs 3.40%). Because this difference was not explained by germinations from the natural seed bank it indicates differences in habitat quality. Clipping of the vegetation and disturbance of the soil reduced vegetation cover in the following spring and enhanced seedling emergence. In undisturbed plots 4.5% of seeds sown produced a seedling in spring 1994, whereas in plots with clipped vegetation 9.9% and in disturbed plots 12.7% produced seedlings (p>0.01). This suggests that management measures which create gaps in the vegetation (e.g. grazing) could positively influence population size and persistence of G. geymanica. On average, we recovered 7.55% viable seeds after one year of burial in bags, and 4.05% after two years, indicating that G. geymanica has a persistent seed bank. The demographic data indicate that the number of viable seeds in the seed bank exceeds the number of established plants in a population at least by a factor of 20. Restoration of extinct populations of the species from the seed bank may thus be possible if appropriate management measures are taken within a few years.  相似文献   

Successful forest expansion into grassland can be limited by seed dispersal and adverse conditions for tree seedlings in the grassland environment. In the high‐elevation Andes, human‐induced fragmentation has exacerbated the patchy distribution of Polylepis forests, threatening their unique biological communities and spurring restoration interest. Studies of Polylepis forest extent in Peru suggest that forest borders have remained stable over the past century despite decreasing anthropogenic disturbance, suggesting that tree seedling recruitment is being limited in the open grassland habitat. We studied natural seedling dispersion patterns of Polylepis sericea and Polylepis weberbaueri (Rosaceae) at forest–grassland edges across a range of environmental conditions to examine seedling recruitment and colonization of grasslands in Huascaran National Park (Peru). Using data from 2367 seedlings found in 48 forest–grassland edge plots (15 m × 15 m) at forest patches between 3900–4500 masl, we employed generalized mixed modelling to identify the significant associations of seedling densities with environmental covariates. In addition, we compared these associations to patterns of adult presence on the landscape. Seedling densities were associated with a combination of variables varying within (distance to forest edge) and among (elevation and dry season solar irradiation) plots across the landscape. For both species, seedling densities decreased with increasing distance away from the forest in a manner consistent with short‐distance seed dispersal by wind. Our results suggest that such short‐distance dispersal may slow forest expansion, but that there also appear to be substantial post‐dispersal limitations to seedling establishment in the grassland. Polylepis sericea densities decreased with elevation, while P. weberbaueri increased with elevation and decreased with solar irradiation. Associations of adult presence with elevation and solar irradiation mirrored those of seedling densities. Management of areas with forest patches dominated by these species should consider these differences in their environmental tolerances, particularly during species selection and zonation for reforestation.  相似文献   

Goergen  Erin  Daehler  Curtis C. 《Plant Ecology》2002,161(2):147-156
In the Hawaiian Islands, native Heteropogon contortus (pili grass) is being replaced by alien grasses, one of which is Pennisetum setaceum (fountain grass). Both grasses depend on seeds for population growth. To help understand factors promoting the spread of the alien and decline of the native, we investigated the effects of physical disturbance, nutrient addition, and seed supplementation on seedling recruitment in experimental field plots. In the first year, our field site experienced an unusual drought, and seedling recruitment was greater for H. contortus than for P. setaceum under all treatments. Disturbance increased recruitment of H. contortus seedlings during some sampling periods. Recruitment was not significantly increased by seed additions for either species despite our finding of only 49 and 4 seeds m–2 in the seed bank for H. contortus and P. setaceum, respectively. In the first year, most P. setaceum seedlings died between monthly surveys. We resurveyed our field plots in a second, wetter year and found the pattern was reversed: recruitment of P. setaceum seedlings was greater than H. contortus seedlings in most treatments. Greenhouse comparisons of seedling survival under three drought regimes (water every 5,7 and 10 days) revealed that H. contortus seedlings tolerate drought better than P. setaceum seedlings. Seedling recruitment for these species in the leeward Hawaiian Islands appears to be primarily dependent on water availability, with the alien having the advantage in wetter years. Once seedlings of the long-lived alien become established, the alien seems capable of maintaining its dominance over H. contortus, even during periods of drought.  相似文献   

Although studies of seed banks in arid ecosystems are commonplace, they are lacking for the large arid zone of Western Australia. Across the six major plant communities fringing a large salt lake within this zone, topsoil (0–5 cm depth) was collected from 12 to 36 sites per community. Samples were dried, spread out on a bed of vermiculite in seedling trays and placed in a well‐watered glasshouse to determine the readily germinable component of the soil seed bank. Subsamples of topsoil were treated with smoke water, hot water or flooding to help determine seed bank of species with dormancy mechanisms. As with other studies of arid seed banks, large numbers of grasses and forbs emerged from the topsoil, with relatively small numbers of woody perennial species and hummock grasses (Triodia spp.) present, even in communities where such species were dominant. There were, however, a few exceptions where a reasonable density of dominant trees/shrub seed was present in topsoil. Soil treatment generally had limited effect on composition and density of emergent seedlings. Although floristic similarity between soil seed banks and corresponding above‐ground vegetation was modest, there were clear differences in soil seed bank composition between communities. The implications of the results for using topsoils to restore landforms of the study area after mining or other disturbance are discussed.  相似文献   

Grasslands dominated by exotic annual grasses have replaced native perennial vegetation types in vast areas of California. Prescribed spring fires can cause a temporary replacement of exotic annual grasses by native and non‐native forbs, but generally do not lead to recovery of native perennials, especially where these have been entirely displaced for many years. Successful reintroduction of perennial species after fire depends on establishment in the postfire environment. We studied the effects of vegetation changes after an April fire on competition for soil moisture, a key factor in exotic annual grass dominance. As an alternative to fire, solarization effectively kills seeds of most plant species but with a high labor investment per area. We compared the burn to solarization in a study of establishment and growth of seeds and transplants of the native perennial grass Purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra) and coastal sage species California sagebrush (Artemisia californica). After the fire, initial seed bank and seedling densities and regular percent cover and soil moisture (0–20 cm) data were collected in burned and unburned areas. Burned areas had 96% fewer viable seeds of the dominant annual grass, Ripgut brome (Bromus diandrus), leading to replacement by forbs from the seed bank, especially non‐native Black mustard (Brassica nigra). In the early growing season, B. diandrus dominating unburned areas consistently depleted soil moisture to a greater extent between rains than forbs in burned areas. However, B. diandrus senesced early, leaving more moisture available in unburned areas after late‐season rains. Nassella pulchra and A. californica established better on plots treated with fire and/or solarization than on untreated plots. We conclude that both spring burns and solarization can produce conditions where native perennials can establish in annual grasslands. However, the relative contribution of these treatments to restoration appears to depend on the native species being reintroduced, and the long‐term success of these initial restoration experiments remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Exotic Grass Competition in Suppressing Native Shrubland Re-establishment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Disturbance of coastal sage scrub in southern California has led to extensive displacement of native shrubs by exotic annual grasses. The initial conversion from shrubland to exotic grassland is typically associated with disturbance caused by intense grazing, high fire frequency, or mechanical vegetation removal. While native shrubs have been shown to recolonize annual grasslands under some conditions, other annual grasslands are persistent and show no evidence of shrub recolonization. This study examined the mechanisms by which annual grasses may exclude native shrubs and persist after release from disturbance. Grass density was manipulated in experimental plots to achieve a series of prescribed densities. Artemisia californica, a dominant native shrub, was seeded or planted into the plots and responses to the grass density treatments were measured over two growing seasons. A. californica germination, first season growth, and survival were all negatively related to the density of neighboring annual grasses. The most probable mechanism underlying the reduction of first season growth and survival was depletion of soil water by the grasses. The effects of the grasses on A. californica were no longer significant in the second season. The results of this study indicate that Mediterranean annual grasses reduce recruitment and can persist by inhibiting post-disturbance establishment of A. californica from seed. Although succession alone may not return disturbed annual grasslands to their former shrubland composition, the results suggest that restoration can be achieved by using container plantings or grass removal followed by seeding.  相似文献   

To assess potential effects of seed limitation, characteristics of invader species and characteristics of established plant communities on recruitment success, we conducted a split-plot experiment factorially combining three weeding treatments corresponding to increasing successional age (regular weeding相似文献   

Abstract Seed germination is dependent on the interaction between the dormancy state of a seed and the presence of favourable environmental conditions. Thus, the spectacular pulse of seedling recruitment in many Australian vegetation communities following disturbances such as fire can be attributed to changes in microsite conditions and/or the dormancy‐breaking effect of the disturbance on accumulated seed banks. Grevillea rivularis is a threatened species endemic to the area immediately above Carrington Falls in the NSW Southern Highlands. Most of the population is confined to the riparian vegetation zone in woodland and heath, and is therefore subject to periodic disturbance from fire and flood. For this species, a pulse of seedling recruitment has been recorded after fire, flood and mechanical soil disturbance. The aims of this study were to examine the density and vertical distribution of the soil‐stored seed bank and to investigate the role of heat and scarification as cues for germination of fresh and soil‐stored seed. There was a large seed bank under the canopies of established individuals (194 ± 73 seeds m?2) and most seeds were found in the 0–2 cm and leaf‐litter layers of the soil profile. The germination response of soil‐stored and fresh seed was examined using a hierarchical series of laboratory experiments. Seeds of G. rivularis showed marked dormancy polymorphism. Thirty‐six percent of soil‐stored seed germinated without treatment, whereas no untreated fresh seeds germinated. Scarification or heating caused significant germination of dormant soil‐stored seed, but only scarification resulted in germination of dormant fresh seeds. These results highlight important differences in the dormancy state of soil‐stored and fresh seed. Thus, being a riparian species in a fire‐prone environment, the dormancy mechanisms in seeds of G. rivularis suit this species to disturbance by both fire and flood.  相似文献   

Question: (1) Which factors regulate post‐fire recruitment and spread of the shrub Senecio bracteolatus in Patagonian grasslands? (2) What is the role of the grass Stipa speciosa on S. bracteolatus establishment in the post‐fire succession? Location: Northwest Patagonia, Argentina. Methods: We studied the effect of fire on S. bracteolatus recruitment and density by comparing these variables between burned and unburned grasslands. In burned areas, we compared abiotic characteristics and seedling establishment under the canopy of grasses (S. speciosa) and in gaps (inter‐tussock areas). Post‐fire interactions between S. bracteolatus seedlings and S. speciosa were studied using field and greenhouse experiments. Results: Density of S. bracteolatus was higher in burned than in unburned areas. In burned sites, seedlings were more abundant under tussock grasses, whereas juveniles were more abundant in gaps. Tussocks generated more attenuated micro‐environmental conditions than gaps during stressful summers. Gaps were more abundant in burned sites, while “under tussock” microsites were more frequent in unburned sites. In burned areas, tussocks allowed higher establishment of seedlings (facilitation), but gaps allowed more seedling growth and higher persistence of juveniles. Conclusions: Fire promoted S. bracteolatus recruitment in Patagonian grasslands by increasing the availability of favourable gap microsites. Grass protection for shrub seedlings became negative with time, probably due to competition with grasses. Gaps led to better performance and persistence of shrub plants. Six years after fire, higher shrub recruitment and adult density (observed as a trend) in burned grassland provides an opportunity for potential S. bracteolatus invasion.  相似文献   

Extreme climate events, such as severe drought episodes, may induce changes in vegetation if they induce species‐specific adult mortality and changes in the seedling recruitment pattern. In 2005 a severe drought occurred in Doñana National Park (south Spain) causing extensive shrubland mortality. Over the following years we monitored the soil seed bank and seedling emergence via a gradient of canopy dieback induced by the drought episode. The canopy dieback corresponded to an increase in emergence of seedlings of woody species in 2007, probably because of the reduced competition induced by canopy loss. The soil seed bank of woody species sampled in 2008 was less abundant on plots with a higher proportion of dead vegetation, probably because of depletion of the seed bank as a result of the increased germination in the previous year and also as a result of a reduction in seed supply in these sites. Accordingly, in 2009 we detected reduced emergence of woody species on plots that had suffered the greatest shrub mortality. We failed to find any significant changes in patterns of the soil seed bank and seedling emergence of short‐lived herbaceous species, indicating greater resilience in these types of species. This study highlights the resilience of Mediterranean shrublands to climate fluctuations at one extreme of the variability characteristic of these ecosystems. An increase in the frequency of severe drought episodes – increasingly probable under the new climate conditions – does have the potential, however, to induce changes in vegetation, especially in woody communities that need more time to replenish their seed banks.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment of mountain grasslands has boosted grasses and fast‐growing unpalatable plants at the expense of slow‐growing species, resulting in a significant loss in biodiversity. A potential tool to reduce nutrient availability and aboveground productivity without destroying the perennial vegetation is carbon (C) addition. However, little is known about its suitability under severe climatic conditions. Here, we report the results of a 3‐year field study assessing the effects of sawdust addition on soil nutrients, aboveground productivity, and vegetational composition of 10 grazed and ungrazed mountain grasslands. Of particular interest was the effect of C addition on grasses and on the tall unpalatable weed Veratrum album. After 3 years, soil pH, ammonium, and plant‐available phosphorus were not altered by sawdust application, and nitrate concentrations were marginally higher in treatment plots. However, the biomass of grasses and forbs (without V. album) was 20–25% lower in sawdust‐amended plots, whereas the biomass of V. album was marginally higher. Sawdust addition reduced the cover of grasses but did not affect evenness, vegetation diversity, or plant species richness, although species richness generally increased with decreasing biomass at our sites. Our results suggest that sawdust addition is a potent tool to reduce within a relatively short time the aboveground productivity and grass cover in both grazed and ungrazed mountain grasslands as long as they are not dominated by tall unpalatable weeds. The technique has the advantage that it preserves the topsoil and the perennial soil seed bank.  相似文献   

Summary Efforts to re‐establish indigenous forests in pastoral New Zealand have increased as the value of native biodiversity has been realized. Direct seeding of woody species is preferable to transplanting, as labour and material costs are less. However, the success rate of direct seeding in pasture has been variable due to intense competition from adventive species. We initiated an experiment in pasture plots adjacent to a forest fragment where seed bed treatments (increasing in degree of disturbance from herbicide application to turf removal and topsoil removal) in combination with mulch treatments (wood chip shavings with and without forest floor organic material) were seeded with a mixture of New Zealand lowland forest species. The objective of the study was to determine if early successional plant communities, and ultimately seedling establishment, differed as a result of seed bed preparation after 1 year. Coprosma robusta (Karamu) and Kunzea ericoides (Kanuka) seedlings established on plots in significant numbers: both species were most abundant on topsoil‐removed plots where bare substrate was greatest and plant cover least. Both seed bed treatments and mulching treatments led to measurable differences in overall composition of early successional plant communities. However, absence of plant cover and low soil fertility (both associated with the topsoil‐removed treatment) were the most important factors in seedling success.  相似文献   

California grasslands have been severely impacted by the invasion of nonnative annual grasses, which often limit restoration of this important ecosystem. In this study, we explored the use of mowing as a restoration tool for native perennial grasslands at the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve in southern California. We sought to evaluate if, over time, mowing would reduce nonnative annual grass cover and benefit native species, especially the native bunchgrass Stipa pulchra. We hypothesized that repeated mowing, carefully timed to target nonnative annual grasses prior to seed maturation, would reduce nonnative seed inputs into the soil and eventually lead to diminished abundance of these species. We monitored vegetation in mowed and unmowed plots for 4 years, and conducted a seed bank study after 5 years to better understand the cumulative effects of mowing on native and nonnative seed inputs. Consistent with our hypotheses, we found that mowing successfully reduced nonnative annual grass cover and benefitted some native species, including S. pulchra. However, we also found that nonnative forb species showed progressive increases in mowed plots over time. We observed similar patterns of species composition in the soil seed bank. Together, these results suggest that mowing can be used to control nonnative annual grasses and increase the abundance of native bunchgrasses, but that this method may also have the unintended consequence of increasing nonnative forb species.  相似文献   

Dispersal or recruitment limitation may arrest succession after disturbance. In north-eastern South Africa the Acacia karroo successional pathway is used to facilitate coastal forest recovery after strip-mining. However, although A. karroo establishes naturally, it forms monospecific stands, arresting forest succession for decades. This casts doubt on the efficacy of this restoration pathway. We investigated the causes of arrested succession. The seed and seedling banks of A. karroo stands and of forest at Cape Vidal, and three A. karroo stands (7–27 years old) on rehabilitated strip-mined dunes at nearby Richards Bay were examined. The establishment and growth of seedlings at Cape Vidal were also considered. The seed bank was larger and more diverse in forest, but the seedling bank was larger in Acacia stands. At Richards Bay, the size of the seed bank increased and the seedling bank decreased with Acacia stand age. Excluding mammalian herbivores in Acacia stands at Cape Vidal resulted in greater species richness and survival of naturally established seedlings, as well as two experimentally planted species. Neither seed dispersal nor seedling establishment limited recruitment of tree species in Acacia stands. Herbivory arrested forest succession by causing the differential mortality of seedlings. In contrast, at Richards Bay where there were few mammalian herbivores, the advanced regeneration in A. karroo stands converged on the diversity of nearby forests 29 years after restoration. Controlling herbivore access and seeding Acacia stands with forest species are site-specific options for preventing arrested succession when using the A. karroo successional pathway.  相似文献   

Establishment of native plant populations on disturbed roadsides was investigated at Bryce Canyon National Park (BCNP) in relation to several revegetation and seedbed preparation techniques. In 1994, the BCNP Rim Road (2,683–2,770 m elevation) was reconstructed resulting in a 23.8‐ha roadside disturbance. Revegetation comparisons included the influence of fertilizer on plant establishment and development, the success of indigenous versus commercial seed, seedling response to microsites, methods of erosion control, and shrub transplant growth and survival. Plant density, cover, and biomass were measured 1, 2, and 4 years after revegetation implementation (1995–1998). Seeded native grass cover and density were the highest on plots fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus, but by the fourth growing season, differences between fertilized and unfertilized plots were minimal. Fertilizers may facilitate more rapid establishment of seeded grasses following disturbance, increasing soil cover and soil stability on steep and unstable slopes. However the benefit of increased soil nutrients favored few of the desired species resulting in lower species richness over time compared to unfertilized sites. Elymus trachycaulus (slender wheatgrass) plants raised from indigenous seed had higher density and cover than those from a commercial seed source 2 and 4 years after sowing. Indigenous materials may exhibit slow establishment immediately following seeding, but they will likely persist during extreme climatic conditions such as cold temperatures and relatively short growing seasons. Seeded grasses established better near stones and logs than on adjacent open microsites, suggesting that a roughened seedbed created before seeding can significantly enhance plant establishment. After two growing seasons, total grass cover between various erosion‐control treatments was similar indicating that a variety of erosion reduction techniques can be utilized to reduce erosion. Finally shrub transplants showed minimal differential response to fertilizers, water‐absorbing gels, and soil type. Simply planting and watering transplants was sufficient for the greatest plant survival and growth.  相似文献   

Question: How does regeneration response to a host‐specific, high‐severity, infrequent Dendroctonus rufipennis outbreak differ from our conceptualization of high‐severity, infrequent/low‐severity, frequent disturbance regimes in Picea engelmanniiAbies lasiocarpa communities? Location: Southern Utah, USA. Methods: One hundred and seven plots across a high‐elevation P. engelmannii forest were sampled to reconstruct pre‐outbreak overstory and seedling bank densities, and calculate their associated metrics of diversity. Decade of establishment by seedling bank trees indicated “chronic” and “pulse” regenerators. Results: The post‐outbreak overstory and seedling bank were dominated by A. lasiocarpa. Although Pinus flexilis, Pinus ponderosa, Picea pungens, and Psuedotsuga menziesii were present in the overstory, they were virtually absent in the seedling bank. Seedling bank recruitment of A. lasiocarpa and P. engelmannii has been occurring chronically for at least the last ~205 and ~152 years, respectively. A pulse response of seedling bank Populus tremuloides was apparent; however, results were complicated by intense ungulate browsing. Conclusions: Despite some similarities to the high‐severity, infrequent/low‐severity, frequent conceptualization of regeneration response to disturbance, the high‐severity D. rufipennis outbreak is best described by explicitly considering host specificity and severity. Although, the outbreak simultaneously promoted both a pulse of P. tremuloides and a release of chronically regenerated A. lasiocarpa, the P. tremuloides response was generally masked by ungulate browsing, and the regeneration response came overwhelmingly from the A. lasiocarpa seedling bank. In this landscape, once dominated by P. engelmannii, the chronically regenerating seedling bank, typically thought to take advantage of canopy gaps associated with low‐severity disturbances, is poised to dominate forest reorganization in response to the host‐specific outbreak.  相似文献   

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