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Native to Asia, mile-a-minute Persicaria perfoliata, is an invasive weed in North America, and the weevil Rhinoncomimus latipes is a host-specific insect agent which occurs widely in China. We conducted a common garden experiment to compare P. perfoliata plant responses of native and invasive populations to herbivory by the weevils from different origins. We found weevils from Hunan, Hubei and Heilongjiang Provinces had strong, moderate and weak ability to suppress host plant, respectively. Weevils from Hunan and Hubei Provinces had stronger impact on the growth of both native and invasive plant populations than the weevil from Heilongjiang Province. The losses in seed output of invasive plants were also significantly greater than natives in the weevil treatments. Our results suggested that the weevil population from Hunan Province may be the most suitable for the control of mile-a-minute, while the population from Heilongjiang Province may be the least suitable due to climate matching.  相似文献   

Dropping is a common antipredator defence that enables rapid escape from a perceived threat. However, despite its immediate effectiveness in predator–prey encounters (and against other dangers such as a parasitoid or an aggressive conspecific), it remains an under‐appreciated defence strategy in the scientific literature. Dropping has been recorded in a wide range of taxa, from primates to lizards, but has been studied most commonly in insects. Insects have been found to utilise dropping in response to both biotic and abiotic stimuli, sometimes dependent on mechanical or chemical cues. Whatever the trigger for dropping, the decision to drop by prey will present a range of inter‐related costs and benefits to the individual and so there will be subtle complexities in the trade‐offs surrounding this defensive behaviour. In predatory encounters, dropping by prey will also impose varying costs and benefits on the predator – or predators – involved in the system. There may be important trade‐offs involved in the decision made by predators regarding whether to pursue prey or not, but the predator perspective on dropping has been less explored at present. Beyond its function as an escape tactic, dropping has also been suggested to be an important precursor to flight in insects and further study could greatly improve understanding of its evolutionary importance. Dropping in insects could also prove of significant practical importance if an improved understanding can be applied to integrated pest‐management strategies. Currently the non‐consumptive effects of predators on their prey are under‐appreciated in biological control and it may be that the dropping behaviour of many pest species could be exploited via management practices to improve crop protection. Overall, this review aims to provide a comprehensive synthesis of the current literature on dropping and to raise awareness of this fascinating and widespread behaviour. It also seeks to offer some novel hypotheses and highlight key avenues for future research.  相似文献   

The introduced tramp ant, Pheidole megacephala, is a well‐known pest of urban areas and coastal dune ecosystems in eastern Australia. Until recently, establishment and spread of P. megacephala colonies has been regarded as likely only in disturbed areas. Here we describe the extent of an established colony of P. megacephala in a long undisturbed open forest near Maryborough in southeast Queensland and compare ant community structure with those of nearby uninfested sites. Tuna baiting revealed three distinct zones: (i) a zone totally dominated by P. megacephala (at least 10 ha) where few other ant ant species were detected; (ii) a zone where P. megacephala was absent and many other ant species were found; and (iii) a zone where opportunists (species of Ochetellus and Paratrechina) competed with P. megacephala at baits. Pitfall trapping over a 9‐month period resulted in 12 species being recorded at the infested site, compared with a mean of 25 species recorded at adjoining uninfested forest. Over 94% of ants recorded in pitfalls at the infested site were P. megacephala. Most notably, P. megacephala had completely displaced dominant Dolichoderines (species of Iridomyrmex), subordinate Camponotini (species of Camponotus, Opisthopsis and Polyrhachis) and other species of Pheidole which are common at forest sites.  相似文献   

A 3‐chamber in‐line olfactometer designed for use with sand flies is described and tested as a high‐throughput method to screen honeys for attractiveness to Phlebotomus papatasi (four geographic isolates), P. duboscqi (two geographic isolates), and Lutzomyia longipalpis maintained in colonies at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. A diversity of unifloral honey odors were evaluated as a proxy for the natural floral odors that sand flies may use in orientation to floral sugar sources in the field. In the 3‐chamber in‐line olfactometer, the choice modules come directly off both sides of the release area instead of angling away as in the Y‐tube olfactometer. Of the 25 honeys tested, five had a significant attraction for one or more of the sand fly isolates tested. This olfactometer and high‐throughput method has utility for evaluating a diversity of natural materials with unknown complex odor blends that can then be down‐selected for further evaluation in wind tunnels and/or field scenarios.  相似文献   

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